65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM...


Transcript of 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM...

Page 1: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner



SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH101 North Lenzner Ave., Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

(520) 459-0444 - www. selcaz.org

Page 2: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner

Our Mission Statement: “With faith in God’s grace, we share Christ’slove with all, so that lives are transformed by the Holy Spirit.”


Celebrated each week, including a sermon and communion with those present and at home. Your Pastor, Intern Pastor, musicians, and AV tech will gather to celebrate worship online with you from the sanctuary. Go to our website, www.selcaz.org, scroll down to the bottom of the page, look for the “Watch Services” ‘button,’ click on it, then click on the worship service to the right that you want to watch. These will remain available to watch for 90 days. If you can’t watch it online, call the office to request a DVD, if desired. All our worship services are also available for viewing on YouTube. Search for, “SELC of Sierra Vista AZ” (and be sure to capitalize AZ.)

PRAYER REQUESTS for the month of APRIL can be submitted online at

www.selcaz.org or to Leslie McCourt at [email protected]


Oil for The Eternal Light provided byBecky Randall in honor of her mother and family.

Scripture Readings for Next SundayActs 4:32-35


Mark Perry, PastorAnnela Rova, Intern Pastor

Linda Perry, Director of Faith FormationJim Cleven, SELC Council President

Cindy Allen, Administrative AssistantMinisters: The People of SELC

Page 3: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner

Psalm 1331 John 1:1--2:2John 20:19-31

EASTER SUNDAYELW Holy Communion Setting Three(* = Please stand as you are able)


Prelude "As It Began to Dawn" (Lani Smith, Billie Hayes, Organ)


*Gathering Hymn “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”ELW #365; vss. 1-2 & 4

*Easter Dialog

*Prayer of the Day


First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9

Second Reading: Acts 10:34-43

*Gospel Acclamation “Halle, Halle, Hallelujah” ELW p.172

*Gospel: John 20:1-18

Children's Time Linda Perry, Dir. of Faith Formation

Sermon Pastor Mark Perry

Moment of Silent Reflection


Page 4: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner

Offering Moment - As this gift of special music is offered, we also invite you to prayerfully consider how you may be called today or this week to respond to God’s grace through the sharing of your service, your caring and your monetary resources. Perhaps say a prayer or write a note of commitment about how this might be done. We thank all those who have faithfully given to God’s work through SELC. See www.selcaz.org and click on the ‘Giving’ tab for info how to give online.

Special Music “All Hail the Power” (James Ellor)Presented by SELC Handbell Choir, Dir. By Billie Hayes

*Apostles’ Creed

*Prayers of the People

*Sharing of the Peace


*Great Thanksgiving (spoken)

*Dialogue ELW p.144


*Holy, Holy, Holy (spoken) ELW p.144

*Words of Institution

*Lord’s Prayer (Sung version)

Invitation to Communion (If you have bread and wine or grape juice at home, you’re welcome tolift it up as does the pastor and partake of it together or alone in your




Page 5: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner

Prayer after Communion




*Sending Hymn “Thine Is the Glory” ELW #376; vss. 1-2


(Pause for Chimes)

Postlude "The Hallelujah Chorus" (G. F. Handel)Paul Gregory, Organ and Billie Hayes, Piano


Page 6: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner

Copyright © 2015 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS023047. New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.Please Pray for family and friends of a young person who died by suicide; Bob and Jane Strain; Reilly Howard; Sandy Hall; Hanna Hooper; the family of Helen Daum (Joanne March’s cousin);

Please Continue to Pray for the friends and family of Sharon Keene; Beth Dechant; Corrie Rohr; Robert Robles and his family; Duke Burford; Nancy (friend of Lisa Mitchell) Fred March; Gail Brady; the Minch family (friends of CJ) and CJ’s family back in NY; Rachel, (niece of Barb Wirsching) and her two small boys; the family of Jackie Geisler; Izzy (friend of CJ Abraham); Larry Rewis; Cindy Bartlein; Gracie; and Kyle King Alfreda Blakeway, Brianna Pederson; Malachi Stout and baby Jasper; Holly and Brandon Montgomery; the family and friends of Julie Beachaump; Lilas Mae Grabow, Rebecca Oliver, Jerry Regan, Taylor Benth; Dolly Bessler; Coco Frederickson; Karen Cowman (friend of Paul Gregory); and Ryan.

Long-Term Prayers: Joseph and Lauren Acker; Chris Brenner; Amber Brenner; Addie (Krazy Goat Sanctuary); Mary Alexander; John and Mary Alexander (Mary Alexander's son and wife); Dee Brenner, Deb Brown, Gary Graham, Norm Grahn, Samantha Howard (Carol Jordahl's great niece); Don Huthoefer, Jake, Makayla Margulies (Virginia Napolitano's grandniece); Michael (Lisa Mitchell's nephew); Rich Mount, Anne Nowak, Linda Perry, Kevin Randolph, Doris Rasmussen, Jerry Regan, George Renbeck; the Rewis family, Dee Rowley, Bob Strain, Faye Toto, Verona Webb, John Williams; Jill Winkels; Wyman (Julie March's cousin); the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission at Rock Point; all people who are in lockdown in facilities and affected by the virus; all youth experiencing mental health issues; peace for our nation; military personnel everywhere.


Page 7: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner

NOTE: OFFICE CLOSED EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 5THNo Monday Messenger will be offered next week.

CHRIST IN OUR HOME DEVOTIONALThe next quarter (April – June) Christ In Our Home devotional books are available in the Narthex on Sunday or from the church office mid-week. Questions contact the church office - 459-0444 or [email protected].


Worship with us 9:00 a.m. each Sunday, either in person or livestreamed online at our website, on YouTube and Facebook. Those wishing to attend services will need to make reservations for every Sunday service, by the previous Thursday at 4:00 pm, on a “first come, first served” basis, by calling the church office, 459-0444, or emailing, [email protected].

All previously established safety protocols will be observed including: wearing a face mask at all times in church buildings (including fully

vaccinated people), physical distancing at least 6’ apart, washing/sanitizing hands, taking temperature upon entry, communion with individual cups and wafers in the pews, cleaning the sanctuary after each service, open windows, no congregational singing (soloist and instrumentalists only), limited number of worshipers in the sanctuary.


Page 8: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner

While the Governor’s March 25th Executive Order rescinds public mask mandates and other restrictions, it also still encourages continued safety practices like mask wearing and it did not end the state’s emergency status. In addition, both for-profit and non-profit businesses are legally allowed to set their own policies, such as requiring face coverings and physical distancing.

We will continue to monitor pandemic trends in order to mitigate against undue risk. Please also note that, as hard as we are working to keep our church campus virus free, to come here is not without risk, as we are not a medically sterile facility. Each of us are called to do our best to protect ourselves and others. We strongly discourage any health fragile folks from attending in-person worship, as well as those who have been traveling to at-risk areas or who care for those who are at-risk. This is all a response to Christ’s call of neighbor love and care for everyone’s health and well-being.

CREATION CARE TEAM MEETINGThursday, April 8, 6:30 pm on Zoom.

Contact Christie Brown for information/questions. (Zoom invite below)Topic: Creation Care Team MeetingTime: Apr 8, 2021 06:30 PM ArizonaJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/98919992228?pwd=SVgvMUt4ZFNHRU5sYWY1Ry9GV1dtdz09Meeting ID: 989 1999 2228 Passcode: 564211One tap mobile+13462487799,,98919992228#,,,,*564211# US (Houston)

Every Night In Every Home!

Our FAITH5 verse of the week is John 20:17 –


Page 9: 65e703eb311ff353e4aa …… · Web viewApr 04, 2021  · RESURRECTION SUNDY. APRIL 4, 2021. 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM . WORSHIP. SERVICES. SIERRA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. 101 North Lenzner

“Jesus said to her, Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ”

(Post or keep this weekly scripture in a handy place and every morning or evening share the following as a couple, or with family members in the home or even with a dear friend over the phone.)

Share your highs and lows of the day with one another.Read the verse of the week and if time permits, the Bible story that pertains to the Scripture of the week.Talk about how the Bible reading might relate to your highs and lows of the day or how it’s speaking to you.Pray for one another’s highs and lows and other prayer requests.Bless one another. Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead or the palm of your hands and say something simple such as: “God bless you and keep you in His love and care!” Or feel free to make up your own blessing that incorporates a part of the FAITH5 verse of the week.