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FCBC 8/12/18 – Temporary Ambassadors to the Spiritually Terminal INTRO : Family, new to FCBC, from southern Idaho, 4 generations here, Cru Parker (9) & Cooper (7) discussion this week about what you can/can’t know about the future. Coop: “Did you know you can know the future?” Parker (squinting) “Oh yah? Like what?” I chimed in at some point – you CAN know some things – what? Coop: “The stuff in Revelation! That Jesus is coming back!” I’m interested to talk with them more about heaven because I know what MY perception of heaven was as a kid (on screen – harps/clouds) and I wasn’t exactly in a hurry to get there. things I want to do first, before the semi boring streets of gold and clouds and harps. My perception has changed a lot. WE : What about you? Do you think about that much? That this life will come to an end? And that eternity lies beyond that? Sneak peak at the passage we’re going to look at – Paul is talking about what comes after we die, and he says we’re going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ – we’re going to have our life evaluated. Imagine yourself standing before God as he plays back the video of your life, evaluating how you did… How does that make you feel? Paul reminds his readers that we should keep in mind that this life is just a tiny blip on the line of eternity. But what we do in this life dramatically affects the rest.

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FCBC 8/12/18 – Temporary Ambassadors to the Spiritually TerminalINTRO: Family, new to FCBC, from southern Idaho, 4 generations here, CruParker (9) & Cooper (7) discussion this week about what you can/can’t know about the future. Coop: “Did you know you can know the future?” Parker (squinting) “Oh yah? Like what?” I chimed in at some point – you CAN know some things – what? Coop: “The stuff in Revelation! That Jesus is coming back!”

I’m interested to talk with them more about heaven because I know what MY perception of heaven was as a kid (on screen – harps/clouds) and I wasn’t exactly in a hurry to get there. things I want to do first, before the semi boring streets of gold and clouds and harps. My perception has changed a lot.

WE: What about you? Do you think about that much? That this life will come to an end? And that eternity lies beyond that?

Sneak peak at the passage we’re going to look at – Paul is talking about what comes after we die, and he says we’re going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ – we’re going to have our life evaluated. Imagine yourself standing before God as he plays back the video of your life, evaluating how you did… How does that make you feel? Paul reminds his readers that we should keep in mind that this life is just a tiny blip on the line of eternity. But what we do in this life dramatically affects the rest.

Jesus said on that day some will hear, “Well done good and faithful servant.” That’s what I want to hear! [Have you ever heard “Good job” from someone and it really meant a lot? Like a parent or teacher or coach or boss?] This is way bigger. This is God. But not all will hear “Well done” – not even all in heaven. Only those who knew what this life was about – what God says this life is about – and lived accordingly, will hear “Well done.”

I don’t want to have regrets! Because I won’t be able to go back and change anything. Have you ever regretted something? In particular a missed opportunity?

Aunt Jean – A while back I discovered I had a great Aunt Jean living in Caldwell. Went to visit, had a great time, gave her a big hug (she’s stuck in

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her chair). Awesome. Visited a couple more times. One time as we were getting ready to leave, stood, said goodbye, started walking out – ignoring the thought “I should give her a hug” – saw twinge of sadness in her eye – still walked out. Angie asked in the car why I didn’t give her a hug. Super regret. Figured I’d get another chance (didn’t turn around). She passed away.

What we’re talking about today – what Paul says in 2 Cor. 5 – is WAY bigger than that. My hope is that we’d all have a bit of FOMO by the end of this – Fear of Missing Out – on the awesome opportunities God has for us.

PRAY – people coming in dealing w/ different things…

Before we look at the passage – want you to imagine something. Try not to anticipate where I’m going – just imagine…

Vacation/Hospital Illustration – Part 1. [PHOTOS!] You’re in the hospital – doctor breaks the news: “you have a terminal

disease. You’ll never leave this hospital.” You’re devastated. A friend comes in later “I know someone who has the cure, and wants

to offer it to you free of charge. All you need to do is receive the treatment.”

Would you be intrigued? Of course! You’d want to know about this treatment. And about the one offering it….

Friend: “Not only that, but when you walk out of here he wants you to start planning for an all-expenses paid vacation (favorite place(s) on earth – do whatever you want. Golf, sleep, hike, build, eat, water, movies, games, talk, sleep – paid for.) No end date – as long as you want.”

Still intrigued? Yes! At the same time, sounds too good to be true, but you look into it, seems legit.

You take the treatment. Incredibly, you’re healed. Doctors are shocked. You leave the hospital, and head back to work/school/parenting… You

start getting excited to go on this amazing trip. Weeks leading up the trip – sometimes things are fine, other times

things are awful (it’s life!) – especially in the awful times, that trip comes to mind and it helps you press on. Wish you could just be there now!!


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Started off imagining yourself in the hospital – why? Terminal illness. 42% Americans know friend/relative has/had a terminal illness

Paul says 100% know someone w/ terminal spiritual illness: sin. Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death” Ephesians 2:1 “You were dead in the trespasses and sins in which

you once walked.” Spiritually speaking, sin kills us. No escape on our own. Our

rebellion against God earns us a death sentence. You can’t walk out of the hospital. We’re spiritually terminal. The disease of sin WILL kill you.

But someone came into your hospital room and gave you the good news – there’s a cure! JUST AS God provides us a cure for sin

2 Corinthians 5:21 “For our sake he (God) made him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God.

We sin and earn the death penalty, but God loves us so much he sent Jesus to live a perfectly righteous life with no sin, and then makes us a deal [The Great Exchange]:

“I’ll trade you your sin and death penalty for my righteousness – so I’ll take your sin and die in your place, and you’ll go from spiritual death to eternal life and you can live in relationship with me forever. Deal?”

Sounds too good to be true right? Like a cure to a terminal illness. But wait, there’s more! Not only that, but you imagined planning this vacation right? The ultimate vacation, tailored for you – all expenses paid. That’s even more too good to be true right? Would never happen!

And yet what’s actually true is FAR BETTER! Heaven will be WAY better. (Not just harps & clouds). GOD IS THERE!!

Another reason – the pain of this life will be over. Anyone looking forward to that? Paul sure was:

5:2 “For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling”5:4 “For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened…”5:6-8 “So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”

“I’d rather be on that vacation!”

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21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (not suicidal depression) 22 If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 I am hard pressed between the two.(dying & living) My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. 24 But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. (Philippians 1:21-24 ESV)

Would rather be in heaven with Jesus (way better than the ultimate vacation!)

But will stay. Why? More necessary on their account? Why?

Vacation/Hospital Illustration – Part 2 You’re healed and out of the hospital. You thank the guy who offered

all of this. While you’re going about life and longing to get to that vacation, he reminds you that the hospital is still full of terminal patients.

Some are your friends, relatives, neighbors, strangers. Seriously imagine that. (For some it’s not hard because it’s actually true).

Should hit you in the gut. If not, not imagining well… He wants you to have the privilege of offering them the Great News

that there’s a cure to their disease! (Cancer, AIDS, Lou Gherig’s…) AND the good news of the expenses-paid vacation. Have you ever gotten to deliver good news? I got to tell a student

once their balance was paid – they broke down in tears – SO FUN for me! I loved it! Wasn’t even my money – just fun to give good news!

Would you just go on packing and head to the airport? or would you go visit some hospitals? Where your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors are dying… (some in ignorance/denial – thinking they’ll be discharged soon to head to the airport too; others hopeless and in great pain/distress)

Regardless, you’d want to go give the good news and offer the cure and vacation opportunity.

This is my weak example of what Paul is talking about in 2 Cor. 55:14 “For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.”

Does the love of Christ control you? How can you tell? You won’t live for yourself, but for Jesus. How can you tell if you’re

doing that?

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You’ll care about what Jesus cares about. What does he care about? People knowing how much He loves them! That they can be made right with him!

2 Cor. 5:17- “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.

What does reconciliation mean? A broken relationship is made right. You’re fighting with someone, then you clear it up, forgive each other, and you’re good. You’re reconciled. (Joke-Angie finally apologizes, then we’re reconciled)

That’s what God offers us through Jesus – to be made right with Him because our sin’s taken care of and we’re forgiven.

We’re not spiritually terminal anymore – we’re out of the hospital and can live life. With heaven to look forward to.

In the meantime, others are spiritually terminal. They’re at odds with God.

And God says, I’m going to let you be the one to give them the good news – that I love them. That we can be reconciled – made right

5:20 “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”

How many get to be ambassadors (official representatives) of the United States? Not many. An honor? Incredible honor!

This is WAY more of an honor than that. This is the King of the universe. Wanting to speak through us. Wanting us to represent Him to others. What a privilege!

We are Ambassadors to the spiritually terminally ill. Ambassadors to the terminal. But it’s a temporary position. There are term limits. We’re Temporary Ambassadors to the Spiritually Terminal

Few good things we can experience in this life that we can’t in heaven. Ambassador to the terminal is one

Can’t go back. I can’t go back and hug Aunt Jean.

I would never leave the cure to cancer in my sock drawer.

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So I don’t want to stand before God and have regrets for not sharing the cure to sin, or not representing Him well. This is where I pray some FOMO sets in – fear of missing out on the opportunity to be his ambassador before it’s too late.

Sadly, even though I grew up in church, this wasn’t really even on my radar. I was a pretty ignorant, lousy ambassador.

Can you imagine an ambassador of the U.S. not realizing they’re an ambassador? Just going about their life in a foreign country, not thinking about their role? That was me growing up. Sadly often still true. I regret a lot of missed opportunities growing up. This really hit me my senior year.

3 classmates died; sat next to Steve – never spiritual conversation, even though I knew he wasn’t a Christian

Too late.

TEMPORARY Ambassadors to the Spiritually Terminal – because their time is limited, and so is mine.

I’m very much still on the journey of becoming a more Christ-like Ambassador

I’m learning to Listen more, talk less. Ask good questions and listen. Explore.

Some aren’t ready to hear the good news. I blew it with Andrew – grew up in church with him, not walking w/ God when returning from Iraq. Instead of just listening I jumped into apologetics (awesome at the RIGHT time)

Should have prayed for him. Start there. Top 5 Prayer List

Some I waited too long. Some wait too long b/c of a warped view of St. Francis “always

preach the gospel and when necessary use words” – as if we never need to use words

Need to realize Rom. 10 – can’t believe in someone they haven’t heard of, can’t hear if no one tells them

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Some are ready to hear – like Chris Palmer – I just wasn’t clear Needed to learn how to be clear – God Tools

Some were ready but I waited too long b/c of my excuses. Busyness. Nampa Neighbors – Edgar (SHORT) This week – Matt

I’m with you in this. I don’t have it all figured out. I just know I hate regrets and missing out on awesome opportunities.

Can you imagine if we’d all just live with eternal perspective and love those around us like this – praying for opportunities to point them to Jesus?

Don’t underestimate the domino effect that could result from influencing just one person. No matter how old/young you are. Regardless of what challenges you’re facing – sometimes that makes you even more relatable.

Here’s what it could look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHZiR7qCwSE


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o I’ve had my life saved, I’m alive in relationship with God, awaiting something even better (HIM!). Despite hardship, life is good! If I get that, I’ll want others to have it! I’ll go out of my way so they can have it!

o Not just because I’ll be judged for my stewardship. Because love controls me. I care about other people. It’s a privilege & joy to get to deliver good news.

o If I miss that, I’ll just be focused on temporal things (and this life is hard – living without eternal perspective and purpose will end up frustrating and unsatisfying

o Or I’ll just want to escape this life – either way I’ll really miss out, and so will others I’m not reaching out to

o I don’t want to jump on the plane quite yet. I want others to get out of the terminal section of the hospital and come with me!

5:11 “Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others.” Can’t leave them in the hospital dying without at least trying to

persuade them.

2 Cor 5 – eternal perspective: ambassadors prior to heaven Use vacation/hospital illustration as set up, and thread it

throughout the whole thing, including the conclusion. That’s the story of the message.

We’ve been rescued (Gospel – you were dead), but still burdened (We section), so look forward to heaven (no pain) – rather be with the Lord; to live is Christ, to die is gain – why we can be of good courage (6, 8)

o What are you looking forward to? Living for? Heaven? Earthly pleasures? When I get this ___ I’ll be satisfied. Paul is pumped for heaven. Rope illustration. In meantime, aim of life is to please him.

Meantime – others don’t have that hope but we have privilege of offering it (ambassadors)– a primary purpose of this lifetime (not just holding on until heaven; not making this life comfortable). So: We’re here so others can hear.

Methods matter – vs 14 “Love of Christ controls us” – Jesus is our model in how to love others & point them to God. Christ-like ambassadors for Christ.

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o How would Jesus show love to my neighbor? My family member? My coworker?

o Lead foot – serve them. Pray for them. Ask questions & listen. Ministry of reconciliation.

o At some point- Message of reconciliation (appeal, implore, persuade). Rom. 10.

o Depend on H.S. not your smarts. BUT apologetics can be helpful! At the right time in the right way.

End – video as visual of how we can be Christ-like ambassadors – loving others by caring for them AND sharing the best news they’ll ever hear.

WE: Tonight I want us to wrestle with one question: Why are we still here?

1. Why does God keep us alive? Why am I here? Last night while you slept, Why did God keep your heart beating & lungs breathing? He is in control. He ultimately determines how long we’ll live. He has preserved our lives for a reason – but what? Why am I still here? Have you ever thought about that? If someone asked you, “What’s the purpose of your life?” What

would you say? o Or, “What’s your mission?” What are you living for? o My guess is that for many of us, our minds would be blank. Not

sure. Do you think God has a purpose for you? A Mission? Absolutely.

What is it? o Does it match yours? Do you think about it much? o Most of my life I never gave that much thought

Dot on rope example – eternal perspectiveRope represents the timeline of my existence. The small dot represents this life before I die. The rest is after I die. I’ll still exist somewhere doing something. This dot (life) is extremely important- it determines what the rest of my existence will be like. What’s crazy – we spend so much time thinking about this dot without a thought about the rest. Francis Chan – “I all of this time & energy during

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this part (“I’m going to work really hard and work and save and work”) so that I can REALLY enjoy this tiny part…”

2 Cor 5:4-11 “For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened – not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others.”

One day we’ll all stand before God and be judged based on the stewardship of our lives & what was entrusted to us.

o The ones who understood why they were here – what their purpose & mission was – and lived according to that will hear,

“Well done good and faithful servant!” o But not all will hear that. Not all know why they’re here.

Or they know, but aren’t doing much about it.

So what is our primary purpose in this life? Matt touched on this last week – Jesus was asked, What is the greatest commandment? He said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind” – Love God

The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying him forever. (Westminster Shorter Catechism)

If I love God with everything I’ve got and my whole life revolves around loving Him and enjoying Him, do you think it will have an effect on others around me?

Absolutely – the overflow will be love for them. #2 Commandment = Love others.

ASK: Will I still be able to love God in Heaven? Yes.

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Will I still be able to love others in Heaven? Yes. Is there anything I won’t be able to do in Heaven that I can only do in this life?

In Heaven will I be able talk with those who don’t follow Jesus because they don’t understand God’s great love for them? No. It will be too late.

So if heaven is so great, why does God keep me alive? Why am I still here? This is what I want to propose is a significant part of the answer to that question (Why are we here):

God: We’re still HERE so others can HEAR. (Good News – Gospel) [Not only reason]Most of you know what I mean by that. But if not, here it is in a nutshell: There’s a loving God who created us to live in relationship with Him

forever, but our own selfish and rebellious actions have separated us from

Him, and breaking His laws has earned us the spiritual death penalty –

o where we’ll live the rest of our existence – the rest of this rope - apart from Him forever, which is hell.

The good news is that because he loves us so much, he sent his son Jesus to live the perfect life we could never live, and die the death we deserve on the cross,

o so that we could have our death penalty paid for and our sins forgiven.

What’s even more amazing is that o there’s nothing we have to do to earn this forgiveness – o we simply need to receive it as a free gift by placing our trust

in God. o That’s how we can begin a relationship with God and live with

Him forever. That’s really Good News that everyone needs to hear & understand!

**If you’ve never understood that good news and put your faith in Jesus, you’re still here by God’s grace so that you can surrender your life to him and follow Him. Hopefully you’re having some good conversations with others here about the things you’re wrestling with.

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**For those of us who’ve already done that: We're still here (alive – lungs breathing, heart beating) so others around us can hear that good news. Most of my life I didn’t see it that way. I want to share how my view

shifted Even though I grew up in church & understand how/why people go

to heaven or hell, it rarely crossed my mind.

I performed a memorial service two days ago. Eccl 7:2 – “It is better to go to the house of mourning than the house of feasting, for this is the end of all mankind, and the living will lay it to heart.” – would do everyone good to go to a funeral. Makes you consider the brevity & significance of this life.

2 things happened that changed things for me 1. My View of why I’m here changed, 2. Got training (mention in a

minute),1. View of why I’m here changed (gradual process as I grew closer to God & read the Word)

o Great Commission came into focus: Mt. 28 – make disciples all nations

Can’t disciple someone if they don’t know Jesus. They Can’t know Jesus if they haven’t heard. (Rom. 10)

Fr. in College – Geology with Chris Palmer. Grew up w/ him – didn’t go to church. Took initiative: Before geology Friday mornings A&W biscuits &

gravy Talked life & spiritual things. Built friendship. Day came to share Gospel - Thought it would be easy. Wasn’t!

2. Got training – (after Chris @ CSI – saw how I needed it) BSU -Involved w/ Cru – was trained in evangelism & discipleship – Asked God to help me love others like he does. Began to pray for specific friends, family, & classmates (Top 10) Learned how to start spiritual conversations by asking good

questions and actually listening Learned how to transition to clearly sharing the Gospel –

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Continued with them in relationshipo saw Tracy (engineering friend) trust Christ, then others

Could finally relate to Paul – (most of life almost didn’t believe him)21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (not suicidal depression) 22 If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 I am hard pressed between the two.(dying & living) My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. 24 But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. (Philippians 1:21-24 ESV) If you asked Paul, “Why are you here? What’s your mission while

you’re alive” what would he say? o “To live is Christ” – Alive/here to serve Christ by making

him knowno He was pumped to get to heaven.

My Perspective on heaven growing up. (things I want to do first, before the semi boring streets of gold and clouds and harps). NOW I’m pumped (not just because I’ve experienced what I wanted). Don’t be sad for ME if I die!

o Paul knew the importance of God’s mission for him while still alive.

o Was a helpful view while suffering in prison (1:12) - imprisonment served to advance the gospel “Great! & to die is gain, so killing me is doing me a favor.”

Win-Win! Paul Knew his purpose/mission (why he was “here”) – so others

could hear. o He lived accordingly. Little doubt he’ll hear “Well done!”o What about you? If you know Jesus, are others hearing about

him from you?

Edgar – Not a guilt trip. STILL HARD FOR ME! God’s prompting – share with neighbors. Excuses (busy; later) – would finally initiate – “We’re moving

tomorrow” Edgar – “Next time I see him, I’m going to initiate.” Hour later –

mailbox Rushed out – great conversation exploring; open; shared booklet

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Trusted Christ in tears – got to begin discipling him before he moved.

We’ve got plenty of opportunity with Cru to learn these things (training) – just ask – but from my own experience, it doesn’t matter unless you are ready to be intentional. Until you believe that’s part of why you’re here (alive) Because of what’s at stake – it’s life & death – and the life with God is

SO GOOD that it’s worth everything to help others have a chance to know God.

I know of no greater joy than introducing someone to Jesus!

Illustration: WWII Battle for Iwo Jima. By the end of the 36-day battle for the 8-square mile island, American casualties numbered more than 26,000, including 6,800 dead. Medics did everything they could to save the wounded, with many losing their own lives.  [Imagine the scene… They had the training and supplies necessary to save lives. The urgency was obvious]

[Consider the similar scene today spiritually – with the wounded and dying being our friends & family & classmates & coworkers & the people we walk by every day, and we’re the medics with the very thing they need to live – We don’t hold power over life/death, but we play a vital role. Just doesn’t always seem as urgent as it really is.]

Piper, Don’t Waste Your Life: ‘Like those medics, “I want to be able to say to suffering and perishing people, ‘I tried everything in the world.... I was trying so hard.’  And I want to be able to say to those around me when I die, ‘It’s all right.  To live is Christ, and to die is gain.’” (125)

You: What’s your next step? I’d like you to actually write something down… Next step. Be specific. Do you need to talk about your own questions with someone? Who

will you ask tonight? Is there someone you can pray for & say, “Sometime could I ask you

about your spiritual journey?” and just ask lots of questions? Write the names down. When will you talk with them? Write down a day.

Do you need to learn how to share the gospel simply and clearly? o Who can you ask here tonight to help you do that?

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Don’t underestimate the domino effect that could result. Here’s what it could look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHZiR7qCwSE


Next Week: Part 2 – Why are we still here? Why Hasn’t Jesus Come Back Yet?

We need to be loving AND skilled ambassadors – Christ-like Ambassadors for Christ

Make it super engaging - visuals, stories, overall story flow, personal (people they know & care about)Heart Motivation - relates closely to your own relationship with GodBiblical basis - one key passage - make THIS memorableOne main point - drill it in Practical action steps everyone can take (prayer list; sometime challenge; ASK ?'s!!)Consider full audience (age, faith) non believers, youth, raised in church, new believers, doing great, struggling hard, elderly, parents

What would get you so excited you'd want to tell someone about it? Or EVERYBODY about it? Give examples. If it's changed your life (despair to joy, hopeless to satisfied)... & you want others to experience it too... What is the greatest thing you've ever experienced? What's the greatest thing you could ever offer someone else?

Link the main point / passage / hook question / etc. closely together... make it the thread that ties the whole story (sermon) together.

Passage & Illustration idea: Treasure buried in a field - worth giving up everything to get it (this is GOD - HE is the treasure). Change scenario to something you'd also want others to have - say a miracle fruit that will not only heal major diseases & cancer (or whatever else b/c you WILL die

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without this), but will improve anyone's health - better sleep, energy (like a kid), flexibility & strength, improved vision/hearing/smell... Would you tell others about it? What if they didn't believe you - try anyway? [[GOD is the "miracle fruit" - the source of healing, abundant life]]

2 Cor 5 - "the love of Christ controls us... No longer live for themselves... New creation... Ministry of reconciliation (entrusting to us the message of reconciliation (which is vs 21)... We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us... We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God... vs 21: He made him to be sin who knew no sin..."

When the love of Christ controls you, you'll want to help others experience His love too.

When you're experiencing God's love, you want others to experience it too.

God lets you offer others the same amazing deal He offers you. (A whole lot more than salvation – but it begins there).

If we see God clearly, we'll love Him more, others more - we'll actually care about them and want them to have what we do (Jesus) because we'll be experiencing his love/peace.

IDEAS: Jesus won’t return until all nations have heard We’re here so others can hear Paul – Phil “To live is Christ, to die is gain” – Iwo Jima, Piper –

medics to the dying [could you imagine knowing how to save a life, but leaving to play a game?] or Rescue the Dying Titanic story?

Seeking Allah Finding Jesus I Once Was Lost [5 Thresholds; patience (early) on way to urgency

(last stage –like 2 Cor 5 “knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others…”- needs to be clear (Romans 10 vs. St. Francis, Greg Wischer)

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Christ-like ambassador for Christ: Jesus wasn’t a “one trick pony” when it came to reaching others – sometimes gentle & patient, sometimes bold & direct, always loving and clear

Chasing Infinity *Araminta @ Awakenings Coffee (email) Cycling group rides Facebook conversions joke “Good news – just leave fb comments!” Edgar, LDS neighbors – Nampa Ahmad, JT, Caleb Pray, Ask Questions & Listen, Love/care, share life. Ask more, talk

less (don’t pour a 5 gallon response into a 6 ounce question) LDS missionaries @ Walters & opposition Good news, good deeds. Often good deeds open the door to good

news – just don’t stop at good deeds. Neighbor Matt -


What’s my BURDEN? People are DYING (harassed and helpless)! Really! We have what they need (whether they realize it or not) – same thing that rescued us! Jesus. And yet I often don’t seem to care… (I’m distracted, lose perspective). Heaven will be awesome. Until then I want to be used so more will be there with me.

Know: We’re here so others can hear – ambassadors God wants to speak throughFeel: joy, privilege, urgency of introducing others to ChristDo: pray, ask, listen, love, share the Good News

Fallen Condition: we live for the temporal and are passive about the lost