6 Trng Design

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  • 8/8/2019 6 Trng Design


    Training Design

  • 8/8/2019 6 Trng Design


    The effectiveness of a training

    programme depends largely on itsdesign. It is the responsibility of thetraining manager to design a

    systematic, purposeful andinteresting training programmewhich serves the needs of thetrainees and the organization.

  • 8/8/2019 6 Trng Design


    Considerations for designing an

    effective training programme:a) Cover all important contents


    b) Motivating/interesting training


    c) Combination of various trainingmethods

    d) Moving from simple to complexcontents

    e) Proper Break-up of theprogramme/Division into modules.

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    Constraints in the Design

    The two major categories of constraints indesigning a training programme are:

    1) Organizational/Environmental Constraints:

    a) Training budget

    b) Technology used in the organization

    c) Changes in external environment

    2) Human constraints: The knowledge, skillsand Attitude of both the trainees and thetrainers.

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    A training programme should be designed tofulfill the training objectives.

    Types of training objectives:a) Trainee reaction objectives-concerned with

    the trainee attitudes towards training i.e.how a trainee should feel about the trainingand learning environment.

    b) Learning and Behavioural objectives-Concerned with the type of behaviour thatwill demonstrate the learning. They describethe changes that are expected to occur injob behavior as a result of attending thetraining programme.

    c) Organizational outcome objectives- Theresults the organization can expect fromchanges brought about in the trainees jobbehaviour as a result of training.

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    The training/learning objectives

    increase the possibility of learningrelevant information and are helpfulto all. They guide all involved intraining and should be understood

    by:a) The training designer

    b) The trainer

    c) The Traineed) The training evaluator

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    Facilitation of Learning:

    learning can be facilitated by focusing on the

    following aspects:

    1) Focus on the trainee:

    a) Individual differences: these can be knownthrough a proper needs analysis and thetraining programme should be designed sothat it allows those with lower levels of KSAsto catch up, otherwise the process of trainingbecomes demotivating, boring and complex

    for these individuals. The problems arisingout of differences have to be acknowledgedand solved.

    b) Motivation of the trainees.

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    2) Focus on the Training Design:

    A) Social Learning (Attention and retention):

    Attention:a) Eliminating distractions

    b) Attracting attention


    a) Activation of memoryb) Symbolic coding and cognitive organization-

    The prior learning should be stimulated andthe new learning has to be related to the priorlearning. When developing the training

    materials and the programme itself, it shouldbe noted and made sure that new learningbuilds on the already known facts (oldlearning).

    c) Symbolic rehearsal and behavioral


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    B) Strategic knowledge:

    In earlier times, training programmeswere designed to provide only KSAs whichwere relevant to the trainees particularjobs.

    In the modern times, however, it hasbeen observed that broadly basedtraining leads to an increasedorganizational effectiveness.

    Nowadays, team based working is

    prominent in organizations. To beeffective today, the employees need tohave a wider, broader understanding ofhow their jobs interact with each other.

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    3) Focus on relevance (Transfer)of training:

    How much of what is learnt in atraining programme is transferredto the actual job situation. Trainingcan result in the following transferoutcomes:

    a) Positive transfer

    b) Zero transfer

    c) Negative transferThe aim should be to attain apositive transfer.