
5 Ways AdTech Can Scale Account-Based Marketing

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5 Ways AdTech Can Scale Account-Based Marketing


Introduction ……………………………….……………………………...................3

Put Your Sales Team’s Pipeline on Steroids ...……………………..................4

SalesLoft Ramps Up Reach By 600% With ABM ……………………………...5

Wake The Walking Dead In Your Email List …………………………………….7

Kevy Breathes Life Into Dead Leads With ABM ……………….......................8

Scale Your SMB With ABM .……………………………………………………....11

Startup RenterUp Builds Buzz With ABM .…………………….......................12

Impress Your CMO With Insane ROI At Your Next Event …………………...14

Salesforce Streamlines Event Follow-Up ……………………………………...15

Fuel Your Account-Based Nurturing Fire ….…………………………………..17

Insightpool Dives Into Account-Based Nurturing …………………………....18

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Buyer habits are changing. Today’s B2B

buyers want to engage with your marketing on

their own terms, and they expect your

marketing to cater to those expectations,

whether they’re engaging on social media,

online search, mobile, video...the list goes on.

How can marketers be everywhere their

buyers are during the selling process —

and reach all of the necessary decision

makers — without being intrusive?

This is where account-based marketing (ABM)

comes into the picture. ABM allows you to

target your marketing (typically with online

display advertising) on the account level

rather than at the individual level. This means

that you can serve up your marketing

messages via online ads to your target

accounts based on data within the ad


This increases your reach and gives you

greater exposure to other decision makers and

influencers within an account — which is

especially important at larger organizations

where a single business decision can involve

multiple key stakeholders.

But ABM is about really about advertising

at scale.

This e-book will walk through five scalable

account-based marketing strategies that you

can begin employing today.

Read through the following chapters to learn

how ABM can align your marketing and sales

teams, revive cold leads in your database,

increase your brand awareness, and more —

and check out some of the companies that are

already well on their way to achieving success

with account-based marketing.

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Strategy 1: Put Your Sales Team’s Pipeline on Steroids


If you ask any enterprise (or even SMB) sales

rep what type of company they would like to

target, they should know the answer right off

the bat. And there are plenty of amazing tools

out there that allow you to generate a list of

company names, individuals, and contact

information faster than ever.

But here’s the problem:

We are all inundated by emails and calls

on a daily basis, and while these tactics

have their merits, they also have

limitations. Not everyone is waiting for a

marketing email or a sales call to start

their day (in fact, nobody is waiting for

a marketing email or sales call to start

their day) — but we’re all buyers, and we

like to consume information from multiple

channels, such as social media, mobile

apps, videos, and blogs.

Fortunately, for the sales reps and

marketers who are struggling to make

contact with their buyers via traditional

outlets like email and phone, there is a

way to address this: B2B account-based


Let’s look at an example.

Only 2% of cold calls result in an

appointment. (LeapJob)

While the first stat indicates how difficult it is

to make contact with buyers using traditional

means, the second stat reinforces how

important it is to make some sort of contact,

period. The challenge here is how that contact

will be made.

50% of sales go to the person that

makes contact first. (InsideSales)

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Case Study: SalesLoft Ramps Up Reach By 600% With ABM


SalesLoft, a company that provides

prospecting automation software, does

account-based marketing amazingly well.

Each week, as their sales team identifies

new target accounts, the marketing team

creates advertising programs targeted

toward those same accounts, not just

individual leads.

As a result, they are able to increase

their reach by over 600% among those

accounts, creating awareness among all of

the decision makers and influencers within

that company.

Note that with account-based marketing

employed, none of the decision makers within

SalesLoft’s target companies have to visit

their website or download an eBook. Just

making sure that the CEOs, CFOs, and other

key executives are exposed to SalesLoft

messaging is enough.

With their message in front of key

individuals across mobile, social, display,

and video, SalesLoft can prompt internal

conversations among their target

companies, until before they know it —

SalesLoft suddenly has their full attention.

The next time a salesperson calls on one of

these companies, the introduction has already

been made. This is a classic example of sales

and marketing alignment.

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Strategy 2: Wake The Walking Dead In Your Email List


Another important application for account-based marketing is “waking the dead,” or reviving

your cold and inactive leads. These leads are a valuable source of revenue just sitting in

your database — neglecting them could mean losing out on a lot of potential revenue.

You’ve already sunk time and money into acquiring those leads through numerous content

campaigns, marketing programs, and product offers. Why not try to get the most out of them?

Here’s a pretty horrifying stat:

The average inactivity for an email list is 63%. (Listrak)

As you can probably guess, sending more emails probably isn’t going to wake the dead. In

fact, those leads may start to unsubscribe if they continue to hear from you, which would

completely eliminate your chances of getting in touch with them using traditional means.

Instead of risking losing them forever, many marketers decide to just leave them alone.

Well, “no more” says Brooke Beach from Kevy, an ecommerce marketing company. Brooke

and her team do a phenomenal job generating leads and driving them to their website — and

Brooke refuses to let them go to waste after her team puts in the effort to generate

them in the first place.

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Case Study: Kevy Breathes Life Into Dead Leads With ABM


In order to bring inactive leads back to life, she

runs account-based advertising campaigns on

all of Kevy’s target accounts that have not been

active at any point in the last six months.

Not only does this allow her to put Kevy’s

message in front of their inactive leads, but

also the key decision makers in each

company, via a combination of mobile,

social, display, and video.

In a way, Brooke is able to create a new image

for her brand in the minds of those “dead

leads,” bringing them back to life and turning

them into entire accounts.

Now, even if that lead may not be interested,

Kevy can reach other (possibly better)

contacts within that account — just by

putting their message in front of them on

the right channel at the right time.

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Case Study: Kevy Breathes Life Into Dead Leads With ABM


Next time you’re thinking about reaching an audience that you have not been able to

successfully reach via email or phone, proactive advertising to a group of key decision

makers, rather than individual leads, may be your answer. The key is making sure that

they don’t forget you by keeping your brand in front of them on multiple channels.

This top-of-mind awareness is crucial to continuing the conversation.

Take a look at the next chapter to learn more about how small businesses can harness the

power of ABM within their small teams.

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Strategy 3: Scale Your SMB With ABM


Launching a new product has never been harder.

Why? Well, for starters, there’s too much noise. Second, people only want to talk about what

they care about — and unless you’re doing a major Super Bowl ad or have a ton of brand

equity, the chances of being noticed by mainstream media are slim to none.

85% of B2B small business marketers say brand awareness is

their organization’s top goal for content marketing.

But our question to small businesses is, why do you care? You’re innovative and nimble. You

don’t need to rely on mainstream media or big-budget advertising campaigns to generate

awareness for your brand. In fact, we’d like to propose an alternative.

Account-based advertising is a great way to develop a brand awareness campaign for

your product launch with a targeted list of companies, and it can be done on a budget.

As long as you’re reaching your target accounts and making them aware of what you are

offering — in one way or another — the battle is won.

The story may not get a headline in a well-known news publication, but if you can penetrate

your target market and make your sales reps’ jobs easier when the time comes to call or

email a target account, you have made your mark.

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Case Study: Startup RenterUp Builds Buzz With ABM


David Favero, CEO of RenterUp, knows this

all too well. As a startup company, RenterUp

does not have an unlimited budget. But as a

smart company, they know exactly who

they need to put their message in front of

to get the biggest bang for their buck.

As a part of their account-based marketing

efforts, RenterUp uses different ad formats

for mobile, social, display, and video to

ensure that they are not only getting their

message out to market, but they’re also

doing it in a way that appeals to the media

consumption preferences of today’s


You no longer have to be a big business to

reach buyers on the go or on their mobile

devices. All you need is account-based

marketing to hyper-target your messages

to your buyers, wherever they may be.

Read on to the next chapter to learn more about using ABM to target your event

marketing follow-ups — a topic that’s important regardless of the size of your business.

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Strategy 4: Impress Your CMO With Insane ROI At Your Next Event


Talk to any person who does event marketing, and you’ll quickly learn that putting an event

together is extremely hard.

The biggest event marketing challenge is getting people to

respond to invites. (Hubspot)

I’ve often heard marketers express their uncertainty about the event marketing process as

a whole. How do you get the most out of your event marketing investment? How do you

make sure that the leads you collect at an event aren’t going to waste?

If you’re like many B2B companies, you’re funneling a good bit of money into event

sponsorships, booths, speaking gigs, and more. You want to make sure you’re

getting out at least as much as you’re putting in.

Let’s take a look at a few ways you can maximize your event investment with account-

based marketing.

Maximize ROI On Your Next Event

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Case Study: Salesforce Streamlines Event Follow-Up


Let’s say that over the course of a several-

day event, you speak to 100 people.

Typically, there are one to two people per

company present, so you assume that you

now have about 50 to 75 companies on

your list to follow up with.

Most companies immediately input

these into their CRM system and begin

following up via phone or email the

following week. Hot leads typically

respond well to this and you can see an

immediate ROI from your event — but what

about all of the other leads you generated?

Well, in order to ensure no leads get

overlooked during the follow-up process,

Salesforce does things a little differently.

Like most companies, they thrive on ways

to get better ROI on marketing initiatives,

and events are no different.

Once Salesforce receives all of their leads

from an event, they place them on targeted

email nurturing programs. In addition, they

run account-based advertising

campaigns that help them create

awareness not only with each single lead,

but also with other decision makers

among their target companies.

This level of sophistication really drives

engagement at all levels of the company and

builds incredible trust between sales and

marketing. Learn more about how email

nurturing and account-based marketing work

together in chapter five.

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Strategy 5: Fuel Your Account-Based Nurturing Fire


B2B Marketers are generating an unprecedented number of leads every month with inbound

strategies like content marketing, webinars, events, and pay-per-click advertising. But here’s

the problem:

On average, there are 5 to 7 people involved in the B2B

decision making process. (Gartner)

Keep in mind the following quote: “Sales closes accounts, not leads.” In B2B, we get too

caught up in single lead-based marketing and overlook the importance of targeting

entire accounts to reach key decision makers. For example, let’s say that every lead that

comes into your CRM also reaches out to two of your competitors. If everyone is emailing and

calling this one lead, then it’s safe to say that everyone has a fair chance of winning them over,


Now, imagine that you can turn this in your favor. Instead of just calling and emailing this same

individual, who is likely being bombarded with sales messages on a daily basis, you use

account-based marketing to automatically put a message in front of all of the decision

makers that can influence the deal. Now that’s called an unfair advantage, especially when

reaching your target accounts fast is the name of the game.

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Case Study: Insightpool Dives Into Account-Based Nurturing


Devon Wijesinghe, CEO of Insightpool, really

understand this game. At Insightpool, every

single email nurturing program that their

marketing team has created in their marketing

automation platform has another layer: a

corresponding account-based nurturing program.

This allows them to quadruple their reach in

target companies across mobile, social,

display, and video. In fact, the account-based

advertising programs drive more traffic and

awareness within their target accounts than just

emailing that one lead over and over again.

With both email and account-based nurturing in

place, companies can stay top of mind among

multiple contacts within their target companies —

not just a single lead — throughout the length of

an increasingly long sales cycle. This improves

the likelihood of getting buy-in from key

stakeholders within an account, and

therefore, increases the likelihood of that

single lead turning into new business down

the line.

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By harnessing the power of account-based

marketing to market at the account level, not

the lead level, you can open the door to a

number of powerful marketing strategies such


1. Providing air-cover ABM support for

your sales team

2. Breathing life into dead leads

3. Scaling your SMB

4. Generating insane ROI on your next


5. Adding fuel to your account-based

nurturing fire

Use your database to its full potential by

targeting every key stakeholder in an

account, improve the alignment of your sales

and marketing teams, increase brand

awareness, and take your event marketing

and lead nurturing strategies to a whole new

level. Join the ranks of ABM pioneers and

start seeing the benefits today!





Marketing and sales professionals

can easily generate brand awareness

by simply connecting to Salesforce,

creating dynamic rules for targeting

and uploading creative to the


Terminus makes it easy to target key

decision-makers on the account level

across mobile, social, display, and


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