5Talents Magazine May - July 2014

DISCOVERING TALENTS FOR GODS’ KINGDOM ISSUE 19 MAY - JULY 2014 TALENTS 5 Christian Magazine Christine Lazares Mate and Help meet Article Facing the Giants in your life ~ By George Powell www.5talentsMAG.com


5Talents is a Christian Magazine, which encourages people to discover their God given talents for furthering His kingdom.

Transcript of 5Talents Magazine May - July 2014

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discovering talents for gods’ kingdom

issue 19 maY - JulY 2014

TALENTS5 Christian Magazine

Christine Lazares

Mate and Help meet


Facing the Giants in your life

~ By George Powell


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Content Table

Christine Lazares...


4Facing the Giants in Your Life-2George Powell 8

5Talent Magazine is a webzine published monthly.

MISSION: - Promote the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ- Impact the character of individuals in the ’Body of Christ’ based on the word of God- Advertise programs and ventures that fulfills ‘The Great Commission’ for the end time purposes

5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provided 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted.

PUBLISHER Deepakshi Kolia

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Premasis Satman EDITOR Dr. Julious Watts



Hyderbad: 970 082 2149Canada: 416 502 3777

Editorial: [email protected]: [email protected]

5TALENTS MAGAZINE, 40-416, Jawahar Nagar, Moulali,

Hyderabad- 500 040

Mate and

Help meetArticle 13

Mahatma Gandhi’s view

on Christianity...

by Joseph Dias 16Christian Movie Review

“Jacksons Run” 10

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ome ways are relatively easy such as reading the Bible and spending time in prayer. These

we can do on our own time. But there’s another thing we can do that involves other people-- lending a hand to those who need it.

One of the great joys of the Christian life is the opportunity we have to help each other. It’s easy to help those you know will help you back.But look at the people Jesus talks about in Matthew 25.

He says: ‘I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me’. Matthew 25:35-36.

The people Jesus was talking to were confused, ‘Lord,’ they said, ‘when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ Matthew 25:37-39.

Jesus responded, ‘As you did it to one of the least of these

my brothers, you did it to me’.Matthew 25:40.

The righteous in these verses were demonstrating their devotion by going above and beyond in serving each other.

Rather than just helping those who could help them in return-- they went the extra step and helped those who couldn’t repay them in any way. They fed people who couldn’t afford food; they clothed people who couldn’t afford garments. As Jesus’ response indicates, these weren’t just kind gestures to people in need.

They were demonstrations of faithful devotions to God.

Ask yourself:What opportunities to serve have been presented to me in the last month?Have I participated in those? Why or why not?

Do I find myself often asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’

Make the decision to do one thing this week for someone who probably can’t repay you.-Ask God to open your eyes to the need of those around you.-Ask Him to show you how you can meet those needs and demonstrate your devotion!


“Demonstrate our devotion to God”

Premasis Satman

Executive Director

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hristine Skinner Lazares is the oldest daughter of late Doris & Reuben Skinner of the famed Skinner ’s Horse.

As a child Christine harboured the dream of being a nurse like her grandmother Mary Skinner, who served as Matron to the Nizam’s family. However, her innate sense of caring and strong urge to do social good led her on a different path. As a fourth generation Hyderabadi, she is proud of her Telangana heritage and roots. To some extent her story maps the trajectory of India’s newest State.

A highly resourceful individual, Christine optmized her degree in Business Management to reach a managerial position with the Hyderabad based Pest Control India Pvt. Ltd. where she started working at a very young age. At age thirty five, with fifteen years of service under her belt and despite being a mother of two, she pursued a degree in Management Studies, which was deemed mandatory for her to avail of a coveted promotion.


Life Journey ofChristine Lazares...

Coverpage Story

Inspired by parents who instilled strong ideals of social justice and community service in her, Christine was involved at a very young age in leadership roles with the Crusaders at the Legion of Mary. Her nature was so moulded to public service issues that at the very young age of nineteen, Christine was appointed the first Joint Secretary for the Council of Hansen’s Social Welfare and serves as its Chairperson to this day. During her work there, she fought hard to procure land allotment for Leprosy patients and helped establish the CHSW Center at Parvatnagar aided by LEPRA India. She was recognized for her remarkable work by being awarded the Life-time achievement award from The Honorable Governor of AP in 2009.

A gregarious extrovert, Christine served in several organisations that provided service to countless youth and disabled people before she started focusing on serving the needs of the Anglo Indian Community. In recognition of her body of work for the

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disadvantaged and her passion for serving her community, Christine was nominated as MLA for the first time for the 1989-94 by the Governor of AP. In 1992. She championed the cause of the Anglo Indian community by establishing the Ango Indian Welfare Association.

Among her other accomplishments are the setting up of the YMCA and YWCA programs by aligning them with the Dept. of Industries. She also worked with the Govt of AP in order to set up Aashray a home for Children in Distress, she helped convene Seminars on Alcoholism to help alcoholics as well as families affected by alcoholism in her capacity as Convenor of the Joint Action Forum of Women. Seminars on Alcoholism – through joint Action Forum of Women Organised in Hyderabad as a Convenor. She also set up the governmental vocational training for women through small Industries service institute in the YMCA to set up cottage industry...etc.

She is the founding member of the United Christmas Celebrations. In her leadership role, she demanded a Christian Finance Corporation where the allocation of budgets are spent for the Community and enhancement funds regularly accrued. She was instrumental in ensuring that Christmas is celebrated in every district and not restricted to just the High Tea with the Chief Minister in the Capital of Hyderabad.

Religion is a sticky wicket for any politician to be on but Christine took the bull by the horns in order to address the accusation against the Church for allegedly selling properties illegally. She was tenacious in her efforts with the Government to protect, restore and retrieve the sale of any lands allocated to the Church on religious grounds. Along with the House Committee she prepared legislation based on various

Acts that have since been relegated to the back burner with the demise of the then CM DR. YS Rajashekara Reddy Garu! She credits him for being a dynamic leader who underscored the importance of empowering the very poor and those at the bottom of the pyramid. He also ensured her a third term as an MLA to continue the remarkable work she was doing.

Armed with a Bachelor ’s Degree in Christian Studies at ACTC, Serampore University & a PG Diploma in Peace and Value Education, Christine used the full force of her commitment combined with her education to serve in every conceivable capacity to better the lot of not just the downtrodden but empower people of her community to become successful citizens in an evolving AP and India. Due to her efforts, 185 professional seats were allotted to the Anglo Indian Community. As always, there were a few who didn’t fully understand her mission but she didn’t let their hesitation stop her from always doing the right thing.

She received training as trainer in Panchayat Raj at NIRD and sounded the wakeup call for Faith Based Organizations thru’ Christian Front and other organisations to put forward the Stop, Look, Listen campaign for HIV AIDS prevention. She established the Catholic Hospital Associations of India, including quarterly Lok Adalats and Legal Aid services and womens socio-political rights. Christine Lazares epitomizes all that is perservering, committed, tenacious and resilient, cherished qualities that most devoted social advocates aspire to. She believes in her calling to serve the people of her community and all people at large who are left to fend for themselves. Her God is Service.

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Salvation Experience in her words...

Born into a family where my mother who was Anglican had to become a Catholic to marry my father who in those times was Cambridge educated and excelled in Religious Studies and as a voracious reader his conversation with my mother was kinda banned but I gleaned much from their heated arguments of why WE CHILDREN should not read the BIBLE?

My grandfather an army man also was a dedicated Catholic and ever since I can remember we- all the children from the Compound had to get up early morning to walk to Church before Mass to wipe the benches; later cut flowers for the Altar graduating to polishing the Brass and singing in the Choir. In school was a Crusader and then graduated to Legion of Mary and after marriage to a staunch Catholic served the Christian Workers Movement for more than 25 years BUT those arguments were in the back of my mind.and I kept searching ALSO for the answers to my questions!

It was in the first term as MLA all members requested assistance for admission in various schools and colleges but ONE told me he was CHRISTIAN taken aback but replied - “yes all are Christian when they want something”...he said ASK ME ANYTHING FROM THE BIBLE FOR A long minute I was perturbed I did not know a REFERENCE!

My mother had the habit of singing Psalms and will quote the number! Thank God! that morning she sang Psalm 103 I recalled and said OK recite 103 (thinking in the back of my mind that this guy is trying something new to get my attention - during the first term it was a great problem) BUT the MLA RECITED EVERY WORD IN TELUGU WITH SO MUCH OF PASSION tears welled up in my eyes and I went to the Ladies restroom and cried my heart out! I said O My God I am a Christian,

my name is Christine and I am LOST....it was then I promised myself study the Bible and all thru those years of the first term and to today I started to pray and went to nearly all CHURCH and HOME prayer meets and belong to many Prayer Groups!

The last meeting in my first term I was invited as Chief Guest to Andhra Christian Theological College, Lower Tank Bund for a YOUTH MEET and narrated my story since a child the questions I had as a young person and said there was no Catholic Bible College when the Principal interrupted me and said YOU ARE MOST WELCOME to ACTC and I replied but I am a Catholic to which he replied YOU WILL BE THE FIRST CATHOLIC! I was elated and asked if could join in the year 1995 and I did to complete 4 year Bachelor in Christian Studies that answered ALL OF MY QUESTIONS! and found answers to who I am, what did God want from me and most of ALL I LEARNED THE LESSONS ON RIGHTEOUSNESS & JUSTICE!

.....Once a Catholic always one but my entire perspective to life changed and most of the times I had the Church leadership by the horns totally upset with me for RAISING THE ISSUE OF ILLEGAL SALE OF CHRISTIAN PROPERTIES. I MADE A LEGISLATION FOR PROTECTION - REVIVAL, RESTORATION AND REBUILDING of thousands of acres of properties that did not see the light of day with the vociferous condemnation from the ELDERS!


Email: [email protected]: www.christinelazares.com

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can be doorways to bigger things.

David was the youngest of his eight brothers. The three oldest were on the battle lines and David had the responsibility of going back and forth from tending his father’s sheep to delivering supplies to his brothers.

Though he was the youngest, he was not the dumbest. Most likely possessing an IQ of 150, he had the military mind of a Colin Powell, the political savvy of a nation’s President, the athletic skill of a Milkha Singh, and the musical ability of Beethoven all wrapped up into one.

Yet, where did David spend most of his time? Not on the front lines facing the enemy but in the backwoods caring for smelly, stupid sheep where no one would ever see him.

Think about this. Did David ever whine and complain because he wasn’t in the war zone? No. Did David ever accuse God of overlooking him? No. Did David throw a pity party and complain that he never got any breaks? No.

David didn’t start out fighting giants on the battlefield, he started out tending sheep on the

n last issue of 5Talents, I introduced the topic of Facing the Giants in Your Life. They may not be literal giants like the one David faced who stood over nine feet tall, but we face them nonetheless, and they come in all shapes and sizes.

We took a look at three giant statements about giants:

• Every giant introduces a person to himself.• People who are growing to their highest

potential have defeated giants.• Giants are often tools God uses to shape

us for even bigger things.

So, like David, how can we effectively face our giants and keep them from deterring us from realizing our full potential in both our personal and professional life?

This month I’ll begin by sharing the first of several steps to effectively facing the giants in our lives.

• Be faithful in the little things.

Not every giant is a problem that has to be overcome. Some are actually opportunities that


Facing the Giants in Your Life ... part 2

George Powell

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hillside. David didn’t start out as a soldier fighting for Saul, he started out as a musician soothing Saul.

He was faithful in the little things and doing what he was supposed to be doing, obeying his dad, tending the sheep, and practicing his music. David knew that God was preparing him for bigger and better things. But during this time he was getting to know God. During this time God was developing his character. During this time God was preparing him.

Many people want a “giant opportunity” right now but aren’t patient enough to be faithful in the little things. However, before we can take on bigger and tougher giants, our character, abilities, and talents are forged in the little things and most often in the private places. That’s because who we really are is forged in the private place not the public arena.

So where are you today?

Are you aspiring to be a great leader? To own your own company? To run your own business? To influence the lives of many? That’s a great dream and a noble ambition. By all means, hold on to

it. But remember, it starts with the small things . . . the little things that don’t seem as important.

I pastor a great church and have the joy and responsibility of teaching several thousand every weekend. But it hasn’t always been that way. My first 17 years of ministry were in churches all numbering less than 300. Now I have the opportunity of traveling and speaking to groups nationally and internationally several times a year. Once in a while someone will say something like, “I wish I could do what you do.” The question I am asking on the inside is, “Are you willing to do what I’ve done?”

Most don’t start out facing the big giants they start out tackling the smaller ones.

But be faithful. Do your job and do your best. Be faithful in the little things and trust God to give you the opportunity for greater responsibility in His time.

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A troubled teen suffering from a life threatening disease struggles to overcome his fear of death as he searches for purpose and true meaning in his life before he succumbs to his disease.

“Jackson’s Run is a powerful and intense film with an equally powerful and intense message; the various elements of this movie has remained with me, and not a day has passed where I haven’t thought of the complex characters, their relationships, the thought-provoking plot and the universal, multi-faceted message ... and the intense emotions that the film evoked. And emotions were high amongst the audience during the screening I attended; you could hear the audience’s emotional reaction to certain scenes, and alas, when an entire audience can be heard reacting to the main characters and their collective plight—when the audience loves the characters to this degree—the filmmakers have done their job and done so superlatively.

While Christianity is an important theme of Jackson’s Run, the religious aspect of the film was well crafted and presented; again, the underlying message of this film is universal and it’s also multi-dimensional and through subtlety, the audience takes away the importance of the film and does so without being barraged like most films with a message (religious, political, etc) tend to do. I admire the craftsmanship at which this was achieved. Regardless of a person’s faith, I believe they will leave this film feeling touched and inspired.

In closing, as an author, I also admire the meticulous weaving of the intense plot … and furthermore, I admire the filmmaker’s ability to successfully convey such a complex storyline into a cohesive film... by Jake Aurelian (USA) IMBD

Christian Movie Review

“Jackson’s Run“

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It was a part of God’s plan from the beginning of time to find a help-meet for man (Gen. 2:18). God gave a chance for Adam to see personally all of God’s

creation and to name them. Whatever he named them has been their name since then. But God could see that Adam could not find a friend in any of them, and God began His work to make a helpmeet for Adam.

It was without Adam’s consent or knowledge that God entered into this project. It was the first use of anesthesia in human history. God took a rib from Adam and put flesh on it and made Eve. The same way God brought all the animals before Adam; H also brought Eve also before Adam. Then he exclaimed; “This is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones.” Even though he did not have prior knowledge, the exclamation of Adam was a testimony that God’s will was perfect.

But when you come to chapter 6 of Genesis, we see sons of God doing things that were contrary to the will of God. They found daughters of men to be fair and took anyone they pleased to be their wife. This was taking mates for themselves.

“There shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate…no one of these shall be fail, none shall want her mate” (Is. 34:16). Note that the word used here is “mate”. But in Genesis, the word used is helpmeet - a help suitable to man intellectually, morally and physically as his counterpart. God gave all of creation expect man a “mate”. But for man, He gave a helpmeet which is much more than just a mate.

Why did God make such an exception for mankind? Does the answer give any clue to why the family structure is crumbling in western culture? The answer is found in chapter 6 of Genesis when sons of God were going after whomever they pleased. Man’s nature is falling to the level of beasts and just like beasts, men are grabbing mates instead of waiting for the helpmeet God will provide.

With human effort, a person may find a good mate. But it will not be a helpmeet. Such mates can turn out to be a headache in the future. When you are going through trouble times, only God given helpmeets will stick with you. All others will say goodbye and desert you. We see divorce on increase all over the world. Why? Because young people are encouraged to look for mates

Mate and Help meet


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ever since they are small. If it is helpmeet joined together by God, only death will do them part. Even though Eve fell for the snares of the Satan and caused the fall of Adam also, God did not throw out Eve alone. God could certainly do that! But He used it as an occasion to teach them and also the future generations a valuable lesson. Both of them were kicked of the garden of Eden together. Look at today! People get divorce for

the simplest of reasons like not liking the way one person talk or even snoring!

God did not create man to live like an animal. God loved mankind and created a helpmeet for him out of himself. The rib he lost was brought back to him as a beautiful woman. If it had a mixed constituency like Nebuchadnezar’s dream, it would not have lasted. If the lost rib was replaced

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by brass or sliver it would only create uncomfort. This is what is happening today. Incompatible people are put together in many relationships which break down homes. What part has he that believe with an infidel? Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers-warns Paul. In military terms, find someone in your own rank.

Some people are changing mates as easily as changing clothes. God did not deal with Adam and Eve this way. What type of selection will you have, young generation? Will you ask God to show you the helpmeet according to his plan? The result of the sin in Genesis 6 was the reduction of man’s life span. Even though Methuselah lived to be 969, his successors lived upto 120.

Today same sex marriages are becoming popular. Many churches have no problem to officiate these. It is a time of moral free fall. “ And it repented the Lord God that he had made man on the earth.” (Genesis 6:6). Man has fallen below the level of

beast and fowl who take care of its own. Man has gone so far away from God! When Ruth dedicated herself before God telling Naomi that your God is my God, he found a helpmeet for Ruth. Boaz was about 80 years old when he married Ruth and was a widower. Ruth also was a widow without any child. God brought them together, gave them children and blessed their generations. Even Jesus came in that genealogy. If you surrender to thee will and counsel of God, He will bless you with a helpmeet. Quit your own efforts and give the matter to the hands of God. When Abraham wanted to find a suitable girl for his son, he made a convent with his servant that he will go back to his own kin for a girl. The person who comes into your family by the will of God will be a blessing to your family. Your wife will be a fruitful grapevine in your home and your children will be like the shoots of olives. Only when the selection is done by the will of God that you can say, “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”.

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hy I didn’t become a follower of Christ?

If not Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Indian Independence struggle would have taken longer with more bloodshed, division and war.

When senior leaders of the Hindu political groups urged Gandhi to respond ‘violence with violence’ and ‘sword with sword’, he opposed insisting and exhorting the path of non–violence and peace, which was Gandhi’s biggest sword to combat the trained and fully equipped forces.

For sure this great man is one of the most respected leaders of modern history, for not only his life, but also his ideals and his message to the people.

Although Hindu, Gandhi had a very close connection with Christianity and admired Jesus very much, often quoting from his

W favourite ‘Sermon on the Mount’ chapter in Mathew 5–7.

When the missionary E. Stanley Jones met with Gandhi he asked him,

“Mr. Gandhi, though you quote the words of Christ often, why is that you appear to so adamantly reject becoming his follower?”

Gandhi replied,

“Oh, I don’t reject Christ. I love Christ. It’s just that so many of you Christians are so unlike Christ.”

“If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today,” he added.

Gandhi’s closeness with Christianity began when he was a young man practicing law in South Africa. Apart from being attached with the Christian faith, he intently studied

Mahatma Gandhi’s view onChristianity...

by Joseph Dias

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the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, and was also seriously exploring becoming a Christian, which led him to his discovery of a small church gathering in his locality.

These strongly entrenched Biblical teachings have always acted a panacea to many of India’s problems during its freedom struggle.

After deciding to attend the church service in South Africa, he came across a racial barrier, the church barred his way at the door.

“Where do you think you’re going, kaffir?” an English man asked Gandhi in a belligerent tone.

Gandhi replied,

“I’d like to attend worship here.”

The church elder snarled at him, “There’s no room for kaffirs in this church. Get out of here or I’ll have my assistants throw you down the steps.”

This infamous incident forced Gandhi to never again consider being a Christian, but rather adopt what he found in Christianity and its founder Jesus Christ.

In a speech to Women Missionaries in 28 July 1925, he said, “…although I am myself not a Christian, as an humble student of the Bible, who approaches it with faith and reverence, I wish respectfully to place before you the essence of the Sermon on the Mount...There are thousands of men and women today who, though they may not have heard about the Bible or Jesus have more faith and are more god fearing than Christians who know the Bible and who talk of its Ten Commandments...”

To a Christian missionary Gandhi once said,

“To live the gospel is the most effective way most effective in the beginning, in the middle and in the end. …Not just preach but live the life according to the light.... If, therefore, you go on serving people and ask them also to serve, they would understand.

But you quote instead John 3:16 and ask them to believe it and that has no appeal to me, and I am sure people will not understand it...the Gospel will be more powerful when practiced and preached.”

“A rose does not need to preach. It simply spreads its fragrance. The fragrance is its own sermon…the fragrance of religious and spiritual life is much finer and subtler than that of the rose.”

In many ways Gandhi was right, the intense proselytization by Christian missionaries in India through force and allurement forced him to make many scathing statements against Christian missionaries, which several times inspired them to retrospect and change the way of approach in ‘Evangelism’.

“If Jesus came to earth again. He would disown many things that are being done in the name of Christianity,”

Gandhi said during his meeting with an English missioner.

Here I am remembered of Sadhu Sundar Singh who is said to have done more to “indigenize” the churches of India than any figures in the twentieth century.

“You have offered us Christianity in a Western cup... Give it to us in an Eastern bowl and we will drink of it,” is a famous statement by Singh,

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who converted from Sikhism to Christianity after his personal experience with Jesus, who appeared in his room on one morning in the year 1905, when he was just fifteen years old.

Stanley Jones once asked Gandhi:

“How can we make Christianity naturalized in India, not a foreign thing, identified with a foreign government and a foreign people, but a part of the national life of India and contributing its power to India’s uplift?”

Gandhi responded with great clarity, “First, I would suggest that all Christians, missionaries begin to live more like Jesus Christ.

Second, practice it without adulterating it or toning it down.

Third, emphasize love and make it your working force, for love is central in Christianity.

Fourth, study the non–Christian religions more sympathetically to find the good that is within them, in order to have a more sympathetic approach to the people.”

“Therefore it is very important for christians to practise christianity among the non-believers so that they can know the real love of lord jesus”

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Life Style Awards 2014 was declared by Prime Time Research Pvt. Ltd. This award function was organized to felicitate excellence, reputation and exemplary work of different organizations and individuals in medical sector. TRICHOS Hair Transplant Institute & Research Center TM has won the title “Best Hair Transplant Clinic in South India”.

The guest of honour for the event were Son of Late Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri – Former PM of India, Anil Kumar Shastri – Former Finance Minister of India, Smt. Sudha Yadav – Member of Parliament, BJP. , Padmabhushan Dr. Mrityunjay Athreya – Father of Indian

Management, and Justice J. D. Kapoor – Supreme Court Justice who gave away the awards and trophies to the title holders in their respective categories.

The award function was organized in New Delhi on 19th July 2014 at Holiday Inn.

TRICHOSTM is proud to receive the award, we want to thank to the organizer, our staffs and the clients who has undergone the advanced procedures of Hair Transplant and it is their support that we received this award. We are dedicated towards “excellence, innovation, dedication and best ethical practices”.

Congratulation to TRICHOS!!!

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22 5TALENTS MAGAZINE May-July 201422 5Talents Magazine Oct 2013 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

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