5ingor Consultores dossier (english)

With a global vision... Avec une largue vision... Con amplia visión...


5ingor Consultores is a spanish management engineering company offering advanced consulting, services and outsourcing since 2003. Experts in business organization and national and international development for clients -both companies and public bodies

Transcript of 5ingor Consultores dossier (english)

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With a global vision...

Avec une largue vision...

Con amplia visión...

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5ingor por�olio

Profile and business ac�vity

• The engineering company of management and business projec�on• Consul�ng, services and advanced outsourcing

Management engineering solu�ons

• Outsourcing-5i: outsourcing JIT for business and exporters projects• EA Maghreb Services: pla�orm Spain - Maghreb for business, purchases and trading • Proyecto EA: managing opera�ons and interna�onal tenders by coopera�on• Administración-5i: high efficiency in public projects for the economic development





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5ingor is a spanish management engineering offering advanced consul�ng, services and outsourcing since 2003. Experts in business organiza�on and na�onal and interna�onal development for companies and public bodies.

5ingor works as a management engineering on the following services areas:

• Organiza�on: organiza�on, HR and management systems ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18000.• Business projec�on: strategy, marke�ng, trading, front & back office outsourcing and interna�onaliza�on.• Opera�ons: advanced management, interna�onal tenders, purchasing engineering and advanced interna�onal trading.• Collec�ve scope: studies, plans, development and coopera�on for public bodies, regions and sectors.

Services operates and upgrades using innova�ve management engineering solu�ons:

• Outsourcing-5i: just in �me outsourcing service to develop, accelerate and support business and export projects.• EA Maghreb Services: pla�orm Spain - Maghreb for business, coopera�on, purchases and advanced trading.• Proyecto EA (Affiliated Enterprises): managing opera�ons and interna�onal tenders by coopera�on.• Administración-5i: high efficiency in public projects for the economic development of clusters, sectors and regions.

Formed by a professional and mul�na�onal team of highly qualified and experienced engineers and consultants.

And from its head office in Spain and branches in Northern Africa, 5ingor consolidates as a strong benchmark in business projects development for companies of Spain and the Maghreb countries.

The engineering of management and business projec�on

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Consul�ng, services and advanced outsourcing

5ingor Consultores is a management engineering consul�ng company specialized in design and ac�va�on of tailored projects for companies and public bodies to impro-ve their current status and achieve their future goals by an integrated service offer:

1. Business management

• Business organiza�on consul�ng.• HR consul�ng and na�onal and interna�onal recruitment.• Management systems ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18000.

2. Business projec�on

• Strategy studies and plans, marke�ng, trading and interna�onaliza�on.• Market and prices research, studies and inves�ga�ons. • Outsourcing front & back office for na�onal and interna�onal scope.• Marke�ng, commercial, media and adver�sing campaigns and opera�ons.• Business exhibi�ons, professional sessions, missions and trade fairs.• Selec�on and boos�ng of clients, suppliers and trading partners.• Design and nego�a�on of agreements for trading, distribu�on and opera�on.

3. Opera�ons, tenders, purchase and advanced trading

• Technical and economic market research, reports and feasibility valua�on.

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• Import and export advanced opera�on management.• Organiza�on, prepara�on and coordina�on of offers, tenders and interna�onal opera�ons.• Interna�onal trading engineering and management.• Advanced interna�onal trading services.

4. Public and collec�ve projects

• Strategy and organiza�on studies and plans.• Studies, plans and projects for economic development of sectors and regions.• Business coopera�on systems and opera�ons for clusters, sectors and regions.• Marke�ng, commercial, media, public rela�ons and adver�sing campaigns and performances.• Sessions, mee�ngs, events, exhibi�ons, missions, journals, webs and business publica�ons.• HR consul�ng and na�onal and interna�onal recruitment.• Management systems cer�fica�on ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18000.

Services operates and upgrades using innova�ve management engineering solu�ons:

• Outsourcing-5i: just in �me outsourcing service to develop, accelerate and support business and export projects.• EA Maghreb Services: pla�orm Spain - Maghreb for business, coopera�on, purchases and advanced trading.• Proyecto EA (Affiliated Enterprises): managing opera�ons and interna�onal tenders by coopera�on.• Administración-5i: high efficiency in public projects for the economic development of clusters, sectors and regions.

5ingor registers experience from more than 400 works in agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, building, commercial supply, food industry, horeca, logis�cs, habitat, automo�ve sector, health sector, service sector, new technologies, consul�ng, engi-neering, energy, renewable energies, water sector, tourism, leisure, etc.

More informa�on in www.5ingor.com

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Outsourcing-5i is the 5ingor’s outsourcing service to develop, accelerate and support business and export projects. This front & back office just in �me specialized outsour-cing solu�on offers a great advantage by providing:

• Engineers and consultants jointly working with client’s team.• Working strength by knowing the fields of ac�vity deeply.• Qualifica�on, experience, hard work and commitment.• Resources, knowledge and contacts in the local area. • Focus on the business services and solu�ons needed (front & back office).• Level of involvement fulfilling client’s expecta�ons.• Presence wherever needed our services (mul�-zone).• And whenever needed (just in �me). • Accordance with a joint Business Plan developed at the beginning of each period. • Expandable, variable and rejectable Plan according evolu�on and market impact.• Execu�on of tasks as a team by following a collabora�ve working process.• Maximum execu�on quote set at the beginning of each period.• Possibility to reduce fixed costs in exchange for variable for goals and sales.• Efficiency in costs of the outsourcing just in �me.• First introduc�on to the market by coun�ng on advanced steps already ini�ated.• S�mula�on of your experience curve caused by the lack of awareness.• Adaptability of our fully competent organiza�on engineering consul�ng company. • Wide vision, professionalism and strong result-oriented culture.

Just in �me back & front office outsourcing service to de-velop business and export projectsOUTSOURCING-

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Example 5i: business plan 1 for trading launch of a Spanish manufacturer in Morocco (15 weeks)Strategy and business plan + market research and trading campaign + mission + support and opera�on management

Outsourcing-5i: usual ac�vi�es for business planning:• Strategy, sales campaign and ini�al market posi�oning plan.

• Marke�ng, sales and media campaigns and market-addressed adver�sing.

• Market-oriented missions, fairs and corporate and professional exhibi�ons.

• Marke�ng and trading documents for campaigns, events and interna�onal tenders use.

• Organiza�on, prepara�on, management and representa�on of interna�onal tenders.

• Market, bids, trading and administra�ve field studies and researches.

• Recruitment of sales staff, execu�ves and general staff for central offices and target area.

• Local partners/suppliers iden�fica�on and pre-qualifica�on research and management.

• Design, nego�a�on and entering of agreements for work, distribu�on and opera�on.

• Representa�on & management for sales, opera�ons, and purchase in-place.

• Technical and economic in-place market research, reports and feasibility valua�on.

• Advanced import and export opera�on management.

• Interna�onal trading engineering and management.

• Implementa�on, investment and industrial offshoring organiza�on and management.

• Trading-interna�onaliza�on projects, systems and pla�orms (groups).

• Common structures for marke�ng, sales, opera�ons and interna�onal (groups).

• Local or temporary representa�on at the target market.

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EA Maghreb Services is the 5ingor’s pla�orm for business coopera�on and suply concentra�on to trading interac�on Spain - Maghreb. It operates in Spain, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia. Over 10 different fields of ac�vity and 150 groups of ar�cles and services. It offers these services for importers and exporters clients:

• Importers: interna�onal purchasing engineering services. • Exporters: advanced interna�onal trading services.

Linking opera�ons between companies known by 5ingor, a refined working methodology, a mul�na�onal and professional highly specialized team and the precision of management engineering with a wide experience on the different markets.

1. Importers: applica�on of the 5ingor’s basic services of trading engineering

• Perform scheduled purchases with offers selected from the numerous exporters list of the Pla�orm (more than 600).• Improvement of client’s suppliers por�olio for products in which they lack of a solvent offer.• Diversifica�on of ac�vity with products, services and technology of interna�onal enterprises.

2. Exporters: applica�on of the 5ingor’s advanced interna�onal trading services

• Permanent link between exporters and importers of the trading engineering service.• Trading management of sales informa�on, bids, opera�on and monitoring.• Nego�a�on of sale and product delivery condi�ons.• Recep�on and presenta�on of trading samples.• Simultaneous interpre�ng in presen�al mee�ngs, via telephone, Skype or other means.

Spain - Maghreb pla�orm for business, coopera�on and advanced tradingMAGHREB SERVICES

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• Localized staff and accompaniment in trading mee�ng and closings. • Technical back up in logis�cs, customs, documenta�on, finance and trading risks.• Preferen�al condi�ons for logis�c, transport and transitory operators as well as for customs agents. • Preferen�al condi�ons on financial, legal and insurance services for expor�ng. • Preferen�al condi�ons on packaging designing and marke�ng tailored documenta�on services.

3. Funding of basic services of trading engineering and advanced trading

Basic services of trading engineering are free of charge for importers, provided they have a real interest in purchasing, their applica�on is correctly defined and the transac�on is feasible. The service is funded by the exporters since they take advan-tage of the advanced trading service which has no fixed cost for them but a variable charge subject to commission of success over the sales made effec�ve by 5ingor. This upfront-stated variable charge is below the common value of sales thanks to specialized outsourcing and economies of scale which allow to work by volume using a proper organiza�on engineering so-lu�on.

4. Increase of the volume of services by applying Outsourcing-5i

Those importers and exporters which feels that working with individual opera�ons is not enough and are willing to under-take a complete development within the target market of their interest, may apply for a tailored charged service like Out-sourcing-5i. This way of business integrates 5ingor’s team with the client’s import - export team by means of front & back office and just in �me outsourcing in different markets.

5. Restricciones de uso del servicio de trading avanzado por condiciones de exclusividad en cuentas Outsourcing-5i

5ingor offers its interna�onal trading services to exporters, always under the condi�on of absence of services contracted by the client with another company working on the same field of ac�vity or with similar products of outsourcing as the 5ingor’s Outsourcing-5i solu�on. 5ingor provides its clients a con�nuous development and update of the market as part of their pro-fessional team, with a fixed salary and exclusive condi�ons for products sale to the main local clients.

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Proyecto EA (Affiliated Enterprises) is the 5ingor’s solu�on for advanced efficient ma-nagement of interna�onal opera�ons, offers and tenders for 5ingor’s exporters clients in coopera�on with local partners of the target market.

Proyecto EA works as a commercial and opera�ons just in �me department resul�ng from the sum of the following resources:

• Company: resources of the interna�onal expor�ng company interested.• Market specialized resources of the market: staff provided by 5ingor.• Local resources: partners, suppliers and sales staff selected and known by 5ingor.

Proyecto EA offers exporters a highly effec�ve func�onality for advanced management of proposals and opera�ons in target markets without a sufficient trading and opera-�onal structure, but with capability to achieve it “Ad Hoc” thanks to 5ingor’s help.

To make this possible, 5ingor takes advantage of its exper�se, contacts and rela�ons por�olio gained by its o�en working ac�vity abroad. Follows a produc�ve and structu-red working system developed by organiza�on engineering which allows the synergy and ordered interac�on of companies.

It currently serves in Spain, Morocco, Mauritania and Algeria, where 5ingor’s coope-ra�on system counts on local affiliated enterprises.

Advanced and efficient management of opera�ons and interna�onal tenders in coopera�on with local partners

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Proyecto EA: scope of the advanced service step-by-step

Step 1: Offer prepara�on

• Offer analysis: execu�ve summary and prepara�on dashboard.• Representa�on before clients: contact, link and access to informa�on.• Localized trading expert: data gathering, visits, replanning, reports…• Local office: support for preparing opera�ons and offers presenta�on.• Localized logis�cs: HR recruitment-selec�on, outsourcing, sales, etc.• Coordina�on: of local partners and resources (distribu�ons, agreements, etc.).• Offer prepara�on: administra�ve, technical and financial tasks.• Financial mee�ngs: offer presenta�on and deposit guarantees.• Trading monitoring: of clients and submi�ed offers.

Step 2: Offer alloca�on

• Allocated offer prepara�on: administra�ve, technical and financial tasks.• Financial paperwork: proper execu�on and funding general guarantees.• Support at final close: entering agreements, guarantees, etc.

Step 3: Opera�on execu�on

• Localized logis�cs: search and selec�on of local resources.• Local office: centralized coordina�on of work.• Support in the local area: for displaced staff.• Coordina�on: for clients, partners and local resources.• Execu�on: of allocated opera�on or project.• Deposits: deposits reimbursement.

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Highly efficient public projects for the economic development of clusters, sectors and regions

Administración-5i is the suppor�ng solu�on for public bodies used to carry out studies, plans, designs and execu�ons of highly efficient projects for economic development of professional groups, companies, sectors and regions. It provides a unique offer combina�on at technical and communica�ve level. This solu�on focuses on the tailored design of projects, the achievement of the perfect prac�cal results and their proper dissemina�on:

• Strategy and organiza�on studies and plans.• Studies, plans and projects for economic development, moderniza�on and interna�onaliza�on.• Business coopera�on systems and opera�ons for clusters, sectors and regions.• Marke�ng, commercial, media, public rela�ons and adver�sing campaigns and performances.• Sessions, mee�ngs, events, exhibi�ons, missions, journals, webs and business publica�ons.

5ingor’s main values are:

• Broad vision: of a engineering consul�ng company focusing on innova�on and project development.• Business exper�se: with over 400 opera�ons executed with clients from all economy sectors.• Diversifica�on: competence in strategy, organiza�on, HR, marke�ng, media, commerce, interna�onal...• Leading coopera�on: by integra�ng an own opera�on system with interna�onal scope from 2008.• Entrepreneurial culture: company started by entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial projects background.• Communica�on: domain of media and specialists in public presenta�ons and audience mo�va�on.

But mainly, 5ingor counts on an outstanding record of successful cases in public projects for the economic development of public bodies, founda�ons and public companies in Spain, Maghreb and Mexico.


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:: Head Office Almería (Spain)

(+34) 950 221 071 - (+34) 634 544 146

[email protected]

Skype: consultores5ingor

:: Magreb Delega�onRabat (Morocco)

(+212) 0637 933 823 - (+34) 634 529 239

[email protected]

Skype: maghrebservices


www.maghrebservices.es “El Sillón Rojo” de 5INGOR- Observatorio Astronómico de “Calar Alto - Almería” - 2.168 m de al�tud