
FBLA Elecfs Genfry California President Richard Gentry was elected Busiuess Leaders of America a vention in Palo Alto. He will conventioír in Dallas, Texas. June 17-19. Pat Pryce was elected state corresponding secretary. Marian Bitter and Donald Jacobs were selected as state Miss and trfr. Future Business Ðxecutive. Jacobs received a trophy for the school for outstanding'business executive ability. vot. tx Ratings Given In the statewide Mr, and Miss Future Buslness Executlve coÊ- test the candldates were rated on abillty to express themselves, ÞroBer Sxooming for business, at- titudes and poise. TheY were also juttged on their hlgh school and college grades, particiPation in extracurricular activities and In communlty affairs, emBloyment erDreience, and a wrìtten state- ment on re&sons for entering the business world. Others who attended the con- vention were tr'rankie rtrhite, Bill Murphy, Ray Beach, Mary Lan- otte, Charles Leavitt, Dottie Ru- bald, and Edith tr'orath. TheY were accompanied by two a.dvisers, Mrs. Edna Hartley and Braxton C. Henderson. The X'JC chaBter of F BLA re- ceived a gold seal certificate fo¡ rankiDg first in junior college clubs competition. .Ànother"certi- flcate was awarded to FJC for qutstanding leadership at the con- ventlon. Reeponeiblo tr'or Certtfic¿to Mrs. Hartley Btateal that Miss Rubaltl, central section vice-pres- ldent, was largely responslble tor wlnning the certificate because of her outstandlng leadership dur- ing the second general seesion of the conventlon. MIs6 Lanotte, state parliamen- tarian, preslded at the gesslons on votlng alelegates. FJC -wlll hoet the 1968 Cali- fornia etate con:sention of FBLA' ttftte Your f,'uturett The theme of the conventlon was "ft's Your Future: The Busi- ness Hprlzon Looms Brtght To Those Who Have Vlsion.", Robert Stover, President of the Western Employers Service, San tr-rancisco, was the keynote sDeak- er at the banquet. Hls subject was "Money Isn't EYerything." In deflnlng "success," Stover said "Money isn't everythlng, but lt's far out ahead of what ls in second placo." 24 ^^Candidates Finish Requsites Twenty-four of the 176 âsgo- clate of arts candldates completed thelr r€qulrements bY last F'eb. They are: Ruth M. Allen, Robert Russell, Emlle Aubry, Phtllip Colmenero, ]il'lllard R' Edmuncls, Jr., Charles Âllen I!!ter, Tsutomu Tom Ifatake, Edna J. Holland, Donald R' Hotter, Shiro K'aza'Io, Tatsuma Kimura, Bernard W. Mitcheil, Rondal Vance Mortis, Karl L. Pedaly, Mtlo Polk, Josephlne Theresa Qulntana, Robert I' Rlchards, Bob A. Rfos, Robert G. Russell, Robert I'. Sherman' Ronaltl, Lawrence Smith,' Leroy Sam Takakjian, Àlexauder I'. Teixeira, Joel R. Thacker, and George Yoghlo Tsuda. Etter completed requirementa at f'JC durlng sp¡ing of 1965. Takakjian finished the sPrlng of 56. Easter Holidays Gloorge O. Eolstoln' dean of admlesion and rccords, sa,td thåt thero will be an Eastor varc¿tlon whlch will last for ftve school alays' from APr. 1õ-19. llho next hottdaY will be lf,emortal Da¡ May 80. college is accerd.ited, college credits earned by its students maY be transferred to any colle8:e or university. Tea,m Members Members of the team will ln- clútle Algeo If. Brill, assistant to the Yuba College presideDt, chairman; Dr. tr'rancis Noel, bureau of audio visual education chief (state department of educa- tion); Dr. Lawrence Osborne, as- sociate professor of English, Col- lege of the Pacific; Dr. Irene Palmer, women's physical educa- tion department chairman, San Jose College, and Dr. Reed Buf- fington, assistant su¡lerintendent of the Contra Cost Junlor College distrlct. Dr._luffington is replace- ing Dr. 'lüllliam Prlest, Bresident of Amërican River Junior College. Arrangements for accredlting junior colleges of Californl¿ are being handleil by the Commlseion for ÀccredltlnB Junior Colleges; the state deDartñeût' of' eüusatlon, and the 'Western Colle8le Assocla- tlon. Two Maln Values The commlsslon sald that tt believes the two main values of accredttation are self valuatlon and a constructive analysis by a professional agency employing a group of impartlal observers who are well qualifietl in the area of post graduate educatlon. The value of self evaluation results "not alone from preparing for the accreditation visit, which nor- mally comes but once ln five years; rather, lt is more likely to result from the contlnuous em- phasls on stand.ards anÒ quallties that are consldered important," Âims.{fnal Purpo,ses The team will investigate the aims and purposes of tr'JC, it cur- riculum, instruction, studeut per- sonnel aervlce, and admlnlstra- tlon. In checking upon procedures of currlculum, the team wlll be concerned with currlculum de- velopment, the program of general education, education for transfer, vocatlonal educatfon, adult etlu- cation, and Drograms that meet special needs. 'White saial that the team will arrlve Ap,r, 8th to gêt acqualnted with the tr'resno City Board of qalucatlon and the F resno City Schools Àdministration at a dln- ner in the evening. Phi Thefa Kappa Ãl r .1. Plans lnitiation Officers of the tr'resno Junlor Collegê chapter Pht Theta Kappa, 'the national Junior college schol- astlc honorary fraternity, are planning an initlatlon ceremony Aprtl 8 at ?:30 PM in the home of the arlvlser, Mrs. Dorothy Bliss. Invitatlons of meñbership have been 6ent to 63 etudents who qualifietl by thelr fall Bemester grades, QuallflcatlonÉ are a "B{" average for a mlnlmum of 16 unlts per semester. Accreditqtion T esm W ¡ I I Visit Fresrlo JC Cqmpus An a Wes will vis Api FJC c; P of FJC will accredited rating by recommendation after their investiga- tion on the campus. 'When a junior Formal Dance Scheduled For April 26 By SHIRLEIIffiI SIIMMERS Àprit, who introduced herself Monday, is already booked for the 26th on Fresno Junior College so- cial calendar, as hostess to one of the hajor events of the sPring semester, the Spring tr'ormal. Veda Luhm, social chairman, has drawn up a plan for the dance lncluding delegated chalr- matrBhlp for the many cateSories' Thus, everythlng i8 unde¡ conrtol, with time as the main factor in determining the degree .of suc- cess of the Spring Formal, at which Ruben Ba¡rlos will P¡eslde as Master of ceremonies. Orchestral arrangements are in charge of Atlolph Mendoza and MlsÈ Lùhm. 'Police, Gilbert Chacon and Fred Raco. Matron, tr'rancos Wrtght, @ Mlke Gay and frlane Avlla are apBointees to assemble the enter- tainment, and BennY Quintana and Bob Palacios comÞose the cleaB-up commlttee. The KIng and Queen Contest is being handled bY Dttti Rubald' v¡hlle Bitts wlll be the duty of Yolande Marquez. r Marllyn Snyder is ln charge of de(orationg of the ballroom. Pub- llclty is asslgned to Joe Lara. Recelvtng llne' is charged to Llllan.* Monno and Jim McGee. Naoml Morales ls resPonsible for refreshment tletalls. All has been disclosed, so it seems that the mYsterlous antlcl- patlon lles'in the dance theme malnly, with some ques, aB to time, place, antl ri'bo will p¡ovttlq the music? ? ? Âs these things becoDe knowû, they will be publlsheal with'com.- plete ttetalls ln the Rampage. The night of ÄPr. 26 falls on a I.ritlay. Sfude nts May Order Cqps, ^l ('owns, ,vow Mrs. Leona DeBarrT, book store clerk, stated that any candldate for graduation wlshing to order capg, gowns, aDnouncements, and Bersonal cards may do so now. May 1 is the tleatlline to order caps and gowng. A dePosit of $6 wtll be required ln advauce when gowns are ordered. Students wish- tf,Esr0 Jûrt[n G0LIEBE ,t ¡¡¡¡rD ¡t u ^¡roq rD 3t¡þol¡¡ FRESNO, CATIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 4,1957 NO. 22 T Chqmber Commerce Sefs Up Home Study Progrqm The Fresno Junior Chamber of Commerce, with the cooperation of the World A.ffair Council, the International tr'rlendshlp Council, and the University of California Extension, is setting up an in- formal home study group pro- gram, that will discuss American foreign lolicy. Eopo f,'or La,rgo Group Bill Crump, co-chairman of the Fresno Junior Chamber of Com- merce, said that, "the Fresno Junio¡ Chamber of Commerce hopes to have 100 groups of elght to 24 Bersons. There wlll be one meeting conducted. each week for eight weekÊ, at which a tllf- ferent subject will be dlscussed. The most important subjects on forelgn pollcy bave been selegted to lnform the public about the United States tr'oreign Policies. The chambe¡ of commerce will arrange with televlsiotr and the Fresno Bee to schedule talks and articles for these programs." The home stucly idea was ad- vaneed by the Forelgn Policy Às- sociation, a'nonpartisan and non- goverDnental group. The first program was introduced in Port- land, Oregon, in 1956, and now CAIEiIDAR OF IHE WEEK Apr{l 4 Student council meetlng. Golf, FJO va. COS, at Viealia. . õ I'inal day of mid-to¡m ex- aninaúions. 6 Track FJC ve. San Jose. 2 PlÚ, I Phi Theta K.appa iniü¡tion at .homo of adviser, lfrs. I)orothy Bltsq 6O7 San Jose. I Stntlent cor¡ncil moetlng at 12:8O PM. Basoball, tr'JO ve. COS, I PM at R,omaix. 1O Mtd-tom grades due. Ten- nis, f'JO og. 69¡llnga,'at trbesno. ll--Entertåin Cou¡cil. trBI/A 12:30 PM 8.8. ÌVHOPPER-Displcying q check for $1,000,000'ore City Schools Superintendent Edwin C. Krcrtt crrd .Alice Nishkicrr, the schools chief accountcmts clerk. The check is pclyment to the stqte for the old Fresno State College cqmpus for use by the F¡esno Junior College. -Bee Pkroto ln Riverside, Californla, a n d tr'resno. After completing the eight sub- ject sessions, each person attend- ing wlll be giYen a ballot where he may express his opinlon, å,ll ballots will be sent to the Btate department and to the congre8s- man of the areâ. Costs S1 The material for the sesslon will cost $1 which wfll go to the F oreign Policy Associatlon, a nonproflt o¡ganlzation. The tr'resno Juutor Chamber of Commerce hopes to get thls pro- gram startetl by the mlddle of ABrtl. Stanley Harth, assistant public relations counseler, sald Fresno Junior College and other colleges and hith schools are lnvlted to participate in this Btudy program. Information may be obtalned by those who wlsh to join, or form a study group, from the clty chamber of commerce at AD- 3-214L or -A.M 6-9633. JC Organization Ã,' ¡I¡ urscusses I np The Newman Club of Fresno Junior College heltl a Beetlng 'Wednesday, Mat. 27, to dlscuss final plans ln preparatloD for their trip to the natlonal Newman Club Convention May 10 through 12 fn Reno, Nevada. Marllyn Snyde¡, the club presi- d.ent, announcetl that all Cathollc students wantlng to attenal the convention in Reno muet become an actlve member of the club immediately, The Newman Club recently played host for the Central Section Central Province Newman tr'ederation Convention whlch wa¡ helcl at the Hotel Fresno. tr'or further informatlon regard- Ing the conventlon sturlents should contact Mlss Snyder, Rtta Earrts, commissloner of publlcations, or the advisor.



Transcript of 57_S_22_Apr04

Page 1: 57_S_22_Apr04

FBLA Elecfs GenfryCalifornia President

Richard Gentry was electedBusiuess Leaders of America avention in Palo Alto. He willconventioír in Dallas, Texas. June 17-19.

Pat Pryce was elected state corresponding secretary.Marian Bitter and Donald Jacobs were selected as state

Miss and trfr. Future Business Ðxecutive. Jacobs received atrophy for the school for outstanding'business executiveability.

vot. tx

Ratings GivenIn the statewide Mr, and Miss

Future Buslness Executlve coÊ-test the candldates were rated onabillty to express themselves,ÞroBer Sxooming for business, at-titudes and poise. TheY were alsojuttged on their hlgh school andcollege grades, particiPation inextracurricular activities and Incommunlty affairs, emBloymenterDreience, and a wrìtten state-ment on re&sons for entering thebusiness world.

Others who attended the con-vention were tr'rankie rtrhite, BillMurphy, Ray Beach, Mary Lan-otte, Charles Leavitt, Dottie Ru-bald, and Edith tr'orath. TheY wereaccompanied by two a.dvisers,Mrs. Edna Hartley and Braxton C.

Henderson.The X'JC chaBter of F BLA re-

ceived a gold seal certificate fo¡rankiDg first in junior collegeclubs competition. .Ànother"certi-flcate was awarded to FJC forqutstanding leadership at the con-ventlon.

Reeponeiblo tr'or Certtfic¿toMrs. Hartley Btateal that Miss

Rubaltl, central section vice-pres-ldent, was largely responslble torwlnning the certificate because ofher outstandlng leadership dur-ing the second general seesion ofthe conventlon.

MIs6 Lanotte, state parliamen-tarian, preslded at the gesslons

on votlng alelegates.FJC -wlll hoet the 1968 Cali-

fornia etate con:sention of FBLA'ttftte Your f,'uturett

The theme of the conventlonwas "ft's Your Future: The Busi-ness Hprlzon Looms Brtght ToThose Who Have Vlsion.",

Robert Stover, President of theWestern Employers Service, Santr-rancisco, was the keynote sDeak-er at the banquet. Hls subject was"Money Isn't EYerything." Indeflnlng "success," Stover said"Money isn't everythlng, but lt'sfar out ahead of what ls in secondplaco."

24 ^^CandidatesFinish Requsites

Twenty-four of the 176 âsgo-clate of arts candldates completedthelr r€qulrements bY last F'eb.

They are: Ruth M. Allen,Robert Russell, Emlle Aubry,Phtllip Colmenero, ]il'lllard R'Edmuncls, Jr., Charles ÂllenI!!ter, Tsutomu Tom Ifatake,Edna J. Holland, Donald R'Hotter, Shiro K'aza'Io, TatsumaKimura, Bernard W. Mitcheil,Rondal Vance Mortis, Karl L.Pedaly, Mtlo Polk, JosephlneTheresa Qulntana, Robert I'Rlchards, Bob A. Rfos, Robert G.

Russell, Robert I'. Sherman'Ronaltl, Lawrence Smith,' LeroySam Takakjian, Àlexauder I'.Teixeira, Joel R. Thacker, andGeorge Yoghlo Tsuda.

Etter completed requirementaat f'JC durlng sp¡ing of 1965.Takakjian finished the sPrlng of56.

Easter HolidaysGloorge O. Eolstoln' dean of

admlesion and rccords, sa,td

thåt thero will be an Eastorvarc¿tlon whlch will last forftve school alays' from APr.1õ-19.

llho next hottdaY will belf,emortal Da¡ May 80.

college is accerd.ited, college

credits earned by its students maY

be transferred to any colle8:e oruniversity.

Tea,m MembersMembers of the team will ln-

clútle Algeo If. Brill, assistantto the Yuba College presideDt,chairman; Dr. tr'rancis Noel,bureau of audio visual educationchief (state department of educa-tion); Dr. Lawrence Osborne, as-sociate professor of English, Col-lege of the Pacific; Dr. IrenePalmer, women's physical educa-tion department chairman, SanJose College, and Dr. Reed Buf-fington, assistant su¡lerintendentof the Contra Cost Junlor Collegedistrlct. Dr._luffington is replace-ing Dr. 'lüllliam Prlest, Bresidentof Amërican River Junior College.

Arrangements for accredltingjunior colleges of Californl¿ arebeing handleil by the Commlseionfor ÀccredltlnB Junior Colleges;the state deDartñeût' of' eüusatlon,and the 'Western Colle8le Assocla-tlon.

Two Maln ValuesThe commlsslon sald that tt

believes the two main values ofaccredttation are self valuatlonand a constructive analysis by aprofessional agency employing agroup of impartlal observers whoare well qualifietl in the area ofpost graduate educatlon. Thevalue of self evaluation results"not alone from preparing for theaccreditation visit, which nor-mally comes but once ln fiveyears; rather, lt is more likely toresult from the contlnuous em-phasls on stand.ards anÒ qualltiesthat are consldered important,"

Âims.{fnal Purpo,ses

The team will investigate theaims and purposes of tr'JC, it cur-riculum, instruction, studeut per-sonnel aervlce, and admlnlstra-tlon. In checking upon proceduresof currlculum, the team wlll beconcerned with currlculum de-velopment, the program of generaleducation, education for transfer,vocatlonal educatfon, adult etlu-cation, and Drograms that meetspecial needs.

'White saial that the team willarrlve Ap,r, 8th to gêt acqualntedwith the tr'resno City Board ofqalucatlon and the F resno CitySchools Àdministration at a dln-ner in the evening.

Phi Thefa KappaÃl r .1.Plans lnitiation

Officers of the tr'resno JunlorCollegê chapter Pht Theta Kappa,'the national Junior college schol-astlc honorary fraternity, areplanning an initlatlon ceremonyAprtl 8 at ?:30 PM in the homeof the arlvlser, Mrs. DorothyBliss.

Invitatlons of meñbership havebeen 6ent to 63 etudents whoqualifietl by thelr fall Bemestergrades, QuallflcatlonÉ are a "B{"average for a mlnlmum of 16unlts per semester.

Accreditqtion T esm W ¡ I IVisit Fresrlo JC Cqmpus

An a Weswill vis Api

FJC c; Pof FJC willaccredited rating by recommendation after their investiga-

tion on the campus. 'When a junior

Formal DanceScheduledFor April 26

By SHIRLEIIffiI SIIMMERSÀprit, who introduced herself

Monday, is already booked for the26th on Fresno Junior College so-cial calendar, as hostess to one ofthe hajor events of the sPringsemester, the Spring tr'ormal.

Veda Luhm, social chairman,has drawn up a plan for thedance lncluding delegated chalr-matrBhlp for the many cateSories'Thus, everythlng i8 unde¡ conrtol,with time as the main factor indetermining the degree .of suc-cess of the Spring Formal, atwhich Ruben Ba¡rlos will P¡esldeas Master of ceremonies.

Orchestral arrangements are incharge of Atlolph Mendoza andMlsÈ Lùhm. 'Police, GilbertChacon and Fred Raco. Matron,tr'rancos Wrtght, @

Mlke Gay and frlane Avlla areapBointees to assemble the enter-tainment, and BennY Quintanaand Bob Palacios comÞose thecleaB-up commlttee.

The KIng and Queen Contestis being handled bY Dttti Rubald'v¡hlle Bitts wlll be the duty ofYolande Marquez.

r Marllyn Snyder is ln charge ofde(orationg of the ballroom. Pub-llclty is asslgned to Joe Lara.

Recelvtng llne' is charged toLlllan.* Monno and Jim McGee.Naoml Morales ls resPonsible forrefreshment tletalls.

All has been disclosed, so itseems that the mYsterlous antlcl-patlon lles'in the dance thememalnly, with some ques, aB totime, place, antl ri'bo will p¡ovttlqthe music? ? ?

Âs these things becoDe knowû,they will be publlsheal with'com.-plete ttetalls ln the Rampage.

The night of ÄPr. 26 falls on aI.ritlay.

Sfude nts MayOrder Cqps,^l('owns, ,vow

Mrs. Leona DeBarrT, book storeclerk, stated that any candldatefor graduation wlshing to ordercapg, gowns, aDnouncements, and

Bersonal cards may do so now.May 1 is the tleatlline to order

caps and gowng. A dePosit of $6wtll be required ln advauce whengowns are ordered. Students wish-

tf,Esr0 Jûrt[n G0LIEBE

,t ¡¡¡¡rD ¡t u ^¡roq

rD 3t¡þol¡¡



Chqmber OÍ Commerce SefsUp Home Study Progrqm

The Fresno Junior Chamber ofCommerce, with the cooperationof the World A.ffair Council, theInternational tr'rlendshlp Council,and the University of CaliforniaExtension, is setting up an in-formal home study group pro-gram, that will discuss Americanforeign lolicy.

Eopo f,'or La,rgo GroupBill Crump, co-chairman of the

Fresno Junior Chamber of Com-merce, said that, "the FresnoJunio¡ Chamber of Commercehopes to have 100 groups ofelght to 24 Bersons. There wlll beone meeting conducted. each weekfor eight weekÊ, at which a tllf-ferent subject will be dlscussed.The most important subjects onforelgn pollcy bave been selegtedto lnform the public about theUnited States tr'oreign Policies.The chambe¡ of commerce willarrange with televlsiotr and theFresno Bee to schedule talks andarticles for these programs."

The home stucly idea was ad-vaneed by the Forelgn Policy Às-sociation, a'nonpartisan and non-goverDnental group. The firstprogram was introduced in Port-land, Oregon, in 1956, and now

CAIEiIDAR OF IHE WEEKApr{l4 Student council meetlng.

Golf, FJO va. COS, atViealia. .

õ I'inal day of mid-to¡m ex-aninaúions.

6 Track FJC ve. San Jose.2 PlÚ,

I Phi Theta K.appa iniü¡tionat .homo of adviser, lfrs.I)orothy Bltsq 6O7 San Jose.

I Stntlent cor¡ncil moetlng at12:8O PM. Basoball, tr'JOve. COS, I PM at R,omaix.

1O Mtd-tom grades due. Ten-nis, f'JO og. 69¡llnga,'attrbesno.

ll--Entertåin Cou¡cil. trBI/A12:30 PM 8.8.

ÌVHOPPER-Displcying q check for $1,000,000'ore CitySchools Superintendent Edwin C. Krcrtt crrd .Alice Nishkicrr,the schools chief accountcmts clerk. The check is pclymentto the stqte for the old Fresno State College cqmpus for useby the F¡esno Junior College. -Bee Pkroto

ln Riverside, Californla, a n dtr'resno.

After completing the eight sub-ject sessions, each person attend-ing wlll be giYen a ballot wherehe may express his opinlon, å,llballots will be sent to the Btatedepartment and to the congre8s-man of the areâ.

Costs S1The material for the sesslon

will cost $1 which wfll go to theF oreign Policy Associatlon, anonproflt o¡ganlzation.

The tr'resno Juutor Chamber ofCommerce hopes to get thls pro-gram startetl by the mlddle ofABrtl.

Stanley Harth, assistant publicrelations counseler, sald FresnoJunior College and other collegesand hith schools are lnvlted toparticipate in this Btudy program.Information may be obtalned bythose who wlsh to join, or forma study group, from the cltychamber of commerce at AD-3-214L or -A.M 6-9633.

JC OrganizationÃ,' ¡I¡urscusses I np

The Newman Club of FresnoJunior College heltl a Beetlng'Wednesday, Mat. 27, to dlscussfinal plans ln preparatloD for theirtrip to the natlonal Newman ClubConvention May 10 through 12 fnReno, Nevada.

Marllyn Snyde¡, the club presi-d.ent, announcetl that all Cathollcstudents wantlng to attenal theconvention in Reno muet becomean actlve member of the clubimmediately,

The Newman Club recentlyplayed host for the CentralSection Central Province Newmantr'ederation Convention whlch wa¡helcl at the Hotel Fresno.

tr'or further informatlon regard-Ing the conventlon sturlents shouldcontact Mlss Snyder, Rtta Earrts,commissloner of publlcations, orthe advisor.

Page 2: 57_S_22_Apr04

RA'IIPAGE 1,1957Poge Two

f¡nÈ ,Fon Sq¡ne SEntouSINIK



rrEsno Jûxtot óolr¡c¡

flMPREE the ball everyone's been hav-ing by- taking mld-telm exams will

publtsþetl weekly by the Journallsm students of the Fresno Junlorl¡e over tomorrow.. TTt"_,,i:l- C"rrig",iror u"i"..rtv, Fresno, Callfornta, and conpose¿ at the Central I lovlne texts and notebooks will be

. r_ I

õrrloïi" Typoexaphlc servlcé, phone ÁD 3-3001. unstgned editorlals lcast asirle for the dreadful week-

are the expresslon of the etlltor. end full of party-tlme and other

EDITOR MIKE IIARTI¡¡¡ l¿uu activitles whlch make a per-

ASSISTANT EDITOR - - l-------------nUBEN BÂRRIOS lson wish that Mondav would

BUSINÐSS MÄNAGERSpORTS EDITOR----- .---.---JOITN rrÂUGÂN I r'tnatly Montlay l_e?e.s at_ vlu

ancl the gala festlìritles begln

M¡f il&ÐDßM

lOSt may be reCOVered, but nevertime. ¡r . -- rL^_^r^-^lhoor. at the llbrary happilv--ï[õË ii never ";;och

time to do everything, therefore | ..rf*i* through those glorlous

first things must come first. . . L--rr -^^-^ ^*lboots ror excitlns inrollatign t-9-'s;,ñ,?î"î ¿hir úíË;-*ã*entoos-topic into the scpne .9f l;ñi;;;;"u"*ãi"ã -ro¿. rt's arr

th;jffiùîcõii"grl irtði"lJ never enouãh time to study ade-11"" ïucnrquatelyfortests. _^^J r:_^ *,"^-^l No support Ìror ñlne

Everv man, women and child enjoys a good time, wherel to ï r,-;iffiJ ri" a -o-eot,he can i.elax ánd have fun. lhis.is fine, and

"e1{,-tp!olPÏTi ll'¿ tike to expre's my optntonsñ#verî;ö;".äñ;"î-"eiãi it theró is something on hislåì'."i^ioîtä"i'"ãi support thepi¡fl yþinh isr hntherinc him. lstudents have been giving the

Since me a-person must make theli;;;;ü,ä:most of is valùable a¡d shoúld neverl"-ïr"-;;;tnnins or the rallr,- -,,"1.,r . fharna iDst isn't that much of it. 1."åì.t]l- :;-";;.- -"" eyatrcd

T i me O nI y E I eme nt T hst I f"t"räl'îi it i'it:-:lÞtt",'i-, l-^-^-,- ^¡ L^ñ^ ,r^rào If yo¡

CsnNeve r BeRecoveredl *;äi'l everv-

Time is the only element that can never be made up' Money I e*tra

ieei itrat t l"'i-"";'believe it I

;it-: B'ti lå:""::'cationandneedrtïortnóiilineof enq-eavo¡, Llev Èrrvr¡¡(¡'-'*lãiäî" basketball Feason. Base-

-""i-"r.. fhc most of their opportunity. . l;;-":"";; or'^r,l,t not be env dif-nõt waüing time, but is merely pre-lstruggles and tlefeats he will meet in

Ic. ,lSomeone once said tträt time is money, but.more,tl*.th?t'l ¿ra.

time-is lifè, it is progress, and most important' time rs rr-l--qrer would. like to see the

exehanîe tlotetBY KAY BRAL/EY

StocKon kllletl a pine tree valued at $36.The custodlans âre cou[ter-at-îhe Colleglan-

Revie wer Søys "Vìsìon'WorkÙÍ Monumentsl De

students who do not have classeslipì"t. Bd-itor: "'What sha[ I sayltacX.ing with traps and Þolson and

ln the afte¡noon to come io thelalout the two'peroxlde blondeslsoon hope to have the Eltuetlonto

gi lìffin EAßTryfiY lFresno Junior College basebaulstuttent Dtnins E€lp:.."slt alownl Tact is the abiltty to Bhur your

Duell, Sloan, an-d learce have published .a book of monu- ltelnt sir we.Berve anybody." I -"-'--

lmouth before someone else çants

gophers so f,ar have made manylle when'vou sraduate?"

write about the formatlon of to-lyou'd cut classes and sit in the

I O Greqlest day's planes. He is publtc rela-lstudent unlon all tlay. Thetions manager for the Boeing .A'ir- | stronger students would let noth-

What people down througn nis-lBlane Companv' editor tl '-t:llng

c-ome i" thgll Y{-ild-Yltorv wooi¿ vou' consia; c.ã.t i"- | pumg N:*"'

. ?:d :lbjî_nl"il1 I :1" ItLllt- _doo:,'^^:Yl"T:11 iT:a.smuch that their tãã"rr- u"""lei"".to"- of publlc relatlons antlltrre-cobwebbs cleared from the

had the most and lasting influ- l adYertlsing'


He also was aboard the first

.ristandSaintPaul. - lstory of vislon,.of the strugglesTwo agreed on Mohammeal' I th"t h"tr" Élone on ln the minds of

Burtdha, Moses, Martin Luther' I men, of inspiration and courage.Plato, and Karl Ma¡x.

There were two who receivedone of the instructor's llst: Con-

fucius, Loyola, Constantine, Len-in, Âristotle,' John Calvin, JohnLocke, Leonardo da Vlncl, New-ton, atd Darwin'

It was lnteresting to Dote

that one Amerlca¡ of the Pestwas placed on one of the lists'tbat one belng Äbraham Llncoln'Algo a Pergon llvlnt now was cho-

sen. That PerÊton ls a BelÊfa¡, Al'bert Schweltzer.

No¡e of the lnstructors Placeda ùoman on the llst.

*""tãfh"riC" in Hàrold " .l .ru*e Box for studgnû union I pirøro press- l;". -'- ""^-

--:;Visiõ;'tîsasagaof t thedevelopmentl Many comments ^oj]:_

o-.^.-"1 on a recent blolosy "*-t:1-l'"'r, *" o",of d¡î'ä"pî*e-tîõ* * monstrosities of lmaae around.

-the-ca-mpu,s. ::];ltioi r,ãis Denntson save an ---1.^r rnke snf,rle ¿'¡rpr¿urtr rrv't' iI+ -^",o-o^ ñrqnÂq :-'--î--------- - l;;;i";1ìtt. il" to. - I Lrur !u¡Ë

":-"::::""f:';":;t; lnot take so m',st""yeátiothesleek jetpoweredpÞnesof today. lcerninsaJukeboxforthe€tudeDtlexpected atrBwers. The question

Á.trhoush Mansflerd,s b o o k1-- __ I ;".t"*--some stude:" *1t1": -l:lïä;ä

' ,"" paüent's ilnes+ lins those or rlãrtå,n *t-to tñeãeet jet powerec pÞnes of today'

deals prtnar¡y with ri""noiå]itlto" tn" real reason for the nro-lwoulrl be-nlce. to- b." 3b.l" 1_1 tl:l;ffä;" trearment, .oa r""o"álF

is baetcaly a true loox rito -á";lcress or man in his de¡elopmentltn the careterla.ht|"" : "11 îll;äi;;: Mtss Dennlson diasnosedlahrs phlosophy, hls .";.;;;ltr |

ãt trt. airplane, or for th?t matter I corfee and . llstenins to ttt"i"

[ å"änîscrtbeat. Then she recordeg I no"."* -''

Lir*". anã most rmþortant, hislanv_rier.l. 11*hi.h-l:."1Y"1".Ì_.lravolte -"..]1,- ^__^-^_^lthe rollowtns results: "The Þa-l ":h" ::;;t;;:-

_-- . I Mansfteld says that man mustl Others thlnk .that. evervo.neltieot diea of unknown causes.".l Drofessor,"

rn his book, Mansfie,d s*iveslln': ;::t*l:ï;3i"i;å'"Tî"xi1lffi'f Ï iîi"i,r':Ï$'iå"i"j*il4ï:*::ïi# "î"3ä.ïåï""rJ li:""i:l;Jthen work for the solutlon ¡V a_p-lstead of the llb¡ary when thevlsvr..v'v - -.Jto¿i"".

- a"elth"ee seats apart and ln alternâte

plying wbat he knows, but with-lhave wórk to ilo. rt would be ;l*,,lor: ^,to^tt""Tl'cT.r"trr combatlrows."

3 Instructorsplying wbat he knows, but-wrth-lhav€ work to alo. lt woutc De,llt".nr

"og"g"d lD mortal combatlrows."

out belng stuck ln the mud andlmatter of will Bower as to whatl:;.;;"*.I i-o nn ø¡nheÊ- ThelTeachrout belng stuck tn the mld .anclmat_te1 of wlll Bower as to woa:lagatnst ro

"r v on gopherç. ThelTeacher: "What do you expect toby strlvlng for further develon-lto do ln vour free hours. If vou'l9l;;;;;; ;;'have made manylbe when.you sraduate?"

ence on manklnd?rhts was the question asaealt"?.i,'9Ï'il--tlg'^:t" 1"""^


;ä"öiiil*;"ï""Til¿ä"*olt'T::".::T",i111:"'11:'::"'l1i"l;;i 1""iå,iåi,i " i "ä;

"'* ï I -:l:-o ::n. f^'?ll'- -o,"*:""^""'1, ::;:" 'i:;'i;îni *-ää"- *ii'"" I i:1'ï1':: ',:"^'::l"iniï:" T,ån;1",1"""äu"rti'tå""r'täì".i""î'ã;l:l:::X:t:::i:i:T:::*:the greatest.mass of People.

theme. The story line being Pro-r E;rcaLcËr,.u4sË ur ¡,svP¡ç. lgress la the alr, and the themeThose Bâking- the list w€t€ liol.o oror^tbelng vlslon.

Noel itodsha.m Wtlliam' Rumleyl Summi"g up, the book is trulyand Hugh Golway.

a maJority vote: they were Jesuslmore than that though, it is aChrist and Saint Paul.



2O Btqckstone Ave. Corner Divisodero ond Blqckstone



BÍllÍord Íheotre213ó TULARE

"Where the Slors ploy"



lleut h U¡sutBy BARBARA BEhGRIAN


ron ilss oR lROUl FlSHlNg

Rqs'itóti I Tu


#1. "tt .3tY-"-"-i Now I 9e5

JAYCEE BARBER SHOP2430 Stonislous St.


Page 3: 57_S_22_Apr04

Thursdoy, April. 4, I 9 57 RA'ITPAGE

ARTISTS - Four Fresno iunior College cnl students, left toright, Bob Brqndt, Dove Mcrnskicrn, uSonycr Miller, crrdÄndrew Koticrn qre seen crttempting to place q likeness ofmodel Lucille Limegrover on pqper. The FJC qrt clqsses crenow holding classes on the Annex lcrwn.,

-Pendergrcss Photo

JC Prexy, Hqnsler InspectLBCC Aeronqutìcql Buìldíng

stuart M. white, nr"3å# äm"" Junior collese, andRobert P. Hansler, chairman of the technical and industrial


T-f, I HeodAttendìngConference

Robert P. Hansler, chairma¡ ofthe technical and lntlustrlal edu-cation division is attendlng theannual conference of industrialeducation adminlstrators at SanJose this week,

Ilansler is seryl¡g on a com-mittee on the study of graduateBtudents and. also on the com-mittee on .the salary for trstleand iûdustrial teachers and. ad-miûistrators.

The conference will be followedby a tro day convention of lndustrial arts and trade antl inrlustrlalteachers tomorlow and Saturdayof this week.

Mrs. Mildred Bosteder, instruc-tor of Yocatlonel nurslng, Isserving on a panel representlngvocational nursing at the Satur-day ctnfernce meetint.

Last week three faculty mem-bers represented the tr'resnoJunior College during the ReedleyCollege Career Day.

They were James Dinsdale,electronics, Mrs. Bosteder, nurs-ing, and. Mlss Ethel McOormack,business divislon chai¡natr.

Bank Of 'America To GiveAwards To JC Students

Two annr¡Èl awards of $100each will be glven two selectedstudents of ,tr'resno Junior Collegeby the Bank of America.

One of the aw¿rds wlll be D¡e-sented to a stud,ent maJorlng lnbanking or bueinese admiuistra-tlon. the other awa¡d. will bepresented to a maJor itr clerlcalor sec¡etarial courgês, Theseawards include a certlflcate ofrecognition and a cash award. of$100 for each winne¡.

The winners will te honoredand their cash awards presentedat a Junior 'college buslnessalr'ards dlnner earlq in June.

The selection committee will bemade up'of the chalrman of thebusiiress d.epartment,' a facultymember from, each of the busl-ness field.s from whlch the awardls to be glven, chairmap of thecommittee in charge óf honorawards to students; and adnin-ist¡ative head of the college. Thecommlttee will meet in the earlypart of Aprtl to make the selec-tions.

The basls for selection are asfollows: 1. students must be ma-Joring ln business administ¡ationor banking, secretarial or clêricalcourses; 2, the students selected.fust have grade polnt aye¡&g€g

that place them amongthe high-est of the students wlthin thelrrespectlve occupational area ¿ridshould be no less than an ave¡agoof 2.0 on a 3.0 scale, or ¿ 3.0 oDa 4.0 scale; 3. a mlnlmum of. 21units must havq been credlterl; 4.personallty appropriate to thestudent's occupatlonal choic+-especlally the abtlity to get ¿lo¡gwith other people; 6. a record ofsuccessful partlclpatlon and ef-fective leadershi¡i in extra-classcanrpus actlvities wlth. preferen-tial consideration for Êervlce lnthe bilsiness department; 6. rle-sirable, but, not essential, a recordof successful employment tn bust-ness; 7. preference given to thosestudents graduatlng in occupa-tlonal courses and entêrlng em-ployment. fielcls.

tr'ramed ceqtlflcates wtll be sentto FJC by lale May and presentedto the winners. An awards dlnnerwlll be held for the wlnners andfaculty representatives the eve-ning of Juue 4 at the St. tr'ranctsHotel, San tr'rancisco. îhe presen-tatlon of the $100 awards wlll bemade oD this occasion. A travelallowance will be made tostudeuts having to travel a con-siderable distance to attead thlseYeDt.


The visit, recommended bY theCivil Aeronautlcs .A.dminlstration'was made to inspect the aero-n¿utlcal building at Long Beachin an effort to get an ftlea of abuiltltng of the same nature fo¡future constructlon at FJC.

Whlte and Hansler were accom-panied by Erwin A. Dann, aÊglgt-ant superlntendent of secondarYeducatio'n for Fresno Clty Schoolgand'Walter Wagner, ârchitect.

In ¿n interview, 'Whlte statédthat "There ls a tremendous needfor an A and E program at FJC.'We have beèn w<i¡kins nrtth th-e

CAÅ ln plannlng for the aeronau-tlcal progran. It was uBot thelrrecommendatlons that we vl¡ltetlLong Beach Clty College becauseit ls a Dew bullallng wtth thelateet equlpment,"

He declared that constructlonon' the new bullctings should be-gin wiùhtn six months, at leastsometime betÌÍeen now and SeP-tember. "'We are wolking with thearchitects now

- we ar€ in the

planulng stags -

we hoPe to beflnished by fall of 1958."

The new additions to the l.JCcampus would be built on landbetween 'Weltlon and Mcl(lnleyavenues. west of the campus andeast of the Santa ¡'e Railroaaltracks, not lncludlng the JohnMaBnlng property and one con-crete.duplex on a trlangutar làt.

J,noJ O'Zrol"íonDresses Hosiery

Sporlsweor CootsLingerie Suits


3312 N. Blockstonein Monchesler'shopping Dist.

Bill ond Lucille Hummer, Prop.


3t l5 Blqckstone

GATENDAR says it's spring . . . but it ain't necessarilyso. The fueezin'season may still come up with one lastblast. A¡d when that happens, your cigarette smokemakes a mighty Crisp Wísp! Of course, with Luckies,you can forget the weather. Luckies taste fine all yearround-and no wonder! A Lucky is alÌ cigarette . . .nothing but finé, mild, good-tasting tobacco that'sTOA,STED to taste even þetter. Forecast: You'll sayLuckies are the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked!


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START STICKIINGI/5ùrnAKEs25 W7'We'll pay $25 for eveqy Sùickler we

prinù-and for hr¡¡drede mo¡e thatD€ver g€t used! So start Stickling-

wgrdsm¡:st have the sane nunber ofsyllables. (Don't do drawinæ.) Seud'em ¡ll with your uane, addlese,college and clase to HappyJoe-Lucky,Bcix 67A', Mou¡ü Vq¡ou, N. Y.

Luckiesïasle Befler


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@ÀT.c-. pRoDUcr ",,ZH'ú"rrz- r%"""târry-"T AMERrca'a LEADTNG *ìrr,r"^...r*rR oF c¡cARErrEs

Page 4: 57_S_22_Apr04

Errors GiveFalconsWinAverFresno


The Coaltnga College F.alconsgalned a tight g¡ip on first Place'in the Central California JuniorCollege,A.thtetic Âssociation ¡aceTuesday nl8ht aB they edged thetr'resno Junior College Ram nine'4 to 3, in Coalinga, behind thestellar three hit Performance ofFalcon eouthpaw LeroY Gregory.The big curve ball artlst bestedtr'resno's Jerry Burcher ln a fineDltcher's duel which featuredfourteen strikeouts bY Gregoryand eleven bY Burcher. TheFalcons managed six hits offBurcher, manY of them being ofthe "scratch" variety.

Fresno scored once in the firstand twice in the fourth' Two baseson balls and. a Pair of singles ac-

counted for the single tallY of thelocals ln the oPening frame.

Two tr'or FresnoIn the fourth inning Don Fer-

guBon walked, Phil Bertelsenstngletl' moving tr'erg:uson to thirdand "Ze]c!e" Zimmerman laiddown a perfect bunt which scoredtr'erguson from third and sentBertelsen to second. Jerry Bur-cher hlt into an attemPtetl doubleplay but the Falcon second base-ms,n threw wllally and Bertelsentallled all the way from second.

fielde¡ and belted a double downathletic types.

RACQUETEERS-Members of the Fresno |unior CollegeTennis teom ore, bock row, left to right, Bob Mclntyre, crnd

eft to right, Bqrbqra Fragus,Podsqkoff. Kneeling is LouiseMowrey, Zeke Scrrderson crnd

-lV'oodfin Photo

ätf i;l*t"Jîîi;:",';î'"'ffi I F res n o, Bg gq! e y Fa | |

Ram mlscues g:ave the

mf,::r"ritr'" bottom or trrel Bgfore COS Power

FJC Drops Tigers LoseFalcons OnMuni Course

Coach Hans Wedenhoefer'sfirst Ram golf team ln the historyof Fresno Junlor Collese oPened

the CCJCÃ seaÊcl last ThursdaYwith a 22 to L4 victory over theCoalinga JC on the tr'resno Muni-cipal course.

The inexBerienced Ram squadwill meet the Powerful College ofthe Sequoias Giants today inVisalia,

Coach 'Wledenhoefer is wellpleased with the progress of hischarges and reports that the teammembers have been Practlcingclatly ancl their desire to improvetheií game leaves little to be de-slred.

Final results found. James;McCro¡y, FJC, droBplng his matchto E. Comstock, Coalinga,6-0;Haaden Dollar, tr.JC losing to B.Dill, Coalinga, 4-2'i Elrnle Hind-man, tr'JC, losing to B. Bento,Coalinga, 4-2; DoD. SimerlY, FJC,over G, Porter, Coalinga,6-0;Paut Sedbetter, tr'JC, droPPed M..q,rcellus, Coallnga, 6-0; andRonald '!ily'inter, FJC, ilroPPed E.Marker, Coallnga, 6-0.


C,oalinga Fþores I _- | quite a blt In the past century | who rifletl the balltrres'o helo a a to z iea¿ untill- The_collese of seouoi4F wal-J The individual events:

- |.'tiä ti" g.-" was origtnatJ-l;i;*;;;"Burcher was tag-1'--^r ñ-^--^ Yr'¡r^! ^^rr^"e_ andl Pole vault: DeBenedict COS,¡-t -- thts oldl;;-l"J .;;Burcher a¡as taC- | :_:: I rore Yaurr: f,,eJ5en€(l¡cL uuÞ, I thts old I singlecl sha"Liîl"iii;"îTî;l ffilili'^åî:';;""::'":".'i:H :å::l 'åJ".Jül;,:*,nr';

Thel ."loon rrdo. ami+' r!ôs Nntaa õñR I ModernlThel -^ïï^:"' s_ Norce cos.l ModernlRams t lû-lrunnrns up r04% pornts to neea-llfo vds: tÏ:tl ::,t'Nolce


nrng " to-" |

,""', 26tt¿ atd.Fresno's 21. , I :::"-.:::,::r,,rr**;";n:;l :;,ïiff"-,"r",ti iîïtí""Jî:i,lt,3 I i

IÍ'ermson. ...3 I 2 3I Ricñmond, .-. 3 1 14 1lBertelsen, ...2 0 4 0lzlmmerrna ...4 0 0 0

I Totals: -.-g2 6 n nI Porterville 000 101-rFlesno JC 000 02x-3

T'on tndi-lcos, Frelsen R' 'woods Ços'l r.o"" 21 runs was the winner. lso**"f. -1Ë"'.:-__:.:::::::::::::::: å t 4 ie9tall"lg"iq jump:-wood...cos:.Youn8lsuch waa basebalt tn Abnerlyilìi?f;?..:_:.:::::::::::::_:_::3 î g Il9 Boints. I F, Messer COS, mlle: Atktnson I nnrrhÌcrtnv's and .A.lec Cartwrteht's I ölËitî"tr .-.-...-...-..-.._.....- 4 0 1 0


Speciol Rqles to Students

Decision ToRoms, 4-l

The Fresno Junior Collegetennis team came up with a de-

cislve win over Reedley JunlorCollege last Thursday on theReedley courts as they won byfour matches to one, It was theftrst tiúe tr'JC beat Reedley sincecompetltive tennls was establlshedin the schools,

.qJthough all the tr'JC Blayersplaye$ well, Cathy Podzokoffstood out as an indlvldual Blayer.

The inclividual matchee went as

follows: Men's singles, JerrYDowell vs. Ed Koop, 2-6, 6-4, 6-3,Fresno; 'Women's singles, CathYPodzokoff vs. Glenna Barkman,6-3, 8-6, Fresno; MeD's doubles,Zeke Sanderson and John Loschkevg. Ron Whitney and Jlm Clay-poole, 6-1, 9-7, tr'resno; Mlxeddoubles, Loulse Taylor and BobMclntire vs. Dorothy Smlth andCharles Stiinger, 6-3, 6-1, F¡esno;'Women's doubles, AnD Mowreyand Barbara Fragus vs. MyrnaSchmidt and .Ann Braun, 6-3, 1-6,6-4, Reedley.

Keller Hurls RamsBy Porterville, 3-'1

The Fresno Junior College R¿ms moved back into thethick of the Central California Junior College Baseball con-ference race by notching a 3-1 victory over the Porten'illeCollege Pirates, Friday afternoon on the Romain diamond.

Ace Ram hurler Larry Keller locked horns with PireteMonte Bedford ln a tight pltchlngcluel. Keller gave up three hlte tothe Pi¡ate sticke¡s while striklngout ten. Beclfortl was nlcked forsir bingles ln tolng the route forPorterville.

Rame Score

seem to think getting into physt- | The Rame opened the scoringcal shape ls a pretty rough go. I in the third inninS. Âugie Caldera

My Grandmother relate<l this I letl off with a line single to rlght

story to me this past week. Shelcenter' orvde..tÈee| tr.led. t9 .lay

attended co¡ege at tne ¡eiinoiog I ao*o a sacriflce bunt, but the

of the centufy at a now defunct ì .Plrates qrucKly na¡led ualdera

Breck college in wilder, Minn"lsotns into second; Ree'l wa8..afelocated ln the southwestern part | _on tlrst. Jfeller stepped üo tne

of Mlnn. At that tlme Indians I batters box and promptlv forced

were still around in great num- I Reed at second for two outs.

bers and several weré attending I Cloyce Keeney received a f¡ee

college at the same time she was-. I nas_s to first putting men on flrst

These Indfans were of the tall, I anal second. Left-hand ewlnging

broad shouldered, and. """ylDon Ferguson crossed up the left

Àlso going throush this ltue I :*1"::^t:l line to score Keller

*;" il"t;: "ä;;ä Â;ï ä; lrrom second'

most of the men students would I Porterville managed one run inhop thls freight train into tfre I

the seventh to knot the score at

neighboring town of lIeron Lake I one to one'

for r€creat'ional purposes, But lDwo Morothese Indlans, instead of rlding| Fresno came back in the eighththe train, would bet the engineerlinning for two big runs. A walkthey could run the 12-16 miles to I to flit Éertelsen,. Jack- "Zeke"toE'D and beat the traln tn ttoing.l Zimmerman received life on anso. And as my Grandmother de- | error by the Plrate sbortôtop,clared, the traln w¿B no match! | and a single by Stan Busch pro-

Changeo I duced one run, Caldera eroundedBaseball rules have changed I a hot one to the first baseman,

{t 9 See 9t

Some of our would-be athletes

IACO 1IENDA"Sponislr ÍooìI at ns Besf'

Milk ShqkesTqcosTostodosRe-Fried Beons

Plenty of Porking SpoceCorner

Clinton & Blqckstone


"I begBut. kiss?"

thing?""Elecause, my dear, today it's spring

Bec¿use there's romance in the airBecause you are so very fair!"

"lbene?s a lot in what you've said.Okay, liss me. . . go ahead."

ilORAf¡ Faint heårt never won¡eal saûisfaetion in smoking. If youlike yotrr pleasure BIG, smoke for¡eal-moke Chesterfield. Packednore mootbly by ACCU.RAY,it's the moothest tastingooke tloda¡r.

Smoke for g! . . . tlrokc Che¡rcrfleldl880 1o¡ aay philoæphíul oeæ @Vd Io¡ publíøtbn. CIn@, P.O. Bæ 2l,NatYûh46,N.Y.(t(Oualt¡ a frd 1oùræ Co,