57849289 SOA Fundamentals

© 2007 IBM Corporation SSO Middleware 4/19/2008 Middleware Team SOA - Service-Oriented Architecture Junior Martins [email protected]

Transcript of 57849289 SOA Fundamentals

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© 2007 IBM CorporationSSO Middleware 4/19/2008

Middleware Team

SOA - Service-Oriented Architecture

Junior [email protected]

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� 1. The Value of SOA

� 2. SOA Concepts

� 3. Basic SOA Architecture

� 4. SOA Management

� 5. Preparing for SOA

� NOTE: this training focus on IBM test 664, SOA Fundamentals.


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� Today, enterprises must be more dynamic than ever to survive. They need new, evolved ways of handling the competition, and their IT infrastructures must support them as they face unique challenges they didn't have to face years ago.

� SOA is the way that companies can develop IT infrastructures capable of supporting dynamic enterprises.

1. The Value of SOA

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� A. Identify business functions where SOA can improve competitiveness and productivity.

� To increase flexibility, companies need to look at business operations as a collection of interconnected functions—discrete processes and services (checking customer credit information, authenticating users, and so on).

� This is a powerful idea in itself, but to achieve this degree of flexibility in business operations, companies need an equally flexible IT environment. SOA provides a valuable response to this need for flexibility in business operations by providing the core structure of an on-demand operating IT environment.

1. The Value of SOA: Identify business functions

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� Explain to What SOA Is... Like Musical Notes

1. The Value of SOA: Simple analogies for SOA: "SOA is like..."

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*Innovation is defined as the process making change in order to do something new.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) makes change easily.

Traditionally building your IT many pieces together of Hardware, Software and Networking.

These components are rigidly integrated, so play a new tune is difficulty.

SOA, your IT is building by "Modularly assembled" and "Easily reconfigurable" components.

Like musical notes, but it is not hardware or software.

Musical notes represents a business service, like Checking Credit, Checking Inventory or Tracking Shipping Status

SOA allows for flexible composition of music, create a tune right for the market.

You can reconfigure same notes and perform something different.

Save time and money.

We can add some new notes and combine with another group of the notes.

To do something new to help business grow.

SOA, give you the flexibility to change.

1. The Value of SOA: Simple analogies for SOA: "SOA is like..."

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� Check out these analogies for different ways of thinking about SOA on these attached movies:

� What_is_SOA_Music.wmv

� What_is_SOA_Building_Blocks.wmv

� What_is_SOA_Wardrobe.wmv

Reference: http://www.SOAeasy.com

1. The Value of SOA: Simple analogies for SOA: "SOA is like..."

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Q: A furniture store lets customers view its product catalogue online as a PDF file or as a printed copy in store. Customers pay for an item in-store or on the phone. The store wants to enable online payment as well. The store has a supplier which is notified of purchases so it can ship the item(s). The supplier is not expected to change in the future. The notification and shipment processes are highly optimized and stable. If the company adopts SOA, which business function will most improve competitiveness and productivity?

A) View catalogue

B) Purchase item ( CORRECT )

C) Notify shipper of purchase

D) Ship item

1. The Value of SOA: Identify business functions

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�Q: The business function that an SOA can impact the most in order to improve competitiveness and productivity is one that:

A) is already defined as a web service.

B) is to be provided to customer globally. ( CORRECT )

C) has a homogeneous IT environment.

D) has subsecond response time constraints.

1. The Value of SOA: Identify business functions

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Q: A Banks loan processing begins by the customer filling out a loan application on paper and the clerk entering this information is a secured database. The bank aims to improve this process by enabling customers to fill out applications online and automatic entering the information to the secured database. The Bank IT Environment is not multi-platform and the same programming language is used universally. Which two statements are true (choose 2) ?

A) The company cant benefit from SOA adoption since it does not have multi-platform environment

B) The company cant benefit from SOA adoption since it does not have a multi-programming language environment

C) Representing the task of adding information to the database as a service in SOA makes it easily available ( CORRECT )

D) The task of filling out applications involves human interaction and can benefit be being represent as the starting point of a composite SOA process ( CORRECT )

E) SOA can be adopted only after the bank enables filling out applications online composite SOA process

1. The Value of SOA: Identify business functions

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Composite applications are applications built from the business functions of existing applications, with perhaps one or two new components added.

This figure below shows a composite application. In this example, a business sets up a call center to sell directly to customers over the phone. It uses new SOA-enabled call center software to manage the calls. This application consists of six business functions (C1, C2, ...). The call center must be able to enter orders and process payments, so it requires all the order-processing functions (01, 02, ...). The telephone sales staff needs to be able to check on stock, so they need, for example, function W4 from the warehouse system. Hiring the telephone sales staff requires all the functions (H1, H2, ...) of the human resources and payroll systems. The call history module logs all the calls to the call center. To pay the sales staff, a specially calculated commission may require writing a function (or module). A function to link call records to customer records must also be written.

1. The Value of SOA: Composite applications

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Q: SOA can provide the most improvement in competitiveness and productivity if the business function:

A) Has a Sigle-platform Environment

B) Is currently highly-optimized in terms of performance

C) Can be easily integrated in case there are future acquisitions ( CORRECT )

D) Is already defined as a Web Application

1. The Value of SOA: Identify business functions

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�B. Identify the SOA factors that make businesses more agile. � Q: How can SOA provide business agility?

A) The IT infrastructure approach provided by SOA recommends having multiple services for the same function.

B) The IT infrastructure approach provided by SOA requires no change to meet new business needs.

C) The IT infrastructure can easily be adapted to meet business needs. ( CORRECT )

D) The responsibility of modifications to the IT infrastructure is given to a single authority to speed up the modifications.

1. The Value of SOA: factors that make businesses more agile

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�Q: Which three serve as catalysts in an SOA to provide business agility (choose 3)?

�A) Reusable services ( CORRECT )

�B) Limitation on the total number of services

�C) Ability to enlarge the operation and scope of services ( CORRECT )

�D) Ability to replace service providers ( CORRECT )

�E) Single-platform IT environment

�F) Use of J2EE

�NOTE: Catalysts - estimulante.

1. The Value of SOA: factors that make businesses more agile

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� IBM critica iniciativa SOA da Microsoft

� http://www.broffice.org/IBM-critica-iniciativa-soa-da-ms

� Para a IBM, a abordagem da Microsoft à arquitetura SOA - Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços - vem sendo frustrada pela ênfase dada à compatibilidade dos processos com os desenvolvimentos da companhia. Isso porque, segundo a IBM, SOA demanda padrões abertos para interligar aplicativos, e não proprietários, como é o caso da iniciativa da empresa de Bill Gates.

� A IBM afirma que, enquanto ela e outros concorrentes desenvolvem aplicativos para rodar em qualquer plataforma, a Microsoft tenta prover capacidades de conectividade para soluções rodando sobre plataformas Windows. E esta seria, de acordo com especialistas da Big Blue, a grande e fundamental diferença entre as abordagens das empresas.

� Em entrevista ao ZD Net, Steven Mills, executivo do IBM Software Group, explica que, enquanto a IBM tenta conectar qualquer ambiente, esteja o cliente usando Windows ou não, a Microsoft trabalha sob a perspectiva de conectar ambientes rodando especificamente o seu sistema operacional.

1. The Value of SOA: IBM critica iniciativa SOA da Microsoft

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� Q: Which business interaction model approach, if any, is the recommended SOA approach that leads to business agility?

�A) All points integrate in a point-point integration, where technology aware bridges are built between application components

�B) All point integrate once to the network, publish their services and make service requests ( CORRECT )

�C) All point integrate to a hub once and have subscription to a limited number of services

�D) SOA does not strictly recommend one approach since the approach can vary depending on serveralfactors

1. The Value of SOA: factors that make businesses more agile

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� On "The IBM SOA reference model"

� Interaction services: these collaboration services include portals, instant messaging capabilities, and different device interfaces, such as wireless devices and PCs. In addition, these services enable people in different locations or different areas of an organization to work together.

1. The Value of SOA: Interaction Services

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�Q: When does a company attain competitive business agility?

�A) When the same communication mechanism is used by all services; thus leading to a fast response time

�B) When a change in business process doesn’t require a change to application programming logic ( CORRECT )

�C) When the number of services is less than the number of individual business needs

�D) When the services of the company are faster than the comparable services of the competitors

1. The Value of SOA: factors that make businesses more agile

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� C. Realize the opportunity costs of not adopting SOA.

� D. Identify situations where SOA does not provide the desired value.

� In certain cases, it is better NOT to implement an SOA because it is not a suitable solution. As with all approaches, there is NO one-size-fits-all with SOA.

� [4] Jason Bloomberg, "When Not to Use an SOA,"http://www.zapthink.com/report.html?id=ZAPFLASH-02162004. Jason Bloomberg is a senior analyst at ZapThink LLC in Waltham, Massachusetts.

� When you have a homogeneous IT environment. Theoretically, you might still need an SOA if you want to consider opening services to an external environment.

� When true real-time performance is absolutely critical, such as at telephone switches or in other situations that require nanosecond response times. Though as hardware and networks develop, you might find SOA-based solutions here as well.

� When flexibility is NOT needed, such as if the processes of the business are already direct and uncomplicated and do not need change. If there already exist optimized commodity processes, then the organization may not benefit from changing to an SOA.

� When tight coupling is needed, such as within a cohesive component or application.

� If the organization isn't ready for it. SOA is typically a cross-organization effort. It is rarely likely to deliver immediate business benefits for a single line of business application, such as order entry for standardized products.

1. The Value of SOA: opportunity costs of NOT adopting SOA

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� The use of SOA is strongly dependent on a true partnership between the IT and business units of an organization in order to achieve business-change agility.

� IT and business forces force enterprises to become more dynamic.

�Rule of Thumb 2: IT and Business as Peers

� You cannot build a successful SOA model if you cannot forge peer working relationships between the IT and business groups.

1. The Value of SOA: IT and Business

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�Q: Which factor is the least likely key business driver in deciding to adopt an SOA?

�A) The existing technology represents an organic infrastructure that is simply too expensive or complex to maintain

�B) The existing system is exhibited proudly as evidence that the company is at the forefront of data-processing technology ( CORRECT )

�C) The existing system fails to offer the capabilities that the myriad of new business challenges require

�D) There are massive cultural changes occurring in business merges, acquisitions, downsizing and upsizing

1. The Value of SOA: deciding to adopt an SOA

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� Roadmap - Acts as the master plan to guide your enterprise to a successfully changed and agile business.

� In other words “guia, roteiro ou ainda plano estratégico. No contexto de TI roadmap é uma visão estendida do futuro de um campo escolhido de investigação composto de uma coletânea de conhecimento de pesquisadores nesse campo”.

�Thumb - as a rule of thumb – “como regra geral”.

1. The Value of SOA: Tip

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� The knowledge from the SOA business value roadmap can be condensed into the following rules of thumb that we have learned from various projects across many industries [Service-Oriented Architecture Compass: Business Value, Planning, and Enterprise Roadmap]:

�Rule of Thumb 1: SOA Benefits

� There are many business and technical benefits to an SOA, but none is as important as the capability for a company to respond quickly and effectively to business change and to leverage that change to gain a competitive advantage.

� Rule of Thumb 2: IT and Business as Peers

� You cannot build a successful SOA model if you cannot forge peer working relationships between the IT and business groups.

� Rule of Thumb 3: Incremental Business Services

� In an agile business, incremental business services that mirror business process steps become the core deliverables of the IT group.

�Rule of Thumb 4: Business-Smart IT Architects

� Business-aware IT architects are the bridge between the company's IT and business units.

�Rule of Thumb 5: Opportunities for Services

� Within a business process, each interaction with an IT asset is a potential location for a service.

1. The Value of SOA: The Nine Business Rules of Thumb for SOA

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� Rule of Thumb 6: Measuring Services

� A service that mirrors and executes a business process can be used to allocate IT costs and provide IT justification by correlating the IT costs with business process results.

� Rule of Thumb 7: Service-Oriented Means in the Core

� Companies committed to SOA will find business processes and services at the center of both business design and IT delivery.

� Rule of Thumb 8: Proving Business Value of SOA

� A company's SOA gives IT a definitive way to prove business value through business results measurements.

� Rule of Thumb 9: Competitive Business Agility

� When a change in business process no longer requires a change to application programming logic (that is, when you have a successful SOA), your company has attained competitive business agility.

1. The Value of SOA: The Nine Business Rules of Thumb for SOA

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� Q: What will cost more if SOA is NOT adopted?

�A) Product deployment time is saved.

�B) Web services cannot be exposed.

�C) Money is saved because SOA is a very expensive solution.

�D) Department or inter-company merges are more difficult. ( CORRECT )

1. The Value of SOA: Questions

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� What Opportunities Will Companies Miss if They Don't Implement SOA?

�Implementing business-driven IT with SOA promises to simplify and accelerate business transactions. Therefore, the agility and flexibility options of an SOA allow organizations to better handle business situations like the following:

- Department, intracompany, or intercompany mergers

- Acquisition

- Divestiture

- Product or service rollouts

- Business partner, customer, or supplier changes

- Geographical expansion

- Competitive gains in market share

1. The Value of SOA: to better handle business situations

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� Q: Which two factors have a positive impact on becoming ready for SOA (choose 2) ?

�A) A single platform environment

�B) Limiting the amount of change in the organization ( CORRECT )

�C) A clear separation of function which bounds the scope of the component service

�D) Services decomposed to the right level ( CORRECT )

�E) No using the Internet as a communication channel

1. The Value of SOA: Questions

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�Q: Which three factors affect the readiness for SOA (choose 3) ?

�A) The maturity of SOA technology

�B) Business have changed at such an unprecedented rate that skills and cultural adaptability fell short

�C) SOA solves all technical and business problems ( CORRECT )

�D) SOA is, in part, a marketing slogan, a set of slides and quick fixes that can be applied (CORRECT)

�E) SOA alleviates the need for prioritizing investment opportunities ( CORRECT )

�F) There is a fundamental shift in the way businesses will be required to adapt and change.

1. The Value of SOA: Questions

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� Q: Which two people or technology factors could have a negative impact on a companys readiness for SOA (choose 2) ?

�A) An understanding that SOA requires a paradigm shift towards more flexible business models

�B) Resistance to change in the organization ( CORRECT )

�C) Empowerment of an SOA governance body

�D) Support of senior executives

�E) A vision of SOA that is not balanced with the delivery capabilities of the IT department ( CORRECT )

1. The Value of SOA: Questions

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� Silos � A organização pode ser representada por uma figura que ilustra as relações de poder, as relações hierárquicas numa organização.

� O organograma promove uma visão vertical das organizações que facilmente desemboca na cultura dos silos organizacionais.

� A imagem dos silos é eloquente. Torres altas que só comunicam entre si pelo topo, tudo o que está no interior de um silo, ainda que perto do que está no interior de outros silos, está na realidade distante.

1. The Value of SOA: Tip


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� Q: What is a valid IT challenge in adopting and managing SOA for providing enterprise-wide business services?

�A) Choosing open standards for service transport

�B) Designing appropriate granularity of service compositions ( CORRECT )

�C) Minimizing impact to consumers due to platform changes

�D) Content-based routing of services

1. The Value of SOA: Questions

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�Q: What is the impact of NOT adopting an SOA (choose 2) ?

�A) Web Services cant be exposed

�B) Acquisition and divestiture are more difficult ( CORRECT )

�C) Reusable components cant be created

�D) Geographical expansion is easier

�E) Organizational silos will exist ( CORRECT )

1. The Value of SOA: Questions

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�Q: Which three are benefits that SOA can provide to the IT community (choose 3) ?

�A) Homogenizes the IT Environment

�B) Promotes reuse of services ( CORRECT )

�C) Promotes flexible solutions ( CORRECT )

�D) Regulates the products that can be used in the IT environment

�E) Justifies investment in IT more clearly ( CORRECT )

�F) Increases traffic and throughout of business applications

1. The Value of SOA: Questions

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�Q: If an existing service is replaced with a lower-cost service having a comparable interface, which statement is true?

�A) The new service can be used once the WSDL is update to invoke it

�B) The new service can be swapped in without changing client logic ( CORRECT )

�C) The new service needs to be installed in the enterprise service bus (ESB) so it can be executed by each client

�D) Clients of the old service will need to be redeployed to bind to the new service

1. The Value of SOA: Questions

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� What Benefits Will Businesses Receive if They Implement SOA?

� At a very high level, the answers to the question of what benefits companies receive through an SOA implementation are as follows:

� It saves money, time, and effort over the long term through reuse of "components" and because of the flexibility of SOA.

� It eliminates frustrations with IT through flexible solutions and shorter times to deployment.

� It justifies IT investments more clearly through the closer association of IT to business services.

� It provides business executives with a clear understanding of what IT does and its value.

� It allows the creation of and changes to services incrementally rather than leaving a guesstimate of the development costs, thereby eliminating the classic IT 6-6 answer: "The project will take 6 months and cost 6 figures."

� It provides a business and competitive differentiator, with direct rationalization and relation to how that competitive advantage is implemented in IT.

� Other technologies have made these same claims. However, many business leaders, analysts, and technical leaders agree that, with SOA, we have a different situation that validates this in reality.

1. The Value of SOA: Benefits

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� What Is Different with SOA Compared to Previous Approaches?

� SOA is not a new idea. Solutions have been built according to SOA principles for at least a decade, although they have usually been implemented in proprietary (expensive) ways. Although SOA-like solutions have been possible on a departmental or multidepartmental scale, it became extremely difficult to scale these solutions across large enterprises and across multiple companies and partners.

� So what's so different now?� Previous SOA-based solutions have a history of successful implementation. Even with their high costs, they still provide economic value and functional flexibility in a company. The principles of SOA can be successfully put together for a single organization or even a few select partners through careful coordination. Software vendors have even tried to establish communities of partners built around their application offerings. However, making this possible on a wide scale in the industry requires well-defined and cross-platform standards implemented in the software offerings of many vendors. The reason the term "SOA" has become so prevalent now is due to the rise of new technologies that make SOA-based solutions much more cost efficient and productive to implement.

� This new standard technology is a result of Web services. Open Web services standards are important because they break down the proprietary barriers between vendors and software programs. This is demonstrated by the commitments of major vendors, such as BEA, IBM, Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft, to standardize their respective hardware and software, allowing the sharing of information and data.

1. The Value of SOA: SOA Compared to Previous Approaches

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2. SOA Concepts

2. SOA Concepts

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� In summary … from the business viewpoint, SOA is a set of business, process, organizational, governance, and technical methods to enable an agile, business-driven IT environment for greater competitive advantage. It provides the flexibility to treat business processes as well as the underlying IT infrastructure as components that can be reused and recombined to address changing business priorities. Thus, in essence, SOA is the map that guides you down the road to competitive advantage.

� Flexible as needed by the agile enterprises of today.

� The principles of SOA might sound like a simple approach; they might indicate a lack of sophistication or a "boil-the-ocean" approach. But this does not mean it is simplistic. An SOA, rather, is a smart way of allowing gradual and continuous improvements based on easy-to-understand patterns and a set of commonly accepted standards.

2. SOA Concepts: What is SOA?

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� O objetivo de SOA é dar flexibilidade ao negócio. O reuso é uma consequência. É a integração entre TI e business.

� Por exemplo, uma loja vende livros, agora decidiu vender livros pela internet, SOA permite fazer isto da forma mais rápida e econômica possível.

2. SOA Concepts: Objetivo

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� There are a number of ways to look at the concept of SOA (business and technical definition).

�A service-oriented architecture is a framework for integrating business process and supporting IT infrastructure as secure, standardized components – services – that can be reused and combined to address changing business priorities.

�From a business point of view, a SOA can be expressed as a set of flexible services and processes that a business wants to expose to its customers, partners, or internally to other parts of the organization.

�From the technical point of view, SOA defines software in terms of discrete services, which are implemented using components that can be called upon to perform a specified operation for specific business task.

2. SOA Concepts: Introducing SOA

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� SOA é o encanamento, a infraestrutura.

�Web 2.0 é a interface com o usuário.

�Reference: Rafael Osório.

2. SOA Concepts: SOA x Web 2.0

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Explain the value and benefits in business terms that reflect the organization's goals – such as cost reduction, productivity, competitive advantage, etc. - before diving into a technical conversation.

2. SOA Concepts: Don't Call It SOA

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Q: SOA should NOT be used when it is critical to attain true real-time performance because:

A) The service registry adds a significant performance overhead in publishing and discovering services

B) SOA enables more than one service consumer to consume services of a single service provider

C) SOA cant guarantee subsecond response times between service provider and service consumers (CORRECT )

D) Mediation services of an enterprise service bus (ESB) add a significant performance overhead

2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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� Stateless Session Beans

� An EJB that doesn’t hold any information from one invocation to the next. This is the most commonly used EJB.

� Stateful Session Beans

� An EJB that holds information from one invocation to the next. Holding this information requires OVERHEAD, so stateful should be used sparingly (de forma moderada).

2. SOA Concepts: Tip

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Q: Which statement is the most accurate definition of a service?

A) It is language and platform independent logic that can be invoked across a network as part of compound components.

B) It is reusable, stateless business functionality that satisfies the needs of a wide variety of processes. (CORRECT)

C) It is a self-describing interface to reusable functionality and relies on the state of collaborating services.

D) It is a unit of work in a registry that is available upon receipt of a SOA message.

2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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�Q: Which two are characteristics of a business service?

�A) Tightly-coupled

�B) Interface-based ( CORRECT )

�C) Loosely-cohesive

�D) Stateless ( CORRECT )

�E) Platform-bound

2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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�Q: What allows a service to be independent of the platform, language, or logic?

�A) A universal repository

�B) The service registry

�C) Componentization

�D) The service broker

�E) An interface ( CORRECT )

2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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�Q: Which SOA implementation change needs proper versioning of services?

�A) New Operations to existing service ( CORRECT )

�B) Relocation of UDDI registries

�C) Changes to service implementation

�D) Changes to transport implementation

2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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� Service Versioning

� Service providers might need to take into account greater adaptability in their implementation when they allow differences in the versions of the services that requestors can access. A requestor in this case might need to interface with an earlier version of a service, which implies that the provider will need to keep track of interfaces and the semantics of their implementations between release cycles. This can be done using some form of versioning, and some best practices are available, as in the "Best practices for Web services versioning" article from Kyle Brown and Michael Ellis.

� Brown, K. and Ellis, M. Best Practices in Web Services Versioning. IBM developerWorks, January 2004.


2. SOA Concepts: Service Versioning

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�Q: What must a service in a SOA have in order to make it accessible to a wide range of service consumers?

�A) Loose Coupling

�B) An Enterprise Layer

�C) An Interface ( CORRECT )

�D) Encapsulation

2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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Q: Which standard allows services to be requested, along with any related data?





2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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Q: What is the purpose of a service interface in an SOA?

A) It hides the details of implementations made available by service providers ( CORRECT )

B) It identifies a wide range of business objects, their attributes and behaviours needed for each of the business functions required in an SOA

C) It handles one major functional area of the business

D) It identifies business processes that are incorporated into the enterprise business model

2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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� Creating reusable service components is just like building the components for a hi-fi stereo system to play music. The music components industry has progressed to a point of near ubiquity. Without knowing the technology inside each component, you can safely buy and plug together a set of components that comes from different technological concepts, manufactures, resellers, retail outlets, and even regions of the world. To further illustrate this point, you can even take a more modern component such as a Super Audio CD Player, plug it into a decades-old amplifier, and still make it work. This type of loose coupling, reusability, and flexibility is made possible by the support for common standards for both signal technical characteristic and content.

� Similarly, in a SOA environment, the service component providers might not always know exactly what form the requesters will take at the time a service is created. The requesters, in turn, should not have to care about the technology behind the service implementation.

2. SOA Concepts: Define the concept of a service in SOA

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� Important consideration when modeling services are:

� Loose-coupling

� Strong Cohesion

� Deve-se minimizar o acoplamento (loose-coupling), ou seja, é o grau de DEPENDÊNCIA entre unidades. Qualquer mudança terá efeitos “colaterais”.

� Por outro lado devemos maximizar a coesão (strong cohesion), ou seja, MODULARIDADE, grau de independência da unidade (módulo, função, classe) em relação aos demais componentes.

2. SOA Concepts: Describe loose coupling in SOA

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� Q: Which two describe aspects of loose-coupling of service (choose 2)?

�A) The consumer does NOT know the location of a providers service. ( CORRECT )

�B) Messaging mechanisms are language and platform independent. ( CORRECT )

�C) Constant availability removes the need for asynchronous messaging.

�D) Format transformations are avoided only through the use of adapters.

�E) Loose coupling removes the need for cohesion within a service.

2. SOA Concepts: Describe loose coupling in SOA

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�Q: Which statement is the most accurate definition of loose-coupling in SOA?

�A) Services that use the SOA WS-* standards can communicate via XML messaging across different platforms. ( CORRECT )

�B) Service interfaces can change without affecting consumers.

�C) Protocol and format of messaging can change without affecting the service contract.

�D) Composite services can be built and reconfigured from other services that may use disparetetechnologies.

2. SOA Concepts: Describe loose coupling in SOA

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� Q: Loose coupling in SOA is possible because of support from which two components (choose 2) ?

�A) Business Process models

�B) SOA governance

�C) The Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) ( CORRECT )

�D) JDBC Adapter

�E) Web Service interfaces ( CORRECT )

2. SOA Concepts: Describe loose coupling in SOA

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� Web services specifications (WS-*)

� It is extensible and allows developers to create definitions of other resources with which a policy can be associated. Specs as WS-Security or WS-Routing.

� WS-Security (WS-S) - A Web service specification that describes security enhancements to SOAP messaging to provide quality of protection through message integrity, message confidentiality, and single message authentication. It provides three main mechanisms: security token propagation, message integrity, and message confidentiality. It provides a foundation for further security specifications such as WS-Trust and WS-Federation.

�Q: Which standard specifies how integrity and confidentiality can be enforced on web services?

�A) WS-Security ( CORRECT )

�B) WS-Encryption



2. SOA Concepts: WS-*

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� C. Describe the roles that XML plays in SOA (SOAP, WSDL, ebXML)

�Q: Which three are XML-based?�A) WSDL ( CORRECT )





�Q: What is the effect of using XML in an SOA?�A) The enterprise service bus (ESB) mediates during service invocation

�B) Web services are invoked ( CORRECT )

�C) Business processes are modeled

�D) The service repository provides persistence

�Q: What statement most accurately describes the role that XML plays in an SOA that is implemented via web services?�A) The Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) communicates via XML Protocols

�B) UDDI is the mechanism for delivering messages written in XML over a network

�C) Service Messages and interfaces are constructed and published using XML ( CORRECT )

�D) WSDL is written in XHTML and details the methods that can be invoked

2. SOA Concepts: Describe the roles that XML plays in SOA

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� (XML) eXtensible Markup Language

� A general-purpose markup language developed by the W3C for the definition,transmission, validation, and interpretation of data/information between applications and between organizations. The extensibility allows the creation of specialized markup languages and domain definitions with their own customized tags by using a formal grammar and vocabulary (called an XSD).

� (WSDL) Web Services Description Language

� A standard language for defining a Web service description. It uses XML and XSD to describe the port type and its operations, the message formats, and the protocol bindings.

2. SOA Concepts: Tip

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� D. Describe the role of the registry in service publishing and discovery.

� Service Description - The details of the service interface, including its data types,

operations, binding information, and network location. It could also include categorization and other metadata to facilitate discovery and utilization by service requesters. The service description may be published to a registry such as UDDI. See also Web Services Description Language (WSDL).

� (UDDI) Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration - An OASIS standard for a platform-independent, XML-based registry to

publish and discover network-based software components and services.

� Q: What is the key function (s) of the SOA registry?

� A) To facilitate reuse by providing storage for all design and implementation artifacts

� B) To provide functions for authentication and authorization of users

� C) To assign people to specific instances of a process by using staff queries

� D) To dynamically support publishing, locating and governing the use of business services (CORRECT)

2. SOA Concepts: registry in service publishing and discovery

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�Q: Which technology standard provides a method of documenting the function of a service, a taxonomy for classifying the service, and a search facility for finding a service?





� UDDI provides both a standard method of documenting the function of a service and a taxonomy for classifying the service. The documentation of a service includes such highlights as the service name, an abstract, and a more lengthy description, which can be as complete or long as is necessary to document the service.

2. SOA Concepts: business process is in the context of SOA

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� E. Explain what a business process is in the context of SOA

� Services in the Business Services domain are the exposed part of the business processes and the business logic that is accessed by and provides expected value to the requestor.

� Rule of Thumb – When services align with business process steps, they can be incrementally as processes change so that IT becomes less of a drag on business change.

2. SOA Concepts: business process is in the context of SOA

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� Q: Which standard is used to orchestrate services into business processes?




�D) WS-I

2. SOA Concepts: business process is in the context of SOA

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� Choreography

� A mechanism for orchestrating multiple services together by specifying (usually by graphical tools) the linkages and coordination between them to create a business process. It also defines the flow of information among the set of services, participants, and activities. Recommended BPEL.

� Orchestration

� Interactions and process flow among services in a business process. See also choreography.

�Composition (orchestrated or choreographed)

� Furthermore, certain services can be composed (orchestrated or choreographed) into higher level processes. This composition step is important in SOA and is facilitated by process modeling languages such as Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).

2. SOA Concepts: Tip

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� Q: Which statement most accurately describes SOA orchestration and choreography?

�A) It models how a service is realized and executed in the software implementation layer.

�B) It enables consumers to directly interact with lower level resource services and bypass mediation services.

�C) It manages interaction details of composing services and execution sequences ( CORRECT )

�D) It represents the interaction between two atomic units of service process logic implementation.

2. SOA Concepts: Tip

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� Q: What is an example of an expense department business process?

�A) A Web application deposits an expense reimbursement into an employees banck account

�B) An expense department holds a meeting about employee benefits, timeliness, and equal opportunity

�C) A clerk receives an expense claim, validates the claim, and generates a reimbursement check (CORRECT)

�D) An employee submits an expense claim through an online Web application

�56) An SOA business analyst documents a business process. The SOA analyst must describe the business process as:

�A) An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

�B) A sequence of Software deployments

�C) An XML web service necessary to fulfill a business task

�D) A Composition of on or more business services ( CORRECT )

2. SOA Concepts: business process is in the context of SOA

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� Q: What is the most accepted way to formalize business process execution?

�A) ebXML

�B) XML Parser

�C) WS-Coordination



�Q: What are two examples of a restaurants business processes (choose 2) ?

�A) The restaurant manager hires five persons for the wait-staff ( CORRECT )

�B) A food critic publishes a newspaper column about the restaurant

�C) A bank teller dispenses cash to a customer to buy lunch

�D) A wait-person takes a menu order, submits the order and delivers food dishes ( CORRECT )

�E) The wait-staff donates spare time to work in the kitchen of a homeless shelter

2. SOA Concepts: business process is in the context of SOA

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� Q: A bank has individual services that perform specific tasks such as security, account verification, balance checking, etc. The bank wants to create another service that can help perform all these tasks in a single interface. The new service falls into which service category?

�A) Composite service ( CORRECT )

�B) Hybrid service

�C) Utility service

�D) Wrapper service

2. SOA Concepts: Tip

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� An XML-based language designed to enable task-sharing for a service-oriented architecture environment — even across multiple organizations—by orchestrating and choreographing individual Web services. Using BPEL, a developer formally describes a business process in such a way that any cooperating entity can perform one or more steps in the process the same way. In a supply-chain process, for example, a BPEL program might describe a business protocol that formalizes what pieces of information a product order consists of and what exceptions may have to be handled. BPEL does not specify how a given service should process a given order internally.

�Service-Oriented Architecture: Class #2: SOA End-to-End Solution Modeling.�http://w3.webahead.ibm.com/medialibrary/media_set_view?id=3109&back=search&backTo=%2Fmedialibrary%2Fsearch%3FdisplayMediaSet%3D1%26qt%3DSOA%26narrow_filter%3Dall%26ms_oB%3D3%26ms_oD%3D1%26ms_pN%3D3

2. SOA Concepts: Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

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�Q: An Analyst needs to document a Web Service that executes conditional flows across other business services. Which two technologies can be used to express this (choose 2) ?


�B) XML Parser

�C) WS-Cordination ( CORRECT )



2. SOA Concepts: Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

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� F. Explain what a transaction is in the context of SOA.

� A transactional service updates shared data while maintaining data integrity. This implies reliable updates via queued writes from the service requestor (using message-oriented middleware). Examples from the retail environment are inventory and post sales tender.

2. SOA Concepts: what a transaction is in the context of SOA

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� Q: In the context of a business process in SOA, which statement most accurately describes what a transaction is?

�A) Transactions are reliable updates via queued writes from the service requestor using message-oriented middleware.

�B) The relevant standards as related to SOA and transactions are WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and WS-BusinessActivity.

�C) During the execution of service invocations, transactions represent the activity in your service workflow. (CORRECT)

�D) The WS-Coordination framework enables existing transaction processing, workflow, and other systems for coordination to hide their proprietary protocols and to operate in a heterogeneous environment.

2. SOA Concepts: what a transaction is in the context of SOA

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� Q: Which two are accurate descriptions of the transactional capabilities of SOA (choose 2) ?

�A) A transactional service updates shared data while maintaining transactional integrity (CORRECT)

�B) Transactions in SOA exemplify the need for multi-tier disconnected operations (CORRECT)

�C) Since there is always on instance of a transaction associated with a client, it maintains conversational state

�D) Loose-coupling makes transaction support easier in SOA

�E) The transactional capabilities of SOA are not covered by the Web Services specification

2. SOA Concepts: what a transaction is in the context of SOA

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� Qualities of Service (QoS) � São medidas que você pode tomar para garantir uma certa qualidade no serviço. É um conceito muito utilizado em redes, por exemplo, uma rede deve garantir uma reserva de 100kb por segundo para serviços de voz (voip), então os usuários conseguiram utilizar o serviço de voz mesmo que a rede esteja sobrecarregada (com muitos downloads, por exemplo).

� Em SOA o QoS pode ser utilizada para garantir uma qualidade mínima esperada do serviço.

2. SOA Concepts: Tip

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� Q: If two companies each have a concept of a CD, one being a certificate of Deposit financial instrument and the other being compact Disc music media, how can they both interact within the same SOA without problems?�A) Bind the data to separate WSDL ports

�B) Use a SOAP envelope to differentiate the data

�C) Coordinate naming within each enterprise service bus (ESB) to ensure uniqueness

�D) Quality the data using XML namespaces ( CORRECT )

2. SOA Concepts: XML

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3. Basic SOA Architecture

3. Basic SOA Architecture

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Describe a basic SOA architecture

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Fundamental SOA Components

We have major components of a SOA in figure below. The enterprise service bus (ESB), the SOA registry, workflow engine, service broker, SOA supervisor each have a role to play, both independently and with each other.

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Fundamental SOA Components

ESB - makes sure that messages get passed back and forth between thecomponents of a SOA implementation.

SOA registry - contains important reference information about where the components of a SOA are located.

Workflow engine - provides the technology to connect people to people, to connectpeople to processes and processes to processes.

Service broker - connects services to services, which in the end enables the flow of business process.

SOA supervisor – the role is to make sure that the platform underneath the SOA environment works in a consistent and predictable way.

The goal is to create an environment where all these components work together to improve the flow of business process. When all these component parts work together and sing the same tune, the result is improved service levels The finely tuned SOA is what guarantees service levels.

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� B. Describe the role of an enterprise service bus (ESB) in SOA

� (ESB) The Enterprise Service Bus - ESB é um repositório de serviços. Possibilita um controle, governança. Podemos ter um ESB com WebSphere ESB, Proxi Server e outros. A figura abaixo representa alguns consumidores de serviços no topo e os provedores de serviço embaixo. No mundo real, consumidores e provedores de serviços podem estar localizados em qualquer lugar.

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of an enterprise service bus (ESB)

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� ESB providing central connectivity, you can build specialized utility services in a manner similar to any application service.

�The ESB can dynamically route service requests and responses to maximize availability of critical services based on applicable policies.

� ESB is an intermediation layer that interconnects all of the services, enabling all of the (loose) coupling characteristics.

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of an enterprise service bus (ESB)

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� The ESB acts as the intelligent, distributed, transactional, and messaging layer for connecting applications, diverse data, and other services that are commonly distributed throughout an enterprise computing infrastructure. It attenuates its core synchronous and asynchronous messaging backbone with intelligent transformation and routing capabilities, and it ensures that messages are passed reliably. The ESB enables developers to invoke and use business functions in components, regardless of API or protocol, by using them as services defined by a standard interface description based on the Web Services Description Language (WSDL).

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of an enterprise service bus (ESB)

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� Q: In an SOA, what provides all the inter-connectivity capabilities required to leverage and use services implemented across the entire architecture?

�A) Web services

�B) Java Messaging Services (JMS)

�C) Services integration platform

�D) Enterprise service bus (ESB) ( CORRECT )

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of an enterprise service bus (ESB)

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� Q: Which role would typically create message flows, mediations, and transformations on the enterprise service bus (ESB)?

�A) The Service Developer

�B) The Interoperability Deployer

�C) The Service Governor

�D) The Integration Specialist ( CORRECT )

�NOTE: Integration specialists are mediators and users of both the service modelers and the process flow designers work. They typically have a broad-based technical knowledge in the integration field because they will need some understanding of SOA systems, enterprise integration means, business processes, and applications coded in Java or other languages. Tools like WebSphere Business Integration Workbench allow the person in this role to compose complex systems of available services.

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of an enterprise service bus (ESB)

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� Q: What are the key components of an enterprise service bus (ESB)?

�A) Development services, deployment services, business managemnet services

�B) Transport services, messaging services, and mediation services ( CORRECT )

�C) Development tools, business performance management tools, service tools

�D) Service provider, service requester, service registry

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of an enterprise service bus (ESB)

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� Q: Which component of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) enables customization of messaging behavior?

�A) Mediation ( CORRECT )

�B) Proxy Service

�C) Messaging service

�D) Web Services Gateway

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of an enterprise service bus (ESB)

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� Q: Which component of an enterprise service bus (ESB) controls access to the bus for external services?

�A) Endpoint listener

�B) Service Broker

�C) Service Registry ( CORRECT )

�D) Outbound service

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of an enterprise service bus (ESB)

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� What is inside the Bus� The ESB can be treated as a black box – you don’t need to know how it works, just what it does. You take your business services and link them into the bus. The bus doens’t care what a business service does as long as the service has been configured correctly. The ESB has the intelligence to connect services in the right way.

� What actually happens inside the black box ends up being rather sophisticated. In effect, the ESB carries out a range of infrastructure tasks that would otherwise have to be written into the application code. To help you understand the brains of the ESB, we break down a reasonably comprehensive ESB into its component parts. The services offered by the bus are (we show an ESB with all its possible internal components).

3. Basic SOA Architecture: What is inside the Bus

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� Mediation (in an ESB enables the intelligent processing of service requests and responses, events, and messages. These mediations can be implemented at application service endpoints (either requestor or provider) or can be distributed through the infrastructure of the bus. For example: transformations XML-to-XML translations; message validation; content or quality service selections, etc.)

� Q: An SOA compliant business needs to add new and enhanced implementation to its existing service while providing backward compatibility. What is the most effective way to support the existing and new service consumers transparently?

�A) Add a new service operation to the existing service interface

�B) Create a new interface for the new service with the same namespace

�C) Create a new interface for the new service with a new namespace

�D) User mediation services with necessary versioning ( CORRECT )

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Mediation

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� Q: A service needs to include a mediation component to perform such as message validation and content-based routing. What is the most effective architectural component to do mediation?

�A) SOAP messages

�B) Metadata

�C) Web-service Bindings

�D) Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) ( CORRECT )

3. Basic SOA Architecture: ESB

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� C. Describe the role of Web services in building an SOA. � The combination of SOA and Web services is in some ways being marketed as the silver bullet that companies have been looking for to magically solve all business issues of today. There are valid doubts about such claims, which certainly never will come true. Many business issues are not just solved by a specific IT architecture or a certain approach to making business decisions. As long as people are involved, errors are still likely to occur. However, with a foundational architecture like SOA, you can expect to do the following:

� Realize the long-promised potential of utilizing IT to extensively accelerate or improve business

� Justify IT expenses and capital outlays

� Provide nontechnical people with a clear understanding of what IT does, how they do it, and their intrinsic value

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of Web services in SOA

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� Q: What statement describes a web service?

�A) It is the realization of a business process, available for use within the same organization

�B) It is a business function that can be invoked using standard HTML

�C) It is an XML document containing WSDL service definitions for reuse across organizations

�D) It is standards-based, cross-platform, message-oriented implementation of a service ( CORRECT )

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of Web services in SOA

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� Q: Which are componets of Web services architecture?

�A) Service requester, service provider, service registry ( CORRECT )

�B) Development tools, business performance management tools, services tools

�C) Transport services, messaging services, mediation services

�D) XML namespace, XML schema, service consumer

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of Web services in SOA

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� Q: Which standard defines the interfaces to Web services?




�D) WS-I

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of Web services in SOA

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� Q: Which three statements are the most accurate about the role of Web services in an SOA (choose 3) ?

� A) Web services are required to implement an SOA

� B) A Web service is a software system identified by a URL, whose public interfaces and bindings are defined and described using XML ( CORRECT )

� C) Web services are message-oriented ( CORRECT )

� D) Web services are completely independent of Web applications

� E) Web services are cross-plataform and cross-language ( CORRECT )

� NOTE: A Web service is a software system identified by a URL, whose public interfaces and bindings are defined and described using XML. Its definition can be discovered by other software systems. These systems may then interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its definition, using XML-based message conveyed by Internet protocols.

�a. Standards-based

�b. Cross-platform and cross-language

�c. Widely supported

�d. Message-oriented

�e. Faster tooling support speeds implementation of SOA

3. Basic SOA Architecture: role of Web services in SOA

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� Q: Web Services are a leading technology choice for implementing an SOA because they are (choose 3):

�A) Widely supported ( CORRECT )

�B) Platform-specific

�C) Message-Oriented ( CORRECT )

�D) Consumer-focused

�E) Standards based ( CORRECT )

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� E. Identify and explain the stages of the SOA lifecycle (model, assemble, deploy, manage)

� SOA Life Cycle

� MODEL – deals with what services need to be build and how services are to be built. It can be derived from the business processes.

� ASSEMBLY – Invocation patterns between the services. Message data formats.

� DEPLOY – services are configured and installed to provide robust, scalable and secure environments.

� MANAGE - Service Development and Delivery Management. Infrastructure and Management in Support of SOA.

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Stages of the SOA lifecycle

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� Service Lifecycle Management

� In realizing SOA governance, the enforcement and management of the Model, Assemble and Deploy phases of the SOA Lifecycle is essential and referred to as Service Lifecycle Management.

� Service Lifecycle Management is broken into 2 facets:

� Service Development and Delivery Management

� Infrastructure and Management in Support of SOA

� http://www-306.ibm.com/software/solutions/soa/entrypoints/advancing_soa_governance.html

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� Soluções IBM (http://www.ecore.com.br/portal/?q=pt-br/node/61)

� A IBM possui um conjunto de soluções que faz a integração de processos de negócios de ponta a ponta com base nos conceitos de SOA, buscando o alinhamento perfeito ente a infra-estrutura de tecnologia com os objetivos de negócio.

� A família de produtos IBM para SOA é o ponto de convergência dos recursos de infra-estrutura de aplicativos, que possibilita criar, incrementar e implementar aplicativos novos e legados em um ambiente flexível e eficiente. Utilizando SOA como estrutura, é possível superar os desafios de escalabilidade e integração, permitindo às empresas obter mais economia e vantagem competitiva.

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Ciclo de Vida SOA

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� Q: Which SOA life cycle phase deals with how service interface definitions can be derived from the business processes?

�A) Testing

�B) Assemble

�C) Model ( CORRECT )

�D) Manage

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� Q: Which SOA entry point most accurately matches the following sentence? "Start building a view of key business processes by aggregating information to help people make better decisions"

�A) People

�B) Process ( CORRECT )

�C) Connectivity

�D) Information

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� Q: The model phase of an SOA life cycle deals with (choose 2):

�A) What services need to be built ( CORRECT )

�B) Service API transport issues

�C) Platform-specific issues

�D) How services are to be built ( CORRECT )

�E) Monitoring services from IT perspective

� Q: Which statement is true about the SOA Service Model?

�A) It enables consumers to interact with services independent of service implementations ( CORRECT )

�B) It reflects the plaftorm-specific view of the services

�C) It implements the complete Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements

�D) It provides the implementation for resource and plaftorm virtualization

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� Q: What are two reasons to monitor the lifecycle of a business service (choose 2) ?

�A) A business service could be part of multiple business processes ( CORRECT )

�B) The business service lifecycle is a function of response time

�C) IT should carry out maintenance of internalized discovery mechanisms

�D) Many consumers could be affected by one business service ( CORRECT )

�E) The corporate board needs to manage the governance upgrade lifecycle

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� Q: During the deploy phase of SOA life cycle, services are:

�A) Monitored to provide key performance indicators to diagnose and fix problem

�B) Configured and installed to provide a robust, scalable and secure runtime environment ( CORRECT )

�C) Created to fit the business requirements and define integration points

�D) Simulated to provide a service model interface for its consumers

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� SOA Governance

� Governance gives organizations - whether they are countries, towns, or corporations - a structure to make sure the rules of conduct between constituents are followed for the good of everyone. Country, city, and state laws and regulations keep civilization moving in the right direction. Without a set of laws, countries would slide into chaos. Needless to say, governance is a necessary fact of life.

� To understand SOA governance, think about the general notion of how a government works. In essence, governments operate on a variety of levels. Local governments, for example, handle issues that concern the town or city, whereas national governments deal with matters of concern to the nation as a whole. In concrete terms, this means that policies related to how often garbage is collected are handled at the local city or town level, while policies related to national defense are handled at the country level.

3. Basic SOA Architecture: SOA Governance

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� In the United States, the government has a structure that defines how laws are created and the way disputes are resolved. The federal government has its own set of powers and distributes some powers to the state governments. State governments in turn distribute certain authority to the cities and tows. In this way, the United States has a FEDERATED GOVERNMENT.

� SOA and Federation – what we are describing on figure below is TRUE FEDERATION. The registries implement all the governance rules, each providing local governance, but all obeying a single set of federal governance rules. This structure doesn’t limit which components can be connected to which components. Just as company can start in any one of the United States and set up other offices in other states as long as it abides by local and federal rules, so a composite application could start in one service oriented architecture domain and connect to components in other domains.

3. Basic SOA Architecture: SOA and Federation

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Web Services

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services

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� Um Web Service é uma classe que pode ser acessada via protocolo http. Isso significa dizer que você pode acessar qualquer Web Service disponível na Web e utilizar todas as funcionalidades do mesmo.

� O acesso sempre será via http, mas internamente existe uma string XML que está empacotada em um protocolo SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). O SOAP é um padrão aberto criado pela Microsoft, Ariba e IBM para padronizar a transferência de dados em diversas aplicações, por isso, se dá em XML.

� Você pode acessar rotinas de validação de cartão de crédito, endereçamento postal (CEP), calcular valores de fretes dos sites de comércio eletrônico, notícias de empresas, etc.

� Não precisa ficar distribuindo para todos os clientes, esta estará armazenada em um único lugar que será acessada via http.

� É transparente para o Firewall de uma empresa, pois, como é uma string XML, então é interpretada como um arquivo “texto”. Sendo assim, não é preciso pedir autorização do Firewall para entrar.

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services

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� Através de um conjunto de novos conceitos de interoperabilidade como o XML, o SOAP, o WSDL, e o UDDI, os Web Services vieram facilitar a comunicação entre as aplicações que residem em múltiplas plataformas, usando diferentes modelos de objetos e baseados em linguagens diferentes.

� Resumindo, Web Services é a tecnologia ideal para comunicação entre sistemas. A comunicação entre os serviços é padronizada, possibilitando a independência de plataforma e de linguagem de programação. Web Services são serviços que visam facilitar o processamento distribuído em sistemas heterogêneos.

� Comunicação entre as camadas: A comunicação entre aplicações de Web Service fazem uso de quatro camadas que empacotam a requisição e a resposta entre um servidor e um cliente. As camadas utilizadas são:

� XML (Extensible Markup Language)

� SOAP (Simples Object Access Protocol) – transporta os dados

� WSDL (Web Services Definition Language) – descreve o Web Service

� UDDI (Universal Discovery Description Integration) - podemos comparar o UDDI com uma lista telefônica. É uma especificação técnica que tem como objetivo descrever, descobrir e integrar Web Services.

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services

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� For example, on Solution "Transportation" (kind of "ASP.NET Web Application" running on location http://localhost/Transportation on IIS Web Server)

�1) Click on "New -> Add New Project"

�2) Select "ASP.NET Web Service" and named the Location to http://localhost/CalcTransportation

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (.NET)

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� 3) Type the code below

�NOTE: "Description" will be on the Web Service documentation.

�4) Save and compile the Web Service project.

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� 5) Checking the Web Services


3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (.NET)

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� 6) Test the operation

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�7) Checking WSDL


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� 7) From "Transportation/References" click on "Add Web Reference"

�and choose http://localhost/CalcTransportation/Service1.asmx

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� 8) Calling the Web Service from the application.

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�8) Running Web Service.

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� 1) Install Axis 1.4 and TomCat 5.5

�2) Copy "axis" directory from "..\axis-1_4\webapps" to "..\Tomcat 5.5\webapps"

�3) Start Tomcat

�4) Check if axis is running by http://localhost:8080/axis

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (Apache Axis 1.4)

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� 5) Copy the "Fibonacci.java" (below) to "..\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\axis"

� 6) Rename "java" file from "Fibonacci.java" to "Fibonacci.jws

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (Apache Axis 1.4)

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� 7) Check the Web Service by runnning http://localhost:8080/axis/Fibonacci.jws

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� 8) Creating Web Service Client

3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (Apache Axis 1.4)

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (Apache Axis 1.4)

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (.NET x Axis)

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (.NET x Axis)

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (.NET x Axis)

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3. Basic SOA Architecture: Web Services (Java x WS .NET)

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� Public Web Services� O Google publicou uma interface para um WebService que podemos usar para realizar buscas. O WSDL esta disponível em http://api.google.com/GoogleSearch.wsdl.

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4. SOA Management

4. SOA Management

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� Q: Which two practices could appear within a mail-order corporation s SOA governance framework (choose 2)?

�A) Monitor order fulfillment employees pay for alignment with regional averages ( CORRECT )

�B) Stipulate who is allowed to change an order fulfillment service ( CORRECT )

�C) Create new separate order fulfillment applications

�D) Separate IT strategy from order fulfillment business strategy

�E) Ensure that order fulfillment conforms to corporate standards

4. SOA Management

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� Q: What are two of the unique challenges presented by the SOA environment that define the need for effective SOA governance over and above typical IT governance (choose 2) ?

�A) Monitoring the performance of an SOA-based solutions is more complicated than typical IT projects. (CORRECT)

�B) Applications and infrastructure are viewed as a portfolio of assets and services

�C) SOA is based on several open, industry standards and technologies

�D) SOA is implemented in a homogeneous IT environment

�E) Assets, services, and business processes are reused across all the companies organizational structures (CORRECT)

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� Q: What is the recommended role of the governance body in the funding of an SOA project?

�A) It does not have a role in project funding. Every team in the SOA project decides their required funding on their own.

�B) It should follow a consultative role and, when required, offer its recommendations on project funding.

�C) It only sets up guiding principles to determine project funding and every team follows the principles to determine their teams project funding.

�D) It should identify the required project funding strictly ensure it is followed by everyone. ( CORRECT )

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� Q: What should be considered when implement an SOA governance practice?

�A) Using industry-based standard business models ( CORRECT )

�B) Creating a WSDL description of each service

�C) Enforcing an organization-wide JNDI registry

�D) Modeling the business as a series of use cases

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� Q: A corporate SOA governance policy mandates that anonymous access to services by personnel and components is not allowed. Where is the point to enforce authenticated access?

�A) In the application server

�B) In the messaging server

�C) At the enterprise service bus (ESB) ( CORRECT )

�D) At the corporate firewall

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� Q: Users of a rebate payment system should not issue checks to relatives. The operation of the rebate department is split across multiple components. Which is the most effective governance strategy for monitoring check-issuing activity?

�A) Configure the enterprise service bus (ESB) to maintain an audit trail of all messages. ( CORRECT )

�B) Require a signature to authorize a check.

�C) Analyse all application server request logs using a BPEL script.

�D) Use SOA to monitor the bank account statements.

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� Q: What is the most important SOA governance success factor?

�A) Interested management parties benefit from information encapsulation

�B) The need for cross-organizational decision-making is reduced

�C) The business adapts to a dynamic change in the market ( CORRECT )

�D) Loose-coupling of strategy enhances organizational effectiveness

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� Q: IT governance should include answers to which two questions about changing a business service (choose 2) ?

�A) How will IT identify, measure, resolve and accept the change?

�B) Does the metadata repository need an accompanying upgrade?

�C) Is the service level sufficiently fine-grained?

�D) Who needs to be notified? ( CORRECT )

�E) Which Business Process are affected? ( CORRECT )

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� Q: Why is readiness and risk assessment an important initial SOA governance activity?

�A) It relieves the organization from reassessing its risk at a later stage in the SOA project

�B) It identifies the gaps and roadblocks between the current and future service-oriented state of the enterprise ( CORRECT )

�C) It recommends the number of services to be defined for each function

�D) SOA is based on a lot of technologies and open standards and this complication needs to be addressed early

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� Q: An SOA-governance committee is concerned about privacy in passing credit card number from one SOA component to another. Which governance policy will mitigate the risk of exposing this information?

�A) Require background checks for IT personnel

�B) Do not pass credit card expiration date

�C) Configure the enterprise service bus (ESB) to log all messages

�D) Configure the Enterprise service bus (ESB) to encrypt all messages ( CORRECT )

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� Q: An Enterprise sends orders to a separate enterprise for manufacturer and shipping. The manufacturer SOA governance policy mandates that components verify the authentication of the original order request at a single control point. Where is a good point to verify order authenticity?

�A) In the enterprise service bus (ESB) ( CORRECT )

�B) In the SOA Security Header

�C) At the Corporate Firewall

�D) At the UDDI registry

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� Q: Which two are valid SOA governance metrics (choose 2) ?

�A) SOA information technology costs ( CORRECT )

�B) Service Transactions-per-second

�C) IT Project Return-on-Investment (ROI) ( CORRECT )

�D) Maximum Service response times

�E) Defects per 1000 lines of code

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� Q: An Enterprise governance committe authorizean upgrade to a business service. The change adds new functionality while dropping support for some features. What should the enterprise service lifecycle governance process address?

�A) Keeping service-related metadata constant

�B) Information all interested parties ( CORRECT )

�C) Adherence to the Six Sigma refinement mechanism

�D) Ensuring that upgraded service is fine-grained

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� Q: Why do companies need to pay attention to SOA governance (choose 3) ?

�A) It is important to define the roles and responsibilities of everyone on the SOA project ( CORRECT )

�B) It helps the organization to focus on business strategy rather than IT resources and initiatives

�C) It enables the organization to rapidly respond to new business opportunities ( CORRECT )

�D) It is not feasible to attain a correct SOA architecture without SOA governance

�E) It helps aligning business strategy with the IT initiatives of the company ( CORRECT )

�F) It controls the IT complexity by limiting the number of new technologies that are adopted.

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� Q: What is a reliable measurement for Quality-of-service (QoS) compliance?

�A) Database size and growth

�B) End-to-end transaction time ( CORRECT )

�C) Size of HTTP cookies

�D) Number of XML notes in the message

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�D. Explain the need for a distributed security model.

�Q: Which two fit the need for an SOA distributed security model (choose 2) ?

�A) SOA governance mandates distributed transactions

�B) Multiple applications could have different user identity registries ( CORRECT )

�C) OASIS WS-Security is a distributed security standard

�D) Business partner services can reside outside an enterprise firewall ( CORRECT )

�E) Business service consumers must be prevented from accessing business process

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� Q: In SOA, security authorization on rules enforce:

�A) the determination of the identify of a business service user

�B) the principals allowed to use a business process ( CORRECT )

�C) compliance with governmental security regulations

�D) privacy by encrypting the incoming data within a business process

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� E. Identify the impact of changes to services in the SOA lifecycle.

� Q: An online shopping cart application wants to use an SOA shipment processing service from another department. For the service consumer, which two should be the most important concerns about the service provider during the model assembly phases of the SOA lifecycle (choose 2)?

�A) Platform of the service implementation

�B) Invocation patterns between the services ( CORRECT )

�C) Programming language of the service implementation

�D) Messaging data formats ( CORRECT )

�E) XSLT used by the service for transformation

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� Q: An online shopping cart application needs to use an SOA shipment processing service. For the shopping application, which two should be the least important concerns about the service provider during the model and assembly phases of the SOA lifecycle (choose 2) ?

�A) Performance requirements

�B) Hardware/Software platform of the service implementation ( CORRECT )

�C) Invocation patterns between the services

�D) Programming language of the service implementation ( CORRECT )

�E) Location of the service provider

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� Q: A change to a single business service could affect which two areas of a served enterprise (choose 2)?

�A) Deployment guidelines ( CORRECT )

�B) IT policy

�C) Personnel

�D) Governance ( CORRECT )

�E) Processes

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5. Preparing for SOA

5. Preparing for SOA

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� A. Position SOA benefits with respect to business and IT strategy.

�Make it easier to find new partners and services

�Make it easier to do business with your company

�At a very high level, the answers to the question of what benefits companies receive through an SOA implementation are as follow:

�- It justifies IT investments more clearly through the closer association of IT to business services.

�- It provides business executives with a clear understanding of what IT does and its value.

5. Preparing for SOA

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� Q: In which two situations does SOA have the potential to be significantly beneficial (choose 2)?

�A) When true real-time performance is critical

�B) In a heterogeneous IT environment ( CORRECT )

�C) When there are only a few reasons for future change to the system under consideration

�D) When the applications accessing a system are geographically spread out ( CORRECT )

�E) In a homogeneous IT environment

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� Q: What are two benefits of adoption an SOA (choose 2)?

�A) Easier to change a business partner ( CORRECT )

�B) Easier to attain a custom point-to-point integration

�C) Better alignment between the business and IT department ( CORRECT )

�D) Limitation on the total number of communication mechanisms to manage

�E) Use of a single-platform environment

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� Q: Which two are benefits of aligning IT strategy with business strategy (choose 2) ?

�A) Breaking down proprietary barriers by enforcing the use of standards

�B) Saving time, money, and effort through reuse of components ( CORRECT )

�C) Recording all software to reflect business services

�D) Homogenizing the IT environment to promote faster intergration

�E) Clearer justification of IT investments through closer association of IT to business services (CORRECT)

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� Q: Which three are benefits that SOA can provide to the IT community (choose 3) ?

�A) Homogenizes the IT Environment

�B) Promotes reuse of services ( CORRECT )

�C) Promotes flexible solutions ( CORRECT )

�D) Regulates the products that can be used in the IT environment

�E) Justifies investment in IT more clearly ( CORRECT )

�F) Increases traffic and throughout of business applications.

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�B. Capture and assess business issues and drivers.

� Q:What are the three most common drivers to adoption an SOA (choose 3) ?

�A) Having a shared-services model

�B) Having application-neutral interfaces ( CORRECT )

�C) Fostering a culture of reuse within ones development teams ( CORRECT )

�D) Having business services re-implemented as web services

�E) Having immediate Return-On-Investment (ROI) for almost all projects ( CORRECT )

�F) Adapting the latest distributed technologies and tools.

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� D. Describe the people and technology factors that impact readiness for SOA.

�Q: Which two people or technology factors could have a negative impact on a companies readiness for SOA (choose 2) ?

�A) An understanding that SOA requires a paradigm shift towards more flexible business models

�B) Resistance to change in the organization ( CORRECT )

�C) Empowerment of an SOA governance body

�D) Support of senior executives

�E) A vision of SOA that is not balanced with the delivery capabilities of the IT department ( CORRECT )

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� E. Identify barriers to SOA adoption.

�Q: Which three are barriers to the adoption of SOA (choose 3) ?

�A) Business and IT are not always aligned ( CORRECT )

�B) The perception that it seems too difficult to do the job properly ( CORRECT )

�C) The company is focused on the incremental delivery of services

�D) The value proposition of SOA has been fully communicated

�E) The business requirements are not fully understood ( CORRECT )

�F) The Return-On-Investment (ROI) is immediate.

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� Q: Which two are barriers to the adoption of SOA (choose 2) ?

�A) An existing component infrastructure

�B) A deliberate, well conceived path from the "as-is" to the "to-be" goal

�C) A failure to collaborate across product units or divisions ( CORRECT )

�D) Time spent in face-to-face customer meetings

�E) The corporate tendency to just make it work ( CORRECT )

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� Q: Which four are barriers to the adoption of SOA (choose 4) ?

�A) Seeking customer input when inventing new products

�B) Obsession with time to market ( CORRECT )

�C) Organizational silos ( CORRECT )

�D) Unskilled partner ( CORRECT )

�E) A Limited pool of local talent ( CORRECT )

�F) A risk-taking management style

�G) Focusing on new market opportunities

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� E. Identify barriers to SOA adoption. �Q: Which adoption strategy is considered to be invalid when implementing an SOA?

�A) Making a business case for the adoption of the architecture

�B) Validating available technologies

�C) Selecting a business pilot and enabling a line-of-business

�D) A big-bang approach ( CORRECT )

�E) A progressive adoption strategy

�NOTE: Maturity and Adoption Strategies - Enterprises do not implement service-oriented architectures as big-bang projects because there is a valid need for progressive adoption strategies that address the following considerations:

�-Making a business case for the adoption of the architecture

�-Validating available technologies

�-Selecting a business pilot and enabling a line-of-business

�-Expanding to the enterprise

�-Expanding to the partner network

�These dimensions of SOA indicate that a compass with points facing business, organization, architecture, and technology is necessary to approach SOA.

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� Q: What is considered a barrier to the adoption of SOA?

�A) Time spent justifying the business value of SOA

�B) Leveraging an enterprise roadmap for introducing SOA into an enterprise

�C) A low expectation of SOA reusability and control ( CORRECT )

�D) A focus on the no-functional requirements of an SOA deployment, such as security and performance

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� Q: What are two gains of adoption a SOA (choose 2) ?

�A) Easier to attain a custom point-to-point integration

�B) Easier to change a customer or a supplier ( CORRECT )

�C) Use of location dependent services

�D) Easier product or service rollouts ( CORRECT )

�E) Limitation on the total number of communication mechanism to manage

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� Q: Which is true factor that poses a challenge to SOA adoption by organization?

�A) Stable and consistent technical standards

�B) Co-location of service components

�C) Universal inter-operability amongst different platforms

�D) Defining services with appropriate granularity ( CORRECT )

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� F. Describe the entry points into SOA.� Q: Which SOA Entry Point most accurately matches the following sentences? Start by modeling an underperforming process, remove bottlenecks, then simulate and deploy the optimized process.

�A) People

�B) Process ( CORRECT )

�C) Connectivity

�D) Information

�E) Reuse

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� Q: A widget company takes orders from customers, allows the customer to cancel an order and to view outstanding orders. Which three services are the most effective services to identify (choose 3)?

�A) View order history for a customer

�B) List outstanding orders for a customer ( CORRECT )

�C) Order a widget ( CORRECT )

�D) Delete an order

�E) Cancel an order for a customer ( CORRECT )

�F) earch outstanding orders

� Q: A business analyst identifies a set of key business services. How could an SOA architect initially use this information?

�A) Arrange the business services into a sequence of business components

�B) Choreograph the business services to carry out a business process ( CORRECT )

�C) Create software requirements to automate the business services

�D) Use a Web service registry to automate the business services

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� Q: How does SOA justify investment in IT resources?

�A) By focusing on technical operations

�B) By focusing on more complex and richly featured technologies

�C) By deployment a diversity of methods and approaches to solve technical issues

�D) By closer alignment of IT to business services ( CORRECT )

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� Q: Which business issue most accurately describes the foundation from which all else in SOA can be built?

�A) An abstraction layer between business processes and the services that are provided

�B) An active working covenant between IT and business groups ( CORRECT )

�C) The changing business and IT roles when moving towards SOA

�D) Business management needing to know the details of how an application is built

�2.3.1. Explaining SOA to Business People

�Hence, educating people on the many business benefits inherent in an SOA is the first step in solidifying an active working covenant between IT and business groups. This relationship is, after all, the foundation from which all else in SOA can be built.

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� Q: Which business factor least promotes a trend towards SOA?

�A) The forces of change

�B) Enterprise Reconstruction

�C) Industry deconstruction

�D) Organizational Stability ( CORRECT )

� Q: IBM, In partnership with Mercer Management Consulting, has identified three core business-centric SOA starting points and two IT-centric starting points. What are two IT-centric starting points from the answer choices (choose 2) ?

�A) People

�B) Process

�C) Connectivity ( CORRECT )

�D) Policy

�E) Reuse ( CORRECT )

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� Service-Oriented Architecture Compass: Business Value, Planning, and Enterprise Roadmap

�Available on books24x7 (http://www.books24x7.com/bookshelf.asp?site=SFFV1)

� www.SOAeasy.com

� Service Oriented Architecture For Dummies

�Judith Hurwitz, Robin Bloor, Carol Baroudi, Marcia Kaufman

�ISBN: 978-0-470-05435-2; Paperback; 384 pages; November 2006


� Exploring IBM SOA Technology & Practice

�by Bobby Woolf Maximum Press © 2008 (161 pages) ISBN:9780977356911

�Intended for those interested in migrating their existing computing infrastructure in the direction of SOA using IBM technology and services, this nuts-and-bolts guide explores IBM’s vision for success with SOA.

� SOA Transition Scenarios for the IBM z/OS Platform

�by Alex Louwe Kooijmans et al.

�IBM Redbooks © 2007 (400 pages) ISBN:0738489980

�Offering a starting point to transitioning from an existing IT landscape on z/OS to an SOA-enabled landscape, this Redbook describes patterns, transition approaches, migration scenarios, and features and functions of the available technology options.


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