57815351 Detailed Design Document Template

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  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    U.S. Department of EducationFederal Student Aid

    Detailed Design Document Template[Version Number (x.xx !


    [Version Date (##"DD"$$$$ !

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template Document Version Control

    Document Version %ontrolVersion Date Description

    [Version Number (x.xx)]

    [TBD] [TBD]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]i

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template Document Version Control

    Table of %ontents

    Detailed Design Document Template..............................................................................................

    !xecuti e "ummar#...................................................................................................................... iii

    "ection $. %ntroduction.....................................................................................................................$$.$ &' & "! .................................................................................................................................................................. $$.* " C &! ..................................................................................................................................................................... $$.+ % NT!ND!D , 'D%!NC! ................................................................................................................................................. $$.-D C'M!NT ,N% ,T% N ......................................................................................................................................... *$.0 !1! !NC!" ,ND !2,T!D D C'M!NT" ...................................................................................................................... *

    "ection *. 3&ro4ect Name5 "olution er ie6...............................................................................+

    *.$1 'NCT% N,2 !7'% !M!NT" V! V%!8 ....................................................................................................................... +*.*9 % 9 2 !V!2 C M& N!NT M D!2 ............................................................................................................................... +

    2.2.1Component Diagram.....................................................................................................................................32.2.2Component Descriptions...............................................................................................................................4

    "ection +. :e# Design Decisions....................................................................................................0

    "ection -. ,pplication 1rame6or;..................................................................................................E0 !rror BandlingF 2ogging and Monitoring %n=ormation.................................................$-

    Table >E< :e# %nter=ace NonE1unctional eGuirements...............................................................$-

    Table @E> Transactions Table.......................................................................................................*A

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]i

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template &ro4ect Name

    Detailed Design Document Template

    [Note= Text enc'ose in s>uare brac-ets an isp'a7e in b'ue ita'ics (st7'e?8n/oB'ue) isinc'u e to pro"i e gui ance to t%e aut%or an s%ou' be e'ete be/ore pub'is%ing t%eocument. $ paragrap% entere /o''o#ing t%is st7'e #i'' automatica''7 be set to norma'(st7'e?Bo 7 Text).]

    [T 0@&$T A98D$NC

    &ig%t b'ue text is exp'anator7 an s%ou' be e'ete /rom t%e /ina' ocument.

    Be/ore 7ou start /i''ing out t%e content o/ t%e ne# ocument go to File/Properties/Custom. nter

    t%e Document Name Version Date (in DD 00 /ormat) an Version Number (in x.x /ormat) in t%e custom properties t%at bear t%ese respecti"e names. 8n t%e ocument pressCT &E$ t%en an c'ic- OK . Ao into e"er7 /ooter /or eac% section press CT &E$ t%en an c'ic- !F.

    8/ a section mar-e G!ptiona'H is eeme unnecessar7 or inapp'icab'e to t%e ocument t%e section s%ou' be retaine an t%e content /or t%e section s%ou' be GNot app'icab'eH.

    Bo 7 Text

    T%e text in t%e ocument is t%e bo 7 text st7'e TN (Times Ne# oman) 12 co'or b'ac-I 'e/t Justi/ie .

    Numbere &ists (/or +ections)= Numbering /or 'ists s%ou' /o''o# t%e ['o#er case 'etter].[number].[number] pattern. $'' 'e"e'sin t%e 'ist #i'' be /'us% 'e/t #it% t%e main text in t%e section.


    1. &ist item

    a. &ist item

    i. &ist sub item

    Bu''ete &ists (Do not c%ange t%e /ont once it is set)

    Bu''ete &ists= &e"e' 1 bu''ets s%ou' be +7mbo' ( Format, Bullets & Numbering, Customize, Font +7mbo' Size ) /or 'e"e' 1 o/ in entation K b'ac- bu''et s7mbo' (T#o spaces in bet#een bu''et an /irst 'etter o/ sentenceLsee ru'er at top o/ocument.) 8n ent /irst bu''et t%ree spaces /rom 'e/t margin.)

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template &ro4ect Name

    &e"e' 2 bu''ets s%ou' be as% s7mbo' /or 'e"e' 2 o/ in entation. ( Font +7mbo' Size .) (T#o spaces in bet#een bu''et an /irst 'etter o/ sentenceLsee ru'er attop o/ ocument.) 8n ent secon bu''et t%ree spaces /rom start o/ &e"e' 1 bu''et.

    &e"e' 3 s%ou' be open bu''et s7mbo' /or 'e"e' 3 o/ in entation.

    ( Font +7mbo' Size ) (T#o spaces in bet#een bu''et an /irst 'etter o/ sentenceLseeru'er at top o/ ocument.) 8n ent 'e"e' 3 bu''ets t%ree spaces /rom start o/ &e"e' 2bu''ets.

    @age setup= 0argins= 1 inc% Top Bottom &e/t an ig%tI G rom geH? .* %ea er .* /ooter.

    Section Style Data

    +ections s%ou' start on t%eir o#n page.

    !ea"ing #

    ont= $ria' 1, pt. bo' b'ac- @aragrap% spacing= G12 pt spaces Be/ore 1 pt $/terH Feep #it% next &e"e' 1 !ut'ine numbere tabs 5.*

    !ea"ing $ ont= $ria' 14 pt. bo' b'ac- @aragrap% spacing= G12 pt spaces Be/ore 12 pt $/terH Feep #it% next &e"e' 2 !ut'ine numbere tabs 5.*

    !ea"ing % ont $ria' 13 pt unbo' @aragrap% spacing= G, pt spaces Be/ore , spaces $/terH Feep #it% next &e"e' 3 out'ine numbere tabs 5.* 8n ent= 5.*

    Numbere" ists '(or Sections) $'' maJor section %ea ings (6ea ing 1) s%ou' be in numerica' or er (e.g.+ection 1 +ection ...................................................................2 +ection 3 etc.)

    +econ ar7 %ea ings (6ea ing 2) s%ou' be in numerica' or er (e.g. 1.1 1.2 2.1

    2.2 3.1 ................................................................................................3.2 etc.) +ub secon ar7 %ea ings (6ea ing 3) s%ou' be in numerica' or er (e.g. 2.1.2 ...................................................................2.1.3 3.1.1 3.1.2 etc.)


    ou ma7 uti'iMe a /e# st7'es /or tab'e text an tab'e %ea ings.

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    Detailed Design Document Template &ro4ect Name

    Caption= Tab'e Caption 6ea ing st7'e= $ria' Bo' TN 12 paragrap% spacing G1 pt Be/ore 3 pt $/terH

    Tab'e 6ea ing= $ria' 11 Bo' paragrap% spacing G1 pt Be/ore 3 pt $/terH Tab'e Text= Can "ar7 /rom TN 11 (because ocuments can "ar7 in siMe an 'engt%

    t%e aut%or ma7 c%oose #%ic% is suitab'e /or %is %er ocument) (T%e aut%or ma7 c%oose /rom Tab'e Text Tab'e Text 15 an Tab'e Text 11 st7'es.)

    Bu''ets #it%in tab'es= ont o/ bu''et is , ptI bu''et position= in ent at .1H text position=in ent at .1*H

    Table ' )* +ntended Audience and Document Uses

    Users Relevant Sections Uses

    table text TN $$ table text TN $A table text is TN @

    table text TN $$ table text is TN $A table text is TN @


    T%e %ea er contains t%e tit'e o/ t%e ocument on t%e 'e/t an t%e section on t%e rig%t.

    6o# to a section tit'es in t%e %ea er=

    1. Create a section brea- in t%e page a%ea o/ t%e page o/ t%e %ea er 7ou #ant to c%ange.

    *. C'ic- +ie , !ea"ers an" Footers .

    3. @ut 7our cursor in t%e %ea er. nsure t%at G+ame as @re"iousH is turne o//.

    -. C'ic- -nsert, Cross e(erence.

    a. 8n t%e rop o#n box ensure it states G6ea ingH an t%at t%e G8nsert e/erence ToH states G6ea ing TextHI t%en se'ect t%e %ea ing in t%e ia'og box t%at re/'ects t%e%ea ing 7ou #ant to insert.

    b. C'ic- -nsert.


    T%e /ooters contain t%e "ersion number o/ t%e ocument on t%e 'e/t page numbers in t%e mi 'ean t%e "ersion ate on t%e rig%t. ( egar ing "ersion numbers -eep t%e numbering s7stem to a1.1 1.2 etc. an 2.1 2.1 etc. ( or Gin %ouseH 7ou ma7 use a'ternate numbering s7stems 'i-eG1.1.1H an so /ort%.)

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template !xecuti e "ummar#

    Executi,e Summar-


    $ one page %ig% 'e"e' intro uction escribing in brie/= Document purpose

    Document users

    Document uses (#%at #%en %o#)

    Document o#ners

    Document main point o/ contact /or >uestions or /ee bac-]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]iii

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document "ection $. %ntroduction

    Section ). +ntroduction

    [T%is section inc'u ing a'' sub sections except inten e au ience is man ator7. T%isin/ormation is pro"i e in e"er7 e era' +tu ent $i e'i"erab'e in t%e

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document "ection $. %ntroduction

    1.4 Document Organization[T%is ocument comprises t%e /o''o#ing sections.

    +ection 1 8ntro uction= [Description]

    +ection 2 [+ection Name]= [Description]

    [ ]

    $ppen ix $ K $cron7ms an $bbre"iations

    $ppen ix B K A'ossar7

    $ppen ix C @'ace%o' er /or ocument re'ate appen ix]

    1. Re!erences and Related Documents

    [T%is subsection s%ou' pro"i e a comp'ete 'ist o/ a'' ocuments re/erence e'se#%ere in t%e Detai'e Design Document. ac% ocument s%ou' be i enti/ie b7 tit'e report number (i/app'icab'e) ate an pub'is%ing organiMation. +peci/7 t%e sources /rom #%ic% t%e re/erencescan be obtaine . T%is in/ormation ma7 be pro"i e b7 re/erence to an appen ix or to anot%erocument.]

    [ e/erences /or t%e Detai'e Design Document temp'ate are=

    e era' +tu ent $i

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection *. er ie6

    Section . /0ro1ect Name2 Solution 3,er,ie4[T%is section is man ator7.T%is section is inten e to pro"i e a summar7 o/ t%e so'ution an its components base on t%ein/ormation pre'iminar7 esign. 8/ t%e so'ution is being bro-en up into mu'tip'e etai'e esignocuments t%is section s%ou' i''ustrate t%e components in scope /or t%is etai'e esignocument in t%e context o/ t%e entire so'ution. !ne #a7 to ac%ie"e t%is is to pro"i e somenarrati"e i enti/7ing t%e so'ution area(s) in scope /or t%is particu'ar etai'e esign ocument

    /o''o#e b7 a re>uirements o"er"ie# i enti/7ing t%e re>uirements re'e"ant to t%e /unctiona'it7 in scope /or t%is etai'e esign ocument /o''o#e b7 t%e component mo e' in scope /or t%isetai'e esign ocument.

    @'ease re/er to t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign ocument /or an examp'e o/ t%is section. Note t%atin t%e case o/ t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign ocument components #ere not bro-en out into

    separate etai'e esign ocuments. 6o#e"er on'7 se'ect /unctiona'it7 #as co"ere as part o/t%e examp'e etai'e esign. T%e exemp'ar o"er"ie# section i enti/ies t%e /unctiona'it7 in scope

    /or t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign ocument. T%e re>uirements o"er"ie# t%en i enti/ies t%e usecases t%at pertain to t%e in scope /unctiona'it7.]

    2.1 "unctional Re#uirements Overvie$

    [T%is section s%ou' summariMe t%e /unctiona' re>uirements in scope /or t%is etai'e esignocument. 8/ t%e etai'e esign is bro-en up into mu'tip'e ocuments t%is summar7 s%ou'consist o/ t%e subset o/ t%e re>uirements o"er pro"i e in t%e pre'iminar7 esign ocument

    #%ic% is in scope /or t%is etai'e esign ocument.]

    2.2 %ig& 'evel (omponent )odel

    [T%is section s%ou' pro"i e a component mo e' to emonstrate t%e components in scope /or t%isetai'e esign ocument. T%is component mo e' ma7 be 'arge'7 base on t%e component mo e'

    pro"i e in t%e pre'iminar7 esign ocument. 8/ t%e etai'e esign is bro-en up into mu'tip'eetai'e esign ocuments t%e component mo e' in/ormation pro"i e %er s%ou' pro"i ein/ormation on t%e components in scope /or t%is particu'ar etai'e esign ocument.]

    2.2.1 (omponent Diagram

    [T%is section s%ou' contain t%e component iagram i enti/7ing t%e components in scope /or t%isetai'e esign ocument. 8/ t%is ocument is one o/ mu'tip'e etai'e esign ocuments /or t%is

    so'ution it ma7 be %e'p/u' to t%e rea er to pro"i e a %ig% 'e"e' component iagram epicting t%eentire so'ution an i enti/7ing #%ic% component(s) /rom t%e %ig% 'e"e' iagram are in scope /ort%is ocument. T%is cou' t%en be /o''o#e b7 a 'o#er 'e"e' component iagram i''ustrating

    /urt%er etai' on t%e component #it%in t%e scope o/ t%is etai'e esign ocument.]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]+

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection *. er ie6

    2.2.2 (omponent Descriptions[T%is section s%ou' communicate t%e escription in/ormation supporting t%e componentiagram. $n examp'e o/ a tab'e t%at ma7 be use to capture t%e escription in/ormation isbe'o#.]

    Table 5* 6ig7 &e,el %omponent Diagram Description

    Component Description Services Provided

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]-

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection +. :e# Design Decisions

    Section 5. 8e- Design Decisions[T%e intent o/ section is to ocument t%e -e7 ecisions an t%e rationa'e /or t%ose ecisions

    go"erning t%e etai'e esign o/ t%e so'ution. T%e /ormat ma7 be 'arge'7 t%e same as t%e $rc%itectura' Decisions ocumente in t%e pre'iminar7 esign. 6o#e"er t%e ecisionsocumente %ere are o/ten at a 'o#er or more etai'e 'e"e' an re/'ect issues t%at came upuring t%e etai'e esign acti"ities. $ samp'e tab'e to capture t%e in/ormation is pro"i ebe'o#.

    @'ease re/er to t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign ocument /or an examp'e o/ t%is section. ]

    Table 5 9* 8e- Design Decision Format

    Subject Area TopicDesignDecision

    AD ID

    Issue or





    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]0

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection -. ,pplication 1rame6or;

    Section 9. Application Frame4or:[T%is section is man ator7 un'ess t%e proJect can success/u''7 ma-e t%e case t%at it oesnOtapp'7 to t%is esign. 8n t%e case #%ere mu'tip'e etai'e esign ocuments exist /or a sing'e

    s7stem t%is section is man ator7 /or at 'east one o/ t%e etai'e esign ocuments pre/erab'et%e primar7 or core etai'e esign ocument.

    T%e intent o/ t%is section is to capture etai'e esign in/ormation escribing t%e o"era'' /rame#or- o/ t%e app'ication. T%is app'ies to custom app'ications as #e'' as pac-ageimp'ementations. 8n t%e case o/ a pac-age imp'ementation t%is section ma7 be pro"i ingin/ormation #%ic% t%e "en or %as a'rea 7 ocumente in #%ic% case t%e appropriate "en orocuments ma7 be re/erence %ere.

    T%e o"era'' /rame#or- o/ t%e app'ication ma7 be communicate using a combination o/ se>uence iagrams an narrati"es c'ass iagrams c'ass escriptions or ot%er etai'e 7namican static "ie#s o/ t%e s7stem.

    $ unit test "eri/ication section is re>uire to etai' t%e /o''o#ing=9nit testing in"o'"es testing eac% /eature in a gi"en component to ensure t%at eac% component isco e to meet t%e esign an re>uirements. T%e intent o/ t%is section is to escribe #%at #i'' beunit teste an %o#. T%is section s%ou' 'ist=

    T%e components to be teste

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection 0. &ac;age !xtension and Modi=ication Designs

    Section ;. 0ac:age Extension and #odification Designs[T%is section is man ator7 /or in cases #%ere a pac-age is being exten e or mo i/ie .

    8n t%is context a pac-age extension is e/ine as a ing or customiMing pac-age /unctiona'it7 ina manner supporte b7 t%e "en or. T%is is usua''7 ac%ie"e t%roug% some sort o/ scripting or

    programming t%at oes not c%ange t%e base app'ication co e pro"i e b7 t%e "en or. T%is oesnot inc'u e con/iguring t%e pac-age #%ic% s%ou' be capture in t%e con/igurations section o/t%is ocument. @ac-age mo i/ications are genera''7 e/ine as ma-ing c%anges to t%e pac-agebase co e #%ic% is t7pica''7 not supporte be t%e "en or. T%ese t7pes o/ c%anges o/ten createissues an incur extra #or- uring t%e app'ication o/ "en or supp'ie patc%es or uring a

    pac-age upgra e.

    T%e manner in #%ic% t%e extensions an or mo i/ications are ocumente is some#%atepen ent on t%e pac-age an tec%no'ogies being use . 8/ t%ere are stan ar met%o s o/ocumenting suc% c%anges /or t%e pac-age being imp'emente in most cases t%ose met%o s

    s%ou' be uti'iMe %ere.

    ina''7 a unit testing "eri/ication section etai'ing t%e /o''o#ing is re>uire = T%e components to be teste ues.]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]>

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection uent p%ases o/ t%e proJect.]

    *.1 In!ormation Arc&itecture

    [T%is section s%ou' pro"i e a %ig% 'e"e' o"er"ie# o/ t%e in/ormation arc%itecture. 8n t%e /uturea 9ser 8nter/ace +peci/ication ocument temp'ate #i'' be a"ai'ab'e to capture etai'e

    8n/ormation $rc%itecture an #ire /rame t7pe in/ormation. T%is section ma7 re/erence t%atocument /or more etai'. 6o#e"er i/ t%e user inter/ace %as re'ati"e'7 /e# screens it ma7 ma-e

    sense to capture a'' o/ t%e in/ormation arc%itecture in/ormation in t%is ocument. T%is section s%ou' genera''7 contain=

    T%e %ig% 'e"e' o"er"ie# o/ t%e in/ormation arc%itecture K ma7 re/erence t%e /uture 9ser 8nter/ace +peci/ication ocument /or more etai'e in/ormation.

    $ grap%ica' epiction o/ an7 screens an %o# t%e7 /'o# 6ig% 'e"e' components o/ eac% page suc% as @ort'ets P+ or st7'e s%eets #%ere

    app'icab'e. T%is in/ormation ma7 be 'arge'7 ri"en b7 t%e tec%no'ogies se'ecte toimp'ement t%is user inter/ace.

    @'ease re/er to section ,.1 o/ t%e xemp'ar Detai'e Design Document /or a

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection >. Data Mo ement %nter=aces and Con ersions

    Section =. Data #o,ement +nterfaces and %on,ersions[T%is section is man ator7 /or an7 proJect #it% ata mo"ement inter/aces or con"ersions #it%int%e scope o/ t%e proJect.

    T%is section s%ou' pro"i e a etai'e esign /or eac% ata mo"ement inter/ace or con"ersionnecessar7 to support t%e externa' s7stem inter/aces an con"ersions i enti/ie in t%e pre'iminar7esign context mo e'. 8n t%is context an inter/ace is genera''7 e/ine as an on going atamo"ement /rom a source s7stem to a target s7stem. $ con"ersion is genera''7 e/ine as a atamo"ement /rom a source s7stem to a target s7stem #%ic% is t7pica''7 a one time ata migrationa'so sometimes re/erre to as an initia' ata 'oa .

    8n most cases eac% 8nter/ace Contro' Document #i'' resu't in an associate inter/ace orcon"ersion etai'e esign. Depen ing on t%e proJect an t%e number o/ inter/ace etai'eesign re>uire t%is section ma7 be bro-en out into a separate etai'e esign ocument ore"en a etai'e esign ocument /or eac% inter/ace or con"ersion.

    8n t%e case #%ere a'' inter/ace etai'e esigns #ere capture in t%is sing'e section i ea''7t%ere #ou' be a 'e"e' 2 sub section /or eac% inter/ace etai'e esign repeating t%e subsectionsbe'o# /or eac% inter/ace etai'e esign (i.e. ,.1 @erson 9p ates /rom @ 0+ to C!D ,.2

    @erson 9p ates /rom @ 0+ to N+&D+ ,.3 @ersons 9p ates /rom C@+ to @ 0+ etc.).

    T%e subsections o/ t%is ocument ma7 nee to be customiMe base on t%e integration too's beinguti'iMe /or gi"en inter/aces. @'ease re/er to t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign /or an examp'e o/ a

    sing'e batc% inter/ace etai'e esign.]

    ,.1 -Inter!ace or (onversion ame/

    [T%e %ea ing abo"e i enti/ies t%e inter/ace or con"ersion t%at t%e etai'e esign in sub section.1 pertains to. +ection .2 #ou' t%en contain t%e etai'e esign /or anot%er inter/ace an soon. 8 ea''7 t%e inter/ace or con"ersion s%ou' a''o# rea ers to easi'7 un erstan #%ic% e'emento/ t%e pre'iminar7 esign context mo e' an #%ic% inter/ace contro' ocument t%is etai'eesign represents. $'ternate'7 it ma7 be "a'uab'e to pro"i e a tab'e abo"e t%is sub sectioni''ustrating t%e mapping o/ eac% inter/ace an con"ersion etai'e esign to its associate

    s7stem context e'ement an inter/ace contro' ocument.]

    ,.1.1 Overvie$[T%is intent o/ t%is section is to pro"i e t%e rea er a escription o/ t%e inter/ace t%at t%is etai'eesign pertains to %ig%'ig%ting -e7 in/ormation /rom t%e context mo e' an inter/ace contro'ocument an pro"i ing some context #it% regar to %o# t%is inter/ace /its into t%e app'icationas a #%o'e.]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]$$

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection >. Data Mo ement %nter=aces and Con ersions

    ,.1.2 Design Approac&[T%is intent o/ t%is section is to etai' t%e summar7 approac% to t%e o"era'' esign o/ t%isinter/ace or con"ersion. or instance sub section ma7 out'ine %o# t%e ata #i'' be pro"i e b7t%e source s7stem #%at t7pe o/ tec%no'ogies #i'' be use in t%e inter/ace esign ( T& /tp 0R

    etc.) %o# t%e source s7stem #i'' consume t%e ata -e7 timing or sc%e u'ing e'ements an an7outputs t%e source s7stem mig%t pro uce a/ter consuming t%e ata. @'ease re/er to t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign /or an examp'e. Note t%at in t%e exemp'ar etai'eesign t%ere is no approac% section. 6o#e"er t%e approac% is 'ai out in t%e sing'e paragrap%un er section ,.1.]

    ,.1.3 'ogical Design[T%is section s%ou' contain a 'ogica' iagram an associate narrati"e i''ustrating t%e 'ogica'inter/ace components an /'o# /rom source to target. T%e iagram s%ou' s%o# t%e source antarget s7stem(s) mi 'e#are an ot%er -e7 components to pro"i e rea ers a genera'un erstan ing o/ t%e inter/ace. T%is ma7 be as simp'e as a context iagram epicting t%e

    inter/ace program in scope /or t%is ocument as a b'ac- box. Aenera''7 it is e//ecti"e i/ t%emaJor components in t%e en to en ata mo"ement are a'' epicte %ere #it% t%e component(s)in t%e scope o/ t%is ocument %ig%'ig%te /or c'arit7. or instance i/ t%e source s7stem is a'egac7 s7stem responsib'e /or pro ucing t%e input /i'e an mo"ing it to a gi"en 'ocation t%eiagram ma7 s%o# t%at /or comp'eteness but a'so in icate it is not in t%e scope o/ t%is etai'eesign.

    @'ease re/er to t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign /or an examp'e.]

    ,.1.4 Data "lo$ Diagram and arrative[T%is section is optiona'.

    Depen ing on t%e amount o/ processing ta-ing p'ace #it%in t%e inter/ace program it ma7 be%e'p/u' to pro"i e a ata /'o# iagram an narrati"e /or t%e rea er. uire'oo-ups an re/erences #ere not e/ine as a part o/ t%e inter/ace contro' ocument t%e7 mustbe e/ine %ere. @'ease re/er to t%e inter/ace contro' ocument /or temp'ate instructions.]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]$*

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection >. Data Mo ement %nter=aces and Con ersions

    ,.1., Data )apping +rans!ormations and "ormatting[

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection >. Data Mo ement %nter=aces and Con ersions

    Table = ;* Error 7andling> &ogging and #onitoring +nformation

    !rrorH !rror Message Text Triggering Condition eco er# ptions emar;s 1524 0an ator7

    in/ormation not /urnis%e

    e>uire /ie' s not supp'ie

    @'ease in icate #%att%e reco"er7 optionsare an an7 specia'con itions.

    Categor# Value emar;s!xceptionBandling

    @'ease in icate t%e re>uirements in caset%at t%e inter/ace /ai's


    8n icate t%e 'og /i'e error message

    Compensation 8n icate con itions %o# to compensatet%e inter/ace (retr7 re execute cance')

    +%ou' t%e process simp'7 be restartea/ter an7 issues are reso'"e S Can t%emessage(s) be re sentS 8s t%erec%ec-point restart processing t%at nee sto be imp'emente S 8s t%ere para''e'

    processing o/ ata (batc%) ta-ing p'aceS!xception &ist an7 ot%er exception %ereMonitoring e>uire or Not uirement re'ate to t%e tab'e be'o# s%ou' %a"e beencapture in t%e associate inter/ace contro' ocument or ot%er re>uirements ocumentation.

    6o#e"er it ma7 %e'p to restate t%em %ere /or con"enience. @'ease re/er to t%e to t%e esignconsi erations section 14 o/ t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign /or a genera' examp'e o/ %o# toocument t%is in/ormation.]

    Table =

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection >. Data Mo ement %nter=aces and Con ersions

    ,.1.13 Inter!ace Deplo7ment (onsiderations[T%e intent o/ t%is section is to capture an7 in/ormation be7on t%at capture in t%econ/iguration section t%at ma7 assist t%ose responsib'e /or setting up "arious en"ironments anep'o7ing t%e so/t#are to t%ose en"ironments (i.e. testing en"ironments training en"ironment

    pro uction en"ironment). xamp'es o/ items to consi er inc'u e= $n7 atabase in/ormation t%at must be 'oa e in a "ance o/ running t%e inter/ace (initia''oa s)

    $n7 epen encies on setup o/ re'ate Jobs (i.e. a +! T /i'e trans/er Job) Directories t%at must be create 9sers t%at must be create inc'u ing operating s7stem 'e"e' atabase 'e"e' etc. 9ser groups or permissions t%at must be grante to users or irectories]

    ,.1.14 Unit +est 8eri!ication !or -inter!ace name/[T%e intent o/ t%is section is to capture=

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection >. Data Mo ement %nter=aces and Con ersions

    ,.2., Data )apping +rans!ormations and "ormatting

    ,.2. (omponent Detailed Design and "rame$or0


    ,.2.5 Supporting Scripts

    ,.2.16 rror %andling 'ogging )onitoring andRecover7

    ,.2.11 Inter!ace Design (onsiderations

    ,.2.12 Inter!ace (on!igurations

    ,.2.13 Inter!ace Deplo7ment (onsiderations

    ,.2.14 Unit +est 8eri!ication !or -inter!ace name/

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]$>

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection ?. Common ,pplication "er ices

    Section . %ommon Application Ser,ices[T%is section is man ator7 /or so'ution bui' ing common app'ication ser"ices.T%e purpose o/ t%is section is to pro"i e t%e etai'e esign /or t%e common components t%at#i'' be bui't an or uti'iMe in t%is so'ution. noug% etai' must be pro"i e in t%is section to

    pro"i e e"e'opers #it% an un erstan ing o/ %o# to bui' an uti'iMe t%ese components. T%isma7 be ac%ie"e t%roug% t%e use o/ se>uence iagrams c'ass iagram an re'ate narrati"esan escription in/ormation epen ing on t%e tec%no'ogies an too's use /or t%is esign.T7pica' common app'ication ser"ices t%at ma7 be etai'e in t%is section inc'u e=

    Cac%ing +er"ice a generic component t%at ma7 be 'e"erage to temporari'7 store atain memor7 in or er to spee up t%e operations o/ t%e s7stem

    @er/ormance Trac-ing +er"ice K a component t%at m7 be 'e"erage to monitor gi"enapp'ication ser"ices to ensure t%e ser"ice is per/orming at an acceptab'e 'e"e' o/ ser"ice

    rror 6an 'ing +er"ices K ma7 be 'e"erage across app'ication component to captureexceptions an generate error messages in a consistent an centra''7 maintaine

    manner. &ogging rame#or- K ma7 be 'e"erage across app'ication components to %an 'e'ogging in a consistent centra''7 maintaine manner.

    $u it &ogging +er"ice K a component t%at ma7 be 'e"erage to trac- transactions /orau it 'ogging purposes

    Data Va'i ation +er"ice K a ser"ice t%at ma7 be 'e"erage to "a'i ate ata inputs into t%e s7stem.

    Business u'es +er"ice K a ser"ice t%at ma7 be 'e"erage to store customiMe businessru'es as #e'' as uti'iMe use t%em to ri"e interna' processes

    Data Visibi'it7 +er"ice K a component t%at ma7 be 'e"erage to e/ine an app'7 ataattribute 'e"e' permissions to gi"en users

    Con/iguration 0anagement +er"ice K a component t%at ma7 be use to centra' manage s7stem con/iguration an contro' run time app'ication be%a"ior

    $ itiona''7 a unit test "eri/ication section etai'ing t%e /o''o#ing is re>uire = T%e components to be teste

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection @. &ersistence 2a#er

    Section B. 0ersistence &a-er [T%is section is man ator7 /or so'utions accessing a ata store.T%e intent o/ t%is section is to capture t%e etai'e esign o/ t%e persistence 'a7er o/ t%eapp'ication. T7pica''7 t%e persistence 'a7er consists o/ t%e app'ication ata store(s) an t%ecomponents responsib'e /or interactions #it% t%e app'ication ata store(s). ncapsu'ation o/ t%is

    /unctiona'it7 enab'es components suc% as t%e user inter/ace or business an omain componentsto a"oi irect'7 accessing t%e app'ication ata store(s) an c%anne's a'' ata stores accesst%roug% a centra''7 maintaine set o/ components.]

    5.1 Persistence 'a7er (omponent Designs

    [T%e contents o/ t%is section #i'' "ar7 base on t%e t7pe o/ persistence 'a7er being bui't. $ Pa"abase persistence 'a7er etai'e esign s%ou' t7pica''7 be expresse t%roug% se>uence

    iagrams c'ass iagram an associate narrati"es an escriptions. @'ease see t%e exemp'aretai'e esign /or an examp'e o/ a ocuments Pa"a base persistence 'a7er.]

    5.2 +ransaction Descriptions

    [T%is section is optiona'. 8t ma7 be %e'p/u' to ocument t%e transactions t%at t%e persistence 'a7er #i'' manage. T%e purpose o/ Transaction Descriptions is to ensure t%e s7stem a e>uate'7 en/orces ata integrit7.+peci/ica''7 t%e #or- pro uct ensures t%at t%e e"e'opers an atabase esigners un erstan#%ic% atabase irector7 an inter/ace accesses must be groupe toget%er into atomic units.T%is in/ormation is use =

    To arrange 'ogic into +er"ice c'asses t%at imp'ement atomic units o/ #or- to #%ic% commit anro''bac- 'ogic can be app'ie b7 t%e /rame#or-.

    To assist #it% atabase optimiMation an per/ormance tuning.

    To prioritiMe re'ati"e per/ormance o/ t%e transactions

    Note t%e /o''o#ing arc%itectura' re>uirements o/ +er"ice esigns t%at app'7 to transactions=

    1. ac% ser"ice #i'' %a"e on'7 one transaction.

    2. 8/ a ser"ice re>uires up ates to bot% atabase an eit%er a irector7 or an inter/ace t%e

    atabase up ates must occur /irst. T%is is because t%e irector7 an inter/aces o not supportro''bac-. 8/ t%e irector7 inter/ace in"ocation /ai's t%en t%e atabase mo i/ication can bero''e bac-.T%e /o''o#ing tab'e s%o#s an examp'e o/ transactions initiate b7 a ser"ice component. T%ere isone transaction per ser"ice c'ass. 8n t%e tab'e ro#s are groupe into a set o/ operations

    per/orme as part o/ one transaction. T%e ro#s are s%o#n in t%e or er t%at t%e7 #i'' beexecute .

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]$@

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection @. &ersistence 2a#er

    Table B =* Transactions Table

    Transaction +d Ser,ice Name Domain 3b1ect 3peration %omments(3ptional

    +V 5QQ.1 Bas-etC%ec-out+ er"ice

    Bas-et8tems De'ete

    Bas-et De'ete 8/ a'' items aree'ete

    Bas-et 9p ate 8/ a'' items are note'ete

    !r er Create 0u'tip'e or erscreate

    !r er +ubmit +@8C+ transaction D@! QQQ

    5.3 Unit +est 8eri!ication !or Persistence 'a7er(omponents

    [9nit testing in"o'"es testing eac% /eature in a gi"en component to ensure t%at eac% componentis co e to meet t%e esign an re>uirements. T%e intent o/ t%is section is to escribe #%at #i''be unit teste an %o#. T%is section s%ou' 'ist=

    T%e components to be teste

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection $A. Data Model

    Section )'. Data #odel[T%is section is man ator7 /or a'' s7stems uti'iMing a ata store.T%is section 'arge'7 points to ata mo e' e'i"erab'es t%at s%ou' %a"e been pro uce outsi e o/t%is etai'e esign speci/ication but are being uti'iMe b7 t%is esign. 8/ t%e re>uire atamo e' e'i"erab'es /rom t%e 'ist be'o# are not comp'ete t%e etai'e esign o/ t%e s7stem cannotbe consi ere comp'ete.]

    16.1'ogical Data )odel

    [T%is section is man ator7.T%e 'ogica' ata mo e' #i'' be capture in a separate e'i"erab'e or too' (or bot%). T%e intent o/t%is section is to 'in- to or pro"i e simp'e instructions to access t%e 'ogica' ata mo e'(s)re'e"ant to t%is esign. T%is ser"es to pro"i e comp'eteness to t%e etai'e esign ocument as

    #e'' as a con"enience to t%ose using or re"ie#ing t%is etai'e esign ocument. T%e inten e#or- pro uct gui e temp'ate /or t%e 'ogica' ata mo e' is current'7 t%e G &ogica' Data 0o e' Design an De"e'opment "1.5 H temp'ate.]

    16.2Process Data Usage 9(RUD:

    [T%is section is optiona'. 8/ C 9D (Create ea 9p ate an De'ete) matrix #o- is per/orme /or t%e Detai'e Design#i'' be capture in anot%er #or- pro uct /rom t%e

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection $A. Data Model

    $n assessment o/ t%e acti"it7 b7 s7stem component (e.g. #or-station app'ication ser"eratabase ser"er etc.) associate #it% t%e execution o/ t%e business process. T%isassessment cou' inc'u e= T%e number o/ ata retrie"a' re>uests b7 t7pe generate b7 t%e process. T%is cou' bet%e number o/ +R& ca''s b7 t7pe (e.g. + & CT TC6 9@D$T etc) issue to t%eatabase ser"er t%e number o/ 6T0& page re>uests issue to t%e < B ser"er t%enumber o/ /i'e 8 !s b7 t7pe (e.g. +e>uentia' $D an om $D etc.) issue to t%e /i'e

    ser"er etc. Number o/ ata store re>uests b7 t7pe generate b7 t%e process. T%is cou' be t%enumber o/ +R& 8N+ T ca''s issue to t%e atabase ser"er t%e number o/ /i'e uirements #i'' /ai' to e'i"er t%e re>uire 'e"e' o/ per/ormance once ep'o7e .]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]**

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection $$. !nterprise "er ices

    Section )). Enterprise Ser,ices[T%e intent o/ t%e enterprise ser"ices section is to=

    8 enti/7 an escribe t%e 'ist o/ enterprise ser"ices t%is s7stem #i'' uti'iMe. Note t%at man7

    o/ t%e enterprise ser"ice ma7 be existing ser"ices. Detai' %o# eac% enterprise ser"ice #i'' be ca''e an %o# t%e ata #i'' be uti'iMe b7 t%e s7stem. or existing enterprise ser"ices a ser"ice esign oes not exist #it%in t%isocument. 8/ possib'e ocumentation /or t%e existing ser"ice s%ou' be re/erence %ere.

    T%is in/ormation ma7 genera''7 be ocumente t%roug% static an 7namic 90& iagrams anassociate narrati"e an escription in/ormation. ]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]*+

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection $+. Design Considerations

    Section )5. Design %onsiderations[T%e intent o/ t%is section is to i''ustrate %o# t%e s7stem #as esigne to meet -e7 non /unctiona're>uirements an to escribe an7 compromises c%oices i/ an7 ma e in t%e course o/ t%e esign.

    or examp'e c%oosing bet#een using more memor7 space "s. using more is- spaceI per/ormance "s. comp'exit7 o/ co e an so on.

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template "ection $+. Design Considerations

    xamp'e items to iscuss are= 9n er #%at (externa' as #e'' as interna') con itions are esign e'ements 'i-e'7 to

    experience /ai'ureS 6o# #i'' t%e /ai'ure mani/est itse'/ to t%e userS 6o# oes t%e esign reco"er /rom or #or- aroun /ai'ure con itionsS

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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection $+. Design Considerations


    [9se t%is section to i''ustrate %o# t%e o"era'' esign accommo ate securit7 re>uirements suc%as aut%entication an aut%oriMation re>uirements.]

    13. Accessiuires t%at a'' /e era' go"ernment agencies purc%ase accessib'e so'utionsun'ess none exist. ]


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    Detailed Design Document Template "ection $-. Con=iguration

    Section )9. %onfiguration[+peci/7 a'' con/iguration parameters use #it%in t%is etai'e esign. T%is ma7 consist o/ acombination o/ items suc% as=

    $ 'ist o/ a'' con/iguration /i'es t%e con/igurations a"ai'ab'e #it%in eac% /i'e an aescription o/ t%e options a"ai'ab'e

    $n7 con/iguration or meta ata store in atabase tab'es t%at must be setup in or er /ort%e app'ication to run as esire

    $n7 en"ironment "ariab'es or constants t%at nee to be create an or set to speci/ic"a'ues

    $n7 pro uct con/igurations suc% as !rac'e per/ormance tuning settings or uirements

    @'ease re/er to t%e exemp'ar etai'e esign ocument /or an examp'e o/ t%is section.]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]*?

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  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template ,ppendix , J ,cron#ms and ,bbre iations

    Appendi# A $ Acron ms and Abbreviations

    uidance %nsert a co er page be=ore eacB ,ppendix.

    (9eading >F TN $*F centeredF paragrapB spacing $0< pt Kbe=ore.L)

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)],E$

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template ,ppendix , J ,cron#ms and ,bbre iations

    Appendix A* Acron-ms and Abbre,iations

    [&ist a'' t%e acron7ms use in t%e ocument.

    xamp'e= Acronym Definition

    C D Common riginations and Disbursements

    C&" Central &rocessing "#stem

    DD2 Data De=inition 2anguage

    !T2 !xtractF Trans=orm and 2oad

    1T& 1ile Trans=er &rotocol

    9, 9igB , ailabilit#

    9TM2 9#per Text Mar;up 2anguage

    %/ %nput/ utput

    "& a a "er er &age

    N T NearE eal Time

    N"2D" National "tudent 2oan Data "#stem

    " 1T "er ice riented 1ile Trans=er

    "72 "tructured 7uer# 2anguage

    " perating "#stem

    & M" &erson record Management "#stem

    'M2 'ni=ied Modeling 2anguage

    Aui ance on a itiona' appen ices=

    $ itiona' $ppen ices s%ou' be in se>uence to t%e pre"ious (e.g. $ppen ix $ B C D etc.)

    $ an B are reser"e /or $cron7ms an a A'ossar7 an an7 appen ices a/ter t%at areocument speci/ic.

    ooters= restart page numbering (e.g. i/ 7ou create an $ppen ix D t%e page numbers in t%e /ooters s%ou' rea GD 1 D 2 H etc.)

    Describe a'' associate terms /or t%is proJect ocument met%o o'og7 etc.]

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)],E*

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template ,ppendix E lossar#

    Appendi# % & 'lossar

    uidance %nsert a co er page be=ore eacB ,ppendix.

    (9eading >F TN $*F centeredF paragrapB spacing $0< pt Kbe=ore.L)

    [Version Number (x.xx)] [Version Date (MM/DD/YYYY)]E$

  • 8/13/2019 57815351 Detailed Design Document Template


    Detailed Design Document Template

    Appendix * lossar-

    [&ist a'' t%e g'ossar7 terms use in t%e ocument.

    xamp'e=Term Definition

    Common rigination andDisbursement (C D)

    %nitiati e designed to put in place more common processesacross =inancial aid programs. 1", s participating scBools usea common processF plat=ormF and record to originate anddisburse Title %V =ederal aid =unds.

    !xBibit +AA 1unding reGuest document describing tBe business case =or anin estmentF =inancialsF per=ormance measuresF " M and T Mmappings.

    1T& "Bort =or 1ile Trans=er &rotocolF tBe protocol used on tBe%nternet =or excBanging =iles. 1T& 6or;s in tBe same 6a# as9TT& =or trans=erring 8eb pages =rom a ser er to a user s

    bro6ser and "MT& =or trans=erring electronic mail across tBe%nternet in tBatF li;e tBese tecBnologiesF 1T& uses tBe %nternet sTC&/%& protocols to enable data trans=er.

    1T& is most commonl# used to do6nload a =ile =rom a ser erusing tBe %nternet or to upload a =ile to a ser er (e.g.F uploadinga 8eb page =ile to a ser er).

    %ntegrated TecBnical,rcBitecture (%T,)

    %n=rastructure tBat 6ill reduce tBe number o= sto e pipedapplications 6itBin 1", tBat are costl# to update. 1",applications use tBis in=rastructure to reduce per=ormance

    bottlenec;s and resol e issues.

    8or; &roducts uide TBe 8or; &roducts uide see;s to pro ide pro4ect managers6itB access to a ;no6ledge base o= guidelinesF proceduresF andtemplates =or all critical pro4ect acti ities.