
The title of the film has a serif font and is in capital letters. The capital letters allow the title to be bold and very visible. The colour is a light grey and it contrasts and stands out on top of the dull background. The style of the writing is almost distorted which ads to the effect that there is clearly something wrong. The meaning behind the font is indicating there is something wrong, and there is a disturbance within the movie. Possession is the largest text on the page, which indicates to us that it is the most important word on the poster, it allows us to not only recognise that it is a horror movie, but that it is a supernatural The main image is very grotesque which adds to the frightening effect. The image itself is more disturbing than scary which will encourage people to go and watch the movie because they will want to find out what is happening to the girl on the poster. The fact that it is a young girl on the front also gives the impression that the movie is based around a demonic child, which appeals to audiences because it could happen to them. The hand crawling out of the girls mouth is clearly causing her pain and causing us to feel uncomfortable, it also suggests there is an evil presence within her, which will attract people to watch it. ‘Based on a true story is something that is used to scare the audience even further then the movie itself. This is because they will believe that this actually happened, therefore they will believe that this could potentially happen to them. It is more scary because it makes the movie more believable. The font used is serif, which makes the audience see this first and adds to the fear factor of the film. It is placed on the top of the poster above the main image, which allows the audience to notice this first and believe this could happen to them. The background colour is a mix of dark and light dull greys. The background does not detract the attention away from the main image which gives a large focus to the image. The atmosphere of the poster is set by the dull background which allows us to determine the horror genre. The gradient also gets darker as it gets further down the page which directly refers to the tagline “darkness lives inside”. The darker shade increases as it reaches her torso which implies there is something living inside her. The gradient The tagline of the movie poster is serif font and in capital letters. This makes the tagline noticeable to the audience, but not as much as the main title. The font is in light grey, which contrasts on the dark background of the poster, and also has an eerie look. Darkness lives inside is also a big hint to what the movie is about, and the darkness is a common convention of a horror movie which once again allows us to recognise film genre. The layout of the poster is very simplistic. The main image takes up the whole frame which makes it the main focus with the film title just underneath. The tagline and the release date are at the bottom and the based on a true story is at the very top. The film title is the largest text on the page which allows the audience to remember the name of the movie. The release date of the movie has been typed in red, which contrasts to the rest of the dull poster. This red stands out on the page, therefore will catch the audiences eye, and the colour red connotes death and danger, therefore helps add to the horror effect.

Transcript of #

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The title of the film has a serif font and is in capital letters. The capital letters allow the title to be bold and very visible. The colour is a light grey and it contrasts and stands out on top of the dull background. The style of the writing is almost distorted which ads to the effect that there is clearly something wrong. The meaning behind the font is indicating there is something wrong, and there is a disturbance within the movie. Possession is the largest text on the page, which indicates to us that it is the most important word on the poster, it allows us to not only recognise that it is a horror movie, but that it is a supernatural horror movie, which is a sub genre that appeals to a large audience. The name is of movie “possession” is very self explanatory, clearly hinting at the fact it is a supernatural movie and someone within the movie will become possessed by a spirit.

The main image is very grotesque which adds to the frightening effect. The image itself is more disturbing than scary which will encourage people to go and watch the movie because they will want to find out what is happening to the girl on the poster. The fact that it is a young girl on the front also gives the impression that the movie is based around a demonic child, which appeals to audiences because it could happen to them. The hand crawling out of the girls mouth is clearly causing her pain and causing us to feel uncomfortable, it also suggests there is an evil presence within her, which will attract people to watch it.

‘Based on a true story is something that is used to scare the audience even further then the movie itself. This is because they will believe that this actually happened, therefore they will believe that this could potentially happen to them. It is more scary because it makes the movie more believable. The font used is serif, which makes the audience see this first and adds to the fear factor of the film. It is placed on the top of the poster above the main image, which allows the audience to notice this first and believe this could happen to them.

The background colour is a mix of dark and light dull greys. The background does not detract the attention away from the main image which gives a large focus to the image. The atmosphere of the poster is set by the dull background which allows us to determine the horror genre. The gradient also gets darker as it gets further down the page which directly refers to the tagline “darkness lives inside”. The darker shade increases as it reaches her torso which implies there is something living inside her. The gradient suggests things will get darker and more sinister throughout the film.

The tagline of the movie poster is serif font and in capital letters. This makes the tagline noticeable to the audience, but not as much as the main title. The font is in light grey, which contrasts on the dark background of the poster, and also has an eerie look. Darkness lives inside is also a big hint to what the movie is about, and the darkness is a common convention of a horror movie which once again allows us to recognise film genre.

The layout of the poster is very simplistic. The main image takes up the whole frame which makes it the main focus with the film title just underneath. The tagline and the release date are at the bottom and the based on a true story is at the very top. The film title is the largest text on the page which allows the audience to remember the name of the movie.

The release date of the movie has been typed in red, which contrasts to the rest of the dull poster. This red stands out on the page, therefore will catch the audiences eye, and the colour red connotes death and danger, therefore helps add to the horror effect.

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The window frame on the main image helps to add to the effect of being uninvited. The fact that she is looking in on the window shows that she is not welcome. The window frames makes the girl seem like she is behind bars, which indicates that she has done something wrong that is why she is not invited to come in.

‘From the producers of the ring and disturbia’ has been placed almost in the centre of the poster, in a small font. This information will encourage audiences to watch this movie, because these are two very successful horror movies, so if the uninvited has been produced by the same company, they can expect it to be just as good. The reference to other movies also give an indication to what type of movie this will be. The font is the same as the title which adds to this writing on the window.

The tagline of the movie has been placed underneath the title, in a small font. Once again the font is the same as the other text on the poster which again adds to the writing on the window effect. ‘Fear moves in’ is the tagline which is linked to the title of the movie, because fear has not been invited to this house. The word fear is a hint to the horror genre which allows us as an audience to decide whether it appeals to us or not. The fact that they have used ‘moved in’ will scare the audience further because it is indicating this could happen to them in the comfort of their own home.

The background to the main image is a misty forest. This mist adds to the grey scale. Mist and forests are key conventions of horror movies, so once again allows us as an audience to establish the genre. The mist also plays on the title of the film ‘the uninvited’ because the mist reduces our vision, and therefore we cannot see who the girl is, or know what she wants.

The main image is of a girl looking through a steamy window. The image is clever because you cannot see the face of the girl, but the outline is very clear. The face is blacked out which ties in nicely with the title of the movie ‘the uninvited’. We do not know who this girl is, therefore, the idea of being uninvited has been played on with the main image. The image is also in grey scale which helps establish the genre, and sets a dull atmosphere for the poster. In terms of mise en scene, the female on the poster is wearing a plain t-shirt, and from what we can see, she has a basic, everyday hairstyle, which indicates that she is a normal person. However, this could have implications that this is a psychological horror because she could be a normal looking human being, with a twisted mind. The positioning of her hands indicates to us that she is looking in on us, so she can see us, however we cannot see us because her face has been blacked out.

The title of the movie is white, which almost looks ghostly which may indicate this movie has elements of supernatural. The font looks very child like, almost as if the girl has written it in the condensation on the window. This gives a creepy feel to the poster, like she is trying to give a message. The title has been placed at the bottom of the poster, which allows more focus to be given to the main image.

In terms of layout, the main image takes up the whole frame, which indicates that this has the most importance. The title of the film is located in the bottom right hand corner of the frame, which allows the focus to be on the main image, however it is the lightest shade of the grey scale therefore it stands out. The institutional information is at the very bottom of the page, along with the release date which again diverts the attention back to the main image.

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The tagline of the movie poster is positioned at the top of the poster, and is in a very small font. It is not very noticeable but the image underneath helps to make it more noticeable. ‘Believe in him’ shows the audience there is maybe some sort of force involved in this movie, and this may appeal to audiences. The tagline anchors the meaning behind the main image, believe in what is taking over this girl. The tagline links to the main image very well because it hints that there is a force taking over this girl who wants to be believed in.The main image on the poster takes up the whole frame and is in black and white. The main image is of a very distorted young girl which automatically sets the film genre for the audience. The fact that the image is of a young girl indicates that the film involves a demonic child, which also hints at he supernatural sub genre. The image is a long shot showing that the girl is in a very inhuman position. The image creates a disturbing feeling because it is very unusual and grotesque. Despite the fact that he image is disturbing, this is what lures the audience in and encourages them to watch the movie and find out what is happening to this young girl. The main image almost blends into the background, because her dress is the same colour which could indicate that she is being taken over by the evil that has invaded her world.

The crucifix shows religious imagery, which relates to the idea of exorcism and also shows there is a supernatural element to the film. The tagline ‘believe in him’ is placed above the crucifix which indicates that the idea of demons and religion are involved, and maybe has something to do with this girl on the poster.

The background is a part of the main image. The colour of the background is a very light grey scale which makes it look dull and sets the atmosphere for the movie. The background compliments the main image of the girl on the front, it allows her to stand out and shows her shadow, which again looks disturbing and makes the audience feel uncomfortable. The institutional information is placed at the bottom of the page, in a very small font, which shows its less important. ‘Lionsgate’ is written at the bottom which Is a successful horror movie company, and therefore will encourage the audience to watch the movie, because they have experience in creating horror movies.The title of the film is placed at the bottom of the poster underneath the main image. The title is in capital letters and each word is a different size font and looks distorted and sporadic suggesting a lack of stability and safety and that the equilibrium of life has been disrupted. The text is black which is a typical colour associated with the horror genre, and it stands out on the light background. The word exorcism shows the audience that the movie is supernatural, and will have religious elements included, it also hints at he story behind the main image.

‘Coming Soon’ builds up anticipation for the audience because it doesn’t tell you when it is coming, it gives you a rough idea, and creates a mystery. This will build up excitement for the audience and encourage them to watch the movie.

In terms of layout, the main focus is on the girl in the centre of the frame, however the cross is placed just above her therefore the eye would catch this too. The shadow also catches the eye, because it gives the horrific effect to the girl. The institutional information is very basic, ‘Eli Roth & Strike present’ is the main information that is given and is in red, therefore connotes danger.

In terms of mise en scene the hair and costume both blend in to the background, therefore taking away the girls femininity, and almost dehumanising her, creating this character. The room that the girl is in, looks plain and basic, therefore making the girl look more defined and stand out more.

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The strap line on the magazine front cover relates to James Bond. The font of the strap line is in capital letters and sans serif. This allows the strap line to be visible. Red and grey have been used which are very basic colours, once again appealing to a dominantly male audience. The 007 logo has been used in the top left hand corner, which means it will be seen first on the magazine, and it shows that it is promoting a well known movie, because only the logo has been used, not the title of the movie. The ‘Girls’ of sky fall indicates that this magazine is aimed at men because this is most likely going to appeal to mean sexual needs to look at women who are highly attractive. It also lures the readers in because there are two images of women within the logo.

The masthead ‘EMPIRE’ could suggest that this magazine is a very worldwide one, which would appeal to a large range of film fans. Empire is also a brand of theatres which therefore links directly to film. The masthead takes up a large amount of the top third of the front cover, which shows its importance, and to make it very noticeable. For my magazine front cover, I plan to use a very similar size masthead. The font used is in block capitals and very neat, which could relate to the high income high income male target audience. The colour of the masthead is plain white, which is plain but stands out well on the dark background, the colour could also reflect the target audience because it is quite sophisticated and look very tidy. The masthead is also slightly covered by the main image which indicates this magazine is very well known and the brand identity has been kept the same, because we can recognise the magazine even though some of the title has been taken out from our vision. A sans serif display font has been used which is bold and eye catching.

The puff is placed beside the main image which will catch the readers eye. The puff is promoting different avengers from the main sell line, which appeals to the target audience because it is an action adventure movie which is aimed mainly at men. The puff is orange which again is an eye grabbing colour and blends in nicely with the colour scheme on the front cover.

The banner at the bottom of the page included images of other appealing films and film characters. ‘Stiffler’s Back’ is from American Pie which will directly appeal to the target audience because it is a well known comedy movie.

The colours used on the magazine front cover are mainly red, yellow and white with a little bit of grey. These colours are very basic primary colours which is appealing to a male target audience because primary colours are easier for men to digest.

The main image takes up the largest proportion of the front cover which shows that it is the main sell line on the page. The image is of avengers which is extremely popular to audiences and will appeal to a large target audience. Robert Downey Jr is a very popular actor, and appeals to both men and women because men would want to be like him and women are attracted to him. The main image is directly looking at the reader, which is a form of direct address, almost tempting and persuading them to buy the magazine. The main image relates t to the main sell line because It is promoting the new avengers movie, so by placing one of the avengers on the front cover, it helps with the selling process of the magazine, because men appeal more to visually stimulating things compared to text. In the image, he has light coming out from his chest and his hand, which shows he is using his power for good reasons, and he is also wearing red which is the colour of power and strength but also danger. The image reflects the narrative of the film because it is someone using their powers for a good reason and it is an avenger therefore directly represents the film.The main sell line once again is in block capitals which allows us to see that it is the main attraction on the front cover of the magazine. The sell line is white which matches the masthead and is keeping a link on the front cover. ‘The ultimate superhero movie assembled inside’ will appeal to the dominantly male target audience because it is a highly popular film. Superheroes also highly appeal to men and this would encourage people to buy the magazine. The mode of address is quite exaggerated which makes the sell line stand out and be more appealing to the reader. The fact that the word inside has been used almost pushes the reader to open the magazine.

The layout of the magazine is very basic, which can be easily be digested by a male audience. The main image is the focal point within the whole frame, therefore is the more appealing section. The masthead is placed at the top of the magazine, which is conventional of any magazine, and again is something that is recognised first. The puff is placed almost in the centre but slightly to the right hand side, therefore this is something that is noticed by the reader. The banner takes up the whole bottom third of the frame, which is image heavy, therefore eye catchy and easily noticed by male readers.

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The main image is extremely gory which straight away shows us that this is a horror movie magazine. Megan Fox, who is very appealing to men, has been dehumanised which is very disturbing for audiences to see. The image has a lot of blood, and her physical state looks almost non human, which will encourage people to read this magazine, and find out more about the movie. The sharp teeth indicate maybe a vampire themed movie which will obviously appeal to a reader of this magazine, who would be a hard-core horror fan, because this magazine is purely based around the horror genre. Her hair looks wet, which makes her look unclean, and inhuman, and the blood also adds to

The masthead is red, which straight away connotes blood and death, which indicates this is a horror themed magazine. The word ‘Fangoria’ straight away allows us as an audience to realise that this is within the horror genre, and is very vampire, which is a typical horror sub genre. The font of the masthead is in capitals and display in order to stand out on the page, and the writing is in the shape of fangs which plays on the title of the magazine and adds to the horror effect. Considering this is a horror film magazine, the masthead really adds to this frightening image we have of horror. The fangs also frame the image below and helps draw attention to it. I could see myself using a similar colour masthead, because red is a typical horror movie colour, and my magazine front cover is going to be a Halloween special. ‘Fangoria’ also suggests ‘fan of gore’ which describes the target audience directly.

The film title directly links to the main image which is promoting Jennifer’s body. The font is serif and in capital letters, which allows it to stand out. The text is red which again connotes blood, which is directly linked to the blood on the main image. The film title has a slight glow on the outside which makes it stand out on the dull background, and it almost looks ghostly which adds to the frightening effect. Underneath the film title is a sell line related to the movie, “Megan Fox will eat you alive!” which is a form of direct address. This adds to the effect of the main image and also using Megan Fox’s name allows the magazine front cover to be appealing because she is a well known and attractive actress.

The strap line at the top of the magazine front over says “Halloween two” which is promoting a new release for a well known sequel. This will encourage fans of the magazine to buy the magazine. Halloween is in orange which is a common colour for horror or Halloween itself. ‘Screams from the set’ plays on the audience reactions to horror. Screams are typical convention of horror movies and trailers. It also gives us the impression that this horror movie is going to be frightening. It could also suggest we are going to be able to find out what has been happening on the set of the movie almost like behind the scenes which will intrigue the audience.

The sell lines on this magazine are all in quite small font, and in primary colours. This may be because this magazine appeals mainly to men, and by having little writing in primary colours, it will be easier for men to digest. The sell lines are promoting new horror movies, which will encourage people to read the reviews on these movies. The language used on the poster is very basic which is appealing to men, to allow them to digest it easier. Humour is used within the sell lines which could be seen as ‘banter’ such as ‘worse then swine flu’. This is directly appealing to men as they have “lad banter”. Even the female audience would find this appealing because they are extreme horror fans.

In terms of layout, the main focus is on the main image, which will attract the audience to read the magazine. The masthead is conventionally at the very top of the frame along with the strap, because these help identify the magazine. The sell lines are placed along the sides because this allows the focus to be on the main sell line and image.

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The main image is a medium shot of Robert Downing Jr, because he is starring in the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Jr being on the front cover will encourage people to buy the magazine because he is a successful actor and men want to he like him, he is a role model. The image would appeal to women because Robert is a highly attractive which could encourage women to buy the magazine to read about his new movie. The clothing he is wearing fits in with the movie theme, and in the background the image there is big ben, which gives a hint to the location of the movie. The way in which he is dressed in a coat that is smart reflects the genre of film and makes him look sophisticated, also the background gives away location ideas for the movie, and the mist gives a sense of mystery.

The strapline at the top of the magazine includes images and a sell line. The sell line ‘10 coolest movies being made right now’ is in blue and white, which are basic colours and match the theme on the front cover. The word coolest indicates that the mode of address is directly aimed at a male audience because it is very ‘laddy’. Iron man 2 has been advertised in this strip which directly links to the main sell line of Sherlock Holmes because Robert Downing Jr plays both characters and he is successful actor who appeals to both men and women. Alice in wonderland has also been advertised and the image is of Johnny Depp, who again appeals to a large audience because he is such a well known actor.

The main sell line begins with ‘World Exclusive’ which is appealing because it is showing that this is a worldwide successful movie. It also suggests you will not be able to get this story in any other magazine, adding to the magazines appeal. Sherlock Holmes is the largest sell line on the front cover, which shows it is the main attraction and this is what the reader will see first. The colours of the font are blue and white, again the colours give a very mysterious effect which links to the theme of the movie being advertised. ‘Cracking the case of the worlds greatest detective’ gives away the theme of the movie, and mystery movie, which is directly appealing to the male target audience.

The masthead is partially covered by the main image which indicates that this is a well known magazine and brand identity is kept so that audiences recognise the magazine. The masthead is a very large and capitalised font which stands out on the blue background, which will allow the audience to see what magazine they are buying and it becomes memorable to them. ‘Total film’ straight away tells is that this magazine that this magazine focuses on the film industry and therefore will directly appeal to a specific population of people. The white also is a very basic colour which is appealing to men and once again matches the colour scheme on the front cover. The website has been placed underneath the masthead, which is not very noticeable, obviously to promote the magazine more, but the fact that the magazine has a website obviously means it is very successful and will appeal to a larger range of mean who are more computer savvy and respond better to visuals. Serif display font has been used because it is less formal, therefore appeals to men's liking for simplicity.

The sell lines are appealing to the audience because they use mode of address which fits in with the male target audience. The language used such as ‘Basterds’ and ‘Sneaky’ are simple words which stand out, therefore would appeal to men. There is very little text in terms of sell lines because men respond better to visuals and the less texts means it is easier for them to digest, ands therefore becomes more appealing. The font is smaller compared to other text to allow the attention to be on the main sell line and the colours used once again are blue, but this time black because they both stand out on the background are very primary colours.

In terms of layout, the main image is in full focus, however the masthead also comes into this focus, because it helps recognise the magazine. The sell lines are placed down either side of the main image, which does not disrupt the focus of the main image, however are easily seen.