554ferdon dataanalysis rec

Technology Integration: Data Analysis and Recommendations by Susan Ferdon EDTECH 554 Master of Educational Technology Program FA10 Boise State University

Transcript of 554ferdon dataanalysis rec

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Technology Integration:

Data Analysis and Recommendations

by Susan Ferdon EDTECH 554 Master of Educational Technology Program FA10 Boise State University

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Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4

Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5 Discussion and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11 Initial Technology Integration Survey page 11 Survey Return Rate page 12 Professional Development - Planning page 13 Professional Development - Training Sessions page 15 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20 Appendices Appendix A Technology Integration Tiers page 21 Appendix B Data Cell Label Edits – Excel Spreadsheet page 23

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List of Tables and Figures

Table 1: Technology Integration Survey Return Rate . . . . . . . . . . . page 6

Table 2: Technology Integration - Highest Performing Schools . . . page 10

Figure 1: Technology Integration Tiers - District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7

Figure 2: Technology Integration Tiers - Primary Role . . . . . . . . . . page 8

Figure 3: Technology Integration Tiers - Elementary Schools . . . . page 9

Figure 4: Technology Integration Tiers - Middle Schools . . . . . . . . . page 9

Figure 5: Technology Integration Tiers - High Schools . . . . . . . . . . page 11

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Introduction In this scenario, the Pleasant View school district is addressing concerns that

technology is not being used to its full potential in classrooms. Board members are

concerned about adequately preparing students with the 21st century learning skills

necessary upon graduating from High School in Pleasant View School District. Further,

the district did not meet the federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Math for the

second year in a row, placing it in improvement status. Pleasant View teachers took a

Self-Evaluation Technology Integration survey and the purpose of this report is to

present an analysis of survey data and submit recommendations for staff development.

Data Collection

Participants Teachers and administrators in Pleasant View School District’s 23 schools - 13

elementary schools, four middle schools, five high schools, and Hunt Center -

completed a survey in which they identified their current level of technology integration

based on a three-tiered system (see Appendix A). Though the actual number of

teachers at each school is not known, it is assumed that the return rate on the surveys

was significantly less than 100%. Also, some schools had a much lower return rate than

others. For example, one would expect at least two administrators per school (46+ in all)

yet only four administrators returned surveys (9%).

Procedures A self-evaluation survey was completed. It is assumed that respondents added

text to survey form fields, as there is little consistency among data labels (i.e. teacher –

3rd grade, 3rd grade, 3rd grade teacher, teacher, no title, blank, etc.).

Data Sources

Original survey data were provided in the form of an Excel spreadsheet with

respondent information grouped by school. Data were displayed in five columns: Tier 1,

Tier 2, Tier 3, Position, and Building/Department. Lack consistency in labeling made

sorting and data analysis difficult, so the original data was saved in a new Excel

spreadsheet (see Appendix B) and edited. The new spreadsheet placed content in

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seven columns: Tier, School Type, Role 1, Role 2, Grade/Subject 1, Grade/Subject 2,

and School. Information within cells was edited for consistency of labeling. In the case

of dual roles, leadership positions were listed first as those individuals will impact more

than just their own classrooms/students. When multiple subject areas were indicated,

content areas were listed before assistant/support roles and NCLB subjects were listed

first. In addition to the worksheet with data from all respondents, worksheets were

generated that display data by school, by tier, and by role.

Formulas were used to disaggregate data by

• Integration Tier: 1, 2, 3. • School Type: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Hunt Center. • Role: Administrator, Instructional Coach, Coordinator, Department Head,

Interventionist, Library Media Specialist, Student Services, Support Staff, Teacher, no title.

For ease of sorting, Excel spreadsheet data were exported into a database program,

FileMaker Pro™. The original spreadsheet may be accessed at

http://edtech2.boisestate.edu/ferdons/554/data_oldview.xls. The new spreadsheet may

be accessed at http://edtech2.boisestate.edu/ferdons/554/data_newview.xlsx.


The following results are based upon the 510 surveys completed by Pleasant

View teachers and administrators. Technology integration by other staff members is not

known at this time. For the purposes of this study a significant difference is one that is

calculated to be 5% or greater.

Return Rate

The number of teachers and administrators who returned the survey are

indicated in Table 1.

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Survey Return Rate








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Hunt Center 1 NA 1 18 1 21 (N/A) Adams NA 1 13 1 15

Apple 2 NA 1 1 20 24 +67% Brown 1 NA 1 11 1 14 Bryant NA 9 1 10 -30%

Cherry 1 3 NA 1 1 8 1 15 Evergreen 1 NA 1 1 2 14 19 +32%

Garfield 1 NA 11 3 15 Jones 1 NA 2 2 2 16 23 +60%

Lynwood NA 24 24 +67% Maple 1 NA 1 8 10 -30%

Prairie NA 1 9 10 -30% Sandburg NA 1 2 10 13 -10%



ry S



Wilson 1 NA 10 2 13 -10% East PV 1 1 1 9 9 -45% Lincoln 20 20 +15%

Washington 4 2 1 1 14 1 23 +32% Mid




West PV 2 1 13 1 17 Franklin 1 1 1 1 1 35 2 42

Huntington 1 1 1 2 1 5 50 61 +41% Mountainview 27 27 -36%

Newport 1 2 4 37 44


h Sc



Pleasant View 1 3 1 1 35 41

TOTALS 4 21 8 8 15 20 2 418 14 510 Table 1.

Assuming that schools of the same type (elementary, middle school, etc.) are roughly

the same size, it is evident that there was quite a disparity in return rates between

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buildings. In the table above, those schools with return rates that were significantly

lower (5% lower, or more) than the average are marked in red and those that are

significantly higher (5% higher, or more) are marked in green. Average return rates


• Elementary School - Average number of returned surveys is14.6; 5% of 14.6 is .7. • Middle School - Average number of returned surveys is 17.3; 5% of 17.3 is .9. • High School - Average number of returned surveys is 43; 5% of 43 is 2.2.


Survey data show that the majority (78%) of Pleasant View teachers are

functioning at Technology Integration Tier 1.

Technology Integration Tiers - District

Figure 1.

Subgroups – Role When viewed as subgroups, based on primary role, most show similar

percentages of teachers at each tier (Figure 2). Exceptions are as follows:

• Administrators: 25% at Tier 3. However, that represents only one respondent, as there are only four in this subgroup.

• Coordinator/Department Head: None at Tier 3. • Student Services: None at Tier 2, higher percentages at Tiers 1 and 3. • Support Staff: All at Tier 1. However, there were only two respondents that could

be identified as Support Staff. • No Title: Larger percentages at Tier 2 (21%) and Tier 3 (14%), However,

incomplete information makes it impossible to know the roles of these individuals. • Of those subgroups with ten or more respondents, Library Media Specialists

have the greatest percentage at Tiers 2 and 3 (33% in all).

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Technology Integration Tiers – Primary Role

Figure 2. Subgroups – Elementary Schools When viewed as subgroups, based on school, disparity was noted between

groups and when comparing groups to district percentages. Elementary data show that:

• Roughly half (6 of 13) of district elementary schools have teachers at all three Tiers.

• Seven elementary schools have teachers at one or two Tiers: o Maple Elementary teachers are at Tier 1 only. o Bryant Elementary has no teachers at Tier 2. o Five elementary schools have no teachers at Tier 3: Garfield, Jones,

Lynwood, Prairie and Wilson. • Brown Elementary has a significantly larger percentage of teachers at Tier 3

(21%) than the district average (8%). • Evergreen has the smallest percentage of teachers at Tier 1 (68%).

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Technology Integration Tiers – Elementary Schools

Figure 3.

Subgroups – Middle Schools

Survey results from middle schools are, on the whole, similar to district

percentages. Three of the four middle schools have a higher than average percentage

of teachers at Tier 3, and one, Washington Middle School, has significantly fewer at Tier

1 (65%). West Pleasant View Middle School has none at Tier 3.

Technology Integration Tiers – Middle Schools

Figure 4.

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Subgroups – High Schools Survey results from high schools show that three of the five schools have a

significantly larger number of teachers at Tier 1 (Franklin - 83%, Mountainview - 85%)

and one, Newport High School, has a significantly larger number of teachers at Tier 2

(23%) and Tier 3 (20%). Of all 23 schools in the district, Newport High School is the

most high-performing school in terms of self-reported technology integration.

Technology Integration Tiers – High Schools

Figure 5.

Hunt Center and Highest Performing Schools Hunt Center shows a significantly level of technology integration than the district

average and is in the top five when looking at both the lowest percentage at Tier 1 and

the highest percentage Tier 3 (Table 2).

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Technology Integration - Highest Performing Schools

District Newport HS

Washington MS

Hunt Center

Evergreen Elem.

Brown Elem.

Tier 3 8% 20% 13% 19% 11% 21% Tier 2 14%

22% 23%

43% 22%

35% 14%

33% 21%

33% 7%


Tier 1 78% 57% 65% 67% 68% 71% Table 2.

Discussion and Recommendations Initial Technology Integration Survey Discussion: The Technology Integration Survey that district administrators, teachers and staff

completed provides a good starting point for the planning of technology related staff

development activities. Classification into three tiers provides distinct separation

between levels of technology integration by respondents. However, survey construction

and format provides information that is, at times, limited. Some fields were left blank and

lack of standardization in labeling resulted in a wide variety of responses. In some

cases, erroneous information was entered. For example, in rows 271-274 the building is

a middle school but elementary grade levels are listed. Form fields that allow open-

ended responses provide great flexibility but make sorting and grouping a challenge.

The greatest percentage of individuals is in Tier 1 and there is likely quite a

diverse skill set represented, from those who have little or no experience with

technology to those who are on the borderline between Tiers 1 and 2. The combination

of gaps in information, large numbers of individuals at Tier 1, and low return rates result

in an incomplete picture of staff development needs. The gathering of additional

information would allow for staff development activities to most effectively address the

needs of this large and diverse staff.


1.1 Prior to the planning of specific staff development activities, it is recommended

that staff be surveyed to determine more specific needs related to technology


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1.2 A survey similar to Sun Associates Sample Survey Instrument

(http://www.sun-associates.com/eval/samples/samplesurv.html) would provide

greater specificity when assessing needs.

1.3 In constructing the next survey, use of an electronic format would make data

collection and analysis much more efficient.

1.4 Checkboxes and other survey content should be made to correlate to district

hardware, software, and the desired uses of technology resources.

1.5 Eliminate acronyms (i.e., MHOH, SVL) or provide a listing of descriptions. This

will allow information to be more easily read and understood by a variety of

stakeholder groups.

1.6 If possible, survey selected parents and students to see how their perceptions

of technology integration compare with district administrators, teachers, and


Caveat: As with any self-reporting instrument, one must consider the possibility that

survey results have some degree of inherent bias. For example, individuals may inflate

reported skill levels as a means of enhancing their perceived effectiveness in the


Survey Return Rate Discussion: Return rate varied a great deal between buildings and the return rate by

administrators was notably low (4). The fact that administrator return rate was so low in

an indication that one of several problems may have occurred:

• Administrators may not have been aware that they were expected to complete the survey.

• The timing of survey may have made completion problematic. • Lack of buy-in.

Building-level leaders are a valuable resource, particularly in a large district like

Pleasant View. Effective strategies and procedures from those buildings with higher

return rates (see Table 1) can be identified and replicated elsewhere in the district.

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Recommendations: 2.1 Encourage administrators, department heads, and coordinators to lead by

example. If technology integration, related needs assessments, and staff

development, are viewed as a priority by those in leadership positions, there is

a greater likelihood that other staff will make it a priority as well.

Useful resources are: • The Consortium for School Networking provides resources, information

and programs for school district technology leaders: http://www.cosn.org/

• Publication: Leadership for Web 2.0 in Education: Promise and Reality http://www.cosn.org/Portals/7/docs/Web%202.0/CoSN%20Report%20042809Final%20w-cover.pdf

2.2 Factors that contributed to higher return rates (Table 1) should be identified,

celebrated, and shared.

2.3 Factors that contributed to low return rates should be addressed prior to

distribution of the new survey.

2.4 Provide staff with time to complete the survey during contractual hours (i.e.

faculty meeting, team planning time, etc.). That, coupled with the expectation

that all staff complete the survey, will result in a much clearer picture of needs

that should be addressed.

Professional Development - Planning

“Truly transformational staff development activities are but one piece of a larger change effort initiated by the entire school community.” Holmes & Duffey, p. 4


The district has numerous goals, including those that have been identified: 1)

Preparing graduates with 21st century learning skills, 2) Utilizing the full potential of

technology resources, and 3) Increasing student achievement as measured by

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). To address these and other considerations, a

comprehensive plan is needed. Survey data will assist in the identification of ways in

which technology can be effectively integrated into classrooms and school operations

but is just one of many data points to consider. Technology integration can be an

effective tool in the development of students’ 21st century skills but specific skills need to

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be targeted and instructional strategies and methods identified. The act of using

technology in the classroom is not sufficient to ensure that students are developing

needed skills. Technology integration will provide the tools and resources needed to

meet instructional goals but clear direction is needed.

Recommendations: 3.1 Develop a 3-5 year strategic plan that encompasses district goals including

raising of academic achievement, development of 21st century skills, and

effective use of technology resources. Include initial training, follow-up training,

ongoing coaching, mentoring, tech support, and support the plan with human

and fiscal resources needed for implementation.

3.2 Analyze assessment data and target subgroups and content standards that

currently do not meet expectations for AYP. Use that information to plan math-

related staff development activities for appropriate staff. Though the NCLB

goal of 100% meeting expectations by 2014 may be considered unrealistic,

targeting specific subgroups and standards will allow students to make

ongoing progress.

3.3 Clearly identify 21st century skills including standards, benchmarks,

assessment and evaluation. Useful resources include:

• Partnership for 21st Century Learning (http://www.p21.org/) is a national organization that advocates for 21st century readiness and provides information, tools and resources to assist districts and schools.

• Pearson Foundation videos provide a model of 21st century skill development and assessment in the K-12 classroom: http://www.youtube.com/user/PearsonFdtn#p/c/BCB47540BEBC02EC/2/HiyaQ2WbBVU

3.4 Incorporate NETS for students and teachers into district planning. Useful

resources include:

• ISTE NETS Student Profiles: http://www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-students/nets-for-students-2007-profiles.aspx

• ISTE Necessary Conditions: http://www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-students/nets-for-students-essential-conditions.aspx

• NETS Implementation Wiki: http://nets-implementation.iste.wikispaces.net/

3.5 Identify resources that will aid in the successful integration of technology in

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district classrooms. Possibilities include:

• Forum Unified Technology Suite: http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2005/tech_suite/

• Technology Integration Matrix: http://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/

Professional Development – Training Sessions

“Since any large-scale change results from the actions of individuals, individuals must be the focus of all change efforts.” Holmes & Duffey, p. 6

Discussion: Pleasant View is a large district and professional development needs are quite

diverse. Though a comprehensive plan is needed, staff development activities can

address needs identified through the Technology Integration Survey.

Recommendations: 4.1 Train-the-Trainer Model: Target school personnel who will act as trainers,

providing just-in-time support as well as lead professional development

training activities.

4.1.1 Coaches: Provide training for Instructional Coaches so that they can

model technology rich lessons that support best practice in content

area instruction. Currently, 76% of Instructional Coaches are at Tier 1.

Plan professional development activities so that all advance to Tier 2

within one year, and to Tier 3 by the end of the second year.

4.1.2 Department Heads: Provide training for department heads and

curriculum leaders so that technology use is embedded in district

curriculum and modeled for district staff. Survey results show that

“Department Head” is the only role in which there are currently no

individuals at Tier 3, so it is expected that training needs will be more

intensive. As above, plan professional development activities so that

all advance to Tier 2 within one year, and to Tier 3 by the end of the

second year.

4.1.3 Technology Leaders: Provide training for elementary teachers who

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will act as technology leaders within their buildings. 15 of 23 schools

already have individuals at Tier 3; encourage them to serve in a

building-level technology leadership role. Of the remaining eight

schools, all but one (Maple Elementary) have staff at Tier 2.

4.2 Differentiation: Direct applicability to one’s experience, responsibilities, and

learning style, will help ensure that training is useful and acted upon. It is

recommended that training sessions be limited to software, hardware and

technology resources that participants have direct and ongoing access to.

4.2.1 Administrators: With just four administrators returning surveys it is

difficult to judge needs of all. Focusing training for administrators on

the effective evaluation of technology integration will help them to

identify, encourage, and support effective use of technology by their

staff. Further, training administrators on use of specific productivity,

collaboration, and communication tools will further professional and

school goals while modeling effective use of technology. Those at Tier

3 may serve as mentors.

4.2.2 Library Media Specialists: In many districts, Library Media

Specialists provide direct instruction to students in the areas of

research and computer applications. 67% of district Library Media

Specialists are currently at Tier 1. Plan professional development

activities so that all Library Media Specialists are at Tier 2 within one


4.2.3 Student Services: Student Services Personnel (Social Workers,

School Psychologists, Speech/Language Pathologists, PT/OT) will

benefit training on the use of specific software and hardware that can

be used with students as well as productivity, progress monitoring,

and IEP software. It is recommended that those at Tier 3 (15%) be

questioned about what has been most useful and effective for them

and that input drive content selection for professional development for

the remaining 85%, all of whom are at Tier 1.

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4.2.4 Teachers: For those trainings that are more general in nature, like the

use of specific hardware, opportunities to work with grade level and

subject matter peers is beneficial. Allowing time to relate new skills

and understanding to classroom practices will make new learning

more meaningful and improve implementation. Teachers of NCLB

subjects will benefit working as subject matter teams to share

resources, lessons and successes that support achievement

standards. Since all middle school math teachers are at Tier 1, and

the district did not make AYP in math, it is recommended that middle

school math teachers receive more intensive training.

4.2.5 Support Staff: Training for support staff should related directly to the

hardware and software used by students they work with.

4.2.6 Tier 1: 78% of survey respondents are at Tier 1. Within a group this

size it is expected that there are variety of skills sets - some

individuals will be farther along that others. Offering modules/sessions

which teachers can self-select will help ensure that training takes

individuals where they are and moves them forward.

4.2.7 Tier 2: 14% of survey respondents are at Tier 2. Professional

development offerings of sufficient challenge are needed for this

group. It is recommended that individuals submit topics of interest for

training sessions. Information gathered from this group can be used to

guide training of those currently at Tier 1: What has facilitated your

ability to integrate technology? What roadblocks did you find along the

way? What suggestions do you have for professional development?

4.2.8 Tier 3: 8% of survey respondents are at Tier 3. Those at Tier 3 are

technology leaders in the district and providing them opportunities for

collaboration and sharing will build a supportive environment for

continued growth of technology integration in skills. It is

recommended that release time and funding be provided to allow Tier

3 teachers to attend state, regional, and national technology

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conferences. As numbers grow within Tier 3 greater in-house

expertise will be needed to continue the train-the-trainer model.

4.2.9 Learning Styles: Training sessions should present information

verbally and in writing, provide support materials for those who need

more time to work and process information, and provide time for

hands-on application for all participants. Building an online library of

training documents and videos, which could be accessed any time,

will allow district staff to work at their own pace.

4.2.10 Site-Based Training: Staff development that is site-based and

promotes collegiality has been found to be most effective (Holmes &

Duffey). Working with smaller groups within buildings - 1:1 when

needed – will provide just-in-time support that relates directly to

classroom instruction. Building-level training can occur as mini-

sessions before school, after school, during team meetings, and by

individual appointment. Gathering information from higher functioning

schools (see Table 2) will help to identify and build upon current

practices that have been successful in the district. Additional training

sessions and sister school mentoring should be planned for those

buildings with few teachers at Tiers 2 and 3:

• Maple Elementary teachers are at Tier 1 only. • Bryant Elementary has no teachers at Tier 2. • Six schools have no teachers at Tier 3: Garfield, Jones,

Lynwood, Prairie, and Wilson elementary schools and West Pleasant View MS.

4.3 Timeline: Large-scale training sessions may be scheduled for Staff

Development/Inservice days as well as evening, weekend, and summer

sessions. Release time training sessions will allow individuals with like roles,

who work in different buildings, to be trained together. Collegial support and

content-specific training will increase the effectiveness of the staff

development activities (Holmes & Duffey).

4.3.1 Initial Training: Target specific learning goals/teaching strategies as

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opposed to focusing on the technology itself.

4.3.2 Follow-Up Training: Support efforts to implement training and build

on prior learning.

4.3.3 New Hires: In a district this size it is expected that technology training

will be needed on a yearly basis to teach new hires to use the district

network, access district resources, and use technology hardware and

software that is available in their classrooms and work spaces.

4.3.4 Ongoing Support: Ongoing, building-level support for further training

along with troubleshooting, brainstorming, and modeling of

technology-rich lessons that build 21st century skills and increase


4.4 Compensation: It is recommended that the district budget monies for

hardware, software, and release time substitutes to support training goals.

Budget monies should also be allocated to compensate staff members who

attend training sessions outside of contractual hours. Compensation, in the

form of stipends, release time, and adjustments to teaching responsibilities

may also be made for identified mentors and other technology leaders. Also,

offering training courses with Continuing Education/CPDU credit will provide

added incentive for teachers.

4.5 Evaluation: As specific training sessions and materials are development, a

system for evaluating their effectiveness should be put into place. Ongoing

evaluation will allow for continuous improvement and effective use of training

resources. In evaluating how well technology resources are being utilized in

district classrooms, it is important for administrators, teachers, staff and school

board members alike, to be aware that “time requirements are an unusually

salient factor when technology is the focus of staff development. It takes

longer for technology to become a part of classroom practice than other

innovations – two to three years” (Holmes & Duffey, p. 18).

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References Holmes, K., & Duffey, D. (1993). Technology staff development: Designing an effective

process. Denton, TX: Texas Center for Educational Technology. Retrieved from http://www.tcet.unt.edu/pubs/staff/

Image Credit LCD Monitor: http://www.clker.com/cliparts/4/1/e/6/11949838211786721468lcd_monitor_the_structor_.svg.hi.png

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Appendix A: Technology Integration Tiers

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Tiers of Technology Integration into the Classroom Indicators

Tier 1: Teacher Focus on

Productivity Tier 2: Instructional Presentation

and Student Productivity Tier 3: Powerful Student-Centered 21st Century

Learning Environment

This tier focuses on the teacher using

technology to get their job done.

This tier involves teacher facilitation of large group learning activities and student productivity use of


This tier promotes students to be actively engaged in using technology in individual and collaborative learning

activities. Observable Indicators

Teachers: • Locate standards using electronic

tools to align lessons (e.g., use the online Grade-Level Resources site and locate EALRs/GLEs on OSPI website)

• Find instructional resources on the Internet (e.g., find lesson resources at Marco Polo, district, or state websites)

• Produce, store, and retrieve learning materials electronically (e.g., create lesson plans in Word and store them on file server, create and print handouts for students that can be saved and modified in future years)

• Keep/organize student information, grades more effectively (e.g., use electronic gradebook, extract achievement data from student information system, graph student progress using Excel)

• Communicate information to parents and students via web or e-mail (e.g., post upcoming events or assignments on school webpage)

• Communicate quickly with e-mail (e.g., respond to e-mail from parents, learn about school meetings and events via internal e-mail)

Teachers: • Conduct one-computer classroom lessons (e.g.,

use software such as Decisions, Decisions and Timeliner by Tom Snyder, lead virtual field trips to museums using K-20 Network)

• Deliver presentations with graphics and sound (e.g., teachers use software such as PowerPoint, Keynote, or audio production software)

• Lead students in brainstorming and sharing ideas (e.g., teachers use word processing programs or software such as Inspiration, use Intel Visual Ranking website)

• Represent information visually (e.g., teachers create graphs in Excel or with a graphing calculator to visually represent chemical interactions)

• Facilitate group discussions and lessons (e.g., teachers use interactive whiteboards, LCD projectors, student response systems)

• Have students write papers and reports on assigned topics using computers or “smart keyboards” such as AlphaSmarts (e.g., require that all student papers must be word-processed)

• Create scaffolding for student projects (e.g., teachers provide students with writing prompts or project templates)

• Facilitate students using technology for assessment (e.g., teachers use online quizzes or diagnostic tools, graph and analyze progress with class using Excel)

• Interactively communicate with parents and students (e.g., teachers initiate and respond to e-mail, conduct on-line surveys, interact through website)

Teachers enable students to: • Create and use online resources to facilitate inquiry

(e.g., students create and use online resources such as WebQuests)

• Engage in inquiry-based projects driven by essential questions (e.g., students create major research projects such as Big 6 essential question projects)

• Direct their own use of technology (e.g., students stay current with new information through tools such as RSS feeds)

• Research, analyze data and problem-solve in a global context (e.g., student engage in projects such as ThinkQuest with classrooms in other states or countries)

• Engage in individual or collaborative project-based learning (e.g., students engage in real-world projects and problem-solving using email or websites)

• Use modeling and simulations (e.g., students conduct simulations using online resources)

• Write, develop and publish individual and collaborative products (e.g., students publish projects online to be reviewed by parents or peers)

• Invent products through programming or production (e.g., students produce how-to videos or movies to share with others)

• Create scaffolding for their own projects (e.g., students create writing prompts or project templates)

• Are involved with their parents and teachers in the analysis of student data and meeting standards, or participate in developing their own learning plans (e.g., students use classroom-based assessments and assess their own work)

• Initiate communication with parents, teachers, community members, or other students (e.g., students display self-directed communication through tools such as weblogs)

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Appendix B: Revised Excel Spreadsheet Data

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School


Tech Integration TierTier 1: 397 77.8%Tier 2: 71 13.9%Tier 3: 42 8.2%

TOTAL: 510 100.0%

School TypeElementary: 205 40.2%

Middle School: 69 13.5%High School: 215 42.2%Hunt Center: 21 4.1%

TOTAL: 510 100.0%

Primary RoleAdministrator: 4 0.8%

Coach: 21 4.1%Coordinator: 2 0.4%Dept. Head: 6 1.2%

Interentionist: 8 1.6%LMS: 15 2.9%

Student Services: 20 3.9%Support Staff: 2 0.4%

Teacher: 418 82.0%(no title): 14 2.7%TOTAL: 510 100.0%

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Adams Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMStudent Services

Physical Therapist Adams Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEM Teacher Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Adams Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher Adams Elementary SchoolTier 3 ELEM Teacher Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM (no title) Adams Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Adams Elementary School Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2/3 teacher Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Art Apple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Apple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Apple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Coach

Instructional Coach, Literacy Apple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Coach

Instructional Coach, Literacy, Primary

Instructional Coach, Math, Primary Apple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Resource Apple Elementary School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School






Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Resource Apple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Apple Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Apple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Apple Elementary School Tier 3 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Apple Elementary School Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Apple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM LMSLibrary Media Specialist Apple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM CoachInstructional Coach, Math Brown Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Brown Elementary SchoolTier 3 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Brown Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM LMSLibrary Media Specialist Brown Elementary School

Tier 3 ELEM Teacher Brown Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Brown Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Brown Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Brown Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Brown Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Brown Elementary SchoolTier 3 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Brown Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM (no title) Brown Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Brown Elementary School Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Brown Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Preschool Bryant Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Bryant Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Bryant Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Bryant Elementary School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School











Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Bryant Elementary SchoolTier 3 ELEM (no title) Bryant Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Bryant Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Music Bryant Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Bryant Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Bryant Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Cherry Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Career Focus Cherry Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Kindergarten Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Resource K-6 Cherry Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEM LMSLibrary Media Specialist Cherry Elementary School

Tier 3 ELEM CoachInstructional Coach, Math Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMAdministrator Principal Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM CoachInterventionist

Instructional Coach

Reading Recovery Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Resource Cherry Elementary School

Tier 3 ELEM Teacher Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSupport Staff Title I Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM (no title) Cherry Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2/3 Grade Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Coach

Instructional Coach, Literacy, Primary Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMInterventionist

Title I Reading Recovery Cherry Elementary School

Tier 1 MS Teacher East Pleasant View Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher East Pleasant View Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher East Pleasant View Middle School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School













Tier 1 MS Teacher East Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MSCoordinator Teacher Fitness Health

Activities Coordinator East Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 2 MS Coach

Instructional Coach, Literacy East Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 3 MS Teacher Technology East Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MS LMSLibrary Media Specialist East Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MS TeacherSPED Life Skills Fitness East Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 ELEMStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 3 ELEM LMSLibrary Media Specialist Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher SPED Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMStudent Services

Speech Language Pathologist Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEM Teacher Evergreen Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Evergreen Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Evergreen Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Music Evergreen Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMInterventionist

SPED Behavioral Interventionist Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Coach

Instructional Coach, Literacy Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherMontessori, Intermediate Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherMontessori, Primary Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Evergreen Elementary School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School






Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Evergreen Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Evergreen Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Evergreen Elementary SchoolTier 3 ELEM Teacher Evergreen Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Evergreen Elementary School

Tier 2 HS TeacherSocial Studies, History Franklin High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Fitness Health Franklin High School

Tier 1 HSInterventionist

SPED Behavioral Interventionist Franklin High School

Tier 1 HSStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Franklin High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Fitness Health Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Math Franklin High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Science Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Franklin High School

Tier 1 HS LMSLibrary Media Specialist Franklin High School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School







Tier 1 HS (no title) Franklin High SchoolTier 3 HS (no title) Franklin High School

Tier 1 HS CoachInstructional Coach Franklin High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher English Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Math Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Reading Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher SPED Franklin High School

Tier 2 HS TeacherCTE - Applied Technology

CTE - Business Education Franklin High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Science, 9/10 Franklin High School

Tier 1 HSDepartment Head Teacher Social Studies Franklin High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Social Studies Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher SPED Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher CTE Fitness Franklin High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher English Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher English Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher English GPS Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Math Franklin High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Art Franklin High School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher3rd Grade Teacher Garfield Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEM (no title) Garfield Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM (no title) Garfield Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Kindergarten Garfield Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher KindergartenReading Recovery Garfield Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Garfield Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Garfield Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM (no title) Garfield Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Garfield Elementary School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School







Tier 1 ELEM TeacherMusic, Developmental Garfield Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Coach

Instructional Coach, Literacy Garfield Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher SPED MHOH Garfield Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 5/6 Grade Garfield Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2/3 Grade Garfield Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher Garfield Elementary School

Tier 1 Teacher

SPED MHOH Developmentally Impaired Hunt Center

Tier 1 Teacher 3rd Grade Hunt CenterTier 3 Teacher Art Hunt Center

Tier 1Student Services

Guidance Counselor Hunt Center

Tier 1 Teacher ELL - ELD Hunt CenterTier 1 (no title) Hunt Center

Tier 2Administrator Principal Hunt Center

Tier 1 Teacher Hunt CenterTier 3 Teacher Hunt CenterTier 1 Teacher Hunt CenterTier 1 Teacher Hunt CenterTier 3 Teacher Hunt CenterTier 2 Teacher Hunt CenterTier 1 Teacher Hunt CenterTier 1 Teacher Hunt CenterTier 1 Teacher Grade 2 Hunt CenterTier 3 Teacher Tessera Hunt CenterTier 1 Teacher 6th Grade Hunt Center

Tier 1 Teacher

SPED Developmentally Impaired Hunt Center

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School












Tier 1 Teacher Science Hunt CenterTier 2 Teacher Hunt Center

Tier 1 HS TeacherLanguage Arts, 7 (?) Huntington High School

Tier 1 HSStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High School

Tier 3 HSStudent Services

Guidance Coordinator Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS TeacherHealth Sciences Huntington High School

Tier 1 HSInterventionist

Intervention Specialist Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher AssistantKeyboarding Teacher Math Assistant Huntington High School

Tier 3 HS TeacherCTE - Marketing Huntington High School

Tier 1 HSStudent Services

Occupational Therapist, Itinerant Huntington High School

Tier 1 HSStudent Services

Physical Therapist Huntington High School

Tier 1 HSStudent Services

School Psychologist Huntington High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher Science Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School






Tier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS TeacherHumanities, 11/12 Huntington High School

Tier 1 HSInterventionist

SPED Behavioral Interventionist, Intermediate Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS LMSLearning Media Specialist Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS Coach TeacherInstructional Coach World History Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School








Tier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Huntington High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Huntington High School

Tier 3 HSAdministrator

Assistant Principal Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Fitness Huntington High School

Tier 1 HS TeacherContract Based Education Huntington High School

Tier 2 HSDepartment Head Teacher SPED Huntington High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher Science Huntington High School Tier 2 HS Teacher Science Huntington High School Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Jones Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Jones Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Jones Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Jones Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Jones Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Fitness Health Jones Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher SPED, K-4 Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Coach

Instructional Coach, Literacy Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Jones Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher sp Teacher Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMStudent Services

Speech Language Pathologist Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Jones Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher 4/5 Grade Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMSupport Staff

Title I Math, Primary Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Jones Elementary School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School













Tier 1 ELEMSupport Staff

Early Childhood Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM LMSLearning Media Specialist Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM LMSLearning Media Specialist Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Resource 4-6 Jones Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEM Teacher Jones Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Preschool Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMStudent Services

Speech Language Pathologist Jones Elementary School

Tier 1 MS Teacher1st Grade? (MS listed) Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher1st Grade? (MS listed) Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher4th Grade? (MS listed) Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher4th Grade? (MS listed) Lincoln Middle School

Tier 2 MS Teacher Humanities Lincoln Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher English History Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher

Music - Instrumental Music Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS TeacherMath Numeracy Lincoln Middle School

Tier 3 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School





Tier 1 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle SchoolTier 3 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle SchoolTier 2 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher2nd Grade? (MS listed) Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 MS TeacherSPED Life Skills Lincoln Middle School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Kindergarten Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Fitness Health Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st/2nd Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd/3rd Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Lynwood Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED ADAPT (Autism) Lynwood Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEM Teacher ELL/ELD Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Kindergarten Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Music Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Lynwood Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 5th Grade Lynwood Elementary School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School







Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Resource Lynwood Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Maple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Maple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM CoachInstructional Coach Maple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Kindergarten Maple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Montessori Maple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED Resource Maple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher

SPED Developmentally Impaired Maple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Maple Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Maple Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM LMSLearning Media Specialist Maple Elementary School

Tier 1 HS Teacher English Mountain View High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher AdvisorCTE - Marketing

DECA Advisor (marketing organization for students) Mountain View High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Math Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Music Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher ELL - ESL Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School








Tier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Mountain View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Math Mountain View High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher

SPED Developmentally Impaired Mountain View High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Math Mountain View High School

Tier 1 HS TeacherMusic - Choral Music Newport High School

Tier 1 HSStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Newport High School

Tier 3 HSStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Newport High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher ELL - ELD Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher English Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher English Newport High School

Tier 1 HSStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Newport High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher Health Newport High School

Tier 2 HS Coach

Instructional Coach, Literacy Newport High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Math Newport High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Math Newport High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Math Newport High School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School







Tier 2 HS Teacher Math

SVL (Spokane Virtual Learning?) Newport High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher Newport High School

Tier 2 HS TeacherSPED Resource Newport High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Newport High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Math Newport High School

Tier 2 HSDepartment Head Teacher Newport High School

Tier 1 HSDepartment Head Teacher

Music - Choral Music Newport High School

Tier 3 HS Teacher

World Languages, French Newport High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Math Newport High School Tier 1 HS Teacher Art Newport High School Tier 1 HS Teacher Social Studies Newport High School Tier 1 HS Teacher SPED Newport High School

Tier 1 HSStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Newport High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher CTE Newport High School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School










Tier 3 HS Teacher

CTE - Family & Consumer Sciences Newport High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher English Newport High School Tier 1 HS Teacher English History Newport High School Tier 1 HS Teacher Math Newport High School

Tier 1 HS TeacherDirector of Music

Music - Director of Music Newport High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Science Newport High School

Tier 1 HS TeacherCriminal Justice Pleasant View High School

Tier 2 HSCoordinator Teacher CTE

Career Focus Coordinator Pleasant View High School

Tier 2 HSDepartment Head Teacher Pleasant View High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher English Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher English Social Studies Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Fitness Health Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Fitness Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher CTE - Graphics Pleasant View High School

Tier 1 HS LMSLearning Media Specialist Pleasant View High School

Tier 3 HS CoachInstructional Coach Social Studies Pleasant View High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher Math Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Math Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Fitness Pleasant View High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher

World Languages, Spanish Pleasant View High School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School





Tier 1 HSStudent Services

Speech Language Pathologist Pleasant View High School

Tier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 2 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 3 HS Teacher Pleasant View High School

Tier 2 HS Teacher English

World Languages, German Pleasant View High School

Tier 3 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High SchoolTier 1 HS Teacher Pleasant View High School

Tier 1 HSDepartment Head Teacher Pleasant View High School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Prairie Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM TeacherSPED ADAPT (Autism) Prairie Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher ELL - ELD Prairie Elementary School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School









Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Art Prairie Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMStudent Services

Speech Language Pathologist Prairie Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Prairie Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher Prairie Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher Prairie Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher Prairie Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher

Music - Developmental Music Prairie Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Sandburg Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Sandburg Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Sandburg Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher

Music - Developmental Music K-6 Sandburg Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher

Music - Developmental Music K-6 Sandburg Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEMInterventionist

SPED Behavioral Interventionist Sandburg Elementary School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher Kindergarten Sandburg Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Sandburg Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Sandburg Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Sandburg Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEM LMSLearning Media Specialist Sandburg Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Sandburg Elementary School

Tier 3 ELEM LMSLearning Media Specialist Sandburg Elementary School

Tier 2 MS Teacher Science Washington Middle School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School












Tier 1 MS Teacher Art Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher

Music - Instrumental Music Washington Middle School

Tier 2 MSInterventionist Teacher

SPED Behavioral Interventionist FSC Washington Middle School

Tier 3 MSStudent Services

Guidance Counselor Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS CoachInstructional Coach Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS CoachInstructional Coach Washington Middle School

Tier 3 MSInterventionist

SPED Interventionist Washington Middle School

Tier 2 MS Teacher Language Arts Washington Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Math Washington Middle School

Tier 2 MS Coach

Instructional Coach - Science Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher SPED Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher SPED ScienceSPED Social Studies Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS TeacherSPED Language Arts Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher Washington Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Washington Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Washington Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Washington Middle SchoolTier 3 MS Teacher Washington Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Math 8 Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS CoachInstructional Coach Washington Middle School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School








Tier 2 MS LMSLearning Media Specialist Washington Middle School

Tier 1 MS (no title) Washington Middle SchoolTier 2 MS Teacher Humanities West Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MS CoachInstructional Coach West Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MS CoachInstructional Coach West Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MS Teacher Math West Pleasant View Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Science West Pleasant View Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher West Pleasant View Middle SchoolTier 2 MS Teacher West Pleasant View Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher West Pleasant View Middle SchoolTier 1 MS Teacher Math 7 West Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MS LMSLearning Media Specialist West Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MS TeacherSPED Resource West Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 2 MS Teacher Science 7/8 West Pleasant View Middle School Tier 1 MS Teacher Science West Pleasant View Middle School Tier 1 MS (no title) West Pleasant View Middle School Tier 1 MS Teacher Art West Pleasant View Middle School Tier 1 MS Teacher Humanities West Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 MS TeacherSPED Life Skills West Pleasant View Middle School

Tier 1 ELEM Teacher 2nd Grade Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 3rd Grade Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 1st Grade Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM Teacher 4th Grade Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Music Wilson Elementary School

Tier 2 ELEMAdministrator Principal Wilson Elementary School

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Tier Type Role 1 Role 2Grade/Subject 1

Grade/Subject 2

Grade/Subject 3 School







Tier 1 ELEM Teacher SPED Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM Teacher 6th Grade Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 2 ELEM (no title) Wilson Elementary SchoolTier 1 ELEM (no title) Wilson Elementary School

MHOH = Mulitply Handicapped/Orthopedically HandicappedSPED = Special EducationDI = Developmentally ImpairedELL/ELD = English Language Learners, English Language DevelopmentCTE = Career/Technical Education