5/15/2015Dr. Garcia Bush Increasing Latino Graduation Rates: Strategies for Success Dr. Fae Garcia...

06/27/22 Dr. Garcia Bush Increasing Latino Graduation Rates: Strategies for Success Dr. Fae Garcia Bush Licensed Clinical Social Worker SSWAA 2015 1

Transcript of 5/15/2015Dr. Garcia Bush Increasing Latino Graduation Rates: Strategies for Success Dr. Fae Garcia...

Page 1: 5/15/2015Dr. Garcia Bush Increasing Latino Graduation Rates: Strategies for Success Dr. Fae Garcia Bush Licensed Clinical Social Worker SSWAA 2015 1.

04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Increasing Latino Graduation Rates: Strategies for Success

Dr. Fae Garcia BushLicensed Clinical Social Worker



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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

• I am not “the” voice of the Latino community• My knowledge is the result of my life

experiences and practice with children, families, the Hispanic community, and my doctoral research

• This information can/does apply to people of other races and cultures

• Even though the Hispanic culture is strength-based there are many social problems that affect the Hispanic community


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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

It All Starts With Your Beliefs: Understanding Latino Students From A Strength- Based Perspective

• Do you believe that Latino students can achieve and excel in all areas of their lives?

• Do you believe that the culture is strength-based?

• Are you still operating from the 1950-1960 deficit model of racial/cultural understanding?


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What is Your Paradigm?

Strength-based:Views culture/people in affirmative way to cultivate positive identity, resiliency, ability, potential for self-empowerment

Deficit-based:Views culture/people in negative way to explanation lack of success—sees pathology in cultural, language, genetics, etc. Used to explain behavior and lack of success and blames student/ family/ for their own problems.


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A Three Prong Approach to Understanding and Resolving At-Risk Behavior

1. Understand that soc-economic issues are not cultural

2. Understand and have empathy for Latino students’ social issues that impede academic success

3. Build and sustain positive relationships with Latino students


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Is It Achievement Gap or Attitude Gap?

Attitude Gap: Latino students’ self-crisis not being addressed

Issues of low self esteemIssues of low self-worthHelplessnessHopelessnessFeelings of isolationInternalized oppression

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Attitude Gap: Latino Students

• Students do not see themselves as smart, capable, financially able to achieve their dreams

• Students view themselves through a lens of destructive media images and negative stereotypes

• Internalized oppression causes “thinking errors”

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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Attitude Gap: Stress RiddenAttachments with Parents/Teachers/Peers

• Acting-out behavior• Gaps in social

graces/politeness • Impatience• Lack of motivation

• Impulsivity• Inappropriate

emotional responses• Less empathy for

others’ misfortunes


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Attitude Gap--Students Need From Adults

• Support for their dreams and aspirations

• Reinforcement that they are extraordinary

• To be “fired up to take care of the business” of education

• Positive mentors and sustained relationships

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Wealth vs. Income

• Differences in family assets, not culture explains achievement gaps in school performance

• Income: the money family earns• Wealth: everything the family owns:

house, other property, cars, stocks, saving—provides deeper economic security

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Effects of Poverty on Attitude

• Crime—inability to delay gratification

• Fatalistic outlook on future• Day to day survival mode• Safety at home/community• Lack of supportive networks

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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Effects of Poverty on Educational Achievement

• Cognitive delays• Adverse affects on the developing

brain• Acute and chronic stressors• Emotional and social challenges• Health and safety issues

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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Poverty Correlates with Both Academic Gap and Attitude Gap

• Poverty: Persons with income less than deemed sufficient to purchase basic needs

or• Chronic and debilitating condition that

results from multiple adverse synergistic risk factors and affects the mind, body, and soul

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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Poverty Impacts Education

• Chronic truancy• Chronic tardies• Inappropriate

behavior• Lack of motivation• Inappropriate

relationships• Apathy

• Alcohol and drug use• Crime• Gangs and violence• Physical illness• -0- cognitive

enrichment opportunities


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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Struggles of Students

• Poor children have fewer and less-supportive networks than their more affluent peers

• Damages the physical socio-economical, cognitive well being of children and families

• Lower quality neighborhoods: higher crime rates, lack of quality education, lack services that include social, municipal, transportation, and safe play areas


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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Chronic Exposure to Poverty Affects Brain Development--PTSD

• PTSD causes brain to physically change in a detrimental manner• Impairs short/long term memory• Impairs attention/concentration• Reduces cognition/creativity• Diminishes social skills and social judgment• Reduces motivation/determination/effort• Reduces neurogenesis—growth of new brain


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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Educate Families and Students

• Affects of Truancy/tardies

• Quality mentors• Mental Health • Referrals• Abuse

interventions • Sex education

• Parenting classes• Communication

skills• Coping/problem

skills• Money


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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Adverse Economic Risk Factors That Correlates With Poor Academic Success

• Low maternal education

• Poor nutrition• Maternal

tobacco/drug use• Poor pre-natal care• Teen pregnancy

• Alcohol and drug use in the home

• Inadequate schools• Unsafe

neighborhoods• Neurotoxins• Pesticides


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Trauma And Brain Development

• Developing children need reliable caregivers who offer high predictability

• Without predictability their brains will typically develop in an adverse way

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Adverse Brain Development

• Poor performance on measures of cognitive development and standardized achievement tests

Problems with literacyProblems with languageLower IQGrade retentionPoor performance on state/national standardized tests

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Predicable and Sustained Positive Relationships With Mentors Develops

•Higher self-esteem•Better health•Exposure to positive social norm

Better school outcomes•Better employment outcomes•Less gang involvement/violence

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• If adverse experiences cause brain problems…can positive experiences fix it?--YES

• What can educators do?—Understand their students

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Understanding Differences

• Get to know your students• Understand how student and

family self-identify: • Political stance

•Social•Generational stance

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Understanding Differences

• Understand that Latinos are not a homogenous group

• Language and dialects differ • Social and cultural problems vary

and are viewed differently from group to group

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• AcculturationA change process in the cultural behavior and thinking as a result of contact with another culture while keeping existing ideas, values, customs, etc

• Assimilation A change process in the cultural

behavior and thinking of people in which they take and accept values, customs of the new culture

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Understand Culture of Students

• Culture is the thread that binds people together with standards of knowledge, shared beliefs, customs, practices, social behavior, rituals, values, social interactions, systems, human development, identity, etc.

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Living, Learning, Working, and Playing in Two Overlapping Worlds

Nurturing Dominant

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Understand Systems Dilemma for Student and Family

Collective ConstructInterdependence Emotional intelligenceCompliantWin/win situationFamily achievementExtended family


Individualistic ConstructIndependentCerebral intelligence

CompetitiveWin/lose Individual achievementNuclear family system

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Cultural Awareness From Strength-based Perspective• Helps build capacity and connects• Communicates respect• Shows Non-judgment• Personalizes knowledge of La Familia

and identity of the child • Demonstrates flexibility/empathy• Demonstrates reciprocal concern• Shows tolerance for ambiguity

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• Have you ever met a Latino (any other family) who told you they do not care about their child’s education and success?

• Neither have I• All parents want their child to


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• Call home• Notify of celebrations• Invite the parents to school• Ask for participation• Make a home visit• Use technology• Understand that mom/dad may not be

the only member who can assist you

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Strong relationships are Key

• Mentors of color• Collaborative partnerships• Cooperation—team work• Honor student/parent• Lay out clear expectations • Sarcasm is never okay

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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Opportunities Happen When Educators Give of Themselves

• Give time• Treat parents as allies• Think-who helped me?• Think- what helped me?• Stress college prep/honors classes• Support their activities

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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Three-Prong Approach

1. Understand Latino culture2. Understand Barriers to Latino

student success3. Understand and participate in

sustained and positive relationships with Latino students

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04/18/23 Dr. Garcia Bush

Thank You for your time and Thank You for your time and interest interest

contact me at contact me at [email protected]

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The End