5 tips for perfect presentations

5 for perfect presentations TIPS



Transcript of 5 tips for perfect presentations

Page 1: 5 tips for perfect presentations

5for perfect



Page 2: 5 tips for perfect presentations

clear sTrucTure

Page 3: 5 tips for perfect presentations

Have a well-defined concept

cl ea r st ruct u r e

Page 4: 5 tips for perfect presentations

Begin with an overview

cl ea r st ruct u r e

Page 5: 5 tips for perfect presentations

Provide a framework

cl ea r st ruct u r e

Page 6: 5 tips for perfect presentations

for examPle witH status Bars

cl ea r st ruct u r e

Provide a framework

Page 7: 5 tips for perfect presentations

or Page numBers 7 /25

for examPle witH status Bars

cl ea r st ruct u r e

Provide a framework

Page 8: 5 tips for perfect presentations

useful informaTion

Page 9: 5 tips for perfect presentations

Put yourself in the audience’s position

usef u l i n for m at ion

Page 10: 5 tips for perfect presentations

what does your audience know ?

usef u l i n for m at ion

Page 11: 5 tips for perfect presentations

what does your audience know ?

and what not ?

usef u l i n for m at ion

Page 12: 5 tips for perfect presentations

what is your audience interested in ?

usef u l i n for m at ion

Page 13: 5 tips for perfect presentations

what is your audience interested in ?

and what not ?

usef u l i n for m at ion

Page 14: 5 tips for perfect presentations

for examPle, tHe structure and History of your

comPany may Hold little interest for your clients

what is your audience interested in ?

and what not ?

usef u l i n for m at ion

Page 15: 5 tips for perfect presentations

liTTle TexT

Page 16: 5 tips for perfect presentations

one idea per page is ideal

l i t t l e t ex t

Page 17: 5 tips for perfect presentations

no more than five points per page

l i t t l e t ex t

Page 18: 5 tips for perfect presentations

otHerwise you risk losing

your audience

no more than five points per page

l i t t l e t ex t

Page 19: 5 tips for perfect presentations

Present your information step by step

l i t t l e t ex t

Page 20: 5 tips for perfect presentations

Present your information step by step

tHus caPtivating

your audience

l i t t l e t ex t

Page 21: 5 tips for perfect presentations

and keePing

tHem focussed

Present your information step by step

l i t t l e t ex t

tHus caPtivating

your audience

Page 22: 5 tips for perfect presentations

Provide details and contact information in a handout

l i t t l e t ex t

Page 23: 5 tips for perfect presentations

simple language

Page 24: 5 tips for perfect presentations

si m pl e l a nguage

avoid abbr.

Page 25: 5 tips for perfect presentations

if tHis is not PossiBle,

exPlain tHem on first usage

avoid abbreviations

si m pl e l a nguage

Page 26: 5 tips for perfect presentations

don’t use either technical terms or foreign words

si m pl e l a nguage

Page 27: 5 tips for perfect presentations

if tHeir use is unavoidaBle,

Provide a Printed glossary

don’t use either technical terms or foreign words

si m pl e l a nguage

Page 28: 5 tips for perfect presentations

uniform design

Page 29: 5 tips for perfect presentations

Be consistent in your use of fonts, colors and pictures

u n i for m design

Page 30: 5 tips for perfect presentations

fonts and font sizes should be uniform throughout

u n i for m design

Page 31: 5 tips for perfect presentations

colors should be coordinated from start to finish

u n i for m design

Page 32: 5 tips for perfect presentations

u n i for m design

colors should be coordinated from start to finish

tHis is of Particular imPortance

for cHarts and diagrams

Page 33: 5 tips for perfect presentations

1 Clear structure

Useful information

Little text

Simple language

Uniform design


Page 34: 5 tips for perfect presentations


concePt and design

By Bernd allgeier

translation by tom mccann. thank you, tom !