
1 1 Theory of Groundwater Flow Theory of Groundwater Flow Topics 1. Differential Equations of Groundwater Flow 2. Boundary conditions 3. Initial Conditions for groundwater problems 4. FlowNet analysis 5. Mathematical analysis of some simple flow problems

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1Theory of Groundwater FlowTheory of Groundwater FlowTopics1. Differential Equations of Groundwater Flow2. Boundary conditions3. Initial Conditions for groundwater prole!s". Flow#et analysis$. %at&e!atical analysis of so!e si!ple flow prole!s25.1.Differential Equations5.1.Differential EquationsExamples of useful use of flow equations in solving Hydro ro!lems"1# $% drop around a well after 1& years of pumping"'# (ontaminant )on)entration )hanges after 5 years of remediation ")leanup#"*# (hange in storage of aquifer after use of 5& years3+athemati)al approa)h +athemati)al approa)h ,-epresent the G-./0D$1TE- pro)ess !y an equation,2olving the equation,-esult is hydrauli) head "spa)e3 time#4How is it done4How is it done41n illustrative example51n illustrative example5'ilty 'and'and'&ale(.( geological prole!5How is it done4How is it done41n illustrative example51n illustrative example5K = 1K = 10B.Conceptuali)ed !at&e!atical prole!Water Table: variable head boundaryTop of shale = base of aquifer = NO-Flow boundaryide No-flow boundaryide No-flow boundary6How is it done4How is it done41n illustrative example51n illustrative example5K = 1K = 10C. Calculating t&e &ydraulic &ead distriution*go+erning equations,h= 908886848280 7876K = 1K = 107Deriving Groundwater Deriving Groundwater flow Equationsflow EquationsDar)y6s %awprin)iple of mass )onservationG- Flow equations8.epresentati+e Ele!entary /olu!e *.E/,%ass inflow rate0 !ass outflow rate1 c&ange in storage wit& ti!e ! y "Deriving Groundwater Deriving Groundwater flow Equationsflow Equations9The main equation of The main equation of groundwater flowgroundwater flow,T&is is a linear paraolic partial differential equation,It2s t&e !ain equation of groundwater flow in saturated !edia,It is sol+ale only y nu!erical !et&ods,t&e solution of w&ic& yields h #!$y$"$t, in a &eterogeneous3 anisotropic confined aquifer.,(lso 4nown as t&e %iffusion &quation++= x Khx y Khy z KhzShtx y z s( ) ( ) ( )102implifi)ations of the equation2implifi)ations of the equation"1# for homogeneous !ut anisotropi) aquifer5"'# for homogeneous and isotropi)"*# for hori7ontal flow"8# steady state flow KhxKhyKhzShtx y z s++=222222+ + =222222hxhyhzSKhts+ =2222hxhySTht+ + =2222220hxhyhz11%apla)e equation%apla)e equation,one of the most useful field equations employed in hydrogeology.The solution to this equation des)ri!es the value of the hydrauli) head at any point in a *9dimensional flow field,Note: the mapped potentiometric surface represents "solution" to Laplace's equation for 2dimensional flo! field + + =2222220hxhyhz125.' :oundary )onditions5.' :oundary )onditions* types51. Diri)hlet :oundary (ondition"pecified head at a #oundar$'. 0eumann :oundary (ondition"pecified !ater flu% at a #oundar$&' (auch$ #oundar$ condition)elates h$draulic head to !ater flu%135.* ;nitial (onditions5.* ;nitial (onditions,For steady state equations.nly !oundary )onditions are needed,For transient equations5:oundary and initial )onditions are needed,'nitial (ondition5rovides hydrauli) head everywhere within the domain of interest !efore simulation !egins0( , , , 0) ( , , ) h x y z h x y z =145.8 Flownet 1nalysis5.8 Flownet 1nalysis151617Flownets3 general features in a 20D flow do!ain Flownets3 general features in a 20D flow do!ain ,1. 2treamlines are perpendi)ular to equipotential lines. ;f the hydrauli)9head drops !etween the equip. lines are the same3 the streamlines and equip. lines form )urvilinear squares. ,'. The same quantity of ground water flows !etween ad