5] Program Tahunan AL English X

Program Tahunan : Bahasa Inggris -Azz 6 KURIKULUM 2013 KURIKULUM 2013 PROGRAM TAHUNAN PROGRAM TAHUNAN SMA/MA SMA/MA Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Satuan Pendidikan : _________________________ Kelas / Semester : X / 1 Nama Guru : _________________________ NIP/NIK : _________________________ CV. AZ-ZAHRA CV. AZ-ZAHRA


PROTA Bahasa Inggris

Transcript of 5] Program Tahunan AL English X

Program Tahunan : Bahasa Inggris -Azz

Yearly ProgramEducation Level: Senior High SchoolClass

: X

Core competencies:

1. Comprehending and applying the religion divine values

2. Comprehending and applying the honesty, self-discipline, care to others (cooperation, tolerance, peace-loving) polite, responsive and proactive attitudes in solving various matters; in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment; and being good Indonesian in world socialization.

3. Understanding, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge based on the interest in science, technology, cultural art, and humanities with humanity, nationalistic, and civilized views in relating to the causes of phenomena and matters and applying the procedural knowledge in the desired science in solving the actual problems

4. Processing, analyzing, and presenting the development in the concrete and abstract domains of the learned materials independently and able to applying the rightful methods.

SemesterBasic CompetenceMaterialsTime Allotment

First3.1 Understanding written and spoken texts in responding caring expressions.

4.1 Composing written and spoken texts to express and respond caring expressions by considering the aims, text structure that based on appropriate contexts.

3.2 Understanding the aim, text structure, and language features in written and spoken texts to introduce simple self-introduction.

4.2 Composing written and spoken texts to introduce identity by considering the contextual and appropriate aims, text structure and language features.

3.4 Understanding the aim, text structure, and language features in written and spoken descriptive texts about the famous people, tourism objects and historical buildings.

4.4 Composing written and spoken descriptive texts about the famous people, tourism objects, and historical buildings by considering the appropriate and contextual aims, text structures, and language features.

4.5 Understanding the purpose of simple spoken and written descriptive texts.Unit 1

Expressions of Caring/SympathyIntroduction oneself

Descriptive texts about famous person, tourism objects, and historical buildings.16 45

3.3 Understanding the aim, text structure, and language features in written and spoken texts in the form of messages containing simple congratulation.

4.3 Composing simple written and spoken texts which filled with the congratulation message by considering the appropriate and contextual aims, text structure, and language features.

3.6 Understanding the aims, text structure, and language features of written and spoken narrative text in the form of short story.

4.8 Understanding the purpose of spoken and written narrative texts in the form of short stories3.7 Understanding the message which is brought by the songs.

4.9 Understanding the message brought by songs.Unit 2Expressions of congratulation

Narrative texts in the form of short stories

Songs and their meanings/messages

16 45

Second3.1 Understanding written and spoken texts in responding compliment expressions.

4.1 Composing written and spoken texts to express and respond the compliment expressions by considering the aims, text structure that based on appropriate contexts.

3.5 Understanding the aim, text structure, and language features in written and spoken recount text about the experiences/ activities/ incidents/ events.

4.6 Composing simple written and spoken recount texts about experiences/activities/incidents/events, by considering appropriate and contextual aims, text structure and language features.4.7 Understanding the purpose of simple spoken and written descriptive texts.Unit 3

Expressions of complimentRecount texts about experiences/activities/incidents/events

20 45

3.1 Understanding written and spoken texts in responding caring expressions.

4.1 Composing written and spoken texts to express and respond the compliment and caring expressions by considering the aims, text structure that based on appropriate contexts.

3.6 Understanding the aims, text structure, and language features of written and spoken narrative text in the form of short story.

4.8 Understanding the purpose of spoken and written narrative texts in the form of short stories3.7 Understanding the message which is brought by the songs.

4.9 Understanding the message brought by songs.Unit 4Expressions of Caring/Sympathy

Narrative texts in the form of short stories

Songs and their meanings/messages

20 45

Total Time Allotment72 x 45


Kepala Sekolah .................

( _______________________ )

NIP/ NIK ......................................., ........................... 20...

Guru Mapel B. Inggris( _______________________ )

NIP/ NIK ..................................




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan:_________________________

Kelas / Semester:X / 1

Nama Guru:_________________________



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