5 main reasons why we are homeschooling


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Transcript of 5 main reasons why we are homeschooling

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The first question we are often asked or the question that people most want to ask is:

why homeschool? We originally went down the formal school route so the surprise

and questions over our sanity came flowing from all corners when we announced our

decision to embark on our homeschool journey. For us it just wasn't working for our

family, the kids had a fairly long journey to and from school and with homework the

day was longer then most people work, they were constantly exhausted. They were

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also fundamentally not happy and had definitely lost their spark and enjoyment when

it came to school...we just thought that there had to be a better way, a better fit for

our family...

Now I know that for some the traditional schooling route is the best fit but for us it was

just the right time to make the move into homeschooling. According to the National

Home Education Research Institute 91% of families that homeschool do so due to "a

concern about the environment in other schools" but everyone has there own

reasons as to why it works for them - and about 3.5% of all children attend

homeschool in the US!

Confidence and happiness! This has grown exponentially. They now have an

interest in areas that before they had struggled in. They are not worried about just

having a go and trying as they do not need to worry about their peers. There is

always laughter and smiles and fun to be had!

Bespoke Curriculum and a great class ratio! We are able to select the curriculums

that work for us and the kids. If something isn't quite working as well as we would like

then we have the flexibility to change. We are able to work at their individual pace,

talk things through with them. They now have the ability to make their timetable work

for them and can work around games that previously they couldn't attend. They still

get their work done but they do not have to sacrifice their outside interests.

Academics! Quite simply it works and works well. There's a whole lot of statistics

out there that shows how homeschoolers excel, for example on average

homeschoolers achieve between 15 and 30% higher scores on standardized

tests and this is regardless of financial means or level of education of parents. In

fact, over the last 8 years it seems like homeschoolers out perform public and private

school students on every metric through all grade levels through to college results.

We were sceptical of this but the test results already show that our kids

have improved hugely on previous scores when they attended private school. In the

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areas that they previously struggled on we have been able to take a hands on

approach and work with them to help them be comfortable first and then excel. We

have learnt an immense amount through using some great curriculum's and yes I say

we...you never do stop!

Immersive! Wow...they have loved this aspect...kids that are happy learn...and enjoy

learning! This has been the 'fun' side, the point where we can delve into subjects.

Field trips can actually reflect what they are interested in and we can make them

really varied, we have local trips scheduled but also trips to Washington DC and yes

if you have looked at our other posts you will not be surprised that Disney is also on

our list, we had no idea that they run educational classes for homeschool

groups...the opportunities have been huge.

Socialization! Okay so this is always the hot question that comes up with anyone

that doesn't homeschool but the choices of so many communities and clubs has

been immense. The only issue has been finding the time to fit in all of the

opportunities that there are. They are socializing in groups that they actually want to

be in and are at ease in. At school there is always a concern regarding peer pressure

or kids that do not treat kids in the way that you have raised yours to treat others.

Does this mean they are in more of a "bubble" for longer, well yes but they are

enjoying a childhood which already goes by far too quickly. It is a huge community

and the presents opportunities that we hadn't before fully appreciated.

There seems to be some major misconceptions when it comes to families that

homeschool and I have to say that no, there is no odd clothing, no growing of an

extra head...we as homeschoolers are actually normal, well as normal as normal is!!!

So yes the raising of the eyebrows may continue with some but for us it has been the

hardest decision to make but also the best decision that we have made for them as

they have truly blossomed. From a moms perspective it can absorb a lot of time but

we have found great networks of moms and the opportunity to share this special time

and watch them develop has been awesome. Now I'm not saying that this is an easy

option, far from it as the commitment has to be there at all times and is

time consuming and trying at times but these moments have definitely been

outweighed by the positives. Whether they return to mainstream in the future is

impossible to tell as this has taught me that you cannot pre determine what is best for

your kids in the future only adapt as they grow and thrive....x♥x