5 Lessons from Running, Applied to Project Management

5 lessons from running applied to project management

Transcript of 5 Lessons from Running, Applied to Project Management

5 lessons from running applied to project management

I’m an average athlete (the guy in the middle)

that loves to run since forever.

I’m also an

experienced PMP and CSM,

Leading PMOs and Managing Programs and Projects since


La Vig-Bay Half Marathon Spain, March 2015

Running is a life experience that embraces our thoughts on each step we take. Along the years running also taught me a few lessons that can be applied to Project Management. Here is what I’ve learned.

# 1 – Planning is everything

Before embarking on a new race I run a checklist: what’s the distance, do they have a time limit, how does the altimetry look like, what will be the weather conditions on racing day, how many water stations will they have, … ? I set-up a plan on how my race should roll-out. This has “saved my life” a thousand times.

When managing projects you deal with similar questions: what’s the scope, who are the stakeholders, whose risks should be

closely monitored, what are the deadlines, what’s the effort to accomplish, …?

It all starts with planning. Planning is the key to success.

# 2 – It’s always a mental game

Everyone that has ran a marathon will tell you: the first 30kms are a result of your training, so you run it with your legs, the next 10kms with your mind, and the last 2kms with your heart. The same happens while executing projects. When everything seems lost, remember to be strong in mind and spirit.

Be a Leader! Inspire others! (don’t be a crying baby )

If you can take it, you can make it.

Louis Zamperini Olympic Athlete

# 3 – Be Humble and Learn

On the past few years we’ve seen:

A new 100 meters World Record at 106 years old, a new 5K World Record at 81 years old, a 92 years old lady finishing a

marathon, new World Records running 7 marathons for 7 days on 7 continents, athletes running more than 200 kms on any weather condition and in self-mode, and the list goes on…

Think you know it all? Think again: there’s always someone else that runs longer and faster than you. The same is true for projects.

Be humble and respect the others. Take on their experience.

Learn from them.

# 4 – Practice, Practice, Practice

Each time I run my trainings I learn new things about myself: how I run, how to control my breath, how far can I go, when I should take my gel, how my heart rate rises, when to push it forward, … All these information help me prepare the next race.

Each time you execute a project you learn and get experienced about preparing for

risks, managing resources, controlling and monitoring your KPI’s, defining and closing

scope, leading the way to your team, …

Sounds familiar? Practice makes you better and better.

# 5 – Do it with pleasure and succeed

I run with pleasure. Each step I take brings me closer to my dream to continuously outstand myself. The same principle works for a project manager. Loving what you do, makes you stronger and closer to succeed.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.


Helder Ferreira PMP, CSM