5- Jing 2

How to Capture Screen Sessions using Jing (by Passy’s World of ICT) Page 1 of 6 Jing is a free application from TechSmith, which allows us to capture a still or video session on our computer screen, and then share it with others, as a link, or an embed on a web page. First we have to go to http://www.jingproject.com and download the software and install it to our computer. This only takes about 5 minutes. Next step is to sign up : This is all the usual sort of thing. It then puts the Jing “sunshine” circle menu at the top of all of our screens, but we can remove this if we want to, as explained later). To find out how to use Jing, it is best to go to the page: http://help.jingproject.com/ and start reading and watching the excellent “How To” videos:



Transcript of 5- Jing 2

How to Capture Screen Sessions using Jing (by Passy’s World of ICT) Page 1 of 6

Jing is a free application from TechSmith, which allows us to capture a still or video session on

our computer screen, and then share it with others, as a link, or an embed on a web page.

First we have to go to http://www.jingproject.com and download the software and install it to our

computer. This only takes about 5 minutes.

Next step is to sign up :

This is all the usual sort of thing. It then puts the Jing “sunshine” circle menu at the top of all of

our screens, but we can remove this if we want to, as explained later).

To find out how to use Jing, it is best to go to the page: http://help.jingproject.com/ and start

reading and watching the excellent “How To” videos:

How to Capture Screen Sessions using Jing (by Passy’s World of ICT) Page 2 of 6

One thing to note is that there is a 5 minute limit on Videos.

After you have captured your video, you can save it onto your PC in SWF Format, or load it onto

screencast, so that other people will be able to view it online.

Selecting the area of the screen we want to capture involves:

Choosing and clicking on “capture” from the Jing sun menu

Moving the Jing cross hair which will highlight areas we can capture

Or else hold down Shift to get into 16:9 capture mode, or

Hold down Ctrl to get into 4:3 capture mode.

The capture area will then maintain the selected aspect ratio as we resize it:

We can also click and drag the window to relocate it, or click and drag out any of its sides to

include extra areas. However, it is best to use standard sizes, to get the best quality end output,

and also have good compatibility with You Tube.

How to Capture Screen Sessions using Jing (by Passy’s World of ICT) Page 3 of 6

There is a good movie on the help page about how to capture your session with video. If we

have a microphone connected into our computer, then it will record sound by default. If we do

not want sound, then there is a mute option we can click on.

We can also pause and resume while capturing, with a maximum total capture time of five


The free version of Jing records videos as .SWF format, while the paid “pro” version records

them in higher quality MPEG-4 / H.264 .

When the recording session is completed, we can either:

Save the recording to our PC in .SWF format or

Load it up to Screencast (2 Gig total free storage) and share a link with others or embed.

Getting our Microphone working through the creative sound card was a challenge. We had to

set it up as a USB microphone, even though it is plugged into the soundcard with a 3.5 inch

plug, and is nothing to do with USB. (Go Figure).

However, the quality of the raw SWF files, saved to our PC hard drive, especially if the screen

capture was done big in 1024x768 is excellent.

There is also a Jing History panel. This allows us to get details about previous captures, and to

obtain the links to them, and to reshare them if necessary. It is very much like a file manager.

There are also start up options, so that we can hide the Jing sun from the edge of our screen,

and simply launch it from the bottom task bar, or from Start > Programs:

How to Capture Screen Sessions using Jing (by Passy’s World of ICT) Page 4 of 6

Uploading a Jing Video to Screencast and Getting a Web Link

How we made our Jings at Passy World was to record them, and then save them to our hard

drive as SWF files.

Getting a copy of them also uploaded to Screencast was a little bit tricky. We found we had to

do History > click on viewing eye icon > then on the view player click the bottom of screen

arrows share icon. This will then start our selected SWF file upload onto Screencast.

If we then go back into History, and click on the screencast arrows icon, it will take us to

Screencast in our internet browser, and open up the Jing video for us to play. Because we

recorded ours at full screen size, we need to click in the bottom right hand corner of the Jing

video to go to full screen mode (and Escape key to go back to our browser).

We can then cut and paste the link from our browser into an email and sent it to someone:



Embedding a Jing Video onto a Blog or Web Page

Our final step with our 5 minute 12 MB Jing video was to somehow get some HTML to embed it

into our Blog’s web page. There is information on how to do this at the following help page:


It is a little bit tricky, but very well explained on the above help page. We have to add a new

button to Jing. To do this we did History > View eye icon > then clicked the bottom right hand

corner tool icon “Customise Jing Buttons”.

Then click on “New” to add a new button. Then set it up as “Embed Code instead of URL, just

like the help page showed us. However, when we clicked this new button, it immediately

commenced reloading our existing video back up to screencast again… which took a while.

(We were kind of hoping it would give us embed code to the current video we had up on

screencast already, not reload the whole thing up there again. I guess it needs to load up a

different new version of our video, that will be both viewable and embeddable. So in future we

always just do the new Embed button, and not the normal upload to Screencast button.)

All I got when I did Ctrl-V pasting after this was a shortcut to the web page as

http://screencast.com/t/MWVjMTFmMmM but with no embed code at all.

What we found we had to do (not documented anywhere) was to go to Screencast.com. Log

in using our email address and the password that we set up for Jing. We then clicked on our

How to Capture Screen Sessions using Jing (by Passy’s World of ICT) Page 5 of 6

Jing folder, found our video, and then clicked the share icon button in Screencast (not in Jing) to

obtain the following:

We can then Crtl-A highlight the embed code, and Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V copy it to obtain this embed

code: (which needs all of its sizes changed to fit it on my blog page)

<object id="scPlayer" width="1024" height="767"> <param name="movie"


e8-f5ba-4755-8eb2-bef799076076/jingswfplayer.swf"></param> <param

name="quality" value="high"></param> <param name="bgcolor"

value="#FFFFFF"></param> <param name="flashVars"





4755-8eb2-bef799076076/piechart5.swf"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen"

value="true"></param> <param name="scale" value="showall"></param> <param

name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param> <param name="base"


e8-f5ba-4755-8eb2-bef799076076/"></param> <embed

How to Capture Screen Sessions using Jing (by Passy’s World of ICT) Page 6 of 6


-f5ba-4755-8eb2-bef799076076/jingswfplayer.swf" quality="high"

bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1024" height="767" type="application/x-shockwave-

flash" allowScriptAccess="always"





4755-8eb2-bef799076076/piechart5.swf" allowFullScreen="true"


8-f5ba-4755-8eb2-bef799076076/" scale="showall"></embed> </object>

We also obtained the link HTM off theis page as well as:

<a href="http://www.screencast.com/t/YWRhYWU2YTE">piechart5</a>

For our Blog Post we changed the size of the video from 1024x767 to 540xWIDTH

where WIDTH = (540/1024) x 767 = 404.

This embed HTML then worked fine on our Blog, and we could click the bottom right hand Full

Screen icon, and then go to crystal clear full screen viewing very easily:

So that’s about it for Jing…. It is indeed a wonderful thing !