5 Indian advertisements based on real life situations


Transcript of 5 Indian advertisements based on real life situations

Page 1: 5 Indian advertisements based on real life situations


Assignment 3

Page 2: 5 Indian advertisements based on real life situations

1.Bru Used the concept of actual teasing between the real couples to

promote their brand. Also shows how coffee time brings everyone together.

Page 3: 5 Indian advertisements based on real life situations

2. BournvitaUsed the concept of continuous questioning by little kids to show they need more nutrients during young age to develop

their mind. This is where bournvita can help them.

Page 4: 5 Indian advertisements based on real life situations

3. Mother DairyUsed the concept how mother bears all the problems for their children and children can repay them by becoming strong. This strength can be

achieved by Mother Dairy.

Page 5: 5 Indian advertisements based on real life situations

4. VodafoneUsed new age relationships in youth through cell

phones to promote their double data offer.

Page 6: 5 Indian advertisements based on real life situations

Titan-The joy of gifting titanEmotionally appealing advertisement, shows how time passes and one professor of college gets retired. To give him a farewell his students gift him with a book

with picture of all his students and his “Time” through a TITAN watch