5 Holiday Charity Giving Tips


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Charity Navigator offers the following 5 guidelines to ensure your holiday contributions are well-spent.

Transcript of 5 Holiday Charity Giving Tips

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@CharityNav www.charitynavigator.org

1.Think About the Long Term

Like investing, giving should be driven by long-term goals. Dropping some change in the bucket isn't going to change the world. Responsible philanthropy requires that you define what you hope your giving accomplishes and then develop a plan to reach those goals.

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@CharityNav www.charitynavigator.org

2. Ensure the Charity is Efficient, Ethical and Effective

Check the charity’s

• Fiscal Health: Financially healthy organizations have greater flexibility and freedom to pursue their charitable mission.

• Commitment to Accountability & Transparency: Charities that are accountable follow good governance practices and are an open book are less likely to engage in unethical or irresponsible activities.

• Results Reporting: Knowing what the charity has accomplished is a critical step; after all, the charity’s ability to bring about long lasting and meaningful change in the world is the key reason for their existence and what you want your donation to be used for. 

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@CharityNav www.charitynavigator.org

3. Help Charities Squeezed by the Federal Government Shutdown

Government agencies regularly pay charities late and fail to pay the full cost of the services the charity provides. The shutdown further stressed charities that depend on government funding – like arts and human services charities – that were already near the breaking point in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Consider a gift to these charities to enable them to continue to meet the need for their services.

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@CharityNav www.charitynavigator.org

4. Be Wary of Crowdfunding Sites

Don't be fooled by the glossy appearance of these sites with compelling videos and storytelling. With little to no vetting going on by these platforms, they are a very risky way to donate.

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@CharityNav www.charitynavigator.org

5. Give Online in One Place

If you want to deduct your charitable contributions on your 2013 tax return, you have until December 31st to make your donations. When you give online at Charity Navigator you have the luxury of waiting until the last minute, knowing that not only will you be provided an instant receipt, but your giving records are maintained in one place, making your life easier at tax time.

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@CharityNav www.charitynavigator.org

5 Holiday Charity Giving Tips from Charity Navigator

1. Think about the long term

2. Ensure the charity is efficient, ethical and effective

3. Help charities squeezed by the federal government shutdown

4. Be wary of crowdfunding sites

5. Give online in one place

Go now to Charity Navigator to pick a charityand donate.