5 Hill Climbing Methods

Local Search Algorithms & Optimization Problems Hill Climbing Hill climbing is an optimization technique which belongs to the family of local search. It is relatively simple to implement, making it a popular first choice. Although more advanced algorithms may give better results, in some situations hill climbing works well. Hill climbing can be used to solve problems that have many solutions, some of which are  better than others. It starts with a random (potenti ally poor solution, and iteratively makes small changes to the solution, each time improving it a little. !hen the algorithm cannot see any improvement an ymore, it terminates. Ideally, at that point the current solution is close to optimal, but it is not guaranteed that hill climbing will ever come close to the optimal solution. "or e#ample, hill climbing can be applied to the traveling salesman problem. It is easy to find a solution that visits all the cities but is be v ery poor compared to the o ptimal solution. $he algorithm starts with such a solution and makes small improvements to it, such as switching the order in which two cities are visited. %ventually, a much better route is obtained. Hill climbing is used widely in artificial intelligence, for reaching a goal state from a starting node. &hoice of ne#t node and starting node can be varied to give a list of related algorithms. Hill climbing attempts to ma#imize (or minimize a function  f (  x, where x are discrete states. $hese states are typically represented by vertices in a graph, where edges in the graph encode nearness or similarity of a graph. Hill climbing will follow the graph from verte# to verte#, always locally increasing (or decreasing the value of  f , until a local ma#imum (or local minimum xm is reached. Hill climbing can also operate on a continuous space' in that case, the algorithm is called gradient ascent (or gradient descent if the function is minimized.. )roblems with hill climbing' local ma#ima (we*ve climbed to the top of the hill, and missed the mountain, plateau (everything around is a bout as good as where we are, ridges (we*re on a ridge leading up, but we can*t directly apply an operator to improve our situation, so we have to apply more than one operator to get there. +olutions include' backtracking, making big umps (to handle plateaus or poor local ma#ima, applying multiple rules before testing (helps with ridges. Hill climbing is best suited to problems where the heuristic gradually improves the closer it gets to the solution- it works poorly where there are sharp dropoffs. It assumes that local improvement will lead to global improvement.


Hill climber algm

Transcript of 5 Hill Climbing Methods

Hill Climbing Methods

Local Search Algorithms & Optimization ProblemsHill Climbing

Hill climbing is an optimization technique which belongs to the family of local search. It is relatively simple to implement, making it a popular first choice. Although more advanced algorithms may give better results, in some situations hill climbing works well.

Hill climbing can be used to solve problems that have many solutions, some of which are better than others. It starts with a random (potentially poor) solution, and iteratively makes small changes to the solution, each time improving it a little. When the algorithm cannot see any improvement anymore, it terminates. Ideally, at that point the current solution is close to optimal, but it is not guaranteed that hill climbing will ever come close to the optimal solution.

For example, hill climbing can be applied to the traveling salesman problem. It is easy to find a solution that visits all the cities but is be very poor compared to the optimal solution. The algorithm starts with such a solution and makes small improvements to it, such as switching the order in which two cities are visited. Eventually, a much better route is obtained.

Hill climbing is used widely in artificial intelligence, for reaching a goal state from a starting node. Choice of next node and starting node can be varied to give a list of related algorithms.

Hill climbing attempts to maximize (or minimize) a function f(x), where x are discrete states. These states are typically represented by vertices in a graph, where edges in the graph encode nearness or similarity of a graph. Hill climbing will follow the graph from vertex to vertex, always locally increasing (or decreasing) the value of f, until a local maximum (or local minimum) xm is reached. Hill climbing can also operate on a continuous space: in that case, the algorithm is called gradient ascent (or gradient descent if the function is minimized).*.

Problems with hill climbing: local maxima (we've climbed to the top of the hill, and missed the mountain), plateau (everything around is about as good as where we are), ridges (we're on a ridge leading up, but we can't directly apply an operator to improve our situation, so we have to apply more than one operator to get there).

Solutions include: backtracking, making big jumps (to handle plateaus or poor local maxima), applying multiple rules before testing (helps with ridges).

Hill climbing is best suited to problems where the heuristic gradually improves the closer it gets to the solution; it works poorly where there are sharp drop-offs. It assumes that local improvement will lead to global improvement.

Local maximaA problem with hill climbing is that it will find only local maxima. Unless the heuristic is convex, it may not reach a global maximum. Other local search algorithms try to overcome this problem such as stochastic hill climbing, random walks and simulated annealing. This problem of hill climbing can be solved by using random hill climbing search technique

RidgesA ridge is a curve in the search place that leads to a maximum, but the orientation of the ridge compared to the available moves that are used to climb is such that each moves will lead to a smaller point. In other words, each point on a ridge looks to the algorithm like a local maximum, even though the point is part of a curve leading to a better optimum.

PlateauAnother problem with hill climbing is that of a plateau, which occurs when we get to a "flat" part of the search space, i.e. we have a path where the heuristics are all very close together. This kind of flatness can cause the algorithm to cease progress and wander aimlessly.

Steepest Ascent

Hill climbing in which you generate all successors of the current state and choose the best one. These are identical as far as many texts are concerned.

Branch and Bound

Generally, in search we want to find the move that results in the lowest cost (or highest, depending). Branch and bound techniques rely on the idea that we can partition our choices into sets using some domain knowledge, and ignore a set when we can determine that the optimal element cannot be in it. In this way we can avoid examining most elements of most sets. This can be done if we know that a higher bound on set X is lower than a lower bound on set Y (in which case Y can be pruned).

Example: Travelling Salesman Problem. We decompose our set of choices into a set of sets, in each one of which we've taken a different route out of the current city. We continue to decompose until we have complete paths in the graph. If while we're decomposing the sets, we find two paths that lead to the same node, we can eliminate the more expensive one.

Best-first B&B is a variant in which we can give a lower bound on a set of possible solutions. In every cycle, we branch on the class with the least lower bound. When a singleton is selected we can stop.

Depth-first B&B selects the most recently generated set; it produces DFS behavior but saves memory.

Some types of branch-and-bound algorithms: A*, AO*, alpha-beta, SSS*, B*.

Best-First Search

Expand the node that has the best evaluation according to the heuristic function. An OPEN list contains states that haven't been visited; a CLOSED list contains those that have, to prevent loops. This approach doesn't necessarily find the shortest path.

(When the heuristic is just the cost function g, this is blind search. When it's just h', the estimated cost to the goal, this is steepest ascent (I think -- POD). When it's g + h', this is A*.

Local search= use single current state and move to neighboring states.

Advantages: Use very little memory

Find often reasonable solutions in large or infinite state spaces.

Are also useful for pure optimization problems. Find best state according to some objective function.

e.g. survival of the fittest as a metaphor for optimization.

Example: n-queensPut nqueens on an n n oard with no two queens on the same row, column, or diagonalHill Climbing: Search methods based on hill climbing get their names from the way the nodes are selected for expansion. At each point in the search path a successor node that appears to lead most quickly to the top of the hill (goal) selected for exploration. This method requires that some information be available with which to evaluate and order the most promising choices. Hill climbing is like depth first searching where the most promising child is selected for expansion.

Hill climbing is a variant of generate and test in which feedback from the test procedure is used to help the generator decide which direction to move in the search space. Hill climbing is often used when a good heuristic function is available for evaluating states but when no other useful knowledge is available. For example , suppose you are in an unfamiliar city without a map and you want to get downtown. You simply aim for the tall buildings. The heuristic function is just distcnce between the current location and the location of the tall buildings and the desirable states are those in which this distance is minimized.

Simple Hill Climbing:

The simplest way to implement hill climbing is the simple hill climbing whose algorithm is as given below:

Algorithm : Simple Hill Climbing:

Step 1: Evaluate the initial state. It it is also a goal state, then return it and quit.

Otherwise continue with the initial state as the current state.

Step 2: Loop until a solution is found or until there are no new operators left to

be applied in the current state :

(a) Select an operator that has not yet been applied to the current

state and apply it to produce a new state.

(b) Evaluate the new state.

(i) If it is a goal state, then return it and quit .

(ii) If it is not a goal state, but it is better than the current state, then make it the current state.

(iii) If it is not better than the current state, then continue in the loop.

The key difference between this algorithm and the one we gave for generate and

test is the use of an evaluation function as a way to inject task specific knowledge into the control process. It is the use of such knowledge that makes this heuristic search method. It is the same knowledge that gives these methods their power to solve some otherwise intractable problems To see how hill climbing works , lets take the puzzle of the four colored blocks, . To solve the problem we first need to define a heuristic function that describes how close a particular configuration is to being a solution. One such function is simply the sum of the number of different colors on each of the four sides. A solution to the puzzle will have a value of 16 . Next we need to define a set of rules that describe ways of transforming one configuration to another . Actually one rule will suffice. It says simply pick a block and rotate it 90 degrees in any direction. Having provided these definitions the next step is to generate a starting configuration. This can either be done at random or with the aid of the heuristic function. Now by using hill climbing , first we generate a new state by selecting a block and rotating it . If the resulting state is better then we keep it . If not we return to the previous state and try a different perturbation.

Problems in Hill Climbing

Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing:

An useful variation on simple hill climbing considers all the moves form the current state and selects the best one as the next state. This method is called steepest ascent hill climbing or gradient search. Steepest Ascent hill climbing contrasts with the basic method in which the first state that is better than the current state is selected. The algorithm works as follows.

Algorithm : Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing

Step 1 : Evaluate the initial state. If it is also a goal state, then return it and quit .

Otherwise, continue with the initial state as the current state.

Step 2 : Loop until a solution is found or until a complete iteration produces no change

to current state :

(a) Let SUCC be a state such that any possible successor of the current

state will be better than SUCC.

(b) For each operator that applies to the current state do :

i. Apply the operator and generate a new state.

ii. Evaluate the new state. If it is a goal state, then return it and quit. If not, compare it to SUCC . If it is better then set SUCC to this state. If it is not better, leave SUCC alone.

( c) If the SUCC is better than current state, then set current state

to SUCC.

To apply steepest- ascent hill climbing to the colored blocks problem, we must consider all perturbations of the initial state and choose the best. For this problem this is difficult since there ae so many possible moves. There is a trade-off between the time required to select a move and the number of moves required to get a solution that must be considered when deciding which method will work better for a particular problem. Usually the time required to select a move is longer for steepest ascent hill climbing and the number of moves required to get to a solution is longer for basic hill climbing.

Both basic and steepest ascent hill climbing may fail to find a solution. Either algorithm may terminate not by finding a goal state but by getting to a state from which no better states can be generated. This will happen if the program has reached either a local maximum, a plateau, or a ridge.

Local Maximum : A local maximum is a state that is better than all its neighbors but is not better than some other states farther away.

Plateau: A Plateau is a flat area of the search space in which a whole set of neighboring states have the same value.

Ridge : A ridge is a special kind of local maximum. It is an area of the search space that is higher than surrounding areas and that itself has a slope.

Branch and bound technique:

Branch and bound technique follows the given below method: Begin generating complete paths keeping track of the shortest path found so far. Give up exploring any path as soon as its partial length becomes greater than the shortest path found so far. Using this technique we are still guaranteed to find the shortest path. Although this algorithm is more efficient it requires exponential time. The exact amount of time it saves for a particular problem depends on the order in which the paths are explored . But still it is inadequate for solving large problems.

The branch and bound search strategy applies to problems having a graph search space where more than one alternative path may exist between two nodes. This strategy saves all path lengths form a node to all generated nodes and chooses the shortest path for further expansion. If then compares the new path lengths with all old ones and again chooses the shortest path for expansion . In this way any path to a goal node is certain to be a minimal length path.

Algorithm : Branch and bound Technique:

Step 1: Place the start node of zero path length on the queue.

Step 2 : Until the queue is empty or a goal node has been found ;

(a) determine if the first path in the queue contains a goal node,

(b) if the first path contains a goal node exit with success

(c) If the first path does not contain a goal node remove the path from the queue and form new paths by extending the removed path by one step.

(d) Compute the cost of new paths and add them to the queue

(e) Sort the paths on the queue with lowest cost paths in front .

Step 3 : Other wise exit with failure.

OR Graphs

It is sometimes important to search a graph instead of searching a tree so that duplicate paths will not be pursued. An algorithm to do this will operate by searching a directed graph in which each node represents a point in the problem space . Each node will contain in addition to a description of the problem state it represents, an indication of how promising it is , a parent link that points back to the best node from which it came, and a list of the nodes that were generated form it. The parent link will make it possible , if a better path is found to an already existing node, to propagate the improvement down to its successors. We will call a graph of this sort an OR graph, since each of its branches represents an alternative problem-solving path.

To implement such a graph search procedure, we will need to use two lists of nodes which are given below:

OPEN : OPEN consists of nodes that have been generated and have had the heuristic function applied to them but which have not yet been examined .OPEN is actually a priority queue in which the elements with the highest priority are those with the most promising value of the heuristic function. Standard techniques for manipulating priority queues can be used to manipulate the list.

CLOSED : CLOSED consists of nodes that have already been examined . We need to keep these nodes in memory if we want to search a graph rather than a tree, since whenever a new node is generated, we need to check whether it has been generated before.

We will also need a heuristic function that estimates the merits of each node we generate. This will enable the algorithm to search more promising paths first. Best First Search:

Best First search depends on the use of a heuristic to select most promising paths to the goal node. This algorithm retains all estimates computed for previously generated nodes and makes its selection based on the best among them all. Thus at any point in the search process best first moves forward from the most promising of all the nodes generated so far. In so doing it avoids potential traps encountered in hill climbing.

Best First Search is one way of combining the advantages of Depth First Search and breadth First Search into a single method .Best First search follows a single path at a time, but switch paths whenever some competing path looks more promising that the current one does. This is done by applying an appropriate heuristic function to each of them. We then expand the chosen node by using the rules to generate its successors. If one of them is a solution, we can quit. If not, all those new nodes are added to the set of nodes generated so far. Again the most promising node is selected and the process continues.

The actual operation of the algorithm is very simple. It proceeds in steps , expanding one node at each step, until it generates a node that corresponds to a goal state. At each step, it picks the most promising of the nodes that have so far been generated but not expanded. It generates the successors of the chosen node, applies the heuristic function to them , and adds them to the list of open node, after checking to see if any of them have been generated before. By doing this check, we can guarantee that each node only appears once in the graph , although many nodes may point to it as a successor. Then the next step begins.

Algorithm : Best First Search:

Step 1 : Start with OPEN containing just the initial state.

Step 2 : Until a goal is found or there are no nodes left on OPEN do :

(a) Pick the best node on OPEN

(b) Generate its Successors

(c) For each successor do :

(i)If it has not been generated before, evaluate it , add it to

OPEN and record its parent.

(ii) If it has been generated before, change the parent if this new

path is better than the previous one. In that case , update the

cost of getting to this node and to any successors that this

node may already have.

Example: A Best First Search

Step 1:

Step 2 :

(3) (5) (1)

Step 3:

(3) (5)

(4) (6)

Step 4 :


(6) (5) (4) (6)

Step 5 :


(6) (5) (6)

(2) (1)

The above figures show the beginning of a best first search procedure. Initially there is only one node , so it will be expanded. Doing so generates three new nodes. The heuristic function, which, in this example is an estimate of the cost of getting to a solution from a given node, is applied to each of these new nodes. Since node D is most promising it is expanded next , producing two successor nodes, E and F. But then the heuristic function is applied to them. Now another path, that going through node B, looks more promising, so it is pursued, generating nodes G and H. But again when these new nodes are evaluated they look less promising than another path, so attention is returned to the path through D to E. E is then expanded , yielding nodes I and J. At the next step , J will be expanded, since it is the most promising. This process can continue until a solution is found.

Simulated Annealing versus Hill Climbing

Simulated Annealing

The goal is to find a minimal energy state. The search descends except occasionally when, with low probability, it moves uphill instead. The probability of moving uphill decreases as the temperature of the system decreases, so such moves are much more likely earlier than later.

Problems include: choosing an initial temperature, choosing the annealing schedule (the rate at which the system cools).

As we have seen in previous lectures, hill climbing suffers from problems in getting stuck at local minima (or maxima). We could try to overcome these problems by trying various techniques.

We could try a hill climbing algorithm using different starting points.

We could increase the size of the neighbourhood so that we consider more of the search space at each move. For example, we could try 3-opt, rather than a 2-opt move when implementing the TSP.

Unfortunately, neither of these have proved satisfactory in practice when using a simple hill climbing algorithm.

Simulated annealing solves this problem by allowing worse moves (lesser quality) to be taken some of the time. That is, it allows some uphill steps so that it can escape from local minima.

Unlike hill climbing, simulated annealing chooses a random move from the neighbourhood (recall that hill climbing chooses the best move from all those available at least when using steepest descent (or ascent)).

If the move is better than its current position then simulated annealing will always take it. If the move is worse (i.e. lesser quality) then it will be accepted based on some probability. Constraint-Satisfaction Problems

In some search problems, there is no explicit goal state; rather, there is a set of constraints on a possible solution that must be satisfied. The task is not to find a sequence of steps leading to a solution, but instead to find a particular state that simultaneously satisfies all constraints.

The approach is to assign values to the constrained variables, each such assignment limiting the range of subsequent choices. Even though the sequence is not of interest, the problem can still be regarded as a search through state space.

Example: the eight-queens problem. The Eight-Queens Problem is to place eight queens on a standard chessboard in such a way that no two queens are attacking one another.

The topology of a constraint graph can sometimes be used to identify solutions easily. In particular, binary CSPs whose constraint graph is a tree can be solved optimally in time O(nk2) where n is the number of variables and k is the number of values for each variable. Going from the leaves toward the root, we delete from each node the values that do not have at least one match for each of its successors. If any node ends up empty, there is no solution; otherwise, we trace any remaining value from the root down, and this produces a consistent solution.

The most common algorithm for solving CSPs is a type of depth-first search called backtracking. The most primitive version assigns variables to values in a predetermined order, at each step attempting to assign a variable to the next value that is consistent with previous assignments and the constraints. If no consistent assignment can be found for the next variable, a dead-end is reached. In this case the algorithm goes back to one of the earlier variables and tries a different value.

Backtracking and Thrashing

The obvious approach is to assign variables in some order, then go back and change assignments when a conflict is detected. However, the run-time complexity of this approach is still exponential, and it suffers from thrashing; that is, search in different parts of the space keeps failing for the same reasons.

The simplest cause of thrashing is node inconsistency, in which there is some possible value of a variable that will cause it to fail in and of itself; when it is instantiated it always fails immediately. This can be resolved by removing such values before search begins.

Dependency-Directed Backtracking

Since backtracking is used in many AI applications (solving CSPs, TMSs, PROLOG, etc.) there are a number of schemes to improve its efficiency. Such schemes, called dependency-directed backtracking, or sometimes intelligent backtracking [Stallman and Sussman, 1977], can be classified as follows:

Lookahead Schemes

These schemes control which variable to instantiate next or what value to choose among the consistent options.

Variable ordering: This approach tries to choose a variable that will make the rest of the problem easier to solve. This is usually done by choosing the variable involved in the most constraints.

Value ordering: A value is chosen that will maximize the number of options available for future assignments.

Look-back Schemes

These approaches control the decision of where and how to go back in case of dead-ends. There are two basic approaches:

Go back to source of failure: Try to change only those past decisions that caused the error, leaving other past decisions unchanged.

Constraint recording: Record the "reasons" for the dead-end so that they will be avoided in future search.

Gashnig's "backjumping" [1979] is the best-known go-back scheme (q.v.). A simpler version jumps to the youngest ancestor constraining the dead-end variable.

Dependency-directed backtracking is also used in truth-maintenance systems (Doyle's RMS, 1979). It works as follows. A variable is assigned some value, and a justification for that value is recorded (and it may be simply that there is no justification for any other values). Then a default value is assigned to some other variable and justified. At this point the system checks whether the assignments violate any constraints; if so, it records that the two are not simultaneously accpetable, and this record is used to justify the choice of some other variable. This continues until a solution is found. Such a system never performs redundant backtracking and never repeats computations.


Constraint recording can be implemented by preprocessing the problem or by recording constraints as they are encountered during search. The most common approaches are arc consistency and path consistency.

Arc consistency deletes values of variables that have no consistent matches in adjacent (i.e., directly connected) variables. Path consistency records sets of forbidden value pairs when they can't be matched at some third variable.

Preprocessing for path consistency can be expensive; O(n3k3) operations, while many forbidden pairs would never actually be encountered. There are more efficient learning techniques that process constraints as the search is performed.

Cycle Cutset

[Dechter and Pearl, 1987] Another approach to improving backtracking performance. The goal is to identify a set of nodes that, when removed, leave a tree-structured (i.e., cycle-free) constraint graph. Once in tree form, the CSP can be solved in linear time. This gives an upper complexity bound on the complexity of CSPs -- if c is the size of some cycle cutset, and we instantiate the variables in the cutset first, then the complexity of the search is at most O(nkc), rather than the O(kn) associated with general backtrack search.

Backtrack-Free Search

Theorem [Freuder]: A k-consistent CSP having a width (k - 1) ordering admits a backtrack-free solution in that ordering.

In particular, a graph of width 1 (i.e., a tree) that is arc consistent admits of backtrack free solutions; a graph of width 2 that is path consistent admits of backtrack free solutions.