
download 5-30-145-30-14

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Transcript of 5-30-145-30-14

  • 8/12/2019 5-30-145-30-14


    Major7, Wands1, Swords2, Cups2, Pentacles1

    1. Present situationWheel of fortune: A search for understanding of ones purpose in life. A longing to have

    purpose. Idealism. Q feels a need, and doesnt know what that need is. The ups and downs of life. Q should

    understand that life does have its problems, its cycles, and can take comfort in the fact that everything passes.

    2. Immediate InfluenceThe Sun: A search for knowledge, the beginning of study, progress, a decision to seek


    3. Best to arrive at - Nine of Cups/Emotion+intuition in the sphere of logic: Intuitive feelings, divination is

    effective. What you feel is probably correct. Wish cardform backed by concentrated thought.

    4. Distant past foundation- The Empress: The Q is almost at the end of a project or a cycle. Restrictions are


    5. Recent passing - The Prince of Cups/Emotion in the world of formation: That which is indicated by the card

    modified has taken on an emotional/intuitional concept.

    The Prince of Wands/Thought in the world of formation: That which has indicated by the card modifiedhas taken on form. It is not yet entirely manifested, but its shape is known. The seed has grown; thejourney continues.

    Death: Expansion of the Q by freedom from the point of view of the Personality. The realization of theindividuality. Second degree initiation. A new beginning, leaving behind unnecessary restrictions. The

    experience signified by this path can be painful, but its result will be worth it.

    6. Future event -Seven of Swords/Will and action in the sphere of creativity and victory: Creative action,

    especially artistic. Energy flows into creative projects. Development of skills in artistic fields. Determination in

    such fields. Work actually brings on projects.

    7. Self in proper perspectiveThe Moon: Physical evolution, learning about nature, an acceptance of that which

    is hidden. Looking beneath the surface.

    8. Environmental factors around oneselfEight of Swords/Action+will in the sphere of logic: Directed activity,

    specific moves with specific boundaries. Action can move you toward success if carefully thought out. There is

    no doubt about direction. Legal action.

    9. Hopes and FearsKing of Pentacles/The physical seeks to create: That which is represented by card modified

    is at the stage of creative urge. Since Earth denotes the physical, this could denote possible pregnancy, but not

    one that is current. It is more a matter f the child being a gleam in his fathers eye. If the card does no denote

    a coming pregnancy, it will be one that is chosen, a child that is planned for and wanted. Other physical births

    can be represented by the cardanything that can manifest on the physical has become possible.

    Strength: Strength of will, it may be necessary for the Q to stand firm, even if it causes pain. The removal of

    something, a cutting away. Q cannot allow harm to be done by sitting back and letting it happen. Mercy should

    be tempered by severity.

    10. OutcomeJudgment: Spiritual awakening, sight of something more than the physical. Possible knowledge of

    former lives.