4The Literature Review

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  • 8/22/2019 4The Literature Review


    Literature Review

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    Copyright 2004 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

    Research Methods for

    Degree Study

  • 8/22/2019 4The Literature Review


    Module Code and Module Title Title of SlidesResearch Methods for Degree Study

    Topic & Structure of the lesson

    What is a literature review?

    The purpose of a literature review

    Components of the Literature Review Elements of the Literature Review

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    Module Code and Module Title Title of SlidesResearch Methods for Degree Study

    Learning Outcomes

    Understand the importance of writing a

    concise and complete literature review.

    Comprehension and application ofeffective compilation of usable literature


    Application of literature reviews in usablesecondary research in tertiary education

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    Main Teaching Points

    What is a literature review?

    The purpose of a literature review

    Components of the Literature Review

    Elements of the Literature Review

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    What is a Literature Review?

    A literature review is a body of text that

    aims to review the critical points ofcurrent

    know ledge on a part icu lar top ic .

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    Literature Review

    A literature review may constitute an essentialchapter of a thesis or dissertation, or may be a

    self-contained review of writings on a subject. In

    either case, its purpose is to:

    Place each work in the context of its contribution

    to the understanding of the subject under review.

    Describe the relationship of each work to the

    others under consideration.

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    Literature Review

    Identify new ways to interpret, and shed light onany gaps in, previous research.

    Most often associated with science-oriented

    literature, such as a thesis, the literature review

    usually precedes a research proposal,

    methodology and results section.

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    Importance of Literature Review

    To learn what one knows and do not know

    To understand the subject matter better

    To identify and highlight the important variables

    To document significant findings from earlier

    research that will serve as the foundation of the

    new research

    To resolve conflicts amongst seemingly

    contradictory previous studies

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    Importance of Literature Review (cont.)

    To Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent

    duplication of effort

    To develop hypotheses

    To point the way forward for further research

    To convince the reader that the researcher is

    knowledgeable about the problem area

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    Components of the Lit. Review

    Components: development of the literaturereview requires four stages: Problem formulationwhich topic or field is being

    examined and what are its component issues?

    Literature searchfinding materials relevant to thesubject being explored

    Data evaluationdetermining which literature makes

    a significant contribution to the understanding of thetopic

    Analysis and interpretationdiscussing the findingsand conclusions of pertinent literature

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    Guidelines for a Good Lit. Review

    An overview of the subject, issue or theory underconsideration, along with the objectives of the

    literature review

    Division of works under review into categories (e.g.

    those in support of a particular position, those

    against, and those offering alternative theses entirely)

    Explanation of how each work is similar to and how it

    varies from the others.

    Conclusions as to which pieces are best considered

    in their argument, are most convincing of their

    opinions, and make the greatest contribution to the

    understanding and development of their area of


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    Its' ultimate goal of literature review is to bring

    the reader up to date with current literature on a

    topic and forms the basis for another goal, such

    as the justification for future research in thearea.

    It is a vital chapter in a thesis/report

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    Research Methods for Degree Study

    Useful Links for Lit. Review

    Macauley, P. (2001). The Literature




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    Research Methods for Degree Study


    Students are required to write-up a

    literature review (one page) using three

    relevant academic articles of a particular


    Topic and articles can be provided by the

    tutor or identified by the students


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    Research Methods for Degree Study

    Review Questions

    1. Define the term Literature review.

    2. Discuss in detail the importance of literature review.

    3. What are the disadvantages if a research thesis has no

    literature review chapter or a poorly done literaturereview?

    4. What are the factors that need to be taken into

    consideration in order to produce a good literature

    review write-up?5. Discuss the four components of literature review.

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    Research Methods for Degree Study

    Q & A

    Question and Answer Session

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    Next Session

    Concepts and Data Collection