4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening...

i cv if WWft i!ii4ppimpiip 4s?f 3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' i I'm Evening Bulletin " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the Facts About It. &&"&? Mie News. Vol. VIII. No. 1498 HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1900. Pbiob 5 Gents. , SUICIDE'S LETTERS FOUND Frank Perontka Addresses (be Public ' , and Whole World. Was Dealing With Borrowed Hone; and i team Ncarlj Everything lo His ') Creditor In Mlnneola. . Frank Peroutkn, tha Ilolicmlan from Minnesota who was found dead at tlio Villa on Tuesday, left a number of letters on tho bureau of his room. One of theso had the envelop? addressed, "To the Public." There la it letter for Harry Armltago written on onu side of a half sheet of note paper, with a postscript on tho back, which Is com- posed ns follows: "Honolulu, H. I., Mar. 22. 1000. "Honolulu City "Mr. Henry Armit.ig'j In abruptly In proceeds to conjugal of miniiniutiiitup to Join him at tho Const, com-ffiA.- "2nd but short displayed honest gentleman for that to us nB unsaiisiacioiy ns over, Gol will remember ng little ul (1 t0 vnll fnr WOntCll to gO home. 1 llC.V to Pay ft?1,.?111 i Minnesota, managed to net "Mr. Henry Armltago bo so kind and .. ... ......... ut uu wnuk i unn juu iui ...vV.. , to Tnln Tnrndn Inrnrmt for tlireo months SC2.25 on threa per sents .u. ..,. ., a.nin i..inir nn IK iiiia last & if ho utiint reui. 1 it.tso look for the draft and obllgo (over "I remain "Yours Veiy Truly "FRANK FEROUTKA. "from Winona, Minn , II. S." This Is on tho back: "Mr. Henry Armltago I with to be .".:.. .. ; tt i.Ti.. 1... Pilst Crosso Hut cheapo on my Orkve&oMlge. oderwiso It my friend 3 $200.00INPR1ZES I The BULLETIN offers to the per- - wns who, between ist ana July 31st, shall send in the largest number ot new subscribers, the fol- -. lowing prizes : Ut Prize Cleveland Bicycle $70. The winner of 1st is it liberty tn rtinnr hrtwrtn models OO. 0? ill) 1 04 01 the loco Cleveland Bicycle. MoJd 94 is nuH rnrer. Wflpht 20 DOUndS. ft. 'del 02 ia8htroadwheeI,weiRhink2 lb and Model ,oo a heavier road wt Jt w. , oVthe liono Bicycle ColVVts &2Z&22f& I MOaeiS, SnOUlU IIIC winner of 1st prize be t lady). Snd Prize, 8lner 8cwln Ma chine .... . ,, The winner of this prize may oose ( hriurtn thntulih osflllatlne shuttle ton cover, that with vibrating shuttle and cabinet top, both machines, or the "Automatic," with three drawers. Tills machine will be furnished bv B. Ucr-tfersc- n. sole agent for Hawaiian Islands. 8rd Prize, Premo Senior Canteru, 4x5, with Outfit. $40.00. ,.,- - o has n,.,.w- - Swing ..Imply Back. Double fr nwd with either or Films. The outfit Includes i nate no uer, 1 npou, 3 Trays, Developer, Fixer, Negative Hack, Graduate, Stirring Rod Lantern. Camera and outfit are from the l.ermin-yo- n Photo-Supp- ly Co., sole agents. itlt a Zonophone, the Improvement on the Gramo- phone, with 0 Records, ltO.OO. This Is the loudest and most natural talking machine invented. It is to be electtd from the stock of the Berjinte-o- MuhIc Co., sole agents for the Hawaiian islands. The following conditions of the cjntest must be observed : All subscriptions must be prepaid at least three months in advance. 2. No renewals or transfers of Mibscrlp-tlon- s will counted in this contest as new subscriptions. name must be bona fide addition to subscription 1. Subscriptions be nt in as loon as secured, together with th name and address of the person wli.un the lubscription Is to be credited, as will of subscriber. care should li- - taken to give ACCURATELY full name iddress of each subscribtr. 4 Any person In the Ha- waiian Islands eligible to try tor these prizes. During continuation of contest for the Most Popular Captain, coupons .ntltllng holder to cast many votes n of hs choice accuidlngto term of subscription, will be given I each suoscriuer iuiuuicu w m receipt for the subscription, as previously Rates: W.po per year, 2.cc for months;strictly in advance. want mo Durrled Winona or My Daughter then you can pay all Expcns & send my body their." Tho main letter begins thus: "All Public o Wholo World 1 must let know what kind living I havo since I Married and that is IT year ago." pn tho buck of tho sec- ond sheet, the wholo letter covering a dozen pages, are endorsed tho words, "For tho public world." After the Introductory sentence al- ready given writer say that after saving $303 working a shoemaker ho started business for him- self. Almost Immediately after his marriage, he nsscrtj, a doctor whom he names trespassed upon his rights, which was the beginning a hue no I'Hcd In a time con- - soitlo ", micr write Tin letter & stay there a a year she letUrllOll vmir where she n.i,r.iii, the prize wheel U'U and the Dlnl.w Plates Prize, a the lists. the Great the new is the the the the his new you tin tho over long train of miseries. Sometime later a Journeyman shoemaker In his cm-plo- y, also named In tho letter, became tho unlawful recipient of hla wife's af- fections. Pcroutkn hoped that hlh wlfo would come to n better stato mind after the birth of a child, but tho ovent proved very much tho contrary "Sho not llko mo nt all," Is tho terse description of mo at all," his tcdao description of her nttltudo then. DUheirtened hn left for California, whence after a the business Into her oun bands. Vl tor four years sho failed . . . ..,.,, f ,,,. "w " " " ." "' " V"" . . . ..!.... ....... ...... l,. ',B " ' , of .l to shoot tho arising a temptation hi" wlfo and any of her male friends discovered In her ,.... Hut ,.ia decision Is recorded: 'I ran not tukc life. I prefer to tako my own first." Then ho desires all tho newspapers to publish a list of about a scoro of men whom he charges with having con- - trlbutcd to his sorrow J. "uesi rcgarus 10 my menus, me ""fortunate man concludes, "and extra very bes .regards to ny very Rood ......... " ,": ;a, 01 personal euecin mil iiviu. niuiu iuu "ono hair chain and one lady 8 wnlch and short watch chain, and neck chains: one nlaln ring, ono In my ! pocket book: ono set ring, two on my lingers; ono gold-fille- d watch and solid ha, charm not Ono clmvm contains his child's hair. The hair tfSlfA'S Jo msr ho stole Ho lcavos his own watch to his daughter, also all hii books and flOO. The rest belongs to John Poroda, butcher in Winona, Minnesota, from whom ho borrowed $ SHOO on two notes, Dec. 14, 1899. Hero ho bought 100 ... ', ,..,.. a n rr. ..... Mr Armltago. He says ho has 30O In nBl b bank nlul ,.lwo chccks rrom ab'",t Jfc0 ta tta pant3 &" this honest." ho states I In closing tho Inventory "and you ,. , i.iin to Rn.i t,im (nnmelng his Wlnom creditor) all nbovo after paying my funeral, and that Bhould not bo ovor $100, and tho teat, clothing, sugar stoek phares monoy for and u j, jeweiry ,,i,ch i 'l0 nt elvo to my dauhtor send to him becnus eit Is all for his money I want you to send him nil." Below his signnturo the declaration ot intended sulcldo mndo thus: "When I can not live with my wife and good child, then I do not wnnt to llvn nnv Innppr. ..Goo,i j,yo who knows me and 1 wlfih you would publish In all the p.ipers." I"B Another Clenr Day. 2 p. m. Theio aro no new developments at the Hoard of Health ofTlce today. Tho bulle- tin again shows a row of ci- phers. This is the fifth clear day ot tho now scries. AHHimlt With a Weapon. Tho enso of Pan Sang, Poll Choy, Ah Mang, Leo I.oong and Tung, C'hong charged with assault with a weapon nu Clico Kit, camo up In tho Polkp Court this forenoon but wni set for tho 9th, Inst. This was tho ciirq in which Cheo Kit had til skull injured by an attack with plckawi and tho llko in Mnnon. Tho troublo aroto over a water dispute. Attorney General Cooper Is leprc-Hentl- tho prosecution In the Down- ing case In tho Polleo Court. Crrtgh-to- n and Strauss for tho pioecutlou. St. LouIb College L. 8. Tho St. Louis Colloga Literary So- ciety held 11 meeting last night at which tho following aincuro for the en- suing year were elected: C. II. Hose, president: D. P. Zablan, vlro president: 13. Herndt, secretary and treasurer; Ilrother Thomas, stage manager. Three now members elected to active membership. The society will present another play In tho near future. Two Vc8el8 Depart. Tho Russian bark Aldebarhn sailed for Uaker's iBland today to load guano for Now South Tho Helen Denny sailed for Eureka to load lumber for Now South Wales. OF CLAIMS COORT A. G. H. Rrbertson Oilers Pertinent Points for Discussion. Is (be Court lo Determine the Gcwnmem's Liability or Assess Damages' and Accept Full Liability Money to Pay. Editor Evening Bulletin. Tho ob- jection to tho Court of Claims which hus been raised by tho Chamber of Commerce and tho Finance Committee of tho Council amounts to moro than a mcro objection to tho constitution of the Court. This Is shown by tho re marks made at yesterday's meeting of the Chamber as well ns by the report of the Finance Committee. Tho difference of opinion ns to tho composition of tho Court arisen from two different as to the purpose for which the Court Is established. As I understand the Government In favor of paying for losses that can bo shown to have been raused by Ille- gal acts, cither of ommlsslou or com- mission on tho part of the Health au- thorities, but refuse to pay for tho de- struction of property by tho Board of Health If the Board Is shown to havo acted within Its lcgnl authority. Tho President therrfoio appointed tho Court of Claims for the purposo of deciding primarily whether according to legal principles the Hoard of Health has committed any nets or gone beyond its nuthorlty in destroying property in its endeavors to suppress the plnguo epidemic, if the Hoard lia3 done only what It was legally Justified In doing the Government admits no ni,ii,rninn nnv Tho quCBUon as t0 tho Board's rights authority Is a question of law, and i"ai oeing me principal question 10 bo submitted to tho Court of Claims, tho President very properly composed tho Court of lawyers. It would be absurd to submit uu im- portant question of law lo tho decision of a Court composed, oven partially only, of Inymen. I do not express any opinion ns to the quajlllcatlonn of - l" ,cnst ona o lhcm ,g sonaiiy inieresieu U3 1111 owner in uiuuuiowii inupvn-y- . 11 11113 ku iiiu nppointment should not hive hi en made. Now the Chamber of Commerce wants and expects the public treasury to pay for all losses resulting from tho Uonrd of Health's nctlon In continuing tho plague, irrespective entirely of any legal obllcatlon on the part of the Gov ernment to pay. From tho standpoint ot tho Chamber questions of law should cut no figure , .,, ,Hnr nt nil r'nni.,.nnonllv Ihn members of tho Chamber can sco no senso In appointing lawyers on tho Court, and according to their theory tho only work for tho Court to do Is to accldo tho question of tho vnluo of tho property destroyed.. It is useless for gentlemen to nrcuse a lawyer of appointing lawyois, when tho nccussers, as business men, aro committing tho same offensa by clam- oring for tho appointment of business men. Tho first thing to do Is to ilecldo tho Court Is to 1)J appointed for. If it is for tho purptio of deciding ably better than nttorncya. Tho composition ot tho Court would almost settle Itself If tho object of Its appointment wcro agreed on. Tho losses havo been variously esti- mated at from ?2,000,0C0 to $7,000,000. As tho opportunity to present claims affords n grand chnnco for fraud and Imposition on tho Government perhaps they will totnl up neare-- lo tho latter figure than tho former. I havo yet to hear whero the money to pay these claims is taming I10111. It Is certainly not In tho Treasury now, and It would not bs right to Dor-ro- w It, issuing bonds, for posterity will no doubt havo epidemic enough of Its own to pny for. A. G. M. KOHK11TSON. Honolulu, April 5, 1900. nitlEF HISTORY. Tho majority of fashlonablo people of Honolulu rather buy their hats In Iwnkaml's Hat Department than any- where else. TUB WATERMAN IDEAfc FOUN- TAIN PEN. AH sizes, nil shapes. H. F. WICIU'AN. HONOLULU : SCHOOL OF DAY ANDN'GHT CLASSES COWAN AND HARRIS Rooms ii-- u, wd Floor J 9 a, m 4 e. m. Hours r.io-- vy p, m PROGRESS BLOCK Tho Perontka hns 0. Sr., , ".".S",,, questions of law, lawyers should com-- s Sliding Front, and l.nk and Jmavom It. If It Is to estimate using. This camera may be otters were , coud Uo tUo k , b. and Lat- ent yet 1. be Each should to as and so , h. to '"subscription three ns it Is , la ,,, it. "Kute is or so Is were Wales. PURPOSE ideas It Is Illegal i what FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT Council of State Yotes Money and Hakes Comment. Liberal Pro;lslon for Board of Health -- Couit cf Claims to Be Discussed Further on Friday-Depart- Monies. The following members were present at the Council of Stato meeting yester day nfternoon: President Dole, Minis tors E. A. Mott-Smlt- h, Young, Damon and Cooper; Councillors Kennedy, Nott, Gear, Jones, Roblnuon, Kaulukou, Iscnbcrg, Achl, Allen, Gonsalves, mid Robertson. Mr. Jones presented tho repot t of tho special commlttco on Act No. 7, for expenses of the Court of Claims, tho gist of which was given In yesterday's Bulletin. After somo discussion, tho Executive wanting time for consideration, thn bill with tho report was mado the special order for Friday. Mr. Young reported on the claim of John K. Prendergast for two succcsslvo chairmen of the Koolauloa road board, in 1891 and lvJ' amounting to ?2'J3 75. Tho clnlm was u Jtnt one but succeed- ing rond boards had declined to pay the money out of road taxes for their terms. Ho recommended tho Insertion of an item to pay tho bill. Adopted. Tho consideration of Ileum In Act I No. 2 was resumed with results as follows: JoneH Scores Rowell. To complcto Nuuanit road to Pall, $17,000. Mr. Jones asked who made, thn esti- mate, nnd, being told tho Superinten- dent of Public Works, said ho was ono who had advanced money to complete? this road. Ho nsk?d tho Superinten- dent what It would coit, and ho assur- ed him he could do tho work for $U,-00- 0. Now, with the unpaid bills appro- priated and this Item, they wore ask- ed for $23,565.18, or 00 per cent moro thnn was assured him. lie would vote for the item but at tho camo tlmo nd slved tho Mlniitcr to look around for another ftveriutendent of Public Works. Mr. Iscnbcrg Kokua nut (very much agreed.) 1110 item passed. . From Current Account. Walalac and Koko Head, $2500. Ewa and Waianne: Klpnna bridge and approaches, $1000. Wulaltia: Homestead road mid bridge, $2,000. Here nn Item .wns Insetted: Roads and bridges, Kauai: Hanalel, $5,000. Road Damages. All inlands, unpaid bills, $773.50; new, $125,000, commltteo recommends $225,000 which carried. Electric light Honolulu unpaid bills, $2729.88. Lighting streets other than Honolu lu and Hllo unpaid bllu, $11.2,,. Electric light Honolulu, $12,000 Qasollno plant 200 h. p. for electric station, Nuunnu, $12,000. Referred to Attorney Gcuornl as to right In view of Hawaiian Electric Co. s franchise. Running expenses laundries, $3000. Iwllel ditch, $1200. Addition to postofllce, Honolulu, $13,-00- 0. Mr. Jones asked what's tho use, If tho United States takes over the post-ofll- co within threo months. Mr. Young answered If such docH not happen postal business will bo In n bud box. Tho Item pnsscd. New government dlspeiif.iry mid emergency hospital, $25,000. Committee recommends $30,000 for Insane Asylum bulldlnga. Mr. Iscnbcrg hud been out then; thni morning. Thero aro 13i neoplo thoie, and tho buildings falling awny. Mr. Young supported the Item and It passed. Illlo-Piii- ui Telephone. ' Telephone from Noith Kona to South Kohala, $2500. Committee recommends $1200 for telcphono from Hllo eoitrthouso to Puna on condition that residents pio-vld- o n llko amount and Government hao frco uso of two Instrument' for five yenis. Carried. Uonrd of Health IMIIh. Hoard of Health. Commltteo $3753.33 - for unpaid bills, giving Items. Carried. Kulaupnpa store, $20,000. Commit tea recommends nn additional Item of $351.33 tor settlement of kulciiuu claims at Knlmipapn. Can If d. Removing Garbage: Coninilcteo $200 for unpaid bills. C'nr-rl6- d. Purclias& 12 odorleni oxcauloi'B, $12,000: 2 sewerage scows, $3,000; I! (Continued on page C.) Ruts in Chinatown. Luna Blindage on the staff of Mr. Hilts killed a rat near Knumakaplll church, and sent It to Dr. Hoffmann for post mortem according to standing or- ders. The men cleaning up tho firo debris In Chlnntqwn report many rats in the district. HON, H0AP1LI BAKER DEAD Close of Career of Well-Know- n and Honored Hawaiian. Prominent Figure of the Monarchy Descended From Chiefs or National Note Demise Sudden -F- uneral Sunday. Robert Honplll Raker, aged about 53 years, died nt tho homj of J. A. Cum- mins, Pawaa, late yesterday afternoon. Heart disease was ho lomplalnt. De- ceased had been 111 for it long period. Robert Honplll JSait'T whs born at Walkapu, Maul, flity ycar.i ago. Hn family was of lilgti rank and under the monarchy ho was 11 men of piomtueucc. Ho wns of splendid phyxinui; and pre- possessing demeanor. Sometimes win-- conducting evening regimental rVls as colonel of the fences people would mistake him fur King Knlakaun. Ho wns coiumlssiuiii'J as first lieutenant 111 the King's Gu.ud mi Feb. 12. 1S7, and Mnjor on Much 17. liSl. Major Raker was appointed Gover- nor of Maul, Moloknl and Lanal on Oct. 4, 18SG, and held tho position until tho Reform Legislature of 18s7 abolish- ed governorships. At the samo tlmo tho wife of his brother, Colonel John T. linker, a chlefess, wns Governess of Hawaii. Major Uakor was appointed by Kalakaua as a member of tho Privy Council of Stato on August '2, 18S4, wui'vu uiuuuKniani renewing ins com- mission as such on March 7, 1891, when sho reconstructed that body, which held 11 slmllur relation to tho Crown ns that held by the Council of State to I the Executive of tho Republic. On May 15, 1889 Major Raker wus promoted to bo p and Col- - oncl on tho staff ot Kalakaua, and ho received a similar commission from Lllluoknlanl In March, lS'Jl. .Colonel Uakor took tho oath to tho Republic of Hawaii on January 9, 1835. He was appointed n member ot tho Hoard ot Registration of Electors for this Island. Colouel Raker was formerly a member ot tho Anglican church, attached to Ulshop Willis's congregation of St. An- drew's Cathedral. Ho-wo- b n native Ha- waiian of high Intel llgonco and fine manners, with a genial disposition that made friends of nil who became ac- quainted with him. Hla mnnly form will be greatly misled on tho streets of Honolulu. The funeral of the late Robeit Hon plll Itakcr will take place Sunday af- ternoon. Tho body will He In state in Mlillnni Hall back ot the opern houso from 2 to 4 and tho services will begin at the hitter hour. G. J. Waller will officiate us head of tho Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ ot the Latter Day Saints ot which deceased wus 11 member. Interment will tnke place In Knwalhuo cemetery. Deceased leaves .1 wife, Mrs Erama Baker and the foltowing children. Robert Honplll Raker, Jr., of the band, Mrs. C. W. Uooth and Vllo linker nnd Emma Raker, minors. Robert Honplll Riker wns ot noblo blood. Ho was a descendant of Llloa, the first king of Hnwall and his great grandfather wns Naputipahucho", high chief of Maul. The Orphcum. The performance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Ernest Ilognn'i company at the Orphcum tonight li looked forward to with n, great deal of Intereat. Mr. Hognn ns Uncle Tom should bo any- thing hut disappointing. The gentle- man has nt times, even In comedy work, Bhown Hint he possesses tho ability to make a pait of this kind a decided success, If not n revelation. The coloicd company will have the support of tho Orphcum stock conipany and tho combination should icalle the expectations of tho most fastidious. Thcui Is a good advinro bale, and a big houso Is assured. Heretofore the hlna-In- g members of tho company havo con fined themselves to lcgltlmnto harmon- ics, but tonight theio Is 11 promlsj of some old time plantation singing 1:1 which It would he !uio-Mb!,- i to fiom running Into tun "bather shop" chords, tint oilglnated on the Southern plantations during tho times of slavery, which aio i.o enjnynbto. No doubt Mr. Hognn has been saving this clabs ot woik for tin end of his If so it will be k treat. Rat Had Nu iiacllll. I'd. Towso bent to the bibointory of the Hoard of Health tills morning a int killed by ono of tho Chinatown Inborn 3 In n cesspool near t li. ruin uf Knuma- kaplll church. Dr. lloitnmnn made some slides this morning and found the rat to be perfectly fieo from plague bacilli. Court ol Clnlmn. The former serge ot the Senato went up to tho office of the Chief Justice In tho government build lug this forenoon nnd removed there- from tho sign that has .10 long marked tho entrance. This was done prepara- tory of tho occupancy of Un office by the Court of Claims. TWO WILL CASE APPEALS John Cassldy Appointed Goirdlan ot Mrs. i. Weir Robertson, Bark Stmlnole L!b:l Dismiss(d Sttthment of Mrs. Wllielm's Ettale -C- ourt Visits Disputed Ground. Maria do Silva Pavao petitions for letters of administration on the estate ot her late husband, which consists of a $1,000 policy In tho Gctmnula Life In nurance Co. Judge Silllman yesterday ordered the will ot Annie N. Holokahlki admitted to probate, appointing Wllllo II. Holo kablkl sole executor under $500 bund. Ka-n- o for petitioner; Ka.ieakuu for K. Kekoa, contestant, n broth r of Iho tes tatrix. The contest int'.( uttorucy not- ed nn nppcal to a Jury. On the petition of Mrs. Eliza B. Cas- sldy, Judge Silllman Imp appointed John Cassldy as guardian of Mrs. Mar caret A. Robertson, widow of the late Jas. Weir Robertson unit sister of pe- titioner, nnd who is nun at Stockton, Cal. The bond Is $0,000. A. W. Car- ter for petitioner. An appeal of Angcllno DcvcrlU of Hanalel, Kauai, from Judge. Stanley's decrco admitting to probate tho will of her mother. Mrs. Emma Angelina Dcverill has been withdrawn. The will mado decedent's brother, Thomas Llndscy ot Walmca, Haw-all- , i.ole de- visee and executor. Judgo Silllman sustained tho excep- tions to the libel of th bark Seminole by Sam Fuiishlmn on account of al- leged assault nnd talso arrest upon complainant by Chlpmnn Taylor, mas- ter ot the vessel. Robertson & Wlldir for plaintiff In Clcghorn vs. Castle rnovo to n day for hearing tho demurrer of Mary Drown, ono of tho defendants. . In making an order approving the accounts of F. J. Wllhclm, as adminis- trator of his deceased wife's estate. Judge Silllman den'.es tho claim ot Frcderlcw Albert Smith, nn adopted child, for a portion of tho estate. The articles of adoption did not doclarc tho child to bo nn heir of deceased. Mrs. U11I Smithies, wife ot Archibald Smithies, daughter, is declared In ths order boIo heir subject to it life Inter- est of the surviving htiRbend In one-thi- rd of the income of tho real estate Judge Silllman had tho Mano.i water controversy of Lum Ah Leo's va. Ah Soong's hul before hlia ngain. The Court goes up to look nt the premises this afternoon. WANTS $5000 DAMAGE8. S. Furushlraa, former steward ot the bark Seminole, has brought suit against Captain C. T.tvlor of that ves- sel. Plalntirt claims $5,009 damages, alleged to have rcsultul to him from Injury done to his poiton, reputation, character and feelings In that the de fendant did on March Hi, 1900, wilful- ly and mnllcIoiiKly iihsault nnd beat him nnd did then tnd thero wilfully, maliciously nnd unlawfully cause him to bo wrongly imprisoned nnd re- strained or his liberty. Mngoon nnd Long for plaintiff. Thn libel has been removed from tho Seminole on account of tho nctlon or Judgo Silllman who throw out the hill libeling tho ship. It was his decision that tho matter should have been per- sonal. As a result of this, thn action against Captain Tavlor N hrnueht. We have the most satisiac tory SHOES right in hand, now, for this .spring; walking that we h.ive' -- ver offered at this price $3.00 ?0WN Maket $3.00 Shoe; B This shoe has been made to the times it's a reliable shoe for little money. Manufacturers' Shoe Co,' Sole Agents.

Transcript of 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening...

Page 1: 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening Bulletin i I'm " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the





i!ii4ppimpiip4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' i I'mEvening Bulletin " 5P m iA

Get the mflfcffaC fopy.You Don't Get

All the News and the Facts About It. &&"&? Mie News.

Vol. VIII. No. 1498 HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1900. Pbiob 5 Gents.


Frank Perontka Addresses (be Public'

, and Whole World.

Was Dealing With Borrowed Hone; and

i team Ncarlj Everything lo His

') Creditor In Mlnneola.


Frank Peroutkn, tha Ilolicmlan fromMinnesota who was found dead at tlioVilla on Tuesday, left a number ofletters on tho bureau of his room. Oneof theso had the envelop? addressed,"To the Public." There la it letterfor Harry Armltago written on onu

side of a half sheet of note paper, witha postscript on tho back, which Is com-posed ns follows:

"Honolulu, H. I., Mar. 22. 1000."Honolulu City

"Mr. Henry Armit.ig'j




proceeds to


miniiniutiiitup to Join him at tho Const, com-ffiA.-

"2nd but short displayed

honest gentleman for that to us nB unsaiisiacioiy ns over,

Gol will remember ng littleul (1 t0 vnll fnr WOntCll to gO home. 1 llC.V toPayft?1,.?111 i Minnesota, managed to net

"Mr. Henry Armltago bo so kind and.. ... .........utuu wnuk i unn juu iui ...vV.. ,

to Tnln Tnrndn Inrnrmt for tlireomonths SC2.25 on threa per sents.u. ..,. ., a.nin i..inir nn IK iiiialast & if ho utiint reui. 1 it.tso lookfor the draft and obllgo (over

"I remain"Yours Veiy Truly

"FRANK FEROUTKA."from Winona, Minn , II. S."This Is on tho back:"Mr. Henry Armltago I with to be

.".:.. .. ; tt i.Ti.. 1...

Pilst Crosso Hut cheapo on myOrkve&oMlge. oderwiso It my friend

3 $200.00INPR1ZESI

The BULLETIN offers to the per- -

wns who, between ist anaJuly 31st, shall send in the largestnumber ot new subscribers, the fol- -.

lowing prizes :

Ut Prize Cleveland Bicycle $70.The winner of 1st is it liberty

tn rtinnr hrtwrtn models OO. 0? ill) 1 04 01

the loco Cleveland Bicycle. MoJd 94 isnuH rnrer. Wflpht 20 DOUndS. ft. 'del 02

ia8htroadwheeI,weiRhink2 lb andModel ,oo a heavier road wt Jt w. ,

oVthe liono Bicycle ColVVts&2Z&22f& I

MOaeiS, SnOUlU IIIC winner of 1st prize be

t lady).

Snd Prize, 8lner 8cwln Machine.... . ,,

The winner of this prize may oose(hriurtn

thntulih osflllatlne shuttle ton cover,

that with vibrating shuttle and cabinettop, both machines, or the"Automatic," with three drawers. Tillsmachine will be furnished bv B. Ucr-tfersc- n.

sole agent for HawaiianIslands.

8rd Prize, Premo Senior Canteru,4x5, with Outfit. $40.00.

,.,- - o has n,.,.w- - Swing..ImplyBack. Double

frnwd with either or Films. Theoutfit Includes i nate no uer, 1 npou, 3Trays, Developer, Fixer, Negative Hack,Graduate, Stirring Rod Lantern.Camera and outfit are from the l.ermin-yo- n

Photo-Supp- ly Co., sole agents.

itlt a Zonophone, theImprovement on the Gramo-

phone, with 0 Records, ltO.OO.This Is the loudest and most natural

talking machine invented. It is to be

electtd from the stock of the Berjinte-o-

MuhIc Co., sole agents for the Hawaiianislands.

The following conditions of the cjntestmust be observed :

All subscriptions must be prepaid atleast three months in advance.

2. No renewals or transfers of Mibscrlp-tlon- s

will counted in this contest asnew subscriptions. name must be

bona fide addition to subscription1. Subscriptions be nt in as

loon as secured, together with th nameand address of the person wli.un thelubscription Is to be credited, as will of

subscriber. care should li-- takento give ACCURATELY full nameiddress of each subscribtr.

4 Any person In the Ha-

waiian Islands eligibleto try tor these prizes.

During continuation of contestfor the Most Popular Captain, coupons.ntltllng holder to cast many votes

n of hs choice accuidlngtoterm of subscription, will be given I

each suoscriuer iuiuuicu w mreceipt for the subscription, as previously

Rates: W.po per year,

2.cc for months;strictly in advance.

want mo Durrled Winona or MyDaughter then you can pay all Expcns& send my body their."

Tho main letter beginsthus: "All Public o Wholo World 1

must let know what kind living Ihavo since I Married and that is ITyear ago." pn tho buck of tho sec-

ond sheet, the wholo letter covering adozen pages, are endorsed tho words,"For tho public world."

After the Introductory sentence al-

ready given writer saythat after saving $303 working ashoemaker ho started business for him-self. Almost Immediately after hismarriage, he nsscrtj, a doctor whom henames trespassed upon hisrights, which was the beginning a

huenoI'Hcd In a time con- -

soitlo ", micrwrite Tin letter & stay there a a year she

letUrllOllvmir where she


the prize







athe lists.

the Greatthe



the the


the hisnew





long train of miseries. Sometime latera Journeyman shoemaker In his cm-plo- y,

also named In tho letter, becametho unlawful recipient of hla wife's af-

fections.Pcroutkn hoped that hlh wlfo would

come to n better stato mind after thebirth of a child, but tho ovent provedvery much tho contrary "Sho not llkomo nt all," Is tho terse description ofmo at all," his tcdao description ofher nttltudo then. DUheirtened hnleft for California, whence after a

the business Into her oun bands. Vl

tor four years sho failed. . . ..,.,, f ,,,.

"w " " " ." "' "V"" .. . ..!.... ....... ...... l,.',B " ', of .l to shoottho arising a temptation

hi" wlfo and any of her male friendsdiscovered In her ,.... Hut ,.iadecision Is recorded: 'I ran not tukclife. I prefer to tako my own first."Then ho desires all tho newspapers topublish a list of about a scoro of menwhom he charges with having con- -trlbutcd to his sorrow J.

"uesi rcgarus 10 my menus, me""fortunate man concludes, "and extravery bes .regards to ny very Rood......... " ,": ;a,01 personal euecin mil iiviu. niuiu iuu"ono hair chain and one lady 8 wnlchand short watch chain, and neckchains: one nlaln ring, ono In my

! pocket book: ono set ring, two on mylingers; ono gold-fille- d watch and solidha, charm not Ono clmvm

contains his child's hair. The hair

tfSlfA'SJo msrho stole

Ho lcavos his own watch to hisdaughter, also all hii books and flOO.The rest belongs to John Poroda,butcher in Winona, Minnesota, fromwhom ho borrowed $ SHOO on two notes,Dec. 14, 1899. Hero ho bought 100... ', ,..,.. a n rr. .....Mr Armltago. He says ho has 30O InnBl b bank nlul ,.lwo chccks rrom

ab'",t Jfc0 ta tta pant3&"this honest." ho states I

In closing tho Inventory "and you,. , i.iin to Rn.i t,im(nnmelng his Wlnom creditor) allnbovo after paying my funeral, andthat Bhould not bo ovor $100, and thoteat, clothing, sugar stoek pharesmonoy for and u j, jeweiry ,,i,ch i'l0 nt elvo to my dauhtor send to himbecnus eit Is all for his money Iwant you to send him nil."

Below his signnturo the declarationot intended sulcldo mndo thus:"When I can not live with my wifeand good child, then I do not wnnt tollvn nnv Innppr.

..Goo,i j,yo who knows me and 1 wlfihyou would publish In all the p.ipers."


Another Clenr Day.2 p. m. Theio aro no new

developments at the Hoard ofHealth ofTlce today. Tho bulle-tin again shows a row of ci-

phers. This is the fifth clearday ot tho now scries.

AHHimlt With a Weapon.Tho enso of Pan Sang, Poll Choy, Ah

Mang, Leo I.oong and Tung, C'hongcharged with assault with a weaponnu Clico Kit, camo up In tho PolkpCourt this forenoon but wni set fortho 9th, Inst. This was tho ciirq inwhich Cheo Kit had til skull injuredby an attack with plckawi and tho llkoin Mnnon. Tho troublo aroto over awater dispute.

Attorney General Cooper Is leprc-Hentl-

tho prosecution In the Down-ing case In tho Polleo Court. Crrtgh-to- n

and Strauss for tho pioecutlou.

St. LouIb College L. 8.Tho St. Louis Colloga Literary So-

ciety held 11 meeting last night atwhich tho following aincuro for the en-

suing year were elected: C. II. Hose,president: D. P. Zablan, vlro president:13. Herndt, secretary and treasurer;Ilrother Thomas, stage manager. Threenow members elected to activemembership. The society will presentanother play In tho near future.

Two Vc8el8 Depart.Tho Russian bark Aldebarhn sailed

for Uaker's iBland today to loadguano for Now South

Tho Helen Denny sailed for Eurekato load lumber for Now South Wales.


A. G. H. Rrbertson Oilers Pertinent

Points for Discussion.

Is (be Court lo Determine the Gcwnmem's

Liability or Assess Damages' and Accept

Full Liability Money to Pay.

Editor Evening Bulletin. Tho ob-

jection to tho Court of Claims whichhus been raised by tho Chamber ofCommerce and tho Finance Committeeof tho Council amounts to moro thana mcro objection to tho constitution ofthe Court. This Is shown by tho remarks made at yesterday's meeting ofthe Chamber as well ns by the reportof the Finance Committee.

Tho difference of opinion ns to thocomposition of tho Court arisen fromtwo different as to the purposefor which the Court Is established.

As I understand the GovernmentIn favor of paying for losses that canbo shown to have been raused by Ille-gal acts, cither of ommlsslou or com-

mission on tho part of the Health au-

thorities, but refuse to pay for tho de-

struction of property by tho Board ofHealth If the Board Is shown to havoacted within Its lcgnl authority.

Tho President therrfoio appointedtho Court of Claims for the purposo ofdeciding primarily whether accordingto legal principles the Hoard of Healthhas committed any nets or gonebeyond its nuthorlty in destroyingproperty in its endeavors to suppressthe plnguo epidemic, if the Hoard lia3done only what It was legally JustifiedIn doing the Government admits noni,ii,rninn nnv

Tho quCBUon as t0 tho Board's rightsauthority Is a question of law, and

i"ai oeing me principal question 10bo submitted to tho Court of Claims,tho President very properly composedtho Court of lawyers.

It would be absurd to submit uu im-

portant question of law lo tho decisionof a Court composed, oven partiallyonly, of Inymen. I do not express anyopinion ns to the quajlllcatlonn of- l"

,cnst ona o lhcm ,gsonaiiy inieresieu U3 1111 owner inuiuuuiowii inupvn-y- . 11 11113 ku iiiunppointment should not hive hi enmade.

Now the Chamber of Commercewants and expects the public treasuryto pay for all losses resulting from thoUonrd of Health's nctlon In continuingtho plague, irrespective entirely of anylegal obllcatlon on the part of the Government to pay.

From tho standpoint ot tho Chamberquestions of law should cut no figure, .,, ,Hnr nt nil r'nni.,.nnonllv Ihnmembers of tho Chamber can sco nosenso In appointing lawyers on thoCourt, and according to their theorytho only work for tho Court to do Is toaccldo tho question of tho vnluo of thoproperty destroyed..

It is useless for gentlemen to nrcusea lawyer of appointing lawyois, whentho nccussers, as business men, arocommitting tho same offensa by clam-oring for tho appointment of businessmen.

Tho first thing to do Is to ilecldotho Court Is to 1)J appointed for.

If it is for tho purptio of deciding

ably better than nttorncya.Tho composition ot tho Court would

almost settle Itself If tho object ofIts appointment wcro agreed on.

Tho losses havo been variously esti-mated at from ?2,000,0C0 to $7,000,000.As tho opportunity to present claimsaffords n grand chnnco for fraud andImposition on tho Government perhapsthey will totnl up neare-- lo tho latterfigure than tho former.

I havo yet to hear whero the moneyto pay these claims is taming I10111.

It Is certainly not In tho Treasurynow, and It would not bs right to Dor-ro- w

It, issuing bonds, for posterity willno doubt havo epidemic enough of Itsown to pny for.

A. G. M. KOHK11TSON.Honolulu, April 5, 1900.

nitlEF HISTORY.Tho majority of fashlonablo people

of Honolulu rather buy their hats InIwnkaml's Hat Department than any-where else.




COWAN AND HARRISRooms ii-- u, wd Floor J 9 a, m 4 e. m.

Hours r.io--vy p, m


Tho Perontka hns0. Sr., , ".".S",,, questions of law, lawyers should com-- sSliding Front, and l.nk and Jmavom It. If It Is to estimate

using. This camera may be otters were , coud Uo tUo k , b.










so, h.







la ,,,


"Kute is








It Is





Council of State Yotes Money and

Hakes Comment.

Liberal Pro;lslon for Board of Health -- Couit

cf Claims to Be Discussed Further on

Friday-Depart- Monies.

The following members were presentat the Council of Stato meeting yesterday nfternoon: President Dole, Ministors E. A. Mott-Smlt- h, Young, Damonand Cooper; Councillors Kennedy,Nott, Gear, Jones, Roblnuon, Kaulukou,Iscnbcrg, Achl, Allen, Gonsalves, midRobertson.

Mr. Jones presented tho repot t of thospecial commlttco on Act No. 7, forexpenses of the Court of Claims, thogist of which was given In yesterday'sBulletin.

After somo discussion, tho Executivewanting time for consideration, thn billwith tho report was mado the specialorder for Friday.

Mr. Young reported on the claim ofJohn K. Prendergast for two succcsslvochairmen of the Koolauloa road board,in 1891 and lvJ' amounting to ?2'J3 75.Tho clnlm was u Jtnt one but succeed-ing rond boards had declined to pay themoney out of road taxes for theirterms. Ho recommended tho Insertionof an item to pay tho bill. Adopted.

Tho consideration of Ileum In ActI

No. 2 was resumed with results asfollows:

JoneH Scores Rowell.To complcto Nuuanit road to Pall,

$17,000.Mr. Jones asked who made, thn esti-

mate, nnd, being told tho Superinten-dent of Public Works, said ho was onowho had advanced money to complete?this road. Ho nsk?d tho Superinten-dent what It would coit, and ho assur-ed him he could do tho work for $U,-00- 0.

Now, with the unpaid bills appro-priated and this Item, they wore ask-ed for $23,565.18, or 00 per cent morothnn was assured him. lie would votefor the item but at tho camo tlmo ndslved tho Mlniitcr to look around foranother ftveriutendent of PublicWorks.

Mr. Iscnbcrg Kokua nut (very muchagreed.)

1110 item passed. .

From Current Account.Walalac and Koko Head, $2500.Ewa and Waianne: Klpnna bridge

and approaches, $1000.Wulaltia: Homestead road mid

bridge, $2,000.Here nn Item .wns Insetted: Roads

and bridges, Kauai: Hanalel, $5,000.Road Damages. All inlands, unpaid

bills, $773.50; new, $125,000, commltteorecommends $225,000 which carried.

Electric light Honolulu unpaid bills,$2729.88.

Lighting streets other than Honolulu and Hllo unpaid bllu, $11.2,,.

Electric light Honolulu, $12,000Qasollno plant 200 h. p. for electric

station, Nuunnu, $12,000. Referred toAttorney Gcuornl as to right In view ofHawaiian Electric Co. s franchise.

Running expenses laundries, $3000.Iwllel ditch, $1200.Addition to postofllce, Honolulu, $13,-00- 0.

Mr. Jones asked what's tho use, Iftho United States takes over the post-ofll- co

within threo months.Mr. Young answered If such docH not

happen postal business will bo In n budbox.

Tho Item pnsscd.New government dlspeiif.iry mid

emergency hospital, $25,000.Committee recommends $30,000 for

Insane Asylum bulldlnga.Mr. Iscnbcrg hud been out then; thni

morning. Thero aro 13i neoplo thoie,and tho buildings falling awny.

Mr. Young supported the Item and Itpassed.

Illlo-Piii- ui Telephone.' Telephone from Noith Kona to South

Kohala, $2500.Committee recommends $1200 for

telcphono from Hllo eoitrthouso toPuna on condition that residents pio-vld- o

n llko amount and Governmenthao frco uso of two Instrument' forfive yenis. Carried.

Uonrd of Health IMIIh.Hoard of Health. Commltteo

$3753.33 - for unpaid bills,giving Items. Carried.

Kulaupnpa store, $20,000. Committea recommends nn additional Item of$351.33 tor settlement of kulciiuuclaims at Knlmipapn. Can If d.

Removing Garbage: Coninilcteo$200 for unpaid bills. C'nr-rl6- d.

Purclias& 12 odorleni oxcauloi'B,$12,000: 2 sewerage scows, $3,000; I!

(Continued on page C.)

Ruts in Chinatown.Luna Blindage on the staff of Mr.

Hilts killed a rat near Knumakaplllchurch, and sent It to Dr. Hoffmann forpost mortem according to standing or-

ders. The men cleaning up tho firodebris In Chlnntqwn report many ratsin the district.


Close of Career of Well-Know- n and

Honored Hawaiian.

Prominent Figure of the Monarchy Descended

From Chiefs or National Note Demise

Sudden -F- uneral Sunday.

Robert Honplll Raker, aged about 53years, died nt tho homj of J. A. Cum-mins, Pawaa, late yesterday afternoon.Heart disease was ho lomplalnt. De-

ceased had been 111 for it long period.Robert Honplll JSait'T whs born at

Walkapu, Maul, flity ycar.i ago. Hnfamily was of lilgti rank and under themonarchy ho was 11 men of piomtueucc.Ho wns of splendid phyxinui; and pre-possessing demeanor. Sometimes win--

conducting evening regimental rVlsas colonel of the fences people wouldmistake him fur King Knlakaun. Howns coiumlssiuiii'J as first lieutenant 111

the King's Gu.ud mi Feb. 12. 1S7, andMnjor on Much 17. liSl.

Major Raker was appointed Gover-nor of Maul, Moloknl and Lanal onOct. 4, 18SG, and held tho position untiltho Reform Legislature of 18s7 abolish-ed governorships. At the samo tlmotho wife of his brother, Colonel JohnT. linker, a chlefess, wns Governess ofHawaii. Major Uakor was appointedby Kalakaua as a member of tho PrivyCouncil of Stato on August '2, 18S4,wui'vu uiuuuKniani renewing ins com-mission as such on March 7, 1891, whensho reconstructed that body, whichheld 11 slmllur relation to tho Crownns that held by the Council of State to I

the Executive of tho Republic.On May 15, 1889 Major Raker wus

promoted to bo p and Col- -oncl on tho staff ot Kalakaua, and horeceived a similar commission fromLllluoknlanl In March, lS'Jl. .ColonelUakor took tho oath to tho Republic ofHawaii on January 9, 1835. He wasappointed n member ot tho Hoard otRegistration of Electors for this Island.Colouel Raker was formerly a memberot tho Anglican church, attached toUlshop Willis's congregation of St. An-drew's Cathedral. Ho-wo- b n native Ha-waiian of high Intel llgonco and finemanners, with a genial disposition thatmade friends of nil who became ac-quainted with him. Hla mnnly formwill be greatly misled on tho streetsof Honolulu.

The funeral of the late Robeit Honplll Itakcr will take place Sunday af-ternoon. Tho body will He In state inMlillnni Hall back ot the opern housofrom 2 to 4 and tho services will beginat the hitter hour. G. J. Waller willofficiate us head of tho ReorganizedChurch of Jesus Christ ot the LatterDay Saints ot which deceased wus 11

member. Interment will tnke place InKnwalhuo cemetery.

Deceased leaves .1 wife, Mrs EramaBaker and the foltowing children.Robert Honplll Raker, Jr., of the band,Mrs. C. W. Uooth and Vllo linker nndEmma Raker, minors.

Robert Honplll Riker wns ot nobloblood. Ho was a descendant of Llloa,the first king of Hnwall and his greatgrandfather wns Naputipahucho", highchief of Maul.

The Orphcum.The performance of "Uncle Tom's

Cabin" by Ernest Ilognn'i company atthe Orphcum tonight li looked forwardto with n, great deal of Intereat. Mr.Hognn ns Uncle Tom should bo any-thing hut disappointing. The gentle-man has nt times, even In comedywork, Bhown Hint he possesses thoability to make a pait of this kind adecided success, If not n revelation.The coloicd company will have thesupport of tho Orphcum stock conipanyand tho combination should icalle theexpectations of tho most fastidious.Thcui Is a good advinro bale, and a bighouso Is assured. Heretofore the hlna-In- g

members of tho company havo confined themselves to lcgltlmnto harmon-ics, but tonight theio Is 11 promlsj ofsome old time plantation singing 1:1

which It would he !uio-Mb!,- i tofiom running Into tun "bather

shop" chords, tint oilglnated on theSouthern plantations during tho timesof slavery, which aio i.o enjnynbto. Nodoubt Mr. Hognn has been saving thisclabs ot woik for tin end of his

If so it will be k treat.

Rat Had Nu iiacllll.I'd. Towso bent to the bibointory of

the Hoard of Health tills morning a intkilled by ono of tho Chinatown Inborn 3In n cesspool near t li. ruin uf Knuma-kaplll church. Dr. lloitnmnn madesome slides this morning and foundthe rat to be perfectly fieo from plaguebacilli.

Court ol Clnlmn.The former serge ot the

Senato went up to tho office of theChief Justice In tho government buildlug this forenoon nnd removed there-from tho sign that has .10 long markedtho entrance. This was done prepara-tory of tho occupancy of Un office bythe Court of Claims.


John Cassldy Appointed Goirdlan ot

Mrs. i. Weir Robertson,

Bark Stmlnole L!b:l Dismiss(d Sttthment of

Mrs. Wllielm's Ettale -C- ourt Visits

Disputed Ground.

Maria do Silva Pavao petitions forletters of administration on the estateot her late husband, which consists ofa $1,000 policy In tho Gctmnula Life Innurance Co.

Judge Silllman yesterday ordered thewill ot Annie N. Holokahlki admittedto probate, appointing Wllllo II. Holokablkl sole executor under $500 bund.Ka-n- o for petitioner; Ka.ieakuu for K.Kekoa, contestant, n broth r of Iho testatrix. The contest int'.( uttorucy not-ed nn nppcal to a Jury.

On the petition of Mrs. Eliza B. Cas-sldy, Judge Silllman Imp appointedJohn Cassldy as guardian of Mrs. Marcaret A. Robertson, widow of the lateJas. Weir Robertson unit sister of pe-titioner, nnd who is nun at Stockton,Cal. The bond Is $0,000. A. W. Car-ter for petitioner.

An appeal of Angcllno DcvcrlU ofHanalel, Kauai, from Judge. Stanley'sdecrco admitting to probate tho willof her mother. Mrs. Emma AngelinaDcverill has been withdrawn. The willmado decedent's brother, ThomasLlndscy ot Walmca, Haw-all- , i.ole de-visee and executor.

Judgo Silllman sustained tho excep-tions to the libel of th bark Seminoleby Sam Fuiishlmn on account of al-leged assault nnd talso arrest uponcomplainant by Chlpmnn Taylor, mas-ter ot the vessel.

Robertson & Wlldir for plaintiff InClcghorn vs. Castle rnovo to n dayfor hearing tho demurrer of MaryDrown, ono of tho defendants. .

In making an order approving theaccounts of F. J. Wllhclm, as adminis-trator of his deceased wife's estate.Judge Silllman den'.es tho claim otFrcderlcw Albert Smith, nn adoptedchild, for a portion of tho estate. Thearticles of adoption did not doclarctho child to bo nn heir of deceased.Mrs. U11I Smithies, wife ot ArchibaldSmithies, daughter, is declared In thsorder boIo heir subject to it life Inter-est of the surviving htiRbend In one-thi- rd

of the income of tho real estateJudge Silllman had tho Mano.i water

controversy of Lum Ah Leo's va. AhSoong's hul before hlia ngain. TheCourt goes up to look nt the premisesthis afternoon.


S. Furushlraa, former steward ot thebark Seminole, has brought suitagainst Captain C. T.tvlor of that ves-sel. Plalntirt claims $5,009 damages,alleged to have rcsultul to him fromInjury done to his poiton, reputation,character and feelings In that the defendant did on March Hi, 1900, wilful-ly and mnllcIoiiKly iihsault nnd beathim nnd did then tnd thero wilfully,maliciously nnd unlawfully cause himto bo wrongly imprisoned nnd re-

strained or his liberty. Mngoon nndLong for plaintiff.

Thn libel has been removed from thoSeminole on account of tho nctlon orJudgo Silllman who throw out the hilllibeling tho ship. It was his decisionthat tho matter should have been per-sonal. As a result of this, thn actionagainst Captain Tavlor N hrnueht.

We have the most satisiactory SHOES right in hand,now, for this .spring; walkingthat we h.ive' -- ver offered atthis price

$3.00?0WN Maket



This shoe has been made tothe times it's a reliable shoefor little money.

Manufacturers' Shoe Co,'Sole Agents.

Page 2: 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening Bulletin i I'm " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the



HLFTitle Pane?.



THE LATEST POPULARI Promised I'd Protect tier nnd I Will."

At muk Ihe E"' nJ "n'y ' tn Mora, nJ otntr IraJintr Amukan lnf;et.Companion So" to Hau."

'1 Love You Yet."The latest bill! tumi, ky the famous author and tennoser ol "Gtiwtlie,"

as sung by Miss Mae Marsh (ShuNrt's Soprano Sf.lolt )

M6ttc Ha Lett the Old Love For the New.1'Bural Dulrim'i big hit In "The Denver Express."

"Ml Keep My Promise to You."Tbe latest New York cr n.

"The 8t. Louis"- - fflnrcli nnd Two-8t- c,

As pUyl by leal or American lands. (Arranged as piano solo )


SPECIAL OFFER,tldrett In the tlnlled Slates, Canada, Mexico. Cuba,


twidtv.i CLNTS ItlHer) entire collection sent pottpald tor ONE rrlce anytwo wmrwsltlons purchased from any one but the publishers.

hate any regarding genuineness this unprecedented oner send cents (slher)guarantee express charges and Kill send the music O. D. with privilege examination.



I.OWIK NO. 3,i o. o. r.

Mccw every Monday veiling at 7,--

In Hall. King tlroot.J. K. N. Q.

B. K.All letting brothers very


MYSTIC LODOK. No. i. K. of 1.every cvenliiR at

7:30 o'clock. Castlo Hall, Fort flticet,Visiting brothers Invited toattend. S. J. C. C.

A. E. K. R.

No. 1.

R. A. M.Meets every third evening

la Masonic All visitingInvito).

A. P. II. P.

J. D.

No. 1, K. T.Meets In Masonic Temple on the sec-

ond evening of eachAll visiting SirInvite.

HENRY E. COOl'Eil. K. U.J. I).

OAHU I.OIX.E No. 1, K. of 1

Meets every Friday evening at theirCastle Hall, 420V& Fort Btieet, ut 7:30.Members of Mystic Lodge No. 2, andvisiting Invited.


K. of R. and S..

CROIX,No. 1, A. & A.. 3. 11.

Meets the first In eachmonth, at MaHonlc

and visiting brothers In-

vited to attend allW. M., FRANK R.



No. 124, A. & A. S. Rlto.Stated ou the last Monday

of each month, in 1U hall, Masonic


GEO. W. Do LONO VOW No.45, Q. A. R.

of and Neva-

da, meets at Hall, Kingstreet. Ilrst evening of overymonth. comrades aro cor-

dially Invited to attend.W. L. I'. C.


No. 21,F. & A. M.

Special Meeting THISApril Gth, at 7.3rt o'clock.

Work In the First Degree.Mcmbuia Lodgo Lo rrogres. Pacific

Lodge, and nil brettirtnInvited.

J. M. OAT. W. M.

K. R. O. Secretary.

fnrnieheil with from lixi

to yx Ustta t RivlnR an iiccnintrecord all leawo.

pow-- f ullorney, etc., tto., vhie)ire plcf en rfrord.

I'rlco, Montfc

A. V.Jndd HonolDi- -

TO WHOM IT MAYS. Decker is hereby to collectall moneys due me and receipt therefor.

Per W.Match Jist, loos. M05"'w

hUME il 'V

ilJE 11. 1., 0, WOO.





In order to establish a permanent orderbusluess (at a marked advantage toourell) we

lll tend ou the above snnes postpaid to anyPorto Rico the Philllrplnet upon receipt of

IVP or the DOLLAR, the ofIt

If (m doubt the of us iso e C of Address


Mhawahan songM40 Selected $3.00



llaiernal Directory.



HarmonyMcVElt.lt.HENDRY, Secretary.


Mectfl Wednesday


MURl'IiY, S.


ThursdayTemple. com-

panions cordially

TUCKER, Becrutary.


Thursday month.Knlghti courteously

TUCKER, Rocordor.

brothers, cordiallySINCLAIR,


ThurfcdayTemple.. Sojourn-In- g







Department CaliforniaHarmony







Real Estate Transaction.

Bnfcscrifciw ruwet.

ol ditflLKortpsreu,ItBBi's. ol







liun-vluln- ,










ones for






of every de

scription !

An Elegant Assortment

at Reduced Rates 1 5C


Take your choice of these

bargains before ihey are


Hollister Drug Co,

foht stiu:kt.

TOOURK A COLD IN ONkDavTake Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets.All druggists ((fund the mo-ae- if Iffalls to ct . ". W. Grove's aU--rIs on each box. 15 cents.

CiSf 122 !&


Oiphrinu tonightBoo New Toclny 'or I

WnlnnncThe Wnlnlrato rcportH Ifiu.flon Iihrsi of

stiRiir left on Kiiiuil.

oIIkvis of thoCo.

The 8. c. Aiion .iiHciuirgiiiK able, hat adds deyesterday n'irt w.n fumigated.

The Knual Is expected In from IheGarden Isle tomorrow morning.

De Long 1'oit, G. A. II., meets to-

night In Harmony Hull I'ort street.WEDDING STATIONERY. Engraved

Cards, Embossing.H. F. WICHMAN.

Mr. Kuurt lw presents racli of tholady vocalists of th'i band with a p'irteof $12.

Nuuanu Chapter Rose Croix, No. I,A. & A. S. Il nmetT tonight In thoMasonic Temple.

Tho lintul will elv. ii rriiiiirt mi tlirgrounds of the Hnnallau Hotel at thojusual time this evening.

A special meeting of Hawaiian Lodge '

No. 21, F. & A. M. is called for tonight.Work In tho first degree.

Tho Elite Barber Shop has openedtheir New Tarlors at the OccidentalHotel nnd are ready for business.

Two natives were stricken withpneumonia at the Kallhl detentioncamp yesterday. Their temperaturesreached 101.

J. A. Gousalves, photographer, Here-tanl- a

street, near pumping station,amateur work a specialty. Develop-ing, printing.

A second hand set of the Americanencyclopedia from 18St to date orDrltnnlc Encyclopedia Is vantoJ. ScoWant column on page S.

From Kapaa, per Htni. Walnleale,April 4. Captain W. I). Ilrmler, S. N.Norrls, R. A. Woodward, 13. Kaftner,F. nnd Mrs. J. King.

Among the arrivals fioin Kauaipoits In tho Wnlaleale yesterday wcrothe following: Captain W. 11. llrader,R. A. Woodwnid and Mis. J. King.

Just arrived, eighteen dozen choicefowls, for sale at Schuman's stockyawls, corner Alnkea nnd Queenstreets. Call eaily and hnve yourpick.

The legulnr ielicns.il of tho AmateurOrchestra will bo held In tlm Y. M. C.A. this evening, commencing at 7: ISo'clock. Every nmiib'T Is ro'iuestedto be present.

Tho now grocery stoi", Guerrero &Hako proprietors, Miller street, Justabovo tho Methodist church. Every-thing new nnd fresh. Prices vciy rea-sonable. Goods dellverttl free.

Walklkl Inn. Pleasant rooms, finebathing, excellent tablo and service.Wngonetto will lenvo Fort and Kingstreets every evening at 5 o'clock, re-turning at 7:45. Henry N. Almy, man-ager:

Tho United Carriage Co., telephone290 at tho old stand. King and Fortstreets. Hacks at a ty hour. Alsofirst class livery turn mts. Lcavo yourorder at tho ofllco and wo will do therest.

A Knu correspondent wiltcs as fol-lows regarding tho weather In that dls- -met or Hawaii: "Wo aro having uvery hard timn of It up here with dryweather. If v.-- do not h.uoTtiltt wrysoon tncro win ij.t nothing left of us."

Tho Hongkong Maru is due fromSan Francisco April 7. The AustraliaIs duo from tho same place four dayslater. Tho next mall to the Coast willbo by the Nippon Mnrn, April 10. Itmay bo that this steamer will bo herea day ahead of time.

On account of changing tho brands offine stationery and closing out oddstock, which, by tho way, Is as goodas the best, tho Golden Rule Uazaarhave put prices to tho bottom It willpay to look this up, whether you needstationery now or not.

Theiu will be a meetliu of thu Kin-dergarten Club nt tho home of Airs.Frear, Puliation street, Friday owningof this week at 7:30 p. in Mrs. P. L.Weaver will give a talk on the value- ofmyths to little children. Everyono

In tho subject lh cordlallvInvited to attend.

JK3feJ-JiT- - -- i5yA"' 22VCHAS. D.DtJinnM uni'DMUt of e

Yachts, Boats and Launches!p. p. , Wmks.T KING ST.

611 Telephone jGo

Grand Opening!Spring

Grand OpeningApril 5th to 14th.

The possession of a fashion- -nii'ciiwi becoming a


cided pleaure to the Joys ofEastertide.

At MRS. HANNA'S onFORT STREET you can besuited perfectly. Her hats arein the latest styles and shespares no effort to suit yourtaste and purse and add toyour personal appearance.


For Kile at all Grocers.

Samples Free.

Henrv Wat

no It Is the floorfor Its

and cost It to all

andupon to

Sole for




crhouse k Co



Sanitary Flooring,Harbors germs. onlysuitable residences, and. cleanliness

moderate recommendhouseholders

Plans estimates cheerfully furnishedapplication

Lowers & Cooke,Agents

Johnson's Celebrated ParauetryJohnson's Floor Wax,Johnson's Floor Brushes,Johnson's Restorer,jonnson's solvent.

Artesian Wells.CONTRACTOR.

OIIIoh with the Pacltlo Unrdwaro Co.,i Honolulu, II. 1.

KstlmxU'i Rlvon and contractu madofor wotls on any of tho Inlands. SIXNKW PLANTS forhoavy work operatedby the mrwt Rklllfullilfrlient clans drlllora,


FRED J. CROSS,Consulting and Hn;'orlntoii(llnif

Electrical HydraulicENGINEER.

Eloctro Hydraulic Power TmnhuilhslotnREPORTS AND ESTIMATESFURNISHED. . . .

With Catton-Ne- ll Co., Queen utreet.Offlco nwl to Pot Bw. 1223

J MLKS T. TAYLOR,M. Am. Soc. C. E.


Hydraulic Engineer.800 .ludd BlocU. Tele. OSS.


Now on iale a limited assottniciit of Real FrenchOrganelles, twelve yard lengths, no two alike

A carefully selected lot of Pure Linen PrintedLawns, in dainty designs and colorings.

Of the Standard Ginghams, we have an immenseassortment, and some of the finer grades as well,

LACE CURTAINSIn our center show window we have on exhibition a fine lineof LACE CURTAINS. These came to us direct fromEurope, thus avoidine; the American duty, and are markedaccordingly in price, which we think will be found satisfactory.

The latest and most chick things in Sailor Hats andall Millinery Novelties.





Large stock of Coffees from the Kona, Hamakua, Olaa Dis-tricts always on hand. Old Coffees a speciality.


P. O.

.no Nuuanu Stmt.

P. O. Box 9)j.


Honolulu Tobacco Co. biiniiuuyIMPORTERS


Grades of Sinnlriiifr TohiMwn PIP

Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu.

Tcleplions 503. Box 984.

GrO3 KIMImporter and Dialcr is

Chinese Goods and Silk Hankerchiefs8PECIALTY: MERCHANT TAILORING

Uttwfwi Hotel and PauaN,- -

Ttt, i5.

Tho oldest Chinese firm in Honolulu.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Dealers In Fine Silks and Grass Linens. Chinese and Japanese GooJs ol All Klnlv



iogia Nuuanu street.

P. 0. Box 012 TalBphona 33


JAPANESE PROVISIONS m GENERAL MERCHANDISETioo Bkhctani.v Ptukkt - Oitohiti: Qhi-.im'- HwriTAr.

JDCjioxvi t I , pr.i.ir ou,! rAnrv I

Grand Opening!and Easter Millinery! hTi h&?


Thursday, the 5th T '

Friday, the 6th Tlaturday 7thNew Sailors, NewlLaces. im,.oj'New Ribbons. Ladies ne rn-rni- K,


Page 3: 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening Bulletin i I'm " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the


1Benson,Smith &Co.,Ltd


Baldwin Celery SodaFop

Headache, Nervousness andSeasickness m '

Pleasant and Refreshing



SHlllllllHHlHonolulu : Drug : Oo.

Dr. La Deux LimlnentFor Rheumatism, Spra'm, Bruises Lame Back, &c.

Our Compound Cough SyrupFor Coughs and Colds, none better.

Royal Tasteless Castor OilThe Children Ions for It.

Dr. McCorda's Vegetable Anti-Bilio- us PillsFor a gentle Laxative, they won't grit you. Try our llcndnclic Tublctw

will release the most obstinate case of headache In fifteen minutes.


Honolulu Drug Co.,Von Holt Block, King 8t.


If so, make them AT HO.WR with pure water from yoqr own

'liter, by means of ....

Sparkletari-j-The latest scientific method, simple to operate, perfect .In result,

tbsolute purity guaranteed.Every home should have them


w. ttvT. T?srsBia-i3:a- :

Carriage Maker 8General Repairing, m

Fainting, lil.tcksiiiitliing, Trimming. pjj

Plinotons, Hnggifs and Hacks Manufactured. JIJKJli-OJ- N .s; AVORli. H


ON ICE. All Seasonable resli Fruits and Vegetables.TURKEYS, DUCKS AND CHICKEN. Try one of our TENDER BROILERS.PRESH SALMON and Flounder Smoked Salmon and Halibut.FRESH POTATOES and Onions. Cervelat Sausage (In foil) "And In Sweets."FROZEN OYSTERS. Both California aud Eastern. Cream Cheese (In foil).


HENRY MAY & CO., Ltd.2 :o ig Stores 2

Tlfe Waterhouse Store, f The Mclntyre Store,Bethel trett. Telephone m I Cor Klne and Fort streets. Telephone ai

You Cannot EnjoyA Meal WithoutGOOd Butter, get Good Butter

unless you order from

Salter's GroceryTelephone08O. Fct street Orpheum Block.

New GoodsVMust Received per Australia.

For Sandwiches and Luncheon.

Chicken Loaf,Cottage Ixmf,

Veal toaf,1 Ham Ixsaf,

ISeof Loaf.Slbfltldr, S.-- is:'. r:colIent for SandA-.'ohe- s and Luncheon. Fornaleby

reiepboM 119

Ghas. Hustace,12 King Btreet, next to tbs Arlington,


Hotels and Restaurants.


Only White Help Employed

The Best MealAND

The Best ServiceIn the City

:: At Popular Prices ::86TMEALS AT ALL HOURS: A la

carte or Table D'Hote.

Harry Klcmme,472 Manager.

The Ocean View Cafe

W. Ottmin hie nnnrl tfi nrmlt.u fthe end of tlfc carllne Walklkl as an


and other-- : LIGHT REFRESHMENTS -

served at all REASONABLE HOURS.Private nirlnrc rinil vprv cnnviUn.. ..

the comfort of visitors1467


Best --5c. Cigar'I.i 00 bad for tbo money.


Beaver Lunch RoomsH. J. NOLTE.

Markets nnd roenrs.

,11 HBAT I:- -

108 KJNG STREKT.G. J. iValleu, : : Manaokii

WholcBnle and Itetaii

Butchers-A- .NU-

Navy Contractop'j.Pututucs,

Naval Oranges, Lemons,Dried Fru!t,iRanch Eg6,

Butter. Cheese. &cPer Austral in

J. R. MILLSLincoln Hhwk, Klnr Bticnt.

Millions of"""H mm

Ifavo boon ier'ficod ilml jnu mill Imight .ut iifi du.lui us LpwIi' OwnCuro lluummiil Uronklaa Ujojii.

LEWIS & GOMTelephone 2.10. in Fort St.

Beer and wiifTbfiaFeTs!


Mi M Llior Dealers,Aroli tor Ihe Dollied Rtlnlcr Rr or letltU

No. 10 NllKANIJHlUKCTToiltr Mock. Honolulu. Hawaiian Iilaiii.

P CVQox ut. Mutuil Ttkplione jc3.



2SmUiioon fitrrot, Hoooini. , n, ,

ifi&soimatec u tm i;u., L'

J,ln.jltina.cl.i,:irr.r Mlc & Fori St?., ilcnali.li.

HOLLI8TIER & CO.,itfi'i"

H. F. BBRTBLMAN'SCarpenter Shop

IS REMOVEDTo rear of old stand. Entrance on King

street. Order left at either shop, or'oflice,

at John Nott's itote, Kirn street, wlll're-rd- v

rromp' atn'oo. iei.if



Is now located with C. Grotte, tailor,Union Street.

Cumpltilnl Agitliittt At Ik.Thoro litno been mnny romplnltitH of

Into against tho milk of v.uluu.i ilalr- -Im In I tin Mtv KiiitnllfKl In t li. tiwinuIng, It hna been wont to turn sour be-fore n couplo of nourn" tlmo. Thinwna particularly mtl.nlii nt tho Ka-lll- il

detention tamp Sunday. Mondayand Tuesday. On Monday night an pt

was mndo to not milk from va-rious plnrcH In town to foi'd the pa-tients In tbo hospital but tbo answerenme bac ktlint all tho milk had turn-ed sour.

Tood CommlBsloner Sluircv said tlilumorning tlint some of tin? dairymen ofthe city wcro careless about tbo wash-ing of their delivery --ani. This mightbo tbo cnuse of n lot o( soured milk.Mr. Sltorey stntcd that bo bad receivedquite n number of complaint reconlly.

Ilnwiillnn Hotel Concert.The band will play tbo lulloulne se

lections nt n conceit on llin grounds oftbo Ilnwnllnn hotel ut UKiial tlmothis evening:

PART 1.Overture "America" . CntllnFantasia "Hawaii" Iterger"ItcmlnlBccnees of Ilosslnl............ riiiiirrcvVocal Selection "II Trovntoiu" ..

VVidiMiss Kclllaa and Mrs. Alapal.

PART It.Medley "Tbo Crnckcrjnck" MackloIntermezzo "Endorln" AndreFantasia "Anrll SmlloV . . . nnmPolkn "Itosely" Anger

"The Star Spangled Ilannor."

Y. M.tC A. Officers.At 11 meeting of the Hoard of Direc

tors of tho Y. M. C. A. yestoiday uftfr-noo- n

tbo following ofllcfrs wore elect-ed: T. Cllvo Davles, president: J. P.Cooke, Ico president: 11. 1'. Heard-mor- e,

recording secri'tmv: ('linn. II.Atherton, treasurer.

With twenty years expe

rience, King Bros, claim (Irst

place as picture frameis. You

will always be .satisfied if you

have this sort of work properlydone. Enough said. KINGBROS., 110 Hotel street.

Livery nnd boarding Btnlilos at LungBranch, Wnlklkl.

Gcorgo IlatTncr, Jowclcr, has movedto Vineyard Ftrcct near tho Ouoon m.tei.

Nicely furnliihpil rnnm nt !... r..ular House, 154 Fort Btroet, from 11.00por week up.

Thcro is only one Jesse Mooro Whls-Ke- y

in the world and that Is cold andnuro. Lovojoy & Co. are distributorsfor tn Hawaiian Inlands

Assessment Notices.OLAA SUGAR CO., LID.


Der CCIlt. Or CO CCtlM nnr Rlmrn nn tlinstock of tho ubovo mentioned companywna duo January 1st, 1900, nnd uelln-quc- nt

Fobrnary 28th, 1000.Tho SIXTH ASSESSMENT of ZU.

per cent, or fiO cents per sluuo, on tliostock of tho nbovo mentioned companyWas (IllO Feliniarv 1st. mill ilnllnnnnnlMr.rch Hist, 1900.

Tho SEVENTH ASSESSMENT of !!&PCr CCIlt. or CO cents lim Hlmrn nn llioStock Of tllQ nbovo llintlllnnr.il cnmnim.was duo March 1st and will bu dnlin- -qiicnt April 30tli, 1300.




Treasurer Olua SiiRnr Co.Honolulu, April 2d, 1900.


Assessment Notices.NAUIKU SUfJAR CO.


per cent or ?l per Blinro, cu tho stockof tho aliovo named company was duoDecember 1st, 1S99, nnd delinquent .lun-nar- y

31st, 1900.THE TIIHU) ASSESSMENT of 10

per cent, or ?2 per Mirre, wiw ili.oMai eh 1st. 1900. mill wilt hn ilplliniiinniApril SOtli. 1900.

All mo nnv.ililn nt llm rillln.u nf Al, v.nnder & Ilaldvvln, Judd Ulil,j.

J. V. COOKE,Treasurer Nahlku Sugar Cu,

Honolulu, April 2, 1900.H95-G- t

Kiliei Assessment Notic-?- .

THE SIXTH ASSESSMENT OF 10per cent, or 5 per shnro, of tho KihelPlantation Co.'s stock vns duo onMarch 1st, 1900, and will ho delinquentApril 30th, 1900. Payahio nt tho olllcesof Alexander & Baldwin, Jiuld Illdg.

J. P. COOKE.Treas. Kihel Plant. Co

Honolulu, April 2, 1900..1495-G- t

Kona Sufiop Co., Ltd.

Notice is hereby elven that AssessmentNo. 7 of io per cent on the assessable stocko' the KONA SUGAR CO., LTD., Is duoand payable Febniarv 2, iooo.

P. W. McCHESNEY,Treasurer.

Honolulu Feb. I, rooc. MCG-- t


The Wnlklkl



Ki,'3 oni (0 any part of theOity.

ThL. BLACK 141.





Opportunity Is civen to purchase InM11101 Valley a beairifnl situated prope-t-coata nine all thenee;rv prnit.-ii- fnra homestead and where healthful cllma eand picturesque bcenery ar in the midstOf historic Slirrouildll CS and .nil In n.iHrtwith inn rove J Erounds, planted withvarious lorelRii frulsas well as suppliedwith faiit trees Indigenous to HawaiiThe acreage 0f.15.fi4 acres In feeslmnlr

and ji.16 acrMiit.der lonand favorjbleteases.

Included in the ini roveinents o-- i theftc simple portion is a roomv, moderndwelling house furnished with sanitaryaim oincr conveniences: there s iu sit.uited thereon aronny carrlace shed andstages.

The celebrated Walakeakua (Water ofthe Gods) Falls Is In near proximity, andtnecool, clear, spaikllng water therefromflows throueh the erounds. simnk-ii-

ample opportunity foi Increased Irrlca'tion10 ine acreage alreaJy planted aud whichIs capable of considerable Improvement.

Pol further information mink in 1. nHoyd, Interior Department.

Honolulu, March 28, 1000. 1402.U

Notice.Honolulu, March 22d, 1900.

After tlio 31st Inst, all bills hereto-for- o

iluo nnd payable quarterly, willbo payable monthly.

Circumstances and conditions havefor some tlmo dlctntcd tho necessityof this Btep nnd In signing this agree-ment, wo feel that it is to tho InterestOf tho Whulo cnmninnltv ,1ml n,.i, nsystem of payments should bo In- -uiiKiirnicd.

This system will bo strictly adheiedto by tho undersigned:ineo. 11. unvips . rrn .. r.ia Tinir." ' . - f ., A.U,.- -

Hciuneger 1,0., ltu., h, Hnckfeld & Co.,Ltd., Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd., E. O.Hall & Son, Tho von Hamm-Youn- gCo., MtChesney & Son, W. W. Dimond(c Co., Ltd., Ilenson, Smith & Co., Ltd..M. S. Orlnbnum & Co., Tho Holllster1)1 ug Co., Ltd., (lonsalves & Co., Ltd.Janus A. Hopper, Lewis & Co., N. 3.Sachs Dry Cloods Co., Ltd., Henry May& Co.. Ltd.., Hart & Co., Ltd., TheManufactuioi-a- ' Shoo Co., Whitney &Marsh, Ltd., Wall, Nichols Co.. Ltd.,Honolulu I)i ug Co., John Nott, Hawa-iian NVws Co.. Ltd., Hobion Drug Co.,Ltd., J. Emmcluth & Co., II. F. Ehlcro& Co., E. W. Jordan, ManufacturingHnrness Co.. Honolulu lum Wnrii. nCalifornia Feeil Co.. i.tii.. 7ni..r.iair.,iSteam Navigation Co., Tho Washingtonoiercnnuio to.. Hawaiian CarriageMnnufacturlnc Co.. Union lron.i rv,Ltd., Honolulu Tobacco Co.. Ltd., Pa-cific- Vehicle (c Supply Co., L. n. Kcir& Co., Ltd., M. Phillips & Co., Catton.Nelll & Co.. Ltd.. Thnq. Unlllnimr lfn.wallan Hnrdwaro Co., Ltd., S. Itotli,W. O. Peacock & Co.. Ltd.. Lovojoy &Co.. Thn Hawaiian Oazctto Co., Ltd.,V. llrewcr & Co., Cnstlo & Coolto, Ltd.,F. A. Sciiaefer & Co., Alexander &Ilalilwln. W. fi. Irwin x- - r..i 1.1.1 wn.der & Co.. Ltd., Leweis k ; coko, Allent Holilnson.

J223-lv- v

Piectuin of 0?lilcers.At tbu nilliiiniK'il Aiiiiiml Moxllmr ,.r

the Stockholderfl nt I'.ir. Tiitnr.U!n,uiSteam Navigation Campr.ny, Ltd., heldtills day, tho follow In;; OiricciH nndDlri'cloiK weio duly (loeted for tho ig

year:John Ena President..lumen L. MoLean Ico President.X. E. (Jedgo Ti easuroi .(!. 1 1. Clapi Secretary.T. W. Hobion Auditor.

DIItECTOUS.John Ena, U. N. Wilcox, A. S.

Wilcox, W. O. Smith, E. Suhr,A. Drelcr, II. M. Von Holt.

O. H. CLAPP,Secretary

Honolulu, II. I., March 29, 1900.1492-2-

I)iiot Oillci' Sherlilaii strut, nearI lull liMl.ililni. I'urlr

TEL. NO.Town (flli' Fit "ii-i-it- , oppoilto

CatUollo Scliool.ihii, mo tiini.


DellvenNl twue daiiv to anv nart ofCity. 138$

Agents, BroArs and Mbm.

W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited

AOENTS FOilWestern Sugar Ilofinery Co., M feFrancisco.Baldwin Locomotive Worka M.

Philadelphia, Penn.. D.aiNowcll Universal Mill Co. (NtttaBMCanp 8hredder),New York, 0. mN. Ohlandt & Co'b Chemical Tumi

Alex. Cross & Sons, high mwj mltlllzcrs for Cano and Cot mT

Rocd's Steam Pipe Covering.

ALSO OFFER FOR BALMraruuino paint Co's p. ft B

and Papers; Lucol andOils, raw nnrt hnil,4Indurlne (a cold water pat!.whltn mintFilter Press Cloths, Cementand Bricks .


HOlVOLjUX,!).Commission Merchants



rheW.Um.iiugiilniCoJh Kolo Ajrilcullunl Co.Ifte Tullon Iron WoM.. Si. tou.irht Stndid Oil Co. 'Th, 0o. F nikSlfa PunP

T!i: SferHi'tfift ''? " co. .jr.,.

Alexander&Bald vnSUGAR


Agenti for the California and Ortento



Steamship Company.


m. G. Irwin & Co,(LIM1TMD).

Wm. O. Irwin, President and ""- -SaV? ?PiW8 v IcePnidtS:S'.r 5,'5ard" 8eond VtcePntiSTM. Whitney, Jr..... Tiw S15"Geo. J. Rosa AsttS,

Sugar FactorsAH1

Cfommission AgentsAOXNTO OF mi


BREWER C&, MD..Quttn ilrwi. iloBolulii H.I

Agents ioxHiMlLnAeilcultur.l Copny. Antrlo. S...

&KMMi.icoP.cWww , in. in uoan rickets


hit. Pr v.

V. M. C.Mko, Prosldontj Qeorire HKolwrtso.., Manager; K. F. Blnhonrreiu-uro-r and .S.iorctaryj Col. W yAllen, Audit r; P. C. Jono", H. Wlr.houso, J,.(). a, ('.irior, Dlroctors.

TlisVoa Hamm-Yo-ni e Co.,Ltfl

Importers andCommissionMerchants


AGliNTS FOR-T- heLanashlre Insurance Co.

The Bjlolse Insurance Co.Union Gas Crglne Co.Domestic Sewing Machine, Htc.

vl. PlliJJLilJVJS & UO.

iVbolesule lrapsrtLra and Jobbui

Saropssn and Anieric&u Dry oooct

Vo t and quean StreeU.



Oor. Kori ind Quean BtreoU Hoaolmlw

Honoltilu Iron Worka Oo.Imnrovcte and mniliim anmn mm .

CHINBIIV bt every capacity and .

ecrlptlon made to order. Boiler warnand RIVETED PIPESpurpose a peclalty. PartleiaaratU.-- .tlon paid to JOB VT3BK ,awdexecuted at ihorteet noUca.


Tfci RqaiUbla Life Assaruoa SodrtrOf Ux United BUtee for Um Bawitfau

Iilaade.Oman Mrhant itreet. Boa


Page 4: 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening Bulletin i I'm " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the



BULLETIN.ufubllBhctl IJcry Day. xe.pt Bunday,

at 210 Kln utrt'ct, Honolulu. II I.,by thu


W. TU KAUHINHTON. ... KilltorDAN1KI. LOOAN City Editor

'leli'pnuuoPcwtUfflcoUox "IS

THUKHPAV AI'lUb 5, 1900.

And this U the nprolntlvi power

that many of our gooj friends hope

vlll be placed In chnrgi of the terri-

torial officers.

Wanted A single Hem In Mr. Dole's

scheme (or the Court uf Clntma. ns out-

lined by hU Executive onlor that meetswith any degree of public upprovnl.

The finder will doubtless receive aliberal reward by cnlllns at the i:ccii-Uv- e


The labored and poiideiuiu attemptof the official organ to defend theCourt of Claims calls to tho publicmind, "Of all find wordi of tongue orpen, etc" The secret of the wholebusiness In that your preent Execu-

tive flgun- - head has no appreciation ofthe first principles that govern Ameri-

can business or American politics. N'o

more complete demonstration of the ut-

ter Incompetence of the local Execu-

tive authority Is needed. This Courtof Claims nffnlr Is n lilting finnle t

the career of blunders that has characterlzed the Executive for the pastwo years.

1. C. Jones hit two nails on thu headat the meeting of th- - Council of StateWednesday. IamiiIIiii; oil with a force-

ful report on the Court of Claims, Mr.Jones further voiced the universal.sentiment In suggest in,; that the In-

terior department seeuro u. new Super-

intendent of Public Works. Viar af-

ter year has the Legislature otcdmoney for public work on tho basis ofestimates given by the department,only to find at the next session that thowork Is not completed because the estimates were not Urge enough. Thepeople have had a surfeit of this char-acter of "business administration."

Attorney Kobertson lalivi n oolnt inconnection with tho Court of Claimsthat dab been overlooked in thu generaloutburst of condemnation which greetsMr. Dole's exercise of the executivepower of nppoliitm?n:. Mr. Robertsondeals with the situation from a stand-point consistent with his attitude usopposed to the court when first pro-posed. The prevailing sentiment cer-tainly Is that the rtuHereiw from theBoard of Health fires shoiil.1 be reim-bursed, the destruction having beenvisited upon them through no fault oftheir own and In the Interests of general public welfare. Tho opinion ofthe business community Is expressedIn the suggestion of euother llullutlucorn-bponde- who recommends thatthe Court be made up of tin re busiuessmen and two lawyers of recognizedability and experience who shall awai dtho damages promptly and allow uofurther appeal. Jf, as Mr. Robertsonsuggests points of law aic the mostpotent factors, each member of theCourt should possess the legal capa-city and business cxperlencj equal tothat required of appointee to the Cir-cuit bench. The Court as n whole doesnot now fulfill this requirement.


It Id not BurprUIni; that the sophis-tries of nonpartisan politics! am heardas Hawaii lu about to enter upon itsAmerican career. Having been broughtup under monarchical and oligarchicalrule where policies aro formed itrouudtho private dinner tnbb ami the peo-pl- o

Blven mere secondary considera-tion, it Is proper th.it Americansshould dlsplny a certain amount ofsympathy towards I In misguided citi-zens to whom tho word 'politi-cian" Is u synonym for "corruption-1st,- "

and nro unacquainted with theAmerican prlnclplo of policies formedby tho people and acceptable to thopeople. Tho keynote of tho nonpar-tisan element Is an assumption of su-perior character and authority notdelegated by the people "if you den'tbellevo as I do, you ni the ussoclatoof the devil and ndvoc.Wo of corruption.

The nonpartisan to be successfuland accomplish any rcaulU for thebenefit of mankind must work throughtho party, not In opposition. This hasbeen repeatedly evidenced In Americanpolitics. Seth Low didn't bellevo it.His education was costly, to himselfand to his party. The practlcul objectof Seth Low's effort In Greater NewYork was to becomo the Republicanboss In placo of Piatt. Low failed asho should have failed and every manwho espouses a almtl.ir campaign willfall so long a8 tho American Govern-ment la controlled by tho people. Pol- -


lowers of Beth Low liming worshippedn fillip god, having Jlvlilvl Hie ltepulill-e- n

tipower for good row iiimcnt. rannow appreciate what good leaullH theymight have by nssiunlnga less bigoted and lesi r'llclnlorlnl ulll-tud- o

toward tho people.That party loyalty which turn Into

other pathways when It approaches thodoor of municipal government la of n

type that Is no more to bo trusted thantho corrupt clement that thrown lisvotes with tho party offering the mostboodle for distribution. It Is votes thatcount and tho practical result Is thusame although the object to be gainedby the virtuous and tho corrupt aredirectly opposed.


ThHnks to tho carelul and broadminded consideration given Act 4,

making appropriations from the LoanKund, by tho Committee on InteriorDepartment, tho prospects for nggres- -

slvo public work throughout the Islands are particularly brilliant. WithMinister Young conducting his office onthe principle that legislative approprl-- ,

atlon Indicates that the work shall becarried to completion as promptly aspossible tho people have good reasonto anticipate a period of progress In theconstruction of roads, bridges, wharves,water works, etc., that will be In keep-ing with the spirit and necessities ofthe time. Tho reasons which led theExecutlvo Council to full to recognizethe demands of the outside districtsIt Is not necessary to discuss. TheCouncil of State committee has gonoover thu situation and eolved n hillthat will meet the npprovul of the tax-payers of nil districts.

In going over the commltteo's reportprinted exclusively by tho llulletlu, Itappears that the following increasehas been made for ouch item named.Kaunmua and Olaa Ilonds .... 25,000Honolulu Harbor 1100.00"Hllo Wharf 20,000Hllo Sewers 44,000Hllo Post Office 8.00.1Hllo Streets 15,000Hllo Homesteud Iloads 10,000Kaumana and Olaa lloiuh .... 2.,d00South Koua Iloads 17.000North Kona Roads 12,000North Kohnla Roads 1,500Hamakua Roads 18,000North Hllo Hoad-- i 10,000Walluku Bridge 10,000Hnna Roads 20,000Makawao Roads 5,000Katml Roads 15,000Hllo Water Work.i 12,000Walluku Water Works 4.000Lahalna Water Works 10,000Kauai Water Works 800

$357,300Decrease Puna road Item . 1,000

Net Increase for other isl-ands 356,300

Nuuanu Water System 90,000Pumping Plant and Pipe .... 50,000Additional Water Pipe 70,000Hydrants 3,000

Total 1213,000Decrease Honolulu Turc .... C0.000

Net Incieuuo for O.thu ....$153,000Total Increase urged for com-

mittee for all Islandx . ...f:vj,300To this totul increase of $509,300 for

public work on nil the Islands may beadded $23,000 for tho hospital for Incurables which should be comicleiedas a general territorial Item, makingthe total Increnso to tho appropriationsfrom the Loan Fund 7C.11.300.

It Is apparent from this statementthat tho commlttco has followed thowlso prlnclplo that what Is woith do-

ing Is worth doing well. This oldstory of making appropriation' knownto bo insufficient to cirry public workto completion should bo relegated tothe wastebaskct along with tho numer-ous mistakes of tho public works department, of which thi least said thobetter.

There Is not a slnglo Increased itemof expenditure reported by the com-

mittee that the Council of Stato ennafford to stilko out. Hawaii starts inon Its new career with a bonded Indebtedness of less than a million dollars.In view of the demands made by Ihodevelopment of tho Island.! the addi-tion of another iuIHIdii will not burdentho taxpayers; It Is In fact the beit In-

vestment tho people can make.


As yet, tho pollco have been uuubloto get anything out of "llnrcfonte'lI1I11" In regard to tho remmt robberies,nor yet from Knlum, arrested yester-day on suspicion, Whlla the two menaro suspected of knowing somethingabout tho robberies, (hoy are Keepingvery quiet. iMarshal Brown character-izes tho pair as "very nmooth."

That theft Is u disease with "Hare-foote- d

I11U" Is believed by a greatmany. In talking to a friend recently.ho said: "I can no more desist fromtheft than I can from hieathlng. Whentho (It Is on me, It seems as It some-thing Is whispering to rae to steal andI go nhead as If In a dream. I amsimply Impelled and, atrango to say,nm gifted with n cunning nt thosotimes that Is beyond mo at ordinarymoments."

The "St. Katherine"HAS BROUGHT TO Till:

Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.,Large Additions to Its Stock of



Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves, Hand SewingMachines Ice Cream Freezers, Platform Scales, BlacksmithsBellows, Forges, Vises, Drills, Jack Screws, Canal Barrows,Stove Tiucks, Hoes, Picks, Mattocks, Shovels, Scoops, Forks,

Rakes, Concord Hames, Dandy Brushes Cotton Waste, Ma-

nila and Sisal Cordage. Hoop, Bar and Galvanized Sheet Iron.Crowbars, Nails, Nuts and Washers Carriage and WagonSprings and Axles.

Large importations to arrive.

The Pacific Hardware Co.,LIMITED

Merchant, King and Bethel streets.Fort,


Thli will Intfictt vou It vou are DtnJnt otny one o( thousands of foreign famlllt hoi

fflonty or cttaies are now in cnancery.

WE HAVEA complete llt oljjmonj nhnhate letlrorey oreMate lo me value oi

$388,468,845,The lielra ol hlch are now surr0"J to be In the UnitedSlates but whose present whereabouts are unknown.You many have money, heirlooms, or estates


Il Is not surrrKlne that In a population so vasand amonc a people contalnlnc (anllles which cantrace back their ancestry (or centuries, that even withfamines or no noieine ramincauonsarcexiraorainary, the ties ol relationship often varying (rotaPeers to Peasants, thoueh ail snrlnrlnr (rom onetree. The announcement that there Is nearly I.oo.- -ooo.ooo In money an J estates eolng soundsa lime extravagant cut it win not appear extraor-dinary when It Is remembered that the amount Is bas-ed on a registered alphabetical list ot persons whohave been advertised (or all over the world since thebeginning o( the century. Including chancery heirs,next o( kin. and legatees o( persons who hate diedIntestate in Great Britain, Europe, Ameilca and theBritish colonies. The main sources ot unclaimedmonies are: unclaimed dividends on Governmentstocks: dormant (unds In chancery: Army and NavyI'rlie Money: Estates ol persons who have died Intes-tate without known unclaimed dividendsIn bankruptcy; general unclaimed dividends and un-

claimed bank deposits. We are also prepared tofumUh rrrilflf at ot Births. Deaths and Marrlacesand official Crest or Coat ot Arms o( your (amlly

REMEMBERWe are the only hrm In America who make a special-ty of establishing claims of helrs-at-la- and

WE ASK NO FEEUntil claim has been settled.

Enclose five a cent American stamps or ten cents Insilver (or mailing, wrapping, etc.. and we wl I sendoua book containing lull Information FREE,Write and see If )ou are among the lucky ones.


The Heir At-L- Collection Co.,I, lh arj Chtsnut streets, St Mo.

I'ltcIvaI Adams. M. A. I L. R. Counselor!L.IW, llrltlsh Counsel lor the Company.




: 1900 :--

Just Received:

"Champion" Bills,

"hm," "Campbell," "Sears"

and Champion Rackets.

Also, Nets and Aarking Tapes.

Pa Cycle & MTg Co.

R. A. DEXTER. Monger.


Assessment Notice.Notice Is hereby Riven that the Second

Assessment of 25 per cent on the asesablestock of the OCEANIC GAS & ELEC-TRIC CO., I.ID, will he dueand pay-able at the Company's office, 46 Mer iWitstreet, en Tuesday, the 10th lust., and de-linquent on and alter Mav ioth, 1900.

By order of the Board of DIctors.M. M. KOHN,

M97-I- Smretary.


Golden Rule Bazaar

"A DAUGHTER OF THE VINE"By Gertrude Atherton.

"BL1X" By Frank Norris."THE MARKET PLACE"

By Harold Frederic.


By Bangs.

"NO. 5 JOHN STREET"By Richard Whiting.

' A MANIFEST DESTINY"By Julia Magruder.

"THE CIRCLE OF A CENTURY"By Mrs. Burton Harrison.










ARE AMONG THE TIMELYTHINGS of the new year. Never In thehistory of neckweai Iras there been somany varieties made of the very choicestsilks. Pattern deslens are characteristicof these new hiakes. String Ties. Puffs.Scarfs. Enellsh Sauareand many other of the latest patterns areto oe tound in our stock. A tine article ofneckwear has become a necessity to himwho would be well dressed. No part ofhis dress is more conspicuous, and whenthe best can be bought for what Inferior.goods UUbl , NU ONE SHOULD PASSBY THE BARGAINS WE ARE NOWOFFERING.

The New Year BegetsNew Things

F( .R THE BOYS. Have you everstop-pe-ito think what a difference there Is In

th. makes of boys' clothing ? Many suitsar- - bought because the price Is low. It Isoien the price that governs the purchaser,at.J not the quality or the substantialnukes. This theory seems to be based ontie Idea that any kind of a suit Is goodenough for a boy, as he will soon wear ItC".t. That Is not good economy, for If youwould pay a little more, and consider qual-- I'

y and make, you would have a suit fortne Poy mat would always Iook well and, jiywi iwu anna ui me llliciiur KiuuCS.

p iuv the best Is money In pocket: to. 'he poorest Is moaey wasted. We

k.ake a specialty to keep trie best at popu-- rprices.

The "Kash."tST Remember we havs the Knox

Agencv for Mtn's Hats and are Sols Acentfor Dr. Delmel's Linen Mesh Underwear,

Good Air. Good View. Gooo Health.

A special invitation is extended to everybody to visit Ho-

nolulu's most delightful residence site


Via MaximaKaiulani Drive aptly termed, the Via Maxima or Grand

Boulevard, and in itseJf an artistic piece of engineering affordseasy access to all points, as also scenic and marine views ofexquisite grandeur at every turn.

Electric Railway.Contracts have been let for material, and the work ot

construction, equipping and installation placedin the hands ota competent electrical engineer to be fully completed by June1st. Having an independent power plant we are prepared tofurnish electric power for lighting, heating and other purposes,to our home builders at most reasonable rates.

As Promised.- -

Our reservoirs are now completed and water mains laid soas to supply each lot. Permits forStmaking water connectionswill be granted on application.

An inspection of the attractive homes now building, orthe names of purchasers of lots, will convince anyone thatPACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest and most select of all theresidence sites of Honolulu.

For further information,the office of


u- -

prices, terms, etc., apply at

BRUCE WARING & CO.Progress Block.


Closed March I3th,Until Further

On of





Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, 3HTraps, Wagonettes.

Six Seaters,Delivery Wagons,Drays, Farm Wagons,

Hand i rucks.Kveiything Ntwand Up-io-Dat- e.


SEiiif, Carriage Harness Materia,Blacksmiths am! Horseslioers' Material.


Islanti Trade Solicited.Write to us before sending to the Coast, and save time and trouble.Our stock is complete in every particular


HAY, GRAIN AND FEED,Lime, Plaster, Cement and Fire Clay.

Sol .A-grerr-ts for

YaLe.nt!n? & Co., N. Y., Colors and Varnishes; O'Brien & Sons' riri..Brand's. F.LCdthCri k "' BabC0k C ' N' Y"

Pacific Vehicles Supply Co.,BBRETAN1A STRBET.

H, ! ,''


Page 5: 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening Bulletin i I'm " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the





A Large Assortment of



Perfect Barker & Rice Plows,Assorted sizes; Perfect Double Mould

Board Plows, assorted sizes; Sub-to- ll

and Sidehlll Plows, assortedilzes; Blacksmith Anvils, assorted

zes; Blacksmith, Carpenter andPipe Vises, assorted sizes; Blackmith Drilling Machines and Portble Forges, Baldwin's and Dr.

Bailey's Ensilage Cutters, by handor power just the thing for stock;Galvanized Wire Netting, from 2 to6 feet wide; Green and Brass WireCloth, 2 to 3 feet wide; Anti-Calor- ic

Sectional Pipe Coverings, and Plas-

ter; Long nd Short-handl- e Shovels,Long and short handle Spios,Axes from 3 to 4 in., Bush Hooks,Ax Handles, Black and GalvanizedCut Nails, assorted sizes, 3 to 6od.;Black and Galvanized Wire Nails,ssorted sizes, 3 to god.; Black and

Galvanized Fence Wire, Nos. 4 to6', Black and Galvanized FenceStaples, ito 2; Pioneer WhiteLead, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil,both in Barrels and Drums; DryRed Lead and Zinc,Mixed Paints, assorted colors, in Oilnd Japan; Paint Brushes, White-

wash Brushes, Carriage and Furni-

ture Varnish, Kerosene, Gasolenetnd Crude Petroleum, Blacksmith,Machinist, Plumbing and Carpen-tering Tools, of various kinds andIzes; Packing for Machinery, viz:

Asbestos, Pure Gum, Sheet Rubber,Usudurian, Rainbow, Square Plush,Italian Flax, Peerless and AmazonSpiral, Round and Square Tuck'sPacking; Suction and Steam RubberHose, assorted sizes.

The Hawaiian Hardme Co.

f rt trat. opposite Sprockets' Bank.




111K H. APUIL 5,


Is light enough to have been made

made by Brownies' hands; whiteenough to please the most epicurean

taste, and delicious enough to suiteverybody.

All our Bread Is made of the verybest materials by experts In amodern bakery.



New England Bakery


Hotel street. 1484


Tennis Balls" Rackets" Supplies

HammocksDumb Beil6Indian ClubsStriking BagsBoxing GlovesBase Ball G001I6

Chest Weight ExercisersLOWEST PRICES




Music & Newsdealers



&- -


Fort street.




All the Latest






Grand ReceptionIt affords me great pleasure to announce to the ladies of

Honolulu that my large EASTER STOCK comprising the latest

Parisian Stylesin Millinery, Fancy Waists, Neckwear and Novelties

will be on exhibition,

Thursday, Friday, SaturdayApril 5th, 6th and 7th.

You are cordially invited.






It, A. Jordan In working up a guim ofcricket for Saturday.

Tlio Hcleno Hint arrival tlitn morn-ing vih nt lliln on the 2d Inst.

Tlio Oconn View Cafo la U10 nliico to8tot for refreshments niter a wnnii rlilcto the beach,

John Hhcldon, Hawaiian Interpreter,In sick In town, while n nun U Hick nthis homo In Iwllel.

The two inquests set for yesterdaywere poHtponcd. One will probably hoheld this afternoon.

Tho Klhel Plantation Co.'u nollcu ofdelinquent stock appears In anothercolumn of this Issue.

A leper was removed from tho Kn-ll- hl

detenUon camp to tho receivingstation tho other day.

Tho Seminole nnd Proipcr for thoSound nnd tho Cyms Wakefield withsugar for Ban Francisco, are on theboards to sail this afternoor..

Tomorrow at 10 o'clock Jns. K. Mor-gan will sell at auction tho householdfurnlturo on tho premises next door totho German Bakery abova Vineyardstreet on Fort.

Tho regular meeting of'tho Hoard ofSupervisors of tho Kindergarten andChildren's Aid Association will he heldin the Y. M. C. A parlor, Friday. April6 at 9:30 a. m.

Tho occupants of the drJIIshed (ampwill be allowed to remain till the firstof May, Eubjcct to their paying

and to tho approval of the U.S. military authorities.

A decision as to wlint will be donewith the plague convalescents at theKallhl detention camp will bo reachedthis afternoon, Tbcrxpcilmcnts wereperformed yesterday afternoon.

"I didn't know you could get musicso cheap In Honolulu," said a lady theother day, as she bought a number otpieces at 1G cents from The OergstromMusic Co. Call for free catalog.

It was whltpercd about, this morningthat, on account ot tho action of theChamber of Commerce In regard to thoCourt of Claims yesterday, one of thomembers of tho latter body had decid-ed to resign.

The Waikikl Boarding and LiveryStables Just opened fill a lone felt want.The need of some such placo has longbeen felt by thoso living at Waikiklwho wished to keep a rig there and yethavo no private stable.

Junior member sof tho Y. M. C. A.will make a trip to the Pall on horse-back and awheel on Saturday. Thostart will be made at 3 a. m. Luncheswill bo carried and tho icturn madeabout 4 In the afternoon.

Tho third indoor baseball game be-tween the business men and Y. M. C. A.clasees will bo held Saturday eveningat 7:30. This Is tho II rial game of thovrles, each club havim; won a game.Tho contest promises to bo very excit-ing and close.

A warrant bworu tv by Food er

Shorrey was Ir.sued thismorning for tho arrest of See Wo, arestaurant keeper, on the charge ofadulterating milk. Mr. Shorcy Is keeping constantly on too lookout for theviolation of this law.

A Japanese on a bicycle and a hackdriven by a Chinaman, collided nt thecorner of Hotel and Fort streets thisforenoon. The Japanese tried to getthe Chinaman arrested but tho policefound tho Japanese to ho in tho wrongand there wan no ami-it-

. The Mikado'swibject had his blcyclo badly smashed

Will Puy Hit Fine.Clio Kec who was fined $100 and

costs In the Police Court during lastmonth on tho cbargo of violating tliosanitary regulations of the Board ofHealth, and who appealed to the Cir-cuit Court, has decided to withdrawhis appeal and pay tho flno Imposed byJudgo Wilcox. Clio Kco built a houseon I.lliha stret.--t hut did not raise thotloor twenty Inches from tho groundas required. Tho lowest fine for Solution of this particular lcgulutlnn is5100.

Convincingc ityt ii f8af

The jjreat demand for the high giade shoes of Messrs.

Hanan and Johnstone and Aurphy, of whom we are the

exclusive agents, has thoroughly

these goods.

Progressive in'every detail,

and introducing alwa)s new

the lead and always in d. mand.





convinced us of the merit of

cut only of the finest stocks,

features, keeps them alwavs in


White Lisle Shirts and Lrawers. A

most comfortable warm weather garmentsoft and elastic, Seventy-fiv- e cent quality

50c. eachBrown Balbrlggan, a heavier article,

very durable; a strong garment andstrong seller

50c. each.A score other grades to suit varying

tastes and requirements, especially our'American Silk,' (Pink, blue, etc.)

$3 a suit.

Importers of Goods. 519 street.


Now Is the tlme'to replenish your kitchen. Here are some of the prices:Bake Pans Medium 30 centsBake Pans Lai ge 50 centsPudding Pans 20 centsLarge Ladles 15 cent.

SuartCups :o cents90 cents

Dish Pans 50 centsSoup Plates Large 20 centsDinner Plates Large 20 centsCoffee Pots j 5 centsTea Pots js centsMeat Pie Dishes 25 cents

and hundred other articles likewise reduced In price.

Our new stock of GURNBY CLBANABLE REFRIGERATORS has at lastai rived and we have them In all sizes.

W.W. Dimond & Co., Ltd.Importers of Crockerv and Glass and House Goods.

Sole Agents for Jewel Stoves for Coal or Wood, New Blue Flame WIcklessOil Stoves, Gurney Cleanable Refrigerators.






Box Couches.... Always on Hand and

Ma de to Order.

WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd.,Dry Fort



FURNITURE CO.Cor. Fort and Beretania.


Our Wachujett Shirt Is gaining dailyIn popularity.

What man does not appreciate a perfectly comfortable fhlrt, just right In neckand sleeves.

This week we offer our No. 400 at $6a dozen, or '

50c. each.


Watch Repairing!Don't waste money; go to a practical

watchmaker. Cleaning, fi.50. Malwspring, I1.50. All work warranted.

M. B. LUCAS,Gold and Sliver Smith,

205 Hotel street, nr. Benson, Smith St Co.

s !&Bruco, Waring & Co. desire to m

their patrona that the constrsc-tlo- n

of tho Electric Railway Bad otharImprovements, now going on, npoatheir Pacific Heights .property, will tatno wiso be Interfered with, or the aalaof lots restrained by reason of any ac- -

tlon or eult as between fcrmcr owners.All purchasers ot lots upon PacificHeights arc guaranteed tho service oSan Electric ttnllwnv electric light andan abundanco of water, also a perfecttitle.


A splendid assortment of Un-bleached, Bleached and ColoredLinenTable Damaskith Napkinsand Doilies to match.

E. W. Jordan,Fort Street.









Page 6: 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening Bulletin i I'm " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the


Ili i i



&" TrT4




ATKINSON & JUDD,mill Albert F.Judil-Jr- .)--O.Alklnnmi

Attorneys andCo.p ns llors at Law.

Otnoe over lll.iii Co. 'a Bank, cor.Kaabuiiuiim and Metcnant wtrewts.

X. MuOANTS STEWAltT,Attorney amiOouiipullur at Law.

ragrew Block, opposite Catholic ChurchTnrt etrant. flfitinltllll. 11. I.

Telephone 1122

R. D. S1LL1MAN.''')! ' LAWYER- -

3o8JudJ Building. Telephone 213,


--..ttorney tvt ."Law andISTo;urv Public.

Knhumnlill Htner.

.7. M. KANI.AKUA, and

Attorney ami Counsellor atLaw.

Offloe: In tlio Occidental Motel,corner of King ami Altikuii Streets,Hc-6..1-


if. O. AOiii. E.NOCH Johnson.

AOHI&."JOHNSON,Attorneys ami Counselors

at Law.n No. !0 West King utrtct.

Teleimono 88-t- . til

F. M. BliOOKS.

Attorney at Law' Syitcktls Building, Fort Street,


' ; A. MOTT-SMIT- H,


IAS MOVED to the JuddBlock, Fort St.

Sar&onstFbyslclans M Dentists.

A,C WALL, D. D. S.,O. E. WALL, D. D. S.,

DKjNTISTS.Love Building, Fort street.

HOURS: 8-- 4. TELEPHONE 434.


Dentist.OH-VCE- : '210 Hotel street.Of FlCfi HOURS: 9 to 12 and I to 4.

,, 1TI.1. .z r. .--:

W. J. Gaibranri.Practice" firnited to Surgery and


HOTEL 143"

H WALTER HOFFMANN.ERETANIA STREET, (oppo.lto tlio,'... Hawaiian Hotel).' Offiw' hours, 8 to 10 n. m.; 1 to ,1 p.

! 7 brS p. m. Sundays; 8 to 11 n. ;n. '

ralephate S10. P. O. Bos 501.


OmCttXND RESIDENCE, GEDGHCOTTAGE, corner Hotel and Riohrd3twit,,' Office hours: 9 to 11; 2 to 4;

ita& Telephone 953. 1245

- MtrA. N.WCLAIlfSchool s'reet, between Emma and Fort.

Hours: o a. m., J p. m., p. m.;3WiJay3 o a. m, 1416



Sajjortfcil by V'-'- tnty ('oi!-"tlon- a.

TREAI.MKNT totho crfr oftil 1 xtlonittltKH.

V' 1 Inforumnoti lis tn caxtx dtnl'fiuiJtti.l t'i i'io Rorvlce, etc., oic. ,

piy.lt thoInYirmnpy.

Ibtrd I'lo ir. X'ronron Block,ulocilpllo; muy bo lil ullliJ. F.

flackWj L. t,. AliltH or Dr. Wokbou.v i:m-i.i- iiv.


We have received from Edison's factoryan hiecttic Lamp for bed-roo- use whlcnIs Kolny; to prove Invaluable. By means

of a regulating screw the light can bchanged from a dull red glow to full 16

candle power. When retiring the lampcan be so turned down as to bum all nightat little cost, and by means of the sctew ,

am Instantly be turned on full power. '

It will be found a great convenience In thttide room or the nursery.

Price $1.25 each.

Oceanic Gas andElectric Co.. Ltd.

Heal Kstate and Insnranco.

ttf'ttt it-- ---- ...-3

Il.bl and JB'LKK



New England Mutual Life In-

surance CO. OF BO-T-

tna Fire Insurance companyof Hartford.HENRY ST. GOAR.EDWARD POLLITZ.

Members Stock and Bond Exchange.


Particular (Mention glren to purchaee tod tale ofHawaiian Sugar Stock.

Loans Negotiated, Eastern end Fcrilrn Stock!Bond,.

403 California St.,6on FrnnclBCO, Cnl. "7a

W. C. ACHI & CO..

Brokers & Dealers

REAL ESTATEPT We wul Hu or o deal Edlutgwparts of tlio Kionu.

Cy We will Boll Properties on Kn-is-

able Gommtnalonai


Real Estate Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.


Twelve Clilnoso O rani to nitcMiiiPoets, $5 nacb.

Property In towu.HOUSES TO LKT.


Real Estate AgentAbstractor ?ndSearcher of Titles . . .

Loans negotiatedRents collected.

Campbell Buildintj,Merchant .street.

W. THRUMSurveyor.

aOOM NO. 10, HPBECKEl.S BLOCPlantation Work it SiwciHltv



Member Honolulu .Stock Kxehancp.UoomSUl, Jiultl ISulliUiiK.



UOTIONEJCL AMD 'TdCK U'. 'KlHo IS lU8it ritrat.

..jpon AiijjrnJbbis.biii .' -.

nnil Knrittl"JOHN H. SOPER

M il Bond bTiK110 More liiiiif Stiu.t

Slock and Bond BrokerMemrer of HuwAttart Siotlc fctitunfr

Mclnri.y Riwk, Kort StrntP. K. R. STRAUCil,

f'cTntn KmLrofjut uiu uiurtiiVinancWl Att'iiit "ml roilnctorXo. 9 Bethel St., rwir I. ().

IT4? ",eltptiui.04l

A. L CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Brolcor.

.Member at Honolulu Stock Excninti,Ollloo Quoati struot, opo.sitc Vvh.n

Food Company.Teltphon. 506 P O B01 m


iriembei of Honolulu Stock Eicbau.t.Oueeu meet.

Teiaphuu Q. Rat js

WOMAN'S EXCHANGE112 Hotel Htrekt.

KAPA, LEIS, NATTVE HATS, UULA KKlltTS. N1JHATJMATS, FANt", SHELLS tsEKBH, LtoHOMRMATTO POf roiietopiliinhuiid,Teloohouo 76"' I "i io

(Continued from imRo 1.)

KnrlniRO enrts, Jtr.0; I nutH tlry cm Hi

Bystcm $0UO; .11 head live htoclc, SG.'OO;

liny anil Kniln, $t8,000: new otnlilrs.$l,()00, total, $ 10,550.

Mr, Aclil criticized ItcniK for IhijIiikiiiiiUh nnil fodiler. lie inotcil annincnilment to Itinert tlio wonW "not toexceed" before the ?i',."(i0 for livestock.

Mr. IncnlierB Kiild If Mr. Aclil wouldiituli'itnko to keep iinlm.iU for whatho Raid, tho Kpeiiker nnl other MockowncrH would bo Rind to turn theirnnlninla over to him, Pcwerfiil muleswould be needed for tho heavy exen-vntot-

Thu ntnendmcut wiih lott nnd theItem passed.

Purchase of Htcnm rswl for tow-ing Bewngo bcowb, $20,000, running ex-penses Batnc, $8,000; running expensesgutbngo crcmittory, $1501, committee-recommendin-

$8,000, curried;Biipport and trcntment of

IcperB, $12,000; total, $HG,0o0.Committee recommend tho tollotv- -

Ing items: Bent gen 'nil detentioncamp grounds, Kullhl, $1350; detentioncamp for whites, $90; tletoiitlut tampNo. 2, $750; enro of detention tntnps,Kallhl, $300; running expencj ofsewcrngo plant, $9BCii; segregation,Btipport and treatment of lepers, unpaidbills, $2SG.43; total, $13,012.. 43.

Mr. Mott-Smlt- h moved to nmend 11

clerical error In tho Education Items,mnktng unpaid bills of book fund $110.-9- 0

Instead of $93.10. CurriedMr. Gear moved to rrf.T sections 2,

3, I, 5 and C of Act 2 to the Judiciarycommittee for revision mid report.Can led.

Interior Deportment.Act 3 was taken up and Interior

items passed as followsSalary of btcnogrnplier, typew liter

and recoiiling clcik, $3,0'i').Committee recommends $840 foi pay

of poiindmastcr, Honolulu, tlio feeshaving been lnsulllclcnt. Citriiud.

Forcsta mid NiiibpiIps' Pay of la-

borers, Maklkl and Niinanu, $1U0S;new pnyioll nurseries, $2i'l.

Honolulu flro department, legularpayroll, $1200. Committee rccommenusadditions, liattly for pioposcd newlioso companies, making the Item $23,-25- 0.

Can led.Commltteo rccommn U on urgent

reipiist of Flro Commlsfloner-i- , $2125for additional pay of llremen nt sani-tary (lies. Carried.

Bureau of Survey: S.il.iry of drafts-man, $300; salary of meteorologist, 0.

Bureau of Conveyances. Salary of 2

copyists at $30 a month, $2100. Com-

mittee recommends $l73t, us Registrar6ays tho work will bo gi eater on ac-

count of disallowance of book type--

Iters. Carried.Bureau of Water Works: Saluiy of

first assistant clcik, $210); h.ilary ofsuperintendent Wnlluku und Kahululwater works, $210.

Bureau of Public Works. Salaiy ofdraftsman and assistant superinten-dent, $3(100; pay of lighthouse keepersunpaid 1S99. SIC, committee t.mend'ment to $339 carried.

New Hcnlth Offices.Commltteo recommends thofco new

Itts for Board of Health' City h.inl-tai- y

ofllccr, $1200; bacteiiologlst, Sl,-iO-

executivo ofllccr, $5100; generalexpenses, $12,9C0; romcvlng garbagepayroll, $39,010; total. $SO,400. Car-ried.

Committee recommends fitithcr $1.-2-

for salary of a purrl.iiHiug agent oftho Boaid of Health.

Mr. Robertson asked what tho agentwould do for IiIb salary In an oidlnnrytime.

Mr. Gear for niihwer f,poka of tholnrgc and varied purdiaKcs of thuBoard. Tho Board desired to havo withan olllclal, to make purchase! Insteadof half a dozen oIllcinK Ono reasonwas that with a physician ad executivoolllcer, and physicians no: buhl's 'HP-pos-

to bo good huslno'i men, such anofllcer was desirable.

President Dole asked If mo&t of thoBoard's supplies, In or Unary limes,were not procured by advertisement.

Mr. Gear was not prepaid! to ans-wer.

Mr. Kennedy mipporte,! tho Item.Mr. Damon moved to defer tho Itern

for further Information speaking ortho Board of Health b'dng n govoin-nu- nt

in itself. Tho President deemedthis wise, and It carried.

Zorbo Ci.im.Mr. Gear moved to couddei tho pui- -

poscd new Item to pay the claim c fUnity Sierbe for nrreai.s of salary asuiintnm liouso uppraljcr In 1800-- 7. Anthe petition had not neon toturntdfium tho Exrcutlvo Council nobody

'preiint eould htnto tho amount. Amotion to iiiljutii 11 was lost. Mr. Kutl- -lukou HiiggeBtcd that tho Mliitater ofFoielgn Alfnlrs was youn;; enough torun inmtulrsi for tho petition. At lea itMr. Gear niotort to nuikii ilm Item icadi

i"not to ( cced ?S00, ' t.hlcli can led.At a few minutes to '. o'clock tho

Council iidouined.

THE LAST CAB.lno last curs of tho King street llnr

going to Wnlklkl and Palama pasn tb.Anchor ilaloon. Tho cloverc- -t mlxolo-gist-

In the city are there always toput you up iiuythliiK you may desireDrop In and take a drop before youtako the car. Tho celebrated Soattltbeer la to bo had here on draught Afull Une of liquors, Including tho fa-mous Jesso Moore Whlskoy, etc., al-ways on han.. Received por Warrt-moo- ,

Ratnlor Bock Beer on draughtThe Anchor Saloon Is hero to plenso lipatrons.

SEATTLE BEER.Tho over popular Ualntor beer Is be-

coming a household word and "willyou have a glass of Soattlo," la moreoften heard than anything else. ThtCriterion Saloon has the beer on tap orIn uottloa.

American Messenger Service, Masonlo Temple. Tel. 444.

Architects, Contractors and Builders.

WM, T. lATir,

Contirtr and lliiildei1.

Store anJ Office ril'lnc.Plans nj Lttltnates lurnlihfJ.

I488 llotel Street, near Beretanla.a A Howard, Jb Hobt.F.Tra

HOWA11D & TRAIN,A roll i toots.

Suite ?, Modtl Block. MONOLULU.'OAMU. H I.

P. O. Do wj Telephone 9S9tut

H. h. KERR & CO.

Architects and Builderslliovmi lfli,

: PROGRESS BLOCK.r?lf!hone 111.

Oen W Page Tel 1F. W Ilardtlee P. O. Box 778


Architects & BuildersOffice: Rooms 2-- Arlington Annex,

Honolulu, H. I.Sketches and Correct Estimates furnish-a- t

Short Notice. J44'

Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS,

Donlera in Lumlior and Coal.

ALLEN &ROB1NSOK,Ouenn utreot. Ilnnnlnln,

Mercantile Agencies.

rfepBotm 1054 & jso I O. Itoi tIIAVV.-Jl- .i N

Mercantile AgencyO H. BERREY, : Manager.

Judd Building,- DiPicDlt Rollections a specialty

Room 10, Sprcckels Building,Fort street.

Collection a specialty. Prompt renlttancts. No fee charged unless collecnn l made. U4- -

BY AUTHORITY.Office of the Bo.ird of Health.Honolulu, H. I., March )t, toco.

Report of cases of plague in Honolulu toweek ending March 31, 1900:

Cases. Deaths,Previously reported 68 58Wfek ending March 31, 1900. ) 1

N.ition.illty American 1,Jjpanese r, Irish 1.

Total number dies to date. .71 61

In the hospital this date I

Recovered 9C. H. REYNOLDS,

Execi tlve Officer, Board of Health.un tt


Holders of water privileges, or thosepaying water rateo, nro hereby notifiedthat tho noma for Irrigation purposes

aro from G to 8 o'clock a. in. and from4to C o'clock p. 111.

ANDREW BROWN,Superintendent Water Works.

Approved by A. YOUNG,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, U, 1899.

1244-t- f


All persons leaving Honolulu by trainmu-- t obtain a written permission cichtime from the office of the Board of Healtn.

C B.WOOD,President.

March 4, '000. 141.71i .umi. ririiii jjimiiww- -. fliBff-- - i m !4 m m m


been thinking of

eeoB?xesof Pung'.

Water Color fttints

for the

CHILDREN?For Sale by

Hawaiian News Co..

Limited.Mtrchvlt Street

Notice.AJjourneJ Qjatterly Meeting of the

USION FF.ED COMPANY, Limited,will be hell at the Company's Office,

Jjdd Building, on Thursday, the 12th

hut., at 10:30 o'clock a. in.P. R. VIDA,

i497-7- t Secretary.


Ul.Al)s8miCBILS. Wm.-J.Ii-



Sau rranciiro Agenln Tut: Nkvau.NATtoNAf. Bask or San Frahcisco

San FitAKCiRCO Tho Nevada NationBank of Han Fraliclnco

London The Union Bank of IxindrLtd.,

Nkw YoitR American ExeliAiige Ntlnnal Bank.

C1110A00 Morchnnls Nntionnl BvikPaws Credit LyonnalR.IlKnLiN Dresilner Bank.IIonko.no and Yokohama Honk. njr .

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nkw Zraland ano AtinTitAttA Ba 1

of Now Zealand.VicTontA and VAhtxjuvun lUnl, 1

British North Ainorleu.Transit a General Banking and Excttanie

Depolstt HccolveJ. Loam made on Ap--roved Bccurlty. ComtnercUl and Travelinredlts leaned. Bills of Exchange bongblnd Bold.

Coi notions I'HOMrrLT AoconnTJin Teh


Savings Deposits aIU bereceived and interest allowed by thlfRank at four and one-ha- lf ior centHr milium.

Prlntod coploH of tho BuIoh and Re(cillations may bo obtalnod on nppllcatloii

Ollloo nt bank building on Morel nunM root


KilnbllaUcd 1U63 -

3:B03-2;0- .


Iranenct a(ienoral BaiiViii.t' K'xchimge D,iHics.

VJoitunorciai und Traveler.otters )f Cri-d- issued, nvniMc in all tht principal ( itic. the world.Interest allowed after Jul

1, 1898, on fixed depositsmonths 8 por cent., 6 nioutl3$ per cent., 12 month':per rent.

Pioneer Building ancLoan Association

ASSETS, DEC. 31, 1S9S, $112,077.6'.

Money loaned on approved securltjA Savings Bnnk for monthly depositsHousea built on tho monthly install

ment pun.Twentieth Serl - of Stock is no

opened.OFFICERS T. Y. Lansing, Presl

dent; B. B. Rose, Vice President; C. BCray, Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretary

DIRECTORS T. F. Lansing. S. BBoso, A. V. Gear, A. W. Koech, HcnrjSmith, J. L. McLean, J. D. Holt, O. BGray, W. L. Howard.

A. V. GEAR,Secrotary.

chamber of Commerce rooms.umcc Hours: 12:301:30 p. m.

156 Ifolruh.mti $peoie B&ni

LlMitn .

Subscribed Capital . 24.000.UU JCiPaid-u- p Capital . . 12,000.000 yeiReservo Fund 7,600,000 ye

The Bank buys and receives fur collection Bills of Exchange toques Drafttand Letters of Credit, anu transacta general banking business.


On Died Deposit tor t ir.or.thl, 4 vtf cl t .On flie- - Uepoilt lor 6 monlhf, 3XOu Filed Depnilt lor jtooi, '


Qvthe Ileal OM:e, at Yo.oli.ne, CO Curnr.l l.1 -- .. ua per day,

fotlt. Deposit lor u monlhj, 5S pr ceot p a

Hew BeFimit MVm, lifiiii si Howli.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Corner AlaUea and HalekauwIlaSts.,

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical GoodsConstantly on Hand. j$.

Estimates given for house wiringand electrical plants.

Marine Wiring a specialty.

A. QARTLEY,General Manager.



I of tmb Hawaiian Kcpuniic.j


Char. M. Cookk, President.P. C. Joni,

C. II. Cookk, Cashier,1 V. Athkkton, Afwlstant CBUlder.

Ilonry WfttorhoUKo,Tom May,

F. W. Mncfarlano,K. V. Tonnoy,

;LA. McCandles'.Solicits tho Acciiuntii of Firms,

Trusts, Individuals, and willcarefully and promptly attend to allbusiness connected with banking

to it. Soli and purchaso ForeignIssue IxitterM of Credit.


Ordinary and Torm Deposits reeolved,Bud Intorost allowod In accordance vtll'arulos and conditions printed In P'books, ooplos of which may be had tit napplication.Hi

OF HAWAII, LTD.Incorporated Under the Laws or th

Republic of Hawaii.Authorized Capital, $1,000,000Subscribed Capital, 750,000Paid Up Capital SOO.OOo

OFF1CER8 AND DIRECTORS.Cecil Brown PresidentM. P. Robinson nt

W. G. Cooper CaBhlerE. M. Boyd Secretary

uecil urown, Mark PRobin eoji, Bruce Cartwrlght, W. GCooper and H. M. Von holt

DRAW EXCHANGE ON:San Francisco The Anglo-CaUf-

nla Bnnk, Limited.Chicago Tho Merchants Loan and

Trust Company.New York J. & W. Eollguian Com-

pany.London Tho Anglo-Californ-

Bank. Limited.Paris Socletio Gcneralo.Hamburg M. M. Warburg & Oom

pany.Hongkong and Yokohama Th

Chartered Bank of India, Australiaand China.

Australia Tho Union Bank of Atitralla, Limited.

Canada Bank of Montreal.Berlin Gerbruder Meyer.Exchange boughtnd sold Letters

Credit Issued on all parts of theworld.


J. J. WILLIAMS,Photographer.

FMll3I$A &mM&ww

Visitors are cordially invited tocall and inspect our qallery of life-siz- e

royal photos, from KamehamehaI. to date.

At tho Old HtaaelOb Fort fltre.-- t

v ..,Barbers

SilentBarber Shop.

Arlington Block, - Hotel Street

JojephJForiiandez. Prop';

iA- -

,e t ;f :

1 .

fb?' .A.xr i&. AHT.LL.t jfttJ&&j&rZ$ f..-- - v-J

KEEP THE HEAD COOL and thefeet WJrm Is the advice given bv all thedoctors In time ofcplJemlcs of any kind.Pacheco's Dandruff Killer Is the best touse nn the hejd. It Is lefreMiIng, Invlcor-atlngan- d

stimulating, besides possessingcooling properties contained In no otherpreparation In the market.

PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLERs for sale by all druggists and at thtUnion Barber Shop; Telephon.- - CoG.

ThePacific NurseryHAS MOVED

To IB Fort St..(Next to Ed. A.WIIIIams, Undertaker),

And Is now prepared to supply .veivvariety of Cut and Growing Plants.Sprays, Bouquets, Wedding and FuneralDesigns executed on short notice.A Targe variety of Roses and otlwr plants

for sale.


Page 7: 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening Bulletin i I'm " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the

-- . -

Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company

TIME TABLE.The Fine Passenger Bteamors of This Liuo Will Arrive fit nur)

Leave This Fort as Heroundor.


In oonneotion with tho aailinor

ire prepared to issue, to intending passongore, coupon throughHokeU Sy any railroad from Ban Francisco, to all points in theUnited States, and from New York by an? steamship line to alllaropean ports.

For particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited;General Agentb Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.

Occidental and Oriental Steamship Go. $ Toyo Kisen Kaisha

, StMaer ol the abort coopuin will call at Honolulu and leave title port on or atom the .... .datss below aantlontd i . . . .

For Japan and China:HocrVonr Maru. ...April ttttoa..... . April 14

Doric . April 14

fvt coal Inlomatlon apply to

H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Agents.

Canadian - Australiao Royal lail Steamship Company.

aVSteamtre ol the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.Miwstn Vancouver. B. C. and Sydney, N. S.W.. and calling at Victoria, C. C, Honolulu and Bilitanaite DUE AT 1IONOI.UI.IJ on or about the date below stated, via i

ROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B. C,For Brisbane and Sydney;

Warlmoo April 14

Mlowtra .May uAorancl June 9' Warrlmoo July 7' Mlowtra Aug. 4

WToroueh tickets Issued Irom Honolulu to Canada, United States and Europe. For Frelrht andPassan and all general Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davles & Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agents.Lines of Travel.

Wilder Steamshio Co., Ltd.


TiriB TABLE.8. 8. Klnau,


Change In Sailing ofStmr. "Klnau."

On and after Tuesday, Nov. 6, thesteamer KINAU will sail from Hono-

lulu on Tuesdays at 12 noon, for Kau-takak-

Lahaina, Maalaea Bay, Klhei,tfakena, Kawalhao, Mahukona, Lau-jhoeh- oe

and IIUo.Returning, will sail from Hllu on

frldays at 2 p. m. for above namedorU, arriving In Honolulu on Batur- -

Fassengers and freight will bo takentor Makena, Mahakona, Kawalhao, int-

o, Hakalau, Honomu, Papalkou, nnd"speekeo.

Paasengera and PACKAGES ONLYrill be taken for Kaunakakal, Lahat-- u,

Maalaea Bay, Klhel and Laupahoe-.- o

S. 8. Claudine.CAMERON. Master.

MAUI.Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday

tt t P. M., touching at Lahaina, Ka-tulu- l.

Nahlku, Hana, Hamoa and u,

Maul. Returning, touchesit above named ports, arriving In lu

Sunday mornings.Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco each


S. S. Lehua,BENNETT, MaBter.

MOLAKAI,, MAUI, LANA1.lalla every Monday for Kaunakakal,

atanalo, Maunalel, Kalaupapa, Laha- -

aa, Honolua, Olowalu. Returning or- -

rtvs at Honolulu Saturday mornings.

This company reserves tho right tocake changes In tho time of doparturcind arrival I Its steamers WITHOUTKOTICE, end It will not be responsl-jl- e

for any consequences nr' bro-iio-

Consignees must t c w sdlngi receive their frel.it Tk" a- -..- - wtll nnt hold itself lcunonm-ii-i(or freight after It has been landed.

Live stock received only at owner'stsk.This company will not be responsi-

ble for money or valuables of paasen-Itr- s

unless placed In the care of thearcrs.tHlsengen are requested to pur-ika- ss

tickets before embarking. Those'ailing to do so wll be subject to anadditional charge of twenty-fiv- e pertsnt,

Th company will not be liable torUN of, nor Injury to, nor delay In,Iks delivery of baggage or personalKecta ol the passenger beyond IJmount or, 9100-1- 9, unless the valr

una be t "ZSfri. at or befot iv of " 'V pd freight said



.m-w-- tf


For San riaoisoo.AUSTRALIA. ...April?ALAMEDA..., April t?AUS1HALIA. ..MayijMARIPOSA.. . May isAUSTRALIA . June tiMOAN A .June asAUSTRALIA Jnly to

of the above steamers, the Aonnln

For San Francisco :

NIpponMaru Aril! 10Rio da Janeiro April 17Coptic April st

"ROM SYDNEY AND BRISBANEFor Victoria and Vancouver (B.C.):

Jl owera .adiii 11

Aorancl May awarrimoo June 0Mlotttr.1 July 4Aorancl Auc 1

Lines of Travel.

All employes of tho company are for-bidden to receive freight without de-livering a shipment receipt therefor Inthe form prescribed by the Company,and which may be seen by shippersupon application to the pursers ot theCompany's steamers.

Shippers are notified that It freightIs shipped without such receplt it willbe solely at the risk of the shipper.

C. L. WIGHT. PresidentS. B. ROSE, Secretary.CAPT. T. K. CLARKE, Port Supt

jjMjt California

KBF cis,via


"The Overland Route"Is Thirteen Hoars Quicker Than via

Any Otber Route.

''The Overland Limited"Runs Everyday In the ' Year Buffet,

Smoking and Library Cars withUtrber Shop and Pleasant ReadingRooms

Dining Cars (MealsDrawing Room Palace Sleeper etc.No Change of Care.

D. W. HITCHCOCK, Genral Agent,i Montgomery St., San Francisco.

J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent,35 Third street, Portland, Oregon.

E. L. LOMAX. G. P. & T. A5 1472 Omaha, Nebraska.

r t a. t nJ, XV. Xi J. KJJ.TIME TABLE.

From and After JamiHiy ), lS(9.TRAINS.

STATIONS. Dallv Dalit(Outward) ei. Sun. Dally ei. Sen. Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM.Ugnolulu ,, t:o 1 i:oj ! 1:10Petri City. !.o) ii:t 1 41 5:50EnaMIII.... JJ 10:0) ft'OC 4:0! 6:10Walanae..,. 10,50 'ISWalalua.,,. IIISJ suo ....lkallVB . 11.11STATIONS, UilW(lowarj) ix Sua Dally Dally

A.M. AM PMKabttktWalalua 'ic t.30Walanae t:ic 3!!EwaMIII J.4! 1.0; 4lisPeailClty t:iS 01Vunolula s.oj jr. C. Smith, (itn'I P. A TlvM

AgtnUi V, DiiNianN, Wurr)ni.i.il..n!.

Chinese and Japanese Firms.

lluda X( Boardman


Domestic Servants, Sailors and General


Office Hours: oa. rn.t03p.rnTelephone 917.

P. O. Box 862.

Room 1, Spreokels Blookun

Y. MASUDA,Portraits

Done in Crayon or Oil.

...Pictures Framed In any style.

...Framed Pictures for sale.

King and Alapai streets,Near Honolulu Stock Yards.



OTST7KA,Contractor.In Prepared toSupply at Short Notice



At Lowest Prices Pleaso apply orlea vo orders at offlco of

J. L. Kaulukoti,Uoi lk'tliel Htrcot, niauka P. O.


Merchant Tailor323 Nuuanu

Tine Suitings in Enguan, (Scotch andAmerican Good iwdo to order.

Telephone 668- .- --Poatofflco box 986.

Hop Wo &"Co.


AND KHAKI SUITSAt Lowest PricesSatisfaction Guaranteed . .

Aloha Block, Fort St. HonMulu, H. I.


Watjbmaker and Jeweller.GOLD AND MJLVER PLATING.

313K ttlng stroet. 1277

T. KATSUNUMA & Co.N A. K OZAWA, Manajer.


Temiwaiy Oltic! Ro.w, upstairs Srieckels bulW-In-

Tel, 544.

Y. MAN SINGHas Removed From Fort Street to )ii

Nuuanu Street, opp. Goo Kim's.


Dresses Made To Order.

HOP HONG,Merchant Tailor,

HAS MOVEDFrom 314 Nuuanu street to larger prom-ises, No. 310, on the op osito side of theKtroet. 1293

Cohmr Amkea and Kino StreetsGROCERY AND FRESH nFRUITS

always on hand. FRESH PINEAPHLESfo sreclal order, and CALIFORNIAFRUITS by every steamer and also ISL-AND BUTTER. Delivery Free. Tel. 361

L. CHONG,No. 6 Nuuanu St., below Mticbaat, Honolulu.

MEHOHANT : TAILORJtsrSulta ruaranteeil to lit and In tales stylts

Clothing tnade to orltr, Unltcrros a specialtyClonics cleaned M re calr.4 tt reasonable riles

The World RegisterKoripH tho Oth whllo you aro luisv.

Try ono 0 '

Rook PricesOn Maiblc ;md Granite,


Ponces and LawnFurniture.

Haw'o Iron Fence ani Honmneiital Cb

H1 King Street.


Tim following Item Is front Hit' Ban.Ioho Mercury, March 21- - "Mm. AnglfArih'W of ItlllKilnto n nil Chitrlcn limit?las. it iiiltiliic iiiiiii. Miriirlsed tin Irfilciiiln Alouilny by IipIiik fiil"My married In Han I rnnrlHcti. ror hoiiic jtiiibpast Mrs. Ariipw linn Iipoii n faml'larfigure nt Hip Btntn Kali-- , tier formerhusband being tino of the lifht knowntrotting horsemen of tnu Hlulc nndconsequently u ctmstnnt iitteiitinnt ntthis function. Upon his death nt SanJose in .liino last Mrs. Asinmv assumedchiirgc of the stock ranch In the heartof tho Santa Clnrn valley, .vhpre sheand her three children Mavo Blnco

While not of Inn,; standing thoacquaintance between Mrs. Agnow nndher second husband booh tlp'-'iip-

il IntoIntimacy, nnd n brief courtship culmi-nated In their wedding on Monday.Douglas Is well known In mining circles nnd owns extensive. Intel caw inthis nnd other States."

The. late Harry .1. Agnow was lorninny years n horseman of Honol'ilti,having horses on the Irani here, oilnnd on, even after ho took up Ills resi-dence In California, Last llth of .tune,tho day Mr. Agncw died, ono of hishorscB won n rnco nt Knplnlnnl naik.

It Is interesiing to watch

the artist at work in King Bros.'

Hotel street window, where

evidences of his slcill are al-

ways in view. Special orders

for menu cards and other art

work solicited. KING BROS.,

110 Hotel street.PER 8. S. AUSTRALIA.

Just landed a full line of grapes, s.

oranges, lemons, celery, cabbago,cauliflower, cranberries, burbank andred potatoes, dates, salmon, flounders,halibut, crabs, Eastern and Californiaoysters (In tin and shell,) turkeys,chickens, ducks, quail. A Ull line ofcanned goods. CAMAR1NOS' REFRI- -


FRESH ENTERPRISE BOCK.Thu first of tho season at the Mer-

chants' Exchango Just nrrlvcd by lastAustralia. This Is browed only oncea" year. Como boys and quench yourthirst, for It's a long time to wait fortho next brow.

Tho use of tho Singer In raiMlons ofhomos shows the unprecedented suc-

cess of these ideal sewing m ilncs.It Is convincing proof that tht, dingerexcels In all kinds of family Musingand art needle work. All our 1 "Nlngmachines are of the best construction,beautifully decorated, and are mountedon sicectea woods in nneiy nnisnoacabinets of artlatlo designs. D. Ber-aerse- n.

agent. 16 Bethel stroet


Capital Stock. " - - - $50,000.Capital, palp up - - $43,680


W. 0 A.0I1I President 4 ManagerM. K. Nakulna Vlco PresidentJ. Makalnal TreasurerK Johnson SecretaryGeo. L. Desh Auditor


.lonah Kumalao.J, Mukalual

J. W. Ulplkano.

Tho nbovd Company will buy, lease,or (.oil lands In all parts of tho HawaiianInlands; and bIho Ids Iiouhoi In tho Cityof Honolulu for rent. l489-.v- l


Om, Algaroba and Pine Firevo

Out and Spill (ready lor the dtou)Also.



Lowest Frloes, delivered to ny vrthe City

faklFMOHBrfUSTACE i (.50

1 OtiM mr

tfheni'ouWait&R;igRING UP THE

C -- la- U-- B

Livery, Boarding andSales Stables, : : :,.


Sth'Io 'Phone, 47"Uhck Stand 'l'liom, 310 and 7f.


DIAMOND.id other Rings, Watches, Brace

lets, ains, and an extensive varietyf J. velry.

hi. Gr. BIAJRT,Manofacturing Jeweller,

Wt pOI1 STHH.H1.

Catton, NeilJ & Co., Ltd.

Boilermakers : : and : : Electricians.Agents for

The General Electric- - - Companj

iilSDON IROiN WORKS,San Francisoo, California.

ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS.HiAh Duty Pumping Machinery,

Heine Boilers, Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines, Cane Csis,vacuum rans, ami all machinery lor me complete equipment ot sugar Alius.


Fulton Engineering and Shipbuilding VVdrks;SUCCESSORS TO "


High Duty Pumping Engines,Corliss Marine and Mill Enelnes. Marine aim Statlonerv Boilers.







Estimates furnished for all classes of machinery, and for the equipment of .

power plants. . ., .

Horiir 3--. G-ixiac-st, ""Representative In the Hawaiian Islan4. '

OFFICE; Fort street, between and King streets. 'ijSt

Merchants Commission Agents.'Carr r Complete Line of Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, &c. Pattate

Oils and White


Agents for Clarlphos & Dick's Balata Belting;HTZ This Belting Is acknowledged by several ei the most expert engineers IkIslands to be the best, most and expensive. - '

Also Agents for Kelihefer GRAY WARE, of which a'faUIs carried. '


Lime, Cement, Fire Clay and Fire Bricks.Musicians.


Guitar, Mandolin, Zither,and Ukulele.

"During my absence atOmraMr. Ames, of Wall, Nichols Co.,will hae charge of my pupils.

a. vl 1 El gf x 3T,VIOLINIST.

16 Beretanla Street,

-- Will receive a limited number of pupils.Music furnished for oryenlrnj partlt.



Studio, "Mignon," 720 Beretanlastreet Tel. 1114. 1171

E. K. KAA1,Teacher of ' ..rar, Mandolin,

I Ikulele and Taro Patch.

Orders to be left care of Wall, NicholsCo., nd at torRatrom Muslo 1260



Cor. Fort andQueen Sts.

FI.E JOB pINTllltyAt Reasonable Prices.

Stand No. 82

Bay I do you know where I can getgood Surel At the Hawallan Hotel Carriage Co., corner Hoteland streets. Tel. II. NothIng but first class carriages and ex-

perienced drivers.


T. B. Clapham, Veterinary andDentist. Office, King Street Stables;Telephone io8j. Calls, day or night,promptly answered; specialties, obstetricsand lamerijess, M&ftf



John Nott,plumber;

75 and 79 KingTELEPHONE NO. 11






durable, leastBros.' AGATE



concerts, afternoon







NOW Is the time to get leaks, ai ,

breakage wen to, and jmtRoof 8 Put In O'dtt .

By competent work

H. T. SHAW tc CO.

Sanitary Plniii ait Tii

Old Firo Tower, Union Street.Wo flguro on nothing but the)bsTb

of work and material, tenting all worksthus lnnurlng you against all sewer gM,

Ksthnttos carefully given'Jobbing promptly attended to.

Fori the PlumbingOu that uew honeo that yoa areabout to build or the altoritiouyon aro intending to nake onyour property. Call and'eee tnand pot au cstimato.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.Practical Tinsmith and Plunabta,

Bhop: Beretanla street, A alooraeaarlof Punchbowl. Phone H4t.

Hour 7 a. m. to 6 p. in.Jobbing promptly attended to. .

W. II. Barth. H.w.BsarsuHonolulu Sheet Metal WtrhGalvanized Iron Skylights and Ventlbtart,

Metal Roofing, ' ' "; '.Conductor Pipe and.Gutter'Wc''.' '

Richards Straat, bt.Oura and Mtrctuat, HiilaiaWJotblny f romptly arttnjrd m.'W

King street, not--. Railroad Depot,Plumbe- r- and TiUBiWfc: ,

Satisfaction guaranteed! vAll work promptly and cSfefuiiy"

attended-to- . "'" UTs

Coney EstateLANDS.

A FEW VERY rSIRABLB BUILtj)'ING LOTS on Ntuanu Avenue, at Nto;lopa, Nuuanu Vallej for sale. Apply t- -'

J. M. -- yCartwright Block, erchant streatT ''

U$8 if


t r,




Page 8: 4s?f The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. Bulletin I'm 5P...4s?f3 The Bulletin Is Just NEWS. feS' Evening Bulletin i I'm " 5P m iA Get the mflfcffaC fopy. You Don't Get All the News and the





G?r eral Live Stock and Commission Meichasts.DEALERS I2ST

HORSES, HULES, COWS, HOGS, FOWLS. sSZnd BUGGIES, WAGONS,Carts, Fancy Family Rigs, Etc., Etc. Harness, Saddles, Harness Repairing.

We buy, sell, and eNclunge on commission anything in our line. IMlODERaN" XjI"VER"5r a special branch.

Honolulu Stock Yards Company.VST. H, RICE, President. "W. S. WITHERS,

Jas. F. Morgan,-- 33 Queen


Delinquent - Stock.N THE

Maialei SjgM'o, Ltd1040i2o

Tne holders of tho Maunalcl SugaiCo., Ltd., stock, hereunder doscrlbcd 1369

are hereby notified that tho followlntdelinquent stock wilt bo sold at PublliAuction at 12 o'clock noon on MUN-BA- 1701

April 9, at tho salesroom or1717

Jas. P. Morgan, Honolulu, unless tho1719

Assessments, vith Interest thereon, nro1759

paid beforo tho nbovo date, nnd, ualjthe receipts from snld salo aro sufilclent to fully cover all delinquenciesand costs, each delinquent shareholdernrlll bo held personally llublo for thofcilanco due on his shares.No. Certf Names No. Shares

19 Lam Kam Chin 255M Ylm Sea Lock 30

F. D. Qrcany 1047 Geo. J. Campbell CO

S3 Loo Chit Kam. CO


C6 2587 25eg 10 O.iSI 1070 1071 10 AtW 10

0 A. Barnes 10St A, Uarncs 10 tho92 A. Darnes 10

t A. Barnes 1095 A. Uarncs 10SS A. Darnes 10 or

124 Dr. n. Oliver 101E4 Loo Goon SO

156 Loo Qoon 30164 Loo Gonn 307.67 Loo Uoon 25

78 C. Lennox 1017) C. Lennox 20183 Loo Qoon CO

189 J. I). Gibson 5205 Loo Chit Sam 35212 Loo Chit Sam CO

219 Loo Chit Sam 10353 J. V. Poilmorc 23255 Geo. P. Gear 5S61 H. It. Hitchcock 10262 H. It. Hitchcock 10273 Loo Chit Sam 35278 Loo Chit Sara CO

279 Loo Chit Sam 25280 Loo Chit Sam 25

joo Chit Sara 15$32 Loo Chit Sam IS28G J. Q. Wood 10119 Mrs. Lucy Ng Monwnr b

20 Wong Dut Nan 10222 J. L. McComb 15S23 n. 11. Church 10S38 H. Watorhouso & Co 5361 Paul Neumann 50362 Paul Neumann 50863 Paul Neumann 0364 Paul Neumann 20365 Paul Neumann 20366 Paul Neumann 20

67 i'cul Neumann 208C9 II. Francis 10392 Loo Chit SamS94 Loo Chit SamS95 Loo Chit Sam 50409 A. L. Morris C

418 MUs C. A. FIncklcr 15425 0. Whitehead 10426 Ylm Scalock 5127 Lam Knm Chin 642S C. H. Gray 30429 C. n. Gray 10430 C. U. Gray ." 10435 Mrs. KIIko Neumann 20436 F. II HaiBelden Tr. P. It.

Haseon 1

446 Loo Chit Sam 10A. V. GRAIt.

Treas. Mnunalol Sug. Co., LtdHonolulu, March 15, 1900.



McBryde Sugn Co., Ltd.On SATURDAY,' April 7th,

AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,'At my salesroom 33 Quceu Btrcct, Ho-

nolulu, I will sell at Public Auction, byorder of the Treasurer, Mr. ThomasRain Walker, tho following delinquentatock of the McDrydo Sugar Co., Ltd.,unless the delinquent fourth assess-ment with Interest thereon, Is paid atthe offlco of Theo. II. Davles & Co.,Ltd-- Honolulu, before the day of ealo:

No. No.Cert. Shares.

33 Chas. F. Wall io95- -H. M. Von Holt (tr.) 50

117- -C M. V. Forster 2'57 Lai Tim 5284 Cont Ylch & Co 1

s8?-- Wal Ylch & Co 1

386-H-op Sing & Co 1

307 A. F. Cooke 5

,52 Lee Yin . 2362 Loo Goon 3

530 Lam Ping j$37 Mrs. Mary A. Brazil 6

m:- -

Ui.i i. i. .',


illli tiVlMNU llliJiLE'llN: HONOLULU, li. 1., THUUSIMY, APHIL 6, IWU

Street t

552 S. H. Aiendt 3

554 W. H. Johnsrn 455'o Mis. marv a. urazi z608 Tom Wa' 3

627- -L. H. Pimental... 1

667 R. C. A. Peterson :oo783 J. Q. Wood 125

957 W. L. Moodv.... 51208-Os- N. Clnk.. 35

Mrs. C. H. Graham 15 .

LeongLlmFong 5

1275-C.- Kam Po 5

Chas. J. Falk 5

377 Chas. J. Falk 151C05-- W. S. Edlngs 4

C. Averdam 15

1716W. Thompson 2p. R. Vlda 13C. N. Marquez 6Joseph Conradt 7

JAS. F. MOROAS,(jSHd Auctioneer.



Stock 1Delinquent -at


Kihel Plantation Co. J

8 A 'I UltDAr, April 2S,AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,

my salesrooms, 33 Queen street, Ho-

nolulu, I will sell at Publb Auction, byorder of tho treasurer, Mr. J. P. Cooke,

following certificate.! of stock In theKihel Plantation Co." unless theFIFTH assessment, delinquent FEU.28th, with interest thereon, Is paid on

before the day anil hour of bale:No. No.

Certlf. Shares.11 Jesso Mnkaluiii . 10029 II. Wnterhouso A Co. . . . 100

31 H. Watorhouso & Co. ... 100

3211. Wnterhouso & Co. . . . 100

S5 F. 11. Angus 10

127 W. 11. Nelrann 10159 W. 13. Uclllnn 10

1G9 a. J. lloisse 10

189 S. P. French 10

201 Heniy Hapal 10

228 Chas. Lucas 0229 P. M. Lydlg 200237 n. Monsnrrat 20315 How Hoy 10

310 I)ao Wnl 5

3C9 W. H. Goetz 203S3 Chlng Lum -433 J. 15. Kahoo 51 1 MVm, Thompson 10130 W. C. Achl 100

491 W. C. Achl 100

522 J. P. Steetz 20530--L Ah Long 10

637 W. C. Achl 100

5C3 Geo. Desha and C. J.Holt --'"

602 .1. F. Sopcr 25

03111. IJ. Schrotlw 50038 T. Ah TongCCS C. II. Langu 10

f.79 C. II. Laage 20C.S0 C. II. Laage 2d771 W. L. Fletcher 3.!

SIC J. 13. Taylor 10

937 Lee Chit 15

93S Yee Chin 1.0

939 Yco Chin 23910 C. Din Sing 20

953 J. i: .Iliibh, triistw 20101C N. K. Gedgo 151029-CI- iiih. Phillips 10

10331:. It. Illvcn103C- -S. i:. Ulshoi 5

1971 Yco Chlng 10

1077 A. II. Ingalls ID

10SS .1. S. Martin 701001 C. II. Lnngo 10

1132 T. A. Iiimnni;hln .'.0

1133 T. A. Honnnghiii In1139 tl. Martin 15

1115 L. II. Plment.il 10

1159 M. A. GonsulviM 50

1181 A. Harrison 50

1193 W. C. Achl 100

1210 Chits. A. Hon 25

1212 Win. F. .loeln,' 331281 Martin Powers 101290 I). C. Itolicmon 251320 Chas. Phillips 10

1338 Jno. Hind 1001389 Geo. Manson 10

1392 Geo. Manson CO

1391 Geo. Mnnson 201395 Geo. Manson 20139C-G- eo. Manson 201100 Look Chlng 101103 .1. H. Schnock 10

1 15a II. P. Roth 1001501- -C. J. Falk 1

1509 Jas. S. Towslcy 101511 T. F. Sedgwick 8

1550-- C. J. Falk1551 C. J. Falk1589 S. H. Jordan 13

T. II. Petrlo 1

Honolulu, April li, 1900.

J. F. MORGAN,1498 Auctioneer

$5.00 Reward.For Information that will lead to the

arrest and conviction of parties stetllngtwo stepbildeis lroin hop J. H. Wet,114 King street. 14915-4- 1

WANTS,Jl. in tbit column wilt bt tntitliJ M lttnUshnifirtl tnurtion: 10 tints ttcona tntit

tton: 10 untt a wtek nnd o ctnti a month. 7 Ml it tbicbiaptit aJivrfiiiffr tvtr offirld tbt ptoplt of Honolulu,



Next Blart Jeweller. Hours: 9 to 12 .1. m.,2 to 9 p. m.

5.We can supply the following servants WHITE

UUOKfcRS; EnRlnms 5. lumber Workers 4.Coachmen j, Oflice Hoys 4. Driven 4 Painter 1,Conks 4; Cabinet Maker 1, Cjeneral Workers 10CHINESE: I Irst Cook ), Second Cook 5. StearJs

Stablemen a, YarJmen 4 JAl'ANESL: CommonLaborers ao. Carpenters 6, Drasmen , Drivers).Stable Uoys 1, General llouseworkers 4. Cooks 0,Painter 1, SlewarJs t. Wallers a. Washerwomen 4,YarJbov 6. Women ServantsAND HAWAIIANS: Carpenters . Painters a.Paper Hangers 1, YarJmen . Drivers 10, CieneralWorkers 10 Office Don s 4. n8i-i-

sii::i.i. noticks.DR. IIUDDYS Dental Parlors are now

1494,-- tl


TO LET.TO IIOUSF. Maklkl Uriel,

No. i Apply to W. T. MONSAKKAT.

IsTO LET A few ROOMS, single and en suite an

at rresent vacant at the Oueen Hotel. Nuuantstreet, at reasonable rent. ulT--

TO LET The resllwice of John Ena at Walklklfurnlsh-- J or unfurnished. Large yard anc

house, barn and stables. Tu let as a whole cr I.part For further particular, acplv to JOHN

I I. S N C.n.'s office. Queen street. 146,--

THE ALOHA ROOMING HOUSE. Fort St. Berooms and attendance In city. nu


FOR A controllingor any part of the stock of the HONOLULU

STEAM LAUNDRY may be had at a discount.mav h made to E, C. Winston .r Louis

Ma'Uv Laundry oBlce Ho'el street tagT- -i

CUK bALfc i horses-o- ne can be uwj lor saj-iie-

sum and phieton. Apply I . W, Meier, ttlc- -

phone white j. I49?-- I

I OR SALE Sj.ooo

One acre of land near Llllha streetSUITABLE TO SUUDIVIDE.

$1 so HOUSE 7 LARGE ROOMS. MODEUNImprovements. Lot 8oxiao.

L. C. ADLES, Real Estate A Kent

PR PIANO, cheap, used tneear. Address J.J , Bulletin Office. m84-j-


cluding Presses, Tr'. Ruing Machine, Book111..... 3 -- .. tl.ln.l.... CI...... rnmnlda MM. tnr thabove mentioned business lll be received by the un-

dersigned, who lll furnished particuurs In regard tosine, JAMtSL McLKAN.n8i-i- Administrator Estate of U iert Grlese.

COR SaLE $4500 Lease of buslwsrrorcrtv on street 4 sears to run uiouna

Rent 180 fer annum. A bartraln. Arnlv toWILLIAM SAVIDGE.

rfi Vrr hant street.

POR SALE TWO COTTACiLs 01 Young bt ,

orooslte L II. Dm, Esq Iniulreof (i, E.BOARDMAN. 1464-t- r

FOR SALE tioao. LOT In best portion of K'allhl80x15a. Applv In

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.No. iio Tort street.

pOR SALL-J9- VO. I Or at Katlhl on main street,I slie 75x150. Apw'h to

LLIAM SAVIDGE.No. jio turtuttU.



I OST CLRIiriCATE NO. oo lor 8, shares oli-- tt c of the Klnel I'lanutlon (.orapany, LtJ..issued to II. Wa'erhouse ec Co.

CI RTiriCAl C NO. 7j for 70 shsres ol stoik olthi Kihel Plantation Co.. Ltd.. Issued to J. A.Ma goon

A I parlies are warned against negotlatln,'; or pur-chasing the same, ns transfer rnthe books ol com-pany has J ALfRED MAGOON

' 1497-1-

I OST A gcntlirnin' SCARP-PI- diamond set--

ting, I'lt.Te letuin to Bulletin Olflce andliberal reward. 1477-- tt


WANTED A s iond.nnd good condition letolAil. Ccl'cejli mil Annuals 'ruin

iE70todateor Hilui'lc f.scl pcJIa eae statelowest prke AdJress (C. K ) I' I). Box oi


XANTED A New Yorker would llkepisltl n ol' any kind ckrk prtlerred AJJreis N V, this

WANTED Tversone to k'iow IN it the new CLUBPAKLUrfS will oo n Miy ist at

ioi Klnir t,ei n i to W vv l nw. i,oi-- i

lA ANILD-- N. P. UUnULSS Joes all kinds ulv i,i.ll reialrln;, Lawn Miners nnd Garden

Hose, ,ire spidaltlei. Lawn Mirrsw'll be call- -

' lor by rliglng up a.o. Alsj a lew tur tent!.. r 1. .,.-- ( T.A 'tMtn to know that they can tetnavidWAMtb barter lor 15 ctnti at il. JEI Fh,

,,nU Inrl street, nrp Club Stables l'irAssessment Notice.NOTICE IS HI3UCHY GIVEN THAT

tho tenth nsseBsmcnt of ten (10) percent on tho capital stock of tho Honolulu Hap Id Ttanslt & Land Companywill bo duo nnd payablo to J. II.Flshqr, Treasurer, at 111 Fort street(upstnlrs,) Honolulu, on tho 2d dayof April Inst. Tho share upon whichan assessment may rermln unpaid af-

ter thltty days ftont bald date, will bodeclined delinquent.

J. A. OILMAN.Secretary H. It. T. & L. Co.

Honolulu, April 2d, 1900.1495-t- f

$50.00 Reward,Lost a Small Bag containing Gold coin;

the above reward will be paid to any onereturning the same to Q. B. Bulletinoffice. i49G-3- t

Manager. 1487


tut aJJitlonal Snipping Ntws see seventh page.

Weather Ilurcau, Punahoti, iprll 5.Temperature Morning minimum,

67; Midday maximum. 83.Uaromctor at 9 n. ra. 30,12. Irregular.Italnfnll .00.Dew Point C1F.Humidity nt 9 n. m. 70 per cent.Diamond Head Signal Station, April

Weather clear; wind fresh NlJ.

AHMVALS.Thursday, April .".

Stmr. Hclcno, Parker, from Huwnilports; 12,000 bags sugar and 80 headcattle.

Am. schr. Holene, Christiansen, fromPort lllakcley.


Tho new American wliooner Helt'iie.consigned to Allen & Kobluson, nrriveilIn port this forenoon, 30 dayrt fromPort Dlnkelcy, with tho fnllnwiui; oar-g- o:

951,500 feet rotign lumber, 187,-00- 0

feet dressed lumber, 45.000 pack-ages laths nnd 224,000 chlngl'-s- . Thltt

tho llrst trip ol tho I lutein- - touny port. Sho wns complclud recentlyby Hall Pros, of Port Illakoloy for theisland trado and is owned by Allen V

floblnson. Sho Is n net-for- t vessel nndIs R.i lil to posc.is fast sailing qualities,flip Helena Is nnchorMl in the stream.

HoHpitnl ?op Incurublcri.At n meeting hold ycsletday tho by-

laws of tho hospital for incurableswcro discussed nnd adopted nnd the following board of directory elected1 Kt..Itcv. HIshop Willis, President 8. H.Dole, S. K. Damon, Fttjior Vulentlne,Alexander Young". This board will meettoday to elect Its officers. The follow-ing wero present at tho meeting:President S. I). Dolj, Ilrltlsn Commissioner Hoaro, Illshop Willis, Kov. Alex-ander Mackintosh, Ucorgo It. Cntter,Father Valentino, P. A. Schncfer, J. P.Eckhnrdt, Dr. ltowmnti, Hoht. Cntton,J. P. Cooke, Titos. I tain Walker, A.Loulson, I. S. Damon, W. P. Allen,Allan Herbert.

iVrtlclo C of the by-la- w reads asfollows:Tho directors ahull appoint a boai il offlvo (5) persons, who shall bo tuauagcrsof tho hospital, and hnvo authority toexpend such nionoys ns aro furnishedby tho directors for tho conduct of thohospital, Including tho purclutno offood, medlcluo nnd furniture, nnd thoemployment of neooe.rary assistance.


Election of Officers.At thadJ3'jrieJ Annual Meeting of the

stockholders of the WAIANAE CO ,

LTD., held this day, (he fotlow'ngand directors were duly elected for

the ensuing year:G. N. Wilcox, President.R. M:Klbbln, t.

J. M. Dovs:t-- , Secretary and reaurer.H. Holmes. Auditor.DIRECTORS: G. N. Wilcox, R.

McKlbbln, J. M. Uows-t- t.

J. M. DOWSE IT,Secretary.

H nolu'u, April 4, 1000. I493t

Auction SaleHoiisehulti FurnitureOn lail DAY, Apiil (itl,

AT ic O'CLOCK A. M.,At the prem es Fort tieet. above Vine- -

next to the Gtrinm LVikery, I wi I srll atPublic Auctmn the entire househulJ futnltu'e, consisting In part of

OjW coinbi atlon writing desk, 0iUcenter tibles and chairs, O.ik extensiondinlnc tabl- - and chalis. Oak foldlnc brdUa' cliilton'er Pl.ick wilnut marble top 'uruiuuui scis, ii.iii iii.uiic'sicN. iuigt, nftai- -tlng, Curtains, Pictures, Croike y andGI.Ksware, Granite ware kitchen utensils

Jewel Stove, Co.il Oil Stove,Palms and Ferns.

JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer.Mofrld

jnnessment Notice.INTEU-1SI.AN- TELEGRAPH CO.,

LIMITED.An ASSESSMENT tf 10 per cent on

the assess ib e stock ot this companylevied tlil d.tv. Is now due and pivableat th ffire of Jas. F. Morgan, 3J Queenstreet, Homlulu.

JAS F.MORGAN,Treas. Inter-Islan- d Telegraph Co., Ltd.

April 3rd, 1000. I4Q7 iwHawaiian Electric Co.STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING.

A Special Meeting of the Stockholdersof the HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO.will be held Friday. April 6th, at 10o'clock a. m. at the office of the HawaiianTrust & Investment Co.. for the purposeof considering the Increase ol capital stockand for such other business as may comebefore it.

Per order President:W. L. HOPPER,

M9"iJ Secretary.




Grand Spectacular Production of'


Assisted by the Full Strength of the

Company and Members of the

Orpheum Stock Comp.ni.



Old-Tim- e Darky Songs and Melodies.



W and ali sorts ot

roads, ditches and all

a Next to

Fort Street

.gUi'ia niPf



Public notice Is hereby given thit the' Court of Claims for losses rau'ed by the

Board (f Health In the Suppression ofBubonic Plague, been duly ap-

pointed, commissioned and sworn, willhold a session at Its Court Room In theJudiciary Building In Honolulu on Wed-nesday, the 4 It day of April, A. D. it,oo,at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, and daily atthe same hou' until further notice. (Sun-

days and holidays excepted).

All persons having claims against theGovernment which properly should be

submitted to this Court are notified thattheir claims must be filed In duplicate be-

fore the first dav of June, A. D. 1900, withthe Clerk tf the Court.

The Clerk's office will b: open for thereception of claims between the hours ofio o'clock n. m. and 6 p. m. dally, (Sun-

days and holidays excepted).Blanks and Information will be furnish-


articles needed in building


SONJohn Nott.

Fort Street

POWDER, Fuse Caps,Just received by the "Diamond Head."

Giant Powder No 1 & 2, Black Blasting Powder,

Fuse and Blasting Caps.

Steel Drills and Drill Hj miners to ute with above.

Picks, Stone Axes, Canal barrows, Crowbars,



E. 0. HALL



Pacific Import Co.






The arrival of ourspring stock in

Ladies' Shirt Waists.Complete line of the most relia-ble shirt waists, at reasonableprices. We invite inspection.

Boys' Wash Suits.Complete assortment of up-to-da- te

styles. Try our leader at$1.50 - boys' wash suit; bestvalue in town.


S, EHRLICH, Manager.