4PH0 2P Physics DER - nothingnerdynothingnerdy.wikispaces.com/file/view/Edexcel IG Physics P2...

Draft: Insert date (XX/XX/XX) Confidential: Edexcel and QCA use only Edexcel Certificate Physics Paper: 2P Paper Reference(s) Sample assessment material Time: 1 hour XXXX/2P Materials required for examination. Ruler, protractor, calculator Total Marks Instructions • Use black ink or ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. • Answer all questions. • Answer the questions in the spaces provided there may be more space than you need. • Show all the steps in any calculations and state the units. Information • The total mark for this paper is 60. • The marks for each question are shown in brackets – use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Advice Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Keep an eye on the time. Write your answers neatly and in good English. • Try to answer every question. Check your answers if you have time at the end. NXXXXX

Transcript of 4PH0 2P Physics DER - nothingnerdynothingnerdy.wikispaces.com/file/view/Edexcel IG Physics P2...

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Draft: Insert date (XX/XX/XX) Confidential: Edexcel and QCA use only

Edexcel Certificate Physics Paper: 2P

Paper Reference(s) Sample assessment material Time: 1 hour XXXX/2P Materials required for examination. Ruler, protractor, calculator

Total Marks

Instructions • Use black ink or ball-point pen. • Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. • Answer all questions. • Answer the questions in the spaces provided – there may be more space than you need. • Show all the steps in any calculations and state the units. Information • The total mark for this paper is 60. • The marks for each question are shown in brackets – use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Advice • Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. • Keep an eye on the time. • Write your answers neatly and in good English. • Try to answer every question. • Check your answers if you have time at the end.


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You may find the following equations useful.

energy transferred = current x voltage x time E = I x V x t

pressure x volume = constant p1 x V1 = p2 x V2

pressure = constant p1 p2 kelvin temperature         T1 = T2 

frequency = 1 f = 1 time period       T 

power = work done P = W time taken       t 

power = energy transferred P = W      time taken            t 

orbital speed = 2π x orbital radius V = 2 x π x r     time period     T 

Where necessary, assume the acceleration of free fall, g = 10 m/s2.

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Answer ALL questions.

1. A student investigates sound waves.

He uses a signal generator and a loudspeaker to make different sounds.

He uses a microphone connected to an oscilloscope to detect the sounds.

Without changing the controls on the oscilloscope, the student varies the output from the signal generator and sees these four traces.



(a) Which trace shows the loudest sound?



(b) Which trace shows the sound with the highest frequency?



(c) Which trace shows the sound with the shortest wavelength?



Comment: See hard copy Grid 4x4 all

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(d) Sound waves are longitudinal waves.

Some other waves are transverse waves.

Give an example of a transverse wave.




(Total 4 marks)

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2. The bar chart shows the energy sources used by a country.

(a) Give the name of one of the fossil fuels shown in the chart.



(b) Calculate the total percentage of energy supplied by all the fossil fuels shown in the chart.


Percentage supplied = ………………… %

(c) State one advantage and one disadvantage of using fossil fuels as energy sources.








Energy source

Percentage of energy (%)

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(d) Give the name of one of the renewable energy sources shown in the chart



(e) State one advantage and one disadvantage of using renewable energy sources.








(Total 7 marks)

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3. A student investigates how well three different materials conduct heat.

She places some ice on the material she is testing and measures the time taken for the ice to melt.

She carries out the test three times for each material and calculates the average time.

(a) (i) State two variables that the student should keep the same throughout her investigation.


1 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(ii) Why is it important that she keeps these variables the same?




(b) The student collects the results shown in the table.

Time for ice to melt in s Material

1st test 2nd test 3rd test

Average time for ice to melt in s

wood 338 325 303 322

plastic 372 410 388 390

metal 93 83 88 88



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(i) Give a reason why she tests each material more than once.




(ii) Use evidence from the table to explain whether or not the investigation is valid.






(c) Describe how the arrangement and motion of the particles in the ice change during each test.

You may draw diagrams to help your description.








(Total 9 marks)

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4. Astra is a communication satellite in orbit around the Earth.

(Courtesy of NASA)

(a) The satellite sends a digital signal.

State two advantages of sending a digital signal instead of an analogue signal.


1 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................


2 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................


(b) Astra completes an orbit once a day.

The radius of the orbit is 42 000 km.

Calculate the orbital speed of the satellite in km/h.


Orbital speed = ……………………………… km/h

(Total 4 marks)

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5. Radioactive sources are used in hospitals to treat cancer patients.

Radioactive sources emit ionising radiations.

(a) State why ionising radiations can be helpful in treating cancer patients.




(b) A hospital bought a new radioactive source at the start of 2006.

The graph shows how the activity of the radioactive source is predicted to decrease with time.

(i) The radioactive source must be replaced when its activity falls below 80 GBq.

According to the graph, when will a new source be needed?



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(ii) What is meant by the term half-life?






(iii) Use the graph to find the half-life of the radioactive source.


Half-life = ……………………………………………. years

(iv) When the old radioactive source was removed from the hospital it was disposed of under controlled and monitored conditions.

Explain why.







(Total 7 marks)

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6. A student investigates total internal reflection of light inside semicircular blocks.

The photograph shows the path followed by a ray of light in a plastic block.

(a) The student draws this diagram of the apparatus.

(i) On the diagram, mark and name the two angles that the student should measure.


(ii) Describe how the student should measure and record the angles.









plastic block

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(iii) State how these two angles are related.



(b) The student repeats the experiment with a glass block instead of the plastic one.

The light emerges from the block in a different place.

(i) What name is given to the angle marked 42º in the diagram?



(ii) Calculate the refractive index of the glass.

(sin 42º = 0.6691)


Refractive index = …………………………………………..

(Total 10 marks)



glass block

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7. In some countries, drivers and passengers in cars are required by law to wear seat belts.

Seat belts are designed to reduce the risk of injury during a collision.

(a) Use ideas about momentum to explain how seat belts reduce the risk of injury during a collision.









(b) Some people disagree with laws making the wearing of seat belts compulsory.

They agree that wearing seat belts reduces the risk of injury to people in the car. However they say that the risk to other road users might be increased.

Suggest what evidence could be collected to test this idea.






(Total 5 marks)

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8. This question is about diffraction.

(a) The diagram shows water waves in a ripple tank.

The waves are travelling towards a gap between two barriers.

Complete the diagram to show the waves after they pass through the gap.


Direction of waves

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(b) A student is playing a drum kit in a room with an open window.

The table gives some information about the sounds produced by the drum and the cymbals.

A teacher, who is outside the room, walks slowly past the open window.

The window is 1.8 m wide.

She notices that the cymbals sound loud only when she is directly in front of the window, but the drum sounds loud all the time.

Explain these observations using ideas about diffraction and the information in the table.









(Total 5 marks)

drum cymbals

frequency in Hz 170 3400

wavelength in m 2 0.1



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9. The diagram shows a step-down transformer.

(a) On the diagram, label the primary coil and the secondary coil.


(b) (i) State the equation linking the numbers of turns on each coil and the voltages across each coil.


(ii) Calculate the voltage across the secondary coil.


Secondary voltage = ……………………………. V


600 turns 6 turns

230 V

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(c) Explain how the alternating current in the primary coil causes a voltage across the secondary coil.















(Total 9 marks)