4.Oral Presentations

Tips for a good oral presentation


Oral tips for students

Transcript of 4.Oral Presentations

  • Tips for a good oral presentation

  • Oral presentation not reading session Visual aid not visual duplication

    Presentation not monologue

    The 3 commandments

  • Your comfort level with presenting will be high if you know your topic well.

    1. Know Your Stuff!

  • If each of your slides is filled with the text of your speech, why does your audience need you?

    Always remember that you are the presentation. The slides should only be used as an accompaniment to your talk.

    Speak to the audience, not to the screen.

    2. The Slides Are NOT Your Presentation

  • Keep it simple when designing a presentation. The audience will be more likely to retain the information.

    Just topics, no sentences!

    3. Too Much Information?

  • Do you love color combinations? Well, your PowerPoint presentation is not the time to use them.

    4. Save the colors for Christmas

  • Small type fonts might look great when you are sitting next to the monitor. Use easy to read fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman. Use no less than a 30 pt font so that people at

    the back of the room can read them easily.

    5. Did You Bring Your Magnifying Glasses?

  • No one wants to sit through a presentation with no substance.

    Use photos, charts and diagrams only to emphasize key points of your presentation.

    6. Illustrate, don't decorate!

  • Ensure your audience stays focused by keeping the number of slides to a minimum.

    10 to 12 is plenty.

    7. Yawn -- HOW Many More Slides Are There?

  • You found all the really cool animations and sounds and used 85% of them in your presentation.

    Except - the audience doesnt know where to look, and have totally lost the message of your presentation.

    8. Oh No! My Neck!

  • You know your topic and it all seems clear to you? Well, thats not a proper test.

    A good practice is to rehearse in front of a colleague or friend

    9. Rehearsals Are Not Just for Broadway

  • If possible, record your voice while you rehearse your presentation. Then play it back to hear how you would sound

    to the audience.

    10. How Do I Sound as a Presenter?

  • OK, can we start?

    11. Get your audiences attention

  • Hello Good morning Good afternoon Good evening

    12. Greet your audience

  • Well, let me introduce ourselves. Im and this is

    13. Introduce yourself

  • We are going to talk about We are going to show you

    14. Introduce the topic

  • In the first place/Secondly/Next/And finally Lets have a look at this

    As you can see As you may know This picture shows Id like to highlight

    15. Link your ideas

  • Well, in conclusion, we would like to say that And this concludes our presentation.

    16. Conclude your ideas

  • Thank you We hope youve enjoyed our presentation

    Are there any questions?

    17. Finish your presentation

  • Thank you for your attention Any questions?

    Reuse the 1st slide A funny cartoon

    A quote A picture

    18. And dont forget to include a closing slide