45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding...

Matthew 13:45-46 (ESV) 45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Transcript of 45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding...

Matthew 13:45-46 (ESV)45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls,46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.


2 Corinthians 4:16-18



Matthew 13:45-46


Parables –1)Hidden Treasure – Matthew 13:442)Pearl of Great Value – Matthew 13:45-46

Matthew 13:45-46 (ESV)45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls,46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Main Idea

Living in Light of Eternity means we live knowing the incomparable quality of the Kingdom of Heaven

OutlineI. The supreme value of the Kingdom of Heaven  II. Biblical examples of knowing its great worth   III. Giving our all to the Kingdom of Heaven

I. The supreme value of the Kingdom of Heaven

II. Biblical examples of knowing its great worth

The Ethiopian eunuch – Acts 8:26-38 Cornelius – Acts 10:1-8, 30-33 Lydia – Acts 16:11-16 Priscilla and Aquilla – Acts 18:18-28

III. Giving our all to the Kingdom of Heaven

What will you leave behind?

Conclusion“O God, I have tasted thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need of further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still.”

(A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God)