44 Facts About Learning In Companies

44 facts about learning in companies

Transcript of 44 Facts About Learning In Companies

44 factsabout learning

in companies

One of the many benefits of the digital age

is the availability of information.

In any given industry, we are now able to benchmark and

analyze trends, acknowledge success stories and

build on what others have discovered.

To understand organizational learning and how it happens

in your company, it can sometimes be helpful to know

where the industry stands

and what other pertinent discoveries have been made

in other successful companies, that you can integrate

in your own learning strategy.

Use these stats to understand how organizational learning has evolved and what today’s employees or new

hire prospects expect of you.

— McKinsey Quarterly

Only 8% of organizations actually evaluate the value of learning

and development initiatives.

80% of 2016 gradsexpect their first employer to provide formal training.

— Accenture

— Harvard Business Review

40% of employeesfrom one Fortune 500

technology company want to spend more time training, coaching and


— Sun Microsystems

Introducing a formal mentorship training program

increased retention rates by 23%

— Glassdoor

72% of employeesvalue on-the-job training more

than a college degree.

— Oxford Economics

Becoming obsolete is the biggest concern for today’s workers,

2x as concerning as being laid off.


35% of millennials say good training and development programs

are the most desirable quality in a workplace.


91% of managers, 81% of HR administrators

and 75% of employers

believe that their organizations do not do onboarding well.

— Boston College

More than 80% of Millennials

say they’re willing to put in a great deal of effort beyond that normally expected in

order to help their organization be successful.


Companies with comprehensive training programs have

218% higher revenue per employee and 24% higher

profit margins.

— Kimmel & Associates

The cost to replace an employee making $100,000,

can be $50.000 when considering factors such as job learning curve, job search HR costs,

and advertising.

— Dale Karnegie Training

Companies with engaged employees outperform those without

by 202%.


Leading-edge companies trained 86% of employees

while average companies trained only 74%.


Only 38% of managers believe that their learning programs

meet their learner’s needs.

— Harris Interactive

Employees from companies with poor training opportunities are

more than 3 times as likely to want to leave their job compared

to those whose organizations have excellent training programs.

— Gallup

Employees who get the opportunity to continually develop are

2x as likely to say they will spend their career

with their company.

— Fast Company

60% of companies don’t set any milestones or concrete goals

for new hires to attain.

— The Energy Project

70% of employees worldwide do not have regular time

for creative or strategic thinking at work.

— TJinsite

35% of employers said on-the-job training enhanced

employee morale in their organizations.

— Vairkko

40% of new hiresleave an organization within a year

if they don’t receive training.

— Maren Hogan

1/3 of new hires quit their jobs after about six (6) months.

— Gallup

Just 37% of engaged employees would consider leaving for a 20% raise or less

VS 54% of actively disengaged


If you’re curious to read more facts on learning in companies or are pressed for time,

download the PDF with all 44 facts about learning in companies here.