4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires

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Transcript of 4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires

  • 8/13/2019 4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires


    IS 4308:2003


    ICS 13.220.10


    NEW DELHI 110002

    ,4pii[ 2003 Price Group 7

  • 8/13/2019 4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires


    Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22

    FOREWORDThis Indian Standard Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalizedby the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.Fire fighting dry chemical powder meeting this standard is used in dry chemical powder fire extinguishers, fixedinstallations and mobile fire tenders for fighting Classes B and C fires. However, dry chemical powder forfighting A, B and C fires are covered under IS 14609:1999 Specification for dry chemical powder for fightingA, f3 and C Class fires and fire involving reactive metals that is, Class D fires as also radioactive metals areseparately covered under IS 4861:1984 Dry powder for fighting fires in burning metals @-st revision .The cft;ciency of dry chemical powder for extinguishments is governed by its physical properties and chemicalcomposition. Particle size of the powder is an important characteristic which determines its fire knock downpt-opcrties and keeping qualities when used in extinguishers. As very fine particle are carried away with flamedraft, fine particles have better fire knock down properties but cannot be easily projected out, the coarse particlesare also allowed to achieve better ballastic properties. Therefore fine and coarse powder particle must be balancedu hile manufacturing this powder. The dry chemical powder is generally composed of basically sodium bicarbonate,potassium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, etc, with additives to make it water repellant, free flowing andcon fbrming to various requirements of this standard. While selecting the various raw materials for the manufactureot this dry chemical powder, It shall be ensured that these arc non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-abrasive andclcctrical]y non-conductive.In the following situations, the application of dry powder covered in this standard should not be consideredsatisfactory:

    a) Fires involving chemicals containing their own oxygen supply such as cellulose nitrate, etc;b) Fires involving radio-active metals such as radium uranium, polonium, etc;c) Area where residual deposits of the powder may adversely affect electronic equipments or delicate

    electrical relays; andd) Fire involving combustible metals such as alkali metals, magnesium titanium, zirconium, etc.

    This standard is formulated to provide guidance regarding selection of materials and requirements in regard tothe quality of dry powder used for Class B and C fires. This revision incorporates procedures for particle sized is[ribution dcterrnination, hygroscopicity, moisture content and guidance notes for use of this powder. Therequirements for hygroscopicity and caking, free flow characteristics, foam compatibility and fire knock downpropm-tics have been modified apart from general updation. The various tests for Class B and C fires incorporatedin this standard are based on the studies conducted at the Defence Institute of Fire Research, New Delhi and alsotaking into consideration the International Standards such as 1S0, EN, UL, etc.I-becomposition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex C.l;or tbc purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final valueobsw\ed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2: 1960RLiles for rounding off numerical values revised . The number of significant places retained in the rounded offfalue shou]d be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

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    IS 4308:2003


    Second Revision1 SCOPEThis standard lays down the requirements of drypowder for use as extinguishing medium for fightingClass B and C fires.2 REFERENCESThe standards given in Annex A contain provisionswhich through reference in this text, constituteprovisions of this standard. At the time of publication,the editions indicated were valid. All standards aresubject to revision and parties to agreements based onthis standard are encouraged to investigate thepossibi Iity of applying the most recent editions of thestandards given at Annex A.3 TYPESThe dry chemical powder shall be ordinary orcompatible with all types of foams covered underIS 4989 Parts 1, 2 and 3). The test requirements forfoam compatibility are given in 4.11.4 QUALITATIVE REQUIREMENTS4.1 The sample of dry powder for testing shall be drawnin such a manner that it represents the entire strata ofpowder from any container and shall be tested forproperties mentioned in the following clauses.4.2 Apparent DensityThe apparent density of the dry chemical powder whendetermined by the method given in 4.2.1 shall be1 + A sample of 100 + 1 g of the dry powder shall beplaced in a clean, dry 250 ml, stoppered glass graduatedmeasuring cylinder having an approximate height of320 mm and approximate internal diameter of40 mm.Secure the stopper in cylinder. Rotate the cylinder forten complete revolutions, slowly at a rate ofapproximately 1 revolution every 2s. Immediately afterthe ten revolutions have been completed, set thecylinder upright on a level surface and allow thepowder to settle for 180 s. Read off the volumeoccupied by the powder and calculate the apparentdensity from the following equation:

    Apparent density = 100/volume of powder in ml

    4.3 Chemical Content4.3.1 The declared chemical content of the drychemical powder need not include constituent makingup less than 10 percent by mass of the extinguishingpowder. However, the chemical content declared shallcover more than 90 percent of basic material of totalcomposition of the extinguishing powder. The allowedtolerance shall not exceed + 3 percent of the declaredvalue for constituents.4.4 Particle Size Distribution4.4.1 When tested as per IS 1607 the particle sizedistribution shall be as given in Table 1.

    Table 1 Base CharacteristicsC/ause 4.4.1

    SI Particle Size Minimum MaximumNo. (Percent Retained on)(1) (2) (3) (4)i) 0.425 mm/40 mesh sieve o 0

    ii) 0.150 mm/100 mesh sieve o 2iii) 0.075 mm/200 mesh sieve o 10iv) 0.045 mm/325 .mesh sieve 10 35v) Bottom pan 53 90NOTE The duration of sieving shall be 30 min for hand

    sieving and 10 min for machine sieving.

    4.5 Hygroscopicity4.5.1 A sample of dry chemical powder shall bedeemed to have met the requirement of hygroxopicityif the percentage gain in mass due to moistureabsorption does not exceed 1.5 percent.4.5.2 ProcedureWeight accurately 10 g of dry chemical powder in a250 ml beaker. Keep the beaker in a desiccator at80 percent relative humidity obtarned using standardglycerin water mixture. Take the weight of the beakerafter 48 h. Increase in weight shall be noted andpercentage hygroscopicity shall be calculated asfollows:

    Percent hygroscopicity = Increase in weight of sampleOriginal weight of sample


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    -1S4308:20034.6 Caking Test4.6.1 ProcedureTake 100 g of powder in a 250 ml beaker and store thebeaker in an atmosphere having relative humidity92 percent at 27 + 2C for a period of 6 h. Then transferthe same to a desiccator containing sulphuric acid98 percent WI/WHZSOJ for a period of 24 h. Observethe formation of any caking or lump in the powder. Incase there is any caking or lump formation, allow it todrop from a height of 200 mm on a smooth hardsurface. The lump shall -be friable to pass therequirements given in Resistance to Caking, Lumping and Hardness oftllc CakingA sample of dry chemical powder shall be deemed tohave passed the test if the penetration of the needle isfound more than 15 mm.The resistance of the dry chemical powder to cakingand lumping shall be determined by preparing thesamples as described in 4.6.2,1 and using a suitablepenetrometer as specified in and operating itas per instructions contained in Determine thepenetration distance three times at three non-collinearpoints across the surface of the dry powder fireextinguishing agent on each of the two samples.Determine the arithmetic mean and report the same asthe penetration distance. Sample preparationPlace 100 g sample of powder in a nickel crucibleshaped cup of suitable capacity. Similarly prepareanother sample. Mount both the cups on a suitable sieveshaker in holders and subject the powder to vibrationsuntil there is no further compaction observed, but inany event for not less than 5 min.

    Expose the samyle to humid atmosphere by keepingthem in a moving air stream humidifier described inFig. 1 at 27 + 5C and minimum 78 percent relativehumidity for 24 h, followed by drying for 24 h bykeeping in a electric oven maintained at 48 + 3C .

    NOTE Stagnant air conditions found in the usual saturatedsolution desiccator compartments may not give consistent resultsand precautions shall be taken to ensure air circulation if adesiccator is used asthe humidifier. A 250 mm intcmal diameterdesiccator with a saturated ammonium chloride solution in thetower compartment may be used in this determination. Duringthe test, circulate air at 5 l/rein. Pre-saturate the air by bubblingthrough distilled water and then through a saturated ammoniumchloride solution and introduce into the desiccator through acentre tube having an internal diameter of 6 mm, terminating20 mm above the centre in the desiccator porcelain round plate.Check the relative humidity of the exit air stream from time totime using some convenient means.

    4.-6.2.2 Equipmen~The penetration apparatus see Fig. 2) consists of apenetrometer see Fig. 3) with a needle in a holderspindle) able to move vertically without measurablefriction and capable of indicating the depth ofpenetration to the nearest 0.1 mm. The mass of thespindle shall be 47.5 * 0.05 g and the total mass ofneedle and spindle assembly 50.0 + 0.05 g.The needle shall be made of fully hardened andtempered stainless steel. It shall be approximately50 mm in length and 1.02 mm in diameter,symmetrically tapered at one end by grinding to.a conehaving an angle between 8.7 and 9.7 for the entirecone length. The cone shall be coaxial with the straightbody of the needle. The total axial variation of theintersection between the conical and straight surfacesshall not exceed 0.2 mm. The truncated tip of the coneshall be within the diameter limits of 0.14 and 0.16 mmand square to the needle axis within 2. The entire edgeof the truncated surface at the tip shall be sharp and




  • 8/13/2019 4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires





    /-AcKrFINE SA: :;TMENT


    NEEDLE ~



    1S 4308:2003

    free of burrs. The surface roughness height of thetapered cone surface shall be 0.2 to 0.3 micronsarithmetic average. The needle shall be mounted in astainless steel ,made ferrule and the exposed lengthbeing between 40 to 45 mm. The ferrule shall be3.2 + 0.05 mm in a diameter and 38 * 1mm in length.The needle shall be rigidly mounted in the ferrule. Themass of the ferrule needle assembly shall be2.50 + 0.05 g. PenetrometerIt is designed to measure in mm and tenths of a mmthe penetration of the needle, permanently fixed in abrass ferrule which in turn is held at the lower end ofa vertically movable spindle which is made to fallfreely without friction under the gravitational force intodry chemical powder held in a cup that has beencompacted and exposed to humid atmosphere followedby drying as specified.Before letting the spindle fall down, it is held in staticposition in a guide against a spring loaded button. Inorder to let the assembly of needle, ferrule and spindlefall down the spring loaded button has to be pressedand kept pressed for 5 s. The penetration, that is, the


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    IS 4308:2003distance the spindle, needle and ferrule assembly hastravel led down is manually measured by using amovable rack and fixed pinion arrangement havinga pointer fixed on the axle of the pinion. This pointeris tixed at the centre of a circular graduated dial.When the upper end of the vertical rack is manuallypressed, the pointer rotates over a circular dial havingequal divisions graduated from Oto 400. Opet-sting instructions for penetrometer









    Ensure that the needle made of stainless steelis rigidly and permanently fixed in a brassrod called ferrule.Loosen the screw provided on the lower endof the spindle. Insert the brass ferrule of thepenetration needle into the needle holdercalled spindle and tighten the screw so thatneedle may not come out duringmeasurements.Level the penetrometer by suitably rotatingthe three levelling screws provided on thebase and seeing the air bubble of the spiritlevel provided on the base so that air bubbleshould rest in the centre of the spirit level.By keeping the button pressed manually raisethe spindle, that is, the needle holder withneedle and ferrule assembly till the upper flatend of the spindle touches the lower end ofthe rack made of square rod of brass.Loosen the small knob provided on the leftof the graduated circular dial and manuallysliding it up or down and tightening, that is,by manipulating the screw set the dial suchthat pointer reads 400 or zero).Keep the cup holding the caked samplepowder on the base -of the penetrometer inthe centre.Holding the arc shaped arm loosen theL-shaped bolt. Now lower the arc shaped armspindle and needle assembly) tell thetruncated tip of the needle remains say 10 mmabove the surface of the dry powder. Nowscrew up the L-shaped bolt.Loosen the screw provided on the left side ofarm and rotate the tine movement adjustmentscrew provided on the right side of the arcshaped arm.By moving the fine movement screw systemattached to the arm in anti-clockwise directionas seen from above, the needle gets loweredand vice-versa, that is, by moving the finemovement screw the clockwise direction thelevel of needle goes up. Adjust the finemovement screw till the truncated tip of the

    needle just touches the upper surface of thecaked powder sample held in the cup.Now press the spring loaded button for 5 s torelease the assembly of needle, ferrule andspindle and let this assembly of needle, ferruleand spindle fall freely under the earthsgravitational force. It is essential that this fallof needle should take place without friction.After releasing the button when the downwardmovement of needle and spindle assemblystops. Note the distance the needle haspenetrated into the dry powder sample as readon the dial by manually pressing with thumbat the upper end of the square ended rack tillthe lower end of the rack touches the upperflat end of the spindle.

    4.7 Water Repellency Test4.7.1 ProcedureDry powder weighing 50 g shall be placed in a taredthat is clean dry and weighed beaker and graduallytilled with 50 ml of distilled water. After 2 rein, thedry powder and the water from the beaker shall begently poured out and the beaker with wet powder, ifany sticking to the beaker, dried in an oven at 60C for2 h and then cooled in a desiccators containinganhydrous calcium chloride for 1 h. The beaker shallthen be weighed and the weight of dry residuecalculated. The increase in the weight of the beakerdue to powder residue sticking to the beaker shall notexceed 0.75 g that is 1.5 percent.4.8 Moisture Content4.8.1 The moisture content shall not -exceed0.25 percent m/m .4.8.2 In an atmosphere of 50 + 5 percent relativehumidity and a temperature of 27 + 5C, place a sampleof approximately 50 g for 6 h into a tared aluminiumdish having 65 mm diameter and 15 mm depth andweigh accurately. Place the dish holding powder samplein a desiccator using 95 to 98 percent by mass reagentgrade sulphuric acid as a drying agent. Maintain theclosed desiccator contents at a temperature of21 + 5Cfor 24 h. At the end of this period, remove the test sampleand weigh accurately. C-alculate the moisture contentof the sample from the following equation:



    W,wM= 2 XlooWI-W

    moisture content, in percent,mass of empty, clean and dry aluminiumdish,

  • 8/13/2019 4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires


    w, =

    w, =mass of ah.tminium dish holding powderbefore drying, andmass of dish holding powder after dryingthe powder.

    4.9 Heat Resistance Test4.9.1 The dry powder sample weighing 150 + 2 g shallbe placed in a tinned steel cup having 75 mm diameterand 50 mm depth provided with a closely fitting flangedcover/lid. The lidded cup holding the powder shall thenbe placed in a thermostatically controlled oven maintainedat a temperature of 60 + 2C for a week. The sample shallthen be cooled and examined for a caking or lumpsformation. The lumps or cakes, when dropped from aheight of 100 mm on a smooth glass surface or someother hard surface, shall be friable togass the requirementof particle size distribution laid down in 4.4.

    NOTE Meeting of this requirement ensures that the drypowder is thermally stable and shall not decompose in normalambient extreme temperature. Also it ensure that non of itsconstituents including additives shall melt at an eIevatedtemperature of 60C if it is not so the powder shall be renderednon-effective extinguishing agent when used in extinguisher(s)kept in locations having higher temperature suchasboiler rooms,and rrcar pipes carrying hot chemicals, steam,.etc, in industries.10 Free Flowing Characteristics Efficient

    Fluidity4.10.1 A dry chemical powder having howsoever goodfire inhibitory property when used in extinguishers maybe rendered ineffective it is does not flow in pipessatisfactorily.Dry chemical powder are generally filled inextinguisher bodies whether portable or wheeled unitsor in fixed installations or in special dry chemicalpowder tenders. Moisture free compressed gases likenitrogen, carbon dioxide or air are used to drive outthe powder. In doing so the powder is required to flowthrough metal pipes, bends, rubber flexible hoses, etc.[f the powder has less mobility it can not be driven outsatisfactorily hence can not be projected on fire.In the design of good extinguishers an effort is madeto loosen or aerate the powder before its finding wayinto the discharge pipes and fittings, etc so that a non-pulsating jet of powder is obtained.4.10.2 EquipmentThe device consists of two numbers of Erlenmeyerglass conical flasks each of 1000 ml capacity. Oneflask is inverted over the other such that they meetmouth to mouth. A clean, dry flask holding a knownmass of powder 500 g under test is kept horizontal y.A rubber collar tube is put on its neck. A disc madeout of 1 mm thick stainless steel sheet and having aconcentric aperture of 26 mm diameter is fixedhorizontally into the neck. A similar clean, dry

    IS 4308:2003Erlenmeyer flask is inverted over the horizontal oneand the free end of the rubber made collar tube isslipped over so that it covers the neck. The purpose ofrubber tube made collar is to hold the two flasks mouthto mouth meeting. A suitable apparatus is shown inFig. ProcedureThis assembly is held vertically by their necks in asuitable stand. The assembly of the two flasks is thenturned rotated by 180 and kept-held in this position,till all the powder mover/flows down to the lowerflask. In this process some aeration of the powdersample takes place. As soon as the entire quantity ofpowder falls into the lower flask, the assembly isimmediately again turned 180 and held in thisposition. In this way the process of aeration iscontinued and repeated so that in all aeration is doneonly ten times. Note that this aeration is to be done inquick succession without stopping in betweenconsecutive aeration.Immediately after the tenth run is over the measurementof fluidity is commenced by recording the period in srequired for the powder to flow through complete] y.In quick succession total ten measurements are carriedout. The arithmetic mean time of these timings iscalculated. Then the rate of flow that is, fluidity ofpowder is calculated by dividing the quantity 500 gbymean time econd. The sample of the powder isdeemed to have passed the requirement of fluidity ifthe rate of flow is not below 50 gk.4.11 Foam Compatibility4.11.1 EquipmentThe equipment shall consist of the following:




    A foam making branch pipe having waterdischarge capacity of 7.5 l/rein at 7 kgf/cm2pressure connected to a pressure vesselthrough a flexible rubber hose on one side.The pressure vessel is to be pressurized withthe help of an air compressor as shown inFig. 3 of IS 4989 Part 1).A fire tray measuring internally 60 cm x25 cm x 20 cm deep made out of 3 mm thickmild steel sheet, with all welded, leak proofconstruction. The tray shall be kept on a standand shall have a sparged pipe of stainless steelfitted on one side as shown in Fig. 5. Thesparged pipe shall have a spigot made on thefree end so that the LPG rubber tubing maybe easily and securely connected to it.A domestic LPG gas cylinder fitted withregulator and rubber tube.A suitable torch to set petrol, LPG on tire.


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    IS 4308:2003





    ID 6.35WITH SOF +2.

    All dimensions in millimetres.FIG. 5 TRAY

    on fire for 10 s.Start a stop watch.Meanwhile, immediately connect the domesticLPG gas line to the free end of the sparge pipe.Thirty second after the completion of foamapplication, open the gas line and ignite theLPG bubbling out of the foam blanket fromthe sparge pipe. Immediately start notingdown the time period required for completearea of tray to be involved into flames. Letthis time be called T, second.NOTE Throughoutthe test LPGgas supply is to bemaintained at full throttle.Extinguish the fire. Let the tray cool down.Report the procedure as given above from a)to e).Put 60 g of the dry chemical powder sampleunder test above the platform of the butterflyvalve of the puffer chamber. By operating thepuffer chamber at 276 kN/m2 40 psi), applythe powder cm the burning tray. This makesthe fuel surface hot and powder particlesremain on exposed surface of fuel. The firemay or may not go out.


    p) hnrnediately apply foam for 10 s as donepreviously in c)to f).

    q) Now repeat g) to j).r) Record the time taken for involvement of

    complete area of tray into flames. Let this timebe Tz second. A dry powder sample shall bedeemed compatible with the foam samplewith which it is tested if T2 is not less thanone half of T,.

    NOTE For application of foam into tray the operator shouldwear fire protective hand gloves and face shield and use asuitable goose neck on the foam making nozzle,

    4.12 Fire Knocking Down Properties4.12.1 Procedure for Class B Fire4.12.1.1 EquipmentThe equipment shall consist of the following:

    a) An air compressor,b) An air pressure regulator and moisture trap

    to eliminate moisture from compressed air)suitably mounted on a stand,

    c) Weighing scales, weights and a plastic orstainless steel spoon,


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    IS 4308:2003d) A stopwatch,e) Asmalltorch and matchbox,f) Stainless stee fire pan, asshownin Fig.7,g) Stainless steel firepan cover, madeofasbestos

    sheet,h) Apuffer chamber rnadeou to fstainlesssteel

    sheet mounted on a stand, as shown in Fig. 8,andj) A graduated glass measuring cylinder of

    1 1capacity. Fuel600 ml of normal heptane. Procedure







    Arrange the equipment as shown in the on a1 m high table provided with a non-combustible top, kept in a draught free roomor enclosure fitted with exhaust fan s) to ventout smoke when the test is over.Connect the puffer chamber to compressedair reservoir using a high pressure rubber hoseline through an air pressure reducer-cum-regulator and a moisture trap.With the puffer chamber valve shut, regulatethe pressure of compressed air till the pressureof the moisture free compressed air is set at276 kN/m2.Fill the outer area of the semielleptical shapedfire pan up to 2 mm below the edges with cleanpotable water.Next, pour 5 I of water into the inner area ofthe fire pan.Weight 30+ 1g of the sample powder. Weigh




    five numbers of such samples.



    Remove the cap kept on the cylindricalstainless steel pipe embodying the butterflyvalve. Pour this mass of powder into the pipeprovided so as to place the powder on to theplatform of the spring loaded butterfly valvein closed position of the puffer chamber.Replace the cap.Gently pour 600 ml of n-heptane as fuel overwater container in the inner area of the firepan taking care that no fuel is splashed intothe outer area. The level of water is to beadjusted in the inner area such that top layerof the fuel is about 2 mm below the frontedge. Due care is to be exercised whilepouring fuel to avoid splashing of the fuelinto the outer area to avoid conditionsresulting in inconsistent fires or fires in theouter area and consequently inconsistentresults.Ignite the fuel and simultaneously start thestop watch and let the fuel burn freely for10s. As soon as 10s are over, simultaneouslyfully turn the butterfly valve in anti-clockwisedirection so as to open the valve. Also operatethe pet cocklstop cock provided on thecompressed air line so as to let compressedair line open and sample powder falling onthe puffer chamber inner plate get introducedinstantly into the air stream which is deliveredon the fire in the form of a dry powder cloudor dry powder puff over the flames whichsweeps out the burning flames to causeextinction of fire. Conduct the test five timesout of which the sample powder mustextinguish the fire four times. If extinction isachieved in the first four tests the fifth oneneed not be carried out.



    LEASE MADE OFPLYWOOD BOARD WITHMETA1 SHEETNOTE Typical arrangement has been given and single or double pan may be used asjacket optional.

    All dimensions in millimetres.



  • 8/13/2019 4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires


    IS 4308:2003

    :7h- -- 3300

    - 1~,,ko---

    =- ~[


    All dimensions in millimetres,FIG . 7 F IR E PAN STAINLES S STEEL SHEET2 .24 mm)

    ++3EiI/--cAP i w 1-





    1 \@ 4yo.,DRILLED HOLE


    1 I I. - . .

    - ~ ~,,,I 3302 -----~


    NOTE Pwmissible devia[ion + 0,5,All dimensions in millimctres,


  • 8/13/2019 4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires


    IS 4308:2003NOTES1 This test must be done in a room or enclosure where the winddoes not disturb the fire.2 A suitable Halon 1211 extinguisher or C02 extinguisher ordry chemical powder extinguisher or AFFF stored pressuremechanical foam extinguisher must be kept in attendance tomeet any fire out-break exigency arising due.te non-extinctionof tire or other reasons.3 To obtain repeatable results the fire pan must be allowed tocool down before repeating the test. PrecautionsFollowing precautions shall be taken during the test:

    a) The distance between the lower edge of theoutlet of puffer chamber and the nearest edgeof the fire pan is of critical importance andshould therefore be maintained as shown inFig. 8.

    b) The angle at which puffer chamber rests onthe stand is also of critical importance.4.12.2 Procedure for Class C Fire4.12.2.1 Any powder meeting the requirements ofClass B fire tests as described in 4.12.1, in addition bedeemed to possess the potential for achieving anadequate performance on Class C tires that is, firesinvolving gases.4.13 ColourThe powder shall be of white colour.5-GUIDANCE NOTES







    All extinguishing powder must be safe for useon live electrical equipment, and must notcontain any electrically conductive material.The various materials and additives used toproduce extinguishing powders should benon-toxic to humans.The discharge of large amounts of drychemical powder may create hazards topersonnel in the vicinity such as reducedvisibility and temporary breathing difflcttlty.Ammcmium phosphate and potassiumchloride are slightly acidic, and in thepresence of moisture, they can corrode metalssuch as steel, cast iron and aluminium.Potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonateand urea based potassium bicarbonate areslightly basic and in the presence or moisturethey can corrode metal such as aluminium,bronze and titanium.However, prompt clean up, if done, can avoidsuch corrosion, ammonium phosphate based

    agent will require same scraping and washingif exposed surfaces were hot when the agentwas applied.

    g) Dry chemical.powder shall not be consideredsatisfactory for use on mactilnery such ascarding equipment in textile operations anddelicate electrical equipment, because uponexposure to temperature in excess of 121C,or relative humidity in excess of 50 percentdeposits will be formed which may becorrosive, conductive of electricity anddifficult to remove.

    6 SAMPLING AND C-RITERIA FORCONFORMITYThe details of the sampling and criteria for conformityare given in Annex B.7 PACKING7.1 The powder shall be packed in hermetically sealedmoisture proof plastic bags or containers lined withplastic in the quantities 1,2,5, 10,25 and 50 kg.7.1.1 The strength of the container used shall be suchthat no distortion or failure of the container shall occurwhen it is kept on a flat surface on any of its sideslends and a weight of 10 kg is applied to it. Thecontainer Shall not disintegrate to any extent whendropped from a height of 1 m on a concrete surfaceafter being packed.7.2 The powder of quantity 50 kg shall be packed inHM HDP bag conforming to IS 7406 Part 2).8 MARKING8.1 Each pack containing dry chemical powder shallbe Iabelled with the following information:

    a) Manufacturers name or trade-mark;b) Quantity of the powder, in kg;c) Type : Ordinary or foam compatible;d) Date of manufacture/Batch No.; ande) Percentage of base material.

    8.1.1 The packing may also be marked with theStandard Mark. The use of the Standard Mark is governedby the provisions of the Bureau of Indian StandardsAct, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations madethereunder. The details of conditions under whichlicence for the use of the Standard Mark maybe grantedto manufacturers or producers maybe obtained fromthe Bureau of Indian Standards.


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    IS 4308:2003ANNEX AClause


    1607:1977 Methods for test sieving ~irst Part 2):1984 Aqueous film forming foamrevision Part 3):1987 Fluoro protein foam4905:1968 Methods for random sampling4989 7406 Part 2) : Jute bags for packing fertilizers:Foam concentrate compound) for 1986 Part 2 Laminated bags manufac-producing mechanical foam for fire

    fighting: tured from 380 g/sm2; 68 x 39Part 1): I985 Protein foam second revision tarpaulin fabric @-st revision

    ANNEX BClause 6


    B-1 SC.ALE OF SAMPLINGB-1.l LotAll the containers in a single consignment of thematerial of the same type drawn from a single batchof manufacture, shall constitute a lot.B-1.2 The sample shall be tested from each lot forascertaining the conformity of the material to therequirements of the standard. The number of containersto be selected from each lot shall depend upon the sizeof the lot and shall be in accordance with co] 1 and 2of Table 2.

    Table 2 Scale of SamplingClause B-1 .2)

    S1 No. Lot Size Sample Size(1) (2) (3)1) up to 50 3

    Ii) 51 to 100 4iii) lolto 150 5iv) 151t0300 6\J) 30 I and above 7

    B-1 .2.1 These containers shall be selected from thelot at random. In order to ensure the randomness ofselection, procedures given in IS 4905 may befollowed.B-2 NUMBEROF TESTS AND CRITERIA FORCONFORMITYB-2. 1 Draw with an appropriate sampling instrument

    a small portion of the material from different partsof each selected container. Thoroughly mix allportions of the material drawn from the samecontainer. The total quantity of the material drawnfrom each container shall be sufficient to conductall the tests given in 4. The material from each ofthe container so selected, shall be subjected to thetests for apparent density, particle size distribution,water repellency and free flowing. The lot shall beconsidered as conforming to these requirements ifall the samples meet the requirements.B-2.2 For the tests for hygroscopicity, caking and heat,a composite sample shall be made of taking small butequal quantity of material from each of the selectedcontainers and one test shall be carried out for eachrequirements. The lot shall be considered asconforming to these requirements if a sample passesin both the requirements.B-2.3 The fire test and foam compatibility testapplicable only to foam-compatibility type) shall alsobe carried out on the composite sample. Threesamples shall be tested for Class B fire. The lot shallbe considered as conforming to the requirements offire test if at least two samples completely extinguishthe fire. For foam compatibility, two samples shallbe tested. The 10I shall be considered as conformingto the requirements of this test if both the samplespass.


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    IS 4308:2003Co.tinuedJrom page 12

    State Bank of India, MumbaiState Fire Training Centre, MumbaiSteel Authority of India, Bokaro

    Steel Authority of India, Rourkela


    SHIU C. P. SINGH (Alternate)SHRtB . N. DAS

    SHRt B. P. DAs A/ternafeStcelage industries Limited, New Delhi CHIEF EXECUTIVE

    SHRI V. KAMALANATHAAlternateSurex Production and Sales(P) Limited, Kolkata SHRI TAIUT SUR

    SHRID. NEOGI AhernateTariff Advisory Committee, Mumbai

    Tarif .4dvisory Committee, ChennaiViJay Fire Protection Systems Pvt Limited, MumbaiWest Bengal Fire Service, KolkataIn personal capacity (33/2965-A, Venna[a High School Road,

    le,mtu/a, CochinIn personal capacity (29/25, Rajendra Nagar, New DelhiBIS Directorate General



    SHRI S. K. DHERISHRI S. K. JAIN, Director & Head (CED)[Representing Director General (Ex-oflcio)]

    Member SecretarySHRI S. CHATURVEOI

    Joint Director CED , 131S


  • 8/13/2019 4308 Dry Chemical Powder for Fighting B and C Class Fires


    Bureau of Indian StandardsBIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Zndian Standards Act, 1986 to promoteharmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification .of goodsand attending to connected matters in the country.CopyrightBIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reprodu~~d in any formwithout the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course ofimplemen~ing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director Publications), BIS.Review of Indian StandardsAmendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewedperiodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes areneeded; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standardsshould ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue ofBIS Catalogue and Standards: Monthly Additions.This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED 22 574 1).

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