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GRT for New Comers

/New to this site? What is GRT about?/ */The Galactic Round Table/* /isa community of like-minded individuals who are all seeking the truth of

what is going on in the world. Each person is respected and honored forbeing here. Each brings unique perspectives that are appreciated. Thissite is mainly run by one of the members, Beth, but gets plenty ofassistance from other volunteers. Most main stream media news getsreported that has little to do with the truth of what is really going onin the world. GRT is one of the few sites reporting the truth. TheGalactic Round Table is the only website which brings Faction 3 News. Asalways, one must use discernment. Much of this content may shock you asit does not get posted on the local news. The reason why it doesn't getreported gets discussed quite a bit among GRT's members. See below forother questions you may have or hop into chat and introduce yourself ifyou're needing more personal communication. Thanks for stopping by!/

*What is going on with the Planet?*About Ascension from Mark’s Website:http://grt-intel.com/a-b_topics/ascension.htm *“Everyone here haspreviously ascended a minimum of 3 times or they wouldn


t be allowed tobe here. That takes some deep reflection. Each one


s contract is uniqueand is subject to modification as awareness increases in this cycle.I


ll not presume to talk about any individual situation as that is aninner private matter. Since we are in a Planetary Ascension Process, notan individual one, our task is to share as much with others as they askfor, as the changes occur. That way everyone


s boat is lifted bysharing. Every single person on this planet came from the stars, one wayor another. The cosmic connectors are being added to the present strands

to open potentials to 12 dimensions of inspiration and connectivity.That will take some more activations. It is the coming in-processrealignment of male and female partnerships which will become major

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spiritual conditions for progress. We are in the final stage oftransmuting the lower astral and are merging with the higher astral andcontinuing, simultaneously, to anchor into the lower 5D shores.Consciousness shifts occurs at the mid-point of each dimension (e.g.3.5,4.5 & 5.5). In this period we are being helped by a spiritual 144 gridoverlying and interpenetrating the earth and that is activating ourcrystalline chakra system of 13 which, when fully activated, lights up

our 12D new crystalline system/ 

Christmas tree 

. The migration fromcarbon to silicon or Liquid-diamond-substrate is well underway. Thisweekend we will be getting the upper strands


connectors added inthrough a combination of the 9D Gate in Tibet/Wesak Valley and apowerful incoming cosmic wave impact involving transmissions fromAndromeda and from the Great Central Sun. The major influx of DivineFeminine energies will re-equilibrate power on this planet, the solarsystem, galaxy and impact the whole Nebadon Super Universe. Tens ofthousands of higher dimensional ships and some from inner earth andother secret portals on the earth are converging on and landingthroughout the Himalayan Mountains. We will be getting more reportsafter Mother


s Day celebrations end. This is also the exact mid-point of

the 6th galactic day cycle of the Mayan calendar, so there are manyoverlapping harmonics going on here. We have also entered the 2000light-year wide Photon belt and are receiving positive ionizing energiesfrom our sun Sol, with that atmosphere shifting from hydrogen based tohelium-xenon based, due to Ashtar


s intervention as part of thefulfillment of the divine plan. All of the planets in our solar systemare undergoing terraforming back to the original divine blueprint,including earth. A major purge/transmutation



is upon usand will continue as these higher vibration colors and frequencies shakeup our current 3D system to operate on a multi-dimensional level in thecoming months. We are severing our old belief systems and old contracts,based in limitation and in duality, so that we can bring forth internalunity and collective unified harmonics involving our twin flames, most

of whom have remained in the higher realms to guide our preparation forthe coming ascension reunion. Only a truly balancedmale-female/matter-spirit being can partner our next phase, and thatwill become more and more available as our DNA upgrades/activations/migrations to crystalline continue. Everything is proceeding rapidly andperfectly to a grand conclusion. (May 9, 2009.) Just as there are manyseparate strands in a fiber optic network so also are there manyseparate parallels to the timelines and many dimensional levels as well.Now, that should have cleared the muddy waters nicely? I will back up asecond by saying that the darkhats can ascend up through 11D WITHOUTOPENING their hearts. At 11D, they can go no further...as adarkhat...unless they go back to the 4th and succeed in 5D Heart Centeropening. Only a heart-awakened one who is in full accord with the Law ofthe One can reach the integrated Self of the 12th Dimension...and thusqualify to ascend to the next (13D) octave. Every dimension has manylayers and levels. As our timelines expanded out to 175 million years,the WingMakers at that time saw that the only place along the timelineswhere an effective correction could be made was in our moment--actuallystarted about 1930--through 2012. Since every one of us exist (futureperfect) on those timelines as well as this one, many/perhaps most of usanswered the call and volunteered to send a portion of our essenceback-into-this era to effect the needed changes. We fully understoodthat to obtain the highest good for all we would, in effect, erase aportion of our own timelines and then recover that essence to use in ourown future co-creations. This was not a spur of the moment decision.

Every other possibility was explored and it was clearly seen that theonly alternative was to heal it once and for all, here and now. So thatwas when we designed the solution of incarnating into each of the 12

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tribes and then heal the differences within by opening our hearts andcontinuing that until it succeeded...about now. (May 22, 2009) All herehave ascended at least 3 times prior to this incarnation. However, noneof us have done that in the physical. This is a first for thatachievement. (March 11, 2009.) [You don’t remember] because you agreedto a


memory block 

before you came in that won 

t be lifted until afterNESARA is announced...or thereabouts. Since I came in from the year 2400

I have future/past bleedhroughs. The 


was an act of mercy. If youcould remember you wouldn


t be able to walk through all this jibberishwe call


matrix madness 

. You 

d flip the script over to the last pageand just do that. (March 11, 2009.) It is our future we are choosing.Planetary Ascension--should we choose that--will be as One CollectiveGroup of Enlightened Souls who choose Love, Peace and Unity andabundance for all who will share, terrestrially, celestially andUniversally. Others will continue in kindergarten playgrounds farremoved from Terra Nova. (Feb. 22, m2009.) [Ascension] is Universal andbeyond, in its impact on the Creation itself. It is interdimensional andmultidimensional which mirror each other. It will involve integration ofat least two universes...initially...and up to 7 super-universes before

it is all completed...at some vastly different point in what we call thefar future. … Remember, we will ascend and take our collective wholenessthrough the Eye of An {middle star in the belt of Orion} into a positiveAnti-Matter Universal birth, about which nothing can be said at thismoment. It will be a balanced light and love partnership involving bothAnti-matter and Spirit which puts it so far above our current existenceas to be undefinable. We will all have every conceivable creativeopportunity to do with more what we never thought possible before. Acreative explosion of energy passing through every sector of our Selfand global societies. (Feb. 18, 2009.) If the soul is 51% positivelypolarized they will ascend. Positive polarization is based on a reviewof all soul incarnations, and if the average represents 51% Service toOthers and the heart is open, that constitutes qualifying Positive

Progression. In this lifetime we can correct the imbalances of mostother lifetimes by opening our hearts and expressing love and lighttowards ourselves and others. (Feb. 12, 2009.) Our I AM Complex projectsfragments of itself into all times and places and dimensions, at thesame time, in different combinations to suit the environment into whichit projects and to facilitate those particular mission assignments. Whenwe fully reach ZeroPoint -- think of a spoked wheel projecting spokesoutward in all directions and each attaching at the hub/nexus -- we willreintegrate all or most aspects into our nexus. Then we will haveinstantaneous access to all the knowledge and wisdom gained by each ofour 144 aspects which express through 12 templates in 12 dimensions ...as an example. We are holographic beings existing throughout all times,spaces, dimensions, and all alternative realities. We did this to gainthe maximum exposure and opportunities to gain knowledge, experience sowe could see the effects of all our actions and choices. Now we arereintegrating all those through our heart-mind centers that include allmale/female, matter/spirit, light and shadow identities into aharmonious wholeness that is fully balanced and fully imbued withunconditional love and wisdom. It


s quite an amazing construct which ourCreator embodies through us all. (Feb. 12, 2009.) Quantum shifts requiretipping the scale to non-ordinary limits of imbalance while compressingand sustaining it until there is a transformative leap that propels usinto a whole new and higher galactic expression. We must emerge from ourchrysalis if we are to become spiritual butterflies. We are in the endof the gestation period and the earth mother needs our advancement to

birth this 5D galactic baby that will populate Terra Nova. Her laborpains are the harbingers of the coming birth. So very important to getthat this is not an event that is accomplished by an individual. It must

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involve all on the planet for it will embody the Law of the One andCosmic Consciousness.*

(Feb. 9, 2009.) If we don 

t join with all who have yet to awaken, wewill diminish the number of potential graduates. This is our greatestchallenge. Only one full ascension body can ascend. It takes all of usto succeed. We now have massive assistance from our galactic families

who are straining with us to complete our own cleansing and awarenessupgrades in the short time remaining. (Feb. 9, 2009.) We are at thatpoint on the evolutionary graph where the wave peaks rise almostvertically through 2012.

*(Feb. 9, 2009.) Take each day and celebrate that, no matter what seemedto have happened, this process is continuing and acceleratinginterdimensionally and multidimensionally faster than we can understandit. The timelines are being erased and the remainder merged into this.We are reintegrating all up and down and all around our greater Self


sexpressions. This is beyond human comprehension as it is simultaneous,synchronistic, holographic and involves all our complements in a higher

unity with all dimensions of Self and Source. At Zero Point we willconnect them all into our holographic 


. There is no room for error.It is a very precise alignment and balance. It requires clearing of allthat is blocking us or which no longer serves our advancement. We arethe pivot point for solar, galactic and universal transformation. Weain


t seen nothing yet. We have been getting ready for this for billionsof years and millions of cycles. (Feb. 9, 2009.) We have been movingfrom the 9th Ring of the Western Milky Way galaxy to the 3rdring--adjacent to Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation-- for many yearsand have entered fully into the Photon Belt which is ionizing andupshifting our DNA at a rapid and accelerating rate. … Universal Law ofthe One changes our dualistic perspective to a Unitary Source-connectionas equal or equivalent divine expressions of All That Is. That shifts

our understanding of motive and intention as we come to appreciate thatall move forward together through mutual assistance and reverence forthe divine in all. The astrological planetary, solar and galactic grandcycles are coming into full alignment with galactic center and directawakening pulses are stimulating our embedded and precoded DNAblueprints to bring us through this cleansing of 3-4D into the 5DAntimatter awakened state as "Shining Ones", blending and integratingour matter-spirit/male-female essences into a singularity ofmultidimensional/interdimensional unity through ourcrystalline-activated heart-mind. *

(June 7, 2008.) Some starseeds/walk ins and such came from the futureand will be reintegrating with our higher aspects during ZeroPoint/notime. We are already healing and clearing any timelines that containdistortions--past/present/alternative and future. At the merger time itwill be like hooking up a wheel with up to 144 spokes into a hub (ourheart-mind nexus) and



our galactic identities. Some formof this will be experienced by all ascending ones, as the ascensionprocess reaches critical mass. Sort of a


100th cosmicly-awake-ones 

shift, where all the next wave just 

discover it 

effortlessly. They inturn will have the same boosting effect on the next wavers.

*(June 18, 2008.) Remember, some folks are still at 3.7-4.8. When FirstContact landing occurs, everyone will be upshifted .5 from whateverlevel they have attained. 5.5 is permanent spiritual/physical plane

ascension. *

(June 18, 2008.) We are on the threshold of our brightest opportunity.

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All we have to do is ask, allow and respond to our own divine innerguidance, which will be informing us all of our highest and best next step.

*(May 27, 2008.) Ascension – And Physical Disabilities If the physicalis too depleted to hold enough light to ascend, then the higher vehicleswill nonetheless partake of Ascension. If the physical does not haveenough vitality to survive ascension the physical will be dropped.

However, as soon as the ships can land we will have many ways to restoreALL physical functions and capacities. This is due to the nature of thecrystalline structure migration which is at the heart of our currentactivation and clearing process. As that is completed we will no longerneed to experience dysfunction on any level of our expression. We areencouraged to ask our inner self to help us restore any weakness in ourphysical vehicles. The Spirit Doctors will help if we ask and allow. Soif the physical expires before Planetary Ascension, the soul will go tothe ships and then rejoin the rest of us after planetary ascension to5D. At that time it can come in as a new 5D physical child with all it


smemories or as an adult being with all its faculties and memories. Allthose who have died since 1999, and who are 51% positively balanced, are

able to come back after Ascension and rejoin us, or go back to theirhome worlds at that time. Souls who have not yet achieved 51% positivebalance will reincarnate on appropriate worlds to gain that balance. *

(Feb. 12, 2009.) Ascension – The Fate of the Dark Ones We will continuethese effects upon our DNA and consciousness, unless we are resisting,in which case we will drop down into denser amalgamations and soon beswept off the planet. While the cabal is resisting our advancement, theycan not stop it and their resistance is now going to sweep them off theplanet. You can not resist this powerful and rising wave of change. Youeither embrace it or you leave. That


s the deal!

*(Feb. 9, 2009.) The dark brothers and sisters who have refused numerous

opportunities to switch over to the Light---a significant number of 4thDimensional Dark are now switching to 4thD Light---will have their workcut out for them, and they will most likely take a longer period of timeto heal/forgive themselves and may not complete that before the doorcloses on this galactic grand cycle. Once that happens, no more willjoin us as we will have attained Unity as a collective One and move toanother vibratory adventure. The darkest and most unyielding ones willhave their soul-matrix memories erased back to the beginning {so-called2nd death}. They will start out as new souls on Herculobas. They arefully aware of this but have indicated, time and again, that they wouldrather be erased than take second place and give up their topdog status.All of their minions are not so willing to lose all soul memories andattainments. These are among the ones switching from 3-4D/Dark to4D/Light and getting new pathways and the same reverent care andassistance as any of us. *

(June 18, 2008.) Ones not ready/spiritually prepared to do the ascensionclearing that are in 3-D levels will be sent to what appears to be acontinuation of things as they now exist on another mirror image of oldearth and will not be coming to Terra Nova. The earth is in process of


cracking off its 3D crust 

. That 


will be placed aroundHerculobas at it


s own request. Herculobas is sort of a pristine 

Jurassic Park III 

...with T.Rex and family. However, there is nopollution or industry to spoil it.

*(June 18, 2008.) You need have no need for fear from these ones who aredeciding their own fate through their reaction to the deadline that theSouth Korean Crop Circle revealed as their last opportunity to choose

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returning to the Law of the One...or having their soul-matrix erased. *

(June 21, 2008.) Most will choose to explore the opportunities thatTerra Nova will offer; some will not. There is no judgement or shameinvolved. All will be placed on an optimal path of experiential learningand development that is most compatible with their soul


s desire. Itwill be a Win-Win for all except the most resistant dark ones whose

memories will be erased and they will start over, completely devoid ofany memories of what they have expressed. They have already beenaccepted as new souls on Herculobas...a pristine planet that is a sortof Jurassic Park III, complete with T-Rex and Family. They will have aminimum of 25,826 years to progress, before getting another opportunity.They will NOT be part of our future, according to Mother Sekhmet andAshtar.

*(May 27, 2008.) Without the weight of the dark ones, we will all feelthe lightness we have always known was possible. It will make our nextsteps on the path of ascension much faster and easier.*

(May 27, 2008.) Ascension – The Fate of the Unready Anything less [than5.5] will require more spiritual development. All possible assistanceand encouragement will be offered but the individual souls willdetermine what level they can stabilize at and will be allowed to choosethat as their


ascension level 

. If it is less than 5.5 at the time ofthe planet


s ascension...during the estimated next 3.5 years... theywill continue in non-permanent physical status until they can reach 5.5.Some may be shifted to a location where they feel comfortable but maystill join us at a later



...even though they may 


experience durations of several hundred years while we will be in 



. We won 

miss them 

because for those at 5.5+ it will seem likeit was just a moment ago. (June 18, 2008.) There will be some initialshocks for those who have been asleep, but they will be helped to

understand that all who allow will be better off under NESARA 

sprovisions. If they do not choose to be a part of our future they willbe transported to a place that exactly matches their spiritual vibrationwhich kindness and reverence for their right to choose. (May 27, 2008.)Ascension – Where do We Stand? That dog


s day has ended. There will beaccountability. There will be Peace. There will be excision of all thesehate groups from the planet


s future. Where do we want to stand? Do wechoose more hate; more war; more invasions and more killing of anyonewho holds any opinions we don


t like? That was Bush Inc 

s last 8 years.I vote for respect for all life; for sharing in the unlimited abundanceof our Creator


s Love in partnership with the Planet and It 

s peoples.Please show discernment. It is our future we are choosing. PlanetaryAscension--should we choose that--will be as One Collective Group ofEnlightened Souls who choose Love, Peace and Unity and abundance for allwho will share, terrestrially, celestially and Universally. Others willcontinue in kindergarten playgrounds far removed from Terra Nova.

*(Feb. 22, 2009.) Ascension – Moulting the Old Skin Bless those feelingsof disintegration and thank them for showing you the progress you


vemade and just let those feelings know that you acknowledge them and wantthem to move up to the warmth and joy of the heart space. Use the violetflame coming up from below your feet and surrounding and flowing throughall your levels and centers to assist in dissolving the sticky stuffthat is having difficulty in moving as fast as the rest of you. Go outin the water at dawn and or at sunset and allow the new codes to hit

your eyes as the sun updates your system. Let any feelings come up andflow into the waters. Call on the cetaceans--dolphins and whales--tohelp your emotional body to flow with the upliftment. Joy, abundance and

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remembrance will fill your heart. You are simply expanding homewardwithout leaving your body. That is where you came from and you arealready there welcoming your return. It will happen in easy steps sothere is nothing to fear. You are destined for success. *

(Feb. 22, 2009.) Some of your symptoms are the clear evidence that theold is falling away and you are in an in-between migration gap. That is

excellent news. Since it is what your soul and heart yearn for, that iswhat will rule. The new is what you are migrating to and the old must bereleased so that it won


t burden you in the higher crystalline body towhich you are now shifting. There are many stages to this. We have beenin the overlapping center of these two circles for quite some time. Thathas allowed a loosening up and a free circulation between the two. Now,most of the mixing of lighter and heavier particles has completed asmuch as 80% of the work and the two circles are separating with all theactive light energies having migrated to the higher vibrationcrystalline matrix. In the coming weeks the final migration to thehigher form will take place and you will no longer feel the




of the denser particles. Your spiritual consciousness/soul-spirit

have already up-shifted and the activation of the new codes willaccelerate the process. It is a little like when you moved from oneschool to a higher school. At first it seemed a little confusing butthen you began to study more interesting subjects, meet new friends andlearn how to discipline yourself to live more independently from yourold friends and family who would kind of pull on you to go back to the


old you 

which no longer satisfied your soul 

s desires. By keeping yourvision fixed on the new direction and higher purpose, to which your soulis guiding you, the old habits will get modified and some new friendswill begin to enter your life. They may also be experiencing many of thesame symptoms and yet they will all be determined to achieve the higherand more unlimited opportunities that we are about to see unfold.Anything that attempts to convince you that you should


give up the new


and come back to the ‘asleep’ state, won 

t satisfy you. That isjust the ego


s fear of 

death’/fear consciousness...which is anillusion. I


ve crossed that line many times in expansive movementsupward and near-death-experiences and it is all bunk. We know fromwhence we come and it


s not death; quite the opposite. What you are inthe expanded state is where you


re headed now and nothing or nobody willconvince you to accept less. It


s OK for anyone who wants to stay inkindergarten to do so but that isn


t the path that you 

ve chosen foryourself. You already have a higher goal and you are perfectly situatedon your path. If you


re going to get off a mule and get into a shuttlecraft the space in which you


re transferring from one to the other is alittle anxiety-producing to the ego. You, as a soul, are already


aboardthe shuttle craft


and I can assure you that that is your destinationand you won


t want to use that old 


after you see how fantastic avista that the


shuttle craft 

opens up to you.

*(Feb. 22, 2009.) Ascensionitis Everything is coming up from the buriedlayers of everyone. Not to punish but to CLEAR so that more Light can beheld and enjoyed. (March 30, 2009.) Kuthumi told us that the first 9days after Equinox would be very



as energies are raising 

the devil 

in underground pockets of pestilence--and in us-- and won 

tmoderate until...the 8th Firegate initiation on 3/31, which MichelleEloff pre-recorded on 3/24 but will not release until 3/31. *

(March 27, 2009.)” What is NESARA?NESARA Announcement Update on NESARA

Provisions for US & Canada. Revised 10/24/09 by MarkHuber.http://grt-intel.com/m-n_topics/nesara_announcement.htm

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PEACE and PROSPERITY The US & CANADA are about to share the benefits ofthe most humanitarian and revolutionary event the world has ever seen.NESARA brings PEACE, WORLDWIDE PROSPERITY and INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICBENEFITS. As the USA is the bastion of FREEDOM in this world, NESARA hasto be implemented there along with Canada, UK & Australia. Othercountries will follow in a sequential order. In October 2000, afterbeing passed by Congress, President Bill Clinton signed the National

Economic and Security and Reformation Act (NESARA): 160 nations,including CANADA, have agreed by treaty at the World Court(International Court of Justice in the Hague) to support theseimprovements.

This is the beginning of what has been termed the Golden Age, prophesiedsince biblical times. Behind the scenes right now it is hectic ..... andthe Illuminati frantic. Alan Greenspan


s 1966 article explained thebenefits of a gold-backed currency and this will be welcomed ininternational financial markets, as business worldwide will receive atremendous boost from NESARA.. Some experts will lecture for about 36hours on TV explaining NESARA, in detail, once the initial public

announcement has been made. Don


t miss it! Until its officialannouncement, all government, banking, military, intelligence,Congressional, business, and other personnel and officials who have hadto be informed about NESARA due to their professional duties, have beensworn to secrecy and would be charged with treason if they even admitthat it exists, on account of sensitive information that could result inthe crashing of the stock and commodity markets, and causing massiveeconomic problems worldwide.

The Corporate USA is Bankrupt, now. The Republic--We The People--is safeinside NESARA Law. So don


t be concerned about the Criminal Bankers astheir bankrupcy will NOT affect NESARA funds or accessing funds afterAnnouncement. The announcement has been delayed by the wiles of the

international bankers, who would lose control over the nations of thisworld when it is introduced, but we are now at the point of itsimplementation worldwide.*To give you an idea of what is at stake here, here are just some of theNESARA improvements:- * All banks become TREASURY banks and newcurrency, backed by precious metals, is issued on a one for one basis *American and Canadian BANK DEBTS: your home mortgage, bank car loan,college education and other loans are forgiven if you are an American orCanadian citizen, as part of the compensation program for bank fraud. *CREDIT CARD balances (again, on American & Canadian banks - and manymajor department stores or merchants as well) - are zeroed-outimmediately, for both American and Canadian citizens and LandedImmigrants. * CCRA is DISBANDED and all INCOME TAX - both personal andbusiness - (which never did go to any government in Canada or theStates) - is abolished; and compensation for this fraud also paid out.Likewise, the US Federal Reserve & their collection agent: IRS will bedisestablished and replaced by US Treasury Banks...after a bankholiday...removes the criminals and any criminal hardware orsoftware...and reopens as USTreasury Banks...perhaps under the same nameas before...but with



management. * GenSalesTax is replaced with astraight sales tax, on new, non-essential goods and services * NESARALaw is the Law of the Land, with sovereign citizenship, restoration ofthe Constitution; all statutory laws are cancelled; all cases on thebooks are stopped, judges, attorneys and law enforcement officers mustreceive 30 days of re-training in Constitutional and Common Law before

any more cases are adjudicated. A near total amnesty will be granted tomost ones now in jails and prisons and President Obama has ordered acase by case review of all ones incarcerated under statute laws. Most

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will be released and reparations for unlawful detainment is beingconsidered for those cases that would not have been criminal underConstitutional or Common Law. * Most of the GOVERNMENT RESIGNS - manymembers, past and present, charged with Treason; temporary PrimeMinister installed...in Canada; followed by elections withconstitutionally acceptable candidates. In the USA, President Obama andNON-Criminals elected after 10/1/08 may remain as part of the transition


t since the US was placed Inside NESARA Law on that date by LadyMaster Nada and the King of Swords, by the authority granted by theInternational Court of Justice(World court) in March of 1999. LadyMaster Nada was appointed by the World Court as International SpecialProsecutor with power to dissolve courts and arrest any InternationalCriminals wherever they may be located on the planet. At least 100,000Cases have been considered by 56 Grand Juries over the last 4 years, byPatrick Fitzgerald, in the US. Their Sealed Indictments are ready to beunsealed and made public. These ones will go...or have already beentaken to the World Court in the Hague...for War Crimes Trials &sentencing. Another condition for Announcement is the disclosure of theGalactic Presence and their Involvement in planetary affairs...set to

happen before the end of 2009. A 2 Hour TV Special will be aired byPresident Obama in Nov or Dec 2009, disclosing details. It is not yetknown whether this will be Full Disclosure or progressive disclosuresover some weeks. * All Canadian & US military overseas are brought backhome as Peace is declared. All NON-Criminal residents of US, UK, Canada& Australia will receive $10 Million within 72 hours of NESARA


sAnnouncement. If you plan on being away from your residence for anextended period, it is advisable to put in a temporary change of addressnotice to your local postmaster. * * * Information based upon US reportson the impact of NESARA on USA and other countries* * * *See: http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com<http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/> for more details on NESARAprovisions and breaking news updates.

Revised Oct 2009 by MarkHuber More on NESARA? There were 14+ Congressmen(you would recognize their names), who worked on the originalprovisions. Mr. GS was NOT the author. He did write his dissertation onthe subject of Gold, in 1966, I believe, and many thought that he mightbe a White Knight. That is not correct. He was arrested. A clone was putinto place and then that--I hear--became a


film star 

after his lastarrest. His wife is Andrea Mitchell. Congressional committees, under 5Associate Supreme Court Justices, were given the task in 1993 ofdrafting corrections required by the Supreme Court findings related tothe Farm Claims which through discovery proceedings revealed theft oftheir lands through collusion between the bankers, government, thecourts and law enforcement, and also that the Fed Res/IRS were fraudsand all of these findings required correction at the point of inception.$40 Trillion was deposited in a bank in Chicago by the head of the SaudiArabian Government before the King died, after Mother Sekhmet spoke tohim; showed him his life and record and what he needed to do before hedied to make amends. Without those funds the Farms Claims process wouldhave halted. That became the basis for NESARA. Willie Nelson has been astaunch supporter of the Farm Claims since it


s inception. They will bethe first to receive funds. Because such a correction involved so manyareas and the Cabal had agents within the various committees and astrustees in all the World Trust derivative trusts,(33 as I recall) BushSr. and his associates managed to push through a series of requirements.This is a long drawn out process since the Supreme Court findings in

1993 generated 


which were voluntary. That didn 

t work.Modifications had to be made and the final series of documents anddrafts went to the World Court in March 1999 where leaders from 180

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countries met and St Germain, Lady Master Nada, the King of Swords,Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone were present as well. Because the voluntaryhadn


t worked the new provisions were proposed and KOS/St. Germain/Nadawere given special international authority to do whatever was necessaryto get NESARA enacted. This resulted in the passage by our Congress ofthe NESARA Law in Oct 2000 when it was signed into Law by Bill Clinton.It contained one provision that requires it to be announced before its

provisions can be enacted. Many White Knights have been killed trying toprepare the way for this to happen, and they have been successful inremoving the mostly unknown reptilian controllers that invaded thisplanet some 65 Million years ago and slowly taken control. They insertedtheir minions into every organization (Committee of 300) and setupnetworks which control everything in every government throughout theplanet. Over 100 Million of these have been removed over the last 9years and also, during recent months, the whole Committee of 300 andmany of their minions have also been removed and replaced withholograms. Patrick Fitzgerald has 100,000 indictments naming all theones who planned, ordered and covered up 911 Conspiracy to take over theworld. He is also the designated--special prosecutor--assistant of Lady

Master Nada who the World Court appointed as International SpecialProsecutor. She is also President of the Solar Tribunal on Saturn, andis the one who will Announce NESARA to the World...after the arrests ofthe indicted ones are made. It does not matter whether or not anyonebelieves any of this or not. It will still happen as it has been sodecreed by the Spiritual Hierarchy and this plan for the Earth


sAscension has been planned for over 2000 years. The Earth and all lifeon it will Ascend. Nothing can stop this from happening. It has reacheda critical mass and over 85% of the lightworkers are now awake and awareof the Divine Plan for planet Earth. One week ago, President Obamatalked to the National Press Corp and laid out some



he intendsto make over the next 72 days. He of course didn


t give his opponentsthe details...yet. The King of Swords has the NESARA Law documents in

safekeeping and will bring them forward...along with the otherprincipals involved at the time of the Announcement. Bill Clinton, whosigned it into law, will be there and Lady Master Nada and Obama.Actually there will be a panel of 19 that will be briefing the publicfor 36 hours as soon as the arrests have been made. No one in thegeneral public has seen the full document that was signed. We have beentold the basic provisions, only. All the congressional and legalproceedings were taken from the official records; the case numbers andtitles changed and these original documents have been placed in a secretlocation until it is safe to bring them forward. No search will produceany of these documents. The only things on the Internet aredisinformation inserted by Bush Sr. (except for the outline of keyprovisions published on NESARA.US). We have been given some updates on afew changes that we posted on GRT sites. The key provisions have notchanged only some details on gifting provisions. Those were changed tosimplify how individuals will receive funds. Everyone on the Planet will(within 10-15 months, post Announcement), receive an account worth $10million. That fact and the details will be announced by Lady MasterNada. Deliveries will be accomplished within 72 hours of NESARA


sannouncement for all non-criminals, in the US, UK, Canada and Australia.The other country payments will follow in succession. We do not have theschedule for those countries yet. Within 30 days of NESARA


sAnnouncement we will have a re-indexing of all items, on a 1:10 basis.That will take most of the inflation out of the world economies whichwill all be based on gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals.

Gold will then be set at $50/oz; Silver:$10/oz and Platinum at $100/oz.All current Federal Reserve notes will be exchanged $1:$1 with USTreasury Notes for all within this country. All printing plates for

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Federal Reserve Notes will be removed from their current locations anddestroyed.

*(May 16, 2009.) KOS has the defacto authority, granted by theInternational Court of Justice at the Hague in 1999, to get NESARAAnnounced and the power to use his Martial Law authority "as needed." *

(Oct. 16, 2008.) Lady Master Nada—previously appointed by the ICJ/WorldCourt as International Special Prosecutor with authority to takewhatever actions are required, including dissolving our Supreme Courtand unsealing all 10,000 indictments and ordering arrests--is therebythe top Officer of the World Court and can override any order of that orany other court. As President of the Solar Tribunal and as NESARA


s"Postal Lady", she is the ONLY one who can order NESARA


s Announcementand authorize deliveries of funds.

*(July 11, 2008.) We are at this moment actually under the jointjurisdiction of the International Court of Justice/World Court and thePresident of the Solar Tribunal {Lady Master Nada} who has been

appointed by the ICJ as Special Prosecutor with power to arrest theindicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary and Announce NESARA.Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. Along with the 82ndAirborne and others. We have been well advised that galactic ships areover every major city and will decloak when the signal is given. *

(May 27, 2008.) NO one gets any money until Lady Master Nada makes herAnnouncement on TV, at which time she will tell us the date of releasethat will be within 72 hours of her announcement. She is SpecialProsecutor authorized by the Solar Tribunal, of which she is President,and the ICJ. She is expected to dissolve our Supreme Court; appointPatrick Fitz as Acting AG and then authorize the arrests/removals of allcited ones.

*(May 27, 2008.) The legal means to take us through this denouement wasset in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St Germaine and the Kingof Swords/head of the worldwide militia of 4,000,000 men + 40,000Galactic-humans, were given the power to prosecute and take such actionsas are required to remove the corrupt ones and to insure that the wholeplanet is prepared for upshift into the 5Dimension, in the short timeleft in this cycle. *

(June 15, 2008.) ALL governments will become compliant or will bechanged. The universal Law of the One is not political or religious butit recognizes that all life comes from the Source of All That IS and hasan equal or equivalent divine plan. We all are equal parts of that plan.No country and no being will be forgotten or shorted in all the comingmoments. Everyone on this planet has ascended at least 3 times toqualify to be here. This is true in your country as well and many inyour country are prepared to come forward when it is safe to do so.Michelle Eloff and others are fully aware of what is needed there andwill be bringing that information to those who have already qualifiedthemselves to offer their services in reorganizations and assistance ingetting the benefits out into your whole country


s citizens. NESARA (andthe worldwide expansion of those principles and programs to at least 190countries), is assured to be implemented over a 10-15 month periodfollowing Announcement here (U.S.). I do not know the exact roll out,but we do know that huge projects to fund 3rd and 4th world countries

upgrades with all essential services will require many ones in yourcountry to become involved. You might be one of them.

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*(May 10, 2009.) I can tell you that 9/11 is the key that will open theNESARA door to all that goes with it. Karl Rove will be testifyingtomorrow and we


ll see what comes from that. Several others are rightbehind him in line. Everything is ready to be coordinated and you won


twant to miss the action once that key log comes out of the log-pile. *

(Feb. 22, 2009.) We are also about to have 911 conspirators revealed.

Karl Rove is a key figure in connecting the dots and will now becompelled to testify, willingly or in chains.

*(Jan. 28, 2009.) Obama is declassifying much if not all of the secretdevelopments that go back to 1946, including this technology. That waswhen the beginning plans for 911 were formulated. Subsequently thecharges were built into the Twin Towers and other new buildings in manymajor cities. Then, all they had to do was go in and attach detonatorsand timers to blow up/take down the towers, with an assortment oftechnologies, including 2.1 and 2.3 megaton nuclear and thermitecharges. They also used holographic projectors and cruise missiles inboth towers and Pentagon hits. Overhead controllers monitored the

effectiveness and coordinated the separate actions but left timing gapswhich revealed the actual sequences involved. *

(Jan. 28, 2009.) In exchanges with Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet and KOS, wewere informed that the Higher powers did see the probability that this[i.e., 9/11] would occur. They discussed all the factors and theyconcluded that if NESARA had been Announced, as planned, that it wouldhave been an initial success but serious illuminati inroads would haveundermined several aspects. In general, the public wasn


t ready tounderstand the magnitude of the Illuminati stranglehold on allinstitutions, systems and beliefs. On the positive side, they saw thewave of compassion that went through the whole planet would touch morepeople and be the basis for uniting the world and waking the public to

ask for help. So they reviewed the soul contracts of all who had chosento clear much karma through something of this sort. You are also rightabout other positive results, not usually seen or expressed. Some ofthese concerned those who were beamed out and are on the ships and willreturn to tell of their experiences. Others had awakening experiencesthat totally shifted their direction and has resulted in amazingspiritual advancement -- such as the CIA operative that was mentioned.Similar positive effects occurred all over the world. The unprecedentedshock wave opened the hearts of many starseed lightworkers andcatapulted them into action. Although it has seemingly delayed some ofthe immediate benefits, it has massively increased the number who havenow awakened and asked for spiritual assistance and who will, as aresult, achieve ascension in this cycle. The worldwide attention thatresulted from the anticipation and interest in the Oct 14 decloakings,has stimulated so much receptivity to discussion of galactic presence,that the Galactic Federation expects to benefit when regime change,NESARA


s Announcement and decloakings occur in the near future. Whenthis occurs, many from all over the world who have been taken up willreturn to speak of their experiences in being lifted out of harms wayand shown many truths that they will share. This will assist us all asit will quickly be seen that there is nothing to fear, and wondrousbenefits to come.

(Dec. 7, 2008.) These actions [i.e., the likely arrest of Karl Rove andassociates] will bring 9/11 back to the front pages. Today, Dennis

Kucinich prepared the way by reading one new charge against Bush,warranting Impeachment. That new article concerns Bush


spremeditated/personally directing and ordering the planning for the 9/11

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. On Saturday of last week David Ray Griffin stated on localradio that two nuclear devices were involved in bringing down at leasttwo of the 9/11 towers. That has been previously revealed on theinternet but never on public radio. Very important preparation. Thefirst public arrests will send a very strong message that nobody isabove the Constitution.

*(July 11, 2008.) As the coming days 

actions unfold and topAdministration involvement is revealed, arrests will be required. TheMilitary will be involved in supporting these actions. Quite obviously,top arrests will bring about a Constitutional Crisis that will compelNESARA


s Announcement ... and regime changes ... all of which areprovided for in the Secret NESARA Law. *

(July 11, 2008.) Since 10/1/08 we have been Inside NESARA LAW. This is aworldwide program to benefit all on the planet and to end the kind oftreatment you have experienced. Everything is coming up from the buriedlayers of everyone. Not to punish but to CLEAR so that more Light can beheld and enjoyed. Our DNA is being upgraded and we will begin to

experience the new potentials of our crystalline inner liquid lightsystem. The key events are already arranged and are now playing out onthe world stage. From now until Easter 4/12/09 we will be seeing bigchanges in the World Economic System and in Justice coming to criminalsas War Crimes Trials will begin to bring 75,000 international criminalsto the Hague World Court for trial. Every day now our DNA is beingslowly upgraded to crystalline functionality. Rejoice that your darknight is ending. First we have to remove these criminals from allgovernments. As an Indigo Starseed, you are aware that you carry codesthat will become activated very soon and you will remember and haveaccess to much knowledge you brought in with you that is now beingactivated. It will unwind...like a ball of string...and you will see whyyou chose such a difficult task. We have family in the overhead ships

that is going to be contacting us to help us through this brief periodof transition before we are fully awake and remembering who we are andwhy we have come at this time. So, be of good heart, stay calm and becertain that you are known and loved by your universal family and thatthey are eager to contact you. We are all waiting for a signal and thenmany wonderful changes will be brought forward for all to share. It isso very close and it is absolutely certain. (March 30, 2009.) 4. Whatare holograms and/or clones? Question For Mark: Hi Mark & Beth.... Iwould just like to say how much upliftment and encouragment yourwebsites have given me. I just have one question. I am British and wasvery interested when it was reported in you last conference call the TheQueen was no longer to be seen in public. I am all in favour of thisscenario. I have long thought there was something sinister about the"Windsor" family. However... I don´t understand why she is being seen inpublic visiting Trinidad with Gordon Brown on a commonwealth visit...This extract was taken from a news website.. "Britain


s Queen ElizabethII arrived in Trinidad and Tobago on Thursday to a wave of enthusiasmbut also concern as some world leaders wonder if they can reach anagreement on climate change ahead of an upcoming international summit".I would appreciate your "Take" on this. Many thanks... Keep up theexcellent work. XXXX. (Southern Spain) Regarding the Queen and hercurrent status: Dear XXXX, We appreciate your dry British humor verymuch. Gordon Brown has taken the next step in which he has announced arevision of the 1701 law regarding succession in the Monarchy. He setthat up in the press. However, KOS said last night, when St Germain was

in Buckingham Palace 11/21/09, the Palace was locked down because Dianaand Dodi and Charles and Camilla were present. St Germain was discussingwith these leaders how the succession would go. St Germain explained

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that Diana and Dodi will take over the Monarchy and establish a new formof government, we call in Co-Regeancy. This will be publicly announcedwhen Full Disclosure is made. People will be delighted to see the clonesof Diana and Dodi were taken out, but the Originals Diana and Dodi wereremoved from the Country before that took place, and in fact are marriedwith two new children. A box was off the central parlour and in it wasthe Queen, long rest her Soul. St Germain said, you have done your work

brilliantly and you will not see the Queen anymore. Because we publishedthat story, they announced a Bermuda appearance and you will note fromthe actual film, old film footage were used. This brings up a subjectyou may or may not be conversant with; clones, doubles, and holograms.It appears we must ask you to suspend judgment and consider the factsgiven by Faction 3, 38 levels above the President. In order to preservecontinuity of World Markets and normal governmental processes, certaindevices have been utilized. Trained doubles are a well known and longstanding practice, for leaders to be appear to be attending trivialfunctions while in fact they are attending private meetings. Because ofthe delicacy of issues involved, these other High Level meetings are notpublicized. Now expand this idea into the medical scientific area, where

unbeknownst to the public, the practice of cloning has beenstandardized, for longer than we have been here on the Planet. They cantake a single strand of DNA and scan and insert this into a preparedsynthetic model and grow, in tanks, a new vehicle, in which they cantransfer the memory of the original. Every time they duplicate One,there is less and less DNA to use, so the clone deteriorates faster.Some last 1 month, 6 months, or one year, by different methods. When TopLeaders travel around the World, especially asassinations, a "blank"Clone is kept nearby. when One drops or becomes defective, they can inabout 8 minutes insert the memories into a current



and they canpick up a conversation as if nothing ever happened. This actuallyhappened to Bush Sr. when he was at a State Dinner in Japan, anassasination sniper shot him in the forehead and he plopped forward into

his dinner as his wife sat next to him and all the World was watching.They carried him into the back room and transfered his knowledge intothe Clone Bush Sr and It appeared 20 minutes later and finished hisdinner. His wife, Barbara, immediately knew he had been replaced.Faction 3 revealed to us they had carried 8 "blanks" [Clones] with themon AirForce 1. This actually constituted the 34th revision with theOriginal having been killed many years before. There have been 34 copiesand the current One has now ceased to function. The only originalLeaders are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and they still walk thestreets, and will continue. Bill Clinton did have doubles and clones,but he has not been killed, as the others were. No clones of Obama havebeen made, or will be made. That practice is over. Another form of thisis when the clone proves unreliable, they can still make a hologram. Thebeauty of this is the hologram is easily programmed and more easilycontrolled. Most Illuminati World Leaders are in this form now. In otherwords, the Original has Expired. A few will be tried publicly in theHague (IJC-World Court) before being turned off. All Illuminati Heads ofState are to be removed. Holographic "Film Versions" will be in placeuntil Full Disclosure is made. At least 400 of the U.S. Congress are"Film Stars". MarkHuber 27 November 2009 www.GalacticRoundTable.com<http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

*What and when are announcements? *We are waiting for Arrests, Declaokings and NESARA Announcements.Captain Ashtar, Admiral Sananda, KOS, St Germain, Mother Sekhmet,

Metatron, Michael and Maitreya say: No Dates. No Nukes. No Flukes.*The Galactics (Who they are and Why they


re here)*

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These are a series of OOB experiences channelled by Elizabeth Trutwin.We leave and leap to Andromeda. Andromeda is a Gateway Galaxy. It is atranslator of light and energy. When there it feels dreamy, it isoverwhelming how different the energy here is. There is a sea ofmillions upon millions of pinpoints of light, each its own star. Thereis no Planet here, only star lights. This is a place where consciousnessis translated into Higher Dimensions. Our consciousness is expanded here

to the Cosmic level. That is the feeling One gets. It is the knowledge,with every fiber of the Being, that we are each and all these;extraterrestrial, Starseeds, Source, Light and All There Is. Questionasked of the Andromedan High Council: Post NESARA, post Mass Landings,when you come to live with us, what will be the main thing you want toshare with those here? We wish to give holographic lessons on the Shipsof the Impulse, inside, each One. This Impulse connects us back toSource Light, Source Energy, Source Love. By experiencing this, One maytranscend the human condition and see All is One. Andromedans are aGroup Consciousness, or a Collective Consciousness. We are sentient andwe blend ourselves into One Light. As we Create, we CO-Create together.We pulse our thoughts back to Source and what we have thought comes back

to us as formless form made manifest. We will help Earth humansrecognize there is nothing outside of themselves. This sounds so simple.We will holographically represent, for even a small child to understand,we are each connected. We will be able to teach Ones to master instantmanifestation on the physical. You must ask and you must allow. You maylearn this now with us, if you like. Before going to sleep at night,just before sleep comes, ask, with a grateful heart, to join us on theShips and learn instant manifestation. We will show you in dreamtime.Ask to remember the demonstrations. Write it down. Practice it. Don


tworry if you do not get this the first time, keep trying. I assure you,it is meant to be fun. Any stress brought into these thoughts willco-create more stress. We will, after Mass Landings, bring those whowish to see, here to Andromeda, just for a short excursion. Seeing this

will help Initiates understand their connection to abundance. Those whoMaster it, then may, I say even, must, teach it to others. It is aboutconnecting to Love and pulsing it back to Oneself, by impulses of liquidrainbow light and love energy. You have done this before. By Masteringthis, anything in the New Earth is possible. Namaste.~The Andromedan High Council Beth and Mark www.GalacticRoundTable.com<http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/><http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>*INTRO TO PLEIADES: SEVEN SISTER STARS* Indeed, the Pleiades must havehad considerable charms, for several of the most prominent male Olympiangods (including Zeus, Poseidon, and Ares) engaged in affairs with theseven heavenly sisters - and inevitably, these relationships resulted inthe birth of children: Celaeno (se-lee


-noh) was mother of Lycus byPoseidon. Alcyone (al-seye


-a-nee) was mother of Hyrieus by Lycus.Electra (e-lek


-tra) was mother of Dardanus and Iasion by Zeus. Maia(may


-a, also meye 

-a), eldest of the seven Pleiades, was mother ofHermes by Zeus. Sterope (stair


-a-pee) (also Asterope) was mother ofOenomaus by Ares. Taygete (tay-ij


-i-tee) was mother of Lacedaemon, alsoby Zeus. Welcome to the Pleiadian High Council, I am Melik. We welcomeyou Home, Blessings. We are here at Earth now, with our Mothership--thePegasus. We are working in coordination with the IntergalacticFederation. We have enthusiastically worked with you to assist in manyways with Earth Ascension. Arcturians are known for their lighttechnology, Sirians are known for their libraries and Pleiadians areknown for their work with nature spirits. We are partnering with you on

Earth in reintegrating to Gaia now, the physical manifestation of allthe magical realms back to Earth. Our Mothership is here carryingrepresentatives from the higher elemental, plant, animal, devic, and

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nature kingdoms. The Pleiadians have a long history of working withthese kingdoms and serving them. We are their Guardians. We have sharedour knowledge with those on Earth since the beginning. You are ourfamily. We helped seed earth and we are the ancestors of many livingthere. We are what Native Cultures call the Grandfathers and theGrandmothers. We have telepathic resonance with all in the animalkingdom, including birds, butterflies, ants, whales, dolphins,

elephants, zebras; all animals and creatures. We have telepathicresonance with all those in the plant kingdom. We use the Force andteach these ones to be in harmony with each other, as they are all partof All That Is. The elements of water, air, earth, and wind likewiselive in harmony together. We desire to help bring harmony back to Earth.We are experts in what you call Green technology. Our sentient computerscoordinate with weather, elements, animals, plants as well as rivers,oceans, mountains and sky. We harmonize these to work together forclimate control, clean water, clean air, clean seas and rivers, We will,immediately after First Contact link our computer system into the EarthGrid. We will bring forth free electricity and power for everyoneinvolved. We also work with the merfolk, unicorns, fairies, elves,

sylphs, salamanders, and many other magical beings. They have never leftwhere we are. We are working to reintegrate them on to surface Earth.They will work in harmony with you and the Earth energies to createcomplete unconditional harmony. There will be more fun to life, morelife in fun. We want you all to know that we are here now and waiting onthe cusp of the new phase where we may come in and help with all of thenew green technologies. We will have projects on ocean cleanup,farm-crop redistribution, energy source sharing and clean water andclean air technologies. We are available to you now. You may call on usto work with you to reintegrate the magical kingdoms into yourindividual lives. You may have a Fairy or Elf or other partner with you,just as Angels do. Angels are part of the natural realm. Call to Maab,Queen of Fairies and call to Melik, of the Pleiadian High Council, we

are Twin Flames. Ask us to Guide you in your pursuit of a newrelationship with these precious ones. We will help you understand howthey may help you more in your everyday lives. We are here to partnerwith those on Earth to restore her pristine beauty in all her realms,back to love. We invite any and all of you, especially those, whoseMission this is, to call on us often to work with you. We invite you tocome during dreamtime at night for more training on our ships. All youmust do is ask. Maab is on Earth full time now, coordinating theseefforts and working directly with you. We have waited a very long timefor this and we are very well pleased at recent developments opening theportals and pathways back to Earth. We Bring Peace. ~Melik. Beth andMark www.GalacticRoundTable.com <http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

*ABOUT LYRA:* Lyra was frequently visualized as an eagle or vulture aswell as a lyre; both are shown on this engraving from the Uranographiaof Johann Bode (1801). Near the tip of the vulture’s beak is the brightstar Vega, here spelt Wega; Bode also gave it the alternative name Testain reference to the tortoise shell from which the lyre was supposedlymade by Hermes. To the Council of Lyra we ask: We are now visioningthrough all of the Round Tables from above and below, we are envisioningTwin Flame heart, male female balancing spirit. And we understand thisis visioning an energetic system matrix that is holographic. What we areasking, we want to bring forth something new, something that includesand benefits us all. Something that joins us in a joyful peaceful lovingharmonious way: How may we procede? We invite the AFERs, progenators, a

collective, Ancient Elders who originally gave us this model in the100th Dimension. We are getting our energy from the Great Central Sun,we want the angelic/galactic/awakened human to be one. We want to be

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energized and activated within Source, which we each have within. Wewant our new Earth Plan to honor all, from all out into cocreativesensual reality. From the heart-mind and equal armed radii, spiraling upthrough the dimensions, in a never ending healing harmony, embracingchange, being the change. This is all inclusive, we all have a beautifuldivine purpose. When we open to that, we have a holographic perspectiveinstead of a linear perspective. We want representatives of all, who can

talk about the substraights and quantum entanglement, which effects theomniverse, which is expressive, so we can see the blank slate technologyso we can envision the higher dimensions to look for ways to recognizeall energies, all frequencies. So they too will change. Their SourceLevel Guidance is getting best visions best hopes best dreams where wecan cocreate together so all value the highest dynamic of thecoconsensus reality Will you help us present this, or express this ordescribe how we get from where we are until we get to the new Plan wherewe do it with reverence and love for all others. Headquarters for theAshtar Command, (Ashtar, Soltec, Hatonn) a 12 D World where we sprung upinto the Adam Kadmon template started-this one holds the greatestcapacity to get the job done, to take us back to the hundredth dimension

and beyond. This will take us back to the Godhead. We bringrepresentatives the natural and magical realms as well as sound andlight. We arrive at Lyra. It looks like a cosmopolitan city. There alltall buildings with twinkle lights. One of the structures is a geodesicpyramid. We arrive to a large building and an enormous door on the sideof the building opens so we may "fly" into it and we land on a platformthere. As we disembark there are greeters who welcome us and gift uswith flower leis. It smells tropical and fresh here. The inside of thislanding area is royal red. We walk past a thirty foot high statue ofMother Sekhmet as we are ushered into the round table room. Here theLyrian Council Members sit alternately around a table with AFERs. TheAFERs are quiet a bit taller than the Ones from Lyra who are humanoid.They all stand as we enter the room. We bow Namaste and take our

positions at the round table. We ask them to please comment, if theywill, on any portion of the above question. One of the AFERs stands upto address us: There are Councils all over this Universe who have beenmeeting recently to answer this same question. This is a very importantquestion. No longer will there be allowed an energetic frequency ofexchange which has the ability to be controlled. We are looking atcreating a model of energy frequency exchange (money) which is allinclusive and flows in and out in a never ending rhythm. This newexchange system has a requirement of being immortal, being infinite,having the ability to evolve. As the needs of the organism evolve, sotoo will the energetic flow evolve to meet its growing needs. TheseCouncils have been meeting so they may come up with some viable models.These models will be brought, in love, light, balance, freedom andreverence to Earth. These potential possibilities will be brought toroundtable discussions which will be viewed by all throughout the World.We will have roundtable meetings and we will have mentors to work withanyone wanting to know more about these discussions. We will have expertrepresentatives from all parts of the World meeting, post NESARA, toimplement ways to put the New Earth Plan into place. This new plan withbe the Highest possible, spinodal joining of balanced holographicrepresentation of the Whole. One of the Lyrian Council stands andcontinues: Thank you for bringing us this question today. We wish tooffer our perspective on this important question about energeticexchange. The next step in this process of earth and individualascension is to dissolve the old matrix core fear beliefs surrounding

money. The whole point of NESARA is to remove the survival programmingfrom our consciousness, wipe it clean. After this, joining monies willbecome the balanced fulcrum approach to providing all that is needed to

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All That Is. The first concept to teach those on Earth is sharing,pooling, flowing, and sustaining the energy through cooperation. Allwill have everything they need. No one will be left out. This will be anexercise in Divine Love. It must be implemented as a coconsensusreality. In order to introduce this possibility all fears of lack mustbe completely removed. This is why we are moving to a metals backedcurrency. There will be a tiered approach to energy exchange. Economics

101 will begin as a metals backed currency and after many years of Allon Earth having all they need, we will evolve out of that low leveldynamic to something even more substantive. We will do away with moneyas we know it today and move to a system of debit and credit exchanges.There will be no currency standing in for the energy exchange as timegoes on. We will realize it is not necessary. We will grow to the pointof understanding that love is its own currency, as is light. There areothers, colors, sound, and others still. The new currency exchange willhappen in tiered phases and the Ones creating it will be the ones todetermine when the next phase may be phased in. As this continues, theold dissolves and is returned to light for more creation. The beginningof this is to decide the importance of each needed solution, its place

on the priority list, and the means by which it will be distributed.This is not as complicated as it sounds. We of Lyra, with the AFERsElders, are at your service for counseling. We cannot do it for you, butjust ask, and we will help you include all the necessary cocreativeforces, working with all elements involved, to solve all the necessarychanges and not allowing any unintended consequences. We will do this asa group in All That IS, to deliver love, light, color and sound, in abalanced holographic model to all on Earth. Another Council Member fromLyra adds: We now wish to be available to help all the Leaders, who willhead up these Councils on Earth, to begin imagining ways these thingsmay be accomplished. These may begin, as has been proposed as: IntegrityTeam


s Round Tables can be established for many purposes namely: 1) Toreplace the banking system as we know it. 2) To replace the government

divisions as we know them. 3) To replace state and city and governorsystems as we know it. Integrity Team


s Round Tables will serve as aTrustee of trusts who as a group can be set up as:1 ) Teams –Representing functions representing such as a type of lending 2)Divisions – City and Town counselors 3) Sections – Representing groupsof states 4) Possibly Arbitration Boards We wish the Leaders of Earth,those serving in the Galactic Federation, and other associated Groups,to begin to imagine the possibilities of how they may serve in one ofthe above capacities. The purpose of being embodied now on Earth isspiritual service. There is nothing else. Once NESARA comes it is not aholiday present to squander. It simply removes you from servitude to thecabal, feeds, clothes and offers the security needed, to move ahead, toevolve out of "jobs" and beginning to do your "work" as spiritualservice to a New Plan for Earth. We salute you! Namaste. ~Members of theCouncil of Lyra Beth and Mark www.GalacticRoundTable.com<http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

This [excerpt] is [from] the second of four meetings where Beth and Marktravel around the galaxy seeking opinions on Holographic ideas for thenew coconsensus reality plan. We ask the counselors how we may from theheart mind center, bring forth a progressive plan, from a current topdown system, which only benefits a few, to a heart mind level playingfield for all to contribute and present to Galactic and Stargate RoundTables that they may themselves draft their own questions, versions, andideas to the Galactics, including the angelic, galactic-human and human

Earth Councils to be a mutually benefitting construct to be used by all.Thank you for considering our questions. Here is a proposal from aGRT-Intel writer: The dynamics of a group are a Source of Creation, but

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a group by itself can not expand it 

s consciousness without a leader andobservers. Expansion of a group consciousness occurs with the awarenessof leadership


s movement of the observer outside the group movingtowards the group. The observers beliefs are of the utmost importance asthe movement of the observer along with the belief energy will betransmuted upon the group as a unit or molecule and the group unit willexpand in consciousness and comprehend the observers love, will, and

direction of truth or light thus creating or generating more fluency andcurrency, called synergistic energy exchange. This acts like a businesstransaction, so this creates the need for fluent group management asgroups can then evolve into different types of networks and differenttypes of currents or currencies or cosmic consciousness. The result isan expanding of Higher Awareness of Self and I Am creation. Thus becomea rhythm of expansion of the Energy of God and Co-creation of collectiveenergy. Post NESARA a new model will be put into place. Joy will beabundant as people hear Lady Master Nada instruct them that their newfound wealth may be used to improve lives of all on Earth. Every man,woman and child will feel inspired to add their creative energy to thesenew projects. Joy, pride, and love will run rampant. The new found

freedom of it will have people giddy. The new conscious collective willlook and function as a lotus blossom. The whole is represented as thefruition of all that is possible, which is a holographic and infiniterepresentation of fractal energy. The core is the love found in Oneness,the pestle and stamen, the male and female balanced core of synergisticco-creation. The petals each represent another section, another program,another part of the New Plan. Each petal has its own fragrance and as itopens to wholeness, all are able to sample the sweet succulent smellscoming from that new creation. The Galactics wish to provide mentorshipon beginning the new process. We offer suggestions and models that maybe utilized. These will be step by step processes. As the World releasesthe old model of servitude, it will be challenging to see new solutionsto old problems. This is where the Galactic Council comes in with

nonjudgmental Guidance and Support as Earth segues in its own Newapproach. This new model will be an approach that works for everyone. Wewill be teaching discernment. We will show, by example, how if a newdesign works, it is able to grow, evolve, change, and be all inclusive.As long as it is feeding more light to itself and sustaining constantincrease in growth, it is indeed the right model. This is our role now.There are advanced models of abundant co-creation, which up until now,have not been shared in this time and this space. As each Human Beingreceives their packet, as long as they are 51% positive, they willreceive a packet. As each One comes into abundance, it comes with amentor who will teach new facets of abundant co-creation here to for notunderstood in 5D. Everyone will be upgraded with the skills to makechoices which will benefit All That Is. This is how we know that the NewPlan will work. Each person who participates sees quite quickly howBeing Abundant, Acting Abundant, and Sharing Abundance only brings moreabundance. Everyone will want to play the new game. Namaste,~The Arcturian Council of Light Beth and Markwww.GalacticRoundTable.com<http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

Beth and Mark visited the Mars Council. Visit to Mars: We jump to ashuttle craft driven by Ashtar and in the jump seat is KOS. They take usinto an inner tunnel at Mars. We see in the distance a domed city, avery, very tall, dome on the interior core of Mars. A door on the sideof the dome opens and we are allowed access. The architecture in theCity here is minimalist and futuristic. There are floating oasis



water and green plants. The structures they float on are artificial butthe living things are natural. Sunlight is tunneled in from the surfaceand the dome city is full with sunlight. We enter a building which has

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no outer distinguishable characteristics. Inside is a meeting room withlarge monitor screens surrounding the table and chairs on all walls.These monitors are connected to the Ships. There is a GalacticFederation Symbol on the wall of the room. There we meet CommanderKorton and Commander Mon-Ka, the Mars Council, Ashtar and KOS. CommanderMon-ka speaks: Dear Friends, You have been expanding your understandingof higher dimensions. You know a little about parallel Planets and you

have been exploring stair-stepping the dimensions and also HigherOctaves. In exploring these ideas, minds have expanded to a place wherewe may talk to you about how things really are. In preparation for FirstContact, one must expand and mature their thoughts regarding how thingswork. When your Hubble Telescope views and photographs Mars, it issending back 3D photos of a burned up shell of a Planet. Long ago therewas a


change point 

at which time the people and the Planet of Marsevolved into a Higher Dimension. When you link with us OOB, as now, youare linking with us in a parallel dimension, a Higher Dimension. AsEarth ascends-- as do the individuals on Earth--all who choose toascend, will travel through the


change point 

on Earth. You aretraveling through this now, it is a process. Everything you have been

discussing of late regarding Earth changes, individual ascension, aswell as politics, world peace, end of pollution, eradication of disease,and the end of financial slavery and bringing justice to all, lead up tomoving through the


change point 

for Earth. When NESARA is announced itis a beginning of change, not an end of the old regime. It is abeginning of living on the parallel Earth, the Higher Dimensional Earth.It is what you have been calling the Master Plan or the New Plan. TheFace on Mars is an implosion of our Gateway Temple, it is the face ofCreator. Earth going through this


change point 

means... it is movingto a Higher Octave. Earth will remain the same, only it will beperceived from a Higher Frequency. Those not ascending will not joinTerra Nova. They will instead go to a Planet in a parallel dimension ofa different frequency. Nothing is lost. Now-- here in this meeting

point-- in this room, we are not speaking to you from the old shell ofthe 3D Mars perceived by your current technology, no. You are seeing usin a meeting place which is on the parallel Mars, in a Higher Frequency.We greet you with cheers of celebration. We are very pleased you areable to perceive us this way now. A large number of you are asking forchange and able to understand how things truly exist in this Cosmos. Weon Mars continue to work and evolve in our underground domed city. We,along with 10 other Planets-- in various phases of ascension-- alongwith the 12 Planets which make up your local system, are participatingin the plan for terraforming Mars back to its Pristine condition. WePlanets have a long history of telepathic communication. We alsotraveled in spacecraft to Earth and stars and the 12 Planets in ourlocal system. There were times after Earth became inhabited with denseform humans that our relations were not always civil. We are evolvingpast that time now. I work with the Galactic Federation as a protectorof Earth. I work on the Saturian Council and work closely with theAshtar Command in furthering Earth


s Master Plan for Ascension. All ofthe Planets in our


time space realm 

are firing up our crystallinecores and preparing for the Great Shift back to love. Everything you areexperiencing on Earth, we too are experiencing in our own way.Everything you do effects us. If you are successful, so are we, wecannot abide a failure. There is a joint effort from the IntergalacticFederation of Worlds to see to it that nothing stands in the way ofEarth Ascension. This is a very exciting time, and we all celebrate withyou. I am working with Sanat Kumara from Shamballa using their Hall of

Records. It is here that we have digital records of every human onEarth. We work with Commander Soltec who heads up all IntergalacticCommunication. We join our work with the Silent Watcher on the 172

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Dimension with their communication system. Ashtar links into them withHatonn and the Protection Forces. All of these share Intel with KOS andKorton, Commanders of the Protective Forces of Earth. They work with theCosmic Secret Service. You have heard of Project Blue Beam and FOBOS,the artificial satellite as well as secret satellite stations and on andon. Ashtar and his Protective Forces have dismantled or neutralized allof the mentioned negative nanite technology and systems put into place

as a subversive measure to Earth Ascension. These negative influenceshave been removed and the final tipping point are arrests. We requireall negative influences, all those involved in deception, greed,genocide, injustice, to be removed as they are not able to ascend intothe parallel frequency with Earth. In the words of KOS "It is happeningnow". Bless You All! We rejoice in your Knowing! ~Mon-Ka Beth andMark www.GalacticRoundTable.com <http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

Stargates ~Metatron 10/21/09 We go to the time 65 million years ago. Weare on 5th Dimensional Earth. The Master Builders had come to work withHermes, Ra and Isis to build the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Therewere StarGates connecting Atlantis, and LeMuria. The Peru StarGate was

near Manchu Picchu at Lake Titicaca. There were LeMurian StarGates inMt. Rainer in Washington, Mt. Shasta, California Mt. Graham, Arizona,Mesa Verde, Colorado, Shiprock Mountain in New Mexico connected from theSolar Disc in New Mexico, United States with the Solar Disc in ManchuPicchu. These StarGates connect with the Atlantean StarGates in GaustaMountain, Norway, Mt Etna, Sicily, Mt Araarat, near Armenia, NanjaParbat, in Pakistan, Noshaq Mountain in Afghanistan, as well as severalothers. There was a system of pathways where StarShips went into Earth,through the Mountain Peak, traveled along, and came out in anotherMountain peak, and sometimes Lake, in another part of Earth. There aremany tunnel systems connecting inner and outer Earth. At this time,those were being used by all these cultures, in Peace. The StarGates onEarth not only connected ports on Earth, but also were vectors to other

parts of the Milkyway Galaxy. In other words, if you wanted to go toanother quadrant in this Galaxy, very quickly, "the express train" inthe subway system, you need only go to a certain StarGate and it willtake you there, through Earth, to another quadrant in our Galaxy. TheseStarGates are multidimensional. At this linear time 65 million yearsago, we were living on Earth in the 5th Dimension, in Adam Kadmonacsended physical bodies, we were then in crystalline bodies, we werethen in fully active and attuned DNA. Now the Master Builders came towork with the LeMurians and the Atlanteans to build a connected hiway ofportals and pyramids. The Dome on the Rock is a StarGate, as are some ofthe Anasazi StarGates in the western U.S. The Mayan, Aztec, and IncaPyramids in South America, the Great Pyramid in Giza, and those inGreece, Spain, and Sudan, all played roles in the portal systems ofEarth. This Earth was Pristine and had visitors from all over the Galaxyenjoying the beauty and enormous diversity of Earth. Beth andMark www.GalacticRoundTable.com <http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

12/5/09 Arcadian Elder: Hello. We are the Arcadians. We are many formsof humanoid and not reptilian. When the reptilian humanoids came tobreed with our children, we left and came to Sirius B for refuge. Westay on our Mothership and travel to the places we go in shuttlecraft.We have citizens of our colony who have slate grey skin, very large coneheads and skinny arms and legs. We have those with faces shaped likelarge chevrons with big almond eyes. There are several others, we havegreat diversity. We travel out in orbs to Earth. We are Ones who travel

around observing silently and not interacting. We take data back to ourShips about how Earth is progressing. We are Monitors. We collect dataand analyze it. We do this to help formulate plans of how to handle

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still here. All the other Member Nations of the IGF will be free to comeand go when we give the All Clear. This day is fast approaching. We askyou to be alert, be in joy, and continue to beam love and light as wefinish the final steps in the Master Plan. Salut! Ashtar Mark andBeth www.GalacticRoundTable.com <http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

10/16/09 The Original Architects of the Solar System and provided the

technology and mathematics for cutting stones and building the pyramidwith sound-the Uranians-levitate huge masses by neutralizing their mass.Matter/Antimatter. Visiting Uranus. We invite the Sunstar 4, Metatronand Michael, Lord Maitrya and St Germain. Mark and I and our GoodlyCompany arrive on Uranus. There is fantastic and extra ordinaryArchitecture in the City where we are. It is on the Sea. It is big, likeManhattan, but the structures have organic shapes, like flowers andleaves and fit perfectly into the landscape, it is awe inspiring. Thereare round buildings with arched entries and fantastic spired towers. StGermain takes us into a tall building with a peaked arch opening. We arewelcomed by the Master Builders. They do not age, they are the originalswhich came to Earth to help build the pyramid system on Earth. In this

building are screens with visuals of projects as well as models. Thereis an overlook and on display are models of projects done on Earth. Whenwe are introduced to the Uranians we see they are small in stature-theyhave black skin. We sit with them in an area they have prepared and theywelcome us. We are sitting on large pillows on the ground, Japanesestyle. St Germain sits with us. He smiles and says he has sent ourdosiers ahead, he is only partially kidding. He goes on to say they knowus and our work for Earth Ascension. We drink with them. They explainthey would like us to meet their Council of Elders. We agree. They saythey would be quite honored if we would bring back a message with usfrom their Council. We are surprised they mean right now, and we agreeto go with them-St Germain accompanies us. He has obviously been heremany times before. We walk into a hall and there are thousands of

Uranians there. They stand from their seats when they see Mark, StGermain, and Beth walk into the center isle together. They are clapping.Mark and I are stunned and sheepish. Everyone sits down and theirspeaker comes forward and wishes we share this message from Uranus:Greetings to all on Earth. We are very pleased to have these Ambassadorshere today. It is a sign of the times. We have known for millions ofyears when the Earth Ambassadors came to see us, it would be time tovisit Earth again. We will be there for mass decloakings with ourBrothers and Sisters in the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds. We areone of the Original Progenitors of Earth. We are the Master Builders. Welast left Earth millions of years ago. Now we are ready to return. Webrought our sound and light technology and built pyramids all around theEarth. These link in with the portals, stargates, vortexes, and what youcall wormholes as well as link with the portal systems in this Universeand beyond. We also used giant crystals and magnets to energize areas ofthe Earth. It was during our time when the Mayan Civilzation and theEgyptian Civilization traveled to each other by teleportation. Therewere no limitations on visiting the sacred places on Earth. The AncientCivilizations were in contact with each other, on surface Earth andinner Earth. This Perfection is ready to return to Earth. We have beenfollowing your progress. We will be the Ones now to come back andrestore the original structures we built on Earth. You will havecircular cities. You will have free energy. You will have rejuvenationcenters. You will be free to visit the sea or the mountains, both in thesame day. The limitations will no longer exist in your world. Be ready

to greet us when we come, we are your Brothers and Sisters, we are yourGalactic Family. We are very excited about your progress and very happyto return to beautiful Earth, a place we love. We will mentor the new

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Councils on Earth to begin projects immediately after mass landings. Wewill explain all the choices available and demonstrate the technology toget it done. Ultimately it will be your choice, as a group, to decidetogether the best solutions. We will be there as your Counselors andMentors. Blessings Earth Family from the Uranian Elders. Mark andBethwww.GalacticRoundTable.com <http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

Will you please take us to Aldeberan? Yes, We go Now. We arrive atAldeberan. I see a pool just like the one on The Mall in Washington D.C.It is rectangular shaped. There are massive rectangular stonessurrounding the pool and I see a round tower made of these stones. Ilooked up and saw a tall rectangular compound. Then we are walking up anancient stairway and then back down another stairway into the center ofwhat I now recognize is a Ziggurat. When we descend the stairs there areancient gigantic stone statues of Kings that make up pillars. They looklike Egyptian Pharoah statues. KOS is there and he says: This is it.There is a secret portal in this ziggurat that will immediately take youto a Star Gate in Pakistan. I will show you on the Pakistan map wherethe Star Gate is. For years the Illuminati fought over the Iranian

StarGate. That was always a false story. That Star Gate goes otherplaces, but not to Aldeberan. There has always been Kumaras taking Shipsin and out from Afghanistan, and that was a decoy spot. There is anotherStar Gate there, the one I showed you a picture of. That one is anotherimportant one, but does not lead here. That large stone tower is wherethe StarShips enter and exit from. Aldeberan is where the Language ofLight originated from. This is the beginning of Creation for thisGalaxy. The Orion Wars ended here. Archangel Metatron is the King ofAngels. His sons, Jehovah and Lucifer waged battle when Angels beganincarnating into Human Forms. This new Creation, the Human Angel wassomething these brothers were jealous of. The Wars spanned millions ofyears and carried on through many Star Nations. Earth is a model of thislast vestige of War. The Ones warring then were the Illuminati on Earth

now. These are descendants of Metatron and Mother Sekhmet: The Childrenof Ra and the Children of Light. Some of these Ones never fell fromGrace. They remained immortal and incarnated again and again and againon Earth to hold the Light for when the Wars Would End: The Kumaras,including Sananda, Ashtar, and St. Germain. There are many others. St.Germain collected the gold he has now and stored it secretly to preparefor this time of Announcements. He worked together with the KOS and LadyMaster Nada, Twin Flames, to create the legal structure and SecretForces to deal with the Human Angels who were fallen. Ashtar is theSupreme Commander of the Galactic Federation and he heads the Forces inthe Skies, off Planet, and on other Star Nations coordinating thiseffort. Mother Sekhmet will escort the Beloved Fallen Ones, of Earth,and either return them to Source, as she is their Mother, or send themto a place more befitting the experience they desire. Lord Metatron isthe Lord of Light and he Guides the whole process, working with theAngels and ArchAngels, especially closely with his son, AA Michael, whoworks with the Angelic and Galactic Forces of Light. KOS is their Leaderon Earth, he heads up the Galactic Human Secret Forces. This right hereis what all the fighting is about. To enter this portal, and come toAldeberan, one has access to power. Aldeberan is the City that Atlantiswas based on. It is the Cradle of Civilization in the Local Galaxy. Hereon Aldeberan is a giant dome structure. It is where the Adam KadmonHuman Body Form originated. This is where Metatron reconstructed thebodies of all the Ones who were destroyed in the Orion Wars. It was adevastating blow to this Father to see his children destroying each

other again and again. The Ones who did not fall, you know them as theGoodly Company. Many of the Goodly Company are incarnated now asGalactic Humans and they know they will not give up until this job is

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done, the fallen Ones are removed from this Galaxy and Earth is returnedback to a Planet of Peace. Sananda last incarnated as Jesus the Christand he laid the ground work for this Now moment. Many of the IlluminatiElite were dark ones who were the immortal fallen human angels. Thereare endless stories written about these tales, it is all the same storyand it ends now. There is a Temple on Aldeberan which holds all thesacred knowledge of Creating Life. All the knowledge of making hybrids

is here. There are sample tissues here for all DNA ever created. Thereinlies the Power. The Power to control, manipulate, and create species ofSlaves. Human Angels who will put on veils, forget who they are, and"Work for the Man" never questioning anything. By doing this, theIlluminati are free to rape, pillage and plunder every continent onEarth, as well as keeping most of the Worlds


population in economicslavery from the cradle to the grave. False religions were set up toseal the deal. Not only Christianity, but there is some form ofmanipulation of fear in all religions. There are thousands uponthousands of years and failed attempts to return Earth to love. Now theGaia Consciousness Collective came to critical mass and shouted "NoMore!" This was the clarion call that went out from Earth. All That Is

Heard it and it meant Humanity had finally Asked and Allowed!!! Therewas rejoicing through the Solar System and we have been crafting theMaster Plan since then. Now the Galactics, headed by the GalacticFederation, and the Legions of Angels could work together for EarthsAscension and every being on her, including every subcellular organism,every nanite. The Galactics are headed up by Mother Sekhmet and her TwinFlame, Alcyone and the Angels are headed up by Metatron and his TwinFlame Neptha El Ra. Anyone who has ever heard the history of the OrionWars can understand why we will not stop until there is Worldwide Peaceand an end to all suffering. These are our children, theGalactic/Angelic/Human children and we cannot stand by and watch anymore suffering. Universal Law states Each One must ask and must allow.Now when we reached critical mass, it made it possible to start moving

certain ones into positions, into families, and into jobs where theycould work as dark hats and assist the light by being double agents. Anelaborate plot was put into play which has culminated in the chaos yousee now. It only appears as chaos. You are watching the old timelinedissolve, and that includes the dissolution of all illusionary financialdeals cut on bad paper. This means no more using each person


sidentification number as collateral for the World Bank. No morelifetimes of slavery. No more lack of creation due to endless work. Allof you are Gods and Goddesses of the Light. All of you are Creator Gods.You are capable of instant manifestation-Now! Remember Now! As we takethe final steps out of the supposed chaos, as we step away from beingrequired, for the safety and well being of our men and woman of theGround Crew, to work as double agents, and as we finish the arrests andremovals of the fallen Ones, we will then be able to pour out from theStargates, in our MotherShips and begin the Golden Age for Mother Earth.~KOS 12/4/09 Mark and Bethwww.GalacticRoundTable.com<http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/> From AA Metatron: This spiral oflight in the sky is an opening through a portal. This is the beginningof the Cosmic Burst of Love StarGate Portal Opening. This is a 72 hourprocess which will raise the vibrations of Earth and on 12/12/09 nothingthat is not at 5D or above will be capable of withstanding the energyhere. Everyone will be able to feel the effects of love and blisspouring out over the Planet. It will be in this extremely high energywhere miracles will occur. This is a dispensation and it is the largestburst of love energy to be emitted to Earth in all her history. We have

been bringing a message to Earth regarding changes in the financial,political, and religious sectors. This is the Celestial Sign you havebeen waiting to see. Decloakings cannot occur until we have PEACE. This

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burst of Cosmic Love entering through StarGate Portal Opening, picturedhere, is the bringer of Peace. Blessings my Beloveds, ~ArchangelMetatron Beth and Mark www.GalacticRoundTable.com<http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>

Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat~ In the vortex opening significant serious Onescame through in Ships and have entered this Dimension to Remove all Dark

Hats from the Planet in the next 72 hours on 12/12/09 pre-stagingworldwide decloakings. This photo is from Astrid, our GRT Member, ThankYou, Astrid! And these are also from Astrid: Mystery as spiral b Bluelight display hovers above Norway By MAIL FOREIGN SERVICE Last updatedat 12:42 PM on 09th December 2009 A mysterious light display appearingover Norway last night has left thousands of residents in the north ofthe country baffled. Confusion: The Norwegian Meteorological Institutewas flooded with calls after the light storm Witnesses from Trøndelag toFinnmark compared the amazing sight to anything from a Russian rocket toa meteor or a shock wave - although no one appears to have mentionedUFOs yet. The phenomenon began when what appeared to be a blue lightseemed to soar up from behind a mountain. It stopped mid-air, then began

to circulate. Curious: A blue-green beam of light was reported to havecome shooting out the centre of the spiral Within seconds a giant spiralhad covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot outfrom its centre - lasting for ten to twelve minutes before disappearingcompletely. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded withtelephone calls after the light storm - which astronomers have said didnot appear to have been connected to the aurora, or Northern Lights, socommon in that area of the world. Fred Hansen, from Bø in Vesterålen,described the sight as


like a big fireball that went around, with agreat light around it again.



It spun and exploded in the sky, 

TottoEriksen from Tromsø told VG Nett. He spotted the lights as he walked hisdaughter Amalie to school. He said:


We saw it from the Inner Harbor inTromsø. It was absolutely fantastic.


It almost looked like a rocket

that spun around and around and then went diagonally down the heavens. 

It looked like the moon was coming over the mountain, but then camesomething completely different.



It was like a giant spiral - ashooting star that spun around and around. I initially thought it was aprojector


, added Axel Rose Berg, from Alta. Celebrity astronomer KnutJørgen Røed Ødegaard told VG Nett he had never seen anything like thelights. He said:


My first thought was that it was a fireball meteor,but it has lasted far too long.


It may have been a missile in Russia,but I can not guarantee that it is the answer.


Air Traffic control inTromsø claimed the light show lasted for two minutes, but admitted thatwas


far too long to be an astronomical phenomena. 

What could it be?Astronomers say the spectacle did not appear to have been connected tothe aurora, or Northern Lights Readmore: <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1234430/Mystery-s>http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1234430/Mystery-s…

KOS: There has been heightened activity around Sanaa in Yemen. Militiasfrom NATO, EU, Russia, China, Japan, US, all running around with notmuch to do. There are hundreds of Warships in the Gulf Of Aden rightnow. They are surrounding an open StarGate in the Sea. Seven miles deepwithin the sea below the Aden Stargate is an awakening sentientconsciousness creation with extraordinary capacity to assist in bringingpeace to the world. The Secret Scientists are monitoring these anomaliesand they report to Military Leaders there is nothing that can stop them.All Planets in our Solar System and our Sun are showing transformational

changes in composition and magnetics. All 

Ancient-and-New Grids 

areactivating and will shortly demonstrate an unbelievable power bygenerating a 5D Crystalline and Electromagnetic shield/Firmament around

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the Planet and a horizontal force field that will make aggressive use ofweapons impossible. With the Blue Moon Activation the Earth Grid haspowered up the StarGate with FORCE energy. The energy has been buildingsince December 31st. This second full moon in December was just theCosmic boost which was needed to surge the Crystalline Earth Grid andActivate the Diamond Tetrahedrons inside Earth and open the StarGate asit had been open in ancient history. This Grid Activation is controlled

by Ashtar from the Galactic Federation. On His Command ALL WEAPONS willCease Firepower. We will launch the shuttles from our Mother Ships andwe will bring the Servicemen and Servicewomen from all countries aroundthe world home to their families. The escalation you see in Yemen is thefinal outcry from those who have been in charge of making war a verylong time. They can see the MotherShips exiting the StarGate en Masse.They are aware that when the StarGate reaches its peak power that theirweapons will no longer work. At that moment we will HAVE to announceDisclosure to explain why the soldiers are no longer fighting. Today USSecretary of State, Hillary, said Yemen is a threat Regionally andGlobally. She left out Cosmically. This Statement is her final. Therewill be no more warring she can conjure once the StarGate fully opens.

The Soldiers all around the World will be effected in that instant. Theywill look at their weapons in disgust, not understanding. They will lookup at their buddies and at those they are firing at and notice no one


sweapon is firing. They will radio their Commanders and it will happen inthat instant, all over the World. The StarGate Aden off Yemen


s Coast,IS THE FORCE which will deactivate all guns and weapons around theWorld. There will be a simultaneous World Peace. The Galactic FederationShips will then move in to bring the Soldiers back to their Home Land,back to their families. Everyone will see these Ships and Decloakingswill be underway. Envision Peace. ~KOS Mark andBeth www.GalacticRoundTable.com <http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com/>Hereis a Picture of The Gulf of Aden STARGATE Opening in the Sea Just offthe Coast of YEMEN. It has a Swirl Pattern just Like A Portal In The Sky

ITS ALL ABOUT STARGATES!! Gulf of Aden Quake Shakes Somalia and YemenJanuary 5, 2007 Picture of the StarGate in Sudan, 100 miles of Where AllThe Genocide Is, Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Nubians from Niburu,Mother Sekhmets Wayward Children, Love Them More!! Jebel Marra is thename of a volcanic rock complex that includes a 10,000-foot-high,geologically young intra-continental volcano with a colossal crater. Thevolcano’s most recent eruption occurred in historic times, around 1,500B.C., at a time when the African Nubians of the Upper Nile and theMediterranean Egyptians of the Lower Nile tottered back and forth inpower. (1) Jebel Marra lurches skyward from the 3,000-foot-high flat andmostly uninhabited plains of Western Sudan. The volcano’s1,500-foot-high, steep-walled, three-mile-diameter caldera called Deribacontains two distinctive lakes, one salty and one more-or-lessfreshwater. (2) The freshwater lake, some 357 feet deep, lies inside thecaldera’s only ash cone whose walls rise 400 to 700 feet perpendicularto the lake, except on the northern side, where the lip of the ash coneis considerablylower. <http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.semp.us/images/Bi>http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.semp.us/images/Bi...More Reading AboutStarGates:<http://www.galacticroundtable.com/profiles/blogs/the-us-and-german-governments>http://www.galacticroundtable.com/profiles/blogs/the-us-and-german-governments<http://www.galacticroundtable.com/profiles/blogs/stargate-aden-poses-a-huge>http://www.galacticroundtable.com/profiles/blogs/stargate-aden-poses-a-huge<http://www.galacticroundtable.com/profiles/blogs/its-all-about-stargates>http:/

/www.galacticroundtable.com/profiles/blogs/its-all-about-stargates TheCrystalline Body (learn more about what changes our bodies are goingthrough and

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significantly degraded 


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