4/23/12 1. In your notebook, finish the questions from the laminated sheet. (Pg 47 side only) READ...

download 4/23/12 1. In your notebook, finish the questions from the laminated sheet. (Pg 47 side only) READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY!! 2. When finished, answer.

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Transcript of 4/23/12 1. In your notebook, finish the questions from the laminated sheet. (Pg 47 side only) READ...

4/23/12 1. In your notebook, finish the questions from the laminated sheet. (Pg 47 side only) READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY!! 2. When finished, answer the questions from the half sheet in your notebook. THESE ARE WORTH 30PTS 1. What are the 4 nitrogen bases of DNA? 2. What 3 things make up a nucleotide? 3. Make the complementary DNA strand of the following: ATCCGATCAGGTTA 4. What is the process of making a copy of DNA called? 1. Double Stranded 2. Sugar Phosphate backbone 3. Four nitrogen bases Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Cytosine (C) Guanine (G) Codes for proteins and traits like a recipe for that organism!! HOW? 1. Replication 2. Transcription 3. Translation REPLICATION (Nucleus)(Ribosome) Takes the information from DNA and uses it to assemble proteins. DNARNA Has 2 strandsHas 1 strand Nitrogen Bases: A,T,C,G Nitrogen Bases: A,U,C,G Sugar: DeoxyriboseSugar: Ribose 1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) Copies the coded message from the DNA ; Carries the message to the ribosome. 2. Transfer RNA (tRNA) Carries amino acids to the ribosome and adds them to the growing protein. Cells use information from a gene to produce a specific protein. Takes place on a ribosome in the cytoplasm of a cell 1. DNA molecule unzips in the region of the gene to be transcribed. 2. RNA bases match up along one of the DNA strands. Adenine (A) Uracil (U) Guanine (G) Cytosine (C) 3. mRNA strand breaks away and the mRNA strand leaves the nucleus o Each 3 letter group is called a codon and codes for a specific amino acid.