41591427 Common Wealth Games


Transcript of 41591427 Common Wealth Games

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The city of New Delhi, with a population of 14 million,will be the host of Commonwealth Games 2010. This

will be the first time India will host the Commonwealth

Games and the second time in Asia. Delhi won the right

to host the 2010 Games by defeating the Canadian city

of Hamilton by 46 votes to 22 at the CGF General

Assembly held in Montego Bay in November 2003

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The Commonwealth Games are to be held in following

disciplines:Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Cycling,

Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Net Ball, Shooting,Squash, Rugby 7´s Table Tennis, Weightlifting andWrestling. . The Commonwealth Games are to be held infollowing disciplines: Aquatics, ARCHERY Athletics,Badminton, Boxing, Cycling, Gymnastics, Hockey, LawnBowls, Net Ball, RUGBY Shooting, Squash, Rugby ,Table Tennis, Tennis , Weightlifting and Wrestling.

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Prospects of common wealth Games 2010 In

promoting Tourism In India :

Prospects of common wealth Games 2010 In promoting Tourism In India Along 

With the Common Wealth Games In Delhi there will be impact on Various

 Aspects :- 


Economy Tourism



Hotel Industries


Brand India

Tourist Destination

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the Indira GandhiInternational Airport isbeing modernized,expanded, and

upgradaed. By the 2010gmes, a new terminal(Terminal 3) will havebeen constructed at acost of nearly US$ 1.94

billion, than 37 millionpassengers a year by2010 and the plannedAIRPORT

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Delhi metro

Delhi proposed a four-lane,2.2 km underground stretchfrom Lodhi Road to trans-Yamuna, linking the GamesVillage to the Jawaharlal

 Nehru Stadium and reducingtraveling time for athletestraveling between theVillage and the Stadium bysix minutes. . 

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Confident that thevarious road and flyoverprojects undertaken in

Delhi will be completedon time, Delhi Chief Minister Sheila DikshitWednesday said thatwhen theCommonwealth Games

visitors come here nextyear, they will rememberthe city as one withuninterruptedconnectivity andbeautiful flyovers.

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Delhi has a vibranthospitality industry withalmost all major world-class hotels and

restaurants locatedhere. However, thecurrent capacity will beinsufficient to handlethe huge influx of 

visitors expected intoDelhi for the XIXCommonwealth Games2010 Delhi.

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Impact of Commonwealth Games on

Indian Tourism Industry The gala event will prove a boon for thetourism of India as their will be huge influxof tourists coming to India which will stirup Tour and Travel, Hotel, Airlines,Industries. ASSOCHAM (AssociatedChambers of Commerce and Industry of India) has estimated the influx of touristsmay be higher than ten million. The event

also has generated many job opportunities.The current growth of Indian HospitalityIndustry is 12% which will surely rise to atleast 20% and thereby the occupancy rateof it would be 70%. Many new projectshave come up and numerous others are intheir developmental stage.

Not only Hospitality Industry, but Medical

Tourism will also a high boom in 2010because of the upcoming event. If thereports of RNCOS are to be seen, it statesthat India will be receiving many MedicalTourist because of the gala affair. Theindustry experts also believe thatCommonwealth Games would make aconsiderable and influential impact onIndian Tourism Industry. 

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Sports and Leisure

The geographical diversities of India open up great avenues for adventure

sports and activities

. Business tours combined withactive sports activities arebecoming highly popular . 

Commonwealth games havedrawn sports professionals toIndia and will do so in all thefuture sports events in India. 

There are many traditional

games in India which touriststake great interest; one suchsport is the famous boat race of Kerala. 

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India is top destination offering

tourists with great and excellent

scope for skiing in theHimalayan ranges, going on

 bicycle tour on the Indian roads

or canoeing or whitewater rafting

in the hilly streams and rivers.

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Cultural Tourism

Among the various states for culturaltourism in India, Rajasthan is themost popular . 

Rajasthan is famous for its richcultural heritage. 

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Promotion Of Tourist

Destinations The government of India has set up theMinistry of Tourism and

Culture to boost culturaltourism in India. Theministry in recent yearshas launched theµIncredible India!¶

campaign and this hasled to the growth of culture tourism in India.

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TOURISM According to a press release of 

The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) dated 17September 2009, Ayurvedicand Medical Tourismindustries will be benefitted

by 2010 CommonwealthGames in India as these areexpected to fetch them overRs. 800 crore of revenue.Aurvedic Industry iscurrently dominated byKerala and Karnataka, butsoon States like Uttarakhand,Himachal Pradesh and UttarPradesh too would becomehub for aurveda/spa ormedical tourism.

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Bed and Breakfast


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The power ministry,empowered to light up the cityfor the Games, has initiatedsteps to clear the messoverhead, and the tourismministry is cleaning up the

squalor around the budgethotels in Paharganj and KarolBagh earmarked to meet thedemand for accommodation.The motels and guest houses,some of which are badlymaintained, will be graded by

the Delhi Tourism andTransportation DevelopmentCorporation (DTTDC) once therenovations are over.

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Medical Facilities

The Delhi government hasdecided to construct 36hospitals in New Delhi, inthe run-up to the 2010Commonwealth Games.

Some of these hi-techhospitals will be built in theTrans-Yamuna area of DelhiInitially a fund of Rs.150 million has beenplanned for theconstruction of thehospitals, but more fundswill be made available asand when needed.

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Power Supply

Addition of power supplyto the existing 3,500 MWsupply available to the

city. Delhi will see the

availability of powerenhanced to 7,000 MWfrom the present 4,000MW by theCommonwealth Games in2010

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Green Delhi

Government wants to turn greenDelhi into lush green this timebefore the 2010 CommonwealthGames.

Its horticulture department has

sown 41,000 species of plants atRoshanara Bagh which are likelyto flower during the Games period.

Some of the trees being grown bythe MCD include Plumeria Alba,Plumeria Acutifolia, LagerstromiaFlosreginae, Colvillea Racemosa,

Bougainvillea, Hisbiscus, Lantana,Cassia alata, Jatropha, Neem,Ashoka tree etc. It also plans tosow five lakh plants and shrubs sothat they are ready by then.

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