40 is not the new 30


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Age really is a number. An important one, not to be ignored. Don't believe the hype. 40 is not the new 30 and that's quite alright. For more visit: www.drmoeanderson.com or www.thecougarcommandments.com

Transcript of 40 is not the new 30

Page 1: 40 is not the new 30

Repeat after me. Two plus two will always be four. And forty is not the new thirty. Years ago, when I assisted my sons with their math homework, they often became upset because I didn’t use the same steps as their teacher to arrive at the same conclusion as their teacher. “Mom, that’s not how you do it!” they protested every frickin’ time. So I’d flip to the back of the workbook and display the answer, “But is it right?” I asked, pointing at the obvious. That’s the problem with new math. It’s simply more complicated steps to reach the same conclusion. For women over 40 who brag they look the same as they did at 20 or 30, I suggest an eye exam. Unless you have the world’s greatest plastic surgeon, no, you don’t, Boo Boo. But that’s okay. You are undoubtedly smarter, wiser, hopefully, wealthier, and, uhm, more skilled at customer satisfaction. Roll with that, girlfriend. Cougars don’t compete with the past; not theirs or anyone else’s. We don’t need to be thirty again. Been there, done that. It was fun. Now, the challenge is to make the best of 40, 50, and beyond. Don’t waste the opportunities of the present trying to recapture the past. It’s much easier to be in the top 20% of your age group than desperately cat-paddling in the fiftieth percentile of a younger generation. My objective is to complete me. If I’m whole and I meet the perfect whole (not better half), then, we get twice the fun, not someone who may destroy me if we part. However, if it’s not that deep for you and you just want to date younger men who want to date older women, then embrace your maturity, Dear. You don’t have to blab your age, but if you’re going to fib about it, heck, add ten years. You may look good for 40 but for 50 you look incredible! Wow, what is your secret? Cougars, the only thing greater than doing you is being you. Capture each moment and eat it raw! It's healthier for your mind, body, and soul. © 2010. Monica F. Anderson. All Rights Reserved. www.drmOeanderson.com Follow me on Twitter @drmoeanderson