40 hadith wallchart and family game

ُةََ صِةَاعَمَجْ الُلَضْفَ أْنِ مِةََ صذَفْ الٍعْبَسِ بَنْيِرْشِع وًةَجَرَ د"The reward for Salāh performed in congregation is twenty-seven times more than the Salāh performed individually.” Bukhari, Muslim ُرُظْنَ يْنِكٰلَ وْمُكِرَوُ صٰلىِ اَ َ وْمُكِامَسْجَ اٰلىِ اُرُظْنَ يَ َ انِ إْمُكِ لاَمْعَ أَوْ مُكِ بْوُلُ قٰلىِ ا"Indeed Allāh does not look at your bodies or your appearances but He looks at your hearts & your deeds.” Muslim ُلَثَ مْىِذ الُرُكْذَ يُهبَ رىِذالَ وَ ُهُرُكْذَ يُلَثَ ميَحْ الَتيَْاَ و"The likeness of one who remembers his Lord (Allāh ) in comparison to one who does not is the likeness of a living person verses a dead person.” Bukhari ْنَ مَامَ قَانَضَمَ راًانَمْيِ إ واًابَسِتْ احَرِفُ غُهَ لاَ مَمدَقَ تْنِ مِهِبْنَ ذ"Whoever spends Ramadhān standing in Salāh with faith and seeking reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” Bukhari َ ْلُكْأَ تِالَماشاِ بنِإَ فَانَطْي الشُلُكْأَ يَ وُبَرْشَ يهِالَمِشِ بِ "Don’t eat with your left hand, for indeed Shaytān eats & drinks with his left” Muslim َ ُلُخْدَ يَةنَجْ الٌعِاطَ ق"One who breaks relationships will not enter Paradise.” Bukhari, Muslim ِاتيالنِ بُالَمْعَْ ااَمنِ إ"Actions are only according to intentions.” Bukhari,Muslim ْعَ داَ مَكُيبِرُ يٰلىِ إاَ مَ َكُبْيِرُ ي"Leave that which puts you in doubt for that which does not.” Tirmidhi ْنَ ملَ دىٰلَ عٍرْيَ خُهَلَ فُلْثِ مِرْجَ أِهِلِاعَ ف"For him who directs towards good is the same reward as the doer.” Muslim ُاكَولسَ أٌةَرَهْطَ مِمَفْلِ لٌاةَضْرَ مبلر ل "The Miswāk (tooth stick) purifies the mouth and pleases the Lord.” Nasai إِ نَ اٌقْيِفَ ربِحُ يَقْف الرىِ فِرْمَْ اهلُ كِ "Indeed Allah is Kind and He likes kindness in all matters.” Bukhari ُاءَيَحْلَ أٌةَبْعُ شَن مانَيمِْ اِ "Modesty is a branch of faith.” Bukhari, Muslim ِانَتَمْعِ نٌنْوُبْغَ ماَمِيهِ فٌرْيِثَ كَن مِاس النَ أُةح لصَ واغَرَفْ الُ "Two blessings regarding which the majority of people are neglectful of - health and free time.” Bukhari َ نَرِقْحَ تَنِ مِفْوُرْعَْ ااًئْيَ شَ وْوَ لْنَ أىٰقْلَ تَاكَخَ أٍهْجَوِ بٍقْيِلَ ط"Do not consider anything insignificant from good deeds even though it be meeting your brother with a cheerful face.” Muslim اَيْنلدَ أُنْجِ سِنِمْؤُْ اَ وُةنَ جرَافَكْ الِ "The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.” Muslim ُلَمْكَ أَِْنِمْؤُْ ااًانَمْيِ إْمُهُنَسْحَ أاًقُلُ خ"The most perfect Muslim in the matter of Imān is the one with the best manners.” Tirmidhi َانَ كُلْوُسَ رِ اَنَسْحَ أِاس الناًقُلُ خ"The Holy Prophet had the best manners & character than all of mankind.” Bukhari, Muslim َ ُلُخْدَ يَةنَجْ الْنَ مَ ُنَمْأَ يُهُارَ جَوِ ب اُهَقِ ئ"That person will not enter Paradise whose neighbour is not safe from his mischief.” Tirmidhi ََ أْمُكلُ كٍاعَ رَ وْمُكلُ كٌلْوُئْسَ مْنَ عهِتيِعَ رِ "Verily each of you is a shepherd, and each of you will be questioned regarding his herd.” Bukhari, Muslim ْنِ مِنْسُ حِمَْسِ إِءْرَْ اُهُكْرَ تاَ مَ ِهْيِنْعَ ي"Of the beauty of one's Islām is that he leaves that which does not concern him.” Tirmidhi َ ْؤُ يُنِ مْمُكُدَحَ أىتَ حبِحُ يِهْيِخَِ بِحُ ياَ مِهِسْفَنِ ل"One will not become a perfect Muslim until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.” Bukhari نَ مِدِرُ يُ اِهِ باًرْيَ خُهقَفُ ييِ فِنْي الد"For whomever Allāh intends good, He grants him deep understanding of religion (Islām).” Bukhari, Muslim َسْيَ لُدْيِد الشَرالصِ بةَ عِ اَمنِ إُدْيِد الشْىِذ الُكِلْمَ يُهَسْفَ نَدْنِ عِبَضَغْ ال"The powerful one is not he who overpowers somebody, but the powerful one is he who restrains himself when angry.” Bukhari, Muslim آُةَ يِقِافَنُْ اَ ثثَ ٌ اَذِ إَثدَ حَبَذَ كاَذِإَ وَدَعَ وَفَلْخَ أاَذِإَ وَنِمُتْ اؤَانَ خ"The signs of a hypocrite are three; when he speaks he lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, when he is trusted he betrays the trust.” Bukhari, Muslim اَ مَلَفْسَ أَنِ مَِْبْعَكْ الَنِ مِارَزِْ اىِفَ فار النِ “The part of the clothing which is below the ankles will be in the Fire of Hell.” Bukhari اْوُسَبْلِ إْنِ مُمُكِابَيِ ثَاضَيَبْ الْنِامَهنِاَ فِرْيَ خْمُكِابَيِ ث"Wear white clothes for they are best of all your clothes.” Abū Dāwood نِ إيِب النىٰهَ نْنَ أَسفَنَت يىِ فِاءَنِْ ا"The Holy Prophet prohibited breathing inside a bottle (while drinking).” Bukhari ْنَ مىلَ صيَلَ عًةَدِاحَ وىلَ صُ اِهْيَلَ عًراْشَ ع"A person who sends 1 Durood on me, Allāh will send 10 blessings upon him.” Muslim اَذِ إَاءَ جُمُكُدَحَ أَةَعُمُجْ اللِسَتْغَيْلَ فْ "When anyone of you comes for Jumuah Salāh he should take a bath.” Bukhari, Muslim ْنَ مَانَ كْؤُ يُنِ مِاِ بِمْوَيْالَ وِرِخْٰ اْلُقَيْلَ فًراْيَ خْوَ أتُمْصَيِ لْ "Whoever has faith in Allāh and the Last Day should either speak good or remain silent.” Bukhari, Muslim ْمُكُرْيَ خْنَ مَملَعَ تَنٰأْرُقْ الَ وُهَملَ ع"The best amongst you are those who have learnt the Holy Qur'an and teach it to others.” Bukhari نِ إٰلىْوَ أِاس النِاِ بْنَ مْمُهَأَدَ بِمَالسِ ب"Indeed the person closest to Allah is one who precedes others in Salām.” Abū Dāwood نَماْيِْ اُرْطٓ شُرْوُهلطَ أِ “Purity is half of faith.” Muslim َ ْبَضْغَ ت"Do not get angry.” Bukhari ُينلدَ أُةَحْيِص الن"The religion (Islām) is sincerity.” Muslim ُةَمِلَكْلَ أُةَبي الطُةَقَدَ ص"A good word is charity.” Bukhari, Muslim ِ إا يْمُ كنالظَ ونِإَ فن الظُبَذْكَ أِثْيِدَ الح"Beware of suspicion, because suspicion is the biggest lie.” Bukhari, Muslim ُابَبِ سِمِلْسُْ اٌقْوُسُ ف"To swear at a muslim is a (major) sin.” Bukhari, Muslim ُءْرََْ أَعَ مْنَ مبَحَ أ"A person will be with whom he loves.” Bukhari َ أ لدُاءَ عُةَادَبِعْالَوُ ه"Supplication is worship.” Abū Dāwood Learn 40 Ahadeeth - wallchart Test each other by starting the hadith in Arabic or asking for the translated meaning

Transcript of 40 hadith wallchart and family game

Page 1: 40 hadith wallchart and family game

!درجة وعشرين بسبع الفذ صالة من أفضل الجماعة صالة!

"The reward for Salāh performed in congregation is twenty-seven times more than the Salāh performed individually.”

Bukhari, Muslim!

إن اهلل ال ينظر الى اجسامكم و ال الى صوركم ولكن ينظر الى قلو بكم و أعما لكم!


"Indeed Allāh هلالج لج does not look at your bodies or your appearances but He looks at

your hearts & your deeds.” Muslim!

!وامليت الحي مثل يذكره ال والذى ربه يذكر الذى مثل!

"The likeness of one who remembers his Lord (Allāh هلالج لج) in comparison to one who does not is the likeness of a living person

verses a dead person.” Bukhari!

!ذنبه من تقدم ما له غفر احتسابا و إيمانا رمضان قاممن !

"Whoever spends Ramadhān standing in Salāh with faith and seeking reward, his

previous sins will be forgiven.”!Bukhari!

!بشماله يشرب و يأكل الشيطان فإن بااشمال تأكل ال!

"Don’t eat with your left hand, for indeed Shaytān eats & drinks with his left” Muslim!

!قاطع الجنة يدخل ال!

"One who breaks relationships will not enter Paradise.” Bukhari, Muslim!

إنما األعمال بالنيات!!

"Actions are only according to intentions.” Bukhari,Muslim!

!يريبك ال ما إلى يريبك ما دع!

"Leave that which puts you in doubt for that which does not.” Tirmidhi!

!فاعله أجر مثل فله خير على دل من"For him who directs towards good is the

same reward as the doer.” Muslim!

!للرب مرضاة للفم مطهرة ألسواك!

"The Miswāk (tooth stick) purifies the mouth and pleases the Lord.” Nasai!

!كله االمر فى الرفق يحب رفيق اهلل نإ!

"Indeed Allah هلالج لج is Kind and He likes kindness in all matters.” Bukhari!

!اإليمان من شعبة ألحياء!

"Modesty is a branch of faith.” !Bukhari, Muslim!

!الفراغ ولصحة أ الناس من كثير فيهما مغبون نعمتان!

"Two blessings regarding which the majority of people are neglectful of!- health and free time.” Bukhari!

!طليق بوجه أخاك تلقى أن لو و شيئا املعروف من تحقرن ال!

"Do not consider anything insignificant from good deeds even though it be meeting your brother with a cheerful face.” Muslim!

!الكافر جنة و املؤمن سجن ألدنيا!

"The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.”!


!خلقا أحسنهم إيمانا املؤمنني أكمل!

"The most perfect Muslim in the matter of Imān is the one with the best manners.”


!خلقا الناس أحسن اهللملسو هيلع هللا ىلص رسول كان!

"The Holy Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص had the best manners & character than all of mankind.” Bukhari,


!ئقه ا بوجاره يأمن ال من الجنة يدخل ال!

"That person will not enter Paradise whose neighbour is not safe from his mischief.”


!رعيته عن مسئول كلكم و راع كلكم أال!

"Verily each of you is a shepherd, and each of you will be questioned regarding his

herd.” Bukhari, Muslim!

!يعنيه ال ما تركه املرء إسالم حسن من!

"Of the beauty of one's Islām is that he leaves that which does not concern him.”


!لنفسه ما يحب ألخيه يحب حتى أحدكم منيؤال!

"One will not become a perfect Muslim until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for

himself.” Bukhari!

!الدين في يفقه خيرا به اهلل يرد من"For whomever Allāh هلالج لج intends good, He grants him deep understanding of religion

(Islām).” Bukhari, Muslim!

!الغضب عند نفسه يملك الذى الشديد إنما عةبالصر الشديد ليس!

"The powerful one is not he who overpowers somebody, but the powerful one is he who restrains himself when angry.” Bukhari, Muslim!

!خان اؤتمن وإذا أخلف وعد وإذا كذب حدث إذا ث ثالاملنافق يةآ!

"The signs of a hypocrite are three; when he speaks he lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, when he is trusted he betrays the trust.” Bukhari, Muslim!

!النار ففى اإلزار من الكعبني من أسفل ما!

“The part of the clothing which is below the ankles will be in the Fire of Hell.” Bukhari!

!ثيابكم خير فانهامن البياض ثيابكم من إلبسوا!

"Wear white clothes for they are best of all your clothes.” Abū Dāwood!

!اإلناء فى يتنفس أن نهى ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص النبي إن!

"The Holy Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص prohibited breathing inside a bottle (while drinking).” Bukhari!

!عشرا عليه اهلل صلى واحدة علي صلى من!

"A person who sends 1 Durood on me, Allāh !will send 10 blessings upon him.” Muslim هلالج لج

!فليغتسل الجمعة أحدكم جاء إذا!

"When anyone of you comes for! Jumuah Salāh he should take a bath.”

Bukhari, Muslim!

!ليصمت أو خيرا فليقل األخر واليوم باهلل من يؤكان من!

"Whoever has faith in Allāh هلالج لج and the Last Day should either speak good or remain

silent.” Bukhari, Muslim!

!علمه و القرأن تعلم من خيركم!

"The best amongst you are those who have learnt the Holy Qur'an and teach it to

others.” Bukhari!

!بالسالم بدأهم من باهلل الناس أولى إن!

"Indeed the person closest to Allah هلالج لج is one who precedes others in Salām.” Abū


ألطهور شطر اإليمان!!

“Purity is half of faith.” Muslim!!تغضب ال


"Do not get angry.” Bukhari!!النصيحة ألدين


"The religion (Islām) is sincerity.” Muslim!!صدقة الطيبة ألكلمة


"A good word is charity.” Bukhari, Muslim!

!الحديث أكذب الظن فإن والظن كمياإ!

"Beware of suspicion, because suspicion is the biggest lie.” Bukhari, Muslim!

!فسوق املسلم سباب!

"To swear at a muslim is a (major) sin.”!Bukhari, Muslim!

!أحب من مع أملرء!

"A person will be with whom he loves.” Bukhari!

!هوالعبادة عاءلدأ!

"Supplication is worship.” !Abū Dāwood!

Learn 40 Ahadeeth - wallchart!Test each other by starting the hadith in Arabic or asking for the translated meaning!