4 week workout

The Attainable Body How often do you walk around the gym or skim through magazines and see people with bodies that you dream of having. Well you’re in luck. It’s not that far away. Everyone is capable of having that great body, everyone has muscle, and everyone has a “6 pack.” The only problem, it’s probably covered by a layer of fat. It’s all about building muscle and making your muscles be the engine to melt the fat off your body (and yes ladies, you need to build muscle too). Now how do you get that awesome body? Well it’s going to take work. I’m not going to pull punches. It takes a lot of work. Not only in terms of working out, but in being on top of your diet. You can have the best workout plan in the world, but it is useless when your diet sucks. Repeat after me “You can’t out train a bad diet.” In the first month our program, we are going to work on building strength and building work capacity. If aren’t capable of doing more work and aren’t strong enough to handle more load and more work, how will you ever get better, how will you ever progress? All of our workouts will start with an “easy” warm-up that is designed to get you moving, get your muscles primed for the workout, and most likely get you sweating. In our warm-up we are going to progress from standing exercises and work our way down to the floor. Each “station” will be a quad set of exercises. Warm-up -Prisoner Squat 20x -Jumping Jacks 20x -Split Squats 10x each leg -3 skip shuffles 20x (10 each direction) -Wall Slides Now we’ll move down to an “all fours” or quad position where you are on your hands and knees, with the hands under the shoulders and the knees right under the hips.


4 week workout that can be done at home

Transcript of 4 week workout

The Attainable Body

How often do you walk around the gym or skim through magazines and see people with bodies that you dream of having. Well you’re in luck. It’s not that far away. Everyone is capable of having that great body, everyone has muscle, and everyone has a “6 pack.” The only problem, it’s probably covered by a layer of fat. It’s all about building muscle and making your muscles be the engine to melt the fat off your body (and yes ladies, you need to build muscle too). Now how do you get that awesome body?

Well it’s going to take work. I’m not going to pull punches. It takes a lot of work. Not only in terms of working out, but in being on top of your diet. You can have the best workout plan in the world, but it is useless when your diet sucks. Repeat after me “You can’t out train a bad diet.”

In the first month our program, we are going to work on building strength and building work capacity. If aren’t capable of doing more work and aren’t strong enough to handle more load and more work, how will you ever get better, how will you ever progress? All of our workouts will start with an “easy” warm-up that is designed to get you moving, get your muscles primed for the workout, and most likely get you sweating.

In our warm-up we are going to progress from standing exercises and work our way down to the floor. Each “station” will be a quad set of exercises.


-Prisoner Squat 20x

-Jumping Jacks 20x

-Split Squats 10x each leg

-3 skip shuffles 20x (10 each direction)

-Wall Slides

Now we’ll move down to an “all fours” or quad position where you are on your hands and knees, with the hands under the shoulders and the knees right under the hips.

-Fire Hydrants 20x each leg

-Thoracic Mobility (one hand behind head, rotate down to stretch) 10x each side

- Bird/Dog (opposite arm/ leg up) 20x each side

- Leg Circles Forward and backward 10x each direction

From here we will progress to a prone position.

-Pushups 10-20x

-Spiderman climbs 20x each leg

-Supermans * as the program goes on we can progress this for more shoulder mobility 20x

-Scorpion stretch 10x each leg

Finally we’ll flip over onto our back.

-Hip Bridges 20x

-One arm/one leg crunches (same side- reaching left arm to left foot/right arm to right foot) 8-10x each

-Iron cross/Hip Gate 10x each leg

-One arm/one leg crunches (opp side- left arm to right leg/right arm to left foot)

Now there’s something that I’ve read about called the BEAST challenge that we could use as a kind of assessment tool to chart how well anyone doing this workout is progressing. It’s a circuit used in Russia

Its 5 rounds of 5 exercises doing 10 reps

Dive Bomber pushups

Squat thrust

Jump Squat

Jack knife


It’s all for time. We could even start the assessment at doing 5 rounds of 5 exercises doing 5 reps and progress from there. Just a thought as I’m writing this, and what I’ve done in some of my boot camps is have some sort of test or challenge workout to measure progress against. Could be anything really. I have a lot of different “challenge” workouts.


Week 1-4

During the first few weeks, we want to learn our movement patterns and be comfortable doing them, and then we can progress to make them harder and start building some work capacity.

Now I don’t know if you want to recommend people get some sort of resistance bands or even a TRX because it will be hard to incorporate pulling exercises without some sort of outside resistance. I mean I can work in scapular exercises, but that’s not the same as straight pulling like pull ups and rows. Just a thought.

Week 1 Day 1


Core work:

Plank 20-30 seconds

Side Plank 20-30 seconds

Kneeling Chops 20 ea side

Cobra 10 seconds

Strength work: Minimal rest between Exercises, 30-60 sec rest btw sets

Total Body Extensions aka Fake Jump Squats 20

Pushup (3-3-1 tempo 3 sec lowering, 3 second pause, 1 second pushup) 10-15

Split Squat 10-15ea side

3 sets

Squat Row

Reverse lunge

Squat Thrust

3 sets 30 sec per exercise


Ladder of Alternating Split Jumps and Pushups


Week 1 Day 2

Interval Workout

Bike/Treadmill/Jump Rope

Warm-up for Interval Training

Frankenstein Walks

Quad- Hip Rotations

SL Deadlift Reaches

Hand to foot Crunches (same and Opposite side)

Run in Place

Leg Swings Forward/Backward


Leg Swings side to side

5 minutes of movement- Walking, Jogging, Biking at slow pace


90 seconds of intense hard work/75 seconds of rest

6 sets

Finish with 5 minutes of movement, stretching, foam rolling

Week 1 Day 3


Core Work

Strength Work


-Pushup or Decline Pushups

-Single leg Deadlift/Reach

3 sets

-Prisoner Squat

-Alternating Forward Lunge with Band Press

-Stick ups or wall slides

-Lateral Lunges

-Mt Climbers

3 sets 30 sec per exercise


Close Grip Pushups 12

Squat 15

Plank (alt one leg plank if up for it) 20

Jumping Jacks 30

2 sets No rest

Week 1 Day 4

Interval Warmup

Interval Workout

3 minute Intense Work/ 3 minute rest

3 sets

Finish with 5 minutes of movement, stretching, and foam rolling

Week 2 Day 1



Plank 30-40 seconds

Side Plank 30 seconds

Hollow hold 20-30 seconds

Kneeling Chops (on one knee) 20 ea direction/per knee


Split Jumps 8 each

Ice Skaters 10 each

Rest 60-90 sec repeat 2 more times

Rolling Pushup Ladder 1-2-3-4

Fwd Lunge w/ Opp elbow to knee 15 ea

Rest 30-45 seconds btw sets…repeat 2 more times

Step-up 15 each

Spiderman Climb 15 each

Rest 30-45 seconds, repeat 2 more times

Metabolic Finisher

Tabata 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for 8 total rounds

Body weight Squats. Keep track on your rep totals. Try to beat your “score” each round

Week 2 Day2

Interval Day


60 seconds intense work/ 45 seconds of rest

10 sets

Week 2 Day 3


Core work

Squat Jumps 8

Rollup into Jump 8

Rest 60-90 seconds repeat 2 more times

Reverse Lunge Double Pump 8 each

Close Grip pushups 10-20

Pull-up 8-15

Plank Reaches 20

Rest 30 seconds repeat 2 more times

Row 10-20

Shoulder Series (I,Y,T,W) 4 reps per letter, 5-10 second hold per letter

Prisoner Squat 15-20

Prisoner Lunge 12 each

Rest 30 seconds repeat 2 more times

Metabolic Finisher

Bear Crawl 20-30 sec

Jumping Jacks 30 sec

Crab Walk 20-30 sec

Crab Can-Cans 20 alternating

6 Count pushup/burpee 8

2 sets

Minimal rest btw exercises 30sec rest btw rounds 3 rnds total

Week 2 Day 4



5 minute additional warmup

2 minutes intense work/2 minute rest

5 sets

5 minute cool down

Stretch and Foam Roll

Week 3 Day 1


Core Work

Inchworm- 10

Bird/Dog Elbow to Knee- 20 each

Superman Swim 20

Shoulder Taps(PU position, tap opp shoulder with hand)- 30-40

Strength Work

Explosive Pushup 6-8

Lateral Jumps 8 ea

Rest 60-90 seconds repeat 2 more times

Band Squat w/ Chest Press L/R-30 seconds

Band Chops/Twists L/R 30 seconds

Band SL DL reach w/ Row L/R 30 seconds

Rest 30 seconds, repeat 2 more times

Pushup with Pike Jump 10

Scapular Pushups 10

Spiderman Climbs w/ Rotation 10 each

Rest 30 seconds, Repeat 2 more times

Metabolic Work

Jump Rope 60 seconds

Plank Push-up 10

4 sets Minimal Rest

Week 3 Day 2

Interval Day

Interval Warmup

30 seconds of intense work/60 seconds of rest

12 sets

Week 3 Day 3


Core Work

Strength Work

Push-up Rotation 16-20

Lateral Lunge 20

Plie Squat 20

Rest 30 sec, repeat 2 more times

Elevated Split Squat 12 each

Ice Skaters 20

Squat into Band Row 20

Rest 30 sec repeat 2 more times

Metabolic Work

Close Grip Pushups 12

Jump Squats 20

Marching Plank(alt 1 leg plank) 20

Jumping Jacks 30

Repeat 2 rnds

Week 3 Day 4

Interval Day


60 seconds intense work/60 seconds rest

12 sets

Week 4 Day 1


Core Work

Bear Crawl

Dog Crawl

Crab Walk

Crab Can-Can

Strength Work

Split Squat Jumps 10 ea

Inchworm w/ Pushup 10-15

Pull-up 8-12

SL Hip Press/Bridge 20

Mountain Climber 30

Rest 30 seconds repeat 2 more times

6 count Pushup/Burpee 10

Reverse Lunge/SL DL 12 ea

Row 20

Superman Pull 20

Rest 30 seconds, Repeat 2 more times

Metabolic Work

Rnd 1 20 sec work A, 20 sec rest, B, 20 rest, C, 20 rest, D 20 rest

Rnd 2 AB 20 rest, CD 20 rest

Rnd 3 ABC 20 rest, D 20 rest

Rnd 4 ABCD

A Squats

B Pushups

C Plank Reaches

D Alt Elbow to knee lunges

Track your score, try to stay consistent

Week 4 Day 2

Interval Work


90 intense work/75 rest

7 rnds

Week 4 Day 3


Core Work

Strength Work

Max Pullups

Squat 30

Max Pushups

Squat 30

Rest 60 seconds repeat 1 more time

Forward Lunge 20

Lateral Lunge 20

Reverse Lunge 20

Curtsy Lunge 20

Rest 30-60 seconds repeat 2 more times

Metabolic Work

Tabata 20 sec on/10 sec off for 8 rnds

Split Squats

Keep track of reps, try to stay consistent

Week 4 Day 4



3 min intense work/ 3 min rest

4 rnds