4 THfi N A F bei - Library of Congress...n v r> r r c u n THURSDAY SlPT1 MUER to THfi PADUCAH...

nv r > r c r u n THURSDAY SlPT1 MUER to THfi PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAVE FIVH t 4 s 441 N A i ytttraetive ohewing flew Jail Stress deeds PruI I r In all the new ihadci Stripe Chr r nella Bcngalinea Peau de t mere wide wale icrgei diagonal andunfinished wonted weave and imported dress patterns I 100 to 350 yard if erne Vcrrttch Klctha at 100 tlard i t l 1 r rTHB LOCAL NES- t u j t 4 + vaJ INAtOlLDBR19S vHubber stamps seals brass I tteucjl0Kfitc at Tho Sun office Telephone The Sun office for I umpoA and prices of all kinds of typewriter papers J Dr Gilbert Osteopath C42 Broadway Phones 196 The greatest variety of typo writer papers from onion skin to heavy lodgers and In alias fromh U letter to legal at The Sun office j Linen markers for sale at this v + roffce We aro cutting our peW crop of carnations Fresh flower dally Brun con florists 019 Broadway Dr E 0 Stamper dentist is OJIIOW In his new office 642 Broadway 1 ground floor Both phones 196 Miss Alice Compton schpol will reopen Monday September 27 at tho usual place on Kentucky ave ¬ flue Mm Lela W Lewi will receive pupils In volco study October I Ap ¬ t ply 520 Washington or old phone t C 541 1 Taw Rebekah lodge of Brook u s Port will give an excursion tomorrow night on the Dimmer Bottle Owen t The boat win leave Brookport at 730 Padurah at 830 returning to I rPaducah at 1130 and Brookport at 12 oclock Fare S3 cents Improvements being mods to- t r tho North Twelfth Street Baptist 4 church are progressing rapidly and will bo completed about tho mlddlo of next week at a coat of J6GO Tho building Is being enlarged IS feet longer and 14 feet wider It for ¬ merly accommodated COO people but on account of lt > growth moro scat Ing capacity I Is necessitated The city scales lot was flooded this morning with hay ferried from Illinois by tho ferryboat Bettlo I Owen On her first trip from Brook port tho Owen brought 18 wagon loads and seven loads from the JIll ¬ nols shore opposite Paducah David A Yclscr Jr nMlstant In the office of L A Washington city engineer has resigned his pall ¬ lion and will attend tho Bliss school 0of electricity at Washington Ho has been succeeded by Mr Clyde Hell Patrolman Andy Stewart who S hits bean on tho Mechanlcsburg beat at night Ins been transferred to tbo t Broadway beat and given a day shift Tho Mechanlttbnrg beat Is being coy ¬ tired by Patrolman Charles Bower The Homo Mission society ot MUpah mission will meet tomorrow nfttrnoon at 2 oclock at tho church 4 A- E Get It E t Att t GILBERTS r The Home ol Purity 4 I The resting place of the weary i The oasis of the r thirsty fExtra Specials i Egg 0r ngo Osape Limeade Orape Fre- ezeGILBERS Drug Store r S 1 4ft uMrttfrir hll rticit 77 Tbo Mite society of tho Flret Baptist church will meet Friday after noon at 4 oclock with Mrs Leo Bol ton 1017 lloyd rtroet MISS HARRISON Girrs iosmov ix TIIK CONSOL ¬ IDATED SCHOOL r County 8iitrriiitrml iit Mlddlcton Onto J > ccldlnB Vote In Furor of I IHr Miss Greenville Harrison will be ho teacher of the fourth grado in tho consolidated school ai Superin ¬ tendent W A Mlddlcton received his bond yesterday and his first offi ¬ cial act was to cast the deciding vote n the tie of the trustees In school ilvUlon No 4 At tho meeting of he board the trustee tied over the Section ot Miss Eleanor Drowning ind Miss Greenville Harrison Su ¬ perintendent Middleton said Miss HnrllOn was an experienced teacher and for this reason he voted for her RAILROAD u J Today wets pay day for tho Illi ¬ nols Central railroad employes and all of tho employes wore broad grins The car arrived this morning at 830 oclock as the Cairo tram was ono hour late owing to connect tlons Tho retail stores will bo open tonight Tho car will leavo tomor ¬ row morning for Memphis Illinois Central officials of the Loulsvlllo division were called to n staff meeting In Loulsvllo today J H Nash roaster mccbanc A r illness roadmaatcr L E McCabe assistant superintendent J T Dono- van ¬ and T A Downs attended from PaducahJerome i Hinlth foreman of tho blacksmith shop and B B Clenry havo returned from Water Valley Mhw where they welded P j framo on an engine Assistant Superintendent L K McCabo arrived In tho city lost night after making an Inspection tour of tho Cairo division on a motor car George Kellar assistant round ¬ house foreman has returned from Mounds III after a trip on business U H Clarke division storekeeper Is 111 Lloyd Grimes traveling engineer on the Memphis division was In tho city today Mr Duke Caldwoll of the store keeping department who lion his vacation will leave Friday night for Chicago and St Louis and then go to San Antonio Headmaster A F Blaets arrived In tho city last night after a trip over the Evansvlll division Card of Thank Wo wish to r thank our many friends for their kdndnota and pa- tience ¬ shown us during tho recent Bereavement tho sickness and death of our beloved son and brother Mrs Mary O Holland and Fum- llyoThTIOLIS Mr Charles Grace tho popular derkat FreesoV grocery in east Me ropolle and Miss Clara Sporo were married Sunday Mies Ella Nay Kimball has gone to Blooralngtoit to enter cchodl Miss Florence Stevenson will toach room No 4 at tho II ten wheel build Log beginning next Monday Most aU our rural schools hare now bcgKn The city council pasted the sower ago ordinance Monday night over tho protest of quite a largo delegation of citizens ClwrkM Estea Is hero from Mound City looking after his piano ibuslnew Tho Roy J ML Adams la still In a precarious condition with typhoid over IfiMo change if any bas- taken place In the last few dabs IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Livingston County Oouplo Married Miss Ethel Specs of BIrdsvlllo and Mr J D Trail of fimlthland were married yesterday afternoon I in the parlors of 4ho Palmer house b y the Rev T A Conway of Smith land The marriage was riot an elopement but accompanied by a few friend the couple camo to Paducah for i a quiet marriage Early this mornlni Mr and Mrs Trail left for Louis villa Lexington and Cincinnati on i a wedding trip The bride la the dough ter of Mr and Mrs R F Specs 01 f Ulrdsvlllc and a popular young wo man In Blrdsvlllo Mr Trail Is i a prosperous farmer of Mvlngotoi county and a son ot Mr J D Trail Accompanying the couplo wore Oar vie Specs J D Trail Ernest Davit Emily Specs Ophal Trail and J 0 Trail Paducah Lady DlstlnKuhtlirs Herscl 111 I ho West Tho open meeting of John A Mar- tin Post and W R 0 held Tuesday evening In Markham hall was walt attended and proved one of the best entertainments ever given by these two popular organizations Timothy Sullivan the patriotic commander of the post bad secured an array of good talent In tho post and corps and they rendered an excellent program Mrs Hlnsdell president of the corps presided ot the meeting There were too man participants In the program to give special mention to each but lice It to my that all acquitted them ¬ solves with credit Mrs Freundllch of Paducah Ky who Is visiting her sister Mrs Mellon of Ninth street completely captured the old boys with her Inimitable readings Saw tcllo Cot Enterprise Mire Saldco Smith leaves Monday thSophomore n e collegeMiss Helen Van Meter left early this morning for Lexington to attend college thin winter She was ac companled ns far as Louisville by Mss Gladys Coburn who has been vlaltlng the Misses Corbett and Martha Cope Mr Jamea Wheeler leaves this evening to attend the University ol f Virginia lilies Dorothy Langstaff will leave next Tuesday to resume her studies s at Emperor IU1I Kenosha Wig Mr Lulus White la ablo to bo outt again after a brief Illness Mrs Rosa Reed and son Eullcit of Syrasonla are visiting tits M M Shemwell of Clements street Mrs II M Orm and daughter Mss Mary Orme returned last night from McMillan Tenn Mr and Mrs James C Utterbick and Mrs II S Wells returned last night from a month visit to chic In tho northeast They were In Chi- cago this week and attended the convention of tho American Bank ¬ ers association Miss Looncy Campbell of Paris Tenn Is visiting Miss Essie Black nail of 408 South NInth street City Attorney A Y Martin Is lu Smlthland attending court Mr Will linker of Golconda 111 Is visiting In the city today Dr Edward Davenport of Hamp- ton ¬ Ky was In the city today en routo from I Kansas where bo bus been In view of locating Mrs John Doyle loft this morning for Lexington Tenn on a visit Mr D 11 Hughes left this morn Ing for Murray on business Air Peary Meloan went to Con ¬ tral City this morning on business Captain W J Stono returned to his homo In Kuttawa this morning Mr Roscoo Reed went to Denton this morning on business Ed Renfro went to Princeton this morning on business Mr J L Rurradclt left this morn- ing ¬ for Denton on business Mr Paul Malone Is expected homo tonight from Sioux City la- Ir William Walker 1101 South Fourth street left this morning for Memphis where he bits accepted a foundrI ¬ street has gone to on A visit to his parents Alru Agnes Neal of Mechanics burg who bas been seriously 111 has boon removed to tho homo of her daughter Mrs Charles Smedley 808 South Third street and the Is recov ¬ ering slowly Mr and Mrs Mott Ayres left today for Louisville to attend tho state fair Mr Godwin Humphreys of Mur- ray ¬ is In the city on a visit to Mr and Mrs W D Gibson OIL Jackson street Mr E W Whittemore loft this morning for Grand Rivers on lush- ness ¬ Miss Lala Robinson wilt leave Sat ¬ urday for a visit In gmlthland Ky Dr W H Parsons 1600 Broad street has arrived In tho city from Loulsvlllt lias located here Mrs Daisy Winfrey of Mayflold arrived In the city this morning Mrs J M 1 Walton returned from u1ton this morning where she vis- Ited relatives Guy McChesnoy left this morning for Itusuellyllle Mr Paul Bennett arrived In the- city this morning on a visit to his sister Mrs 1M I Walton Miss Emma Sullivan was called to WJckllffo this morning by the serious Illncsa of her sisterinlaw Mrs E Y Ogllvjo has returned to her homo In LaKomp Okla after a visit to her brother Mr Ed Ward of Maxon Mills Mrs M Grossham of Salem has returned to her homo In Princeton after a visit to her daughter Mrs 0 3 Purcell of North Fifth street Mr James Weatierlngton has re ¬ A signed his position with the Paducah Light and Power company and has left for Richmond Ind to accept a similar position with the Richmond Light and Power company Miss Myrtle Decker returned this morning from Battle Creek Mich Mr James Osb 1440 Trimble street who is ill of bronchitis Is un Improved today Ills brother Daniel Glsb of Bremen has arrived to at tend his bedside Mrs B C Lclsncr and Mrs Scott Hawes let last night on the Clyde for the round trip to Waterloo Major and Mrs J II Ashcraft have returned from Toronto Canada after a months visit to their son Harry Ashcraft and family 1000 REWARD OFFERED Authorities sun lined nt Work on Mlllnum Murder Detroit Mich Sept 16Thc row ward of 1000 offered for the appre ¬ hension of the perron responsible for tho death of Maybello Mlllman has stimulated many people to atompt a search for evidence Peter F Hay- den ¬ an engraver has turned over to the police an ornamental hair comb and a paIr of gloves which he be- lieves belonged to Miss Mlllman and which ho said wore given to him by a child Miss Martha Jienn < ne tho dead girls chum who Is at her parents homo in Ann Arbor has stated that she will not return to world In De- troit fearing violence at the hands of the persons responsible for Maybelle Mlllraana death She had however no positive Information or threats upon which to base her fears WOMKV DIRTIER THAN MEN Costs Four Times More to Bathe Fc nudes Than Moles Cincinnati 0 Sept 16That It coats the city about 2 cents to furnish a bath for a man while the cost of a bath for a woman Is 9 cents la the lIanI state auditor Waddelt Is too gallant i ito say that a woman needs more scrubbing but he docs say that the muse of the Increased cost of a wo mans bath over that for a man In the municipal bath bouse is the fact that vastly more mon use the house 11100 mon and 10000 women being tho figures and that men use showers and women tub baths the otter be ¬ ing more expensive because more water Is used The examiner also says that the shower bath Is far bet ¬ ter but that women will not use U Waddoll sugggeifs that new bath bouses specialty equipped shall bo built to furnlEti baths at a min cort the present house not ImumI been originally constructed purpose and that separate houses be bunt for women avid tliicn the first with tubs and > lie latter with shower baths He thinks that with a num- ber ¬ of bath houses In operation they can be run at lew Individual expense than a single house Ho Buys that had the present house been exclu- sively ¬ for men 100000 moro would have taken baths UclHknlix anti Odd Fellows The Daughters of Rebekahs and Odd Fellows are Invited to partici ¬ pate In the excursion Friday night September 17 on the steamer Bettlo Owen giver under the auspices of tie Rebekah lodge of Brookport 0111board Boat leaves Brookport 730 Paducah 830 returning to Paducah at 1130 Brookport 12 oclock Round trip only 25 cents England Must Hustle London Sept 16ThO report that Peary and Bartlett have decided on a south polo expedition created a stir here A considerable portion of the fund for Captain Scotts expedi ¬ tion has been promised and there Is little doubt that tho report that Peary Is likely to start for tho south polo will hasten the subscription of the remainder Sink South Pole St Johns Sept 16t Labrador mall boat reports that Peary and Captain Bnrtlctt have already settled on an expedition to the south polo Mrs I Nelson Morris Hurt Chicago Sept I G3111 Nelson l Morris Is hovering between life and death near Paris as the result of an automobile accident The machine was overturned near Salnte Bleu YEARS BUSINESS GOOD X C ft St L Railway holds Its Annual Mocllnj Neshvlllo Tonn Sept 16 The stockholders and directors of the Nashville Chattanooga St Louis railway at tho annual meeting today cfectcd thu present directory and officera The annual report showed total earnings for thq year at 11122r 11423 operating expenses 1 8350 70099 net earnings from traffic and other sources 3049661S5 inter- est taxes etc to bo deducted 1 89663521 not Income 158026 Cl Less 2 ik per cent cash divi- dend ¬ payable February L 1909 24961601 and the same dividend payable August 2 1909 21961601 49923201 Balance transferred to profit and loss account 65379459 Donded debt as per last report 16 935000 less bonds redeemed UO 000 bonded debt Juno 30 1909 15965000 Gross earnings per mile 190 SK9 904237 operating expenses j per mile 19i809 678919 net earn Ings per mile 225318 s rtek I NEWS F COURTS Suits Filed In Circuit Court M H Gallagher flied suit against Kate Waibert H Walbert and Bessie Walbert for 8115 alleged due on i a noteJoseph W Hughes filed suit against M It McCain for the recovery ot possession of property on South Fourth street and for 50 damages In Police Conrt Breach of Peace Mollle Crisp fined 10 Albert Scott and Martin Christaln continued until tomor row Moso Watts fined 30 Ob- taining money by false pretenses Ed Fowler held to answer under 300 bond HOTEL ARRIVALSP- ALMIERW G West South fend H H Adams and wife May field II N Sharp St Louis Wm B Hamilton Columbus Miss J A Ott Chicago James F Klrffer Lou- isville J W Ross Savannah F A Hunter Louisvill- eDELVEDEREMrs John nix St Louis E L Brummell St Louis Ceo W Long Nashville L A Drat for Mayfield T L Stovall Mayfield WD Blakeman Martin Tenn Ed ward Davenport Hampton Ky J Klelnr Cairo NEW RICHMOND J JPerry- La Center J E Wallace Model Tenn L R Gates Tupelo Mlsai Goo Edrlngton Osceola Ark L 0 Franks Marlon Charles Rutter Joy Ky T A Wade Metropolis T M Vickers Smlthland ° LOXE our t Lono Oak is on a boom and in a few more leaps and bounds the thrlv lug little suburb will surpass Padu- cah Not only In the growth extend ed to an Increasing population but the commercial interests are keeping pace Dr R C Gore ds erecting a greenhouse 150x60 feet and when completed will bo one of the best in western Kentucky The base ros1I bo constructed of concrete end tho hoot ¬ ing apparatus wlU be modern He will ralso flowers and plants for tho markets ftlr Joe Allcock and family have removed from Graves county to Lono Oak County Road Supervisor John Thompson and his family will re ¬ move o Lone Oak from Florence Station next week Yale Wins Again Rye N YSept J6alo won tho collegiate golf championship for the fifth time beating Harvard six to three Liner Aground Liverpool Sept 16cunard liner Saxonla went aground this morn ting on the river Mersey during d fog It Is not known whether It is badly damaged Will Go With Scott London Sept IGTbe announce ment that Commander Peary stay turn hie attention to tho discovery of the south polo aroused great enthu ¬ siasm to fit out the English expedi- tion ¬ of Captain Scott Popular sub ¬ scriptions aro numerous and thou ¬ sands are applying for places in the party CIUTICISKS HIDING TEST Gen Mycr of Texas Says Roosevelt Idea Is Wrong Washington Sept 1GTbe Roose ¬ velt riding test for ofllcers of tho army is a detriment to the service rather than an aid in increasing Its efficiency This hi substance Is tho severe criticisms of the test made by Gen Albert A Slyer commanding the department of Texas In his an- nual ¬ report There are many efficient and valu ¬ able field officers ho says paTtieu larly In tbo stall and supply depart ¬ ments who would never in any cir ¬ cumstances be required to make any such rides General Myer favors owiriy physi ¬ cal examinations of all officers to as- certain ¬ their fitness for the peculiar duties they are likely to be called iiupon to perform AinlMissador Iluy Mexican Itallmml Mexico City Sept 16DavldE Thompson United tSates ambaasadoi r to Mexico secured control of the PanAmerican railway a line extend Ing front San Oeronlmo on tho To hauntcpee National railway to Mar seal a town on the McxlcanGuatc malan frontier Ambassador Thomp eon did not make public tho Purchase price but said that ho would have tho controlling Interest la tho prop arty having secured toy purchase 960IOO worth ot the stock i WANT ADS I IOR RENT3 room hfiuso 612 Mama St Apply 501 S 6th WANTEDA bargain on a lot in Oak Orovo Cemetory Address E W Wblttemore WANTED To buy a twohorse wagon with coal bed J Blederman Grocery Co- NIO11T SCHOOL opens Paducah Central Business College October 4 Hours 715 to 915 Get prices now Old phone 310r t NOWS THE TIME Hart Has a Few Splendid Refrigerators That will bei i sold at tlgurcp very much lower than tho very low figures Hart sold them at this season Hart wants to winter Uicin Its money 4 to you if you will need one In tho next year or so it Itctncinbcr there ore only n very few on hand and If you are not among tho very first you may lose your chance B Sure 2 Kum Quicker GEO 0 HART SONS CO 4 IncorporVcdi FUR SALE Six room house 930 Clay street TO TRADE City lot for automo- bile Address City Lot caro Sun FOR RENT Furnished rooms Rent reasonable 1044 Monroe FOR horseshoeing or rubber tires I see John Grelf 318 Washington St EIGHT horse motor for sale cheap I at The Sun office FOR RENT Apartment In Hecht Flats 611 Adams street WIDEAWAKE Pressing club 001 Trimble Phone 1269a FOR RENT Furnished room 611 Washington street PAIR GOODS Mado to order Lourenla Miller Old phone 374a FOR RENTFour upstairsrooms for light housekeeping Modern im ¬ provements Apply 616 Monroe FOR SALE Cheap Folding bed and coking stove Apply to 619 Ken ¬ tucky avenue Phone 686 UMBRELLAS REPAIRED and rec- overed good as new 217 South Sev ¬ enth street J n Robinson WANTED Man to press tailor suits None but experienced need apply J A Rudy Sons SITUATION wanted by refined in ¬ telligent young lady as office girl or clerk In store Call now phone 1132 J E MORGAN Horse suoelng 4081outh conveniences George Raleigh 601 North Sixth street WANTED Roomers with private family With or without board Old phone 923 FOR RENTNice office steam heat in the Register building U S Realty Co Fraternity building VISIT Buchanans short order res- taurant Open day and night 219 Kentucky avenue FOR SALE Secondhand roller top desk In good condition Can be seen at this office FOR RENT Large cool room with bath Mrs Woolfolk 408 Washington FOR RENT Steam heated fur- nished ¬ or unfurnished rooms 417 Washington Phone 2130 ILLINOIS Coal and Feed company 16th and Tennessee streets Wants your order for food and coal Quality and weights guaranteed WE WASH lace curtains very care- fully Get them cleaner and whiter than you could at homo Star Laun ¬ dry Phone 200- WANTEDTo furnish your um ¬ handlelW FOR RENT New four room houses 1 square from car line Cheap Schmaus Brothers Both phones 19- 2WLT to do your watch and Jew- elry ¬ repairing AH work first class W N Warren jeweler 403 Broad- way ofltEE OF CHARGE AH White sowing machines adjusted freo of charge at F N Gardner Jr Co Either phono 396 i PIANOS PIANOS Seo J M Jones Just returned from northern factories Will save you money on high grade pianos 2 IS Broadway WE have received our fall line of goods Dont forget our cleaning de ¬ partment M Solomon the Tailor 111 Broadway Old phono 110r COUNTER and partition for lale the one formerly used In tho Register office In good condition Prlco 10 Tbo Sun office FOR RKNT Three unfurnlehed rooms for light housekeeping All modern conveniences at 514 North Sixth street For Information apply 316 Nprth Fourth street- WANTEDFlvo ladles or gentle ¬ men Must bo good workers good wages to tho right parties Prefer them from the following counties McCracken Graves Marshall Callo ¬ way and Livingston Address H G caro Tho Sun FOR SALEA big five passenger four cylinder touring automobile In good condition equipped with stor- age battery magneto full lamp out- fit ¬ extra tires spare wheel Will bei glad to give a demonstration at any- time Address Automobile care Tho Sun FOR RENT Four room collage 1740 Harrison Apply 922 Trimblob Old phone 1186- SITUATION WANTED By youn lady as waitress chambermaid or clerk Address D D care Sun FOR SALE Two fresh much rows cheap New phone 649 WANTED Lady solicitor New phone 649 FOR SALE Edison graphophono at a bargain New phone 649 ± FOR SALTTwo firstclass mule teams 1000 Clay street New phono 830 FURNISHED ROOMS For teat 508 South Fourth street W AXTED Position by steno ¬ rapher six years experience Box 680 FOR RENT Attractive resldenco with stable and cook house Bargain If applied for at once 203 Fountain avenue FOR SALEThree hundred 2 horse loads dry heating wood 12S per cad Johnston Fuel company Both hones 203 TILE 46TH SERIES of Mechanics Building Loan Association Is now open for the subscription in stock F M Fisher Secretary WANTEDWe put new covers on umbrellas while you watt Large stock of umbrellas EyeSee Jewelry Co 316 Broadway WANTEDYou to get our propo- sition We Mil diamonds on easy payments Eye See Jewelry Co it 15 Broadway PRESSING CLUB membership n per month Clothes called for and delivered Jas Dusty Old phone 388a YOUR LACE curtains need clean- Ing You will make no mistake In sending them to the Star Laundry Phone 200 FOR SALE Gasoline engine tilt ¬ ing table saw frame with 24Inch circular saw belts pulleys every ¬ thing complete for wood yard Price 110 S E Mitchell 326 S 3d AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING If C8Zlor leave your orders for me at The Sun office Virgil Barton- WANTEDLady or gentleman ot fair education to travel for firm ot large capital Salary 1072 per year payable weekly Expenses advanced Address Geo Co care Su- nWANTEDto extract your corm bunions Ingrowing toe nails Pall ¬ tively without pain Connie Lee 103 South Fourth street Phone 991r TELEPHONE JM Rlckman for groceries coal stove wood fence posts new sorghum 60c per gallon a delivered to any part of the city Call us up and tell us your wants Now phone 640 old phono 878 FOR SALE45 H P touring car equipped with top side curtains four lamps gas tank glass front two extra casings and cover This car Is In excellent condition Ad ¬ dress Bargain caro Sun MONEY WANTEDI havo a num ¬ ber of applications for money with good security In sums from 100 to fGOQO with good Interest Anyone having money to lend please consult me Personal attention given to all loans S T Handle real estate In ¬ surance Investments 419 Broadway FOIL SALE C11EAPSetof paths history of the world complota set of Chas Dickens works One coblnatton book case and desk Wilt sell either ono at a bargain Jos W Hurst 136 South Third street WE STAnCH lace curtains lust the degree of stiffness that makes them bang nicely and dry them upon frames that make them square and stretch them smooth and even Star Laundry Phon 200 ii- NOTICE1 have purchased the blacksmith shop of C J Ballowe and wish to announce that I wills give you tho same firstclass work Would bo pleased to have all his cus ¬ tomers give me a trial All work guaranteed 0 J Atwoo- dWANTEDnallway mall clerks postofflco clerks carriers Salary s 600 to 1600 Examinations IB Paducah Nov 17 8000 appoint ¬ moats coming Preparation freea a Wrlto Immediately for schedule Franklin Institute Dept 1117 Rochester N Y

Transcript of 4 THfi N A F bei - Library of Congress...n v r> r r c u n THURSDAY SlPT1 MUER to THfi PADUCAH...

Page 1: 4 THfi N A F bei - Library of Congress...n v r> r r c u n THURSDAY SlPT1 MUER to THfi PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAVE FIVH t 4 s 441 N A i ytttraetive ohewing flew Jail Stress deeds PruI

n v

r> r c

r u



t 4s

441 N A


ytttraetive ohewingflew Jail Stress deeds


r In all the new ihadci StripeChrrnella Bcngalinea Peau det mere wide wale icrgei diagonal

andunfinished wonted weave andimported dress patterns


100 to 350 yardiferne Vcrrttch Klctha at 100 tlard





t 4+ vaJ INAtOlLDBR19S

vHubber stamps seals brassI tteucjl0Kfitc at Tho Sun office

Telephone The Sun office forI umpoA and prices of all kinds of

typewriter papersJ Dr Gilbert Osteopath C42

Broadway Phones 196The greatest variety of typo

writer papers from onion skin toheavy lodgers and In alias fromh U

letter to legal at The Sun office

j Linen markers for sale at thisv + roffce

We aro cutting our peW crop ofcarnations Fresh flower dally Bruncon florists 019 Broadway

Dr E 0 Stamper dentist is

OJIIOW In his new office 642 Broadway1 ground floor Both phones 196

Miss Alice Compton schpolwill reopen Monday September 27at tho usual place on Kentucky ave ¬

flueMm Lela W Lewi will receive

pupils In volco study October I Ap ¬

t ply 520 Washington or old phonet C5411

Taw Rebekah lodge of Brooku s Port will give an excursion tomorrow

night on the Dimmer Bottle Owent The boat win leave Brookport at

730 Padurah at 830 returning toI rPaducah at 1130 and Brookport at

12 oclock Fare S3 centsImprovements being mods to-

t r tho North Twelfth Street Baptist4 church are progressing rapidly and

will bo completed about tho mlddloof next week at a coat of J6GOTho building Is being enlarged ISfeet longer and 14 feet wider It for¬

merly accommodated COO people buton account of lt > growth moro scatIng capacity IIs necessitated

The city scales lot was floodedthis morning with hay ferried fromIllinois by tho ferryboat Bettlo

I Owen On her first trip from Brookport tho Owen brought 18 wagonloads and seven loads from the JIll ¬

nols shore opposite PaducahDavid A Yclscr Jr nMlstant

In the office of L A Washingtoncity engineer has resigned his pall ¬

lion and will attend tho Bliss school0of electricity at Washington Hohas been succeeded by Mr ClydeHell

Patrolman Andy Stewart whoS hits bean on tho Mechanlcsburg beat

at night Ins been transferred to tbot Broadway beat and given a day shift

Tho Mechanlttbnrg beat Is being coy ¬

tired by Patrolman Charles BowerThe Homo Mission society ot

MUpah mission will meet tomorrownfttrnoon at 2 oclock at tho church

4 A-


Get ItE


The Home ol Purity4


The resting placeof the weary

i The oasis of ther


fExtra Specialsi

Egg 0r ngo

Osape LimeadeOrape Fre-

ezeGILBERSDrug Store

r S 1 4ft uMrttfrir hll rticit 77

Tbo Mite society of tho FlretBaptist church will meet Friday afternoon at 4 oclock with Mrs Leo Bolton 1017 lloyd rtroet


Girrs iosmov ix TIIK CONSOL ¬



County 8iitrriiitrml iit MlddlctonOnto J >ccldlnB Vote In Furor

of IIHr

Miss Greenville Harrison will beho teacher of the fourth grado intho consolidated school ai Superin ¬

tendent W A Mlddlcton receivedhis bond yesterday and his first offi ¬

cial act was to cast the deciding voten the tie of the trustees In schoolilvUlon No 4 At tho meeting ofhe board the trustee tied over theSection ot Miss Eleanor Drowningind Miss Greenville Harrison Su¬

perintendent Middleton said MissHnrllOn was an experienced teacherand for this reason he voted for her


u JToday wets pay day for tho Illi ¬

nols Central railroad employes andall of tho employes wore broadgrins The car arrived this morningat 830 oclock as the Cairo tramwas ono hour late owing to connecttlons Tho retail stores will bo opentonight Tho car will leavo tomor ¬

row morning for MemphisIllinois Central officials of the

Loulsvlllo division were called to nstaff meeting In Loulsvllo today JH Nash roaster mccbanc A rillness roadmaatcr L E McCabeassistant superintendent J T Dono-van


and T A Downs attended from

PaducahJeromeiHinlth foreman of tho

blacksmith shop and B B Clenryhavo returned from Water ValleyMhw where they welded Pj framo onan engine

Assistant Superintendent L KMcCabo arrived In tho city lost nightafter making an Inspection tour oftho Cairo division on a motor car

George Kellar assistant round ¬

house foreman has returned fromMounds III after a trip on business

U H Clarke division storekeeperIs 111

Lloyd Grimes traveling engineeron the Memphis division was In thocity today

Mr Duke Caldwoll of the storekeeping department who lion hisvacation will leave Friday night forChicago and St Louis and then goto San Antonio

Headmaster A F Blaets arrivedIn tho city last night after a tripover the Evansvlll division

Card of ThankWo wish to r thank our many

friends for their kdndnota and pa-


shown us during tho recentBereavement tho sickness and death

of our beloved son and brotherMrs Mary O Holland and Fum-


Mr Charles Grace tho popularderkat FreesoV grocery in east Meropolle and Miss Clara Sporo weremarried Sunday

Mies Ella Nay Kimball has goneto Blooralngtoit to enter cchodl

Miss Florence Stevenson will toachroom No 4 at tho II ten wheel buildLog beginning next Monday

Most aU our rural schools harenow bcgKn

The city council pasted the sowerago ordinance Monday night over thoprotest of quite a largo delegation ofcitizens

ClwrkM Estea Is hero from MoundCity looking after his piano ibuslnew

Tho Roy J ML Adams la still In aprecarious condition with typhoidover IfiMo change if any bas-

taken place In the last few dabs


Livingston County Oouplo MarriedMiss Ethel Specs of BIrdsvlllo

and Mr J D Trail of fimlthlandwere married yesterday afternoon Iinthe parlors of 4ho Palmer house by

the Rev T A Conway of Smith landThe marriage was riot an elopementbut accompanied by a few friendthe couple camo to Paducah for iaquiet marriage Early this mornlniMr and Mrs Trail left for Louisvilla Lexington and Cincinnati on iawedding trip The bride la the doughter of Mr and Mrs R F Specs 01fUlrdsvlllc and a popular young woman In Blrdsvlllo Mr Trail Is iaprosperous farmer of Mvlngotoicounty and a son ot Mr J D TrailAccompanying the couplo wore Oarvie Specs J D Trail Ernest DavitEmily Specs Ophal Trail and J 0Trail

Paducah Lady DlstlnKuhtlirs Herscl111 I ho West

Tho open meeting of John A Mar-tin Post and W R 0 held Tuesdayevening In Markham hall was waltattended and proved one of the bestentertainments ever given by thesetwo popular organizations TimothySullivan the patriotic commander ofthe post bad secured an array ofgood talent In tho post and corps andthey rendered an excellent programMrs Hlnsdell president of the corpspresided ot the meeting There weretoo man participants In the programto give special mention to each butlice It to my that all acquitted them ¬

solves with credit Mrs Freundllchof Paducah Ky who Is visiting hersister Mrs Mellon of Ninth streetcompletely captured the old boyswith her Inimitable readings Sawtcllo Cot Enterprise

Mire Saldco Smith leaves Monday

thSophomore ne

collegeMissHelen Van Meter left early

this morning for Lexington to attendcollege thin winter She was accompanled ns far as Louisville byMss Gladys Coburn who has beenvlaltlng the Misses Corbett andMartha Cope

Mr Jamea Wheeler leaves thisevening to attend the University olfVirginia

lilies Dorothy Langstaff will leavenext Tuesday to resume her studies sat Emperor IU1I Kenosha Wig

Mr Lulus White la ablo to bo outtagain after a brief Illness

Mrs Rosa Reed and son Eullcitof Syrasonla are visiting tits M M

Shemwell of Clements streetMrs II M Orm and daughter

Mss Mary Orme returned last nightfrom McMillan Tenn

Mr and Mrs James C Utterbickand Mrs II S Wells returned lastnight from a month visit to chicIn tho northeast They were In Chi-cago this week and attended theconvention of tho American Bank ¬

ers associationMiss Looncy Campbell of Paris

Tenn Is visiting Miss Essie Blacknail of 408 South NInth street

City Attorney A Y Martin Is luSmlthland attending court

Mr Will linker of Golconda 111

Is visiting In the city todayDr Edward Davenport of Hamp-


Ky was In the city today enrouto from IKansas where bo busbeen In view of locating

Mrs John Doyle loft this morningfor Lexington Tenn on a visit

Mr D 11 Hughes left this mornIng for Murray on business

Air Peary Meloan went to Con ¬

tral City this morning on businessCaptain W J Stono returned to

his homo In Kuttawa this morningMr Roscoo Reed went to Denton

this morning on businessEd Renfro went to Princeton this

morning on businessMr J L Rurradclt left this morn-


for Denton on businessMr Paul Malone Is expected homo

tonight from Sioux City la-

Ir William Walker 1101 SouthFourth street left this morning forMemphis where he bits accepted a

foundrI ¬

street has gone toon A visit to his parents

Alru Agnes Neal of Mechanicsburg who bas been seriously 111 hasboon removed to tho homo of herdaughter Mrs Charles Smedley 808South Third street and the Is recov ¬

ering slowlyMr and Mrs Mott Ayres left today

for Louisville to attend tho state fairMr Godwin Humphreys of Mur-


is In the city on a visit to Mrand Mrs W D Gibson OIL Jacksonstreet

Mr E W Whittemore loft thismorning for Grand Rivers on lush-


Miss Lala Robinson wilt leave Sat ¬

urday for a visit In gmlthland KyDr W H Parsons 1600 Broad

street has arrived In tho city fromLoulsvlllt lias located here

Mrs Daisy Winfrey of Mayfloldarrived In the city this morning

Mrs J M1 Walton returned fromu1ton this morning where she vis-

Ited relativesGuy McChesnoy left this morning

for ItusuellyllleMr Paul Bennett arrived In the-

city this morning on a visit to hissister Mrs 1MI Walton

Miss Emma Sullivan was called toWJckllffo this morning by the seriousIllncsa of her sisterinlaw

Mrs E Y Ogllvjo has returned toher homo In LaKomp Okla after avisit to her brother Mr Ed Ward ofMaxon Mills

Mrs M Grossham of Salem hasreturned to her homo In Princetonafter a visit to her daughter Mrs 03 Purcell of North Fifth street

Mr James Weatierlngton has re¬


signed his position with the PaducahLight and Power company and hasleft for Richmond Ind to accept asimilar position with the RichmondLight and Power company

Miss Myrtle Decker returned thismorning from Battle Creek Mich

Mr James Osb 1440 Trimblestreet who is ill of bronchitis Is unImproved today Ills brother DanielGlsb of Bremen has arrived to attend his bedside

Mrs B C Lclsncr and Mrs ScottHawes let last night on the Clyde forthe round trip to Waterloo

Major and Mrs J II Ashcraft havereturned from Toronto Canada aftera months visit to their son HarryAshcraft and family


Authorities sun lined nt Work onMlllnum Murder

Detroit Mich Sept 16Thc row

ward of 1000 offered for the appre ¬

hension of the perron responsible fortho death of Maybello Mlllman hasstimulated many people to atompt asearch for evidence Peter F Hay-den


an engraver has turned over tothe police an ornamental hair comband a paIr of gloves which he be-lieves belonged to Miss Mlllman andwhich ho said wore given to him bya child

Miss Martha Jienn < ne tho deadgirls chum who Is at her parentshomo in Ann Arbor has stated thatshe will not return to world In De-troit fearing violence at the hands ofthe persons responsible for MaybelleMlllraana death She had howeverno positive Information or threatsupon which to base her fears


Costs Four Times More to Bathe Fcnudes Than Moles

Cincinnati 0 Sept 16That Itcoats the city about 2 cents to furnisha bath for a man while the cost of abath for a woman Is 9 cents la thelIanIstate auditor Waddelt Is too gallant

iito say that a woman needs morescrubbing but he docs say that the

muse of the Increased cost of a womans bath over that for a man Inthe municipal bath bouse is the factthat vastly more mon use the house11100 mon and 10000 women beingtho figures and that men use showersand women tub baths the otter be ¬

ing more expensive because morewater Is used The examiner alsosays that the shower bath Is far bet ¬

ter but that women will not use UWaddoll sugggeifs that new bath

bouses specialty equipped shall bobuilt to furnlEti baths at a mincort the present house not ImumIbeen originally constructedpurpose and that separate houses bebunt for women avid tliicn the firstwith tubs and > lie latter with showerbaths He thinks that with a num-ber


of bath houses In operation theycan be run at lew Individual expensethan a single house Ho Buys thathad the present house been exclu-sively


for men 100000 moro wouldhave taken baths

UclHknlix anti Odd FellowsThe Daughters of Rebekahs and

Odd Fellows are Invited to partici ¬

pate In the excursion Friday nightSeptember 17 on the steamer BettloOwen giver under the auspices oftie Rebekah lodge of Brookport

0111boardBoat leaves Brookport 730 Paducah830 returning to Paducah at 1130Brookport 12 oclock Round triponly 25 cents

England Must HustleLondon Sept 16ThO report

that Peary and Bartlett have decidedon a south polo expedition created astir here A considerable portion ofthe fund for Captain Scotts expedi ¬

tion has been promised and there Islittle doubt that tho report thatPeary Is likely to start for tho southpolo will hasten the subscription ofthe remainder

Sink South PoleSt Johns Sept 16t Labrador

mall boat reports that Peary andCaptain Bnrtlctt have already settledon an expedition to the south polo

MrsI Nelson Morris HurtChicago Sept I G3111 Nelsonl

Morris Is hovering between life anddeath near Paris as the result of anautomobile accident The machinewas overturned near Salnte Bleu


X C ft St L Railway holds ItsAnnual Mocllnj

Neshvlllo Tonn Sept 16 Thestockholders and directors of theNashville Chattanooga St Louisrailway at tho annual meeting todaycfectcd thu present directory andofficera

The annual report showed totalearnings for thq year at 11122r11423 operating expenses 1 835070099 net earnings from traffic andother sources 3049661S5 inter-est taxes etc to bo deducted 189663521 not Income 158026Cl Less 2 ik per cent cash divi-


payable February L 190924961601 and the same dividend

payable August 2 1909 2196160149923201 Balance transferred to

profit and loss account 65379459Donded debt as per last report 16935000 less bonds redeemed UO000 bonded debt Juno 30 190915965000

Gross earnings per mile 190 SK9904237 operating expenses jper

mile 19i809 678919 net earnIngs per mile 225318



Suits Filed In Circuit CourtM H Gallagher flied suit against

Kate Waibert H Walbert and BessieWalbert for 8115 alleged due on ianoteJoseph

W Hughes filed suit againstM It McCain for the recovery otpossession of property on SouthFourth street and for 50 damages

In Police ConrtBreach of Peace Mollle Crisp

fined 10 Albert Scott and MartinChristaln continued until tomorrow Moso Watts fined 30 Ob-

taining money by false pretensesEd Fowler held to answer under

300 bond


ALMIERW G West Southfend H H Adams and wife Mayfield II N Sharp St Louis Wm BHamilton Columbus Miss J AOtt Chicago James F Klrffer Lou-isville J W Ross Savannah F AHunter Louisvill-

eDELVEDEREMrs John nix StLouis E L Brummell St LouisCeo W Long Nashville L A Dratfor Mayfield T L Stovall MayfieldWD Blakeman Martin Tenn Edward Davenport Hampton Ky JKlelnr Cairo

NEW RICHMOND J JPerry-La Center J E Wallace ModelTenn L R Gates Tupelo MlsaiGoo Edrlngton Osceola Ark L 0Franks Marlon Charles Rutter JoyKy T A Wade Metropolis T MVickers Smlthland

°LOXE our

tLono Oak is on a boom and in a

few more leaps and bounds the thrlvlug little suburb will surpass Padu-cah Not only In the growth extended to an Increasing population butthe commercial interests are keepingpace Dr R C Gore ds erecting agreenhouse 150x60 feet and whencompleted will bo one of the best inwestern Kentucky The base ros1I boconstructed of concrete end tho hoot ¬

ing apparatus wlU be modern Hewill ralso flowers and plants for thomarkets

ftlr Joe Allcock and family haveremoved from Graves county to LonoOak

County Road Supervisor JohnThompson and his family will re¬

move o Lone Oak from FlorenceStation next week

Yale Wins AgainRye N YSept J6alo won

tho collegiate golf championship forthe fifth time beating Harvard sixto three

Liner AgroundLiverpool Sept 16cunard liner

Saxonla went aground this mornting on the river Mersey during dfog It Is not known whether It isbadly damaged

Will Go With ScottLondon Sept IGTbe announce

ment that Commander Peary stayturn hie attention to tho discovery ofthe south polo aroused great enthu¬

siasm to fit out the English expedi-tion


of Captain Scott Popular sub ¬

scriptions aro numerous and thou ¬

sands are applying for places in theparty


Gen Mycr of Texas Says RooseveltIdea Is Wrong

Washington Sept 1GTbe Roose¬

velt riding test for ofllcers of thoarmy is a detriment to the servicerather than an aid in increasing Itsefficiency This hi substance Is thosevere criticisms of the test made byGen Albert A Slyer commandingthe department of Texas In his an-


reportThere are many efficient and valu ¬

able field officers ho says paTtieularly In tbo stall and supply depart¬

ments who would never in any cir¬

cumstances be required to make anysuch rides

General Myer favors owiriy physi¬

cal examinations of all officers to as-


their fitness for the peculiarduties they are likely to be callediiupon to perform

AinlMissador Iluy Mexican ItallmmlMexico City Sept 16DavldE

Thompson United tSates ambaasadoi rto Mexico secured control of thePanAmerican railway a line extendIng front San Oeronlmo on tho Tohauntcpee National railway to Marseal a town on the McxlcanGuatcmalan frontier Ambassador Thompeon did not make public tho Purchaseprice but said that ho would havetho controlling Interest la tho proparty having secured toy purchase960IOO worth ot the stock


IIORRENT3 room hfiuso 612

Mama St Apply 501 S 6thWANTEDA bargain on a lot in

Oak Orovo Cemetory Address E WWblttemore

WANTED To buy a twohorsewagon with coal bed J BledermanGrocery Co-

NIO11T SCHOOL opens PaducahCentral Business College October 4

Hours 715 to 915 Get prices nowOld phone 310r


NOWS THE TIMEHart Has a Few Splendid


That willbeii

sold at tlgurcp very much lower than tho very low figures Hartsold them at this season Hart wants to winter Uicin Its money 4to you if you will need one In tho next year or so it

Itctncinbcr there ore only n very few on hand and If you are not

among tho very first you may lose your chance

B Sure 2 Kum Quicker



FUR SALE Six room house 930Clay street

TO TRADE City lot for automo-bile Address City Lot caro Sun

FOR RENT Furnished roomsRent reasonable 1044 Monroe

FOR horseshoeing or rubber tiresI

see John Grelf 318 Washington StEIGHT horse motor for sale cheap

I at The Sun officeFOR RENT Apartment In Hecht

Flats 611 Adams streetWIDEAWAKE Pressing club 001

Trimble Phone 1269aFOR RENT Furnished room

611 Washington streetPAIR GOODS Mado to order

Lourenla Miller Old phone 374aFOR RENTFour upstairsrooms

for light housekeeping Modern im¬

provements Apply 616 MonroeFOR SALE Cheap Folding bed

and coking stove Apply to 619 Ken ¬

tucky avenue Phone 686


overed good as new 217 South Sev¬

enth street J n RobinsonWANTED Man topress

tailor suits None but experiencedneed apply J A Rudy Sons

SITUATION wanted by refined in ¬

telligent young lady as office girl orclerk In store Call now phone 1132

J E MORGAN Horse suoelng

4081outhconveniences George Raleigh 601North Sixth street

WANTED Roomers with privatefamily With or without board Oldphone 923

FOR RENTNice office steamheat in the Register building U SRealty Co Fraternity building

VISIT Buchanans short order res-taurant Open day and night 219Kentucky avenue

FOR SALE Secondhand rollertop desk In good condition Can beseen at this office

FOR RENT Large cool roomwith bath Mrs Woolfolk 408Washington

FOR RENT Steam heated fur-nished


or unfurnished rooms 417Washington Phone 2130

ILLINOIS Coal and Feed company16th and Tennessee streets Wantsyour order for food and coal Qualityand weights guaranteed

WE WASH lace curtains very care-fully Get them cleaner and whiterthan you could at homo Star Laun ¬

dry Phone 200-

WANTEDTo furnish your um ¬

handlelWFOR RENT New four room

houses 1 square from car lineCheap Schmaus Brothers Bothphones 19-

2WLT to do your watch and Jew-


repairing AH work first classW N Warren jeweler 403 Broad-wayofltEE OF CHARGE AH Whitesowing machines adjusted freo ofcharge at F N Gardner Jr CoEither phono 396


Jones Just returned from northernfactories Will save you money onhigh grade pianos 2 IS Broadway

WE have received our fall line ofgoods Dont forget our cleaning de¬

partment M Solomon the Tailor111 Broadway Old phono 110r

COUNTER and partition for lalethe one formerly used In tho Registeroffice In good condition Prlco 10Tbo Sun office

FOR RKNT Three unfurnlehedrooms for light housekeeping Allmodern conveniences at 514 NorthSixth street For Information apply316 Nprth Fourth street-

WANTEDFlvo ladles or gentle ¬

men Must bo good workers goodwages to tho right parties Preferthem from the following countiesMcCracken Graves Marshall Callo¬

way and Livingston Address H G

caro Tho SunFOR SALEA big five passenger

four cylinder touring automobile Ingood condition equipped with stor-age battery magneto full lamp out-


extra tires spare wheel Will beiglad to give a demonstration at any-

time Address Automobile care ThoSun

FOR RENT Four room collage1740 Harrison Apply 922 TrimblobOld phone 1186-

SITUATION WANTED By younlady as waitress chambermaid orclerk Address D D care Sun

FOR SALE Two fresh much rowscheap New phone 649

WANTED Lady solicitor Newphone 649

FOR SALE Edison graphophonoat a bargain New phone 649 ±

FOR SALTTwo firstclass muleteams 1000 Clay street New phono830

FURNISHED ROOMS For teat508 South Fourth street

WAXTED Position bysteno ¬

rapher six years experience Box680

FOR RENT Attractive resldencowith stable and cook house BargainIf applied for at once 203 Fountainavenue

FOR SALEThree hundred 2horse loads dry heating wood 12Sper cad Johnston Fuel companyBoth hones 203

TILE 46TH SERIES of MechanicsBuilding Loan Association Is nowopen for the subscription in stockF M Fisher Secretary

WANTEDWe put new covers onumbrellas while you watt Largestock of umbrellas EyeSee JewelryCo 316 Broadway

WANTEDYou to get ourpropo-sition We Mil diamonds on easypayments Eye See Jewelry Co it 15Broadway

PRESSING CLUB membership nper month Clothes called for anddelivered Jas Dusty Old phone388a

YOUR LACE curtains need clean-Ing You will make no mistake Insending them to the Star LaundryPhone 200

FOR SALE Gasoline engine tilt ¬

ing table saw frame with 24Inchcircular saw belts pulleys every¬

thing complete for wood yard Price110 S E Mitchell 326 S 3d

AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING IfC8Zlorleave your orders for me at The Sunoffice Virgil Barton-

WANTEDLady or gentleman otfair education to travel for firm otlarge capital Salary 1072 per yearpayable weekly Expenses advancedAddress Geo Co care Su-

nWANTEDto extract your cormbunions Ingrowing toe nails Pall ¬

tively without pain Connie Lee103 South Fourth street Phone991r

TELEPHONE JM Rlckman forgroceries coal stove wood fenceposts new sorghum 60c per gallon a

delivered to any part of the cityCall us up and tell us your wantsNow phone 640 old phono 878

FOR SALE45 H P touring carequipped with top side curtainsfour lamps gas tank glass fronttwo extra casings and cover Thiscar Is In excellent condition Ad ¬

dress Bargain caro SunMONEY WANTEDI havo a num ¬

ber of applications for money withgood security In sums from 100 tofGOQO with good Interest Anyonehaving money to lend please consultme Personal attention given to allloans S T Handle real estate In ¬

surance Investments 419 BroadwayFOIL SALE C11EAPSetof

paths history of the world complotaset of Chas Dickens works Onecoblnatton book case and desk Wiltsell either ono at a bargain Jos WHurst 136 South Third street

WE STAnCH lace curtains lustthe degree of stiffness that makesthem bang nicely and dry them uponframes that make them square andstretch them smooth and even StarLaundry Phon 200 ii-

NOTICE1 have purchased theblacksmith shop of C J Balloweand wish to announce that I willsgive you tho same firstclass workWould bo pleased to have all his cus¬

tomers give me a trial All workguaranteed 0 J Atwoo-

dWANTEDnallway mall clerkspostofflco clerks carriers Salary s

600 to 1600 Examinations IB

Paducah Nov 17 8000 appoint ¬

moats coming Preparation freeaa

Wrlto Immediately for scheduleFranklin Institute Dept 1117Rochester N Y