4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...4 THE AMERICAN...

4 THE AME RICA N ISRAELITE. . J &Q rf t ' *^ . * 1~^*DM+ French citizen , to enter for the my work I consulted your Dr. Birch , and in the consciousness of your congi e- 1 " Not Dr.Blumenthal , of New York , tain beverage s sinful. Aside Q f a]] | <D0C ^tmertCatt JetMW lVl x d e Rome at t h e Eco]o des Dr. Loutb , at Munich. * In short , gal ion8 we are told , but his brother , Mr. that however those Jews evid e ntl i Beaux Arts my Li,e is written solel y to ahow the "" Jacob B' umenthal , is the President vote d with the mijonty, not 0nu ! HlB BlOCh Publishing and Printing Company, : _ power of Nemeais on that living quality d h f the Seminary Association, estab- in North Carolina , but also in Tex ' i N M=s™i,, /- b D t„r ary of i^*£ir£g£££ ^VZ^JZ t ^ » t l ^ * *. * * ^nikTi 1 ^* ^ Offi ce Cr. - Plnn. aad Mcmrl .ud Pr o f' D /' & [M,* B b.r hday occurs . . Mn order to be condemned a8 here8y ]egB than 1 , 416 Jews. College and the Union of A. H C. vanee not wreak its vengeance 0 J SU.. h plow FoitrHi Ht. November 5lb , and will be celebrated or ftthoiBm i my theistic notions need ~~* If tbia ia so,, it is a matter of aston- the majori ty voting anti-prohflj . I ;—=——==—!==!=—====5 in a becoming manner in Breslau onl y to be laid before th e theological M Tfl _,_ *_„.„... nt * ishment to us , for this gentleman , tion ? Wh y single out the , hanaf B | ISAAC M. WISE, : : t Editor arj d elsewhere . Popular -wissenschaft- world. " . ; „, jm ,, abbaham anu ^ ^ exceUent fatn er too , were of Jews . as -the scapegoats ' ? m , LEO WISE , :: ¦ : : : Manager , iche MonatMaeUer will contai n January 27, 1877. Claude Montefiore , of London , h ave ^ hfl ^ and ^^ afflUated - ffilB dbeB Uitf ^dianw ,. havin g before |, Ci ncinnati; ©.ToSSer 14 . 1887. a biograp hy of the learned historio- In Denmark , though he leaves ^^^S^^^l the ™* W** ' whom he noW *&* t ^ /""ft* ° uT ,n Gol *>' . , ., :J ¦ grapher . behind him no single work of first- J?6™* "*l 7 , J V :? e ses , not as a passive member, but as boro , extend its attacks upon a ]| iobkuftim niti , ret u oo ~ rate importance , and though his i 1 /be prospectus contains of such a society. If we Jews, as if they were a close coi I Si* "?* i , - ' ,! MK MaX Fe ' " HHB1M " - of Wich" fi gure was a singularl y isolated one, fo °wine cbamctenstic passage. Blumenthal poration , or morally, intellectual , 5£ES^..- s^ ¦ ::¦ :- •::::::: . 'S ita , Kan., presented a building lot h * death i8 Ieg lM y &s fl natioDa ] zi ^^\ d E nle &3i we wo " d have to " mind him of and politically, one class, one J ! pc W o Europe , quo ^ar loo to that young congregation valued , 0B8. . The elegance of hig 8ty , e w afl ^ JJJ^ to ^ ^ ^^ of former ^ &nA ocourrences . ety, in which every one is re8pOI18i. j inn er iranmiu. at $3, o00 to MTO. A meeting of the 80 great that critics of authority , Judaism as a religiouu ayetem is at least Schlcchte Gescllschaf t verdirbt. gute ble for all , and all for every one? \ conp iimenurr K««.iiitioni *nd obii u»r is 03 bod y was called , and it decided to and tQeBe not prejudiced bv any aa important as the publication of an un- £^ m- t This, however , is the common flr BttroH>.1 . . u.rr 1. w..B ! r ! h !l De»th..8Mh no«ic. i «. erect a temple on that lot , to which pergona i llking for the mftn ; h av6 printed document rtspecting ^ a minutd ~ ror Qf ftn i gnorant and opini " | mrnmnm ok mummm , purpose ad hoe $2, 700 donations were beeQ found to Bay that no Daniah point in Jewish hi atory . We do not be- A RB rIE W 0F THE QOL DSBOR O mu l titude. Having seen a few U ' I' nicRB othcrwi st; ordiTt-d , nru set tip uniformly aub°cribed so that the realzation r i ,i . en u lieve that anything but good can result n \ Mir vTTnnTRT ADVANCE . T i »r %r , * 6 ,o -ecupy a .pare «, «t«o ;„ c„o. anS „„u| ub u d !? J^^^nf«mri« ! i ^ni«i P t0Be " 8 ° gra ° 6fU M ^ 0f Gold ' fr o"> «» full and free diBcussion of reh> lN ' ^ UETI1 ?^ ADVANCE . m London Mr- M wnte8 an ethno enc u work g„tu orf-rc.]i dt«r.mt..med. The ol tfle eacwa enterprise w botuim. 8ohmidt . probl ems. The iJmew will not seek It in Goldaboro N C, where graphy of the Jews. Another man charge fertil e Kinni: is »2 .00 for fuels insertion , Wichita Will have a $10, 000 J 6 WISH « ? ./ ., . t ,, .. . . . « 1B lu VXOluauuro , l *. \ j ., wucio o r ^ ' "J»U «iuu»>t rcH.ni ,„ the nmnbur of time, pub- . , ,. Mr p pchheimer * » ¦ «f f * ¦ n ¦ ., to identify itself with any one set of h j i/efAodisf Advance appears , b- ad intercourse with a few Jews in aahed. oiii,erH„f r„n Irru fi ,.ti on s are requested house of worship. Mr b ecnheimer An important step m Onental opinione. Its pages will be thro wn open Ll nrn nP« innVR Le ' "N ew York and writes "The Y oke nf > o bear this m min d wheu giving their ordei>. i s a generous man , and the congre- literary research ^ says the Jew- to writers of every party, to the ' right/ wj "cn in appearance ujoja buiub ^ Thorah " stamping unon l foiiP UMUKTAnv «.... ..ivmo nni resolutions of gatioii , it seems , well appreciates it. ish Worid j B shortl y to be made the ' lef t' and to the ' center . '" wh at poverty-stri cken. As a miniB- f the world the sarJ, , « r nature »i..< «-r „,, puhiLiH-d i n the afc ft instance and expense of We vote in the affirmative on this tenal orgar^ however , it will do to --^f w we wona mQ . °am« m°tal , AH B aicAN i ,K A n,.rr Buu i y„ 1 , ,.ai.i 1 ,mttor 1 .t. Mil. A. Necbauee writes as foL " w® ,f, a ^ e*P'^ S^ t+ nuestion and mav nut on the list counterbalance that little defect, intellectu al and social character uniform rimn; .. -..rp no ,.,„.!,. Wu nr 0 obliged . . ., . . ., the Turkish Sultan . The Otto- question ana may ne 3 put pn me asi w^"™ o«w » -whipri thn few BhucimBriB ih ow v to «.uL - 0 t-< , L .h i i , u ,M.. k,-.. l „...i... l , I,r Mn tn.atter lows to the i4tfcena?um: At a con- AmbaB^ador at Madri d has of subscribers to the Hebre w . Quor- It is edited by two reverend doctors wmen me iew Bpec mens theyoh. .fthi. und fn>... Bn....p yl uB u.. uwiun amount vocation held May 25, 1626, the fol- .. . , ?1 Q v m * feriv /?cmci« ¦ill rr i"r?n' Q^riDH «¦? and two plain reverend gentlemen, served presented to them. Usuall y ci Eiiaco ln our euiiimus. . ¦ . . .. J ' , . ' ,. _ officially informed the Spanish Mm- w«Jf review, uin i^^n a non K-? »"« f , tVifiv tiiplr nnt Homft hnd Phria n. lowing letter—communicated to me . J , * . „. «¦» . U mj,, which floay give the distant reader toe y P 1CK out BOme Daa ^nstians, ea -SST" ™" TS -" ^ ^ «" ^ the «- W ' . °- J** £ ^ SSS^ at a hT^ » ^aof the advertising patronage ^ ^^^T ST, ' aaSaata&g^ " ''^ W of Convocation-from Qaeen ^0^ Wn^on MoS nST^^Tstat nd S »* W . »1. aggravating, almoB , Shylock. The ignorance in all these —--—- -: Henrietta Maria was read : ?.. aocu °;f n t8 D6a " n e ° . Q f ?°"f a P a . r tie8 ' a8 rar as . state aaa "^ insufferable. And yet so forbear- owes is glaring, the unscientific xbtN pu]>cr u repreKcnicd m vbi\. ,, . , , ¦ . -. _,,„ nvnia . 0 ; history, which are deposited in the pal government is concerned. The ^,DUUDltt «" "-"" f ,, .. ^ , . ¦ mn fhnrl onnnmnr trm TOifl«^ n. n . ndeiphia b r iwri .n. k. Coi.c., , on Oelebernmic Academia- OxomenB!. ,., /' f , »-- . ;„, . and ha8 f nJ f ., , d u in g, gentle and amiable is that ec method apparent , the wickedness c^tnui y. -Pf.osentiu m latorem Maria-Antdn.um libraries of the Feninsula, and bas issues, as far aa the leaders permit that it says , edi- stupendous , and the ' meanness the -—— —-r-^-—, de Verona hia literia non secua, ac famu- asked that facilities for copping ordinary people to know them, pos- ¦ ,;; .„ . "^ „. J ' . verv acme of miniature souk w,- itir. euianuci N«ivniuii , a duly , . . t . . . ¦ ' . -. . .. , , . .v • • ... , - . : ., . . . , ., tonally (Sent. 28, 1 o. 3), concerning very acme oi mmiaiure souis, jno authot fa!cd a*cm or n.u pa,»cr , u lum n0Hrum in omnI cam pnm» honee- them may be extended to the viei- itively involve no principle; they r ' / XV **» ¦;» . 8 at ; dUy -j more in vogU9 thM ^_ now reprcKcntiiiK u in tin Ka«.t , turn ac pium , Qbmxe vobis commend- tore. A correspondent of the Israelii , ..are al l personal , who shall be elected ' ¦ ,1* .,, , . ¦ , ., .^ ,1 ,. r avna j n ._ __ " j- _„ ;f , v m, n.-ada«ar,e,H i„ Ne* vorR amua. Si quid apud vos (quo melius res in communicating this intelli gence , or appointed to hold certai n offices ^S^J'^-^K^^'S'^ hZ- fe^ c ">' .. . - progrediantur b uj c) nostra causa favoris . . .* All i ' x .. . ¦ .. r ' . , tt we are talking, to say that we have Jew has been touna doing so. Not -T—"-•— , invenerit , mullam pn-oteribimua beca- u ^, e ? ^^ lhance tei$i\6 t M the for a certai n number ^ years.. _ Ha- Q0 unreaaonable prej udice against all Je ws are like Saul of Tareus , It is poBBibla that the death of sionem qua vobis veBtr«;que Academic Mekize Nirdamim Society, to tate bitu al partisans and: party-ridden the ' House of ; Israel ,' and never ^^ or David j Moses Maimon- the Sultan of Morocco will produce ndata auccurrat gratia. Valete omnes. steps for eecuring an examination organs, of course, would not admit have had, nor did we ever have any .^ or g^^ gpin0za Moaes a change for. the better , as far at l)kum Loudini die 19 Jahuarii , A : Dom. at the same time of the MS. works this; as it spoils their busineBs, or trouble with them before. For many M - ,-, . . . _ . i , j n cV ¦pL" i M - concerned , if the jealousy of Euro A; delegacy was : immediately ap- Spain : during the Sarcen period , and with some; the; partisan creed est on earth and whose character is could any just and intelligent mail pean powers toward one another pointed , which met to consider the which are to be found in the same ranks hi gher than the ethical stand- eo peculiar. Nor have we any sym- BUDD0Se that all of them must b will not neutralize - their influence, mattet- ' as the con vocation , was over, institutions.; A large number of aril ; Toe common: citizen, how- , pathy with the spirit of persecution ' ; ,.j vL . - ^ n^^n,, >,„ >,„,. j as is the case in Roumania , where with thisxonclusion : . such works are known to exist in the ever, whose mind: is not squeezed ' -f^ hagpllowed them from land ^^J^ S^^^ S! each of the powers fears the other ! . . "J^f ^ uraque habUa delibera V B8Curi al i ibrar y, and also the archi- into the narrow boots; of his news- * }"£ J &^Sl S! cS o & ^h .wSS kW^^ ., ¦ . ' . - * ¦ .. - , ¦ tione de literia serenissimiB dominte Rfr . , ,.v . ' : , m :V j j 'i i n , on , one oi ;tneit; u neada , taKe a cent to form such conclusions, and most ¦ . *ight , gain ;;some ^^ ep iscopal libraries of Toledo and Paper wrUer , knows well , enough fr^^^ vantage over the other, , and each tonio de Verona , JudteD, ii8 omnib us Seville.; ; - ; - , that besides- pretensions Jhe party or travers^the^n any of their leeit- li8h them ; The .A dvan ce is guilty of tries to keep on the ' side of that cor- visum est ut litew ab academia Berenia- ~~7 ~~ "~* \ ~ differences at , present in regard to lmate nghts^VVe ^ ^es teem^ and J 1 ?^^ both ' ; ' ¦ ' ' " ' ' " ' rupt and unscrupulous government Bimie dominie Regin a mittantur.quibuB A cebtaw Mrs . Blugg, of Wins- state and ' .municipal government do tn ein aB . we do others, we ^ flgree ^ and T " , . ., .. ;., . 4 . Wer the eyes of a German prince. ^^^g^-iWU, - ford , in Cheshire , say, ^ London ^^^ot^ ^ ^^^^^^3; Jewl"^tSfflSf S The ethics of international politics R . eE. Oonyoc, N. ff. 223b 4. Jewish World , has died, from the cipie , and as a proof that many aQd some worse ; just as other peo- the l uow^f. in the sam e a^icT is of a very loV character ; none: It is strange that there is no fur- effects of certain micro organisms thousands of honest men know that' , pie are , " etc. tt - ™?^ 1 " . "^> 1 s ' can tell tfhat this or that power will tber Mention "of- the- matter nor qf palled Ptomaine , . whi ch '' according is the "scratched tickets , and the Is not it very kind an d extreme^ owr2iS ?S ; wS ; do , if the rights of man and com- tbe reply ^ . to recent mic rpscopi c investigators , unexpected changea from one party admirable that-the reverend;gentle- them .a little . ' -some time ago about voting mercial interests collide. •«¦ Edmund Gos^b in the Aihe- aTe ^n<^ "^est ^eg8 °f rnutton. to another in almost every other man , or I) . I). , who wrote the above aolixtiy: ^ against Prohibition; - The oft jer . . ' ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ». * . ; . , . . - .. ' rnu : i / -Rr A ^ lrf . It is rather unpleasant to learn election. lines wouldi not persecute , ; s lay or' da y< -in ' one . of ' our ' congregationB , we read In the last number of the Jewish : 5l ^ ?n ;, BW> : tcejate M, A. woia- that in , iB ,;. n0mely\ j dBtr-;flie '' : very , . ¦ ' ""¦ ' ' " - " . ' "' . even rot^ the. Jews, ' and is so much^ the General ^iles of oiir Church , which World , says Mr. Alexander Gold- ^^^tSS" of healthful and .npretentious ^ . Th, Theosophists in Eng land are of an Amerfcan citizen ,^ loy al to S^l^^t^ iS ^ berg, appear the celebrated names ch f. whiekerB anddre3sed alwayB fare - is not free from noxious going clear back to the Kab b alah , the constitution and institutions of duty of Christiari people to buy one c! of Joaei Iarael s, Antpkolski and in b][ack There never lived a man Para8,te8' u would be interest- and that is the . besUource for their the country that he has no sympa- another and employ each other in prefer- Ezekiel , as a refutation to the re- ' i tte "' wt0 waa more solicitou s in ^' ^ oWever > to learn ¦ something metaphysics, because most mystical thy with the spirit of persecution? ence to those who are hot Christians; proach cast upon us Jews that we ,. . * . , . . ;,. more of Ptomaine. Jews especially an d subjective. S. J. McGregor Thank you , preacher of reli gion , t hat We simply remarked by way of explana : are incapable oj producing chefs ° . 19 S ulse " P'° e n _ would like to know, whether the Mathers lends them his assistance you do not encourage assassination , tion in passinR that this referred to Jews d' aums in painting and scul pture, ^norarv of the^' romantic noets danger from them is at all reduced by translating into English three robbery and rebellion and feel , ae/Jj d P^erJ- who hold tte^vs-beyoiid - I herewith send you some additional ^ { Y wild bai and had J by the gorging to whi ^ h Kosher legs bookB of the Zokar , with special re- you state , no sympathy with perse- J^ ^"" nSe til l wHear T names of Jewish artists in France, * their yanit with , hiB of mutton are subm^ted before they liance on the authority of Knorr de cution. that the Jews had taken offense again. " equall y distingui shed in painting ^tire He - wa8 careful to look as ar " partS of - g Rosenroth. Mrs. Blawoteky and There are a number of writing Certainly not , the good man as in scul pture , who hold first rank much * as p0Baible like a respectable Ptom aine speciall y inhabit? Haye Mips Collinstrane commenced to and speaking men in our country , meant no harm at ' dtp when he with the most celebrate d . Christian ' traaeBman To thousands of fin- they &ay P reference for the silver publish a Theosop histi c journal , also outside of Goldsboro , who im- called attention to what he calls a painters in existence , such as Meis- ..^ " Mb fa(je must ^.^ fat? Are they, like trichinae , liable oaUed Lucifer , for whose beneiit , it agine themselves very excellent and Christian duty not to deal with Jew- sonier , Bonnat , Carolus Durand , been vasuelv familiar for bis visits to extinction if well cooked ? Con- seem8) Mathers ' book , "The Kab- charitabb if they permit their neigh- i Bh merchants nor to employ Jew- Jean Paul Laurens , Dataille , etc. { * LqJqq ^ ince ' a0ant and he sidering the immense consumption ba]aU u nveiled , " was- written. It b ore to «njoy undisturbedl y the in- i Bh mechanics or hel p, if the same The following are names of Jewish knew the towQ Mke & L 1 ondoner of legs of mutton , the public should ig well known that thf i Zohnr is of alienable rights of man and of an carj be accomplished with Chris artists who have received the first The present writer bad the privilege be plaCed in P OS8e881011 of a11 P 09 " no authority in Judaism , except American citizen , and occasionall y tians ; because, he ought to h ave medalF, prizes , etc., in painting. ' (1) Qf £ h] m f veQ Z nth in aM * infofmat ) on . Wlth "S ard ' to among the class called Hassidim , assume an air of self-importance , as added , Scripture commands " Love M. -Emile -Levy, who has garned the 1871 andl872 when he was engaged Ptomaine - , We m^ ' add thereto who exist at the borders of civiliza- though they had brought about the th y neighbor as thyself , " and the Sr *t prizes for decorating nearl y all Qn ^ ^^ . q ^ ^ that it was long ago known that tion. Tne whole 8y8tem repre- present standard of ethics and the Declaration of Independence states , the palaces ip the State , and who which ^ - ^ {q fee ^ . mutton contains the germs of tape eented by the ZoAar is diametrically fundamental princi ples of our gov- «« We hold these truths to be self- has had the, title of Chevaher of connected with the Franco-German ™™' M0868 ' lfc B f e j m9 > waB aware p opposed . to Judaism. It is a forgery, ernment. Their patronizing speech evident that all men are created the I^wn of Honor conferred upon w and itfl results t0 the Jewigb of it and commanded not to eat of from the twelfth or perhaps the and" paternal air opposite for- flqual > thal they are end owed by him ; (2) M Henn Levy who re- comm th Qut ^ nortfa it«^^ Christian century, in ei gners or spn eonformists are their Creator with certain inalien- oe.v«d the first gold medal at the of fi ' ^ * d ^ ^ (Exodus xu 9); '' roasted on fire , which Christian and Mohammedan somewhat disgusting, nevertheless able ri ghts , that among tiese are last Paris International Exhibition , time that he would rather be thought ^ Want8 , Jt » whl ? h ' acc^ing to tbeology sbowa ita . undeniable in- they are sweet like the compliments life, liberty and the pursuit of hap- Vhe first prize for the most recent Qf a8 & m&Q q{ Mts ^ J & Pfluegner s experiment , kills the fluence. The Theosopbists having heaped upon the Jew by the Metho- pille88. - Theee quota tion8 ff0uld decoration of the Pap heon at the ^ .^ Rq ^ & m Wul germ »" or BPota - come back to the Kabbalah , the dist Advance , l ike salted codfish have completed the absurdity of the same Ume as the celebrated Chris cq id taIk fu]1 of ' . ' ,. Vedas and Buddhistic doctrines stewed in sugar and molars, statement that he meant no harm tian painter , Jaan Paul Laurens , re- exp erienc6 i and none the ieB8 charm- We have very little litem are on are about done with their reforma- Usuall y people of this kind over- when he reminded his hearers of ceived his , and lastl y, the principal ^^ rf his iodic al ft of the immortality doctrine We have tory work. look that doing no wrong is not that Chri8lian duty, as he calls it. comm 188ion8 for the decoration of He ^ ^ 80rbed bow. Biblical , Apocryphal and Rabbinical .. ri gh teousness, submission to the It is the first time that outside of Paris Mai nes ; (3) Messieuers in a kind Qf Eew reli ion _ a etatements without an attempt at It is all in vam fhe whole law of the land ie not loyalty , Mormonism we heard or saw that Ju i* Worms and H. Schlesinge r Qf ^. ^ qq a fre8h prooft ^ unless one take the |«» New York-Philadel ph.a opposition and professing virtue is far from any Christian sect is socialistic, as both of whom received medals and rf belief _ wbich j cflfl flot etend mmn p mm n nn> as such. Me against h eJHebrew Union College , being virtuous. A good man must this kind of co-operative business first prizes in painting. could to have com bended . WbeQ Bome possess historical notes of this doc- with all . tbe.r proclamations and be ri ghteous , loyal and virtuous , must certainly be called. Such a sweL the list by citing other re- ^ rme reaching as far b ack as Simeon condem n ations pretensions and ac- and above all things he must be no rule of the church seems to exist in- markable names besides Germans , ^ u ^ ^ he Just t)ur argumentative litera- cusations , Dr. Cohen 's and Hazan hypocrite. that articular liule ^^ wherfl .he most ce ebrated of whom was " R J n * Met r Memories and ture on this doctrine is very meager. Mendeb ' infamous attacks in- Excuse the digression. Cormng that gentleman preaches occasion- he late Bendenj ann In sculpture , ^^ fae flecond A thorough argumentative essay in eluded , fell dead to the ground; dead back to the Advance , the question ally, in any other part of the United there are M- SolJ ^ who some years ^ rf ^ ^ .^ rf & ^^ any form on th 1B doctrine would be as a stone. In New York and Phil- arises, what caused that pious organ States it seems to be entirely un- Vo received toe Pri x de Rome ; M. ment f h phi iosophv . He accepted to-day with as much favor adel phia , it is now demonstrated , to spout those declarations of love? known. If indeed such a rule exists Hannau , who when past age, gamed ^ J *> and applause as Moses Mendels- the Hebre w Union College has many The Jews of Goldsboro voted solidly m tt„, MW«^J^«^ and i. hdd the Second Prix de Rome ,n the t h,«, speodations should *oh° s " P^edon " was received in more and more influential friends anti-prohibition , it is maintained. BO BtJ^ ^!Zn dis- Ecole des Beaux Arts ; Sarah Bern- be P ^ his time. This is a field upon wh;ch than the Seminary ever had or will These reverend gentlemen forgat C0Ver T t | Jl i Lt edi or is a traitor , hardt , he ennnen tragedienne , etc &J h&y& ^ J 6q J q{ fai our young rabbis should try their h ave, and outside thereof the Hebrew that the Jews of Goldsboro are of who d vu IgeJ he sec et of Us own and lastl y I have the honor to add reasoning capacities. A convincing Union College is looked upon as German birth or extraction , and no ohm^ fx which the presiding that my son Leon Goldberg who J ¦ opportunity ar ^ ment , on ^ortality rouses Judaism ' s fortress of strength. In German vote s in favorV prohibi elderB ought telLah him " in"' at the age of five years , received the J wiehe3 &t th J e every man ' s religious feelings and the College there are registered this tion. Not because they are Jews, Z^ « oh a STwuM biadh. hrst prize for dewing was admit- of GoIdaohmidtWord8 i in hi own msptreslzeal and enthusiasm It year forty-four regular students- but because they are Germans , they "^. S^ he cSurch Is it ie rebel- ted at the age of fourteen , after a seems that the decline of reli gious the number was never before as vote anti-prohibition. Also as Jews £J"J^£ Holy Writ «d ti» brillian t school career , as a pupi in ^ J f ' ^ zeal ove r which so m iny comp lain , large-and the Board of Governors they mi ght vote as they did , for the SeelSZ d^Inipenln ce nuga- the Ecole des Beaux Arts , by the J ' . P 18 the consequence of neglecting is confident th at theinstitute never evil to be removed by prohibition t 't* ! 11 and celebrated Pro fessore , Cabanel and " ai ' m of my essay on Nemesis is ^ d°ct™ » P^t and school, will lack the requisite financial sup- drunkenness , is nearl y unknown to *Z£Z7Z%£ Henri Levy, mentioned above. At to prov ej through hiBtory and the science AU sermons on ethics , history, port , it having cast deep roots in them. They are no drunkards vl ZI a, nn and the age of seventeen years a picture ol language , th at all our ideas, the re%- Messianic future and all other the hearts of our people. The stu- therefore they can hardl y under- y lhB ™°ance goes on by my son was accepted by the ioua ones especially, have grown up worldy affairs do not enliven man dents , one and all , who officiated stand why the personal freedom of ge ^ rallzes tnUB : Salon. He has al so received a like a plant fro m the aimplest roots , and with that reli g ioue zeal which the during the holidays in various con- the virtuous multitude should he lm/V 0 ™?! ™? 8 * 0 ^- "^^ scholarshi p of 1 , 200 fran . es from the ^^^ ^M TT' Trj * * °™ ^ *«#™ *«™ ^ flh » fal ^ "* ««^ ^^ ^ ^S^S^SHt city of Pans and from Baron de God (Ae V P tian Nnm) T^divJ™ tallty wiU produce. Man ' s nearest ports of the people ' s undivided personal freedom because some de- Church rule to which we have re- Rothschild , to enable him to serve breath | that pervade8 the univerae aqd is himself 1DW aip qik If you praise. All opposition is in vain ; bauching individuals abuse God' s f 6 "^' . They are a Vnite . d pe°S his volunteership for one yean n the rules all things , was the E gyptian Nemt , want to enkindle reli gious zeal this is the College now and forever, gifts , or because some ecclesiastical fu b ? 81 , ne88 th ^, P T , -? h ea c army, and thus having become a the Greek NemeBia. Before finishing establish the immortality dooirine Amen. corporations declare the use of cer- other " in preference to other! The b

Transcript of 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...4 THE AMERICAN...

Page 1: 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. . J&Q rft ' *^ . *1~^*DM+ French citizen, to enter for the my work I consulted

4 THE AME RICA N ISRAELITE. .J&Q rf t '*^ . *1~^*DM+ French citizen , to enter for the my work I consulted your Dr. Birch , and in the consciousness of your congi e- 1 " Not Dr.Blumenthal , of New York , tain beverages sinful. Aside Qf a]] |<D0C ^tmertCatt J etMW lVl x de Rome at t he Eco]o des Dr. Loutb , at Munich. * • • In short , gal ion8 we are told , but his brother , Mr. that however those Jews evidentli Beaux Arts my Li,e is written solely to ahow the "" Jacob B' umenthal , is the President voted with the mij onty, not 0nu !HlB BlOCh Publishing and Printing Company, : _ power of Nemeais on that living quality

d h f the Seminary Association, estab- in North Carolina, but also in Tex ' iNM=s™i,, /- — bD t„rary of i *£ir£g£££ VZJZ t » tl^ *

*. * * nikTi1 * ^Offi ce Cr.- Plnn. aad Mcmrl .ud Prof' D/' &[M,* B b.r hday occurs . . Mn order to be condemned a8 here8y ]egB than 1,416 Jews. College and the Union of A. H C. vanee not wreak its vengeance 0 JSU.. hplow FoitrHi Ht. November 5lb,and will be celebrated or ftthoiBm i my theistic notions need ~~* If tbia ia so,, it is a matter of aston- the majori ty voting anti-prohflj . I;—=——==—!==!=—====5 in a becoming manner in Breslau onl y to be laid before the theological M Tfl _,_ *_ „ .„ . . . „nt* ishment to us, for this gentleman , tion ? Why single out the ,hanaf B|ISAAC M. WISE, : : t Editor arjd elsewhere. Popular -wissenschaft- world." . ; „, j m ,, abbaham anu

exceUent fatner too, were of Jews . as -the scapegoats'? m,LEO WISE , : :¦

: : : Manager ,iche MonatMaeUer will contai n January 27, 1877. Claude Montefiore , of London , have hfl and ^^ afflUated

- ffilB dbeB Uitf ^dianw,. having before |,Cincinnati; ©.ToSSer 14.1887. a biograp hy of the learned historio- In Denmark, though he leaves ^^^S^^^l the ™* W**' whom he noW *&* t /""ft* °uT

,n Gol*>'. , ., :J ¦ grapher. behind him no single work of first- J?6™* "*l 7 , J

V:?e ses, not as a passive member, but as boro, extend its attacks upon a]|iobkuftim niti, ret n» u oo ~ rate importance, and though his i1™ /be prospectus contains of such a society. If we Jews, as if they were a close coi ISi*"?* i, - ',! MK MaX Fe' " HHB1M "- of Wich" fi gure was a singularly isolated one, fo °wine cbamctenstic passage.

Blumenthal poration , or morally, intellectual ,5£ES^..- s ¦::¦:- •::::::: .'S ita, Kan., presented a building lot h

* death i8 Ieg lM

y&s fl natioDa] zi ^^\ d

E nle &3i we wo

"d have to

" mind him of and politically, one class, one J !pcWo Europe , quo ^ar loo to that young congregation valued ,0B8. . The elegance of hig 8ty ,e wafl JJJ^ to ^^ of former

&nA ocourrences. ety, in which every one is re8pOI18i. jinn er iranmiu. at $3,o00 to MTO. A meeting of the 80 great that critics of authority , Judaism as a religiouu ayetem is at least Schlcchte Gescllschaf t verdirbt. gute ble for all, and all for every one? \conpiimenurr K««.iiitioni *nd obii u»r is 03 body was called , and it decided to and tQeBe not prejudiced bv any aa important as the publication of an un- £^m- t This, however, is the common flrBttroH>.1.. u.rr1.w..B!r!h!lDe»th..8Mh no«ic. i «. erect a temple on that lot , to which pergonai llking for the mftn; hav6 printed document rtspecting

^a minutd ~ ror Qf ftn ignorant and opini " |mrnmnm ok mummm, purpose ad hoe $2,700 donations were beeQ found to Bay that no Daniah point in Jewish hiatory . We do not be- A RB rIE W 0F THE QOLDSBOR O mu ltitude. Having seen a few U 'I'nicRB othcrwi st; ordiTt -d, nru set tip uniformly aub°cribed so that the realzation • r i ,i . en u lieve that anything but good can result „ n \ Mi rvTTnnTRT ADVANCE . T i »r %r •, *6,o -ecupy a .pare «, « t«o ;„c„o. anS „„u| ub ud !? J^^^nf«mri« ! i ^ni«i Pt0Be " 8° gra°6fU M 0f Gold' fro"> «» full and free diBcussion of reh> lN ' UETI1

? ADVANCE. m London Mr- M wnte8 an ethnoencu work g„tu orf-rc.]i dt«r.mt..med. The ol tfle eacwa enterprise w botuim. 8ohmidt. problems. The iJmew will not seek It • in Goldaboro N C, where graphy of the Jews. Another mancharge fertil e Kinni: is »2 .00 for fuels insertion , Wichita Will have a $10,000 J 6 WISH « ? ./ ., .t ,, ... . . « 1B lu VXOluauuro , l *. \j ., wucio o r

^ ' "J»U«iuu»>t rcH.ni ,„ the nmn bur of time , pub- . , , . Mr ppchheimer *» ¦ « f f * ¦ n ¦ . , to identify itself with any one set of h j i/efAodisf Advance appears, b-ad intercourse with a few Jews inaahed. oiii ,erH„f r„n Irru fi ,.tions are requested house of worship. Mr b ecnheimer An important step m Onental opinione. Its pages will be thrown open Llnrn nP« innVR Le' "New York and writes "The Yoke nf>o bear this m min d wheu giving their ordei>. is a generous man , and the congre- literary research^ says the Jew- to writers of every party, to the 'right/ wj "cn in appearance uj oj a buiub

Thorah " stamping unon lfoiiP U MU KTAnv «.... ..ivmo nni resolutions of gatioii , it seems, well appreciates it. ish Worid j B shortly to be made the ' lef t ' and to the 'center.'" what poverty-stricken. As a miniB- f the world the sarJ, „ ,«r nature »i..< «-r „,, puhi LiH-d i n the afc ft instance and expense of We vote in the affirmative on this tenal orgar^ however, it will do to --^f w

we wona mQ

. °am« m°tal,AH B aicAN i ,K A n,.rr B u u i y „ 1, ,.ai.i 1,mttor 1 .t. Mil. A. Necbauee writes as foL " w® ,f, a ^ e*P'

S t+ nuestion and mav b§ nut on the list counterbalance that little defect, intellectual and social characteruniform rimn ;..- . . r p no ,.,„.!,. Wu nr 0 obliged . . ., . . ., „ the Turkish Sultan . The Otto- question ana may ne3 put pn me asi w^"™ o«w » -whipri thn few BhucimBriB ih ow vto «.uL-0 t-< ,L.hi i ,u ,M.. k,-.. l„...i...l,I,r Mn tn.atte r lows to the i4tfcena?um: At a con- AmbaB^ador at Madrid has of subscribers to the Hebre w . Quor- It is edited by two reverend doctors wmen me iew Bpec mens theyoh..fthi. und fn>. .. Bn. ...pyl uB u.. uwiun amount vocation held May 25, 1626, the fol- ™.. „ . , ?1 Q • v m * feriv /?cmci« ¦ill rr i"r?n' Q^riDH «¦? and two plain reverend gentlemen, served presented to them. Usuallyci Eiiaco ln our euiiim u s. .¦ . . .. J ' , . ' , . _ officially informed the Spanish Mm- w«Jf review, u i n i^^n a

non K-? »"« ™ f » f , tVifiv tiiplr nnt Homft hnd Phria n.lowing letter—communicated to me . J , * . „. «¦» .Umj,, which floay give the distant reader toey P1CK out BOme Daa ^nstians,

ea-SST" ™"TS -" «"

the «- W'. °- J** £ SSS^at

ahT — » aof the advertising patronage


aaSaata&g^"'' W of Convocation-from Qaeen ^0 Wn^onMoS nST^^Tstat nd S »*W. »1. aggravating, almoB, Shylock. The ignorance in all these—--—- -: — Henrietta Maria was read : ? . . aocu°;fnt8 D6a"ne °.

Q f ?°"f a Pa.rtie8' a8 rar as.state aaa " insufferable. And yet so forbear- owes is glaring, the unscientificxbtN pu]>cr u repreKcnicd m vbi\ . ,, . , , ¦ .„-.• _,,„ nvn„ia.0; history, which are deposited in the pal government is concerned. The ^,DUUDltt «"

"-"" f ,, . . , . ¦ mnfhnrl onnnmnr trm TOifl«^ n.n.ndeiphia br iwri .n. k. Coi.c.,, on Oelebernmic Academia-OxomenB!. ,., /' f

, »--. ;„,. and ha8 f nJ f ., , d u in g, gentle and amiable is that ec method apparent, the wickednessc^tnui y. -Pf.osentiu m latorem Maria-Antdn.um libraries of the Feninsula, and bas issues, as far aa the leaders permit

that it says, edi- stupendous, and the 'meanness the-—— —-r-^-—, de Verona hia literia non secua, ac famu- asked that facilities for copping ordinary people to know them, pos- ¦ ,;; .„ ."^ „. J ' . verv acme of miniature souk w,-itir. euianuci N«ivniuii , a duly , . . t . . . ¦ ' .-. . . . , , . .v • • ... , -. : ., . . . , ., tonally (Sent. 28, 1 o. 3), concerning very acme oi mmiaiure souis, jnoauthot fa!cd a*cm or n.u pa,»cr, u lum n0Hrum in omnI cam pnm» honee- them may be extended to the viei- itively involve no principle; they r ' / X V * * » ¦;» . 8 at ;dUy -j more in vogU9 thM^_now repr cKcnti iiK u in tin Ka«.t, turn ac pium, Qbmxe vobis commend- tore. A correspondent of the Israelii , ..are all personal, who shall be elected ' ¦ ,1* .,, , . ¦ , ., . ,1,. ravna j n ._ __ " j - _„ ;f,vm, n.-ada«ar,e,H i„ Ne * vorR amua. Si quid apud vos (quo melius res in communicating this intelligence, or appointed to hold certain offices ^S^J'^-^K^^'S' hZ-fe^

c">' .. . - progrediantur bujc) nostra causa favoris . . .* Al l i ' x ... ¦ .. r ' • . , tt we are talking, to say that we have Jew has been touna doing so. Not—-T—"-•— , invenerit , mullam pn-oteribimua beca- u^,

e? ^^lhance tei$i\6t M the for a certain number ^ years.._ Ha- Q0 unreaaonable prej udice against all Jews are like Saul of Tareus,It is poBBibla that the death of sionem qua vobis veBtr«;que Academic Mekize Nirdamim Society, to tate bitual partisans and: party-ridden the 'House of ;Israel,' and never ^ or David j Moses Maimon-the Sultan of Morocco will produce ndata auccurrat gratia. Valete omnes. steps for eecuring an examination organs, of course, would not admit have had, nor did we ever have any . or g^^ gpin0za Moaesa change for. the better , as far at l)kum Loudini die 19 Jahuarii , A:Dom. at the same time of the MS. works this; as it spoils their busineBs, or trouble with them before. For many M - , - , . . . _ .i

,j ncV ¦pL"iM -concerned , if the jealousy of Euro A; delegacy was: immediately ap- Spain : during the Sarcen period, and with some; the; partisan creed est on earth and whose character is could any just and intelligent mailpean powers toward one another pointed , which met to consider the which are to be found in the same ranks higher than the ethical stand- eo peculiar. Nor have we any sym- BUDD0Se that all of them must bwill not neutralize - their influence, mattet- 'as the con vocation , was over, institutions.; A large number of aril; Toe common: citizen, how-, pathy with the spirit of persecution' ;,.j vL . -

n^^n,, >,„ >,„,. jas is the case in Roumania, where with thisxonclusion : . such works are known to exist in the ever, whose mind: is not squeezed ' -f^ hagpllowed them from land

^^J^S^ ^ S!each of the powers fears the other ! .. "J^f ^uraque habUa deliberaV B8Curial iibrary,and also the archi- into the narrow boots; of his news- *}"£ J &^Sl S! cS o & h .wSSkW^^. , ¦ .' . - * ¦

. . - ,¦ tione de literia serenissimiB dominte Rfr . , ,.v . ' :,m :V j j 'i i n , on, one oi ;tneit;uneada, taKe a cent to form such conclusions, and most¦. *ight ,gain ;;some^^ ep iscopal libraries of Toledo and Paper wrUer, knows well , enough fr^^^vantage over the other,, and each tonio de Verona, JudteD, ii8 omnibus Seville.; ; - ; - , that besides- pretensions Jhe party or travers^the^n


of their leeit- li8h them; The .Advan ce is guilty oftries to keep on the 'side of that cor- visum est ut litew ab academia Berenia- ~~7~~ "~* \ ~ differences at , present in regard to lmate nghts^VVe^

^es teem^ and J 1?^^ both ' ; ' ¦ ' ' "' '"'rupt and unscrupulous government Bimie dominie Regina mittantur.quibuB A cebtaw Mrs. Blugg, of Wins- state and' .municipal government do tnein aB .we do others, we


^and T " , . ., .. ;., .4.Wer the eyes of a German prince. ^^^g^-iWU,- ford, in Cheshire, say,

London ^^^ot^

^ ^^^3; Jewl" tSfflSf SThe ethics of international politics R.eE. Oonyoc,N. ff. 223b 4. Jewish World , has died, from the cipie, and as a proof that many aQd some worse ; just as other peo- theluow^f. in the same a^icTis of a very loV character ; none: It is strange that there is no fur- effects of certain micro organisms thousands of honest men know that', pie are," etc. • tt - ™?^1"." > 1 s 'can tell tfhat this or that power will tber Mention "of- the- matter nor qf palled Ptomaine, . which ' 'according is the "scratched tickets, and the Is not it very kind and extreme^ a»owr2iS?S;wS;do , if the rights of man and com- tbe reply

^ . to recent micrpscopic investigators, unexpected changea from one party admirable that-the reverend;gentle- them.a little.'-some time ago about votingmercial interests collide. •«¦ Edmund Gos^b in the Aihe- aTe ^n<^ *° " est ^eg8 °f rnutton. to another in almost every other man , or I). I)., who wrote the above aolixtiy: against Prohibition; - The oftjer. .' ¦ • . . ¦—¦ ». * . ; . , . . - . . ' rnu : i / -Rr A ^ lrf . It is rather unpleasant to learn election. lines wouldi not persecute,; slay or' day<-in 'one. of 'our' congregationB,we readIn the last number of the J ewish: 5l

^?n;,BW>: tcej ate M, A. woia- that in

,iB,;.n0mely\jdBtr-;flie'':very , . ¦' "• "¦' ' • " - " . ' "' . even rot^ the. Jews,' and is so much^ the General iles of oiir Church , which

World, says Mr. Alexander Gold- ^^ tSS" *» of healthful and .npretentious ^ . Th, Theosophists in England are of an Amerfcan citizen, loyal to

%£ S^l t iS berg, appear the celebrated names ch f. whiekerB anddre3sed alwayB fare - is not free from noxious going clear back to the Kabbalah, the constitution and institutions of duty of Christiari people to buy one c!of Joaei Iarael s, Antpkolski and in b][ack There never lived a man Para8,te8' u would be interest- and that is the. besUource for their the country that he has no sympa- another and employ each other in prefer-Ezekiel, as a refutation to the re- ' i tte "'

wt0 waa more solicitous in^' ^oWever > to learn ¦ something metaphysics, because most mystical thy with the spirit of persecution? ence to those who are hot Christians;proach cast upon us Jews that we ,. . * . , . . ;,. more of Ptomaine. Jews especially and subjective. S. J. McGregor Thank you, preacher of religion, that We simply remarked by way of explana:are incapable oj producing chefs °. 19Sulse " P'° e i°n _ would like to know, whether the Mathers lends them his assistance you do not encourage assassination, tion in passinR that this referred to Jewsd'aums in painting and sculpture, ^norarv of the^' romantic noets danger from them is at all reduced by translating into English three robbery and rebellion and feel, ae/Jj d P^erJ-who hold tte^vs-beyoiid -I herewith send you some additional {

Y wild bai and had J by thegorging to whi

^h Kosher legs bookB of the Zokar, with special re- you state , no sympathy with perse- J ^""nSe till wHearTnames of Jewish artists in France, *

their yanit with , hiB of mutton are subm^ted before they liance on the authority of Knorr de cution. that the Jews had taken offense again."equall y distingui shed in painting ^tire He -wa8 careful to look as ar " partS of - g Rosenroth. Mrs. Blawoteky and There are a number of writing Certainly not, the good manas in scul pture , who hold first rank much*as p0Baible like a respectable Ptomaine specially inhabit? Haye Mips Collinstrane commenced to and speaking men in our country , meant no harm at 'dtp when hewith the most celebrated . Christian '

traaeBman To thousands of fin- they &ay Preference for the silver publish a Theosophistic journal , also outside of Goldsboro, who im- called attention to what he calls apainters in existence , such as Meis- .. " Mb fa(je must ^. fat? Are they, like trichinae , liable oaUed Lucifer, for whose beneiit, it agine themselves very excellent and Christian duty not to deal with Jew-sonier, Bonnat , Carolus Durand , been vasuelv familiar for bis visits to extinction if well cooked ? Con- seem8) Mathers' book, "The Kab- charitabb if they permit their neigh- iBh merchants nor to employ Jew-Jean Paul Laurens , Dataille, etc. { * LqJ qq ince'a0ant and he sidering the immense consumption ba]aU unveiled," was- written. It bore to «njoy undisturbedly the in- iBh mechanics or help, if the sameThe following are names of Jewish

knew the towQ Mke & L1ondoner of legs of mutton , the public should ig well known that thf i Zohnr is of alienable rights of man and of an carj be accomplished with Chrisartists who have received the first The present writer bad the privilege be plaCed in POS8e881011 of a11 P09" no authority in Judaism, except American citizen, and occasionally tians ; because, he ought to havemedalF, prizes , etc., in painting.' (1) Qf £ h] m f veQZnth in aM* infofmat)on . Wlth "Sard ' to among the class called Hassidim, assume an air of self-importance, as added , Scripture commands "LoveM.-Emile -Levy, who has garned the 1871andl872 when he was engaged Ptomaine- ,We m^ ' add thereto who exist at the borders of civiliza- though they had brought about the th y neighbor as thyself," and theSr*t prizes for decorating nearly all Qn ^^

.q that it was long ago known that tion. Tne whole 8y8tem repre- present standard of ethics and the Declaration of Independence states,the palaces ip the State , and who which ^


{q fee . mutton contains the germs of tape eented by the ZoAar is diametrically fundamental principles of our gov- «« We hold these truths to be self-has had the, title of Chevaher of connected with the Franco-German ™™' M0868' lfc B

fejm9> waB aware

p opposed .to Judaism. It is a forgery, ernment. Their patronizing speech evident that all men are createdthe I^wn of

Honor conferred upon w„ and itfl results t0 the Jewigb of it and commanded not to eat of from the twelfth or perhaps the and" paternal air opposite for- flqual > thal they are endowed byhim ; ( 2 ) M Henn Levy who re- comm th Qut nortfa it«^^ Christian century, in eigners or spn eonformists are their Creator with certain inalien-oe.v«d the first gold medal at the of fi '


d (Exodus xu 9); '' roasted on fire, which Christian and Mohammedan somewhat disgusting, nevertheless able rights, that among tiese arelast Paris International Exhibition , time that he would rather be thought

Want8, Jt » whl?h' acc^ing to tbeology sbowa ita . undeniable in- they are sweet like the compliments life, liberty and the pursuit of hap-Vhe first prize for the most recent Qf a8 & m&Q q{ Mts J & Pfluegner s experiment, kills the fluence. The Theosopbists having heaped upon the Jew by the Metho- pille88.- Theee quota tion8 ff0ulddecoration of the Pap heon at the ^. Rq

& m Wul germ»" or BPota - come back to the Kabbalah, the dist Advance , like salted codfish have completed the absurdity of thesame Ume as the celebrated Chris cq id taIk fu]1 of '.' ,.— Vedas and Buddhistic doctrines stewed in sugar and molars, statement that he meant no harmtian painter , Jaan Paul Laurens, re-

experienc6i and none the ieB8 charm- We have very little litem are on are about done with their reforma- Usually people of this kind over- when he reminded his hearers ofceived his , and lastly, the principal ^^ rf

his iodical ft of the immortality doctrine We have tory work. look that doing no wrong is not that Chri8lian duty, as he calls it.comm188ion8 for the decoration of He 80rbed bow. Biblical, Apocryphal and Rabbinical .. — righteousness, submission to the It is the first time that outside ofParis Maines ; (3) Messieuers

in a kind Qf Eew reli ion_a etatements without an attempt at It is all in vam fhe whole law of the land ie not loyalty , Mormonism we heard or saw thatJu i* Worms and H. Schlesinge r Qf ^. qq

a fre8h prooft^

unless one take the |«» New York-Philadelph.a opposition and professing virtue is far from any Christian sect is socialistic, asboth of whom received medals and rf belief_ wbich j cflfl flot etend mmn p mm n nn> as such. M e against heJHebrew Union College, being virtuous. A good man must this kind of co-operative businessfirst prizes in painting. could to have com bended. WbeQ Bome possess historical notes of this doc- with all. tbe.r proclamations and be righteous, loyal and virtuous, must certainly be called. Such asweL the list by citing other re-

rme reaching as far back as Simeon condemnations pretensions and ac- and above all things he must be no rule of the church seems to exist in-markable names besides Germans, ^ u

^ he

Just t)ur argumentative litera- cusations, Dr. Cohen's and Hazan hypocrite. that articular liule ^ wherfl.he most ce ebrated of whom was " RJn*Met „

r Memories and ture on this doctrine is very meager. Mendeb' infamous attacks in- Excuse the digression. Cormng that gentleman preaches occasion-he late Bendenj ann In sculpture, ^^

fae flecond A thorough argumentative essay in eluded, fell dead to the ground; dead back to the Advance , the question ally, in any other part of the Unitedthere are M- SolJ


who some years


. rf & ^^ any form on th1B doctrine would be as a stone. In New York and Phil- arises, what caused that pious organ States it seems to be entirely un-Vo received toe Prix de Rome ; M. ment f h phiiosophv. He accepted to-day with as much favor adelphia, it is now demonstrated , to spout those declarations of love? known. If indeed such a rule existsHannau , who when past age, gamed

J *> and applause as Moses Mendels- the Hebrew Union College has many The Jews of Goldsboro voted solidly m tt„, MW«^J^«^ and i. hddthe Second Prix de Rome ,n the

th,«, speodations should *oh° s " P^edon " was received in more and more influential friends anti-prohibition , it is maintained. BO BtJ^^!Zn dis-Ecole des Beaux Arts ; Sarah Bern- be P

his time. This is a field upon wh;ch than the Seminary ever had or will These reverend gentlemen forgat C0VerTt| J li Lt edi or is a traitor,hardt , he ennnen tragedienne, etc &J h&y& J6qJq{

fai our young rabbis should try their have,and outside thereof the Hebrew that the Jews of Goldsboro are of who d vu IgeJ he sec et of Us ownand lastly I have the honor to add reasoning capacities. A convincing Union College is looked upon as German birth or extraction , and no ohm^ fx which the presidingthat my son Leon Goldberg who J

¦ opportunity ar^ment , on ^ortality rouses Judaism's fortress of strength. In German votes in favorV prohibi elderB ought telLah him

" in"'at the age of five years, received the J wiehe3 &t th ™

Je every man 's religious feelings and the College there are registered this tion. Not because they are Jews, Z^ «"£oh a STwuM biadh.hrst prize for dewing was admit- of GoIdaohmidtWord8 i in hi own msptreslzeal and enthusiasm It year forty-four regular students- but because they are Germans, they " . S he cSurch Is it ie rebel-ted at the age of fourteen , after a seems that the decline of religious the number was never before as vote anti-prohibition. Also as Jews £J"J^£ Holy Writ «d ti»brillian t school career, as a pupi in

J f '

zeal over which so m iny comp lain, large-and the Board of Governors they might vote as they did , for the SeelSZ d^Inipenln ce nuga-the Ecole des Beaux Arts, by the J ' . P • 18 the consequence of neglecting is confident that theinstitute never evil to be removed by prohibition t 't * ! 11 andcelebrated Professore , Cabanel and "

ai'm of my essay on Nemesis is d°ct™ »

P^t and

school, will lack the requisite financial sup- drunkenness, is nearly unknown to *Z£Z7Z%£Henri Levy, mentioned above. At to provej through hiBtory and the science AU sermons on ethics, history, port , it having cast deep roots in them. They are no drunkards vl ZI a , nn andthe age of seventeen years a picture ol language, th at all our ideas, the re%- Messianic future and all other the hearts of our people. The stu- therefore they can hardly under- y

lhB ™°ance goes on •by my son was accepted by the ioua ones especially, have grown up worldy affairs do not enliven man dents, one and all, who officiated stand why the personal freedom of


rallzes tnUB :Salon. He has al so received a like a plant fro m the aimplest roots, and with that religioue zeal which the during the holidays in various con- the virtuous multitude should he lm/V 0™?!™?8

*0^ - " ^scholarship of 1,200 fran.es from the

^^ M TT'Trj * * °™ *«#™ *«™ flh»fal ™ "* «« ^^ S^S^SHtcity of Pans and from Baron de God (AeVPtian Nnm) T^divJ™ tallty wiU produce. Man's nearest ports of the people's undivided personal freedom because some de- Church rule to which we have re-Rothschild , to enable him to serve breath | that pervade8 the univerae aqd is himself 1DW aip qik If you praise. All opposition is in vain ; bauching individuals abuse God's f6" ' .They are a Vnite.d pe°Shis volunteership for one yean n the rules all things, was the Egyptian Nemt, want to enkindle religious zeal this is the College now and forever, gifts , or because some ecclesiastical fu b?81,ne88 th , PT , -?h eacarmy, and thus having become a the Greek NemeBia . Befor e finishing establish the immortality dooirine Amen. corporations declare the use of cer- other

" in preference to other! Theb

Page 2: 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. . J&Q rft ' *^ . *1~^*DM+ French citizen, to enter for the my work I consulted

' THE AMERICA N IiSRAELI TlB- ' ^ : ' Vsell to Gentiles , but they buy o and then , according to the melodious finest part. "Am I not entitled in ihn »ir i „,f~ i 7. \ \ \ 7- ', ', ' Jews. Th*y h*lp each other in Vnpm of that heavenly svmphooy ol which my friend tbare ha™ Have «<?¦ ^i-^^'SS^

0" ^ y,'"1

r <,ou, "jl ™- J-bboIvb and molt into BO-callo.? nothJnif now is their time. Let us call a meetingStraits, and if they cheat anybody ^

e STeat eternal compoaer who, play i n g I as good a traiLs or m Kood a v 0ice ? KE.i i J? . '» T **"¦ t,ha", ™« under the hot touch of the .DK el at fl n,„e Piao» ami mike ammg^nnt ,

riSL which we Ho not charm iffi *"'> in ™'°'e band , brings his own W Have I not learnedl mae"ff u«h J r.ith 11V ,h -B"ty ? \ P . "«a* J »hen r™ bPCMne.Hbe H , either hy aid lel oa appn lnt .¦.....¦nitt ees ami thenW th wmcn We no not cnarge them) mony out of that grand organ <' the uni- he? Why should ! p Svlhe aiS^nd ™ i ' ?'• W J th Uih weapon ia. hand you tfae slpv process of the mouldering in the we can jm lfp how far H-e rra go. Thereit 16 a Gentile We do not speak ot verao." Death is inactivity for n mo- And ao on But X Le iden can cry , » Non- Ego, svau nt! Ego, re grave or by the quic k process of eroma- is nothing wh ich w.l |- p|Hase you all bet-these things to condemn them, but ment or moro, with an object in view. It not rebel 'my child ThU i>i mu 'n iTu ir tion , wh at doea it matter to you where ter than , ni ter you h H ve completed allas suggestive to Other people. ThiB lendE » enchantment to the harmony of I inuat know beat to whom to irive the . What lin [ raenn? Ha xl ay nnd Tyn- your non- A,jo is gone? Th« part you arrangements and find out how succeaa-DBOUl iarity possibly, in part at least. ™e UD,ivera al m**™ > "which rolls throug h leading nolo, and to whom to assifiii sac- ?, ' Vrcllow and Haekel . 0lirl Vo«l llad hava P'ayed above , zero will remain to fall you mil be , and I shall nnvcr forget,accounts for their nroverbial sue- "?e BphewB. D*ath , like sleep, is to in- ondary or even tertiary parte Believe the1oth(ar »™ lrt I 'ving natural ist * , fo urless ra.ae you tn the esti mation of you r pro- to report all your WKxeaa and how muchaccount lur ineir proveroiai sue dlvldna| u{q aim , th £ , J

musicians of mineTailed human a"«l einancipa lnd searchers after truth Keny and your fellow men within the nar- good you have done and can do..cess in business". Perhaps other exhausted vigor -an inactivity for a beings , tha have T mud totaluTtn f mo a" c,viliz9d peop le ' hflve mUh' row °r w"',e ran«e of your activitJ' aml ^^bt U , ISH7. K. H.B.people might learn something from purpose. ' view

K ' [J"'. performance ^not lor t*rt liah ed beyond doub', that axio m of nai- renown. Ju».t ao you atrivo aucne ssfully m_^_ their example— 'helping one an- Eeath is, as it were, an apostropfie , or individual musician. It is for the whole ural fT™ ,tbat n,uthi,l9 !\ /<""• x,Mtt.ter '"'?Z ,a^VV?7', '".T8? ,l°M *T aD1 n i v r / r / n> inOther by buying of one another and ™ther the punctuation ot life Could you audience around you. Play your piece Ltt!lBte y , 'f ff le' ,Nolbi,1-K W,* wh£h i A Z tf J ,J n t ' nlTw 'fl ruDloying one another in preference make sense of a written single sentence wel l, each of you ; learn your lessons for "«*'• ™n be loat. In this groat cosmic fe , which id the fountain of perpetual

KherB ' P 6 »«WI entirel y of mere "da«"2 and" rehearsal; study hard ; make %™pK ££

» nLnin cfntnaUle' not" 'thTm? 1ffilJ^t-^Sl I^^^rlS1

&« MrB ' T°ny Merger and son have"We have one more remark. The ^"worlf ton ^V Jl ^^S^^\ &S £^

«$%$S K£bl

loTtmZ SS^Elfii £d , Xl ft? so you "turned front a six weeks' visit to theirJew is the last man in the world to m^LXtlZ^^ZldJ idl JM? StS£ & JS^mS^- ~V CV

but the.m0Bt *nBnl ">Bi ™> S'l i°J?V6nr 5f.m"1"nV?it,,

f VT in^iBib,e Bl^SJ^ MJ&^thfSlfch^Wtalk about prejudice in other people, up of nothing but commas and coTone? satisfied, "

W1" 1B° mo eoule, he most minute atom-as this and ¦all codsmoub entity of the unrveree ^S.X gatw of Gblcw, iThiB is one of iheir historicaVtra^s. ^es and periode These ^2°S

^1' ^r,

BQd BubBtanoe of h «" Kt^^^ Gortnd Patff ,-,]r ° R™J "S^g^bSiSiJte . 1.. ¦If there is a people on the face of ^alneapart firom the living mads. So it man life.. While the instrumen t and the Jw ™Mi. taXlv ImS This fe the argonwnt of immortality Kahn , of Cincinnati , is the pUe«t of Mra.the earth wLe prej udices a?e ?J™Z2tfj "£ t S£

believe- P'«|e »

jP«°iJ» «¦ 76ln ^

U IXothlntable. V» c« »oTCtS. ««»" a modern^scieS atanTpoinL j S Jos Goldsaj itb. Mrs. Dnvid Jim willstronger and more Conquerable, tShtSTS^des^Tthilira r^Z^TZ^t Z "»""¦' ' V f l^V m *** t0 ?£"£

'17?°$™ '


".,,l M- Ah? BoKffl-J ^1?; '^pt per^s the

Scotch, we never des^of life.

¦ ^^-j -y. ffi ^SS S^^SS^sS KirSelfi^rIt seems that thatgood man never ScftSffi ^nSotfSfi'Sft aA»2ttaa

^£ta. « S^^ffH?a£ ISty^^^i^awent out of Goldsboro and the back- Klato E!ace in the Krand symphony of »al democrati c spirit of life , that our Let us illuatrate. Take any experienced J^J^° d ° ™ «™

areue vouraelmaout try oc^aaionallv to send a few items." i !;1; / 70r°*°Q lntt na0K hfe. That this definition of life and accompaniment , our part , is an absolute book-keeper o! a great banking firm , »^™°eCd'""iXal eStonca anTvou October !i , Jssr. B.woods district, where he occasion- death is the only correct one, we can and wisely ordained necessity for the who during the year deals with millions „n

a8.?"r„ ,'ft ir"'"B' *""™J?L F? I.? —l—^^ i ftllv nreacheH or pIha he r-ould not easily prove by comparing it and teBtme whole, and that without us even the °' dollars. At the end of the year when , ": muZ" „J^°a J^a \ , -Lwt !! ? ¦ f ATI • lt »i* «b"B oirent Viewson the subjecf. ^atest singer or instrumentalist could he atrlkee a balance sheet , let him make ^' £^^^££1™ M1EELLW, W. I I .possibly be eo ignorant Of the busi- There are three distinct and dis- not play to perfection. It needs ma. a mmtike of but one cent and he will go ° ."J* -iJ^ X thi, rZ^r^d ness transactions in this country, connected views, which even the mod- And no matter how low I stand in the back over his books for days and nights Jone of immortaHtv ta the onlv^l w?d '< a,,b< M. Hesaler, who has been the

Thfl Tann sr, m«rnhan i ™„k«.« L eFn world« 'ollowing- closely the ancient scale of musicians, no matter how minor '».' he discover the error and locate the irreHiatiblB ambS which nush«, and minister and teacher for the last sevenThe Jewish merchant, purchaser or clasflli; thinkers entertains as to the -j ay .part in the grand symphony of life, missing cant Millions pass under re- S'h.imaStv above the bru te the /ears of the congregation Leahem S.iho-employer IB not SO stupid that he meaning of Life Univeraal and Life In -Iwi l try to master my leeaon , and there- view because the uccounUnt misses one i^Xa^line which? diWdas betS the maim , has en acc -raut ot some mis-should not nurchase or emnlnv to di£LduaL " m' ln 'F? iadivid"»l excellence , will lie sing e cent Similarl y let but one Bingle «j ^landtheTman Le J?S I M times underatanding wit h some membera ofShould not purchase or employ to The flr8t ,or the 8aba o{ breylt / x my aatisfaction. Therefore , particle of this boundless universe be K^* !, anTfl rniN- and enWtnX ^e congregatio n tendered bis resiuna-hls beitadvantage,.without reference

J^^^^^f^- P™* " t us each be up and doing. SS! S n^^Ufata

Ew .S ^^^^^ SSS Jlon , to'take eff ct December ] 1837.to a person's church affiliation. Look k?owTat?hVSae Zre'blina No matter what part we play, let us be !%M*to™£ j £%£Z

self-reapec, for in this pare and spiritual- £«' r^of ^ataet "n whUhere,Bir,examine theadverti8ement8 chance d^ide's"whether' &™ffi' &^J£t^^* W make this




bar- ^We »a hood an^ womanhoo d we *W b«j d ^*£™>ia£ ™<*

in this journal , all of them, or at ^%™ J^? toty t ttSX euSZ\ "feaSft £. SS ^" " .""ta roundBd ^doom. SfflS- O £^^1 S'thXth- an/ti me aid him in obtaining the desired

least the large majority, aimonn^ i wffi^Sffi P f-¦ « *.« that which constifutes ffi^M&P "" M'fae oK^f ^"Sl .ffiJ" '

Christian houses and those Tjeoole 8}ow and ^eble tremor. According to a„d ,nLuit«ntfv h; ™

US >° if

M U 'y not my8elf ^t something else, of all the t resenceoi me eternal . . immunity . R-.bbi Sesslerunrwiian nouEes, ana xnose people chanee of accj dent the at01118 of ,tbiB ^a. -f™ "tflligently do our who e duty, -oxygen- and hydrogen and carbon and —: " ap^aks both G.rmanand English fluentlv ,must have numerous Jewish cus- chinery ara grouped differently at differ- ^

l^Z '; ¦ «S ¦mB*

MWfu J & 1n$' °t her "'emetitB which make up this ever- LAFA YETTE, 1ND. and wiU bo a credit toauy nlorm congra-tomers, or else they would not ad- eDt times ; l<" a moment they appear 'nJ/^ '' w"111!

1BBt™°|™* th.ftt lts changing body which is not myself , not _ gation. At tl)B )aBt meeting 0, tliB C01).lomers, or eige ^ey wouia not aa DB(lllti[ul ;nd right a ^^ fl^. note may be c early and truly - heard even one atom .» to be missed, why The holidays have come and gone legation the Irnatees were inatructed^rtise With us. That man is awfully ation is felt and all ia destroyed. Chance w™11 are called upon to render our should I , who in reality am I why ah quld againv Services were held at our Tern- to make all necesaary arrangements foriehorant if he supposes the Jew re-groups the atoms and again for a mo- p \'A ntt a„ ,• A. „m „ .. , each of yon , each _ One of. you being p]e n \ye\ng thronged with our pe ople our congregation to join the Union of¦ „«,«, *.t« A, ¦ • -J „f tu m(fnt tSey-appssr enchantingly beauti- .« ?d

t°'J?,° iim^„We. TTnVir hat W° aQ°theJ EgU ' be missed when owing tp knd strange^ from abroad. Tueaervices AmsrlcaV Hebre w dongregBtiune , fornever takes advantage of a brother fu l , but all thia charm is illtisory and de ,"/!£?* 0b,11?,

kO*i >? a ?Jh ll S8B^f M 801U5e Btopp8t'eof the clock-work of ptiysi- reconducted by our Rev, J. Cadden which the Rev. Sessl« Las worked veryJ*w—we wish it were tiue-and very ceptive , and while you behold it , comes "^-M ,„ada ,Ig°tten UB ' aai£ ou

Kr oal existence evorything that m not I goes [n his usual line Bty.le. The Rpv. J, Cad- arduo usly. 13.,ir ,or ,nritn W« if hn «hli«rrienW rp another ehock or thrill , and again every- !*St»hi^™«ii^*it « ?\a? ,i W? T u a,ok to

t lta, Pri.,n°r dial aourcea? What den and his wife were tha recipients of October 4 , 1887.uncharitable if he inhumanly re- thing is destroyed. Such isthe Kateid- ^mewbat cruelly diaappo nted that the belongs to . the air returns,to the air; that an Giegant sideboard from the ladies of- , , 'proaches the Jews because they oacopic view of life-blind Chance and pe^ o' o" abilities have to be

Bxerciaed which belongs; ta. the soil returns to thei the congregation as a Now Year 's token ,BUDTJorfc their own rmrr and Tuwdv senseleBB. Matter-there is no Lift, ; there wS t! ™»?f ? f ^P aPpatMlt


en™,?: duat '' that which belongs to water, m and to show in what esteem their worth y WICHITA, KA N.support their own poor and needy. is n0 Death tbe89 are , nluaio'na b We know that we have improved until gaaeous form , rises and descends again paBto r ia held. We hope the worthy LWe do not think lt redounds to the hind which, there is-NonnNo. Our w,eJ onld, \aodesj ly. 8ffy v J M n don ? \a .WftteT7 droP?- -Esch partjc le of my gentleman and wife may pass many . . .honor of the Methodist churrh to Biven definition does certainly not ac- W 'V ¦ ,. C3° t? . '' u l 1


T-L hl,la^ ever-changing tissue returns- more yearsinourmidst. And nowl must After a lull in religious matters forHonor ot tae. Metnoo.iBt cnurcn to ^ord*with that view of life, " am forgotten." .Under such ieelioga it is when the invisible chqrd of this mortal extend to the worthy editor and publish- ntar iy a whole year , Unpeople of thisemploy £0 unfcientihc and unrea- There isi another view, a trifla better w existence anaps-^to its original source; ers of the American Iskablitk and Di booming city aits once more awako tothe; sonable a man as an editor of a somewhat nobler, a little mbre.encourag- "Have a heart for any fate." If , then .-lhat which is not I can. not be ]) 0rah my moat sincere and heartfelt interests of Judaism. It would seem- that

I v " ¦ j 4 " '¦ ¦ ¦!¦ . - ¦ ¦Injf , but still leaving us -mere puapete. _ - , ,' ,t^ W " ¦*, • , . . destroyed, why should:!, the^apiritual- congratulationa lor the New Year. Al- our laraeliteH were so deenjv lntercsteflchurch organ and as* a traveling It ia the afi3/ fc conception, <& orii his Th'n^ that though you are Seemingly for- image eii, .B™ a tort.ol the Infinite and thouKb. a little late, still the old saying in real estate that they would nonake—

¦nreacher. For the benefit of the Uttleatage of Punch the pulling of differ- ^™P, it 1S God s.pause w your part j i t Eternal Soul-Life of the Universe^

be U, "„BetteMat9 . than never ," and may time to hold communion with their Orea-'- t!S«« it V ? VtS -An-K * i^\Z ent wires makes the little figures move , £n°t mea"t tha' ?QU B^a }l be shel^d mi^Dg. °f6'er? D? y°u Beer lhe ?,oint 7 the coming year crown all their efforts tor , but such we are glad to say is.not thechurob men of that kind ought to be ao in this view of life, all our actions are loreyer, No, the time will come when But nght here up steps my friendl y op-, with Biiccesa and keep them in health.* case- antJ ,rom .p resent indications, we

shelved, they are - out .of date and due to the power outsida ourselves. :The y°u Wl11 be cailed upon to be ready. ponent and Fays:. ^'Doctor , you contra- Rira. B.mm and daughters , the Misses don 't think there wilt be any complaint¦nlnhD - ¦Tt»IM nn' ln:;' mi> ' i1>Vq «-nA puppets in Punch 3^H> to tal k words th ey "Still achieving, still: pursuing, di?t ?0,\t;3^

7,l How?:^ lj ^: . .He r9- Hattie and Claia, of milae, Texas, and io the future,. place, i-teligion m . our days and donot talk ; it is the voice behind which Lsarn to labor and to wait.'' plies: Eon 't you see that ; Ihia very niece, M Las Ling , of Oharlotte. Mbb ,, During the holidays , divi ne aerv iceacountry mU6t.be liberal ly humahi- makea children and other credulous folks T «« " ?« i„i,« ' „v,n " ""v -^ ii, *^ ^"ej .tnis-prcutt title 0i which you ap- hav e beah for the. last .four weeks the waro conduded by the "Rev - A. Gut-

Tarinn and ¦nUriieWA hr it i .m think the puppet8: are alive, children, rf w5i KS./lS™,ra ply to yourself , 13 all a delusion and, a KuestB of thei r relatives, Mr. and Mrs., tnaeh or. a senior "stnilent of th«. Hflbrewtarian apd charitable, or it is . an; tall andsmall, believe it all , but we older tmty^

lnch . has an obj ect before a , and, snare ? As long as .these molecules Mayerstein. They leave to-morro w for Union 'Gollege. oi Cincinnati. The pleas- .anachronism. The - advocates and and: wiser oneB. know better—we have losm to.waj t u that p»use:Ol insctwiv which make-

up your ¦ non-Ego. are tbeirhome , much to the regret of their ing manner in ..which the gentlemaneznnd 'niiera of-an v rfili 'ffious Wvptora Mlu&: behind. At :the-best, it is but a °a

0V eTd ^atrh'„ •fn ™

''%%, %.' wi \t* erouPed. together ,n an organic body many f rierj dti jn our city. Mr, and Mrs. reads the pray ers and the masterly styleexpounders ot any .religious system poor Bort of encouragement that one gets nalLeader, wi I cal l on you ih hie own you are under the influence of ¦ an wtaj e- Sol Goodman and children ,, who spent in which he handles h is lexis were ad-ndw and here must be men of literary lrom this fatalistic view of life: good time ; ot that t)B Bure, lcatin g idea,_ and believe you are apme- the holidays in our city, lelt for their mired by all. His delivery , is ve*.ry grace-abilitv broad nrincinles and loftv But here is the third and at present ,a £™ 5?JSS-°* T?L «?Z Sh

&?i ' i ^!ng

' U? ^^^ ¦ H°.?u "i n°ihin^l home, Delphi a, last week after a picas- ful and holds the undivided attention ofaouicj. oroaq principles ana louy

popular-view. I-call it, for' ^a the question. It is the only real per- These molecules don't think And if ant visit to their sisters , Mesdamea Loeb the audience. Mr. Gut .r. aeher was ' noaspirations pf freedom , justice, en- fashion's .'sake, the orthodox view. It 'P, ?• ™Z ia^

T,¦'w,Mld ' P E the aoul- singly these atomB. do not think , and. ahdEkhouse. Mrs. MbHeB ,of '(Jlevelatid ,i8 etranger in our midst , be having effi-liehtenment and eood will to all- teaches' that this human, world of ours is J»e. that lostinctively feels the assjrance really ate incapj ble of thought , con- visiting her daughter , Mrs. Aaron Wil«r. elated here last year, and too muchJigntenmen t an.a ..gopa wiu to ail

^ chea8.teoard . with black and white : ofaltB ™VM-ending constancy, and . st,H ceited man , you! how can you persuade fefes has been' a fretpent visito r praise can not be bestowed upon theGlean: OUt the shysters from press aquarea.with two players - who know all sesuis to bs foreve r .smarting under the yourself to believe that when they come to. our city, and her many fri enda are ^ntU-man, as it is owabr entirely to hi j

and nuloit for the benefit- and ad- ¦ ¦the.'xtfow, all the tricks and allthe rules whip and spur of tantalizing doubt. . together they can think ? If one fool al ways rejoiced to have her come again. eOorts that a revolution in religiousana puipit ror ue oeneac ana aa. { ™^ * They are ataos equally i '&%"*¦**•¦&& forty odfc ra ag0 ?-an H0t tthl"k c0[ref7. bow will a. mil- Mrs. A. Silinger , who i.aa been visiting matters has taken place here.V8Jioement of ypur .oau.8e,; .;. matched; the black bne Tepfesenting the ^?!LG

^* ?h&^-f,K^^'lLe , »^ M?«mbledAU congress he any

relativeSinNewYork forseveral montha , Our choir, compored of Mrs. M. Wl========= evil Bbifi t, the white the j ^ -g^r t v$° *&W$y ^ k 1}*: **1- a?oro :able to thint with precision? You iB . expected homo ahortly,. Miss Sallie uiv M™ Stmlef Mr A L. Crawford ,T I V F- Af i n nnrrin r tTTTY " W ^Msck^cdagia^^ fi:


Pl? «*&&* elf," : and LoMie Sbhwirt^, who were at &l- M^b B.' Hill 4*6 Mr 'S ^LIFE AND IMMOmAUTY. senger of death , the white as the im- ™1 science, .whan he declared that ' heat .-Let us. coaaider thisi nihihatic argu- phia,- have returned home. Mr , imd ^

mBt tendered boautiful aeiee t ohs '—— -¦ macnlatB angel of life. It Is the "God aI£ ?

o,l0n ' W6rC b^ dlffe^nt , ma>1- nient -calmly without' fear, and w.thout KnL'Jt SchwarU last week pai i a H Twrt . SK' the dnt?re eerXeV While ' t "s •by 8. h. ao^ESCHKiK, and.the Devfl; game, the sport between ' ^S n? ?"o^£& J S* ^"*"*'* '': 1 *$?** « Frspklort , Ind , Mrs. S'SSJ',o~.l- particlr' -M of .en^e^el , S, ,oU,8. f a^** ,* *££$$ l^Sll .Z^^. K^S of


th which

is ^S^^uS T SKif? rKle?ffiSS[Thi»dl BCourse wa, denveredlast yettr b y Dr. with * If the white ange^maEC ff^A^I^TL^Sefel^i tri t^tef l^ 'Z^ulR ,. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bloo m, a ffiaetS^e,^S&Wi . ^»b^^ JS&ffi^^atS 'ffi -S^Sta-SlSi-'ail &°-SriJS!' ^SZ^tTS^^ htrsdjKeU>lm an who has been East ^ ^ r JS^S^K^^^M^^^ wl&aS8


£S Z fS^n^SSr of J aSsS^eaHa^ofniff fimoS ^.?- ! JlS^SS .^SlSl mS- &s^&»m^k^ s™srtto:£fft?if^SSoJ o^rbS^war^s mrass^sc=^tSS ^s^ ^ iir

diiiffor sirS ^ fe^iSs^^

poliit out ChuferbdcAteii der teele von Q. Telcb- v ew of life, where nature and history is tne -lamp, will Brigoay Dura ,, ana win at quantities wnich tpe student and phi- j ue Umvdrsi ty, to Cai-j ago to visit the our community, and trust that he willmueUer.Letprig. im.i

ng but a scene on the at age of. a " te not only warmth and; light, but losooher can only ^^ Mr . °SuSk™ any o| hie effitF.• «and floeotecu? Solomon Loeb, Albert Wiler and Leo u.! I , r ,V r „ n,"However we might contemplate the %% 1sJ«g™T

d ?Qe Dkn of the S ^wemehtsin the organism woich keep Now, the entire universe is a living Pottli zer hav/all returned from W Through the kmdnesa of the Rev. L)rUniverse, be lt in its vastest expansion, ^iai'5 J*.™ n^ffi w?hll„ g you alive and active. titality, sustained in is perpatnal motion York, Mrs. Tttwss Tutor and children Adams our services w«re held in the ,he It in it's final atomistic dieaection , we .ttfflr"J TfiS of L^e and

5'Death Tbere iB m tbe hidden spring of tha by a hidden and yet manifest animation. 0| £«"* «2B to »T IC pi^opal Ohnr.ti but w, are glad to

never can rid ourselves of the one thought ac?0Qrd

a ™[, ™^¥3L e^lLf " ortho maehihery ot our organic being an^le- Thi s vast universe is everywhere p^rvad- Sn£ M,. and Mrs. B »a. Mr. M' uPP m- ?*that naaMera Wl" no1 aj DUnuB 80 anythat this entire Worl d is Bustalnedvby an 5o»..vifl„ i la thabeati^ of onr heart men t which produces vitality. What ed by that Ecernai and Immutable Knargy heimer, who has be dangerouaiy if t for lor;ser- 4 . „ .- , ¦ „/idea, which keeps God in ^ffirp Vand Sllv^oThinBelsVffi^fceXB ol i

«»at vital , spring or lores «¦ we shsll not, which saya , " I am what I am." And the las four weeks; Iam glad toetate is T Pu^^nt


cal l a meeting of our

Nature in God'from eternity toTfernity Sed dmmtffin for we can not, even dare to examine.: It when my little Individuality-ind I am „ow convalescing, and hiimany Men is lyddites was h* d a the reH.dence of thebusily at work. Our intuition , eastern- ' *% ti^.£j^$S^fi£ were


for us to


the eolutibn

no figurehead-ceases to exist as a sepa- rej oic« with him and the famil y. Mrs. Al- P'^'dent , M. M ^


m%. A, , »f «6plation, meditation help ub to approach JgL^Jj^^ aj ainst Kh a?LS of a prob em which brighter braver and rate unit , I am simp y. added to that, bert Wiler and children have returned punier was 1Q attendance ^J^w-those mysteries. We become less timid °B,;"0ti t

rio„ g n8t a»caJ b0Pele*a better minds have bo far left unsolved, great sum total of Univeraal Life, which from Ohicago.where they were the guests "g otham were el^l

ed f a r :f e enBuiij gand:even riak ideaa oi our own. * » But pr°APnd now let ub consider our own ner- BJ* ere.iB ,the ^ct from. which we start

: only thenligioos symbol and the philna- of tbeir re]= ti ves, M-. and Mrs. Nathan. *°ar p p'f ^ a\

«¦ oa

M ¦ J^^ ihere we meet the peculiar difficulty, aiento dd and eTrffi^^ opher 's formula-ind no longer a mere Mra. David Hin will next week visit Vi ee-Preaident I. G rma

^ ^tiiry and

(which, however, ia not quite clear in out Sffi W es He iffl ttE um of that force , of that vital energy, conventional calculation-can compute her daughter, in Danville , 111. Mm iT'^i-rL *ffllti'mind) that there is a certain chasm be- wo?S aa a Grand Orfan CtifuUv which' f?r the tj £B bS n& ^P a °EpT

- % ex


Tbat 8,aord a?d. ^^ ? Aba

Hoffman and family and Mrs. L9vor A- KV'?h?»l%^J ^% it hPcZatween our mere idea and our real expe- tnnsd md hwSom Snd mto mI RaniB?J illtaQt - To thla indiaputed fact Name of all names, '' Tne Liviiig God, ' and son ,of Attica , passed through tbe city ™T business was t™»BH«ted i beoame

rlence, a chasm ao steep and firm that £1S0rd« S of iisfsTkefin we add another: this material animal is the only and indesp 'ensable Guide mrmU \0 hw borne f rom Cincinnati , eviden**Bt

^»Hta M«.da ™vall our efforts to overcome it avail noth- f ^KTTnatrumen? unon which oi ° a B conetantly changing, which helps ua to

And our way through whereshe has been for s, vera! weeks. ^V". J J anding. '* * * There is nothing left to .*l WS fl™„"^v» L™?? i?7«.l..i Every particle of our nerves , of onr sin- the tremendous maze of elementary ad- On Wednesday, the 5th of 0 -tober more ,(,r a ,J,1^1 ,?1 worablP» ai}auflfthen , in order to attain soml sort of S?OrSS™ Bofrit o LifeTs playint ews, ofour bony frame, of tne very skull dition , aubstraction , multiplication Vd Mr°B

n h[! StS'and daughUr ,°Seffi the^nbject .of bm tog was mainly

aa iafaction, bilt to Beek refuge within the 0™tSZ om?sid« are hiete iotes clSV which encases the treaaurea of our bra n, diviaion wh^h make up the beginning- laIt for their new home; Cincirinati l'8CU8BedJ" ,S! 1!™? it &sphere of poetry and to renew an old P^Xr r o l

i theMotherKkev8 of the *? Perpetually changing. The cellular less and endless prc-cens of all material mcch to tbe regret ot thei r many friends 7™- ™™Paa t LShnl M M Msong with some variations." (Goethe.- Z*l^noVnuabasar between we keVs for tissue which makes tip my body to-day iB and spiritual existence and form the in the Star City We trust they will find t^ IW.W rt-Sn^'iioVer o? our"Short Essays on Natural Science in ffi ta ^sffir* taT^m 3eded entirely diffe Cent in its real make-up and background ao to apeak of all the ag many friends in their new home as ie


n™*L.*eh "ffi ifwaTh?totheGeneral," Complete works, German 1 Si ™. !Sh» n fa^^Snml aubetance from the

tiaaue which

con- thought

and action

of the individual, be they left in their old home. MrsAtranss Jew ah people, subscribed liberally to theedK Vol. 40, p

P 425.) ' X ^sm^^tA S'- B^ted my body ten yeara ago. What. it the artist or the philosopher, the andVmily have been reaidenta here fot ^

d a

^. ifiZrS^n^UilTwovarv"While I aa a man of science feel a £ tSn^ th^ rften^Ia htoXsm b become of the body of ten yeara ago, statesman or «he millionaire , the free twenty-three yeara , and it is hard to part ^^^^^^^q^?^1natural pride in scientific achievement, finS^ fcra £TiS&S

n0 one kn0W.8; but «ny body of to-day is, aborer or the slave, man in the ea ntliest with ieni, but we hops they will eome ?*ai#J„°^^M' fto? the fioSwhile I reeard science as the moat pow- Dge! 01, „?i +,b«„j ^i. iKvn™™^' a8 compared to that former body, al- impersonation ol humanity or in the time visifus. is th nkmg seriously of buying the fc.pis

l l^ J ^bSMSliSSi ZlhoX !nSlBS^ d S together3

and entirely naw And still, verPy lowest type of the savage Wher- *%£ ToZ r Bros, .have bought the Z&j g^ *?£^ JZ££.as well as the most nowerful ministrant ;¦ 9 , i • „!i Ti «h„ „7h„» with perfect reason and irrefutable logic, ever humanity rises above the level of Pythian Hall bnildine and will shortly Probably give yoij mora dettnite iniormaSbl^SSi T/Jou ask .ffi ^ ^ Sffi ^ lS \ claim *?' 7' the owner of lhat b°& Per,e bfutal/animaliBm the

^elevation r7model It, «d SSsontet thsif bffi ."%«*" *l^Xol Mr ^chheimerme whether science has solved or is tte ho7Zot hTsWand Ks S lhe »awe i a

f8 t<!.\!'ear8 ° Thl8 lfl ,B, dufe

Tt0 ^e forking of this prinoi- ne8B in U. They have the largest trop- MJJ 9

wS / n leasant surnrise upon hislikelv in our days to solve the problem ^^JS SiTA. iU " e m!tS P°in iples that make up fiMtrStaadSh^aSoeS ' "S^SSS WiS?

m Fort £S£? KeS «

leon^B question , when the **»¦» who *c- ^^&^S^A^S£i J^^^'cStotnS? which be kno'wn %S I^ 'SSfi SSST" °f "* br°thei ' M" JU 'iaH POtt" S^i«^' FechSir'with a^and'.

hTpTse^ehihe «iW

Sl't T

S^^^lS 4n fS i^^ XhrSSS. X J^ VZ& *&Z hZ?n1«SKat laat orgld %?^~£- " ' Iffo^tion^tm r^lns unsnsm^d /n«t pcess his foot; upon, tb i pedal. pounds of carbon , bo many braces, nurses and educates in His in- a %£&™Q$"in"ereaJtm meet every ,.0,J r }.¦ M-.H' A: 1Pr?m,,BeB,

ha7e aSfflk rZmZS a?d.a9 the lowes t notes speak, !s sound amme


vol hydrogen and other ele scrntable wisdom every one of ub, who S«VT Ttoy intend to do go work , j }™1* ta»e in social enc es h« winter

rtfl«M?SB^tbWhM C^auS 0


^UadeA roU8- OVe

n^™Tndr: mentary molecules that are grouped pnta us into thi s world and who takes us and the process 11 go to tnV Orphan The club is lookugteBmta.bta quartets,

in^heSfmL inteftectSM antd t™?. *$!* ^TJ1 » °J!?J 1 S2 together at the bidding of the vital , hid- away again from this world of ours, and SS^Sn at Cleveland.8 They have not and when settled things will bustle.kKSSVothT into the "nether world »t es'roy. are d/ £orce and organi|ed into my Ego. who, in Humanity'e school, for our nZed their aociely yet, and I hope I We take pleasure in publicly announc-iKSJftr~ZLSk us *

P * « a P°rt of and ha.vvitheir P C That carbon is not I; nor that oxygen ; benefit, with invisible hand , traces the wiu from time to time be able to tell of ing the engagement of Mr. M. Frieberg

SwSrm thin rf^at«ru m voii will with great symphony of life. nor that hydrogen. All these are of the lines and figures on the blackboard the good deeda which they intend doing to MIbb Ricky Heyman.tC I ha?e coU?inS do * But be care- We Ao

t ?0t ^"Jf iSiiSZ But « no"" 0- * " , mu Falled Hiatory - Hs'.1?e EJerna,1' cal-CUu during the coming winter , and I knol Miss Olara NaBbar of Great Bend , ia

ul that v^u? concintU^n of it be nS*an 0uru Parto ".ft Jr!S,S thsnr t Noff ' let

g0 *, ^P,.1"411"- That. late8, aot oa'y wit|i mill^

nB but alao with they will be saccelaful if they only try. visiting here, enjoying the hospitality ofKwuKnHnf^ SCt that1 conception T-hi,T *« Mm h?«?nfind that hJ which la conceived with the means of single numbers. Evan Zj roa are ascev And now that the little onea nave Begun , her relatives Mr. andVa. M/W. Levy.wftTJon? hTheat and h^esr^wht ?

hlch 1b ^f"^1 *-rh! «JL th-m«SlJS the five BenBes [e not L That wb£ch ^he sar ; rea/ewu these nonentities placed let the older ones enow themselvel bo The Maia] fOI1ntenances of the Missesbut b^aSfin% DretMdine to know baa enough to do. The Parts themselveB five 8enae8 can not and do not perceive to th.e right side of real facts and figuresIl lth at the little ones do not outehine their Goldbe« ol Qm™5°"l will hf fte 1d>mom ahZfft than

Pif Kn to man to are ^" ^. T w« ^)rnm ind and fathom is I. And right here comes advance them in value and give them 'mothers. The time hae now come and to„^WicnWB^C* f Tohn Tvnda^'a " £aOmenta ?ualc'aP8 w Ji l T.r ,f r f^r !'n the Prob/em of fhe BgeB> the *reat nobler position. let our ladies see what they can do to- tU™ gra^ .


^l™ '""r*' nm In „of Si Jm. *m/±n^ iitfan n £ 1 ^


hLtaM.?,*,eL p^tej question which has never been answered Take the zho in the standard ol tern- wa,d building a monument which will T M.r' P^f8- C.obn and ' F? ?" I*"I&B «;rift ™1h ^me^ auDBUn?fa iBu a - flo oist'^h™f bT/flMl lin and never will be answered to a concnl- peratnre-the freezing point. Above it ahine forever I will not give up, as I Loms visiting their parents and fr .ends.

nwJlS {B ¦ S!2i.^™Sffl the instrument intrusted

to him will win alon_ .iWhere Bhail I be when I am everything ia fluid : below it everything am atill in hopee of being tble to report Ur. Silverman was called to Great^h

Ct in *Vlf W' D1fat /t P ?™e nnrJ the admiration , and the devotion even dead 7_wm Z ba n0 more, or will I yet is moro or leaa rfeid and crystalteed. ™rand ,air o?BDmethin8f of^ that Bort in Bend last week on professional busineas.*lth no r°al cauae behind *»¦ "»f °""» of the entire audience. We have each ^ive 0I] and on in another condition of ex- Take evil ; take paaaion ; take pride ; wMch we will be able to assist our Through the efforts of the Rev. Gut-

w?SiMS™&0 . wtflU^s J? Play his part, and in the psalmody of iat

eDce?" ' , t take vice; take sin and crime ; tfiat i, W

rphCa„;Tlnd ottier good insututiona , and macher a babbath-achool has been or-we must define it thus , tnat wmie lite s iife we muat remember Where shall I beT What shall I be? the zaro-point in God's calculation. All I know if we try wl will be stfcceaaful. ganized with twenty-five children, andactmty with an object in 'lew, aeam is u ]sjot en;„ymeil t and not dorrow ghall I be at all? Certainly you will, that ia below simply adds to the relative Uo not think me too presuming, but I the spiri t of Judaism will once again be

i« =?™«r H n °*\l I mMtmi fnr ^nfl Is our destined end or way." ' Don't you see that this very science value of that which is above. And when wish oar ladies to rank with the first in instilled into the youth of to-day. MissmoZnt ™ W*

1! T)«ath ia merelv an We do not play our part merely for our which seems to take away the prop of your on the ecale of life 's thermometer yon the land , and they have always been buc- Pneter, our experienced and capable^SS^ila^^\il^\^h^mt^ our own

satisfaction If such were the


consciouenesB.in reality comes have climbad to that high degree ol boil- ceSsful in whatever tbey undertook , and teacher , will have charge. Suoccbb isJK8P81 P ?l g Tnnl^t n»ii«,l caL we ha^e iKt to demand that the

to your aid and puts into your hand tbe ing heat where eve

n the

hardest and

bound to crown her efforts. Boom.

Svert^^^ SadJoi^?hl oStra

Sgn to us the only weapon





defeat ' firmest .articles of your physical body Thaas you.-M.A««,c«i««u,T,. October 2,, 1887.