4 H Youth Development Program June 2014 Newsletter4h.ucanr.edu/files/191174.pdf · the awards...

#California4H June 2014 Newsleer 4-H Youth Development Program Authored by: Sarah Lloyd, Collegiate 4-H Collegiate 4-H Aria Lindsay and I grew up raising and showing chickens together in San Mateo County 4-H, and once we both decided to come to UC Davis, we knew that our next step was to re-vamp and recreate Collegiate 4-H. We had our work cut out for us, with a membership of about four people (including us) and very lile for college-aged 4-H alumni to do. We adversed to our friends like crazy, tripled our membership, and started having regular meengs. With a membership established and some prey cool new t-shirts, we knew the next big thing was to actually make ourselves seen to the California 4-H community. With the help of state 4-H Program Representave Jenna Colburn, we started an event for primary members to parcipate in at State Field Day. The event included an educaon component from SET, Healthy Living, and Thrive as well as tons of fun acvies for kids of all ages -- including $1 face painng! The acvies are created, run, and supervised enrely by collegiate volunteers. This event is in the works for this upcoming 2014 State Field Day as well! This year, our biggest accomplishment was creang and compleng our very own event: You See Davis Day. The event was designed as our big community outreach event for the year and it was a huge success. We had so much fun as college students showing off the school we love so much and talking about future goals with high school 4-Hers. You See Davis Day is an event that we hope to connue for years to come, and establish as a Collegiate 4-H tradion. Collegiate 4-H has, in the past, been a large spot of confusion. What does the 4-H program have to offer college students? That's the queson we asked ourselves, and we found that the best answer is the opportunity to be mentors and leaders for 4-H youth in way that's slightly different from other 4-H adult volunteers. When Aria and I first started tackling this issue, we weren't sure what we were doing or where we were going- but with a lile fundraising, a lot of support within the club, and good old 4-H spirit, we achieved our goal. We have a team of supporve, caring, and proacve members and we are only looking forward to Collegiate 4-H's future. If you are curious about what we are up to or would like to see pictures from past events, check out our Facebook page: hps://www.facebook.com/UCDavisCollegiate4H Member Tip of the Month: Did you know youth can serve on statewide 4-H advisory commiees? Youth help offer valuable insight, review and input for the statewide 4-H Youth Development Program in California. Learn about the different Commiees here. There is sll me to apply! Applicaons close May 31.

Transcript of 4 H Youth Development Program June 2014 Newsletter4h.ucanr.edu/files/191174.pdf · the awards...

Page 1: 4 H Youth Development Program June 2014 Newsletter4h.ucanr.edu/files/191174.pdf · the awards ceremony. elebrate “alifornia Grown, alifornia Sewn ” at State Fashion Revue on May


June 2014 Newsletter 4-H Youth Development Program

Authored by: Sarah Lloyd, Collegiate 4-H

Collegiate 4-H

Aria Lindsay and I grew up raising and showing chickens together in San Mateo County 4-H, and once we both decided to come to UC Davis, we knew that our next step was to re-vamp and recreate Collegiate 4-H. We had our work cut out for us, with a membership of about four people (including us) and very little for college-aged 4-H alumni to do. We advertised to our friends like crazy, tripled our membership, and started having regular meetings. With a membership established and some pretty cool new t-shirts, we knew the next big thing was to actually make ourselves seen to the California 4-H community. With the help of state 4-H Program Representative Jenna Colburn, we started an event for primary members to participate in at State Field Day. The event included an education component from SET, Healthy Living, and Thrive as well as tons of fun activities for kids of all ages -- including $1 face painting! The activities are created, run, and supervised entirely by collegiate volunteers. This event is in the works for this upcoming 2014 State Field Day as well!

This year, our biggest accomplishment was creating and completing our very own event: You See Davis Day. The event was designed as our big community outreach event for the year and it was a huge success. We had so much fun as college students showing off the school we love so much and talking about future goals with high school 4-Hers. You See Davis Day is an event that we hope to continue for years to come, and establish as a Collegiate 4-H tradition.

Collegiate 4-H has, in the past, been a large spot of confusion. What does the 4-H program have to offer college students? That's the question we asked ourselves, and we found that the best answer is the opportunity to be mentors and leaders for 4-H youth in way that's slightly different from other 4-H adult volunteers. When Aria and I first started tackling this issue, we weren't sure what we were doing or where we were going- but with a little fundraising, a lot of support within the club, and good old 4-H spirit, we achieved our goal. We have a team of supportive, caring, and proactive members and we are only looking forward to Collegiate 4-H's future.

If you are curious about what we are up to or would like to see pictures from past events, check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UCDavisCollegiate4H

Member Tip of the Month: Did you know youth can serve on statewide 4-H advisory committees? Youth help offer valuable insight, review and input for the statewide 4-H Youth Development Program in California. Learn about the different Committees here. There is still time to apply! Applications close May 31.

Page 2: 4 H Youth Development Program June 2014 Newsletter4h.ucanr.edu/files/191174.pdf · the awards ceremony. elebrate “alifornia Grown, alifornia Sewn ” at State Fashion Revue on May

4-H State Field Day New! State Field Day Trivia May 31, 2014, 8:00am-6:00pm UC Davis Campus-Wellman Hall Check out the revamped State Field Day Webpage and find an interactive map along all the exciting activities you can participate in and enjoy! New this year: 4-H Engineering and Technology Showcase Have a 4-H Engineering or Technology project you want to showcase or demonstrate? Apply here. Funding for supplies, materials or handouts is available, contact Steven Worker for more information, [email protected].

State 4-H Field Day live broadcast on the Internet: http://4h.ucanr.edu/live/ The State 4-H Field Day will be live broadcast over the Internet so you may watch from home! We suggest tuning in from 9:00am – 10:00am for the opening, 1:30pm – 3:30pm for the Fashion Show, and 4:00pm – 6:00pm for the awards ceremony.

Celebrate “California Grown, California Sewn” at State Fashion Revue on May 31, 2014 as part of State 4-H Field Day at UC Davis. Morning activities open to all in Olson Hall include Pattern Exchange (bring 5 and take 5), Make it take it crafts, Skillathon, and presentations. The Fashion Show is presented at 1:30 PM in the Quad across from Wellman Hall. Bring all service project items to Olson Hall: Drawstring bags for foster children and Walker/Wheelchair bags for seniors. Help the SFR committee brainstorm ideas for 2015 challenges and service projects by writing them on the “suggestion wall.” Youth and adults are invited to join the SFR committee to plan 2015 State Fashion Revue. Complete information for SFR.

Happening soon ...

4-H is not just a club.

It’s a way of life.

-4-H Member


Save the Date: State Horse Classic: June 25th-30th Brookside Equestrian Show Park, Elk Grove, CA More information here: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Events/Horse_Classic/ Register Online: Horse Show http://ucanr.edu/classic-horse-show-registration Educational Events: http://ucanr.edu/classic-educational-contest-registration Must Register by June 9th! New! Sponsors and Ads can be submitted online for the State 4-H Horse Classic! Donate Online Here: http://ucanr.edu/supportclassic

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June 6/13/2014 2014 California Focus 6/14/2014 South Section Meeting 6/15/2014 30th Annual California Range & Natural Resources Science Camp for High School Students 6/22/2014 Citizenship Washington Focus: Heritage Trail CWF 6/22/2014 Citizenship Washington Focus: Road to Democracy 6/25/2014 Save the Date: State Horse Classic

July 7/11/2014 2014 CA State Fair July 11-27- 2014 7/22/2014 Save the date: 2014 State Fair 4-H Throwdown

August 8/3/2014 4-H Film Fest 2014 8/14/2014 Save the Date: State Leadership Conference

September 9/13/2014 South Section Meeting

October 10/1/2014 Deadline: CA 4-H Quick Start Record Book Course 10/4/2014 North Section Meeting 10/18/2014 Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting 10/29/2014 Deadline: Records Books for State Competition

November 11/14/2014 Save the date: 2014 State 4-H Leaders’ Forum

4-H Calendar of Events


SLF 2014 101 innovative ways 4-H thrives is the format of the 2014 State Leaders’ Forum. This avenue will allow you to focus attention on issues that really matter. There is a world of creativity in store for you. You will gain insight from forward-thinking 4-H volunteers and staff, discover a multitude of new techniques, feast your eyes on detailed presentations, and much more. This includes sharing in the keynote presentation of specialized guest speakers who will enlighten and fill you with innovative ideas to take home. Workshop Proposals are accepted until June 30 at http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Conferences/SLF/. Some of the “innovative” workshop ideas we are looking for: Taxidermy, unusual craft or project ideas, creative education in leadership, officer training, club meetings, or project ideas; service learning events, collaboration with other groups, advertising, fund development and so much more. Tell us what you would like to see as well! We are also looking for 101 Innovative Projects. Tell us what you want. Contact Joyce Honerlah, [email protected] for more information. SLF 2014 will be held Nov. 14-16 at the at the Crowne Plaza in Sacramento. Conference registration will be online soon. Reservations for rooms at the Crowne Plaza are made directly with the hotel at 1-877-270-1393 or 1-916-338-5800. Remember: Break past conventional thinking and toss in some imagination and you have the State Leaders’ Forum 2014!

Today is going to be the


Tomorrow will be even


Page 4: 4 H Youth Development Program June 2014 Newsletter4h.ucanr.edu/files/191174.pdf · the awards ceremony. elebrate “alifornia Grown, alifornia Sewn ” at State Fashion Revue on May

Scholarships, Awards

& Grants

EarthEcho Expedition Student Achievement Grants Deadline: June 1 More info.

Annie's Grants for Gardens Deadline: June 2 More info.

State Farm Student Achievement Program Deadline: June 6 More info.

World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) Deadline: June 15 More info.

State Ambassador Corner: Greetings California 4-H, we hope that April showers have brought many May flowers. Since the last update our State Ambassador team has been very busy! State Ambassadors, Rachel and Cole were excited to be able to present at the Statewide Camping Conference, and the rest of the team had an amazing time participating and interacting with other participants. Since the camping conference was held close to the UC Santa Cruz campus, we were able to tour the site of the 2014 4-H State Leadership Conference, including the dorms, assembly hall, dance location, and educational session rooms. We ended the day by visiting the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and beach! Spring has come and SLC is right around the corner. Each of our committees has been busy finding fun activities, sessions, guest speakers, and designing a logo for conference. We are all excited about how things are looking. It is an amazing experience to see our planning slowly building up to our Raiders of the Lost Leadership Adventure. We hope to see you all there! In addition to SLC planning we were honored to collaborate with the State 4-H Office staff to restructure the interview process for the 2014-2015 State Ambassador team. The interview was a combination of presentations, and teamwork and leadership skills activities. This full day event included many Thrive initiative problem-solving games. We had a great day getting to know all the candidates. Congratulations to all who were selected to be 2014-2015 California State Ambassadors. The 2013-2014 team is looking forward to being able to work with you for the rest of our term.

Today’s 4-H’ers,

Tomorrow’s Leaders.

-4-H Member


National Center for Building Community Trust and Justice grant Deadline: 11:59 p.m. eastern time on June 18, 2014 More info.

National Child Awareness Month Youth Ambassador Program Deadline: June 19 More info.

True Hero Competition Deadline: June 30 More info.

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Program Updates 4-H builds self-esteem, and

helps youth to realize that their

opinion counts and that they can

make a difference.

-4-H Volunteer



Online Record Book Surveys are open from May 1, 2014 to August 31, 2014!!! We would like as many 4-H members as possible to complete surveys in the Online Record Book. It is our way to find out about you and how the California 4-H Youth Development Program is doing overall. To encourage 4-H members to complete surveys online we have established incentives for completing the required Spark Score Questions.

Want a chance to win? All youth who completed all of the required Spark Score Questions in ORB before January 31, 2014 and who complete all the required Spark Score Questions that are available between May 1, 2014 and August 31, 2014 will receive a $50 gift card in the fall of 2014. So make sure to log on and complete your surveys!

Are you leading a Thrive project? If so, you have a chance to win a $50 gift card! Send in all 8 postcards following your Thrive project meeting and you will receive a gift card at the end of the program year.

Thanks for helping us make the best better!


Pledge to drink more water! Each Wednesday take a picture of yourself drinking water and post it to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to #4hwaterwed to show your commitment to healthy living.

For more information on the importance of hydration and ideas for your club visit: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Projects/HealthyLiving/Water_For_Better_Living/

Eat & Move-O-Matic-a downloadable app to measure calories in and calories out of the body: http://nifa-connect.nifa.usda.gov/p4pshpmccd9/

FoodCorps-a national service organization that places emerging leaders into limited resource schools for a year of service improving healthy food education and access for America’s children: http://nifa-connect.nifa.usda.gov/p5mehxhhytz/

Courage to Care-a nine lesson program designed to be taught weekly that is applicable to a variety of environments which includes school classrooms, 4-h Clubs, after school programs, other youth programs, and residential programs: http://nifa-connect.nifa.usda.gov/p8y7ozjgcof/

Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation-serves as a catalyst for over 200 organizations to help families and schools fight obesity: http://nifa-connect.nifa.usda.gov/p2u35iy43fp/


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Program Updates


Looking for an incredible leadership opportunity? We are seeking college-age students who are ready to expand their leadership and communication skills in an active setting. Serve as a district leader for California Focus, June 13-17, 2014 in Sacramento. As a district leader you would: Participate in planning an educational conference

around the theme of civic engagement Mentor high school students Use your leadership skills For more information, please contact Jenna Colburn at [email protected], 750-1336 before May 1st.

Revolution of Responsibility Service Learning Mini-Grants The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program is dedicated to fostering an environment where youth and adults work together as equal partners to gain new skills and create positive community change. 4-H groups can apply for up to $1,000 to identify, plan, and carry out a service-learning project in their community. Projects will be focused on the three key content areas that form the core of all 4-H programs, Science, Healthy Living, and Citizenship. Want to contribute to your community but need an idea how? Look at what other clubs have done visit http://ca4hfoundation.org/.

4-H taught me to not give

up when things get hard.

-4-H Member


http://4h.ucanr.edu/Support/RofR/ 2014 Application dates: July 15, 2014 November 15, 2014 September 15, 2014

Save the date! June 13-17, 2014

4-H State Leadership Conference “Raiders of the Lost Leadership” August 14-17, 2014 U.C. Santa Cruz Ages 13-19 Save the date! The 4-H State Leadership Conference brings together high school youth from across California in a four day leadership training, networking, and learning experience.

Registration will open in June. More info: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Conferences/SLC/

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Program Updates


Join the 4-H Technology Leadership Team Applications due May 31, 2014 http://4h.ucanr.edu/Projects/SET/Tech/CTLT/ Do you have an interest and experience in technology? Think about joining the 4-H Technology Leadership Team! 4-H members age 16 and older and 4-H adult volunteers may apply. Candidates must have some type of technology experi-ence where he/she could lead an hour workshop. Technologies could include photography, video, website design, social media, hardware, GPS/GIS, computer support, graphic design, 3D imaging, smartphones, programming, biotech, engineering, technology & society.


2014 National Youth Science Day 4-H National Youth Science Day will take place on October 8 this year with a focus on aerospace engineering. The experiment incorporates science and engineering concepts to help solve a relevant, global issue. Youth will design and build an aerodynamic device that can deliver a payload of nutritious food to disaster relief victims. Science kits for the 2014 National Science Experiment will be available for pre-order starting May 14. Register now!

4-H FilmFest 2014 http://4h.missouri.edu/go/events/filmfest/ All across the country, teams of 4-H youth are working to produce films for presentation at 4-H FilmFest 2014 in St. Louis. "Voices of 4-H History" will be one of the categories that youth produced films will be competing in this August. Films submitted by July 1, 2014 will be judged for exhibition during the FilmFest, August 3-6, 2014.To view the youth produced films from the 2013 FilmFest, go to "Screening Room" at the following web address: http://4h.missouri.edu/go/events/filmfest/results2013.htm

National Youth Summit Series The National Youth Summit Series brings together some of the best and brightest students to focus on various STEM programs and are open to all interested high school students. The second annual series of Summits will engage youth in aerospace, robotics, maker, healthy living, and agri-science. Registration now open.

Every day I use what I learned

and practiced in 4-H. It was the

best activity of my youth and life!

-4-H Member

Page 8: 4 H Youth Development Program June 2014 Newsletter4h.ucanr.edu/files/191174.pdf · the awards ceremony. elebrate “alifornia Grown, alifornia Sewn ” at State Fashion Revue on May

Program Updates Today is going to be the


Tomorrow will be even


Hosting a Qualifying Horse Show? Register your show for it to be considered a qualifying show for the 2014 California Horse Classic. Criteria for a Qualifying Show:

Show verified by County Up to 3 shows per county Each horse show must be registered The Horse Show must offer the same class categories that are offered at the State 4-H Classic Management of each show is required to send show results to Sarah Watkins at the State 4-H Office

Please submit results on this form: Classic Qualifying Show Results Sheet Results can be sent via email to [email protected] Looking for a Qualifying Horse show for the 2014 California 4-H Horse Classic? Visit http://ucanr.edu/classic-qualifiers to find a Horse Show near you!


New 4-H Curricula Available! Sheep - From the Animal's Point of View: What Does It Mean to Be a Sheep? http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=8507 Swine - From the Animal's Point of View: What Does It Mean to Be a Pig? http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=8506 Veterinary Science, Rabbits, and Bio-Security (free) http://4h.ucanr.edu/Projects/Curriculum/FREE/ Other Beef & Swine http://www.4-hmall.org/Category/animalscience.aspx



4-H Military Program Project Y.E.S! is a national internship program engaging college students in service to meet the needs of military families. Specifically, Project Y.E.S! expands the resources of the Yellow Ribbon Program (YRP) and other youth & teen oriented programs. Staff interns are provided an opportunity to give back to their communities and country through a year of service. Project YES! also serves as a career development program. This is all accomplished while meeting the critical needs of communities with high rates of families impacted by deployments and other military related absences.

For more information: http://militaryfamilies.extension.org/yes-intern-program

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4-H in the Media

Evaluating adolescent satisfaction of the 4-H State Leadership Conference in the Journal of Extension. http://www.joe.org/joe/2014april/rb4.php (By Steven Worker, 2014) Youth leadership development is strengthened by activities that promote a sense of belonging, development of competence, and increased agency. The study reported here used 7 years of evaluation data from the California 4-H State Leadership Conference to analyze the relationship among satisfaction and sense of belonging, feeling respected, and perceived competence. Results revealed that perceived competence and feeling respected were always significant and belonging was significant in two years. Additional analyses demonstrated that youth participants who felt respected by youth in leadership roles predicted satisfaction more often than feeling respected by adults or peer participants. REPORT on the State of the State of Expanded Learning in California 2013-2014 http://www.afterschoolnetwork.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/can_state_of_the_state_2014.pdf California has the largest investment of expanded learning in the nation, and programs serve California’s students with the greatest need. This report provides an overview of public investment in expanded learning in California, and outlines how expanded learning programs positively impact youth academic achievement and school engagement; increase nutrition, physical activity, and food security; increase opportunities for learning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and advance pathways to teaching. The report also highlights how California’s expanded learning programs are an essential resource in advancing statewide goals regarding new educational standards and Local Control Funding Formula budget priorities. Survey Finds Youth Benefit From Violence Prevention Programs Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal has published “Youth Exposure to Violence Prevention Programs in a National Sample.” This paper is based on research from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV). The survey findings show that two-thirds of children ages 5–9 and three-quarters of youth 10–17 years old have benefitted from formal bullying or violence prevention programs.

Research Updates


4-Hers are dedicated to EXCELLENCE.

4-H History Preservation There is no better guide toward our future than to learn from and build upon our past. The primary purpose of the 4-H History Preservation website is to provide a central resource on 4-H history, particularly at the national level.

Learn more about this movement and what you can do to help: http://4-hhistorypreservation.com/

April issue of the 4-H History Preservation newsletter.

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Copyright © 2014 The Regents of the University of California.

The 4-H Pledge

Copyright © 2014 The Regents of the University of California.

California State 4-H Office University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources 2801 Second Street Davis, CA 95618-7774 (530) 750-1334 [email protected]

It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities (Complete nondiscrimination policy statement can be found at http://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/169224.pdf). Inquiries regarding ANR’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Linda Marie Manton, Affirmative Action. Contact, University of California, Davis, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618-7774, (530) 750-1318.

Get connected with 4-H through social media!

to clearer thinking

to greater loyalty

to larger service

to better living,


HEART HANDS HEALTH for my club, my


my country and my


I pledge my