4 Best Strategies to Increase a SaaS' Products Industry Visibility and Brand Awareness


Transcript of 4 Best Strategies to Increase a SaaS' Products Industry Visibility and Brand Awareness

Page 1: 4 Best Strategies to Increase a SaaS' Products Industry Visibility and Brand Awareness
Page 2: 4 Best Strategies to Increase a SaaS' Products Industry Visibility and Brand Awareness

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If there’s anything you need more in your SaaS’ early days apart from first users, it’s...

Industry visibility

Brand awareness


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You need potential users to find out that your product exists…

begin recognizing your brand and finally…

start considering it as a possible solution to their problem

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It’s just… letting them know about it is darn freaking hard,

isn’t it?

You have no clue where to start.

And instead of spreading the word on your product, you’re stuck, wondering what techniques you should be using.

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Here’s the answer.

4 Best Strategies for Increasing a SaaS Product’s Industry

Visibility and Brand Awareness

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Create Content that Answers Questions Your Potential

Users Are Asking

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You already know that your SaaS needs to publish content and why.

You’ve heard all the stats and arguments. You’re just not sure what you should be blogging about, right?

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Should you:

Share your journey as a founder?

Entertain the audience?

Or perhaps focus on user stories and publish interviews with people who already use your app?

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All these approaches would work.

However, none of them can deliver the results you need. So what should you do instead

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Answer specific questions your potential users are asking.

Go beyond just offering advice relating to your product.

Help anyone experiencing problems associated with the pain point you’re targeting with your product.

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A targeted content strategy will help you increase visibility in three ways:

It will attract people with problems relating to pain points your product helps to overcome.

It will build trust with your product.

It will introduce your brand and product to influencers.

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There’s just one thing…

How to actually find those questions

Check the next slide to find out…

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Use Quora.com.

Google this query:“Topic – typically something relating to your product” + “Your Audience” inurl:quora.comFor example:“marketing automation” + “SMEs” inurl:quora.com

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Check your sales and support emails

Research the most popular content in your niche.Use Buzzsumo to find the most popular topics on the sites your audience frequents.


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Find People Who Write for Your Industry’s Top Publications

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Being featured on top industry’s sites:

Exposes your brand and product to a massive and highly relevant audience.

Attracts people already experiencing the problem you’re solving to your site.

Builds your credibility and authority.

All in all, the benefits of using this strategy are obvious….

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But how do you ensure you get picked up by those publications?

It’s simple:

You need to find and pitch writers who already publish there.

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Advertise the project on freelance writing sites, i.e. jobs.problogger.net.

Here’s how:

Search social media for writers mentioning being contributors to well-known publications in their profile descriptions

Finally, if you have the budget, use dedicated PR companies with already established relationships with writers

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Give Podcast Interviews

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Being featured on podcasts offer the same benefits as being mentioned on top industry’s sites:

Visibility and exposure to a relevant audience, traffic, and conversions.

But it’s easier and more effective in achieving all that.

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For one, podcasting is more scalable.

Your investment in an hour long podcast interview is exactly that,

an hour. Once you’re done, the rest is in the hands of a podcaster

who will edit the show and publish it live.

It’s also much easier to find podcasting opportunities.

Many podcasts actively seek founders they could interview.

Finally, it’s cheaper

You don’t have to pay anyone to be featured on a podcast. Your currency is the insight you offer and your time.

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How to Find Podcasts to Pitch Interviews to?

Start by googling for podcasts in your niche or industry. Use search queries like [your niche] inurl:podcast

Assess each podcast for viability. With a list of potential shows at hand, research they are still active, their format, and their contact details.

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Subscribe to shows you want to target

Interact with the podcaster. Leave them comments and share their episodes.

Finally, pitch your interview


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Conduct Joint Webinars

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The benefits of running webinars are many:

They build better rapport than many other content types.

Attract people with a strong positive attitude towards your brand.

Help you reach new users globally.

Raise your perceived authority status.

And generate quality leads and users.

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It’s just… it’s darn hard to do it all if you’re a new startup, right?

You have no audience to invite. No list to promote the webinar too. And no one really knows about your brand yet to sign up.

A bit of a Catch 22, no?

Luckily, there’s a solution:

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Conduct joint-webinars with companies selling complimentary services or products

to the same audience as you.

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Find companies with existing audience you could team up with. Make sure that you offer complementary services with no overlap.

To get started with this strategy:

Come up with a topic that allows you both to deliver meaningful information to users while promoting your businesses. Ensure that the topic doesn’t tilt towards one company but allows to show the value of both at the same time.

Co-promote the webinar to your audiences. This will increase your reach and allow you to directly pitch your product to a bigger audience.