4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to...

4 A B

Transcript of 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to...

Page 1: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

4 A B

Page 2: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: 

Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X .The Great Depression crippled several economies.

Ø Follow /fálou/ v. go after. Some agreements followed World War I.

Ø Blame n. accusation; v. accuse of, censure.Many Germans blamed the new government for accepting the Treaty of Versailles.

Ø Fill /fíl/ v. To occupy, to make full.The United States filled some places.

Ø Crash /kráesh/ n. collision, car accident; v. To collapse, to impact.The stock market crashed.

Ø Adopt /adápt/ v. To assume, to validate.Several countries adopted the forms of dictatorship.

Ø Promise /prámis/ n. word of honor; v. To guarantee. He promised to end the humiliating conditions. Ø Spawn /spón/ v. To induce, to provoke, to lead to.    Several conditions spawned the Second World War.

Page 3: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.


 El auxiliar Did es un elemento gramatical que nos ayuda a interrogar, negar o enfatizar con

un sin número de verbos. Su “único significado” en la oración es “indicar tiempo”. Úselo al interrogar y negar, no al afirmar (salvo que enfatice). Veamos que sucede al

interrogar: Did they invest in dollars? (¿Invirtieron en dólares?)

negar: They did not invest in dollars (No Invirtieron)


RECUERDE:AUX + S + V + C?S + V + CS + AUX + NOT + V + C

 Did they invest in dollars? (¿Invirtieron en dólares?)aux   s        v            c They invested in euros (Invirtieron en euros) s        v            cThey did not invest in dollars (No Invirtieron) s   aux  not  v            c 4A

¡Quien pretenda no aprender de los errores, pues que no los cometa!

Page 4: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

Ojo: El auxiliar DID los usamos con verbos regulares y verbos irregulares. Al afirmar, lo omitimos naturalmente, y en consecuencia ocurren cambios muy particulares en el verbo.

Caso 01: Ante un verbo regular añadimos “ed” al verbo

Did she invest? (¿Ella invirtió?)

al afirmar:She invested all the time (Siempre invirtió)

She did not invest (Ella no invirtió)

Caso 02: Ante un verbo irregular (go – went – gone ) elegimos la segunda forma del verbo

Did she go to the bank at 9? (¿Ella fue al banco a las 9?)

al afirmar:She went at 9:30 (Fue a las 9:30)

She did not go at 9 (No fue a las 9)

Page 5: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

Typical verbal entries found in an English-Spanish dictionary:

Ø Many countries had liberal democratic governments.

Had /háed/ Pret y PP de To haveHave /háev/ (Pret y PP had) Tener, poseer, producir, tomar (comer).

Ø Germany set up a republican form of government.

Set /sét/ vt. (pret y pp set) poner, colocar, … to __ apart poner aparte  to __ eyes on clavar los ojos a; to __ fire to prender fuego a; to __ up elevar, fundar, instituir, constituir.

Ø The German government lost power.

Lost /lost/ adj. perdido, extraviado; v. pret, pp de To lose. 

Page 6: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

   Defeat: Failure … Victories or defeats? Victories! Dictatorship: Government by a dictator … A dictatorship in the 21st century? In Cuba! Drift into: To move without purpose … Terrorists drift into extremism! Dire: Terrible … Terrorist actions have dire consequences! Disarmament: Deactivation of arms… Nuclear disarmament? It is absolutely necessary! Ground: Terrain, soil, territory … To gain or lose ground? Gain, of course! Handicapped: Incapacitated … Some politicians are visually handicapped! Harsh: Cruel, severe … Do politicians see the harsh realities of life for poor people? Increase: To expand, to get bigger, to rise; a rise in the amount, value of X …

Are politicians increasing their efforts to help people? Outcome: Result, effect … Successful outcomes for politicians? Tragic! Place: Position, point, area … Politicians’ anecdotes have no place in today’s world! Resources: Materials, funds, supplies … Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations!

Page 7: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

Root: Origin, cause … How to get to the root of a problem? With increased efficiency! Straits: Difficulties … Financial straits? Get to the root of the problem! Stock Market: The market in which shares are issued and traded … To make money on the stock market? Explore possibilities! Troubles: Problems … The trouble with some politicians is that they don’t really want to work! Turmoil: Turbulence, confusion, chaos …Political turmoil? Often! Trace: To follow, to find or detect … Do we have to trace any political movement?

¡Quien pretenda no aprender de los errores, pues que no los cometa!

Page 8: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

Complete with underlined words:

Many countries were in ____________________ during World War Second!

Factories were in troubles. They were in dire ____________________ during this war!

What were the ____________________s of World War II?

What were the ____________________ of World War II?

Countries ____________________ing into fearful anarchy? That’s was World War Second!

Evacuation means leaving a ____________________. How many places during World War

II? How to ____________________ the causes and effects of World War II?

The exploitation of natural ____________________s to finance conflicts? A brutal reality!

Germany becoming a ____________________? An incredible story! 


Page 9: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

____________________ talks? A fallacy for that time!

Who describes the Nazi treatment of ____________________ people during World War Second?

Punishment was ____________________ and unfair!

World War II? It was fertile ____________________ for opportunism!

World War II? An ____________________ in unemployment!

The impacts of World War II on the ____________________ worldwide? Many!

At the end, the ____________________ of fascism?

Page 10: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

   World War I was a global military conflict:•primarily in Europe between 1914 and 1918. •The Allied Powers (France, Russia, the United Kingdom and later, Italy and the United States) versus the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire –Turkish Empire - At the height of its power: Southeastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa).

The Treaty of Versailles (1919) was a peace treaty:•end of World War I (between the Allied and Associated Powers and the Central Powers).•Germany and its allies, full responsibility for causing the war.

The Great Depression  was a time of economic downturn:•after the stock market crash on October 29, 1929•in the United States and then, in Europe, and every part of the world.

Page 11: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

I.- Complete with the correct verbal form:  DESTROY v. To demolish, to dismantle, to ruin, to dynamiteDEVELOP v. To mature, to evolve, to prosperLEAD v. To guide, to conduct; past / pp LED

The Great Depression crippled the economies of Europe and the United States. That

combined with the outcome of World War I, _______________ to major repositioning of

world power and influence. That was fertile ground for the emergence of various forms

of totalitarian governments in the Soviet Union, Japan, Italy, Germany, as well as other

countries. Many countries had liberal democratic governments following World War I,

but dictatorships _______________ during the 1920s and 1930s _______________

democratic rights.

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Page 12: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.


 Crumble v. To disintegrate, to collapseCame v. past of comeCome v. To arrive at or reach a place; past came, pp come; __into power … assumepower

1. Europe's fragile economies crumbled ( ). 2. Dictatorships came into power ( ). II.- Complete with the correct verbal form of : Come v. to arrive at or reach a place; past came, pp come

Lose v. /lost/ (pret / pp lost) To cease to have, to fail to winHave v. /háev/ (pret /pp had) To possess, to produce, to drink, to eat Prior to 1914, Britain, France, and Germany were the industrial and financial

centers of the world. Following World War I, those countries _______________ their positions and the United States filled their place. America dominated the world market of food, minerals, and industry. When the stock market crashed on October 29, 1929, the financial crisis _______________ worldwide consequences and the reaction of nations to the dire financial straits of the Depression had a huge impact. After World War I, Germany, Italy, and Japan, all anxious to regain or increase their power, adopted forms of dictatorship. The League of Nations was unable to promote disarmament. When Adolf Hitler _______________ into power, he promised to end the humiliating conditions caused by German defeat in World War I.


Page 13: 4 A B. Typical verbal entries found in an English-English dictionary: Ø Cripple /krípl/ v. to seriously damage X. The Great Depression crippled several.

Complete with the correct verbal form. Work on your own. Use your dictionary if necessary:

Believe - Control - Begin

Economic problems were among the fundamental causes of World War II.

Germany, Italy, and Japan considered themselves unjustly handicapped in trying to

compete with other nations for markets, raw materials, and colonies. They

_______________that such countries as Belgium, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands,

and the United States unfairly _______________most of the world's wealth and people.

So, Germany, Italy, and Japan ______________ to look for lands to conquer in order to

obtain what they considered to be their share of the world's resources and markets.

Put the following sentences into the negative, and write true or false for each new sentence according to the previous text:

 1. The USA economy showed signs of faltering during the Great Depression (          ). 2. The Great Depression helped give rise to totalitarian regimes  (          ). 3. In 1919, Germany got a new government (         ).   4. Germany and France suffered financial turmoil in 1913 ( ).5. Economic problems contributed to the conditions that spawned the Second World War (        ).