3The Five Pillars of Islam - SISTERSNOTES | Notes from · ASH SHAHAADATEIN Islam is like a...

19 th September 2011 class on explanation of 40 HADITH by IMAM AN NAWAWI By Sister Emaan Obaid Bismillah Subhanallah when you attend class again remind yourself why you are coming. Renew the intention. Make it for Allah’s sake purely. Yaa Rabbi I am coming because I want to remove the ignorance in my knowledge and I want this knowledge I am seeking to intercede FOR me NOT AGAINST me on the Day Of Judgement. Ameen So to start just revision what did we do previously about hadith. What is HADITH? Anything a Saying or something done or agreed upon to be done of the Prophet SAW Sunnah. How many types of hadith? So many but we talked of 2 -Hadith Saheeh and Hadeeth …..( didn’t hear is it Daee? Any corrections much appreciated sisters)Saheeh means they check the chain Chain should be continuous also other things everybody who narrates should be truthful very honest good character.So this is a great job to be done right.This is all Revision.So inshallah today we will continue to talk about the hadith HADITH 3 PAGE 9 3The Five Pillars of Islam

Transcript of 3The Five Pillars of Islam - SISTERSNOTES | Notes from · ASH SHAHAADATEIN Islam is like a...


September 2011

class on explanation of 40 HADITH by IMAM AN NAWAWI By Sister Emaan Obaid


Subhanallah when you attend class again remind yourself why you are coming. Renew the intention.

Make it for Allah’s sake purely. Yaa Rabbi I am coming because I want to remove the ignorance in my

knowledge and I want this knowledge I am seeking to intercede FOR me NOT AGAINST me on the Day Of

Judgement. Ameen

So to start just revision what did we do previously about hadith. What is HADITH? Anything a Saying or

something done or agreed upon to be done of the Prophet SAW Sunnah. How many types of hadith? So

many but we talked of 2 -Hadith Saheeh and Hadeeth …..( didn’t hear is it Daee? Any corrections much

appreciated sisters)Saheeh means they check the chain Chain should be continuous also other things

everybody who narrates should be truthful very honest good character.So this is a great job to be done

right.This is all Revision.So inshallah today we will continue to talk about the hadith


3The Five Pillars of Islam

On the authority of Abu 'Abd al---Rahman 'Abdullah bin 'Umar bin al---Khattab, radiyallahu

'anhuma, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "Islam has been built upon five

things ---on testifying that there is no god save Allah, and that Muhammad is His

Messenger; on performing salah; on giving the zakah; on Hajj to the House; and on fasting

during Ramadhan." [Al---Bukhari & Muslim

Islam is like a building on a foundation he didn’t say pillars specifically but we understand it is five pillars

You are not considered a muslim unless you have these 5

First foundation we should have we call


Islam is like a building you have a foundation and this SHAHADATEIN is like the DOOR to islam

This consists of two parts- Ash hadu an laailaaha



part Allah is the only one deserving of worship because He is the one perfect in NAMES AND


So the First part my heart is attached to Allah because He is the only one who deserves to be attached to




HOW do I worship? According to the sunnah of Prophet Sallallahu aleihi wasallam

Ash hadu anna muhammadur rasoolullaah

He prophet sallalahu aleihi wasallam is a messenger conveying Allah’s message

Even when we follow the pillars of islam we are following prophet sallalahu aleihi wasallam’s teachings

So it starts with SHAHADA

Because this is so important

Someone praying and fasting without shahada will not be accepted

No 2 ikaamas salaat

Establish the prayer

This means with all the condtions in the actions you observe them all strictly the pillars the sunnah the

khushoo etc

The term is Ikaamas salaat.Not just salat but ikaam.this means following all of the conditions to prayer

How do I know the conditions? from Prophet SAW. I pray how he sallalahu aleihi wasallam used to pray

Subhanallah!eventhings like khushoo maybe I cant get it 100% but I try and strive to have it.

This IKAAMAS SALAT applies to obligatory prayers.


Fast the month of ramadhan

Not just any fasting but the fast in the month of ramadhan specially. This meansfasting in ramadhan is


No . 4 ithaaizz zakath

Give the zakath

Above 83 grams means its due on you

One condition of islam is to give zakath

But remember this applies to ONLY those who can and who it is due on. this is not for poor people

No. 5 hajj ul bayt

Of course you relate this also to the previous one. Like the zakath I go for hajj if I am able to

Ex: I have money I have a mahram etc

If not its not obligatory.Someone capable and can afford should go

Hajj it will be a sin if you are deferring it ONLY when you are capable have themeans have the ability and

u leave it off.

So remember The order of following these pillars doesn’t matter

The wisdom behind all this is in order to see if I am really a muslim

What’s muslim? SUBMIT TO Allah

What does this mean? Even if doing this goes against my own personal desires I give it up submitting to


Ex: I’m used to sleeping a lot but I sacrifice and give up sleep like at Fajr time to pray because I am

submitting to Allah

I don’t like to part with my hard earned money but I give from it to pay zakath in submission to Allah

I Love food but i give it up I Ramadhan and fast in submission to Allah

These are therefore pillars which I will follow if I am submitting to Allah

Imagine Allah has not said give everything right. what he has asked is not pray on your mat the whole

24hrs or whole time you have to fast right?but 5 times I pray once a year I fast ramadhan

In actual reality what we do is so little but Allah accepts even the little things you do and multiplies the

reward. Subhanallah

So when we look at the Pillars of islam we can see:

Salat is physical and the heart , zakath monetary also the heart, ramadhan physical also your heart, Hajj

again physicalplus the heart and the shahaadatein is in the heart and on the tongue and it will also show

in the worship your actions

When we look at all we know for everyone something is harder than the other right

Some people prayer is hard fasting is easy

Some people fasting is easy but hajj is hard

So this a struggle right

So if you are really muslim you will sacrifice and give the Pillar to Allah

So this hadith shows about the test for your islam

The hadith ends saying taken from Both Bukhari and Muslim

Sometimes when it comes like this “Bukhari Muslim” both it means its agreed upon


This is also a very nice hadith

All are nice Subhanallah !!!!!

4 Creation of Human Being;Al--


Abu 'Abd al---Rahman 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported: The Messenger of

Allah the most truthful, the most trusted, told us: "Verily the creation of any one of you

takes place when he is assembled in his mother's womb; for forty days he is as a drop of

fluid, then it becomes a clot for a similar period. Thereafter, it is a lump looking like

It has been chewed for a similar period.Then an angel is sent to him, who breathes the ruh

(spirit) into him. This Angel is commanded to write Four decrees: that he writes down his

provision (rizq), his life span, his deeds, and whether he will be among the wretched or the

blessed. I swear by Allah --- there is no God but He --- one of you may perform the deeds

Of the people of Paradise till there is naught but an arm's length between him and it, when

that which has been written will outstrip him so that he performs the deeds of the people

of the Hell Fire; one of you may perform the deeds of the people of the Hell Fire, till there is

naught but an arm's length between him and it, when that which has been written will

overtake him so that he performs the deeds of the people of Paradise and enters therein."

[Al---Bukhari & Muslim]

means Prophet Sallalahu aleihi wa sallam addresses us

This person had a place which is so important and we see why he mentioned this station

The most truthful,the most trusted

Why is this sahabaa specifically mentioning this about prophet Sallalahu aleihi wa sallam ?

As saadiku- One who is saying the truth and

he is the Al-masdook truthful/ trustworthy one

The Why you understand when you see what the hadith talks about.

Imagine this hadith prophet saw related it to the sahabah how many centuries back. In an age where

unlike us especially in respect of the first part of the hadith there was no technology no way to know

know way to even see what was inside the womb of a mother. To these people these matters were all


prophet Sallalahu aleihi wa sallam talks about the stages of a baby in the womb. The Sahabah though

they never knew or witnessed with their eyes any of this they accepted it.

We know somewhat because with technology now we may think “Right that’s what you see in the

ultrasound” and so we believe

But these people had no such means to see so the Sahabah relating the hadith is adding this to the

hadith so people will trust this because its all unseen things.but nevertheless narrated by the truthful

and trustworthy Messenger of Allah, prophet Sallalahu aleihi wa sallam.

Now we’ll read the hadith in Arabic together


Ahadakum every human being

his creation will be assembled


Start of human is from what ? He is assembled from two parts or two things- water from male and

female that’s why it is explained as Who taught prophet Sallalahu aleihi wa sallam this?

Imagine he is conveying it to us in a hadith! Of course Allah the Creator who made us!!

So this will be in mother’s womb for 40 days after that

NUTFATHAN drop of fluid

Before that its YUJMA now it is NUTFA

After that what is said? Imagine even the time 40 days who taught them so many years ago. prophet

Sallalahu aleihi wa sallam by the Mercy of Allah told the sahabah these. Subhanallah!


TILL ANOTHER FORTY mithla zaalika


When you look at this in Arabic this is from MUALLAK which means hanging

This stage the baby looks like something is attached to the womb of the mother

Another way of explaining alaka is it is like a leech

Also it looks like this in the womb because it is clinging to the womb in this manner

ALAKA is also explained as being like very thick blood

Then it grows slowly and then what does it become?

Another forty days

In this stage also therefore another forty

This term MUDGHA is from madagha –this is from the word which means to chew

So it’s like when you chew food or maybe gum the baby looks like this- chewed gum

Because there are small marks like those indicating the legs feet spine etc

Like clay when you mold it or if you chew it.Not very clearly defined but slightly shows

Subhanallah!Imagine how Allah explained this to His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So for 40 days

or so it looks like this.

For us this is not ghaib because we see in the ultra sound some of these right. but for the people in the

time of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam its GHAIB unseen

So this all adds upto 4 months

That’s why when you lose the baby in before four months it’s not needed to give a buriel because there

is no soul

Subhanallah this is the start of the human being!!!

Imagine they said if someone has a miscarriage before 4 months the child has no soul

Imagine this is the reason why the sahabi recording this said this statement is madeby the truthful and

trustworthy one - Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this was for those people who find this hard to

believe especially in Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam’s time

Then Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying in the hadith

is the angel

Allah will send a special angel to this baby.This malak what will he do.

This is all QADR of Allah the angel has his job assigned from Allah

Fa yanfuku- to breathe the SOUL into the body

That’s why before this the baby is not considered created. Now after the soul is breathed it is a creation

So anyone who miscarries before 4 months can pray etc cosits just blood

This is because the soul was not breathed into the formation.

But after 4 months it’s a human and should be buried washed and even named Subhanallah

So the angel beathes the soul and this baby is now alive

And regarding the soul how it goes in when the people asked Prophet SAW about the soul He said the

RUH is from Allah and that even he doesn’t know how it enters. So we don’t ever think we can envisage

or assume things about this because it is in Allah’s hand

Anyone knows where is your RUH? Even now do we no?? No we don’t, right

We don’t know.

So this part of the hadith is how the Ruh is blown then what esle happens? This bit is also from the

GHAIB unseen

the angel will then on Allah’s command YU’MALU say 4 things the angel will write these 4 things down

These angels are different to the two angels who record good and bad

Shekh ibn uthaymeen was asked what language how etc will they do this. He said we don’t know what

they will right the language but according to the sheikh’s explanation and Allah Knows Best he said they

will write these 4 on the forehead allahu a’lam

What is this they write? the detail and life story of the baby

From where does this come?these are from the PRESERVED TABLET Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz

Every detail of the human being is reserved with Allah who wrote all of it.

Allah is All-Knower so he wrote it all an exactly what He wrote will happen

So back to QADR this is one of Allah’s secrets. As said by Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal

We cant compare our knowledge and thinking to Allah’s

Imagine from the preserved tablet it will be shown to this angel. All the details about this baby will be

shown and the angel will write

It will be exactly what this person will do when he comes out and the two angels who record it also will

be recording the same as what is written in Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz . it will be exactly the same

imagine when you know this you will think “my exam paper is over” already written

BUT Allah is so HAKEEM(wise) AND ADL (just) He will give everyone a hearing for their judgement

When you know this now you feel fear and you are on guard and more alert to do the best you can

So what are the four things the angel will write?

1. RIZK provision from this day when the angel breathes the soul till the person dies

and even after death anything he gets is known as this RIZK

It can be material like milk for example for the baby even this is recorded

Imagine all your life how much oxygen your body takes, what gifts you get etc it is all recorded

Though its something for duniya Even money and even knowledge how much faith we have all are rizk

too.This will all be written.Whatever you earn study etc they are all written.

But us humans it doesn’t mean now that I know this why should I bother and we sit at home doing

nothing saying “oh its written” your provision will not come to you unless You take ACTION. Even the

decree is all linked to the means.

So it will all be written imagine even small tiny things

Even if One person smiles at me today even this is RIZK!!

This will make you react how when you know all this RIZK is decreed ? when there is something you

don’t get you won’t argue “why why why?”. If it didn’t happen or come through it means Allah didn’t

record it for you.even something you get you will never say “why why do i I have it?”

Sometimes you hear pregnant ladies say” it’s a mistake” or “an accident” etc.how can u feel like this

when Allah has decreed it for you?subhanallah! or Some people who have no kids think “why why am I

not having children???” remember this all associated with wisdom and knowledge from Allah. If we

don’t have it or we have it this is our provision. And hen you know it it not random but determined out

of His Hikmah this will givesyou a feeling of Ridhaa (contentment) you will then feel “ Alhamdulillah!!!!

Allah has decreed this for me”

2. AJALIHEE imagine! The child is not born and yet ajalihee means he/she’s lifespan

is already fixed

The angel writes from the preserved tablet when will he die- will it be before birth, soon after birth or

after 10 yrs or 50 yrs SUBHANALLAH!!Even this is written.

“How is this?” someone may ask? Of course because ALLAH is ALL-KNOWER.

So how long we live is already fixed by Allah who Knows everything and who is All-Wise

In life sometimes we see right there are people sometimes very very sick for a LOOONG period and we

are thinking “Oh so and so is ailing will probably pass away soon” but that person will have such a long

life span while young able fit people will die before them. In all this we see it is NOT us who decide. The

lifespan of a person is determined by Allah and the angel records it when he blows the soul into the

baby. Subhanallah!!

Story. There was a doctor who was endorsing living lon healthily and he said everyday if you run for one

hour that you can ensure you will live longer. Imagine he was endorsing this and then This very doctor

died while jogging. THIS IS REALITY. We can take means but in the end lifespan is not in our hands. If we

have to go we will go. Subhanallah it is not our choice

Some people say “ you know its in my genes that we live longer my grandmother was alive till 100 etc”

But death there is nothing to say I can rely on my genes that I won’t die young. Imagine this is written by

Allah not by my genes.


imagine EVERYTHING I’m doing no one knows right .sometimes we say “what i will do tomorrow I am

not going to tell you.its a secret”

Subhanallah we say right “yes Im sure what I want to do” but what happens changes take place.it

doesn’t always go according to our plan.Subhanallah!! this is because I can plan but Allah has planned

and what He plans happens not me

So everything you do, whatever you say-everything you utter or what you did of actions like you prayed

you fasted IMAGINE all Allah knows about it because He has already decreed it and it is written!!Imagine

and its recorded!

Even the actions of our hearts are recorded. like TAWAKKUL (reliance on Allah), RIDHAA (contentment),

AR RAJAA (hope), KHAWF (fear) etc.Even we don’t know this right. It’s something in the

heart.sometimes spontaneously heart will turn to Allah or to people or things etc.

Some people find the fact that OUR DEEDS ARE ALREADY WRITTEN hard to understand.they ask “If my

deeds are written I don’t have to do anything then” What we do is what is written SO WE NEED TO DO!!

But we understand that even this whether we do good or bad is all written. So when we truly

understand this we will make the effort to do more good amal.Like for instance I didn’t do much before

now I will try harder, I try hard to pray, fast, memorise, be good to people, wear hijaab , have sabr, etc

And likewise if I wanted something very badly and it didn’t happen I wont cry about it but feel

Alhamdulillah it was not written. Ex I want to go somewhere and I planned and planned but last

moment the car broke down. Then if I know everything is written for me even before I was born I will

understand that this is not decreed for me. Subhanallah!

Imagne it’s the decree of Allah! QADR ALLAH

4.SHAKEE’UN this means whether I be miserable and ultimately in hell OR

happy and ultimately in Jannah

THIS IS THE RESULT. Where am I headed to finally. Even that is written. Subhanallah!!

Imagine this baby is still not born but what his endis has been recorded.

Only in jannah is there happiness and people working towards it this will show in how he lives in life too!

It maybe he has a lot of comfort, or it may even be he doesn’t but he is sooo cheerful and in good spirits

because he has contentment and he is pleased with Allah. Subhanallah!!!

This applies to a bad end too. In the life people who will end in Hellfire will not be happy. They may not

have a comfortable life or they may even have the best comfort in life but they are still miserable.

EVEN these details are all said Subhanallah!

Assawdikul masdook we believe all of this

because the most truthful and trustworthy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this inspired by Allah

We may find it hard to believe but when we know this we accept it.The difference between a believer

and a disbeliever is this. Someone believing in Qadr when he/she reads this hadith will think “yes we


A disbeliever will ask questions- “HOW can this be? WHY is it like this? WHAT is the use then?” etc most

people who question are disbelievers. REAL BELIEVERS WONT.They accept it. Sometimes you may see

people asking questions. these are people who are on the edge. Not sure which side they fall into

This hadith is a test for our faith. we don’t argue and ask “how? Why? etc”

Who always questions? the evil doers because they want to continue doing their evil deeds and don’t

want to accept this.

Then the next part of the hadith. Its not over yet!!

Some said the next statement of the sahabi was the sahabi’s own while some said this is Prophet

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam swearing by Allah after this part

The swearing by Allah FA WALLAHI

I swear by Allah --- there is no God but He is because the next bit is more serious

Inna ahadukum verily one of YOU may

There maybe a person among you doing( it appears to the ones seeing him) AMAL (deeds) resembling

the deeds of the people of Jannah

Amal ahalin jannah these are good deeds which make someone go

to jannah

So you may see someone fasting praying memorizing and it appears to you like this and you see these

amal of jannah and witness him doing them

Hatthaa maa yakooloo baynahoo

Till it wll be between that person and jannah an Alms Length of a distance

What does this mean? It means now his end is close and till this you witness him doing deeds which lead

to Jannah.so this person you are witnessing does good till he is so close to his death it may even be

seconds or minutes before death we don’t know how close.

What will happen then? Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said next in the hadith

Fa yasbik alaeihil kithaab.

Imagine he is doing good deeds till an alms length before he dies and then

What was written in his book? that he will do sins

before he dies of the people of Hellfire and he will die on this.

When this happens what will be his end? HELLFIRE imagine the end is what matters ultimately.So

imagine this person doing good deeds his whole life maybe and then he will die on bad end

May Allah save us from this and grant us all a good end. Ameen

Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min jahdil-balaa’I, wa darakish-shaqaa’I wa soo’il-qadaa’I wa


O Allah, I seek refuge with You from being destined to an evil end, and from being overtaken by

wretchedness in the Hereafter, and from a bad destiny, and from themalicious joys of the enemies.

[Bukhari 7/155,Muslim 4/2080]

Someone may say “how will we react to this?”

Why did this happen? someone may ask

Why? This is because if the person did the good deeds NOT FOR ALLAH but just for show off and praise

he will do good deeds till death and then Allah wants to expose him so Allah will make him do a sin and

die on it. Because unlike us human,who can see only the physical component of deeds, Allah can see the

heart when the deed is done. For whom it is done and whether it contains sicknesses like riyaa ujb etc

So it is not like Allah is unjust to this person but the man himself is being unjust to his own soul. he is

trying to deceive people like hypocrites. Doing the good only for show.

Story during the time of Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam

There was one man he was very brave in battle. The sahabah were very impressed with his way and said

because of him we won etc since he fought so bravely and then Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam said

he (this man) will be a person of Hellfire. The sahabahs were surprised. then one of the sahabah he

followed the man and in one battle the sahabah saw this man got hurt in the battle and he couldn’t bear

the pain and he took his own soul and killed himself.he committed suicide.

We know right from what knowledge of the deen Allah has given us that if someone commits suicide his

place is in hellfire right

When the sahabah saw that he came back to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam and said “I

witnessed this yaa rasosolullah. What yousaid about that man was true”

Then Prophet saw said some people appear like they are doing good amal but you don’t know their

intention if they are having a bad intention then Allah will expose to the people who think they are so

good and they will die on a bad end.And they will die on a sin.

So sins of the heart Subhanallah however much a person shows im doing good before death comes if his

intention is for the people he will die on bad end

Yaa rabbi give us ikhlaas in everything we do. Make it always be sincerely for you and you alone


That’s why our neeyah is so important and we always remind ourselves to renew our intention even

when we attend the darrs because we are human we don’t even want a small bit of show off seeking

praise to creep into our heart.

When we hear this we fear this right and it makes us alert and we won’t care about peoples praise etc

Now the opposite of this is explained next in the hadith

Someone doing actions of people of hellfire till before he dies when there is just an alms length before

death came to him what happens?

fa yasbuk aleihil kitaab what does Allah recorded for him?

Before he dies he will do deeds of THE people of jannah then he will die on a good end.


Before he dies he will be guided by Allah to do good deeds

Subhanallah why? you may ask because Allah knows what is in his heart

Outside we may think he’s a sinner.But Allah knows what is in his heart

So what does this teach us? we see people like this this it makes us not judge them because maybe

before me they will go to jannah. Subhanallah!!

In the battle of UHUD one ansaar called Assayraa (please correct me if the name is wrong) during the

battle Allah opened his heart for islam and it was in a battle so it is not like he told people in the battle

“im muslim” but halfway through now he’s fighting for Islam and in this battle he died. Imagine so close

to naar but he changed and died for Islam on a good end. Subhanallah!!

Imagine Allah makes a person closer to the right by blessing them with hidayaah Subhanallah!

So what is Important is the END .We ask Allah for a good end

Therefore when you see someone doing good DON’T OVER PRAISE THEM. You don’t want to be the one

who puts even a seed of showing off or seeking praise in his heart right.Say she is Good allahu alam. we

can never look at people and say “oh sure so and so is going to jannah” after this hadith we don’t know

right. Only Allah KNOWS. This applies even to your ownself.look at your heart and correct your heart.

Because you maybe doing all the deeds of Jannah but only Allah and you know what your intention is.

Whether you have riyaa, ujb or you live for the praise of people. Ask yourself and check yourself.

So when you see someone doing bad as well be very conscious of your judgement.sometimes very

spontaneously we think and even speak out. DON’T LET IT EVEN CROSS YOUR MIND that he is going to

hellfire because you really don’t know. Allah KNOWS.


So this hadith started about the beginning of creation and the end was about how a man will end his life.

This will make you ask Allah and rely only on Him. yaa rabbi I want to do everything for YOUR sake. And

it will make us fear from a bad end thereby making us conscious always and striving to do good deeds

Subhanakallah wa bi hamdik ash hadu an laailaaha illah ant asthagfiruka wa athoobu ilayk

may Allah forgive me my error and shortcomings in this note.ameen