3rd Grade Reading

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Transcript of 3rd Grade Reading

  • 8/13/2019 3rd Grade Reading


    E/LA Common Core Standards for ReadingGrade 3

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    Key Ideas and Details Anchor Standards1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences

    from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusionsdrawn from the text.

    2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarizethe key supporting details and ideas.

    3. Analyze how and why individuals, events and ideas develop and interact over the courseof a text.

    Indicator DateTaught





    Reading LiteratureRL.3.1. Ask and answer questionsto demonstrate understanding ofa text, referring explicitly to thetext as the basis for the answers. RL.3.2. Recount stories, includingfables, folktales, and myths fromdiverse cultures; determine thecentral message, lesson, or moraland explain how it is conveyedthrough key details in the text. RL.3.3. Describe characters in astory (e.g., their traits,motivations, or feelings) andexplain how their actionscontribute to the sequence ofevents.

    Informational TextRI.3.1. Ask and answer questionsto demonstrate understanding ofa text, referring explicitly to thetext as the basis for the answers. RI.3.2. Determine the main ideaof a text; recount the key detailsand explain how they support themain idea.

    RI.3.3. Describe the relationshipbetween a series of historicalevents, scientific ideas orconcepts, or steps in technicalprocedures in a text, usinglanguage that pertains to time,sequence, and cause/effect.

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    E/LA Common Core Standards for ReadingGrade 3

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    Craft and Structure Anchor Standards4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical,

    connotative and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shapemeaning and tone.

    5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and largerportions of text (ex: a section, chapter, scene or stanza) relate to each other and thewhole.

    6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.Indicator Date





    ReAssessedReading Literature

    RL.3.4. Determine the meaningof words and phrases as theyare used in a text, distinguishingliteral from nonliteral language. RL.3.5. Refer to parts of stories,dramas, and poems whenwriting or speaking about a text,using terms such as chapter,scene, and stanza; describe howeach successive part builds onearlier sections. RL.3.6. Distinguish their ownpoint of view from that of thenarrator or those of the

    characters. Informational Text

    RI.3.4. Determine the meaningof general academic anddomain-specific words andphrases in a text relevant to agrade 3 topic or subject area . RI.3.5. Use text features andsearch tools (e.g., key words,sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate

    information relevant to a giventopic efficiently. RI.3.6. Distinguish their ownpoint of view from that of theauthor of a text.

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    E/LA Common Core Standards for ReadingGrade 3

    www.thecurriculumcorner.com Page 3

    Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Anchor Standards7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including

    visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity

    of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.9. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build

    knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.Indicator Date






    Reading LiteratureRL.3.7. Explain how specificaspects of a texts illustrationscontribute to what is conveyedby the words in a story (e.g.,create mood, emphasize aspectsof a character or setting). RL.3.8. (Not applicable toliterature) RL.3.9. Compare and contrastthe themes, settings, and plotsof stories written by the sameauthor about the same orsimilar characters (e.g., in booksfrom a series).

    Informational TextRI.3.7. Use information gainedfrom illustrations (e.g., maps,photographs) and the words in atext to demonstrateunderstanding of the text (e.g.,where, when, why, and how keyevents occur). RI.3.8. Describe the logicalconnection between particularsentences and paragraphs in a

    text (e.g., comparison,cause/effect, first/second/thirdin a sequence). RI.3.9. Compare and contrastthe most important points andkey details presented in twotexts on the same topic.

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    E/LA Common Core Standards for ReadingGrade 3

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    Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Anchor Standards10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and

    proficiently.Indicator Date









    ReAssessedReading Literature

    RL.3.10. By the end of the year,read and comprehend literature,including stories, dramas, andpoetry, at the high end of thegrades 2 3 text complexity bandindependently and proficiently.

    Informational TextRI.3.10. By the end of the year,read and comprehendinformational texts, includinghistory/social studies, science,and technical texts, at the highend of the grades 2 3 textcomplexity band independentlyand proficiently.

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    E/LA Common Core Standards for ReadingGrade 3

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    Foundational SkillsIndicator Date





    ReAssessedPhonics and Word Recognition

    RF.3.3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysisskills in decoding words. Identify and know the meaning of themost common prefixes and derivationalsuffixes.Decode words with common Latinsuffixes.Decode multi-syllable words.

    Read grade-appropriate irregularlyspelled words.

    FluencyRF.3.4. Read with sufficientaccuracy and fluency to supportcomprehension. Read grade-level text with purpose andunderstanding.Read grade-level prose and poetryorally with accuracy, appropriate rate,and expression.Use context to confirm or self-correctword recognition and understanding,rereading as necessary.