3D Printing for end products - DiVA...

Uppsala University, Sweden Department of Business Studies Master in Business and Management Master Thesis, 30 credits ___________________________________________________________________________ 3D Printing for end products ___________________________________________________________________________ - A case study of the Industry, its Capabilities and Value Chain. Authors: Karina Morales Cantú & Erik Wisalchai Jonsson Thesis advisor: Jukka Hohenthal

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Uppsala University, Sweden

Department of Business Studies

Master in Business and Management

Master Thesis, 30 credits


3D Printing for end products


- A case study of the Industry, its Capabilities and Value



Karina Morales Cantú & Erik Wisalchai Jonsson

Thesis advisor: Jukka Hohenthal

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Gratitude of the authors

We would like to express our gratitude to Kraftwurx, I.materialise and Sculpteo that have

participated in this study. Without their help this thesis would not have been possible. We

would like to extend a special thanks to Marco Valenzuela of Kraftwurx for all the hours he

invested in providing answers for our research. We would also like to thank our thesis advisor

Jukka Hohental and our fellow master thesis students in our seminar group for their feedback,

which helped to make this thesis great.

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3D Printing for end use products

- A case study of the Industry, its Capabilities and Value Chain.

Authors: Morales Cantú Karina & Wisalchai Jonsson Erik

Thesis Advisor: Jukka Hohental

Research Objective: Our aim is to answer whether or not 3D printing is capable of achieving

mass customization and mass production, since answering this might help

predict a shift within manufacturing industries and the use that this

technology has had the past years. Further, our aim is to give an overall view

of the industry of companies offering 3D printed goods for end use through

an e-commerce marketplace and its value creating activities. The overall aim

is to contribute to fill the academic gap regarding research on 3D printing

within the field of mass customization and provide groundwork for future


Research Questions: Is 3D printing capable of achieving mass production?

Is 3D printing capable of achieving mass customization?

What does the current value chain look like for the industry of companies

offering 3D printed goods for end use through an e-commerce marketplace?

Theory: The theoretical framework consisting of the definitions for mass production,

mass customization and the value chain which we expanded with theory on

e-commerce and other necessary definitions to provide a strong background

to our research.

Method: To provide the current picture of the industry and thus analyze its

capabilities regarding mass production and mass customization, we present

the value chain with the involved value creating activities. We have

conducted three qualitative interviews to three out of four companies within

the industry complemented as well with an exhaustive research to the

websites of the companies.

Conclusion: The authors concluded 3D printing being capable of mass production, since

it fulfills most of its characteristics. It was also concluded that 3D printing

technology fulfills all the characteristics of the mass customization and that

the industry of companies offering 3D printed goods for end use through an

e-commerce marketplace consists of companies providing mainly a service.

This is to 3D print products designed by external designers, and sometimes

outsourcing some of their production to produce closer to the customer and

to serve customers worldwide. The authors concluded with the

representation of the value chain for the industry of companies offering 3D

printed goods for end use through e-commerce marketplaces, formed by five

primary activities and two support activities. Finally it was also concluded

that Internet plays an important role for these companies, helping them to

build a digital business network.

Keywords: 3D printing; Mass Customization; Mass Production; Value Chain; E-


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Table of Content

1. INTRODUCTION P. 5 1.1 The 3D Printing Technology & Industry P. 6

1.1.1 3D Printing Technology P. 7 1.1.2 Industry P. 8

1.2 Problem Background & Purpose P. 11

1.3 Limitations P. 12

2. THEORY P. 14 2.1 Mass Production & Mass Customization P. 14

2.1.1 Mass Production Definition P. 15 2.1.2 Mass Customization Definition P. 16

2.1.3 Similarities Between Mass Production and Mass Customization P. 18 2.2 The Value Chain P. 18

3. METHOD P. 22 3.1 Approach and Purpose P. 22

3.2 Strategy and Sampling P. 22 3.3 Techniques and Procedures P. 23

3.4 Operationalization P. 25

3.5 Reliability, Validity and Generalizability P. 26

4. RESTULTS & ANALISIS P. 28 4.1 The Value Chain. P. 29

4.1.1 Supply Chain P. 30 4.1.2 Operations P. 32

4.1.3 Distribution P. 33

4.1.4 Marketing P. 34 4.1.5 Service P. 35

4.1.6 Technology Development P. 36

4.1.7 E-commerce P. 38 4.2 Mass Production P. 39

4.2.1 Specialized Tasks P. 39

4.2.2 Standardization of Components P. 40

4.2.3 Development and Use of Specialized Machines and Tools P. 41 4.2.4 Engineer and Plan Total Production System P. 41

4.2.5 Sabel & Zeitlin Perspective P. 42

4.2.6 Mass Perspective P. 42 4.3 Mass Customization P. 43




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Since the Industrial revolution many changes have occurred within the worldwide economic

sectors. These changes have been intensively studied by several economists like Ferguson,

Smith and Marx, among others, in order to deeply understand how productivity is related to

the efficient use or allocation of resources and thus analyze specific processes in order to

divide them into their intrinsic and most elementary activities. This was done with the

intention to build a device capable to automatically executing series of steps that fully or

partially could perform these activities without or with minimum human intervention; this

process is currently known as a mechanized process and thus was the beginning of the mass

production Era (Sabel & Zeitlin, 1985). During this period a homogeneous market of

consumer goods was served with standardized products characterized by low costs and low

prices. However, the system of mass production would soon be challenged by shifting

demand in the consumer market (Pine, 1993).

In the middle of the 1950’s people’s desire to have more customized products fragmented

the market, consequently business decisions were moved towards some degree of

customization to facilitate the demand of more tailored products (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2006).

During 1987, the term mass customization was introduced in Stanley Davis’ book “Future

Perfect” to serve people´s desire of having customized goods without the increased

manufacturing prices of craftsmanship (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2006). Later in 1993 Joseph Pine

contributed to mass customization theory, though it was not until Kaplan & Heinlein’s

research published on 2006 that a more homogeneous definition of mass customization was

given stating that all the needs and desires of the customers are transformed into product


One technology which may be a possible option to achieve mass customization is 3D

printing. It is an innovative technology introduced in the 1980’s and was initially used to

more rapidly create prototypes (Kain et al., 2009), though recently has been considered as an

impending manufacturing technology of customized products for and by end consumers

(Print me a Stradivarius, 2011). The fully controllable parameters of the 3D printers enable a

high degree of customization on high quality products with an extremely detailed finish.

(Kain et al., 2009). Further benefits from this breakthrough technology are that production

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does not need to be carried out in several different process steps, the whole process happens

inside the 3D printer with very little post- processing, and a second one is the reduced or

completely eliminated inventories and storage of work in progress and end products.

(Kraftwurx; I. materialise; Shapeways; Sculpteo, 2012.) This technology, is now starting to be

considered as a possible mean to obtain the level of customization that customers have

requested lately (Print me a Stradivarius, 2011).

The combination of using mass customization with e-commerce1 can create synergies

(Kaplan & Haenlein, 2006). 3D printing can make further use of e-commerce, since the 3D

models such a vital piece for producing physical items are digital and can easily be sold

and/or shared through online interaction. Also Internet facilitates to integrate a network of

producers, consumers and suppliers necessary to fully achieve mass customization (Kaplan &

Haenlein, 2006).

1.1 The 3D Printing Technology & Industry

By conducting a preliminary research, we tried to gather academic information about the

industry of “Companies offering 3D printed goods for end use through an e-commerce

marketplace”. Although is our intention give to the reader a preliminary overview of the

industry to the best of our knowledge before diving into the research (To further information

about the way this initial research was carried out go to method section 3.2 Strategy and


Based on Calori's (1989) definition of an industry2, the actors that should be considered to

define an industry are those actors who influence operations; for instance: technology, raw

material suppliers, the product, customers and competitors (Calori 1989). It is our intention to

define the industry of companies offering 3D printed goods for end use through an e-

commerce marketplace through the perspective of those companies. First we describe the 3D

1 E-commerce refers to “The use of computer networks to conduct business—that is, the buying and selling of

goods, services, and information—electronically with suppliers, customers, and competitors or among customers

(Kaplan & Haenlein, 2006). 2 Industry is defined as “ A group of economic and political actors: a group of companies which produce

and sell, which distribute, and a group of companies or families or individuals which consume the goods

and services” (Calori 1989).

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printing technology followed by a description of the current industry using those related

actors to an industry mentioned by Calori (1989).

1.1.1 3D Printing Technology

3D printing is an evolution of printing technologies, capable to produce or reproduce

freestanding sophisticated structures in one piece. 3D Printing is one of the Additive layer

fabrication processes (Vojislav et al., 2011).

The 3D printing process happening inside the machine consists of two stages, (1) The direct

transfer from software data to printed structures, (2) by repeatedly positioning the print head

in all three directions in space in order to print layer by layer the whole object. (Lu et al.,


More in detail, Lu et al., (2008) mentioned how the printing process is carried out, first the

design is made by a CAD3 system, and then the areas are printed through a compilation of two

dimensional slices representing the 3D object to consequently print layer by layer until the

object is completed. The second stage of the manufacturing process can also be subdivided in

two basic steps “coating and fusing”, throughout these steps, the material is laid over a surface

and by the action of a source of energy the layers are created. The source of energy and the

raw materials vary depending on the used technology (Vojislav et al., 2011). Figure 1.1

illustrates the insight of a 3D printer.

Figure 1.1 Scheme of an additive machine (Adapted from Vojislav et al., 2011)

3 CAD System refers to Computer Aided Design Systems that “enables designers to use computers to analyze

and manipulate design data. Using a graphics workstation or computer terminal to display three-dimensional

figures, the designer can examine a proposed design from different angles, in various cross sections, and in

many sizes” (Encyclopædia Britannica, 2012)

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Characteristics derived from printing technologies have great advantages; finish product is

highly customizable during the design stage; this because of its fully controllable parameters,

enabling a high degree of manufacturing flexibility with an extremely detailed finished

product (Kain et al., 2009).

Figure 1.2 is a compilation of images created to better illustrate the creation process of a

printed product, images are based on a video about NASA’s 3D printers (National

Geographic Known Universe S03E06 Print Tools, 2011) involving the software design(1),

software customization(2), printing process (3, 4), post processing (5) and the final printed

product (6).

Figure 1.2 Compilation of images showing a 3D printing process (Morales & Wisalchai, 2012)

1.1.2 Industry

As mentioned above, we use Calori´s definition (1989) for descriptive purposes to cover the

industry of 3D printed goods for end use through an e-commerce marketplace; this way to the

best of our knowledge we present to the reader the competitive intensity and therefore

attractiveness of this industry.

a) Suppliers

The main supplier for this technology regarding technology development and raw materials

provision is 3D Systems Corporation. Who is the ”leading global provider of 3D content-to-

print solutions including personal, professional and production 3D printers, integrated print

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materials and on-demand custom parts services for professionals and consumers alike”

(3DSystems, 2012).

3D Systems has a worldwide network of 10 facilities in order to serve their customers’

operations in more than 80 countries. The company has offices in the USA where the HQ is,

Australia, Benelux and Italy.

b) Product

Nowadays 3D printing has demonstrated been able to fabricate products in a wide range of

materials like ceramics, plastics, metals, textiles, etc. but beyond those materials, there are

many research studies focused on testing more and new materials (Lu et al., 2008).

The industry of companies offering 3D printed goods for end use through an e-commerce

marketplace is mainly dedicated to print products in their range of fashion & jewelry, gadgets,

home decor and other arts. (Shapeways; Kraftwurx; Sculpteo; I.materialise, 2012)

Figure 1.3 is a compilation of some of the objects printed by the companies involved in the


Figure 1.3 Compilation of images of 3D printed products (Morales & Wisalchai, 2012)

c) Customers

Customers are commonly people with proficient designing skills who might or might not use

the marketplaces of the companies to offer and sell their 3D digital designs to be printed.

Although, it is not a requirement to be proficient in designing skills, customers can in most of

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the companies buy products without being the designer of the product (Kraftwurx;

Shapeways; I.materialise; Sculpteo, 2012).

The customers have several choices when uploading their designs, they can upload it to be

printed one time or more without being public, they can print it and upload it to remain public

in case that someone wanted to print the object, or they can simply buy someone else´s design

(Kraftwurx; Shapeways; I.materialise; Sculpteo, 2012).

Customer really interacts with the companies through their websites and social media e.g.

Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. Further we provide some reviews to show the customer

interaction with the companies and to give the reader an idea of the customer excitement

about this process (Kraftwurx; Shapeways; I.materialise; Sculpteo, 2012).

“Shapeways has got to be one of the coolest websites in cyberspace! This is the future of the

web right here... thank you guys!”

“The first 2 seconds I couldn’t believe my eyes, so I blinked and started living the dream! Thx

Shapeways ;vD”

“Incredibly addicted to finding things to make, to then print. Awesome results so far”

d) Competitors

Our preliminary research gave us the name of four main competitors within the industry of 3D

printed goods for end use through an e-commerce marketplace. These competitors are able to

serve the worldwide demand of these specific products enabling an electronic market place as

well. The companies are listed as follows based on their launched year.

1. Shapeways

2. I.materialise

3. Sculpteo

4. Kraftwurx

The present industry as we can observe has not so many competitors, the above as a

consequence of being an emerging industry, the company who has being active longer is not

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even five years old. The following figure illustrates the companies’ launching year

(Kraftwurx; Shapeways; I.materialise; Sculpteo, 2012).

Figure 1.4 Timeline showing the launch year of the four competitors within the industry of 3D printed goods

for end use through an e-commerce marketplace (Morales & Wisalchai, 2012).

1.2 Problem Background & Purpose

Although 3D printing is a technology several decades old, it has been obscured and only in

recent years gained public attention (Print me a Stradivarius, 2011), which would be a

probable cause for the lack of academic research focusing on it. Research is lacking within

the academic field of mass customization regarding whether 3D printing is capable of

achieving mass customization according to the academic definition (iimcp.org, 2012). Neither

has any research been done whether the technology fits the definition of mass production nor

whether if it can achieve the goals it holds. Based on the above, we divide question number

one into the following two research questions.

Is 3D printing capable of achieving mass production?

Is 3D printing capable of achieving mass customization?

By answering these research questions it is our intention to fill the academic gap. The purpose

of doing this is to produce an academic groundwork answering whether this technology is

capable of achieving mass customization, mass production. To know it's capability in this

way might help to predict a possible shift in the manufacturing industries which is important

for all actors involved therein.

Also, there exist no research mapping the industry and its value creating activities of

3D printed goods meant for end use provided through an online marketplace. We argue that

this is important, since the true potential of 3D printing is not just rapid prototyping, but

production of goods for end use and the fact that the designs are digital make it interesting to

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involve an electronic commerce marketplace due to the added capability to distribute, share

and modify the designs. Also to integrate customers with the companies, as a possible mean

to facilitate mass customization. And thus took us to the following research question.

What does the current value chain4 look like for the industry of companies offering 3D

printed goods for end use through an e-commerce marketplace?

The purpose of our research is to fill these gaps in the world of academic research by

answering our research questions we will provide a current picture of this innovative

technology, its possible relation with mass production and mass customization technologies,

and hopefully a useful groundwork for future research regarding 3D printing technology and

its capabilities.

1.3 Limitations

The major reason for excluding certain perspectives is due to the fact that our research

predominantly focuses on the technical aspects of the industry and foremost those activities

directly associated with 3D printing technology and the end product.

Since, human resources only indirectly affects the end product we will not include a

perspective in our research which focuses on such activities such as e.g. recruiting, hiring,

development, allocating compensation to personnel etc. The only exception is that we intend

to find out if workers require special skills or training to operate a 3D printer to determine if

3D printing technology fits within the mass production definition.

We will also not include most activities associated with the function of procurement. We

focus instead only on receiving the inputs going into the final product. Thus, excluding e.g.

purchase of 3D printers, spare parts for the printers, tools etc. as well as procedure for dealing

with vendors, since we focus on the processes directly associated with the production of end

product. Qualification rules and information systems usually associated with the function of

procurement will instead be mentioned within the support activity e-commerce.

4 The value chain was introduced in 1985 by Michael Porter and is a famous business strategy tool, which

disaggregates a firm into its strategically relevant activities (Porter, 1985). “The value chain illustrates all the

activities where the value of a product emerges, implied that the underlying purpose of all activities is to create

value for the customers” (Thompson et al., 2009).

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Further, we will not explore the firm infrastructure of each company e.g. planning,

finance, accounting and legal since it is only indirectly affects the end product.

In this research we will disregard assembled products that might be produced by the

companies in this study where parts of the product are not 3D printed, e.g. lamps where light

bulbs and stands are included, since we will only focus on products fully produced with 3D


Further, due to the difficulty of attaining financial information regarding cost and prices we

do not aim to measure value creating activities quantitatively and thus excluding an analysis

of possible margin created for the company.

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In the theoretical framework we will present the relevant theory chosen to analyze our

research question. Section 2.1 briefly explain the definitions of mass production and mass

customization and clarify the similarities between. This will be used to find out if 3D printing

is capable of both. In Section 2.2 we present Porter’s value chain which will be used to

present a current picture of the industry chosen for this research. Also, we added theory on e-

commerce to the value chain theory.

Figure 2.1 relates the research questions to the part of the theory that will be used to solve the

research questions.

Figure 2.1 Relating the research questions with the theory (Morales & Wisalchai, 2012).

2.1 Mass Production & Mass Customization

In the following section we will introduce the concepts of mass customization, mass

production and how they are similar to each other in order to give a strong background to the

theoretical framework.

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2.1.1 Mass Production Definition

Since the term mass production was introduced for the first time by the Encyclopædia

Britannica5 in 1925 several alternate definitions has been given which differ little between

them (e.g. Hounshell, 1984; Kotha, 1995; Pine, 1993 etc). We will mainly refer to the one

where everything started which is the definition in the Encyclopædia Britannica, due to its

enriched and in our opinion complete definition. Further, we will complement this definition

with definitions and highlighted characteristics presented by other authors.

The Encyclopædia Britannica (2012) defines mass production as the “application of the

principles of specialization, division of labour, and standardization of parts to the

manufacture of goods. Such manufacturing processes attain high rates of output at low unit

cost, with lower costs expected as volume rises”.

The following are the four basic principles to achieve mass production according to the

Encyclopædia Britannica (2012).

First, division of the total production into specialized tasks made up of relatively simple

repetitive motion patterns and minimal handling of the work piece to achieve human motion

patterns easily learned and a minimum of unnecessary motion.

Second, simplification and standardization of components to facilitate large production

runs and the use of other standards on all pieces of the product (e.g. material type) is also

included to further increase the economies of scale.

Third, development and use of specialized machines and tools as well as choosing

materials for each operation. This leads to minimizing the amount of human effort needed,

while also leading to economies of scale6 by maximizing the output per capital invested. This

also reduces the number of off-standard units produced and reduces raw material costs.

Fourth, systematically engineer and plan the total production process to create the best

balance between human effort and machines used, integrating all elements of the production

system to maximize productivity and minimize costs (Encyclopædia Britannica 2012).

5 Encyclopædia Britannica is the oldest English- language encyclopedia written since 1768

6 Economies of scale is “the reduction in the average cost of a product usually obtained when a factory

increases output” (Encyclopædia Britannica, 2012)

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Other definitions regarding mass production with complementary perspectives; are Sabel &

Zeitlin (1985) and Hounshell (1984). Sabel & Zeitlin (1985) described mass production as

“the combination of single-purpose machines and unskilled labour to produce standard

goods”. As we observe in Sabel & Zeitlin's definition (1985); standardization plays an

important role for mass production, throughout the manufacturing process as well as in the

end product. Another important characteristic of mass production worthy to highlight is the

“mass” perspective where Hounshell (1984) mentioned two feasible angles of the word; (1)

the approach to reach masses of consumers by producing a product affordable to nearly

everyone and (2) large quantity in terms of production meaning producing as much products

as possible in order to reduce production costs. Although, in the beginning the purpose was to

ensure product quality by eliminating unpredictable factors caused by unskilled human

interaction through automation of processes (Hounshell 1984).

2.1.2 Mass Customization Definition

While mass production holds the goals of producing goods at low prices so that nearly all

consumers will be able to afford to buy them, mass customization tries to deliver goods or

services with broad enough variety and customization so that nearly everyone finds exactly

what they are looking for (Pine, 1993).

However, due to a lack of a commonly accepted definition of the term mass customization,

Kaplan & Haenlein (2006) proposes a more parsimonious definition of traditional and

electronic mass customization. The definition of traditional mass customization is divided

into a working and a visionary definition by using Porter’s (1985) value chain7 to see in

which place of the value chain customer´s interaction occurs. The working definition is as

follows: “mass customization is a strategy that creates value by some form of company–

customer interaction at the fabrication/assembly stage of the operations level to create

customized products with production cost and monetary price similar to those of mass-

produced products.” The visionary definition is different by stating mass customization can

occur at “the design stage of the operations level to create customized products, following a

hybrid strategy combining cost leadership and differentiation.” Thus, Kaplan & Haenlein

7 Porter’s value chain will be explained later in section 2.2 The Value Chain

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(2006) states that mass customization occur in the “operations” part of Porter’s value chain.

The hybrid strategy mentioned refers to a company following a strategy to achieve cost

leadership by reducing the cost so the company can offer low prices and achieving maximum

differentiation by offering a product customized to each customer’s preferences.

Kaplan & Haenlein (2006) argued that services should be excluded from the term mass

customization. Although, the term mass customization could be extended to include

customized services, they recommend instead the service environment be researched under

another term. The reason being the fact that mass customization was developing historically

to integrate the customer in the manufacturing process opposed to mass production, but with

services the customer is always needed to be the co-producer of the service. This also

excludes standardized goods with customized services surrounding it from their definition of

mass customization.

With the use of the Internet to integrate e.g. suppliers and customers with the company into

a business network and the development of e-commerce, Kaplan & Haenlein (2006)

introduced a special definition for mass customization involving e-commerce and named it

electronic mass customization. In order to make a distinction between mass customization and

electronic mass customization, they based their definition on Choi et al. (1997) work, using

their three market dimensions: players, products and processes8 and thus explain that in order

for commerce to be considered as e-commerce is necessary that at least one of these three

market components is digital. Kaplan & Haenlein (2006) define electronic mass

customization as “A strategy that creates value by some form of company-customer

interaction at the fabrication/assembly stage of the operations level to create customized

products with production cost and monetary price similar to those of mass-produced

products, where at least one of the three market dimensions-player, product, and process-is

digital”. Further they mention that when all the three market dimensions of players, products

and processes are digital then it is considered as pure electronic mass customization.

Achieving a stage of pure integration of the three market dimensions through the Internet

(Kaplan & Haenlein, 2006).

8 Kaplan & Haenlein (2006) refer to Choi et al. (1997) definition of three existing market dimensions (1) players

(sellers, buyers, intermediaries and other third parties), (2) products (are the commodities that are subject to the

market exchange) and (3) processes (the interactions between market players and include activities such as

product choice, purchase order, customization, production, payment, delivery and consumption).

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2.1.3 Similarities Between Mass Production and Mass Customization

After presenting mass production and mass customization we would like to highlight the

similarities between the concepts. The main similarity is the goal to achieve low production

costs (Encyclopædia Britannica, 2012; Hounshell, 1984) for companies to be able to offer

products at low prices (Pine, 1993; Hounshell, 1984). There is a slight difference between the

two concepts regarding this point. Mass production is about achieving low production costs

and low prices, while mass customization is about achieving production costs and prices

similar to those of mass production.

Kaplain & Haenlein (2006) could not agree what is most important; “Is it more important to

actually reach masses of people or to produce customized products at prices affordable for

the masses?” and thus exclude the mass perspective from mass customization.

2.2 The Value Chain

The value chain is a strategic model introduced 1985 by Michael Porter in his book

“Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance”. It is a tool which

disaggregates a firm into its strategically relevant activities (Porter, 1985). The value chain is

seen as a way to illustrate the activities where the value of a product emerges, but also to

demonstrate how value becomes greater by the sum of previous valuable activities, implied

that the underlying purpose of all activities is to create value for the customers (Thompson et

al., 2009). Value is defined as “the amount customers are willing to pay for what a firm

provides them” (Porter, 1985).

The value chain is made up by two broad categories of activities: (1) the primary activities

which are most important for creating value for customers, (2) and the support activities that

facilitate and improve the performance of the primary activities (Thompson et al., 2009).

These are presented in Figure 2.2, which is the authors’ own adaptation of Porter’s value

chain. Here the primary activities are the blocks in the top of the figure and the support

activities are at the bottom. The illustration that the support activities run horizontally is due

to the fact that they can support all the primary activities in the bottom (Porter, 1985).

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Figure 2.2 Image of the two main components of Porter´s (1985) value chain. Adapted by Morales and

Wisalchai 2012

The primary activities are supply chain management, operations, distribution, marketing &

sales and finally services, while the support activities that we will consider in our research are

technology development and e-commerce. All of these activities will be further developed

and graphically shown later in Figure 2.3.

Supply chain management are activities associated with attaining raw materials, parts and

components, merchandise from vendors; receiving, storing and disseminating inputs from

suppliers, inspection and inventory management (Thompson et al., 2009; Porter, 1985).

Operations are activities associated with transforming inputs into the final product form,

such as machining, assembly, equipment maintenance, quality assurance, and facility

operations (Thompson et al., 2009; Porter, 1985).

Distribution are activities associated with collecting, storing and physically distributing the

product to buyers, such as packaging, finished goods warehousing, material handling,

delivery vehicle operation, order processing, scheduling (Porter, 1985), establishing and

maintaining a network of distributors (Thompson et al., 2009).

Marketing & sales are activities associated with providing means by which buyers can

purchase the product and inducing them to do so, such as advertising, promotion, sales force,

channel selection, channel relations, pricing, (Porter, 1985), and dealer/distributor support

(Thompson et al., 2009).

Services are activities associated with providing service and assistance to buyers

(Thompson et al., 2009) to enhance or maintain value of the product (Porter, 1985), such as

installation, repair, training, spare parts and delivery (Porter, 1985) technical assistance, buyer

inquiries, complaints (Thompson et al., 2009).

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The first support activity we consider is technology development which is a range of

activities that can be broadly grouped into efforts to improve the product and the process.

They are usually associated with the engineering department or development group. It may

support any of the technologies embodied in the value activities of the value chain and does

not solely apply to technologies directly associated with the end product. It may include

various forms, including that of product design (Porter, 1985).

The second support activity we have chosen to integrate into the value chain is e-

commerce, following Porter’s (1985) statement that support activities facilitate and improve

the performance of the primary activities. We argue that e-commerce fits this definition

following the reasoning that it is necessary to use e-commerce to facilitate mass customization

or else it would become too costly and unprofitable (Lee, Barua & Whinstone 2000). Similar

conclusions about mass customization being too costly without e-commerce are mentioned by

several researchers (Lampel & Mintzberg, 1996; Dewan, Jing & Seidmann, 2000). E-

commerce can thus be defined as conducting business through the use of computer networks

which is “buying, selling goods, services and information electronically with suppliers,

customers and competitors or among customers” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2006). As we can see

from this definition e-commerce could be connected to improving the primary activities

supply chain management, production, marketing and after sales service. Conducting a

business through computer networks might help producers, customers and suppliers to be

integrated in the value chain which could facilitate the full achievement of mass

customization as stated by Kaplan & Haenlein (2006). Further, with the use of the Internet, e-

commerce also includes activities such as information collection and processing as well as

enabling communication and information flow from the customer-company interaction. The

interaction between the customer and company is needed and the fact that mass customizable

products are information intensive commodities regarding the customer’s preferences, the

development of e-commerce thus represents a great opportunity (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2006).

Though, there is criticism against Porter’s works on competitive strategy, there is little

regarding the value chain. The criticism against Porter’s value chain which can be found

states that the model excludes corporate culture, worker morale, level of communication and

team spirit according to Aktouf (2005). This is important since management leadership and

interpersonal skill brings out the maximum potential in employees (Aktouf, 2005). However,

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this critique does not concern our research, since we are focusing more on the technology than

to internal actors inside the company as employees (Aktouf, 2005).

Klein (2001) mentions that calculating costs of the firm's own operations and of its

competitors is impossible. Some of this critique can be aimed towards the value chain, but is

not something we will put effort on overcoming, since we do not intend to quantify cost or

value in our research.

Figure 2.3 illustrate an adapted value chain from Porter´s (1985) that we will use as a base to

our research, analysis and conclusions.

Figure 2.3 The value chain adapted from Porter (1985), (Wisalchai & Morales, 2012)

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In this part we will present how we conducted our method for collecting empirical evidence

3.1 Approach and Purpose

We have addressed our study as a combination of both inductive and deductive research.

The former due to the identification, exploration and experimentation of the current literature

related to 3D printing, mass customization, mass production and the value chain (Saunders et

al., 2009).

Our research purpose is both exploratory and descriptive. The first because of the nature

of the current related information within 3D printing technology, as we mentioned above, the

present data is limited and we searched for more than the existent literature. We also expect

that by interviewing “current experts” we will get a reliable picture of the industry. The

second is complementary to the first, as Saunders et al. (2009) mention in their book, a

descriptive research purpose object is “to photograph a truthful image of certain event, people

or situation”. Thus, it was our intention to analyze the 3D printing industry, to have a clearer

picture of the current position of the technology compared to these two manufacturing

techniques. The above also justify our research study to be cross-sectional.

3.2 Strategy and Sampling

Since, our third research question was to present a current overview of the industry of 3D

printed goods intended for end use through an e-commerce marketplace, a case study was a

fitting strategy for our research question following Saunders et al. (2009) statement that a

case study is “a strategy for doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a

particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of

evidence”. Thus, we chose to conduct a multiple case study, by collecting primary data from

multiple companies in the industry and complementing with secondary data from news

articles and company websites of the companies. This strategy also suits our other research

questions regarding whether 3D printing technology is capable of achieving mass

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customization and mass production. The reason being that the companies in the industry were

able to answer our questions regarding the technology and the processes involved for us to

reach a conclusion regarding these research questions. Further, the fact that the industry is

rather small at the moment, as we will soon mention makes empirical data collection from

these companies sufficient

We have to the best of our abilities done a preliminary research identifying four companies,

which uses 3D printing as a production technology for a clear majority of their produced

items for end use as well as offering e-commerce marketplaces for people to buy and sell 3D

designs. The companies within the industry are Kraftwurx, Sculpteo, I.materialise and


When performing the pre-research to find these actors we first used Google by typing in the

search term “Shapeways9 competitors”. This lead us to the following search engines;

moreofit.com, similarsites.com and venturebeatprofiles.com which categorizes websites or

companies possessing similarities with each other. We examined the companies and websites

we found through these search engines and selected the ones which could be categorized

within the industry we aimed to study.

To give an overview of the industry we chose to interview the main competitors inside the

industry, we were able to get interviews with I.materialise, Kraftwurx and Sculpteo. We argue

interviewing three out of four companies in the industry is enough to reveal its value chain

and also that these companies were involved in 3D printing enough to be able to provide

adequate information for us to analyze the impacts of the technology on mass customization

and whether it can combine it with mass production.

3.3 Techniques and Procedures

Due to the fact that the head office of each company is located in the US, France and

Belgium respectively, the cost of traveling to each location to perform the interviews face-to-

face is not justified. Therefore, we conducted the data collection from the companies

electronically using Skype and e-mail.

9 We assumed at this point of the pre-research that Shapeways was one of the largest actors within the industry

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Our choice was to conduct semi-structured interviews with follow-up interviews as means

for collecting data, due to the fitting nature for an exploratory study according to Saunders et

al. (2009). Further, interviews was chosen due the rather large number of interview questions

needed to collect data to answer our research questions, but foremost due to their complexity

(Saunders et al., 2009). Semi-structured interviews provided us with the opportunity to probe

the answer where we would like the respondents to explain or build on their responses

(Saunders et al., 2009).

Based on our choice of research method we presented our wish to conduct Skype interviews

with respondents from the companies via e-mail and later sent an interview guide with

questions we had constructed. However, due to a high workload that the companies were

experiencing due to the increasing attention that 3D printing was gaining, the companies

chose the means of answering our questions which suited them best. I.materialise was the

only company that we conducted a phone interview with, while Kraftwurx chose to answer

the questions via Skype text chat. Sculpteo chose to answer our interview guide via e-mail.

The companies themselves selected the most fitting person to answer our questions and all

respondents were key people within the management staff of each company. The respondents

were Martjin Joris - the business development manager of I.materialise, Sandra Kammogne -

the marketing assistant of Sculpteo and Marco Valenzuela - the community manager of

Kraftwurx. We argue the respondents possessed an overall view of the activities performed

within the company. Since this criteria was fulfilled, we see it as acceptable that respondents

had different areas of responsibility within each company, which might otherwise have caused

more diverse responses from one another. Additionally, due to the fact that the staff size is


in each company we see it as likely that the respondents all have a good overview of

the company’s activities.

The following figure illustrates the name position and date when the interviews took place

according to the authors selected research method.

10 The size of the company staffs are mentioned in section 4. RESULTS & ANALYSIS

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Figure 3.1 Respondent matrix (Morales & Wisalchai, 2012)

The interview with I.materialise was recorded and the Skype text chat with Kraftwurx was

saved, giving us the advantage of capturing what the respondents were saying and how they

said it. It will not give us the option of capturing the respondent’s facial expressions and body

language. However, we did not deem this necessary since the interview questions did not

involve personal opinion, just descriptive responses regarding activities. (Saunders et al.,


3.4 Operationalization

In the interview guide we used open questions in order for the respondents to define and

describe the activities involving their firm, in accordance with Saunders et al. (2009) advice

on when to use open questions. Further, we used probing questions that were prepared

before the interview to go more in-depth into certain activities as well as use probing

questions that might arise during the interview in order to clarify statements by the

respondents. Closed questions were used in order to confirm or dis-confirm if a certain

activities are performed at all within the company e.g. advertising, assembly of products or if

the firm uses a sales force. However, often the respondents gave more than just a yes or no

answer, filling in the answer with a clarification.

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3.5 Reliability, Validity and Generalizability

The measure of e-mailing the interview guide was to promote validity and reliability by

possibly increasing the respondent’s level of information by letting them collect information

regarding the questions before the interview (Saunders et al., 2009).

Concerning the interviews with Kraftwurx and I.materialise as well as Sculpteo, the possible

disadvantage of using semi-structured interviews is that other researchers replicating our

research may come up with different information, thus threatening the reliability of our

research (Saunders et al., 2009). Our response to this disadvantage is that our purpose

concerns a complex and dynamic area, aimed towards reflecting reality at the time the data

was collected, thereby it is unavoidable that our research will be difficult to replicate

(Saunders et al., 2009). To have chosen another method would undermine the strength of the

most suitable method for our research, due to the flexibility granted by semi-structured

interviews to explore (Saunders et al., 2009) the complex area of our research. A potential

problem with semi-structured interviews connected to reliability is that the respondent might

be sensitive to the unstructured exploration of certain themes (Saunders et al., 2009). To

overcome this problem, we aimed to make the respondents feel comfortable and try to address

the questions in a way where the answers seem easy and non intrusive, after all the

interviewees had already agreed to be interviewed and the information needed to our research

is not private or sensitive to the company.

The generalizability of research done through semi-structured interviews is generally weak,

since this research method does not allow for statistical analysis applicable to the general

population as it is needed to draw from only small samples (Saunders et al., 2009). However,

regarding our research question regarding the value chain, size of the industry we studied

currently has few actors we argue that our sample size was large enough and geographically

dispersed enough (Saunders et al., 2009) for generalization within the industry. Regarding our

research questions whether 3D printing is capable of mass production and mass customization

or not, we argue that our results are generalizable for the whole 3D printing technology.

The validity of conducting qualitative interviews is considered high due to the term validity

being referred to as to what extent we gain access to the respondents’ knowledge and

experience and infer a meaning that they intended from the language used by them (Saunders

et al., 2009). This is in line with our research, since we gained deep access to the respondents’

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knowledge and could clarify the correct interpretation by probing their responses, thus giving

to our research high validity.

Except for the advantages and disadvantages previously discussed concerning semi-

structured interviews, the time limit could be considered as an obstacle when interviewing

I.materialise. However, this did not prove a problem, since we could get several answers to

our questions via their website thus reducing the number of questions having to be asked.

Additionally, this interview took place after our interview with Kraftwurx, thereby we had a

chance to identify which were the most important questions to ask and make them more

accurate. The result was that the time was sufficient to provide us with good adequate


As mentioned the interviews were conducted with Skype as communication tool, and during

the interviews we conducted them together. The disadvantage with using Skype without


was be the lack of seeing the respondents full non-verbal behavior, which could have

affected our interpretation of how far we should have pursued a line of questioning (Saunders

et al., 2009). The possible disadvantage of interviewing Kraftwurx through a Skype text chat

was the inability to read the nonverbal language and possible reduction of spontaneous

responses by the respondent. However, we argue that the answers provided were sufficient for

our study and since the questions did not concern subjects highly personal to the respondent

the additional need for reading social cues and get spontaneous answers are less mentioned by

Saunders et al. (2009) regarding electronic chats. The advantage of the text chat interview

with Kraftwurx might have been its length of several hours that help to build up rapport with

the respondent (Saunders et al., 2009).

The possible disadvantage of using a self-administered internet mediated interview through

e-mail method with Sculpteo, might be that the time the respondents felt like applying to

answer the questions cannot be regulated in the same way as in an interview, neither have we

defined the length of the answer needed which may be a weakness in the way that they might

provide short answer, but also as a strength in the way that they may write long, detailed

answers. It was the marketing assistant who answered the questions, but that the answers were

reviewed by the marketing manager to make sure they were correct which increases validity.

11 Video was not used due to bandwidth

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We will start analyzing the value chain first and then mass production and mass

customization second, to facilitate the understanding of the industry and this way perceive if

3D printing technology fulfill mass production and mass customization characteristics.

We have found that companies offering 3D printed goods for end use through an e-commerce

marketplace first of all are service providers. This is because the business model of the

companies is to produce goods for customers (I.materialise; Kraftwurx; Sculpteo, 2012),

which they either own internally or subcontract to bureaus12

(Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela,

2012). The digital 3D designs are mainly developed by external designers and the products

sold are the 3D printed items, which customers order from the websites of the companies

(Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). All companies offer online marketplaces for customers

to sell and buy 3D printed items and deliveries to the world wide with few exceptions

(I.materialise; Kraftwurx; Sculpteo, 2012). We start our analysis with a brief introduction of

the companies involved in this research.

I.materialise is a business unit within the company Materialise. They have their

headquarters in Leuven, Belgium and a software development team in Kiev, Ukraine. They

launched the I.materialise website as a private alpha version in 2009 and a public beta version

in January 2010 (Joris, 2012). Currently the business unit employs 15 people (Joris, 2012)

working to “offer all people with an eye for design and a head full of ideas the possibility to

turn these ideas into 3D reality” (I.materialise, 2012)

Kraftwurx is a company of nine people (Kraftwurx, 2012) with their headquarters located in

Houston, Texas in the US (Valenzuela, 2012). In November 2011 the company launched their

website (Valenzuela, 2012). “Kraftwurx empower the everyday person to invent, and

manufacture jewelry, art, machines, parts and more... Kraftwurx is your personal digital

factory (tm)” (Kraftwurx, 2012).

Sculpteo is a company of 12 people with its headquarters located in Vanves, France and

their production facilities in Arreau, France (Kammogne, 2012). Founded in 2009, Sculpteo

12 Bureaus are “those companies owning 3D printers and offering the service of 3D printing items for private or

company customers. It is common term within 3D printing community” (Valenzuela, 2012).

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offers a fully online 3D Printing service to make this new technology easy and accessible to

all (Kammogne, 2012). “Innovative 3D printing service for creative people” (Sculpteo, 2012)

Of these companies only Kraftwurx features an online social community on their website in

addition to their marketplace (I.materialise; Kraftwurx; Sculpteo, 2012). Further, none of the

companies operates a physical store except for a sister division to I.materialise within

Materialise, named MGX. It runs a store in Brussels, Belgium for 3D printed goods (Joris,

2012). Kraftwurx stated that they might open a store front in the not so distant future

(Valenzuela, 2012) and Sculpteo offer the possibility for customers to see the products at their

office or production facility (Kammogne, 2012).

Kraftwurx currently offers 68 different types of materials (Kraftwurx, 2012) to be used like

plastics, metals, clears, acrylics etc. (Valenzuela, 2012) and 18 different finishes (Kraftwurx,

2012). They offer access to over 61 different kinds of printers, but only has a single in-house

printer used to produce items ordered from customer within the US. Production for order

originating outside the US is outsourced (Valenzuela, 2012). I.materialise own more than 60

3D printers, including some capable of the largest prints in Europe (Joris, 2012). They offer

prints in 20 different materials (I.materialise, 2012), but outsource production of everything

which is not made in plastic to other bureaus (Joris, 2012). Sculpteo offers 10 different

materials, owns two 3D printers in-house and can outsource production to bureaus in order to

provide customers with a solution in their own country or region (Sculpteo, 2012).

4.1 The Value chain.

As we mentioned before, the 3D designs are most of the time not owned by the companies,

but by external designers. The products are sold in a co-operation between the external

designer and the company, by allowing the designer to open a store on the company’s

website. Thus, the products are displayed on the company’s marketplace and the company

handles the rest to make sure the customer gets the requested printed product (I.materialise;

Kraftwurx; Sculpteo, 2012). In order to achieve this goal, the industry is formed by several

stages that we will present according to Porter’s (1985) value chain into five primary and two

support activities.

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4.1.1 Supply Chain

According to our empirical findings we chose to divide the supply chain into three types. The

first one is the supply of materials for the companies’ in-house printers, the second is the

management of the production network of 3D printer bureaus and the third is the supply of

digital 3D designs uploaded on the companies’ websites by their members.

Regarding the first supply chain, all the companies state the need to supply their in-house

printers with materials such as powder mixtures, binder fluid and ink stored at their facilities.

These inputs are ordered from external suppliers (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). This

corresponds to the activity of purchasing raw materials as well as receiving and storing

inputs from suppliers mentioned by Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009). Valenzuela

(2012) stated that when it is time to start the 3D printing process the materials are loaded into

the printer which corresponds to the activity of disseminating inputs from suppliers mentioned

by Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009). Parts and components mentioned by Porter

(1985) and Thompson et al. (2009) are not needed for printed products, since 3D models can

be printed with moving functional parts in one build (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012).

Regarding the second supply chain, all the companies stated that they outsource a portion of

their production to external bureaus (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). Kraftwurx stated

that their website uses software called Digital Factory13

to coordinate a distributed production

network over 600 bureaus, meaning that most of the 3D printing happens in other companies

external to Kraftwurx (Valenzuela, 2012). It is our analysis that none of the activities

mentioned by Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009) regarding supply chain management

applies to Kraftwurx, I.materialise or Sculpteo when they outsource production, since those

activities are in these cases handled by the contracted bureaus. The activities they need to

perform are to manage their bureaus in order to send the design to the most suitable bureau

depending on the location and required printed material (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela,

2012). Kraftwurx state they perform this activity automatically through its Digital Factory

software, while I.materialise and Sculpteo manage this through e-mails (Joris; Kammogne,


Digital Factory is an in-house software developed by Kraftwurx. It can be described as a new approach to

Enterprise Resource Planning software which enables Kraftwurx to provide an open platform for 3D printer

providers. The software allows them to “track real-time work-in-progress, re-schedule work, re-route work to

another facility, conduct what-if scenarios, update work instructions” (Kraftwurx website, 2012).

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2012). It is our analysis that handling the supply chain of bureaus would mean that all the

involved companies need to effectively manage the production network and channel orders

from their customers to the appropriate bureau; as Valenzuela (2012) mentions, managing

these activities in an effective way becomes crucial in order to efficiently fulfill the order.

Regarding the third supply chain, we argue that by uploading the 3D designs, the external

designers are as a matter of fact supplying the company with digital designs. All the involved

companies stated that the purchase of an uploaded design on the company website is what

triggers the whole production process (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). This, makes the

designs part of the supply chain according to Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009), since

the companies have to manage them as any other input. Once the design is received, first it

must be verified through an in-house developed software in order to check and sometimes

automatically correct the design to be printable (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). This

software also verify that the design fulfills the company’s policies (e.g. I.materialise stated

that they do not print models that are in conflict with their mission and value statement like

weapons or models for which they have ethical concerns) which equals inspection mentioned

by Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009). Secondly the design is stored on the company’s

server, this in line with Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009) theory regarding receiving

and storing inputs from suppliers, except that in this industry this inputs are digital and that

external designers become suppliers. Dissemination of the input as mentioned by Porter

(1985) and Thompson et al. (2009), would be equivalent to Kraftwurx sending the 3D design

to a contracted bureau (Valenzuela, 2012) or in the case of I.materialise and Sculpteo, sending

it to an in-house 3D printer (Joris; Kammogne, 2012). Finally, inventory management stated

by Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009) is done by the designers themselves through

their seller accounts on the Kraftwurx website or enabling their vendor account on

I.materialise and Sculpteo websites. By doing this, customers are able to manage what 3D

models they choose to publish (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012).

The above mentioned regarding the third type of supply chain does not include the optional

stage where the companies internally design products. This will be mentioned under section

4.1.6 Technology Development.

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4.1.2 Operations

According to our empirical findings we chose to divide the operations into two parts. First,

according to production in-house and secondly according to production by bureaus.

Regarding production in-house, Kraftwurx, I.materialise and Sculpteo (2012) stated that the

3D printing process consists of two main stages. Then the first step in production is the actual

printing process performed by the 3D printer. The second step is the manual post-processing

of the printed piece (de-powdering, polishing, covering, etc). The type of post-processing

varies depending on what type of 3D printing process and the material used, meaning that

there are many kinds of post-processing (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). Mentioned by

all our respondents are that during the operations it is also important to make sure they

produce quality 3D prints (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). I. materialise mentioned that

they have an internal operational stage called “quality control” (Joris, 2012) which is in line

with quality assurance mentioned as an operations activity by Porter (1985) and Thompson

et al. (2009), while 3D printing process would equal machining also mentioned by Porter

(1985) and Thompson et al. (2009). However, assembly (Porter, 1985; Thompson et al.,

2009) is something hardly ever required with 3D printing, since Kraftwurx states that even

items with movable parts can be printed in a single piece. The post-processing mentioned by

the companies fall into the category of activities of operations following Porter’s (1985)

definition that operation stage are activities associated with transforming inputs into the final

product form. Equipment maintenance (Porter, 1985; Thompson et al., 2009) is also

performed on the 3D printers. Some 3D printers need maintenance for each print while others

only need maintenance once per year according to Kraftwurx (Valenzuela, 2012). Sculpteo

also stated that the machines need to be checked once per year, but if any problem occurs with

the 3D printer they immediately contact their maintenance provider (Kammogne, 2012).

Due to the fact that I.materialise owns over 60 printers in-house and Sculpteo also operates

their own production facility we can see that they conduct facility operations mentioned by

Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009). Further, based on this we argue that they are the

main operations activities of those two companies, since they do most of the production in-

house. According to our research, these activities are also carried out by Kraftwurx

(Valenzuela, 2012), but are not the main operations activities for the company, since they only

own a single printer and outsource most of the 3D printing to bureaus. They focus more on

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their network of bureaus, and to supervise the whole production process even if this is

outsourced to external bureaus (Valenzuela, 2012).

Regarding the production by bureaus, operations include other activities from the companies

than previously mentioned. They involve ensuring their websites are up and running as a

marketplace, mainly to allow designers to upload their designs, for customer to buy these

designs, but also for bureaus to register themselves to a database. Further, order processing is

an activity for the companies to channel their received orders from customers to the most

appropriate bureau or internal facility, which is the closest bureau to the customer and with

the appropriate production capacity; Kraftwurx achieve the above through their Digital

factory software and according to our research I.materialise and Sculpteo also have developed

other software to manage automatically the verification and order processing stages (Joris;

Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012).

4.1.3 Distribution

All companies stated that packaging, mentioned by Porter (1985), of the printed items is done

manually. According to Kraftwurx “in a normal scenario no storage is necessary”

(Valenzuela, 2012). Thus, finished goods warehousing mentioned by Porter (1985) is

usually unnecessary, since according to all our respondents most of the time the products are

shipped directly after they are packaged (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). Material

handling mentioned by Porter (1985) is just manual handling of the packaged items directly

to distributors according to Valenzuela (2012).

According to information found on all the websites of the companies they all use UPS

delivery companies to ship the printed products to the address specified by the customers

(I.materialise; Kraftwurx; Sculpteo, 2012). As we can see this makes delivery vehicle

operation mentioned by Porter (1985) unnecessary and scheduling is only to decide when

during the day they will hand over the product to UPS, within the service hours of the

delivery company. Establishing and maintaining a network of distributors as mentioned

by Thompson et al. (2009) only consists of contracting UPS for delivery. Further, the order

processing mentioned by Porter (1985) is already performed when the customer orders an

item which will be printed.

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According to our research, the distribution activities mentioned above are only relevant for

the companies when they 3D print internally and have to supervise that the products are

properly shipped to their destination. When outsourcing the production to bureaus, all these

activities becomes irrelevant for the companies, since the responsibility to make sure the

product is shipped is handled by the bureaus, who also use delivery companies(Joris;

Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012).

4.1.4 Marketing

I.materialise stated that 90% of their marketing is carried out through social media (Joris,

2012) and both Sculpteo and I.materialise state that word-of-mouth is very important for their

companies (Joris; Kammogne, 2012).

Promotion mentioned by Porter (1985) is used by all companies and are activities stated by

the companies such as press releases, publishing company blogs, attending meet-ups and

events to promote their services (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). Further, Kraftwurx

mentions that they send out newsletters to their members and encourage members to speak

out about their experience, posting comments and photos of their printed products on the

company blog, website or Facebook page (Valenzuela, 2012).

Advertising mentioned by Porter (1985) is used by the all companies in the form of banners

on their own website, social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter as well as on other

websites (Joris; Kammogne; Kraftwurx, 2012). Sculpteo states that they also use pamphlets

(Kammogne, 2012). Sculpteo also have an internal sales force which sell their products by

prospection with their potential customers (Kammogne, 2012).

I.materialise state that the channel relations they select and manage by providing CAD

packages to other websites and direct communication with their potential and actual

customers. These actors in their channels help to spread the word among the business (Joris,

2012). Sculpteo state they use partnerships to market themselves. E.g. 3D design software

created by other companies, like Tinkercard and Sketchup, include a button that allows the

user to order a 3D print on Sculpteo.com (Kammogne, 2012)

For all companies pricing is set depending on the size, materials and finishes of the printed

items (Kammogne, 2012; Kraftwurx and I.materialise, 2012).

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Dealer support mostly applies to bureaus, which is mostly used by Kraftwurx, which they

provide it via phone and e-mail (Valenzuela, 2012).

Further, both Sculpteo and I.materialise stated that the designers and 3D printing community

play an important role to their company’s advertisement. These people know 3D printing

technology, are aware of new products and are the best customers, so a lot of focus is on them

(Joris; Kammogne, 2012). Though, from all the companies only Kraftwurx offers an online

social community, where they can market new offers and services (Valenzuela, 2012)

4.1.5 Service

As we stated the companies provides the service of producing goods, which has been treated

as operations and will not be mentioned under service activities by Porter (2004)

According to I.materialise and Sculpteo they keep in constant communication with the

customer during the whole production process up to and including the point where the

customer receives the product (Joris; Kammogne, 2012). This leads to little service needed by

customers after sales which is also stated by Kraftwurx (Valenzuela, 2012). Further,

Kraftwurx stated their wish for people to share their experience after receiving a product is a

way for the company to get feedback and improve their service (Valenzuela, 2012).

Installation mentioned by Porter (1985) is not done by any of the companies, since the

products do not require this kind of service. (I.materialise; Kraftwurx; Sculpteo, 2012).

Kraftwurx states that they offer a service where they can 3D print a new copy of a broken

item which the customers send to them. Also, if an item which is shipped to the customer is

broken during the shipment, Kraftwurx offers to produce a copy and send it again without any

extra charge. Both activities are close to repair which is mentioned by Porter (1985), but is

according to us not repair of an item, but replication of it. Further, all companies have

software that “repairs” the digital 3D designs, meaning that if a 3D design has parts which are

too thin to print the software is used to notify the designer of this and sometimes

automatically repair it (Joris; Valenzuela; Sculpteo, 2012).

Referring to training mentioned by Porter (1985) we found that Sculpteo offers video

tutorials for 3D modeling through their website (Kammogne, 2012), I.materialise and

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Kraftwurx has not yet taken into consideration to create trainings, but offer support via phone

to bureaus and customers (I.materialise; Joris, 2012; (Valenzuela, 2012).

None of the companies offer spare parts delivery as mentioned by Porter (1985) for items

they have printed, but can as stated previously replicate an entire model. What the companies

can do is to print models uploaded by external designers that are as a whole spare part, e.g.

machine parts (I.materialise; Kraftwurx; Sculpteo, 2012).

Technical assistance, buyer inquiries and complaints mentioned by Thompson et al.

(2009) are definitely handled by all the involved companies, since they provide this by phone,

e-mail and their websites (Sculpteo; I.materialise; Kraftwurx, 2012).

4.1.6 Technology Development

According to both Sculpteo and I.materialise the respective companies develops only a few

3D designs in-house and the majority of 3D designs are developed by external designers

(Joris; Kammogne, 2012). For Kraftwurx the current scenario is different, Valenzuela (2012)

stated that at the present most of the designs in their marketplace are made by their in-house

designers, but only as a strategy to gain interest and hence new members and new designs. He

also mentioned that in a perfect scenario the development of 3D designs would disappear

from the company’s in-house activities or be reduced to just develop support designs14

. The

goal stated by all the companies was that all the designs would be uploaded by external

designers (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). E.g. I.materialise confirmed this by saying

that “the company focuses on being the perfect support partner” and that their main interest is

to have independent designers (Joris, 2012).

The development of 3D models corresponds to what Porter (1985) and Thompson et al.

(2009) stated about considering the product design as a technology development activity.

Kraftwurx also offers the option for members to collaborate with each other in developing 3D

designs. Anyone can post ideas for products on a section of the Kraftwurx website called

“Co-create” and see if an independent designer or an in-house designers at Kraftwurx will

develop it for them (Valenzuela, 2012). Sculpteo also offer the skill of their in-house


Support designs are 3D models available on Kraftwurx website called “Kickstarters” which can be

downloaded for free, customized and later re-uploaded by members to be printed allowing non-experienced

members to be involved in the customization process (Torres 2011, Kraftwurx website 2012, Valenzuela, 2012).

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designers to external non-designing customers, according to Sandra Kammogne (2012)

“Sculpteo creates a relationship between their customers and their designers who are able to

model customer designs” enabling non-designers customers’ participation in the design

process. At the present moment I.materialise does not offer a website section which allows

people to post their design ideas, though designers can always ask for help from the company

via phone (Joris, 2012). It is our analysis that the options for collaborative creation is

corresponding to Porter (1985) and Thompson et al. (2009) statements to improve the product

and the processes concerning the company, by enables communication that facilitates the

production process through the customer involvement. This enables the company to produce

products exactly to the customer requirements.

A different focus on technology development is the actual development of the 3D printing

technology. Both Kraftwurx and I.materialise state that they develop new 3D printer

materials, as well as collaborate with 3D printer manufacturers to boost innovation regarding

the 3D printing technology (Joris; Valenzuela, 2012). I.materialise further stated that they

built some of their own 3D printers and most of the company’s software tools Joris (2012).

According to Valenzuela (2012), Kraftwurx is also in contact with all the major 3D printer

manufacturers in order to boost technology development. Kraftwurx also developed the

Digital Factory software facilitating integration of their bureaus into a network (Valenzuela,

2012). It is our analysis that the development of these software corresponds to Porter’s (1985)

and Thompson et al. (2009) statement that technology development support any of the

technologies embodied in the value chain, since these software are used by the companies to

efficiently integrate their production and bureaus with customers and external designers. It

also refers to the 3D printing technology development inside the companies, since the

industry of 3D printing technology is connected in order to boost technological research.

Further, regarding the designs mostly being developed by external designers is in line with

Porter’s (1985) statement that this development would be connected to a development group.

However, these designers are external to the company, not internal. On the other side, the

cases when the companies design internally, instead of going against Porter’s (1985)

statements, it goes against the goals of the industry itself.

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4.1.7 E-commerce

“The digital part is the network that connects all the players, artists, printers, and buyers”

(Valenzuela 2012)

As mentioned by Kaplan & Haenlein (2006) producers, consumers and suppliers integrated

with each other facilitate full achievement of mass customization.

According to all respondents the Internet plays a very important role to fully achieve this

integration (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012), mainly since Internet enables their online

marketplace to integrate with their production capacity. This is done in the way that the items

purchased online by customers lead to the creation of orders to produce these items. The ways

the companies achieve this integration vary little. As mentioned earlier by Kraftwurx they use

the software Digital factory which integrates their bureaus, customers and designers through

Kraftwurx website. This enables order processing, communication and information flow

between the customers and the company (Valenzuela, 2012). I.materialise uses an in-house

software also to enable communication and information flow between the activities of the

company (Joris, 2012) and finally Sculpteo’s “3D Printing cloud engine offers an ambitious

new plane of service by giving companies the embeddable tools to develop and market their

own 3D-printed objects” (Ludwig, 2012). This leads to the benefit that e-commerce used by

all the respondents is indeed a value creating ally for this industry and a main base to enable

commerce as Kaplan & Haenlein (2006) and Lee et al. (2000), since as we can see it

integrates the company marketplaces with their customers, external designers, bureaus, their

internal production. Thus, some of the primary activities of the value chain (Porter 1985);

supply chain, operations, marketing and service is integrated and facilitated by e-commerce.

As we see, the delivering companies are not integrated through e-commerce, but is done in an

offline way. It is our analysis that Internet in this particular industry becomes a useful

integration tool, enabling communication and customization flow both inside and outside the

company. Thus, e-commerce creates an integrated network capable of achieving mass

customization without incurring high costs for the company due to the Internet as stated by

Kaplan & Haenlein (2004).

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The next figure illustrates the resulted value chain from the industry analysis

Figure3. Value chain adapted from Porter’s (1985) after the industry analysis (Morales & Wisalchai, 2012)

4.2 Mass production

In this section we will account for the empirical evidence we collected and analyze it to reveal

what parts of the mass production term is applicable to 3D printing technology, by first

comparing the four basic principles of mass production mentioned in Encyclopædia

Britannica with the alternate definitions by Hounshell and Sabel. We have divided the theory

into what comprises mass production and what the purpose is.

4.2.1 Specialized Tasks

Kraftwurx (2012) stated that the 3D printing is an automatic process and that “the 3D printers

require a very human touch. It takes a skilled person to run the machines properly and

produce quality 3D prints” (Valenzuela, 2012). Both Kraftwurx and I.materialise stated that

the post-production after printing and item is done by skilled workers (Joris; Valenzuela,


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The Encyclopædia Britannica (2012) mentions that repetitive motion patterns and

minimal handling of the work piece constitutes specialized tasks. It is our analysis that the

tasks involved in production are made up by relatively repetitive motion patterns based on all

the companies’ descriptions of the tasks involved. Also, we argue that the handling of the

piece is minimal, since most is done by machines (Joris; Sculpteo; Valenzuela; 2012).

Therefore, we can state that 3D printing is comprised of specialized tasks.

The purpose of dividing the total production into specialized tasks, was according to

Encyclopædia Britannica, to achieve human motion patterns easily learned and a

minimum of unnecessary motion. As all companies state that the whole production process

is simple and only divided into two steps (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012), meaning that

is already divided into highly specialized tasks necessary to achieve efficient human motion

patterns, which according to our research are relatively easy to learn, however some skills are


4.2.2 Standardization of Components

As mentioned in the Encyclopædia Britannica (2012), simplification and standardization of

components is the second principle of mass production. We argue that it is unnecessary and

impossible to apply standardization of components when mass producing with 3D printing,

due to 3D printers being able to be very flexible in what items they print, following the

statements of all companies that each item printed can vary greatly in design and materials

(I.materialise; Sculpteo; Valenzuela, 2012). Thus, we find no evidence that standardization is

a part of 3D printing. However, the underlying reasons for implementing standardization

stated in the Encyclopædia Britannica (2012) were to facilitate large production runs and

further economies of scale. Valenzuela and Joris (2012) stated that if several items are printed

simultaneously in the same 3D printer, we can argue that large production is possible. They

also state that in this case cost per piece can lower (Joris; Valenzuela, 2012) which we can see

is in line with the definition of economies of scale. Thus, the underlying purpose standardized

components is fulfilled, without actually needing to use this principle. We argue that the only

standardization fitting the second principle of mass production is the use standard 3D printing

materials, which Valenzuela (2012) states are purchased from suppliers.

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4.2.3 Development and Use of Specialized Machines and Tools

We consider 3D printers as highly specialized machines, since it has a single activity to

handle which is to print and it is an automated process. Meaning that most of the

manufacturing process happens inside of the 3D printer. The overall process also included the

post-processing of the 3D printed item which varies depending on the printer and the

materials used (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). To perform these activities some

specialized tools used manually are necessary according to the companies (Joris; Sculpteo;

Valenzuela, 2012). Most of the whole production process is automated with the 3D printing

machine which makes it relatively in line with purpose of the third principle of the mass

production to minimize the human effort through the use of machinery as stated in

Encyclopædia Britannica (2012).

One underlying purpose of developing and using specialized machines according to the

Encyclopædia Britannica (2012) was to create economies of scale by maximizing the output

per capital invested, which can be reflected in Kraftwurx and I.materialise statements that

their cost per piece can be lowered by 3D printing in larger quantities (Joris; Valenzuela,

2012). According the Encyclopædia Britannica (2012) another purpose would be to reduce the

number of off-standard units or defect rate and raw material cost. We can see this criteria

fulfilled with 3D printing, since Kraftwurx states that the defect rate is as low as 0,0001 %

and is most of the time related to human error (Valenzuela, 2012). This is also supported by

I.materialise statement that the defect rate is low (Joris, 2012). Further, we can see that

material cost are lowered with 3D printers, since Kraftwurx state that the excess material does

not needs to be scrapped, but can be re-used (Valenzuela, 2012).

4.2.4 Engineer and Plan Total Production System

According to the Encyclopædia Britannica (2012) the fourth principle is to systematically

engineer and plan the total production. As stated earlier in connection with specialized tasks

the whole production process is simple and only consist of two steps (Joris; Kammogne;

Valenzuela, 2012). Therefore, we argue that systematic engineering and planning of the total

production process is not necessary. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica (2012), the

purpose of the fourth principle was to achieve the best balance between human effort and

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machines, integrating all elements of production to maximize productivity and minimize

costs. We argue that this is already achieved, since according to all the companies the 3D

printer does most of the work and the post-processing is performed manually (Joris; Sculpteo;

Valenzuela, 2012), since according to Valenzuela (2012) currently there is no machines that

can perform all the post-processing. Thus, we can see that currently the total production

process can not entirely be done by several or a single machines, excluding manual work

which would maximize the output even further.

4.2.5 Sabel & Zeitlin Perspective

We argue that 3D printing follow Sabel & Zeitlin’ (1985) description of mass production

being comprised of single-purpose machines, since the 3D printers fit this description. Sabel

& Zeitlin (1985) statement that the machines are combined with unskilled labour is not true,

since all the companies stated that the workers operating the 3D printers and the post-

processing needs to be skilled (Joris; Valenzuela 2012). Also, according to Sabel & Zeitlin

(1985) the purpose was to produce standard goods. This is not the usual purpose of 3D

printers in the companies we studied, but they are capable of producing several identical items

simultaneously in the same 3D printer according to Joris and Valenzuela (2012). In other

words they can produce standard goods, but skilled workers and specialized machines are


4.2.6 Mass Perspective

The first angle on the “mass” perspective by Hounshell (1984) to reach masses of consumers

by producing products affordable to nearly everyone can become true for 3D printing. This is

if large quantities of items are produced simultaneously in the same machine, since it would

lower costs and prices according to Valenzuela (2012). Joris (2012) made a similar statement

that “sometimes it’s cheaper, most of the times 3D printing is more expensive and when

making pieces in highly complex shapes that can’t be built with standard technologies or

would need a lot of expertise and adaption, it’s cheaper”. We argue that the second angle of

Hounshell (1984) to reach large quantities in term of increasing production in order to reduce

production costs is definitely achievable through 3D printing. Even though it is possible, the

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companies in our study do not necessarily do this. Both I.materialise and Kraftwurx stated

that the more they produce, the more they can lower the costs (Joris; Valenzuela, 2012).

Further, we argue that Hounshell’s (1984) statement that mass production was to ensure

quality by eliminating unpredictable factors caused by unskilled human interaction, by

automating processes is true for 3D printing. Since, the actual production is automated, but we

argue that the difference in 3D printing is that it does not use unskilled workers. However, the

final defect rate of the products is not a problem for 3D printing technology as stated by Joris

and Valenzuela (2012).

4.3 Mass Customization

In this section of the analysis we will use information from the companies to reveal what parts

of the mass customization definition are applicable to 3D printing technology. By revealing if

a business can achieve mass customization through the use of 3D printing, it would mean that

the technology itself is capable of achieving mass customization.

As mentioned by Pine (1993), mass customization tries to achieve broad enough variety and

customization so that nearly everyone finds exactly what they are looking for. For 3D printing

companies that is definitely not a problem to achieve; as mentioned by Kraftwurx, their

customers can create new product designs by making digital 3D models themselves, or co-

create them with other designers if they are not skilled enough (Valenzuela, 2012). Sculpteo

also mentioned the possibility to design a product from scratch or to change different options

through their workshops or online applications (Kammogne,2012). Also, I.materialise

encourages people to create their own products from the ground up, plus they have support

software mainly to help designers get involved in the design process (I.materialise, 2012).

This reveals that the customers have virtually an infinite variety of products which they can

create customized to their own preferences and choose from various materials and finishes to

further personalize even more their products.

Kaplan & Haenlein (2006) mentioned in all their mass customization definitions, the

creation of value and as we can observe the 3D printing industry creates value by serving their

customer’s need for customized goods. Sculpteo and I.materialise stated that their work

begins once a necessity of a product has emerged (Joris; Kammogne, 2012). For Kraftwurx as

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we have mentioned before the current scenario is different because their present focus is to

attract designers to their market place (Valenzuela, 2012), though the long term goal is the

same for the three companies regarding this industry, where most of the value consists on

serve this necessity of people wanting to buy customized products. The above also enable the

companies to achieve a maximum differentiation of their products, which is mentioned in

Kaplan & Haenlein’s (2006) visionary definition of mass customization, since the companies

can create products customized to each customer’s preferences. Further, Kaplan & Haenlein’s

(2006) stated in the visionary mass customization definition a combination of differentiation

with a cost leadership strategy. We observe that this can be achieved through them lowering

costs by outsourcing product development to the customers and also through an increased

production they can achieve some degree of cost leadership. 3D printing technology may

achieve relatively cheap ways to produce products (e.g. having almost zero production waste,

almost no finished goods warehousing, few steps in the production, printing several products

with different designs but the same material at the same time). Although prices and costs are

still not comparable to mass production (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012).

Kaplan & Haenlein’s (2006) also mentioned customer-company interaction in all their mass

customization definitions. The difference between definitions was that for the working and

electronic mass customization definitions, the interaction happens in the fabrication/assembly

stage, while in the visionary definition it happens in the design stage. According to the

statements of all three companies they interact with the customer from the first contact with

the customer and if the customers want, they can be involved along the whole process from

design to delivery. All the companies want to enable and maintain this communication if

possible during the whole process (Joris; Kammogne; Valenzuela, 2012). According to our

research this particular industry fits all both the working and the visionary definition of mass

customization because the customer is involved in both the design stage and the fabrication

stage. Also, even more the companies expect the customer to contribute to their feedback and

needs. According to Sculpteo “we adapt our services to satisfy our customers even if the

service is not on our website”(Kammogne, 2012), Kraftwurx also mentioned that they “adjust

their website constantly to better suite how customers want to upload, buy and sell 3d

prints”(Valenzuela, 2012), and finally the same happens to I. materialize where they

mentioned that their customers are their “partners” (Joris, 2012). Kaplan & Haenlein’s (2006)

definition of electronic mass customization state that in addition to what is mentioned in the

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working definition, at least one market dimensions - players, products and processes - need to

be digital. As stated earlier people buy and sell their items through the online marketplaces of

the companies (I.materialise; Sculpteo; Kraftwurx, 2012), thus making players digital. Even

though the design necessary to produce the item are digital, the product being sold is the

physically printed item according to the websites of the companies’ (I.materialise; Sculpteo;

Kraftwurx, 2012). Processes are also digital, since activities such as product choice, purchase

order, customization, production and payment are done online (I.materialise; Sculpteo;

Kraftwurx, 2012). Thus, we can observe that the players and processes are digital, which

fulfills electronic mass customization. However, the product is not digital and since not all the

three market dimensions are digital the companies’ does not fit the definition of pure

electronic mass customization.

The following table shows the characteristics of mass production and mass customization,

whether 3D printing fulfills those Action criteria or not. As well as if the characteristic is

made unnecessary by 3D printing, but can still fulfill its underlying purpose.

Table 1. Check list of 3D printing compared to mass production and mass customization

(Further detail of the table is available in a full version of the table attached under Appendix II)

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The industry of companies offering 3D printed goods for end use through an e-commerce

marketplace consists of companies providing a service, which is to 3D print products

designed by external designers. By outsourcing some of their production they manage to

produce closer to the customer and thereby gaining access to more types of printers, materials

and to serve customers worldwide. According to our analysis the Internet plays an important

role for these companies, helping them to build a digital designers-company network where

sometimes even suppliers are involved.

3D printing is capable of mass production, since it fulfills most of its characteristics and

those not fulfilled are not needed to fulfill their underlying purposes. 3D printing technology

only successfully fulfilled five out of eight characteristics for mass production. We argue that

two characteristics which are not fulfilled, standardization of components and engineering &

planning of the production, are not necessary to fulfill to achieve their underlying purposes

that 3D printing do achieve. The third characteristic, combination of single-purpose machines

and unskilled labour, is only half fulfilled, since the workers involved in 3D printing are not

unskilled. However, the underlying purpose of this characteristic to produce standard goods is

fulfilled by the 3D printing technology.

According to our analysis it can also be concluded that 3D printing technology fulfills all

the characteristics of the mass customization. The visionary and working definitions as well

as the definition of electronic mass customization are fulfilled. However, 3D printing does not

fulfill characteristics of pure electronic mass customization due to the delivered product to the

customer is not digital and it is not consumed on a digital environment.

The value chain for the industry of companies offering 3D printed goods for end use through

e-commerce marketplaces consist of five primary activities and two support activities. The

first primary activity is supply chain activities which involve all the inputs to the company

and this industry; it is divided into three types depending on input. First, supply of materials

to the in-house 3D printers. Second the supply of items printed by external bureaus. Third,

supply of 3D designs from external designers to the websites of the companies. We consider

these designs as an external input to the companies which also triggers the whole operation if

they are purchased.

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The second primary activities are operations which we divided this into two types of

operations depending on if the production takes place inside or outside the company. First,

when the production occurs in-house, the 3D printing process and any necessary post-

processing is carried out by the companies’ own printers and workers. Second, when

production is outsourced to bureaus the companies still has some internal activities to manage

like the supervision of the whole activity with its correct flow within their partner´s internal

process to ensure quality levels and the company’s brand name.

The third primary activity is distribution which mostly includes packaging for the

companies. However, the delivery of the products is outsourced to delivery companies.

The fourth primary activity is marketing and involves promoting and advertising the

services of the companies. What we found is that a large part of the marketing happens online,

specifically through social media.

The fifth primary activity are services, these refers to offering help to customers, by e.g.

advising them through the customization process, providing information, technical support

along the whole process and handling any possible complaints.

The first support activity is technological development. Here the companies work together

with 3D printer manufacturers and customer to enhance 3D printing technology and develop

new materials. It also includes development of 3D designs by the companies themselves. As it

was mentioned in the analysis, this stage would disappear in a perfect scenario of a 3D printed

goods industry for end use through an e-commerce marketplace.

The second support activity is e-commerce as an extremely value creating activity

responsible to connect the marketplaces of the companies with their customers, internal

production capacity and in the case of Kraftwurx their online social community and Bureaus


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Limitations of the result of this study are the inability to gain information from all four

actors, though the current number of participants is sufficient to make the results strong and

representative to the whole industry. Further, another limitation of the results concerning the

state of industry, is that we show only a present picture, which may change in the next coming

years. Although, we consider the research to have shown an overview of the foundation for

the industry which will still be relevant and hopefully will be useful for future groundwork.

The implications of these conclusions for practitioners within this industry is that first of all

3D printing makes it possible to both mass customize goods, but also can be used to mass

produce goods. The current picture of the industry also shows that the use of digital designs

can be chosen to be produced by a bureau which may be local to the customer, thus making

the manufacturing more localized and helping to reduce some distribution and duty costs. It

also shows that companies like Kraftwurx are emerging and all of the companies are in

constant contact with 3D printer manufacturers to further improve the technology and

probably leading to an evolution of 3D printing technology in the coming years.

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Valenzuela, Marco; Community manager of Kraftwurx. April 4, 9, 10, 24, 27, 2012

Joris, Martjin; Business development manager of I.materialise. May 14, 2012

Kammogne, Sandra; Marketing assistant of Sculpteo. May 18, 2012














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I. Interview Guide

Introduction questions

1. Could you tell us your full name and position at “Name of the company”?

2. Can you describe briefly your main activities as “position at the company”?

3. How long have you been working at the company?

4. Do you remember when the first time you heard about 3D printing technology was?

Questions regarding the company

1. Could you describe what “Name of the company” does?

2. Is 3D printing the only manufacturing technology in “Name of the company”?

3. Where are the company offices and production facilities placed?

4. How many people are currently working for “Name of the company”?

a. Is it necessary for the employees to have a certain training or level of

knowledge to be in their positions?

b. How long is this training and who give this training? I.e. employees or experts

in the technology?

5. Is the company divided into departments for an easier division of tasks? Could you

mention those areas?

6. Is “Name of the company” just a digital company? Meaning is there any physical store

or place where the customers could go to see the exhibition of products or the

technology itself?

7. What is the role of the customer inside the company?

Questions regarding the value chain

1. Do you think the division of areas was made according to those activities that bring

value to “Name of the company “?

2. In your opinion which are the key activities for “Name of the company “?

a. Are these activities related with each other?

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3. In which part of the value chain is your personal role? (explain: development,

production, marketing & delivery)


1. How the designs are developed for the items you print and who designs them?

a. Do non-designing customers and designers collaborate? If so, in what degree:

creating design from scratch or just customizing details?

2. Can you describe which options the customer has through your website? Is the

costumer always involved in the design of the items you print?

3. Is it often that designer buy large volume of items they design?

a. How often that happened?

b. Can you give examples of how large the quantities are?

4. Are there products that have been sold in large quantities?

a. To designers or to several independent customers?

5. If one person designs and prints a product, is this product automatically available for

other customers to purchase the product?

6. What design software do you use? Which ones do you recommend to user? Is it open

source software or is it a commercial one? Could you use both?


1. What different types of 3D printing do you perform?

2. Could you describe for us what steps are involved in the production process in ”Name

of the company”? What is the first step, second step.... last step?

a. Ask follow-up question, whether the respondent should sub-divide the

activities he/she mentioned into additional activities.

3. Is it different between different types of 3D printing or materials? (For producing and

packaging processes)

4. Is there any assembly involved in making the items?

5. Is there any post processing after printing the products? If there is please specify and

give an approximate of the time it takes.

6. Is there any packaging of the item involved? How does the process look like? What

steps are involved? Is it manual? How long does it takes?

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7. How are the items collected and taken from packaging to the next step? Is it automated

or done by manual labor?

8. Do the 3D printers require any periodic maintenance? How often?

a. If there is any other machinery involved the above question also include to

those machines

9. Is there any defect rate for the 3D printing production?


1. In your opinion does the company market your printed products or your printing


2. How do you market” Name of the company” services/products?

3. How can the consumer purchase the products/your services?

4. How do you promote your products/services?

a. Do you use advertising? If so, could you describe how and where you do it?

b. Do you have a sales force? If so please elaborate what it does.

5. What role does the online community play in marketing you products/services?

6. How do you decide are the products/services priced?

7. What marketing channels do you use and what relations do you maintain with them.


1. Are there other ways of purchasing a 3D printed product other than through your

website? Can you mention the different ways a customer can buy printed products to

“Name of the company”?

2. What steps are involved in delivering the product to the consumer? (This would be

ALL steps after packaging)

3. Do you store the items after they are produced and packaged?

a. If the answer is yes, How do you store the items and how long?

4. How do you distribute the items to buyers? (Do they have third parties involved in this

process or is it internal distributors?)

5. Is it the same delivery process for every kind of printed materials?

6. Are there deliveries every day, do you consolidate products in order to lower costs?

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Additional questions

1. If “Name of the company” has physical stores that customers can visit, is it possible

for the customers to go and semi-customized some products at your store?

2. Are the lead times fixed or is it possible to make them shorter in order to offer to the

customer an express service with an extra charge?

3. What do you earn money on? Do you charge for using the shops on your website?

4. Are there additional activities involved that was not mentioned earlier?

5. Are there any manufacturing proportion time-size, time-size-material?

6. Is technology developed inside the company or depends completely to 3d printers


7. To have a general idea of the company size, Can you tell us what the revenue of the

company is?

Thank you so much for your support and attention.

Karina Morales & Erik Wisalchai

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II. The following file contains the table mentioned under section 4 to show the

characteristics of mass production and mass customization, whether 3D printing

fulfills those characteristics or not. As well as if the characteristic is made unnecessary

by 3D printing, but can still fulfill its underlying purpose. The file is presented here in

case the reader wants to deeply analyze the table.
