
Alasdair, Saad and Shiona Waquaas, Mark and Hamza Ruquaiyah, Gulain and Campbell Shawlands Primary Primary 7 Robert, Zara and Cara Louise, Joe and Iqra Ali



Transcript of 3_Animales_extinción_Escocia_Navarra

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Alasdair, Saad and Shiona

Waquaas, Mark and Hamza

Ruquaiyah, Gulain and Campbell

Shawlands Primary

Primary 7

Robert, Zara and Cara

Louise, Joe and Iqra Ali

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In the wild Red Squirrels eat a variety of foods including fungi, bird eggs, plus a wide variety of other seeds, nuts, dried corn, fruits, buds, bark, leaves, pine cones, and a variety of other plants and crops.

The Red Squirrel is smaller than the grey and is a warm reddish brown colour. It has a bushier tail of one colour and has long tufts on its ears in winter. The biggest threat for red squirrels are grey squirrels because they have diseases that red squirrels can die of.

The red squirrel is not well spread and can be found mainly in and the Scottish Highlands.



Appearance and Threats

The mating season often starts on warm days in January, the squirrels chasing each other through the branches. The female red squirrel may produce two litters in a good year, one in April and the other in August. There are, on average, three babies in a litter. The young are born blind and don’t have any fur.


By Cara, Robert and Zara

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Habitat & DietHabitat & Diet• European Beavers normally live next to fresh water lochs

(Scottish name for lake) or slow moving rivers.• Beavers live mostly in Scottish forests • Beavers are vegetarians, they like to eat grass, aquatic

plants and shrubs, they like wood tasting plants in the winter.

European BeaverEuropean Beaver

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Appearance & Appearance & DangersDangers

• European beavers look oval shaped and they have a very very heavy tail which can weigh up to 30kg

• They have very sharp teeth and have brown fur.

• There are no natural predators for the European beaver but probably their biggest threats are humans.

By Alasdair, Saad & Shiona

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AppearanceThe pearl bordered fritillary butterfly is The pearl bordered fritillary butterfly is

orange with black spots on the upper side of orange with black spots on the upper side of its wing. It has two silver pearls on the its wing. It has two silver pearls on the underside of the hind wing. The adult underside of the hind wing. The adult wingspan can grow up to 42 mm.wingspan can grow up to 42 mm.

HabitatThe Pearl bordered

fritillary butterfly lives in the woodlands, where there have been trees cut down. There are areas of grass, plants and open scrub. They live in small populations, and butterflies fly between different animals of the same type living together that are sharing a suitable habitat.

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BreedingIndividual eggs are laid in the autumn on dead leaves

or leaf litter near grass areas where violets grow.

DIETBoth caterpillars and adult butterflies eat on the common dog flower and marsh flower.


Changes in woodland management over past years have led to the decline of the butterflies.

Woodland practices such as coppicing and thinning. Many areas have been planted with

trees. Woodland rides and clearings have become increasingly shady and

overgrown. Plant habitats are no longer managed through eating.

By Waqaas, Mark & Hamza

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Facts • The adder is a reptile and the

only poisonous snake in Great Britain.

• No one has died from an adder

bite in over 20 years.

• Adders have the best type of venom but they are not aggressive snake and they only use their venom as there last choice.

Adder snake

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APPEARANCEMost adders have a

dark zigzag line going down its spine and an inverted V on the back of its neck

LIFESPANAdders live up to 20

years in the wild .Females weigh up to 80

to 100gm and males live up to 50 to 60gm.

THREATSYoung adders are

threatened by lots of animals and sometimes by adult snakes. Adders are also hunted and killed by rodents while they are in hibernation.

HABITATThey live in the rough

countryside and near woodland areas. The best time to see an adder is in spring time.

Louise Hartley, Iqra Ali, Joe Lakey

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This is a Scottish Crossbill it has one of the weirdest beaks in the world. The head and bill of a Scottish Crossbill are massive compared to most Crossbills.



DIETThey love eating pine seeds, They retrieve these by picking the branches and eating the breaking the pines shells then eating the seeds

Scottish Crossbills are to be found in the Highlands of Scotland, in particular Deeside, Strathspey, Moray, Ross-shire and the Great Glen.

Breeding It breeds and winters in coniferous woodlands with a preference for pines.

ThreatsWood cutters and other big birds such as eagles.

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My name  is Jesús 

My nameis Agustín

My name is Javier Ch

My name isJose Javier


My name isSergio

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El erizo,el topo,la ardilla,el lirón,la liebre, el conejo,la nutria,paniquesa,el zorro,el gato montés,  jineta, el ciervo, corzo, sarrio, jabali, jaca de navarra,

El oso, jaca navarra y caballo de burguete.


Urogallo, quebrantahuesos, buho, lechuza, aguila, buitres, cernícalo, ánades, garzas y garcillas, focha, grullas, etc

 Urogallo, quebrantahuesos,perdiz nival y perdiz pardilla.

ReptilesLagarto verde,culebra de collar, culebra de escalera,culebra bastarda, vivora.

Culebra verdiamarilla la lagartija de turbera...

Peces  La trucha, el salmón, el barbo. la madrilla , etc

 Anfibios La rana, la ranita de San Antonio,el sapo, triton,salamandra.

Rana verde, tritón palmeado...

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 Dónde viven

 De qué se alimentan

Qué se está haciendo para protegerlos

Quebrantahuesos Su plumaje es muy oscuro y con alas de color pizarra.

En el Pirineo y sierra de Cazorla.

De huesos y otros restos de animales muertos.

Se eliminan las amenazas de esta especie y el censo de parejas ,

Urugallo Grouse Tiene plumas debajo del pico con forma de barba.

Pirineos en los Alpes y el Jura.

De helechos y brotes tiernos de las ramas.

Se eliminas las amenazas de estas especies.

Murciélago ratonero Tiene una  coloracion dorsal rojiza y la bentral amarilla.

En españa por el territoro peninsular y Menorca.

De arañas y plantas .

La rehabitación de viviendas rurales.

Perdiz pardillaEs pequeño plumaje castaño y rojizo

En los pirineos y en zonas que nieva mucho

De granos y brotes flores hojas insecto...

Cuenta con un plan de recuperación aprobado en la rioja y navarra

Oso pardo Tiene un espeso pelage su pequeña cola y su enorme cabeza y sus orejas pequeñas

 Casitodo el año solitario como mucho una madre  con hijos

Su alimentación es vegetal, las plantas son la comida básica

Se está intentando reintroducirlos en los lugares donde se han extinguido.

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La Perdiz Pardilla de los Pirineos es un galliforme de pequeño tamaño. El macho no se diferencia de la hembra. Tiene manchas claras con forma de rombo sobre las plumas de la espalda y del cuello.

DÓNDE VIVEN    Vive en zonas montañosas como  los Pirineos, Montes Cantábricos y Sistema Ibérico.

 DE QUÉ SE ALIMENTANQUÉ SE HACE PARA PROTEGERLOSEstá catalogada en peligro de extincion en la Rioja y Navarra por lqo que no sepuede cazar y existe un  plan de recuperación aprobado en la Rioja y Navarra.

En invierno y en la primavera, el adulto se alimenta esencialmente con comida verde (Galio, Trébol, Compuestas). En verano se alimenta de sobretodo de gramíneas.

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DESCRIPCIÓNSu plumaje es muy oscuro y con alas de color pizarra. Tiene ojos de color rojo.Desde los ojos se extiende un antifaz negro hasta la base del pico.

DÓNDE VIVENEsta especie vive en zonas de montaña, en el Pirineo y sierra de Cazorla.

DE QUÉ SE ALIMENTAEl quebrantahuesos es un ave caroñera que se alimenta de restos óseos.


Se eliminan las amenazas. Se hace el censo de parejas. Se porporciona alimento.

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  El urogallo tiene un tamaño máximo de 1,10 m en los machos y 0,70 m las hembras. Se caracteriza por tener unas plumas debajo del pico en forma de barba, una cola en forma de abanico y unos tubérculos rojos sobre los ojos

DÓNDE VIVENEn las zonas montañosas del valle del Roncal en el macizo Kárstico de Larra. DE QUÉ SE ALIMENTASe alimenta de brotes de árboles, amentos de sauces, hiérbas, arándanos, frambuesas, etc.

QUÉ SE ESTA HACIENDO PARA PROTEGERLOSEliminar a sus amenazas que los matan. Proteger los espacios donde viven e impedir que los cazen. Realizar el censo de parejas.Los deportes de invierno suponen una amenaza.

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                       MURCIÉLAGO                 ANIMAL EN PELIGRO DE EXTINCIÓN                                 DESCRIPCION:El murciélago es muy pequeño con   orejas que extendidas sobrepAsan el  vuelo. Destaca la falta de pelo alrededor de los ojos. Tiene un pelo bicolor, el dorsal con base oscura y puntas grisáceas y el ventral con base oscura   

DONDE VIVEN:Viven en todo tipo de refugios tanto cuevas como fisuras. En España por todo el territorio peninsular.

 DE QUE SE ALIMENTA Se alimenta de insectos, aves, plantas silvestres frutos etc

AMENAZAS: Su pricipal amenaza son la desaparición de casas y garajes antiguos y sin rehabiliatar

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DESCRIPCIÓNEl oso tiene un espeso pelaje pardo. El

oso íbero es el mamífero más grande de España. Es plantigrado porque apoya la planta de sus pies al andar. Durante el

invierno hiberna en sus refugios.


El oso pardo ha desaparecido de los montes navarros. En los Pirineos hay solo 17 ejemplares. Están protegidos

por la ley. Se está intentando reintroducirlos.ALIMENTACIÓN

Se alimenta de frutos del bosque aunque puede comer también animales

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Both Scotland and Spain have many species of forest creatures which are endangered. Each school chose 5 to find out about. These tables shows some of the information we found out. It is very interesting to learn about wildlife in another country. There are many similarities. One difference is Scotland does not have wild bears!


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The head and bill of a Scottish crossbill are more massive than those of a common crossbill.

Scottish Crossbills are to be found in the Highlands of Scotland, in particular Deeside, Strathspey, Moray, Ross-shire and the Great Glen.

Creature Appearance Habitat ThreatsWood cutters and other big birds such as eagles.



Pearl Bordered Fritillary Butterfly

Adder Snake

Red Squirrel

European beavers look oval shaped and they have a very heavy tailThey have very sharp teeth and brown fur.

European Beavers normally live next to fresh water lochs (Scottish name for lake) or slow moving rivers.Beavers live mostly in Scottish forests

The Pearl bordered fritillary butterfly lives in the woodlands, where there have been trees cut down.

They live in the rough countryside and near woodland areas. The best time to see an adder is in spring time.

The red squirrel is not well spread and can be found mainly in and the Scottish Highlands.

The Red Squirrel is smaller than the grey and is a warm reddish brown colour.

The biggest threat for red squirrels are grey squirrels because they have diseases that red squirrels can die of.

Most adders have a dark zigzag line going down its spine and an inverted V on the back of its neck

Young adders are threatened by lots of animals and sometimes by adult snakes. Adders are also hunted and killed by rodents while they are in hibernation.

There are no natural predators for the European beaver but probably their biggest threats are humans.

Changes in woodland management over past years have led to the

decline of the butterflies.

The pearl bordered fritillary The pearl bordered fritillary butterfly is orange with black butterfly is orange with black spots on the upper side of its spots on the upper side of its wing. It has two silver pearls wing. It has two silver pearls on the underside of the hind on the underside of the hind wing.wing.

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Creature Appearance Habitat Threats






The partridge of the Pyrenees is a small galliforme, There is littlle differences between male and female partridge. It has light diamond shaped spots in the feathers of the back and in the feathers of the neck

It Lives in mountainous regions such as the Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains and Iberian System.

It has been declared endangered animal in Navarra and la Rioja thus, they cannot be hunted

Its feathers are dark. It has slate-colored wings. It has red eyes. A black mask extends from its eyes to the base of the peak.

This species is present in mountainous areas, in the Pyrenees and Cazorla mountains.

To eliminate its threats. To make a census of couples. To provided these birds with food

The beard has a thick brown coat. Iberian bear is the largest mammal in Spain. It is plantigrade because the soles of their feet are flat on the ground when walking.Beards hibernates in


They are protected by law. They are trying to reintroduce them in other places of the Pyrenees.

The brown bear has disappeared from the mountains of Navarre. In the Pyrenees there are only 17 beards.

It has a maximum size of 1.10 m for males and 0.70m females. It has beard-shaped feathers under the beak and a fan-shaped tail. Around the eyes has red tubers.

In the mountainous areas of the Roncal valley, in the massif of Larra. 

Eliminate threats that could kill them. Protect the places where they live and stop hunting them. Census of the couples.Winter sports represent a threat for them.

The bat is a mammal, is very small, with stretched ears. Highlights the lack of hair about eyes. It has a two-tone hair, back-hair is dark base and peak gray,and ventral-hair is almost white.

They live in all sorts of caves and cracks which they use as shelters. Old houses are also places where they like to live in. In Spain in the whole peninsula

Its main threat is the disappearance of old houses and garages without
