3.a. Holidays and Celebrations


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Transcript of 3.a. Holidays and Celebrations

  • 3. Holidays and Celebrations (Christmas- New Years Eve) 1. How do the Hungarians celebrate Christmas?On the twenty-fourth of December, they decorate the Christmas tree with lights and ornaments, and put presents under the tree. The whole family gets together for the traditional Christmas dinner. The Hungarians eat fish soup, stuffed cabbage and poppy seed and nut rolls. On the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth people visit their relatives, and have dinner together.

  • 2. What is the English Christmas like?Children hang up an old stocking for presents when they go to bed on the twenty-fourth of December. Parents usually go to parties. In the morning children find their presents in the stockings and under the Christmas tree. In England families are together on the twenty-fifth, and have Christmas dinner. The twenty-sixth is called Boxing Day. Boxing DayBoxing Day is a public holiday in the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, as well as many other members of the Commonwealth of Nations and Greece. It is based on the tradition of giving gifts to the less fortunate members of society. Boxing Day is a traditional celebration dating back to the Middle Ages, of which the primary practice is the giving of gifts to employees or to people in a lower social class. The name has numerous folk etymologies.

  • Christmas BoxA Christmas box is, in English tradition, a clay box used in artisan shops. Apprentices, masters, visitors, customers, and others would put donations of money into the box, like a piggy bank, and then, after Christmas, the box would be shattered and all the contents shared among the workers of the shop. Thus, masters and customers could donate bonuses to the workers anonymously, and the employees could average their wages. The habit of breaking the Christmas box lent its name to Boxing Day. The term "Christmas box" now refers generally to a gift or pay bonus given to workers.

  • 3. How do you celebrate New Years Eve?

    We either have a party for our friends, or we are invited to a party. We usually start at seven, and finish in the morning.

  • 4. How do the Hungarians celebrate New Years Eve?

    People go to parties or restaurants, and have a big dinner. Some people stay at home, and watch TV. At midnight, the Hungarians drink champagne, and sing the national anthem. In a lot of towns, there are fireworks after midnight.

    5. How is New Years Eve celebrated in England?

    In England people go to parties or dances. At midnight they drink a toast.

    6. How do the Hungarians celebrate the end of winter?

    At the end of Februry, people go to carnivals where they usually wear funny masks and costumes. Some people go to big balls to dance.