36413910 the Hermetic Library

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  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library


    The Hermetic Libraryby J.W. Richter

    Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553): Adam and Eve, 1533.

    Bode-Museum, Berlin. Photograph: Till Niermannincluded inpublic domain (copyright has expired.)

    Fig. 1: Adam and Eve

  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library



    There is a strange trace of a common bipolar symbolism in theapplications of the colours Red & Blue, discovered in studiesand documented in a series of manuscripts.

    This religious bipolarity has been named Hermetic for the bi-faced idols and the naming conventions by Roman historians(Caesar and Tacitus) and archaeologists, who compared earlyidols (including the Hermes of Roquepertuse) with Roman bi-

    faced idols of Mercury / Hermes.In fact the bipolar symbolism in religious symbolism howevermust be considerably older and has been identified in the Indo-European deity Dyaeus. Bipolarity has been traced back to theroots of a fertility cult, in which red symbolizes a male andblue a female antipode. The deity itself is symbolized by purpleas a joined symbol of male and female antipodes. Bipolarityhas been identified in burial rites, in sculptures, in books (theBible), in language (U and I), in names (Dyaeus, Hermes, IU-piter, respectively Jupiter and IHVH), in heraldry and inartwork (red & blue).

    The following overview updates the overview to the historicalstudies and other topics in English language. Some of themanuscript have been published in German and Dutch as welland may be identified in the appendix of all manuscripts.

    Some of the earlier manuscripts contradict the later texts, as anew insight had been found. The artwork has been createdbefore I discovered the reversal of colour coded symbolism formale respectively female elements. Of course I refused tomodify the colours for these oil paintings.


  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library


    The Hermetic Library

    Title & web-link(in chronological order) Comments

    The Sky-God Dyaeus Historical Overview

    The Brabantian Dictionary dictionary Brabantian Dutch English German

    Hochdorf Revisited - A reconstructedCeltic Site

    analysing the purple (red & blue) garments of aCeltic priest

    The Fundamental Color Symbols Blueand Red

    colour codes in Greek andEgyptian religions

    Notes to the Sacred Symbols of Mu analysing the dramaticchangeover in socialposition for women(voting, property, etcetera)

    Secret Colour Codes in the Bible correlating the coloursred, blue and purple todivine commands

    Overview of my manuscripts in aNutshell

    Earlier, but detailedversion of this overview

    The inflationary use of the verb "love" A study for thetransformation in the

    symbol loveA Book of Art some works of

    androgynous artwork

    Genesis - Weaving the Words in Redand in Blue

    illustration of weavingwords like human beings

    Paint It Purple - A short History ofpainting Red and Blue

    Historical base for purple,red & blue

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    Another Etymology for Purple Etymology for the Dutchword for purple

    Etymology for Flags Symbolism in Flags

    Gender References for Purple, Redand Blue

    Study for the switch ingender colour-symbolism

    A compact Overview of BipolarSymbolism

    summary of bipolarreligious symbolsincluding etymology

    Godsdienstles 1954-1955 1 A red Adam and a blue

    EveA Loss of Symbolism inCommunications

    illustrating the lostandrogynous symbolism

    The Symbolic Colour Green in Islam Aspects of the symboliccolour green

    Illusion and Disillusion Illusion as a vitalcomponent in life

    Patrism, Matrism and Androgyny struggle between patristicand matristic religions

    Dies Fasti - Understanding theFastened Sculptures

    the symbolism in rigidfastening

    Cross-references for Deities and Man An overview of availablecross-references betweenthe most important pre-

    Christian deitiesThe Power of Deceit - an essay onviolence and deceit

    Deceit and violence asequivalent assaults to afellow man

    Summary of some religious Colour Overview of religious

    1: Manuscript only available in Dutch and German


  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library


    Codes colour Codes from thebiblical and other sources

    Body Mirroring at Burials Study of burial symbolismin the Stone Age

    Blue and Red in Medieval Garments Describing the divinecommands in the booksExodus and Chronicles

    Language and Religion Comparing two differentversions of creationlegends

    Yellow for JudasAnalysis for a number ofpaintings of Judas Isk.

    Color Coding in the Last Supper (byLeonardo Da Vinci)

    Analysis for a singularpainting by Leonardo d.V.

    Color Codings in the Last Supper(Overview)

    Analysis for a number ofmedieval paintings

    Blue and Red in Roermond Study of the medieval

    tombs of the royalsThe Kingfisher Analysis of the

    kingfisher's symbolism

    Red and Blue in the Middle Age Analysis of colours inmedieval symbolism

    The Majestic Singular in William ofOrange's Letter

    Analysis for a letter byWilliam of Orange

    Symbolism in the Garden of Delightsby Hieronymos Bosch

    Analysis for a singularpainting by Jerome Bosch

    Threads of Bipolar Symbolism inReligion

    Describing a religiousmovement parallel to amainstream medievalreligion


  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library


    The Hermetic Codex Chronological overviewof bipolar symbolism

    Dyeing Purple in the Middle Age Study of dyeing medievaltechnologies

    Capita Selecta for the religioussymbols Red and Blue

    Analysis of illuminatedmedieval manuscripts

    Symbolism in the Paintings byHieronymos Bosch

    Analysis for somepaintings by JeromeBosch

    Yellow for Saint Peter Analysis for a number of

    paintings of St. PeterColoured Idols Analysis of colours in the

    international exhibitionColoured Gods

    Blue and Red in Notitia Dignitatum Study of symbols for theRoman military forces

    Illuminated Manuscripts Analysing colours forinitials, decorations and


    Blue and Red Symbolism inFreemasonary

    Describing the origin forbipolar symbolism frompillars and circles

    The Nuns' Church at Waiblingen Keystones in a medievaldecorated ceiling

    Enlightenment and Darkness A study of symbolism in

    an ancient cross lampRed and Blue as Gender Symbols Gender specific colour

    codes in artwork

    Red and Blue in British Royalty The colour symbolism inBritish monarchy

    Liturgical (and Royal) Colours Comparing the liturgicalcolours to royal symbols


  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library


    Summary - Archaic Rock Inscriptions(1891)

    Sculptures depictingphallic symbols


  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library


    Chronology for the Hermetic Library

    At the 15th

    of may 2009 I published the thesis of a commonandrogynous religion in a Scribd-document: The Sky-GodDyaeus which has been detailed in a number of otherdocuments.

    Publications have been sorted according to publishing date.

    The applied colouring code is:

    Yellow = English Blue = German Pink = Dutch

    1. The Sky-God Dyaeus2. Der Himmelsgott Dyaeus3. Laus Fragilitatis - Lob der Gebrechlichkeit4. Castra Doloris - Auf Den Punkt Gebracht

    5. Nederlands Voor Gevorderden6. Die Heathrow Tagebcher7. The Heathrow Hassle - and the Heathrow Hysteria8. Der Brenner Codex - die Bernsteinstrae9. Meine Erfahrungen Mit Lulu10. Heathrow's Dagboeken11. Der Hellweg nach Holland12. The Hellweg to Holland13. Woordenlijst Brabants14. The Brabantian Dictionary15. Hochdorf Revisited - A reconstructed Celtic Site16. The Fundamental Color Symbols Blue and Red17. De boekenfluisteraar18. Randnotizen eines Buchflsterers


  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library


    19. Kanttekeningen van een boekfluisteraar20. Core Dump (Nederlandse versie)21. Core Dump (English version)

    22.Notizen zu "Die Heiligen Symbole Von Mu"23.Notes to the Sacred Symbols of Mu24. Secret Colour Codes in the Bible25. Dyaeus - ber die Farbcodes der Prachtbibeln26. Overview of my manuscripts in a Nutshell27. The inflationary use of the verb "love"28. Ich liebe Dich29. A Book of Art30. Genesis - Weaving the Words in Red and in Blue31. Paint It Purple - A short History of painting Red and

    Blue32. Die Kaisertracht in Rot und Blau33. De Bijbelse Kleuren Purper, Rood en Blauw34. Etymologie van het woord "Paars"35. Another Etymology for Purple

    36. Eine neue Etymologie fr Purpur37. Etymology for Flags38. Gender References for Purple, Red and Blue39. Tractatus der Unwrter - zur Etymologie unseres

    Wortschatzes40. A compact Overview of Bipolar Symbolism41. Kurzbersicht der bipolaren Symbolik42. Der Symbolverlust in der Kommunikation43. Godsdienstles 1954-195544. A Loss of Symbolism in Communications45. Religionsunterricht 1954-195546. The Symbolic Colour Green in Islam47. Tuschung und Enttuschung48. Illusion and Disillusion


  • 7/30/2019 36413910 the Hermetic Library


    49. Eine Qualittsanzeige fr Webdokumente50. Patrism, Matrism and Androgyny51. Dies Fasti - Understanding the Fastened Sculptures

    52. Dies Fasti - Das Entfesseln der Gtter53. Cross-references for Deities and Man54. Technologie Oder Evolution - Von der Suche nach

    einem Schpfer55. Gedankensplitter ber die Tuschungsgewalt56. The Power of Deceit - an essay on violence and deceit57. Summary of some religious Colour Codes58. bersicht der religisen Farbcodes59. Afleiding van de Religieuze Kleurcodes60. Body Mirroring at Burials61. Die Verwebung als religises Symbol62. Blue and Red in Medieval Garments63. Blau und Rot Im Mittelalter64. Language and Religion65. Paars

    66. Yellow for Judas67. Die Farbcodierung in Leonardos Abendmahl68. Color Coding in the Last Supper (by Leonardo Da

    Vinci)69. Color Codings in the Last Supper (Overview)70. Rood en Blauw in Roermond71. Dagboekfragmenten (Roermond)72. Blue and Red in Roermond73. The Kingfisher74. Dagboekfragmenten (1960-1972)75. Red and Blue in the Middle Age76. The Majestic Singular in William of Orange's Letter77. Symbolism in the Garden of Delights by Hieronymos



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    78. Threads of Bipolar Symbolism in Religion79. Een Kleine Legende Van Rood, Wit en Blauw80. The Hermetic Codex

    81. Erinnerungen an Adam und Eva82. Dyeing Purple in the Middle Age83. Het Verven Van Purper in de Middeleeuwen84. Capita Selecta for the religious symbols Red and Blue85. De gewandmakers86. De aardbeving van Lissabon op 1 november 175587. The Lisbon Earthquake of 1 November 175588. Symbolism in the Paintings by Hieronymos Bosch89. Yellow for Saint Peter90. Castles of Grief (Castra Doloris Chapter 1-6)91. Oil Spill: What I don't understand...92. Coloured Idols93. Des Deutschen Kaisers Alte Kleider94. Zur Definition der Hheren Gewalt95. Blue and Red in Notitia Dignitatum

    96. Illuminated Manuscripts97. Castles of Grief (Chapter 1-20)98. Blue and Red Symbolism in Freemasonary99. Das Nonnenkirchle in Waiblingen100. The Nuns' Church at Waiblingen101. Enlightenment and Darkness102. Red and Blue as Gender Symbols103. Just Another Archive of Vinyl Discs104. Red and Blue in British Royalty105. Liturgical (and Royal) Colours106. Summary - Archaic Rock Inscriptions (1891)

