363_test_1_f04Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing


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IEGR 363: Manufacturing Processes Fall 2004 M. Salimian Test# 1 (October 6, 2004) 1. Please write your initials and the last 4 digits of your student ID

number on all pages.

2. Read the questions carefully before answering them. Your quick

interpretation of a question may lead to answering it incorrectly.

3. Support your answers by sketches.

4. Do not attempt to fill out pages for answer for a question that can be

answered in a couple of sentences. Your answer as a whole will be

graded including the parts that are correct as well as those assertions

that may be incorrect.

5. Make sure to pay attention to selection of questions and choices that

you have. Answering more questions that is allowed in one section

does not earn you points and will waste your time.

Part I: 15 point questions – Select ONLY 2 questions of your choice.

Question #1 (15 Points)

Explain the different steps of investment casting. Make sure to explain for each

step why that step is performed, what is a desirable method of doing that step

and what happens if you do not perform it in its desirable way.

Question #2 (15 Points)

Explain 8 different types of casting defects. Why are they generated and how you

can avoid them.

Question #3 (15 Points)

Discuss two steps of the sand casting process that can be automated and

explain how the automation has affected those steps. Explain the automated

methods involve in those steps.

Question #4 (15 Points)

From one of the following processes, pick the one of your choice and explain it in

details with sketches.

Shell molding or V process

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IEGR 363: Manufacturing Processes Fall 2004 M. Salimian Test# 1 (October 6, 2004)

Question #5 (15 Points)

Describe and illustrate design considerations for corners, angles, section

thickness and flat areas.

Part II: 10 point questions – Select ONLY 2 questions of your choice.

Question #6 (10 Points)

Illustrate and explain cold shut and hot tear defects in casting and the ways to

reduce them and why they work.

Question #7 (10 Points)

Describe and illustrate how single crystal turbine blades are cast.

Question #8 (10 Points)

Name 5 practices that can improve the quality of cat parts and for each practice

name two example used in different casting processes.

Question #9 (10 Points)

What are hot spots, shrinkage allowance, and machining allowance?

Part III: 5 point questions – Select ONLY 6 questions of your choice.

Question #10 (5 Points)

Explain the reasons why heat transfer and fluid flow are important in metal


Question #11 (5 Points)

What is the function of a core?

Question #12 (5 Points)

Name the important factors involved in the economics of casting operations.

Question #13 (5 Points)

Which of the following considerations is/are important for a riser to function

properly? Must is: (a) have a surface area larger than the part being cast, (b)

be3 kept open to atmospheric pressure, and/or (c) solidify first? Why?

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IEGR 363: Manufacturing Processes Fall 2004 M. Salimian Test# 1 (October 6, 2004) Question #14 (5 Points)

How are dissolved gasses removed from molten metal?

Question #15 (5 Points)

Why is the investment-casting process capable of producing fine surface detail

on castings?

Question #16 (5 Points)

What are the advantageous and limitations of die castings?

Question #17 (5 Points)

Explain the different identification scheme, terminology, and classifications of the


Question #18 (5 Points)

What would you do to improve the surface finish in expendable mold castings


Part IV: Answer both questions.

Question #19 (10 Points)

What is rubber molding? Explain as much as you can about the steps.

Question #20 (10 Points)

Explain different parts of the report based on the course guideline.

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