360 Degree Feedback Sample Jill Smith

360° Feedback Results for Jill Smith March 25, 2014 Summary results from 5 raters, including: 1 Manager 4 Peers Copyright © 2014 by Elite Business Systems. All rights reserved. 1

Transcript of 360 Degree Feedback Sample Jill Smith

Page 1: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

360° Feedback Results forJill Smith

March 25, 2014

Summary results from 5 raters, including:

1 Manager4 Peers

Copyright © 2014 by Elite Business Systems. All rights reserved. 1

Page 2: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Understanding the Data Jill Smith

This report presents your results in two ways: as Raw Scores and as T-Scores. It is important that you take a moment to understand what these different scores represent.

Raw Scores are simply an average of your feedback results on a 5-point scale. The lowest possible raw score is a 1, and the highest possible raw score is a 5.

T-Scores show how your scores compare to the scores received by others. By themselves, raw scores do not give any indication of whether your scores are high or low. T-Scores make this possible by eliminating the natural variations between items and providing a benchmark to measure the raw scores by. The T-Scores on this report show how you scored versus thousands of managers and executives across a broad range of different organizations.

When using T-Scores, the mean (average) is always 50, and the standard deviation is 10. If your T-Score is above 50, then it is above average. If your score is less than 50, it is below average.

T-Scores are distributed in a bell-shaped curve, as illustrated in the diagram. 68% of T-Scores fall between 40 and 60. 96% of scores fall between 30 and 70. Only 4% of scores fall below 30 or above 70.

All "category" and "overall" scores in this report are based on the average of the scores from each rater group, not each rater. For example, a rating from 1 manager carries the same weight as ratings from 10 direct reports.

Number of Respondents ( n ) – The number of respondents for each item is listed in the Category Breakdown section under the column labeled "n". The number of respondents is also indicated in the Frequency Distributions. The number of respondents differs across items because some items are only asked of specific rater groups, and some raters might have indicated "Unable to Rate" for some of their answers.

The number of respondents is important because when there is a small number of respondents – especially just one or two – the result is less statistically reliable. A low "n" is often accompanied by more extreme T-Scores for individual items, which can have an effect on the overall category score as well. If you see items that have just one or two respondents, do not disregard your scores, but do consider that the numbers reflect the feedback from just one or two people.

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Page 3: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

About This Report Jill Smith

This report contains a summary of your 360-Degree Feedback results. The report begins with a high-level overview and progresses into greater detail as you proceed through it. Start by reading through the entire report to the end of the comments section. Try to keep an open mind as you look at the numeric data and read the comments that your raters provided. Once you have familiarized yourself with the report and your overall results, go back through the report and look for patterns, inconsistencies, and themes. Work back and forth between the numeric data and the comments as you do this.

Remember that any inconsistencies in your results mean that others see you from different angles and different value systems. Some feedback you can take literally, but some is due to colleagues who lack perspective or who have different expectations of you. You should debrief your results with your manager and/or HR representative. In these meetings you should identify a short list of actionable items. Do not focus on who said what.

Refer to the 360 Feedback Development Recommendations for additional suggestions on how to interpret your results, debrief raters and develop your skills. To access this document, copy and paste the link below into your web browser.


Table of Contents

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Page 4: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Two-Factor Leadership Profile Jill Smith

Displayed below is a statistically derived overview of your leadership style based on the two primary factors of leadership.

= All Respondents= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

2-Factor Leadership Profile


Task Master Effective Leader

Focus on Execution

Disengaged Motivator

LowFocus on



High scorers on "People"…• Are sincere and straightforward

• Set a positive example

• Encourage open dialog

• Are open to feedback and criticism

• Recognize & reward employees' contributions

• Motivate and inspire those around them

High scorers on "Execution"…• Focus on achieving results

• Are decisive

• Follow through on commitments

• Hold others accountable

• Demand excellence

• Understand the business

The most effective leaders (upper right) achieve a balance between working with people and achieving bottom-line results.

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Page 5: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Category Scores – Raw Scores Jill Smith

"All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

1 2 3 4 5

Raw Score


Knowledge/Strategic 3.7 42Manager 4.0 48

Peers 3.4 36

Self 4.2 65

Character 4.1 56Manager 4.7 69

Peers 3.5 43

Self 4.2 58

Interpersonal 4.1 58Manager 4.7 72

Peers 3.4 44

Self 4.2 61

Innovation/Change 4.3 66Manager 4.9 79

Peers 3.7 50

Self 4.2 60

Leadership/Motivation 3.6 52Manager 3.9 59

Peers 3.3 44

Self 4.5 66

Execution 3.9 54Manager 4.0 58

Peers 3.8 51

Self 4.3 62

Sales Culture 4.3 -Manager 4.6 -

Peers 4.0 -

Self 4.8 -

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Page 6: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Category Scores – T-Scores Jill Smith

"All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

30 40 50 60 70

Raw Score


Knowledge/Strategic 3.7 42Manager 4.0 48

Peers 3.4 36

Self 4.2 65

Character 4.1 56Manager 4.7 69

Peers 3.5 43

Self 4.2 58

Interpersonal 4.1 58Manager 4.7 72

Peers 3.4 44

Self 4.2 61

Innovation/Change 4.3 66Manager 4.9 79

Peers 3.7 50

Self 4.2 60

Leadership/Motivation 3.6 52Manager 3.9 59

Peers 3.3 44

Self 4.5 66

Execution 3.9 54Manager 4.0 58

Peers 3.8 51

Self 4.3 62

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Page 7: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Category Breakdown Jill Smith

"All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

30 40 50 60 70





n freq

Knowledge/Strategic 3.7 42 - -

Has a good business mind; thinks broadly 3.8 49 5

Integrates long-term strategic goals into decisions made today 3.6 49 5

Takes a broad, strategic approach to problem solving and decision making 3.2 42 5

Takes a long-range view rather than always focusing on immediate, short-term outcomes 3.0 34 5

Considers the long-term impact of decisions made today 3.0 34 5

Understands how sales affects every department* 4.6 - 5

Understands the senior housing industry and the market* 4.5 - 5

Understands the operational side of your community* 3.8 - 5

Understands the technical side of your community* 3.6 - 5

* No normative data available. Data displayed as raw scores on a scale of 1-5."All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

30 40 50 60 70





n freq

Character 4.1 56 - -

Willing to take a courageous stand 4.4 62 5

Serves others; avoids selfishness 4.4 61 5

Trusts others appropriately 4.1 60 5

Eagerly pursues new knowledge, skills, and methods 4.2 60 5

Accepts responsibility for own mistakes 4.2 59 5

Self confident 4.2 58 5

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Page 8: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Category Breakdown Jill Smith

Consistently demonstrates honesty and openness 4.2 57 5

Can be trusted with sensitive information 4.4 57 5

Avoids negative politicking and hidden agendas 4.1 57 5

Sincere and straightforward 4.2 57 5

Actively seeks out new learning opportunities 4.1 56 5

Avoids bias in attitude or treatment of people 4.0 56 5

Respected by others 3.9 52 5

Patient when necessary 3.8 51 5

Open to feedback and criticism 3.6 50 5

Knows own strengths and limitations 3.6 49 5

Aware of how others react to his/her actions or statements 2.9 42 5

Personally committed to the company's strategy* 4.6 - 5

Makes decisions based on community/customer needs rather than personal agenda* 4.2 - 5

* No normative data available. Data displayed as raw scores on a scale of 1-5."All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

30 40 50 60 70





n freq

Interpersonal 4.1 58 - -

Adapts well to cultural differences 4.5 66 5

Encourages open dialog 4.4 64 5

Keeps others informed by continuously sharing information 4.1 63 5

Listens effectively 4.2 62 5

Earns respect without being overbearing 4.4 62 5

Gives personal attention; is accessible 4.4 61 5

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Page 9: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Category Breakdown Jill Smith

Tolerates people's differences 4.1 60 5

Avoids being too stubborn 3.9 58 5

Preserves others' self esteem 4.0 56 5

Brings conflicts into the open for resolution 3.8 56 3

Adjusts to changes without frustration 3.8 54 5

Recognizes the value of people with different talents and skills 3.8 49 5

Resolves conflicts among team members 3.2 46 3

Encourages collaboration for mutual benefit of all departments* 4.2 - 5

* No normative data available. Data displayed as raw scores on a scale of 1-5."All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

30 40 50 60 70





n freq

Innovation/Change 4.3 66 - -

Takes appropriate risks 4.4 71 5

Leads and facilitates process improvement 4.5 69 4

Is not afraid to take risks 4.5 67 5

Helps others navigate planned and unplanned change 4.3 67 4

Actively leads efforts to drive innovation and change 4.3 65 4

Adapts to change generated by others 4.2 64 5

Feels comfortable in a fast-changing environment 4.2 61 5

Recognizes what already works; avoids unnecessary change 4.2 60 4

Reorganizes readily when census changes call for a new strategy* 3.8 - 5

* No normative data available. Data displayed as raw scores on a scale of 1-5."All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self





n freq

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Page 10: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Category Breakdown Jill Smith

30 40 50 60 70

Leadership/Motivation 3.6 52 - -

Builds trust by being open and honest 4.2 63 5

Recognizes honest mistakes as learning experiences 4.2 62 5

Tolerates honest mistakes as learning experiences 4.2 59 5

Provides a positive example; "walks the talk" 4.0 56 5

Sensitive to satisfaction and morale in the group 3.8 52 5

Generates enthusiasm in others 3.5 50 4

Facilitates rather than dominates 3.6 50 5

Creates an atmosphere that inspires others to achieve at a higher level 3.5 48 5

Persuasive; speaks with impact 3.2 44 5

Conducts effective meetings 3.3 44 4

Communicates an inspiring vision 3.2 43 4

Recognizes others' contributions and ideas* 4.0 - 5

Enlists the talent of others in order to meet community census goals when working with families* 3.9 - 5

Regularly reviews objectives with staff regarding events, tours or other activities that require community involvement* 3.8 - 5

Communicates/has the ability to communicate reasons for changes and decisions that may affect other departments* 3.6 - 5

When working with other departments, has the ability to set clear deadlines* 3.6 - 5

Helps people develop passion for their work in your senior living community* 3.1 - 5

Can effectively delegate work* 3.0 - 4

When working with other departments, promotes defining clear objectives* 3.0 - 5

Articulates sales strategies that require teamwork in plain language* 2.8 - 4

* No normative data available. Data displayed as raw scores on a scale of 1-5."All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

30 40 50 60 70





n freq

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Page 11: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Category Breakdown Jill Smith

Execution 3.9 54 - -

Actively supports sales efforts 4.6 68 5

Emphasizes service to internal customers 4.5 67 5

Helps coordinate work with other departments 4.4 66 5

Doesn't skim important details 4.4 66 5

Follows through on commitments 4.5 65 5

Doesn't bog down in irrelevant details 4.2 64 5

Understands the technical aspects of his/her job 4.6 63 5

Strongly results-oriented 4.4 62 5

Has the ability to handle increasing levels of complexity 4.4 61 5

Promptly responds to phone calls and requests 4.1 57 5

Manages own time effectively 4.0 56 5

Focuses on important tasks 4.0 55 5

Timely with meetings and appointments 4.0 54 5

Negotiates contracts/deals skillfully 3.9 54 5

Able to integrate complex ideas and concepts when planning for the future 3.8 51 4

Continually simplifies; doesn't overcomplicate 3.7 51 4

Plans effectively; avoids firefighting 3.2 45 5

Avoids distractions; not easily side-tracked 3.4 45 5

Acts on real problems and their root causes 3.3 43 4

Demands critical thinking of others 3.2 42 5

Makes timely decisions 3.2 41 5

Keeps a clear mind under pressure 3.2 40 5

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Page 12: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Category Breakdown Jill Smith

Remains focused, even under pressure 3.2 38 5

Enforces the senior living community's company policies consistently* 4.0 - 5

Coordinates work effectively among other departments* 3.4 - 5

* No normative data available. Data displayed as raw scores on a scale of 1-5."All Respondents" scoresdo not include "Self"

= All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

1 2 3 45





Sales Culture* 4.3 -

Has the ability to develop learning opportunities when appropriate in regards to sales strategies* 4.70 4

Can emphasize continuous learning and retraining of "A" team members who assist with sales strategies* 4.50 4

Makes community visits a meaningful experience for families* 4.50 5

Provides the opportunity to be involved in sales strategies to grow census* 4.50 4

Can develop talented employees who wish to play a larger role in sales strategies* 3.30 4

* No normative data available. Data displayed as raw scores on a scale of 1-5.

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Page 13: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Highest and Lowest Rated Items Jill Smith

Highest-Rated Items = All Respondents (5 responded)= Manager (1 responded)= Peers (4 responded)= Self

1 2 3 4 5





n freqSales Culture – Has the ability to develop learning opportunities when appropriate in regards to sales strategies

4.7 - 4

Execution – Understands the technical aspects of his/her job 4.6 63 5

Knowledge/Strategic – Understands how sales affects every department 4.6 - 5

Character – Personally committed to the company's strategy 4.6 - 5

Execution – Actively supports sales efforts 4.6 68 5

Sales Culture – Can emphasize continuous learning and retraining of "A" team members who assist with sales strategies

4.5 - 4

Interpersonal – Adapts well to cultural differences 4.5 66 5

Knowledge/Strategic – Understands the senior housing industry and the market 4.5 - 5

Sales Culture – Makes community visits a meaningful experience for families 4.5 - 5

Sales Culture – Provides the opportunity to be involved in sales strategies to grow census 4.5 - 4

Lowest-Rated Items

Leadership/Motivation – Articulates sales strategies that require teamwork in plain language 2.8 - 4

Character – Aware of how others react to his/her actions or statements 2.9 42 5

Knowledge/Strategic – Takes a long-range view rather than always focusing on immediate, short-term outcomes 3.0 34 5

Knowledge/Strategic – Considers the long-term impact of decisions made today 3.0 34 5

Leadership/Motivation – When working with other departments, promotes defining clear objectives 3.0 - 5

Leadership/Motivation – Can effectively delegate work 3.0 - 4

Leadership/Motivation – Helps people develop passion for their work in your senior living community 3.1 - 5

Leadership/Motivation – Communicates an inspiring vision 3.2 43 4

Execution – Remains focused, even under pressure 3.2 38 5

Knowledge/Strategic – Takes a broad, strategic approach to problem solving and decision making 3.2 42 5

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Page 14: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Manager Disagreements & Blind Spots Jill Smith

Manager DisagreementsItems with a difference of at least 1.5 (raw score)"Others" does not include "Self"

Item Category





Manager underestimates your skills, compared to others


Manager overestimates your skills, compared to others

Avoids being too stubborn Interpersonal 2.8 5.0 2.2

Preserves others' self esteem Interpersonal 3.0 5.0 2.0

Provides a positive example; "walks the talk" Leadership/Motivation 3.0 5.0 2.0

Avoids bias in attitude or treatment of people Character 3.0 5.0 2.0

Recognizes others' contributions and ideas Leadership/Motivation 3.0 5.0 2.0

Actively seeks out new learning opportunities Character 3.2 5.0 1.8

Tolerates people's differences Interpersonal 3.2 5.0 1.8

Avoids negative politicking and hidden agendas Character 3.2 5.0 1.8

Trusts others appropriately Character 3.2 5.0 1.8

Keeps others informed by continuously sharing information Interpersonal 3.2 5.0 1.8

Recognizes what already works; avoids unnecessary change Innovation/Change 3.3 5.0 1.7

Sincere and straightforward Character 3.5 5.0 1.5

Accepts responsibility for own mistakes Character 3.5 5.0 1.5

Takes a broad, strategic approach to problem solving and decision making Knowledge/Strategic 2.5 4.0 1.5

Builds trust by being open and honest Leadership/Motivation 3.5 5.0 1.5

Adapts to change generated by others Innovation/Change 3.5 5.0 1.5

Feels comfortable in a fast-changing environment Innovation/Change 3.5 5.0 1.5

Makes decisions based on community/customer needs rather than personal agenda

Character 3.5 5.0 1.5

Encourages collaboration for mutual benefit of all departments Interpersonal 3.5 5.0 1.5

Resolves conflicts among team members Interpersonal 2.5 4.0 1.5

Eagerly pursues new knowledge, skills, and methods Character 3.5 5.0 1.5

Consistently demonstrates honesty and openness Character 3.5 5.0 1.5

Self confident Character 3.5 5.0 1.5

Doesn't bog down in irrelevant details Execution 3.5 5.0 1.5

Listens effectively Interpersonal 3.5 5.0 1.5

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Page 15: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Manager Disagreements & Blind Spots Jill Smith

Tolerates honest mistakes as learning experiences Leadership/Motivation 3.5 5.0 1.5

Recognizes honest mistakes as learning experiences Leadership/Motivation 3.5 5.0 1.5

Blind Spots – Self vs. OthersItems with a difference of at least 1.5 (raw score)"Others" includes everybody except "Self"

Item Category




Unrecognized skills (self rating lower than others' ratings)


Overestimated skills (self rating higher than others' ratings)

When working with other departments, promotes defining clear objectives Leadership/Motivation 3.0 5.0 2.0

Helps people develop passion for their work in your senior living community

Leadership/Motivation 3.1 5.0 1.9

Communicates an inspiring vision Leadership/Motivation 3.2 5.0 1.8

Demands critical thinking of others Execution 3.2 5.0 1.8

Takes a broad, strategic approach to problem solving and decision making Knowledge/Strategic 3.2 5.0 1.8

Can develop talented employees who wish to play a larger role in sales strategies

Sales Culture 3.3 5.0 1.7

Generates enthusiasm in others Leadership/Motivation 3.5 5.0 1.5

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Page 16: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Written Comments Jill Smith

General Comments(Manager's comments in boldface.)

Please elaborate on Jill Smith's most positive skills:

• Great on attention to detail. Makes sure things that are pointed out be taking care off at a reasonable time.

• (Manager) Jill is a "Can Do" person. She takes on projects willingly and asks good questions.

• Professional, direct, focused, "on brand", shares vision and future goals in a positive and engaging manner.

• Has good positive attitude but needs more exposure and training. Believes she can proceed in managing her role with proper training.

• Jill has very good listening skills and she is patient and caring. She is very bright, creative and motivated. Jill is very devoted to Windsor and has the best interests of the residents at heart. Jill lets other directors and supervisors know when there are issues she has noticed and this is very helpful. She is diigent and efficient.

What should Jill Smith do differently?

• Needs to understand procedures and protocols with in departments before taking charge of certain situations.

• Jill needs to be given the opportunity to lead and Direct, so she can thrive and demonstrate her exceptional leadership qualities.

• Jill communicates very well with certain team members, but needs to make sure she keeps all administrative team members in the loop. I would like to see Jill join in with residents more during some of the activities.

• (Manager) Jill needs to learn more about finess and thinking ahead.

• To be more active in residents socialization and be visible to all.

What are people afraid to tell Jill Smith?

• They are not! Jill is very responsive, friendly, and trustworthy (jill consistently follows through)

• (Manager) Nothing. Jill is very open about improvement.

• Jill can be a little bossy at times, but I know she means well. It would be better if she asked for more advice from other department heads who have been in the long-term care business a lot longer than she has.

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Page 17: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Written Comments Jill Smith

• People are not afraid at her, for the most part she is very approachable. She is willing to listing and take action if something.

• Beccause of her inexperience and youthfulness, residents and staffs may be hesitant to talke to her about their concern, but given the exposure she will probable overcome these hesitancies.

Item-Specific Comments

Please elaborate on: "Takes a broad, strategic approach to problem solving and decision making"

• Just heard her lately talking about solving problems.

• We had a power failure at our facility and the question was asked if we should continue with our wine and cheese in the main dinning room. instead of cancelling it for the day for safety reasons Jill just would not see the reasoning to cancel the event. Instead residents became first vs. safety and wanted to push forward with the event. It took maintenance to install halogen lighting in the main dinning room and still it was very dim to were the final derision was made to cancel it. I still give her credit for understanding the situation afterwards and realizing that it should have been candled from the beginning. Despite that fact this incident occurred I still think Jill is a team player.

Please elaborate on: "Self confident"

• More exposure needed.

Please elaborate on: "Willing to take a courageous stand"

• Needs to be outspoken and knowledgeable in sales.

Please elaborate on: "Sincere and straightforward"

• She may be shy at this point but will proceed if w/ proper training.

Please elaborate on: "Keeps others informed by continuously sharing information"

• Jill is getting better at sharing information, but she tends to keep to herself in the Sales Dept., and rarely talks about what is going on in the Sales Dept., i.e. strategies, etc.

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Page 18: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Written Comments Jill Smith

Please elaborate on: "Avoids being too stubborn"

• At times she avoids being too stubborn and other times she will not take no for an answer. I still think that with in time she will be more reasonable to other's opinions and input.

Please elaborate on: "Articulates sales strategies that require teamwork in plain language"

• Jill share info as needed. Does the Chef need to now sales strategies that are not directly related to the Kitchen, customer experience, or being a good team member? A good director will share info as needed and not bother others unless they are directly (or even indirectly) involved.

Please elaborate on: "Recognizes others' contributions and ideas"

• I don't know how many be.gems Jill has done, but she doesn't do many for our team members. I don't think she acknowledges others' accomplishments and ideas enough, so this could certainly be improved.

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Page 19: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Frequency Distribution Jill Smith

"Self" scores are not includedRaw (average) score is based on the average score from each rater group.It is not calculated directly from these frequency distributions.







Raw Scor




Knowledge/StrategicHas a good business mind; thinks broadly - 1 - 4 - 3.75 49

Takes a broad, strategic approach to problem solving and decision making - 2 2 1 - 3.25 42Takes a long-range view rather than always focusing on immediate, short-term outcomes

- 1 3 1 - 3.00 34

Considers the long-term impact of decisions made today - 1 3 1 - 3.00 34

Integrates long-term strategic goals into decisions made today - 1 1 3 - 3.62 49

Understands the senior housing industry and the market - - 1 2 2 4.50 -

Understands how sales affects every department - - 1 1 3 4.62 -

Understands the operational side of your community - - 3 1 1 3.75 -

Understands the technical side of your community - 1 2 1 1 3.62 -

CharacterEagerly pursues new knowledge, skills, and methods - - 2 2 1 4.25 60

Actively seeks out new learning opportunities - 1 1 2 1 4.12 56

Consistently demonstrates honesty and openness - - 2 2 1 4.25 57

Knows own strengths and limitations - 1 1 3 - 3.62 49

Aware of how others react to his/her actions or statements - 1 4 - - 2.88 42

Self confident - 1 1 1 2 4.25 58

Open to feedback and criticism - 1 1 3 - 3.62 50

Avoids negative politicking and hidden agendas - 1 1 2 1 4.12 57

Willing to take a courageous stand - 1 - 2 2 4.38 62

Trusts others appropriately - - 3 1 1 4.12 60

Respected by others - - 2 2 1 3.88 52

Sincere and straightforward - 1 1 1 2 4.25 57

Serves others; avoids selfishness - - 1 3 1 4.38 61

Accepts responsibility for own mistakes - 1 1 1 2 4.25 59

Can be trusted with sensitive information - - 1 3 1 4.38 57

Avoids bias in attitude or treatment of people - 1 2 1 1 4.00 56

Patient when necessary - - 2 3 - 3.75 51

Personally committed to the company's strategy - - 1 1 3 4.62 -Makes decisions based on community/customer needs rather than personal agenda

- 1 - 3 1 4.25 -

"Self" scores are not includedRaw (average) score is based on the average score from each rater group.It is not calculated directly from these frequency distributions.







Raw Scor




InterpersonalGives personal attention; is accessible - - 1 3 1 4.38 61

Resolves conflicts among team members - 1 1 1 - 3.25 46

Recognizes the value of people with different talents and skills - 1 1 2 1 3.75 49

Adapts well to cultural differences - - 1 2 2 4.50 66

Listens effectively - - 3 - 2 4.25 62

Encourages open dialog - - 2 1 2 4.38 64

Keeps others informed by continuously sharing information - 1 2 - 2 4.12 63

Brings conflicts into the open for resolution - 1 - 1 1 3.75 56

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Page 20: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Frequency Distribution Jill Smith

Adjusts to changes without frustration - - 2 3 - 3.75 54

Avoids being too stubborn - 1 3 - 1 3.88 58

Tolerates people's differences - - 3 1 1 4.12 60

Preserves others' self esteem - - 4 - 1 4.00 56

Earns respect without being overbearing - - 1 3 1 4.38 62

Encourages collaboration for mutual benefit of all departments - 1 1 1 2 4.25 -

Innovation/ChangeLeads and facilitates process improvement - 1 - - 3 4.50 69

Adapts to change generated by others - 1 1 1 2 4.25 64

Helps others navigate planned and unplanned change - 1 - 1 2 4.33 67

Feels comfortable in a fast-changing environment - 1 1 1 2 4.25 61

Recognizes what already works; avoids unnecessary change - 1 1 - 2 4.17 60

Is not afraid to take risks - 1 - 1 3 4.50 67

Takes appropriate risks - 1 1 - 3 4.38 71

Actively leads efforts to drive innovation and change - 1 - 1 2 4.33 65

Reorganizes readily when census changes call for a new strategy - 1 1 2 1 3.75 -"Self" scores are not includedRaw (average) score is based on the average score from each rater group.It is not calculated directly from these frequency distributions.







Raw Scor




Leadership/MotivationBuilds trust by being open and honest - 1 1 1 2 4.25 63

Facilitates rather than dominates - 1 2 1 1 3.62 50

Conducts effective meetings - 1 1 1 1 3.33 44

Sensitive to satisfaction and morale in the group - 1 1 2 1 3.75 52

Provides a positive example; "walks the talk" - 1 2 1 1 4.00 56

Generates enthusiasm in others - 1 1 2 - 3.50 50

Creates an atmosphere that inspires others to achieve at a higher level - 1 2 2 - 3.50 48

Tolerates honest mistakes as learning experiences - 1 1 1 2 4.25 59

Recognizes honest mistakes as learning experiences - 1 1 1 2 4.25 62

Persuasive; speaks with impact - 1 1 3 - 3.25 44

Communicates an inspiring vision - 1 2 - 1 3.17 43

Articulates sales strategies that require teamwork in plain language - 2 1 1 - 2.83 -

When working with other departments, promotes defining clear objectives - 1 3 1 - 3.00 -Regularly reviews objectives with staff regarding events, tours or other activities that require community involvement

- 1 - 4 - 3.75 -

Can effectively delegate work - 1 2 1 - 3.00 -

When working with other departments, has the ability to set clear deadlines - 1 1 3 - 3.62 -Enlists the talent of others in order to meet community census goals when working with families

- 1 - 3 1 3.88 -

Communicates/has the ability to communicate reasons for changes and decisions that may affect other departments

- 1 1 3 - 3.62 -

Helps people develop passion for their work in your senior living community - 1 2 2 - 3.12 -

Recognizes others' contributions and ideas - 2 - 2 1 4.00 -"Self" scores are not includedRaw (average) score is based on the average score from each rater group.It is not calculated directly from these frequency distributions.







Raw Scor




ExecutionUnderstands the technical aspects of his/her job - - 1 1 3 4.62 63

Copyright © 2014 by Elite Business Systems. All rights reserved. 20

Page 21: 360 Degree Feedback Sample   Jill Smith

Frequency Distribution Jill Smith

Timely with meetings and appointments - - 1 3 1 4.00 54

Manages own time effectively - - 1 3 1 4.00 56

Remains focused, even under pressure - 1 2 1 1 3.25 38

Avoids distractions; not easily side-tracked - 1 1 2 1 3.38 45

Able to integrate complex ideas and concepts when planning for the future - 1 - 2 1 3.83 51

Has the ability to handle increasing levels of complexity - 1 - 2 2 4.38 61

Plans effectively; avoids firefighting - 1 2 1 1 3.25 45

Demands critical thinking of others - 1 2 1 1 3.25 42

Doesn't bog down in irrelevant details - 1 1 1 2 4.25 64

Doesn't skim important details - 1 - 2 2 4.38 66

Keeps a clear mind under pressure - 1 2 1 1 3.25 40

Continually simplifies; doesn't overcomplicate - 1 1 1 1 3.67 51

Focuses on important tasks - 1 - 2 2 4.00 55

Makes timely decisions - 1 2 1 1 3.25 41

Acts on real problems and their root causes - 1 1 1 1 3.33 43

Strongly results-oriented - 1 - 2 2 4.38 62

Follows through on commitments - 1 - 1 3 4.50 65

Emphasizes service to internal customers - 1 - 1 3 4.50 67

Helps coordinate work with other departments - - 2 1 2 4.38 66

Promptly responds to phone calls and requests - - 1 2 2 4.12 57

Negotiates contracts/deals skillfully - 1 - 3 1 3.88 54

Actively supports sales efforts - - 1 1 3 4.62 68

Coordinates work effectively among other departments - - 3 1 1 3.38 -

Enforces the senior living community's company policies consistently - - 1 3 1 4.00 -

Sales CultureMakes community visits a meaningful experience for families - - 1 2 2 4.50 -Has the ability to develop learning opportunities when appropriate in regards to sales strategies

- - 1 - 3 4.67 -

Can develop talented employees who wish to play a larger role in sales strategies

- 1 1 1 1 3.33 -

Provides the opportunity to be involved in sales strategies to grow census - 1 - - 3 4.50 -Can emphasize continuous learning and retraining of "A" team members who assist with sales strategies

- 1 - - 3 4.50 -

Copyright © 2014 by Elite Business Systems. All rights reserved. 21