358 2 days

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  • 8/8/2019 358 2 days


    You gotta figure,

    everything starts someplace.

    The closest thing for me

    is when I was just seven days old,

    and I met her.

    Day 7: Number XIV

    Axel: Heya, Roxas.

    Roxas: ......

    Axel: Something I can help you with there, chatterbox?

    Roxas: ......

    Axel: Ah, I remember now. We were supposed to convene in the

    Round Room today. Blegh, meetings...

    Roxas: Round...Room...?

    Axel: Yup. Apparently the boss man's got some big news.

    After seven days

    of clinging to a number and a name,

    I had trouble processing anything else.

    I couldn't have told you

    who the people in black coats were,

    or what they wanted with me.

    Day 8: The Icing on the Cake

    Sax: Roxas, your work begins today. I will issue missions, which

    the Organization expects you to carry out.

    Roxas: ......

    Sax: Think of these early missions as exercises. You still have

    much to learn before we put you to a real test.

    Roxas: ......

    Sax: Axel will be joining you your first time out. Isn't that right,


    Axel: Oh boy... What, are you making me the kid's mentor now?

    Sax: Surely you don't mind showing Roxas here the ropes? Roxas,

    come see me when you're ready to go.

    Axel: Well, you heard the man. Starting today, I'm your babysitter.

    Roxas: ......

    Axel: Sheesh... Quit acting like a zombie, and let's get this show on

    the road.

    Sax: Teach him well, Axel.

    Axel: Don't worry. I'll be sure he makes the grade.

    Axel: C'mon, Roxas.

    Roxas: ......

    Axel: Hey, what's wrong? You worried about the new kid? What

    was that name again...

    Sax: Number XIV, Xion.

    Axel: Right, I knew that.

    Roxas: Xion.

    Axel: Got it memorized, Roxas?

    Roxas: ...Yeah.

    Axel: You sure? How 'bout my name, then?

    Roxas: It's Axel.

    Axel: And our boss's name?

    Roxas: Xemnas.

    Axel: Very good, Roxas! No way you're gonna forget his name,

    right? Now, let's get moving.

    Axel: All right, let's start by talking about what we do on missions.

    Axel: Ahem. Missions are...uhh... They're, you know... Hrm.

    Roxas: ......

    Axel: You know what? Talking is dumb. Let's just go ahead and get

    our hands dirty, shall we?

    Axel: Follow me.

    Axel: There ya go. Good job.

    Roxas: Thanks.

    Axel: But don't go thinking you can just run and jump your way

    through every mission.

    Axel: You've gotta BE AWARE.

    Roxas: What...what do you mean?

    Axel: You hafta look around. Sometimes what you're after is

    sitting right under your nose. Got it memorized?

    Roxas:Y...yeah, I think so.

    Axel: All right, then, time for a road test.

    Axel: There's a treasure chest somewhere in these passages. I

    want you to find it.

    Roxas: That's all I have to do?

    Axel: I know, don't hurt yourself. Anyway, remember to look


    Roxas: Axel... What's this?

    Axel: A barricade. It means you're not supposed to go this way.

    Roxas: You mean there's nothing down there?

    Axel: Yeah, that's the gist of it. They're set up to keep us on track.

    Axel: That, or out of trouble. I mean, hello, look at it. Big,

    menacing X? I'll take the beaten path, thanks.

    Roxas: Is this the chest?

    Axel: Sure is! Well done.

    Roxas: ......

    Axel: Um, what are you waiting for?

    Roxas: The mission was to find the chest. Aren't I done?

    Axel: Uh, Roxas... There's this thing about chests. They have stuff

    in them.

    Roxas: So I should open the chest?

    Axel: Yes, that is generally what we do.

    Axel: Good work! You can keep what you found. All right, time to


    Roxas: RTC?

    Axel: Return To the Castle. Go ahead, lead the way back to the

    dark corridor that brought us here.

    Axel: Bravo. So whaddaya think? Got the hang of this mission


    Roxas: Uh-huh.

    Axel: I'm sorry, speak up? Cooouldn't quite catch that.

    Roxas: I said...

    Axel: Hmm?

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    Roxas: I could have done that blindfolded.

    Axel: Ha ha! I dunno if I want a blindfolded zombie on the loose.

    Axel: All right, smart aleck, you did good And no successful

    mission is complete without a little icing on the cake. C'mon.

    Roxas: But...don't we have to RTC?

    Axel: Later. Don't you remember our hangout?

    Axel: Here ya go. The icing on the cake.

    Roxas: ......

    Axel: You remember what this ice cream is called?

    Roxas: Umm...

    Axel: It's sea-salt ice cream. C'mon, I already told you once. Get it

    memorized, man.

    Roxas: It's really salty...but sweet, too.

    Axel: Ha ha. Roxas, you said the same exact thing the other day.

    Roxas: I did? I don't remember that.

    Axel: Hey, what has it been, a week since you showed up?

    Roxas: Maybe.

    Axel: "Maybe"? C'mon, you must remember that much.

    Roxas: ......

    Axel: Well, that's okay. Today's where it all really begins anyway.

    Roxas: Yeah?

    Axel: Sure! Here you are, out in the field, working for the

    Organization... Today, you're one of us.

    Roxas: I guess it's a start.

    That was my first day working for the Organization.

    They gave me missions, and I carried them out.

    But if you asked me what my job was...

    I would've just stared at you.

    Day 9: Heartless

    Sax: Roxas, today you will be working with Marluxia.

    Sax: Come see me when you are ready.Marluxia: Well, there you have it. Welcome to the fold, Roxas.

    Marluxia: Roxas, was it? I never properly introduced myself.

    Marluxia: I am Marluxia, Number XI.

    Roxas: Okay. So what do I have to do today?

    Marluxia: Today, your job is to collect hearts.

    Roxas: Um, how do I do that?

    Marluxia: Roxas, could you summon your Keyblade for me?

    Roxas: Well...sure, all right.

    Marluxia: Lucky Number XIII... At last, a chosen wielder of the

    Keyblade amongst our ranks.

    Roxas: Whoa, what are those?

    Marluxia: Hmph. Nothing to be feared.

    Marluxia: So, Roxas, shall we put that power of yours to a little


    Marluxia: Use your Keyblade...and defeat those Heartless.

    Marluxia: Good. Those Heartless are called Shadows.

    Roxas: But what are Heartless.

    Marluxia: Dark creatures who roam about, searching for hearts.

    They come in two larger varieties.

    Marluxia: The ones you just defeated are known as Purebloods.

    Marluxia: Purebloods don't release any hearts when you defeat


    Marluxia: In other words, don't bother with them. Your mission is

    to collect hearts, after all.

    Marluxia: The other variety

    Marluxia: Hmph... Is right over there.

    Marluxia: Forget about the Shadows.

    Marluxia: Take these out, Roxas. They are your real targets.

    Marluxia: Those were what we call Emblem Heartless.

    Roxas: Why are they so special?

    Marluxia: Did you notice? Hearts appeared when you defeated


    Roxas: Right...

    Marluxia: Your job is to collect those hearts.

    Roxas: Is there any trick to it?

    Marluxia: None. So long as the Heartless are felled by your

    weapon, the Keyblade, the hearts will be captured.

    Roxas: I see. And what happens to the hearts I collect?

    Marluxia: They will gather as one, and create an almighty force

    known as Kingdom Hearts.

    Roxas: Which is...good, right?

    Marluxia: Completing Kingdom Hearts is the Organization's

    primary objective.

    Marluxia: And to do that, we need all the hearts we can possibly


    Roxas: So that's what the Organization does? Collect hearts?

    Marluxia: Actually, you are the first of us to accomplish it.

    Roxas: Wait, then

    Marluxia: The rest of us can defeat Heartless, but we have no way

    of collecting the hearts they release.

    Marluxia: Eventually, the hearts will turn right back into


    Marluxia: You see, then, how special you are?

    Roxas: Hmm...Marluxia: With power like yours

    Marluxia: Heh. Here come more of them. Each one is a gift, Roxas.

    Squeeze every last heart out of them!

    Marluxia: Excellent, Roxas. Your work today is done.

    Marluxia: I am amazed.

    Marluxia: That Keyblade... The things that could be done with

    that sort of power...

    Roxas: Umm...

    Marluxia: I have high hopes for you, Roxasas do we all.

    Marluxia: Defeat the Heartless, and help the Organization reach

    our noble goal.

    Roxas: Um, all right...

    Marluxia: Shall we RTC, then?

    And that was how I found out

    the Organization's goal.

    So they wanted me to collect these things

    called "hearts."

    I didn't know what a heart was,

    or how it even mattered.

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    But at least I knew what my part was.

    Day 10: Incomplete

    Zexion: Good morning, Roxas.

    Zexion: I shall be joining you on your mission today.

    Zexion: Take care of what you need to and then check in with

    Sax. I am all ready to go.

    Zexion: Your mission today is to eliminate a set quantity of


    Zexion: The Organization may call upon you to meet other

    objectivesperform recon, for example.

    Zexion: But regardless of the task you have been given, your

    primary orders still hold.

    Zexion: You and that Keyblade of yours serve us best by collecting


    Roxas: So, even if I'm given another job, I should keep taking out

    Heartless while I do it?

    Zexion: Correct. Today, however, the two happily coincide.

    Roxas: All done. I defeated the number of Heartless you said.

    Roxas: Now we get to RTC, right?

    Zexion: Leave, already? I, for one, would apply myself a bit more.

    Roxas: But I

    Zexion: Yes, yes, you did as you were asked. Mission


    Zexion: As you can plainly see, there are still Heartless wandering


    Zexion: You don't have to eliminate them all. It's your choice.

    Zexion: Just like I don't have to respect you for slinking back to

    the castle while there's still work to be done.

    Zexion: And if that doesn't matter to you, just remember the

    Organization rewards those who make the extra effort.

    Zexion: Much better.

    Zexion: I trust you'll exhibit equal diligence in your missions going


    Zexion: All right, now that the mission is over, do you have any


    Roxas: Yeah, umm...

    Roxas: Just what is Kingdom Hearts? Marluxia said it was some

    kind of...of force.

    Zexion: Yes...?

    Roxas: And when I defeat the Heartless, those hearts pop out and

    become part of Kingdom Hearts, right?

    Roxas: But like, what's the point?

    Zexion: Kingdom Hearts will complete us. That's the

    Organization's goal.

    Roxas: Complete us? Complete us how?

    Zexion: Roxas, you and I and all the Organization's members are

    what we call Nobodies.

    Roxas: Well, that's not very nice.

    Zexion: With a capital N. It's a name, for those of us who are

    missing a vital piece of who we are: our hearts.

    Roxas: I don't have a heart?

    Zexion: Correct. Like all of us, you entered the world without one.

    But you can help us get them.

    Zexion: Kingdom Hearts is made of the very things we lacka

    multitude of hearts. It has the power to complete us.

    Zexion: Are you starting to see why you're so important?

    Zexion: Each of us has a vital role in the Organization.

    Zexion: Yours is collecting hearts.

    Roxas: Yeah, I get it.

    Zexion: Well, I just hope we can count on you to "get it" done.

    Roxas: ......

    Zexion: Any more questions?

    Roxas: No... Sorry.

    Zexion: Then we should be getting back. Come on.

    Day 11: Keyblade

    Larxene: Nice of you to show up.

    Roxas: Umm, hi.

    Larxene: Ugh, this is the worst.

    Larxene: Whose idea was it to send me along on your stupid baby

    mission? Do I look like I run a nursery school?

    Roxas: ......

    Larxene: Let Demyx handle this stuff. It's not like he's good at

    anything else.

    Roxas: ......

    Larxene: What? WHAT? You got something to say?

    Roxas: No...

    Larxene: Pfft, you'd be nothing without that Keyblade.

    Larxene: ...Oh ho! I just got an idea.

    Roxas: (Uh-oh.)

    Larxene: You can do today's mission WITHOUT your Keyblade.

    Roxas: What? Why!?

    Larxene: Because I said so, that's why! Sax told you to practice

    magic today, didn't he?

    Larxene: Well, sink or swim.Roxas: Yeahsink! I don't know how to use magic.

    Larxene: Well, you're not gonna learn if you keep whipping

    around that oversized key.

    Roxas: Yeah, but...

    Larxene: Ah, perfect. There's a Heartless.

    Larxene: Go on, take it outand you have to use magic!

    Larxene: I'll stand here and watch.

    Roxas: (Thanks...)

    Larxene: Ooh ooh, here come some more. Go on, wipe 'em out!

    Roxas: ......

    Larxene: Ugh, at the speed you move, we'll be here all month...

    Larxene: Go ahead. You can use your Keyblade this time.

    Roxas: Wait, what happened to learning magic?

    Larxene: Do you want to finish this awful mission or don't you?

    Just get to it.

    Roxas: (Well, since you asked so nicely...)

    Larxene: Oh, by the way, if you need to heal...do it yourself.

    Roxas: ......

    Larxene: Sheesh, about time. Worst. Mission. Ever...

    Roxas: ......

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    Larxene: If you're our big-shot Keyblade wielder, then we're in

    deep doo-doo.

    Roxas: ......

    Larxene: Ugh, can't you even hold up your end of a conversation?

    Roxas: ......

    Larxene: You'd better pull it together, or we'll never finish

    Kingdom Hearts.

    Larxene: Unless, of course, we put somebody else on Keyblade


    Roxas: What? You have somebody else?

    Larxene: None of your beeswax.

    Larxene: You just worry about defeating Heartless and collecting

    hearts for us.

    Larxene: Maybe, one day, you'll be almost mediocre at it.

    Roxas: ......

    Larxene: Ugh, let's gobefore you kill any more of my brain cells.

    Day 12: A Closed World

    Vexen: Now, listen carefully. Your mission today is to perform

    reconnaissance in this area.

    Roxas: Reconna-what? What about fighting Heartless and

    collecting hearts?

    Vexen: Oh, there's far more to the Organization than that, boy.

    Vexen: Our work wouldn't go half as smoothly if we didn't gather

    the needed intelligence beforehand.

    Vexen: Fortunately, you are in good hands. I will be by your side

    today to help you stimulate that insensate mind of yours.

    Vexen: First, take a look around the immediate area, and report

    anything unusual you find.

    Vexen: And don't go wandering too far until you've carefully

    examined the clues closest at hand.

    Vexen: Roxas, you are looking but not seeing.

    Vexen: Here's what I see: This whole town was built along amountain.

    Vexen: That's why the roads the slope.

    Vexen: Houses have been built along the terrace.

    Vexen: And at the top is a station. The trains there are the town's

    primary system of transit.

    Vexen: Up there, see that clock tower? That's the station building.

    Vexen: Based on its location, we know the tracks are probably


    Vexen: And this must be downtown. All these shops in one


    Vexen: Now, what about this path you pointed out?

    Vexen: Trams must run here. See, look closer. There are marks.

    Roxas: You figured all that out just now?

    Vexen: But that's just it! I only stated what I saw. There was no

    "figuring" involved.

    Vexen: That's the next step: analyzing the data you find.

    Vexen: The clothing and jewelry shops tell us how these people


    Vexen: This whole town is a blueprint of their lives.

    Roxas: ......

    Vexen: Distressing. Very distressing. Your mind wasn't made for

    this, was it?

    Vexen: Well, you're not off the hook yet, boy. If I let you quit with

    these results, I'll be the laughingstock of the castle.

    Vexen: Follow this path and investigate the remainder of the area.

    Vexen: And stay on the path, if you please!

    Vexen: Everything you need to know about this place lies along

    itprovided you are capable of connecting the dots.

    Roxas: We've been through the whole area.

    Vexen: All right, then, what have you learned?

    Roxas: Well, umm...let's see. The town has a lot of overpasses and

    underpasses. And the tram seems to circle the plaza.

    Roxas: Oh, and there was that entrance that looked like it led

    underground, but it was shuttered.

    Vexen: Anything else?

    Roxas: Huh? Oh, umm... Err...

    Vexen: Never mind. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

    Vexen: You're showing some improvement, at least, even if your

    natural talents do fall woefully short of my own.

    Roxas: ......

    Vexen: You're done, boy. Go ahead and RTC.

    Roxas: I could've figured it out if I had more time.

    Vexen: Oh? Is that so? Then take all the time you like.

    Vexen: But don't hold yourself up to my standards. Little steps for

    little minds.

    Vexen: Hmm, not bad. You're finally starting to see the bigger


    Vexen: But while I applaud your effort, you need to be able to see

    these things at first glance.

    Roxas: Oh...right.

    Vexen: Your goal should be to gather the maximum amount of

    data in the minimum amount of time.

    Vexen: Spend too much time dallying, and you risk being seen.

    Vexen: Sometimes the locals will be wary. You need to be warier.

    Roxas: I understand.Vexen: Today's mission was just an exercise. I am satisfied. Let's


    Vexen: That concludes today's mission. Any questions or


    Roxas: Umm... How often do I have to do this?

    Vexen: Whenever the Organization needs to know more about a

    world, naturally.

    Vexen: Every world is unique, with its own terrain, values,

    Heartless population

    Vexen: any number of variables that could be turned to our

    advantage in the missions ahead.

    Roxas: Wait, "every world"? You mean there's more than one?

    Vexen: Yes, boy. You didn't think you'd be mulling about here

    forever, did you?

    Vexen: You will visit many worlds for many reasons...but our

    ultimate goal remains the same.

    Roxas: Kingdom Hearts.

    Vexen: That's right. Now come along.

    Day 13: Deeds to Be Done

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    Lexaeus: ......

    Roxas: So, um

    Lexaeus: Do you know what a Limit Break is?

    Roxas: No...

    Lexaeus: It is the most powerful move at your disposal--one that

    only works when you are on your last legs.

    Roxas: A Heartless.

    Lexaeus: Time for some practical application.

    Roxas: Huh?

    Roxas: Oww... Mutt muzz zat for!? Nngh...

    Lexaeus: There. Now you're on your last legs.

    Lexaeus: Let's see you use your Limit Break and defeat that


    Lexaeus: Well fought.

    Roxas: Yeah?

    Lexaeus: Organization members are often asked to conduct solo


    Lexaeus: The only person you can count on out here is yourself.

    Roxas: So I've noticed. Nngh...

    Lexaeus: You and the Keyblade are invaluable to the Organization.

    Lexaeus: With your job, however, comes risk. Each mission will pit

    you against more and more Heartless.

    Roxas: And I have to face them if we're gonna complete Kingdom

    Hearts, right?

    Lexaeus: Correct.

    Roxas: So what happens when Kingdom Hearts is finished?

    Roxas: What good does that do us?

    Lexaeus: We will unite with it. You and I will gain hearts of our


    Roxas: I don't understand...

    Lexaeus: When the time comes, you will.

    Lexaeus: In the meantime, there are deeds to be done, and only

    you can do them.

    Roxas: So you need me.Lexaeus: Yes.

    Roxas: Are they good deeds?

    Lexaeus: Good for the Organization.

    Roxas: Right...

    Lexaeus: ......

    Lexaeus: We should return.