302 gtitntxiit %mtxxan. [May n, 1878. STROUDSBURG, PA...

302 [May n, 1878. gtitntxiit %mtxxan. ^&vevti$tment$. InNide Paire, each inHertion -- - 75 ceutH a line. Hack I'ltue, each iiiMertiou - -- *1 .00 n Hue. (About etgbt words tc a line.) E'^n <ii ings may liead advertisements at the same rate per tine, by measurement, as the Utter press. Adver tisements must be received at publication office as early as Thursday morning to appear in next issue. Liquid Paints, Roofingv Slram Pipe and Boiler Covei'iiiirH. Steam Packing, Sheathing, Fire, Acid und Waterproof Coatings, Cements, etc. Send for Hainples, Illustrated Catalogues, Price Lists, etc. H. W. JOHNS ffl'f'g Co., 87 MAIDEN LANE, N. T. Parties wishing to introduce their manufactures into CANADA please communicato with R . II. BUCHANAN & CO., DOMINION MACHINERY DEPOT 654 t'ruia Street, Montreal. J U S X ISSUED. Woollen's Old I Ionic* Made New. One Vol.; twenty-two 7x11 plates; price, prepaid, $1.50. Illustrated catalogue mailed on receipt of 3c. stamp. A. J. BK'KNEl.L & CO., Pubs., 27 Warren 8t., N. Y. NOMENCLATURE OF BUILDING Stones and Stone Masonry. By J. James R. Ckobs, Wii i 1 am K. Mkrkill, and Em. ah B. Van Winklk. A paper read before the American Society of Civil En gineers. An exhaustive article on Stone Cutting and Masonry, various Methods of Dressing, and Tools employed, with 84 illustrations. 19 Tools, illustrated, with Dimensions and How to Make. Squared, Quarry- faced, Pitched -face, and Drafted Stones. Rubble, Cut, Pointed, and Crandalied Stones, etc. Axed or Pean Hammered and Patent Hammered Stones. Bush Hammered and Rubbed Stones. Diamond Panels. Rubble, Squared Stone. Range, Random, and Ashlar Masonry, 34 illustrations In ajl, with practical Instruc tions. Contained In Sciknttfic American Supple ment No. 113. Price 10 cents. To be had at this office and of all newsdealers. ESTABLISHED 1844. Cut Brass Gears, list free. Grant, 94 Beverly St., Boston. BURR ILLS. For tho best Vertical and Horizon tal French Burr Grinding Mills, Portable Flouring Mills, and Mill Machinery, address the Manufac turer and Patentee, C. C. PHILLIPS, 4018 (iinml Avenue1, PHILADELPHIA. Kometuiiu for your Boy! pleasure for spare hours, he earns his own pocket money printing cards, etc., and It is tafe and instructive. Send Sc. for catalogue. KKLSEY & CO., M'f'rs, Meriden, Conn.' North's Pat. Inlversal Lathe Dog Is always in nearly perfect balance.^ Always stands up square with the work, and will not 11 skew." SEI.DEN G. NORTH. Ml No. 4th St., PbJJn.,Pa. 1 Pyrometers, For showing heat of Ovens, Hot Blast Pipes, Boiler Flues, Superheated Steam, oil Stills. Ac. HENRY W.BULKLEY, Sole Manufacturer. 149 Broadway, N. Y. Domestic Semi-Portable Engine, 2 and 4 horse power, and The Peerless Portable Steam Engine, for Agricultural and other purposes, from 6 to 10 horse power. Nothing cheap bnt the price. Send for descriptive catalogue and price list to F. F. & A. B. I AN IMS, ffl'frs, Cherry St., Lancaster, Pa. JAPANESE ART MANUFACTURES. By Christopher Dresser, Ph.T>.,eto. Paper read before Society of Arts. The Japanese Potter at Worlt. Curious mode of Making Scarfs. How the Japanese Print on Cloth. Japanese Process for Silk Ornamentation. Japan ese Weaving. How Fine Japanese Fans are made. Japanese Method of Making Moulds for Ornamental Minn 'or Vessels, Bronzes, etc. Japanese Lacquer Manufacture. Curious Method of Decorating Lacquer Work. The Love and Pursuit of the Beautiful in Japan. A very entertaining, instructive, and comprehensive paper. Contained in Scientific American Si ppi.k- m ent No. 1 1 5 . Price 10 cents . To be had at this office and of all newsdealers. Bound Volumes OF THE Scientific American. Ac present, 1 have on hand the following bound Volumes of the SciENTmc AMERICAN, which I will sell at $1 00 each, either singly or by the quantity. Old Series. New Series. New Series. Vol. 7.... 3 Copies. " 11. ...5 Vol. 1... 6 Copies. •■ 2...B " ■• 8... 8 " " 4. . 6 " " 8... 3 " " 10... 9 " 11... 2 " " 12... 9 " " 13... 9 " 14... 7 " Vol.15.. 7 Copies. •• 16.. 8 5' " 28.. 8 " " 82. .16 " " W....4 " 14.... 1 " Vols, of the Old Series contain one year's numbers, and the New Se ries six months. The books will be sent by express on receipt of price. Address all communlcatioavt to JOHN EDWARDS, 1\ O. Box 773. New York. CLIMAX WasMi Machine, Manufactured by V. C. BAECHMAN fc CO., YORK, PA. Reliable agents wanted. De scriptive circulars furnished. JOSEPH C. TODD, Portland Cement, (Formerly of Todd A Rafferty), Engineer and Machin ist. Flax, Hemp, Jute, Rope, Oakum, and Bagging Machinery, Steam Engines, Boilers, etc. I also manu facture Baxter's New Portable Engine of 1877, of one horse power, complete for 1125 ; can be seen in operation at my store. I will furnish specifications and estimates for all kinds of machinery. Send for descriptive circu lar and price. Address J. C. TODD, 10 Barclay St., New York, or Paterson, S. J. PTTTffPTmj'fJ DROP HAMMERS AND DIES, F rva VXU.11 tl wurking Metals. Ac. The STILES 4 PARKER PRE? PRESSES. Middletown, Conn UPRIGHT DRILL H.BICKFORD Cmc CAMERA Steam Puiups For Mines, Blast Fnrnaces. Rolling Mills, Oil Refineries, Boiler Feeders, Ac. For Illustrat ed Catalogue and Bedwed Price List Bend to Workx, Foot Enst '23d St., New York. An assortment of WOOD-WORKINQ MACHINERY made by Richards, London & Kelley (dissolved); also, a number of first-class MACHINE TOOLS (nearly as good as new) of Philadelphia construction, on hand and for sale. For list or inspection of machines and esti mates, apply at the works of JOHN RICHARDS ft CO., 22d and Wood Sts., Philadelphia, manufacturers of Standard Gauges and other Implements. Friedmann's Patent INJECTORS and EJECTORS Are the Most lieliable and Economical BOILER FEEDERS And "Water Conveyors IN EXISTENCE. MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY NATHAN & DREYFUS, NEW YORK. Also Patent Oilers and Lubricators. Send for Catalogue, ROMAN & KEENK'S. For Walks. Cisterns. Founda tions, Stables, CcHars,BrldKes,Hes«!rv(ilrs, Breweries, etc He in it 10 cents for Practical Treatise on Cements. S. L. Merchant & Co., S3 Broadway, New York. TURBINE WATER WHEELS. New pattern. Increased percentage of power given. Estimates given on all kinds or Mill Machinery. O. J. HOI. LINGER, York, Fenn. "LACKERS' VARNISHES, WHITE SnELLAC. W. ZINSSER & CO„ 1H7 William St., N. Y. MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLY STORE. Agents for I . S. Sniicylic Acid Works. BOGARDUS' PATENT UNIVERSAL ECCEN TRIC MILLS—For grinding Bones, Ores, Sand, Old Crucibles, Fire Clay, Guanos, Oil Cake, Feed, Corn, Corn and Cob, Tobacco, Snuff, Sugar, Salts, Roots, Spices, Coffee, Cocoanut, Flaxseed, Asbestos, Mica, etc., and whatever cannot be ground by other mills. Also for Paints, Printers' Inks, Paste blacking, etc. JOHN W. THOMSON, successor to JAMES BOUAR- DUS, corner of White and Kim Sts., New York. TO ADVERTISERS ISSS do any newspaper advertising, the thibd edition of Ayer & Son's Manual FOR A DTKUTI SERS. 160 8vo.pp. More complete than any which have preceded it. Gives the names, circulation, and advertising: rates of several thousand newspapers in the United: States and Canada, and contains more information of value to an advertiser than can be found in any other publication. All lists have been carefully revised, and where practicable prices have been reduced. The special offers are numerous and nnusually advantageous. Be sure to send for it before spending any money in newspaper advertising. Address N. W. AYER & SON, Advertising Agents, Times Building, Philadelphia. AHEAD OF AUL, COMPETITION. ^EjPHII/^DECPHr^ Lawn Mower Welshing from 32 Seven Sizes lor Hand Une. to 51 lbs. Three Sizes for Horse Power,! These Machines did an amount of work on the Cen tennial Grounds equal to 10 years of ordinary use, with out loss of time for sharpening or repairs—completely distancing all competitors in that celebrated trial of 6 months duration. GRAHAM, EMLEN & PASSMORE, Patentees and Manufacturers, 631 Market St , Phila., Pa. Newly LIGHT STANDARD 20 INCH Grinding Mill Male at New Haven, Conn. Grinding Capacity per hour, 6 to 40 Bushels. Send for Ulust'ed Catalogue. Address W. A. Foskett, CPATENi OLD ROLLED SHAFTING. The fact that this shafting has 75 per cent, greater strength, a finer finish, and Is truer to gauge, than any otherln use renders it undoubtedly the most economical. We are also the sole manufacturers of the Celebrated Collins' PAT.ConPLiNG, and furnish Pulleys, Hangers, etc., of the most approved styles. Price list mailed on application to JONES & LAUQHLINS, Try Street, 2d and 3d Avenues, Pittsburgh, Pa. 190 S. Cnnal Street, Chicago, m., and Mllwaukle. Wis. J3T" Stocks of this shafting In store and for sale by FULLER, DANA A FITZ, Boston, Muss. GEO. PLACE * CO., 121 Chambers St., N. T. WJOrtt NON CHANGEABLE «V LATHE W&Gm »: Wjon THE TELEPHONE. BY R. M. FERGU SON, F.R.S. Read before the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Its Construction, Uses, and Working fully and philosophically explained, with four illustrations. His tory of the Telephone. The Reis Telephone. Bell's. Wonderful sensitiveness. Difference between the Gal vanic and the Telephonic Impulse. A curious experi ment. Theory of the Telephone. Molecular Vibrations of Metals. Magnetic Musiail Sounds. Cause of the Sound. New Form of Telephone. Contained in Scien tific American ScpplemkntNo. 120. Price 10 cents. To be had at this office and of all newsdealers. Also, in the same number, a Visit to the Inventor of the Phonograph. The Practical Uses of the Instrument in Cheapfv reproducing Music. How the voice of the Prima Donna and the Elocutionist may be multiplied and preserved to all time. Usefulness of the Phono graph to the Blind, to Advocates, and others. Price of the Phonograph. An Improved Form, etc. RISDON'S IMPROVED TURBINE WATER WHEEL yielded at the test of Turbines at Centen nial Exposition the best results at all stages of gate. Send for circular to T. II. RISDON cfc CO., nit. Holly, N. J. Manufacturers of HILL. MACHINERY. PERFECT NEWSPAPER FILE The Koch Patent File, for preserving newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets, has been recently Improved ana price reduced, subscribers to the Scientific Ah- ekican- and Scientific America n Supplement can be supplied for the low price of *1.60 by mall, or $1.25 at the office of this paper Heavy board sides; inscription "SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN," in gilt. Necessary for every one who wlBhes to preserve the paper. Address MUNN & CO., Publishers Bcns.vTmc American. ICE AT §1.00 PER TON. The PICTET ARTIFICIAL ICE CO,, LIMITED, Boom 51, Coal and Iron Eiohange, P. O. Box 3093, N. T. Machinists' Tools. New and Improved Patterns. Send for new Illustrated catalogue. Lathes, Planers, Drills, &c. NEW HAVEN MANtFACTlIKINC CO., New Haven, Conn. SPEEDS t. mi7/u, tint OSH "" f- ■i5rCCD»t \ ;ntflttt 1. VTi tM^/^-'HLirODWrjOViRNpHc' L«WflEr,CJJ»I.V i THE GEOLOGICAL ANTIQUITY OF Flowers and Insects. By J. E. Taylou, F.G.8. A plain, comprehensive review of the subject, bringing forward many Instructive facts; with six illustrations. The invariable correlation between insects and flowere. How they are fossilized. Fossil botany. Geological Evidences of Evolution. Correspondence in the succes sion of Animal and Vegetable life. Flowers necessary to Insects, and Insects necessary to Flowers Insects and Plants in the Devonian, the Switzerland Lias, the English Stonesfleld Slate, the Tertiary Strata, the Coal Measures, a Greenland, and other formations. A Pecu liar Aspect of Evolution. Contained In TjciENTiprc Amehtcan Supplement No. liiO. Price 10 cents. To be had at this office and of all newsdealers. THE Eclipse Engine Furnishes steam power for all Agricultural purposes. Driving Saw Mills, and for every use where a first-class and eco nomical Engine is reqnlred. Eleven first-class premiums awarded, Including Centenni al, 16. Refer to No. T, Issue of Tt, No. 14, Issue of 'TO of Sci entific American for Edi torial illustrations. BELT PULLEY, LlghtestjStrorigest, and best made. Secured to the Shaft without Kt-ys, Set Screws, Bolt s nr Pins ; also, A-ljt'-xtable Dead Pulleys and Taper-Sleeve VovpHng*. Send for catal ogue. Address Taper-Sleeve Pulley Works, Erie, Pa. THE TANITE CO STROUDSBURG, PA. * EMERY WHEELS AND CHINDERS GEO. PLACE, 121 Chambers St., New York Agent. ROCK DRILLING MACHINES AIR COMPRESSORS. MANUFACTURED BY BuR LEIChRoCkDrIIL C 0 send for Pamphlet. fitchburgwass. MillStones and Corn Mills. We make Burr Millstones, Portable Mills, Smut Mr. chines, Packers, Mill Picks, Water Wheels, Pulleys S Gearing, specially adapted to Flour Mills. Send catalogue . J. T. NOYE & BON, Buffalo, Ji, Y. HARTFORD STEAM BOILER Inspection & Insurance COMPANY. W, B. FRAMLIN V. Pres't. J. M. ALLEN, Prest J. B. PIERCE, Sec'y. -!M!».CARYkTMOEN* MACHINISTS' TOOLS Best quality at low priceB. Radial Drills. Engine Lathes, Iron Planers, Car wheel Borers, Hydrostatic Presses, Axle Lathes. NIl.KS TOOL WORKS, Hamilton, Ohio. II. U. WORTIIINGTOIN, !M0 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Hydraulic Works, Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn, Manufactures Pumping Engines for Water Works, la dally use at 100 stations. Also Steam Pumps, Water Motors and Water Meters. See Scikntifio asil-ricav Supplem KNT, January 27th, 1577. Prices largely reduced July 1st. 1877. WOODWORTH SURFACE PLANERS, HIS. Planers and Matchers, *350. S. 0. HILLS, 78 Chambers Street. New York. CAVEATS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADE HARKS, ETC. Messrs. Munn & Co., in connection with the publica tion of the Scientific Americas', continue to examine Improvements, and to act as Solicitors of Patents to InTentors. In this line of business they have had over thtbtt tears' experience, and now have vnejualed fadlUUi for the preparation of Patent Drawings, Specifications, and the Prosecution of Applications for Patents in the United States, Canada, and Foreign Countries. Messrs. Munn & Co. also attend to the preparation of Caveats, Trade Mark Regulations, Copyrights for Books, Labels, Reissues, Assignments, and Reports on Infringeinciiu of Patents. All business intrusted to them is done with special care and promptness, on very moderate terms. Wc send free of charge, on application, a pamphlet containing further information about Patents and how to procure them ; directions concerning Trado Marks. Copyrights, Designs. Patents, Appeals, Reissues. In fringements, Assignments, Rejected Cases, Hints on the Sale of Patents, etc. foref</»i Patsnts.—We also send./rwey" chargt,i Synopsis of Foreign Patent Laws, showing the cost and method of securing patents in all the principal coun tries of the world. American inventors should bear in mind that, as a general rule, any invention that is valu able to the patentee in this country is worth equaliyas much in England and some other foreign countries. Five patents—embracing Canadian, English, German, French, and Belginn—will secure to an inventor the ex clusive monopoly to his discovery among about oxs hundred AND FIFTY millions of the most intelligent people in the world. The facilities of business and steam communication are such that patents can be ob tained abroad by our citizens almost as easily as «t home. The expense to apply for an English patent $75; German, $100; French, $100; Belgian. $100; Ca«- dian, $50. Copies of Patents.—Persons desiring any pWj issued from 1836 to November 36. 1667. can be suppM with official copies at reasonable cost, the price im pending upon the extent of drawings and length or specifications. Any patent issued since November 87, iSff!, at WW" time the Tatent Office commenced printing *• dra*' ings and specifications, may bo had by remitting to this office $1. A copy of the claims of any patent issued since is*' will be furnished for $1. When ordering copies, please to remit for the si as above, and state name of patentee, title o' 'nfl" tion, and date of patent. . . A pamphlet, containing rail directions for obtaining United States patents sent free. A handsomely bo™ Reference Book, gilt edges, contains 140 pagw w many engravii-3 and tables important to eTeJ^r. entee and mechanic, and is a nsefnl handbook o L ence for everybody. Price 25 cents, mailed free- Address MTJKN & CO., Publishers SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN' 37 Park R«w> "iV BRANCH OFFICB-Comer of F a«& Washington, D. C. - ih t II. * Tend LCTlL TS"^ v^k" bard Ste., Philadelphia, and 69 Gold St, N«ff Ion- THE " Scientific American" Is pri ENEU JOHNSON & CO.'S INK..

Transcript of 302 gtitntxiit %mtxxan. [May n, 1878. STROUDSBURG, PA...

Page 1: 302 gtitntxiit %mtxxan. [May n, 1878. STROUDSBURG, PA ...rekindledstories.org/images/Calvin/Scientific... · Masonry,34 illustrations In ajl, with practical Instruc tions. Contained

302[May n, 1878.gtitntxiit %mtxxan.


InNide Paire, each inHertion - - - 75 ceutH a line.Hack I'ltue, each iiiMertiou - - - *1 .00 n Hue.

(About etgbt words tc a line.)

E'^n <ii ings may liead advertisements at the same rateper tine, by measurement, as the Utter press. Advertisements must be received at publication office as earlyas Thursday morning to appear in next issue.

Liquid Paints, Roofingv Slram Pipe and BoilerCovei'iiiirH. Steam Packing, Sheathing, Fire, Acidund Waterproof Coatings, Cements, etc. Send forHainples, Illustrated Catalogues, Price Lists, etc.

H. W. JOHNS ffl'f'g Co.,


Parties wishing to introduce their manufactures into


please communicato with


DOMINIONMACHINERY DEPOT654 t'ruia Street, Montreal.

J U S X ISSUED.Woollen's Old I Ionic* Made New.

One Vol.; twenty-two 7x11 plates; price, prepaid, $1.50.Illustrated catalogue mailed on receipt of 3c. stamp.

A. J. BK'KNEl.L & CO., Pubs., 27 Warren 8t., N. Y.

NOMENCLATURE OF BUILDINGStones and Stone Masonry. By J. James R. Ckobs,Wii i 1 am K. Mkrkill, and Em.ah B. Van Winklk.A paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers. An exhaustive article on Stone Cutting andMasonry, various Methods of Dressing, and Toolsemployed, with 84 illustrations. 19 Tools, illustrated,with Dimensions and How to Make. Squared, Quarry-faced, Pitched-face, and Drafted Stones. Rubble, Cut,Pointed, and Crandalied Stones, etc. Axed or PeanHammered and Patent Hammered Stones. BushHammered and Rubbed Stones. Diamond Panels.Rubble, Squared Stone. Range, Random, and AshlarMasonry, 34 illustrations In ajl, with practical Instructions. Contained In Sciknttfic American Supplement No. 113. Price 10 cents. To be had at thisoffice and of all newsdealers.

ESTABLISHED 1844. Cut Brass Gears, list free. Grant, 94 Beverly St., Boston.


For tho best Vertical and Horizontal French Burr Grinding Mills,Portable Flouring Mills, and MillMachinery, address the Manufacturer and Patentee,


4018 (iinml Avenue1,


Kometuiiu for your Boy!

pleasure for spare hours, he earns his own pocket moneyprinting cards, etc., and It is tafe and instructive. SendSc. for catalogue.

KKLSEY & CO., M'f'rs, Meriden, Conn.'

North's Pat. Inlversal Lathe Dog

Is always in nearly perfect balance.^Always stands up square with thework, and will not 11 skew."

SEI.DEN G. NORTH. Ml No. 4th St., PbJJn.,Pa. 1

Pyrometers,For showing heat ofOvens, Hot Blast Pipes,

Boiler Flues, Superheated Steam, oil Stills. Ac.HENRY W.BULKLEY, Sole Manufacturer.

149 Broadway, N. Y.

Domestic Semi-Portable Engine,

2 and 4 horse power, and

The Peerless Portable Steam Engine,

for Agricultural and other purposes,from 6 to 10 horse power.

Nothing cheap bnt the price. Send fordescriptive catalogue and price list to

F. F. & A. B. I AN IMS, ffl'frs,

Cherry St., Lancaster, Pa.

JAPANESE ART MANUFACTURES.By Christopher Dresser, Ph.T>.,eto. Paper read beforeSociety of Arts. The Japanese Potter at Worlt. Curiousmode of Making Scarfs. How the Japanese Print onCloth. Japanese Process for Silk Ornamentation. Japanese Weaving. How Fine Japanese Fans are made.Japanese Method of Making Moulds for OrnamentalMinn 'or Vessels, Bronzes, etc. Japanese LacquerManufacture. Curious Method of Decorating LacquerWork. The Love and Pursuit of the Beautiful in Japan.A very entertaining, instructive, and comprehensivepaper. Contained in Scientific American Si ppi.k-m ent No. 1 1 5 . Price 10 cents . To be had at this officeand of all newsdealers.



Scientific American.

Ac present, 1 have on hand the following boundVolumes of the SciENTmc AMERICAN, which I will sellat $1 00 each, either singly or by the quantity.

Old Series. New Series. New Series.

Vol. 7....3 Copies." 11. ...5

Vol. 1... 6 Copies.•■ 2...B "■• 8... 8 "

" 4. . 6 "" 8... 3 "" 10... 9" 11... 2 "" 12... 9 "" 13... 9" 14... 7 "

Vol.15.. 7 Copies.•• 16.. 8 5'

" 28.. 8 "" 82. .16 "

" W....4" 14....1 "

Vols, of the OldSeries contain oneyear's numbers,and the New Series six months.

The books will be sent by express on receipt of price.Address all communlcatioavt to

JOHN EDWARDS,1\ O. Box 773. New York.


WasMi Machine,

Manufactured by



Reliable agents wanted. Descriptive circulars furnished.

JOSEPH C. TODD, Portland Cement,

(Formerly of Todd A Rafferty), Engineer and Machinist. Flax, Hemp, Jute, Rope, Oakum, and BaggingMachinery, Steam Engines, Boilers, etc. I also manufacture Baxter's New Portable Engine of 1877, of onehorse power, complete for 1125 ; can be seen in operationat my store. I will furnish specifications and estimatesfor all kinds of machinery. Send for descriptive circular and price. Address


10 Barclay St., New York, or Paterson, S. J.

PTTTffPTmj'fJ DROP HAMMERS AND DIES, Frva VXU.11 tl wurking Metals. Ac.


■ Middletown, Conn




Steam Puiups

For Mines, Blast Fnrnaces. Rolling

Mills, Oil Refineries, Boiler

Feeders, Ac.For Illustrated Catalogue and Bedwed Price List Bend toWorkx, Foot Enst '23d St., New York.

An assortment of


made by Richards, London & Kelley (dissolved); also, anumber of first-class MACHINE TOOLS (nearly asgood as new) of Philadelphia construction, on hand andfor sale. For list or inspection of machines and estimates, apply at the works of JOHN RICHARDS ft CO.,22d and Wood Sts., Philadelphia, manufacturers ofStandard Gauges and other Implements.

Friedmann's Patent

INJECTORS and EJECTORSAre the Most lieliable and Economical


And "Water Conveyors





Also Patent Oilers and Lubricators.

Send for Catalogue,

ROMAN & KEENK'S. For Walks. Cisterns. Foundations, Stables, CcHars,BrldKes,Hes«!rv(ilrs, Breweries, etc

Hein it 10 cents for Practical Treatise on Cements.S. L. Merchant & Co., S3 Broadway, New York.


New pattern. Increased percentage of powergiven. Estimates given on all kinds or MillMachinery.

O. J. HOI.LINGER, York, Fenn.


W. ZINSSER & CO„ 1H7 William St., N. Y.


Agents for I . S. Sniicylic Acid Works.


Crucibles, Fire Clay, Guanos, Oil Cake, Feed, Corn,Corn and Cob, Tobacco, Snuff, Sugar, Salts, Roots,Spices, Coffee, Cocoanut, Flaxseed, Asbestos, Mica,etc., and whatever cannot be ground by other mills.Also for Paints, Printers' Inks, Paste blacking, etc.JOHN W. THOMSON, successor to JAMES BOUAR-DUS, corner of White and Kim Sts., New York.

TO ADVERTISERSISSSdo any newspaper advertising, the thibd edition of

Ayer & Son's ManualFOR ADTKUTISERS. 160 8vo.pp. More completethan any which have preceded it. Gives the names,circulation, and advertising: rates of several thousandnewspapers in the United: States and Canada, andcontains more information of value to an advertiserthan can be found in any other publication. All listshave been carefully revised, and where practicableprices have been reduced. The special offers arenumerous and nnusually advantageous. Be sure tosend for it before spending any money in newspaperadvertising. Address N. W. AYER & SON,Advertising Agents, Times Building, Philadelphia.



Lawn Mower

Welshing from 32Seven Sizes lor Hand Une.to 51 lbs. Three Sizes for Horse Power,!

These Machines did an amount of work on the Centennial Grounds equal to 10 years of ordinary use, without loss of time for sharpening or repairs—completelydistancing all competitors in that celebrated trial of6 months duration. GRAHAM, EMLEN & PASSMORE,Patentees and Manufacturers, 631 Market St , Phila., Pa.



Grinding Mill

Male at New Haven, Conn.

Grinding Capacity

per hour,

6 to 40 Bushels.

Send for

Ulust'ed Catalogue.


W. A. Foskett,




The fact that this shafting has 75 per cent, greaterstrength, a finer finish, and Is truer to gauge, than anyotherln use renders it undoubtedly the most economical.We are also the sole manufacturers of the CelebratedCollins' PAT.ConPLiNG, and furnish Pulleys, Hangers,etc., of the most approved styles. Price list mailed onapplication to JONES & LAUQHLINS,

Try Street, 2d and 3d Avenues, Pittsburgh, Pa.190 S. Cnnal Street, Chicago, m., and Mllwaukle. Wis.J3T" Stocks of this shafting In store and for sale by

FULLER, DANA A FITZ, Boston, Muss.GEO. PLACE * CO., 121 Chambers St., N. T.


THE TELEPHONE. BY R. M. FERGUSON, F.R.S. Read before the Royal Scottish Society ofArts. Its Construction, Uses, and Working fully andphilosophically explained, with four illustrations. History of the Telephone. The Reis Telephone. Bell's.Wonderful sensitiveness. Difference between the Galvanic and the Telephonic Impulse. A curious experiment. Theory of the Telephone. Molecular Vibrationsof Metals. Magnetic Musiail Sounds. Cause of theSound. New Form of Telephone. Contained in Scientific American ScpplemkntNo. 120. Price 10 cents.To be had at this office and of all newsdealers. Also,in the same number, a Visit to the Inventor of thePhonograph. The Practical Uses of the Instrument inCheapfv reproducing Music. How the voice of thePrima Donna and the Elocutionist may be multipliedand preserved to all time. Usefulness of the Phonograph to the Blind, to Advocates, and others. Price ofthe Phonograph. An Improved Form, etc.



yielded at the test of Turbines at Centennial Exposition the best results at all stagesof gate. Send for circular to

T. II. RISDON cfc CO.,

nit. Holly, N. J.

Manufacturers of HILL. MACHINERY.



The Koch Patent File, for preserving newspapers,magazines, and pamphlets, has been recently Improvedana price reduced, subscribers to the Scientific Ah-ekican- and Scientific America n Supplement can besupplied for the low price of *1.60 by mall, or $1.25 at theoffice of this paper Heavy board sides; inscription"SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN," in gilt. Necessary forevery one who wlBhes to preserve the paper.Address


Publishers Bcns.vTmc American.



LIMITED,Boom 51, Coal and Iron Eiohange, P. O. Box 3093, N. T.

Machinists' Tools.

New and Improved Patterns.Send for new Illustrated catalogue.

Lathes, Planers, Drills, &c.


New Haven, Conn.


t. mi7/u, tint OSH • "" f- ■ ■i5rCCD»t \

;ntflttt 1. VTi tM^/^-'HLirODWrjOViRNpHc' L«WflEr,CJJ»I.V i

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THE " Scientific American" Is pri